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ENGLISH PARAGRAPH WRITING FKBI0125320 2 1 18 September 2022
OTORISASI Pengembang RP Koordinator RMK Ka PRODI
Rizki Nurfida Pambayun, M.Pd. Rizki Nurfida Pambayun, St. Shabibatur Rahmah, S.S.
M.Pd. M.Pd
Pembelajaran 1.
The students are able to develop writing skills especially paragraph writing, make and present their paragraph writing that have
been made.
Diskripsi Singkat This subject gives the students an ability to write a paragraph based on a proper rules and structure by compared it with the
MK appropriate punctuation, sentences, and the concept of paragraph.
Pokok Bahasan / Punctuations in sentence, four basic sentences, the concept of paragraphs, characteristic of paragraph, kinds of paragraph,
Bahan Kajian
narrative paragraph, procedure paragraph, descriptive paragraph, recount paragraph
Pustaka Utama :
1. Cody, Sherwin. 2010. The Art Of Writing & Speaking The English Language. England:Special S Y S T E M.
2. Fardhani, Aan E. 2005. Developing writing skill. Jember: Jember Universiti Press.

Pendukung :
1. Clementson, Theresa. 2010. Natural English. Reading & Writing Skils. Pre-Intermediate Resourse Book. Oxford: Oxford
University Press.
Media Perangkat lunak: Perangkatkeras :
Pembelajaran Power Point, Internet, Whiteboard, LCD, Proyektor
Team Teaching -
Matakuliahsyarat -



Pert Ke- Sub-CPL-MK Indikator Kriteria&Bentu Metode Materi Pembelajaran BobotPenilaian

k Penilaian Pembelajaran [Pustaka] (%)
(1) (2) (3) (4) [ Estimasi Waktu] (6) (7)
1-2 Identify as well as 1.1 Identify the use of “the Written test: Discussion, Punctuation in sentence 5%
to use suitable period” (.) in sentences identify the observation, 1. The period
punctuations in 1.2 Identify the use of correct question-answer 2. The question mark
sentence “question mark” (?) in punctuation in the
3. The comma
sentences sentences.
1.3 Identify the use of “the 4. The appositive
comma” (,) in 5. The exclamation point
sentences 6. The apostrophe
1.4 Identify the use of “the 7. The colon
appositive” (,.....,) in 8. The semicolon
sentences 9. The hyphen
1.5 Identify the use of “the 5%
10. The period
exclamation point” (!)
in sentences 11. The dashes
1.6 Identify the use of “the The capital letters
apostrophe” (‘s) in
1.7 Identify the use of “the
colon” (:) in sentences
1.8 Identify the use of “the
semicolon” (;) in
sentences correctly.
1.9 Identify the use of “the
hyphen” (-) in
sentences correctly.
1.10 Identify the use of “the
period” (.) in sentences
1.11 Identify the use of “the
dashes” ( ) in
sentences correctly.
1.12 Identify the use of “the
capital letters” in sentences
2-3 Make four basic 2.1 Make simple sentence Written test: Discussion, Basic sentence pattern 10%
sentences 2.2 Make compound make simple observation, 1. Simple sentence pattern
sentences sentence, question-answer 2. Compound sentence pattern
compound 3.Complex sentence pattern
2.3 Make complex
sentence, 4.Compound-complex sentence
sentences complex sentence pattern
2.4 Make compound- and compound-
complex sentences complex sentence
4-5 Describe the 3.1 Divide parts of Written test: Discussion, The paragraph 10%
concept of paragraph, its function Make topic, observation, 1. Part of paragraph, its function
paragraphs and and characteristics. supporting and question-answer and characteristic.
categorize its 3.2 Make topic sentence of a concluding 2. Topic sentence of paragraph
characteristic paragraph. sentence of 3. Supporting sentence of
3.3 Make supporting paragraph. paragraph.
sentence of a paragraph. 4. Concluding sentence of
3.4 Make concluding paragraph.
sentence of a paragraph 5. An effective paragraph
3.5 Develop an effective
paragraph correctly.
6-7 Analyze kinds of 4.1 narrative paragraph Written test: Discussion, 1. Narrative paragraph 10%
paragraph and the 4.2 procedure paragraph Identify the observation, 2. Procedure paragraph
characteristics of characteristics of question-answer
each paragraph narrative and

9-10 Analyze kinds of 5.1 descriptive paragraph Written test: Discussion, 1. Descriptive paragraph 20%
paragraph and the 5.2 recount paragraph Identify the observation, 2. Recount paragraph
characteristics of characteristics of question-answer
each paragraph descriptive and
recount paragraph

11-12 Make a paragraph 6.1 narrative paragraph Written test: Writing a 1. Narrative paragraph 20%
6.2 procedure paragraph Write narrative or paragraph 2. Procedure paragraph
6.3 descriptive paragraph procedure or 3. Descriptive paragraph
6.4 recount paragraph descriptive or 4. Recount paragraph
recount paragraph

13-15 Present the 7.1 narrative paragraph Written test: Present a 1. Narrative paragraph 20%
paragraph 7.2 procedure paragraph Write narrative or paragraph, 2. Procedure paragraph
7.3 descriptive paragraph procedure discussion, Q & A 3. Descriptive paragraph
7.4 recount paragraph paragraph 4. Recount paragraph

16 EvaluasiAkhir Semester

Mata Kuliah : English Paragraph Writing

Kode Mata Kuliah : FKBI0125320
Semester : I (Satu)
Jumlah Kelas : 1
Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 50 menit Per Tatap Muka
Dosen Pengampu MK : Rizki Nurfida Pambayun, M.Pd.
Tujuan Mata Kuliah : The students are able to develop writing skills especially paragraph writing, make and present their paragraph
writing that have been made
Deskripsi Mata Kuliah : This subject gives the students an ability to write a paragraph based on a proper rules and structure by compared
it with the appropriate punctuation, sentences, and the concept of paragraph.
Media Pembelajaran : Whiteboard, LCD, Proyektor
Tugas Mahasiswa : 1. Make a paragraph
2. Present the paragraph
3. Give a paragraph evaluation
Metode Evaluasi : Writen test
No Kemampuan Akhir yang direncanakan Indikator
1 Identify as well as to use suitable punctuations in 1.1 Identify the use of “the period” (.) in sentences
sentence 1.2 Identify the use of “question mark” (?) in sentences
1.3 Identify the use of “the comma” (,) in sentences
1.4 Identify the use of “the appositive” (,.....,) in sentences
1.5 Identify the use of “the exclamation point” (!) in sentences
1.6 Identify the use of “the apostrophe” (‘s) in sentences
1.7 Identify the use of “the colon” (:) in sentences correctly.
1.8 Identify the use of “the semicolon” (;) in sentences correctly.
1.9 Identify the use of “the hyphen” (-) in sentences correctly.
1.10 Identify the use of “the period” (.) in sentences correctly.
1.11 Identify the use of “the dashes” ( ) in sentences correctly.
1.12 Identify the use of “the capital letters” in sentences
2 Make four basic sentences 2.1 Make simple sentence
2.2 Make compound sentences
2.3 Make complex sentences
2.4 Make compound-complex sentences
3 Describe the concept of paragraphs and categorize its 3.1 Divide parts of paragraph, its function and characteristics.
characteristic 3.2 Make topic sentence of a paragraph.
3.3 Make supporting sentence of a paragraph.
3.4 Make concluding sentence of a paragraph
3.5 Develop an effective paragraph correctly.
4 Analyze kinds of paragraph and the characteristics of 4.1 narrative paragraph
each paragraph 4.2 procedure paragraph
4.3 descriptive paragraph
4.4 recount paragraph
5 Make a paragraph 6.1 narrative paragraph
6.2 procedure paragraph
6.3 descriptive paragraph
6.4 recount paragraph
6 Present the paragraph 7.1 narrative paragraph
7.2 procedure paragraph
7.3 descriptive paragraph
7.4 recount paragraph

1. Cody, Sherwin. 2010. The Art Of Writing & Speaking The English Language. England:Special S Y S T E M.
2. Fardhani, Aan E. 2005. Developing writing skill. Jember: Jember Universiti Press.
3. Clementson, Theresa. 2010. Natural English. Reading & Writing Skils. Pre-Intermediate Resourse Book. Oxford: Oxford University Press.


No. Penilaian Materi/Uraian Tugas Bobot Waktu

1. Attendant list 20%
2. Assignment 20%
3. Presentation 20%
4. Midterm test 20%
5. Final test 20%
TOTAL 100%

Nilai Kategori
Angka Huruf
80-100 Sangat baik sekali 4 (empat) A
70-74,9 Baik 3 (tiga) B
55-59,9 Cukup 2 (dua) C
40-54,9 Kurang 1(satu) D
0-39,9 Sangat kurang 0 (nol) E

No Hari/Tanggal Pokok Bahasan
16 UAS

Tata Tertib Kelas :

A. Tatib Mahasiswa Selama Mengikuti Perkuliahan:
1. Kehadiran
- Mahasiswa hadir tepat waktu di ruangang sesuai dengan jadwal yang telah ditentukan
- Mahasiswa tidak boleh terlambat lebih dari 10 menit
- Mahasiswa yang tidak pernah hadir dalam perkuliahan namun mengikuti UTS dan UAS akan mendapatkan nilai E
- Kehadiran minimal 85% tatap muka, kurang dari itu mahasiswa tidak diperkenankan mengikuti ujian

2. Perkuliahan
- Perkuliahan dilaksanakan selama 14 kali pertemuan tatap muka dan 2 kali Ujian Tengah Semester dan Ujian Akhir Semester
- Apabila perkuliahan kurang dari 14 kali pertemuan maka akan diadakan kuliah tambahan untuk memenuhi kekuarang tersebut. Jadwal
perkuliahannya menyesuaikan sesuai kesepakatan antara dosen pengampu mata kuliah dengan mahasiswa.
- Mahasiswa wajib mengikuti seluruh rangkaian kegiatan perkuliahan minimal 85% dari total 14 kali pertemuan tatap muka.
- Mahasiswa wajib mengerjakan tugas-tugas yang diberikan oleh dosen pengampu mata kuliah dan mengumpulkan tepat pada waktunya.
- Selama perkuliahan berlangsung mahasiswa tidak diijinkan untuk memainkan HP, Smart Phone, HP di silent
- Mahasiswa harus tertib mengikuti perkuliahan tidak boleh membuat kegaduhan di dalam ruangan perkuliahan
- Aktif selama mengikuti perkuliahan
3. Ujian
- Kecurangan dalam bentuk apapun ketika tes dan ujian akan menyebabkan mahasiswa yang bersangkutan secara otomatis akan mendapatkan
nilai E.
- Mahasiswa tidak diperkenankan mengikuti UAS jika kehadirannya kurang dari 85% pertemuan tatap muka dari total 14 kali pertemuan
- selama mengerjakan soal ujian tidak diperkenankan untuk bertukar jawaban dengan teman, melihat smart phone, dan melihat buku.
- Untuk mahasiswa yang merasa nilainya kurang setelah mengikuti ujian akhir semester maka diperbolehkan untuk meminta tugas tambahan
untuk memperbaiki nilai paling lambat seminggu sebelum nilai akhir dierahkan ke fakultas.
4. Cara berpakaian
- Mahasiswa Laki-laki
a. Memakai celana bahan / non jeans
b. Baju kemeja pendek /panjang
c. Memakai sepatu
d. Rambut rapi
e. Tidak boleh memakai aksesoris yang berlebihan
- Mahasiswa Perempuan
1. Wajib Menggunakan Rok / celana kain
2. Baju kemeja tidak ketat
3. Sepatu
4. Rambut tidak dicat / diwarna
5. Tidak boleh memakai pernak-pernik/aksesoris yang berlebihan

B. Tatib Dosen Pengampu Mata Kuliah

- Wajib hadir tepat waktu dalam setiap perkuliahan
- Tidak boleh terlambat lebih dari 10 menit
- Wajib memberikan materi perkuliahan
- Memberikan penilaian yang jurdil (jujur dan adil) terhadap semua mahasiswa
- Memberitahu minimal sehari sebelum perkuliahan bila berhalangan hadir memberikan perkuliahan,

C. Sanksi-sanksi
- Terlambat lebih dari 20 menit dianggap tidak hadir, mahasiswa yang bersangkutan diberi sanksi dianggap tidak hadir.
- Segala bentuk kecurangan dalam ujian secara tidak langsung mendapatkan nilai E
- Kurang dari 85% mengikuti perkuliahan dari total 14 kali pertemuan tatap muka tidak diijinkan mengikuti ujian
- Membuat kegaduhan atau tidak tertib dalam mengikuti perkuliahan aakan diberikan tindankan berupa peringatan, teguran, dan diskorsing
- Apabila mahasiswa tidak mengerjakan tugas yang diberikan maka akan mengurangi point nilai
- Dosen yang terlambat lebih dari 10 menit tanpa adanya pemberitahuan terlebih dahulu mahasiswa boleh meninggalkan ruang kuliah/
perkuliahan ditiadakan.

Menyepakati, Banyuwangi,
Dosen Pengampu Mata Kuliah

Ketua Kelas Rizki Nurfida Pambayun, M.Pd.

Kaprodi …………………… Dekan ………..


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