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Journal of Architectural Education

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Rafael Moneo: Building, Teaching, Writing

Julio Salcedo Fernández

To cite this article: Julio Salcedo Fernández (2016) Rafael Moneo: Building, Teaching, Writing,
Journal of Architectural Education, 70:2, 332-334, DOI: 10.1080/10464883.2016.1197693

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Published online: 20 Sep 2016.

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Notes and pedagogical manifesto; Theoretical Moneo’s stance: we learn, for example,
1 William Gibson, Neuromancer (New York: Penguin, Anxiety and Design Strategies in the Work how Moneo in Rome forged an alliance
of Eight Contemporary Architects (MIT with Bruno Zevi’s notions of histori-
2 For example, Steven Levy, “Google Throws
Open Doors to Its Top-Secret Data Center,” Press, 2004) delves just as much cal transcendence while distancing
Wired, October 2012, into Moneo’s deep scholarship and himself from Manfredo Tafuri, who
wiredenterprise/2012/10/ff-inside-google-data- theoretical tenets as those of the was suspicions of operative criticism.
center/all (accessed February 15, 2016). eight architects it critiques; and Rafael As with any composition, the
Moneo: International Portfolio 1985–2012 relative synchronicity and value
(Edition Axel Menges, 2013)—an of the strains defines its operative
unself-conscious glossy opening of success.  Of the three strains in this
project vaults—provides rare insight volume, the most insightful is the
into projects rarely published such as third and final section: “Thinking.”
the Beirut Souks that should expand Both “Biography” and “Seven
“the referent canon” if critically Buildings” have much to offer, but
examined. perhaps, in the pleats and demarca-
As we turn our gaze to the tions of this sectional composition,
book at hand, in one of the most concepts are remised and unable to
informative passages of this engross- expand beyond each strain.
ing volume, a chapter devoted to One of those remised themes
“Composition,” the authors posit: across strains is an original category
of the book’s title, Building,
“Composition,” or the possibility of Teaching, Writing. A fragmented
an architecture made from different “Teaching” is discussed at length
Rafael Moneo: Building, Teaching, parts, is what provides Moneo with in the “Biography” and “Thinking”
Writing the essential flexibility that was not strains and it is sutured for those
Nicholas Ray and Francisco Gonzalez permitted in organic functionalist understandingly seeking a note on
de Canales models of the 1960s. If composi- pedagogy.  As reviewed below, in
Yale University Press, June 2015 tion for Durand was the necessary “Biography,” the exegesis is made
308 pages freedom to respond to the diverse of how Moneo’s pedagogy arises
$40 (hardcover) programmes of nineteenth century from intense diverse exposures, and
society, for Moneo ... it provided the transhistorical interests.  Starting
On the heels of what has been a possibility of incorporating existing from his time teaching in the 1960s
rare and late outpouring of publica- reality and, more importantly history in ETSAM–Madrid, Moneo strives
tions on Jose Rafael Moneo—mostly and context. (210) to debunk a simplified “techno
by Moneo himself—arrives Rafael scientific” paradigm in favor of a
Moneo: Building, Teaching, Writing. This In so heeding, composition also “design methodology” that seeks to
plethora of publications subverts the becomes the method by which equally evaluate disparate approaches
authors’ surmised assessment of the the authors choose to organize an through the larger lenses of history.
absence hitherto of a comprehensive encyclopedic assessment of Rafael This pedagogy would be expanded
published effort to assess Moneo’s Moneo’s architectural projects and during his time as design chair of the
contributions to the academy and theories as a means to argue the ETSAB–Barcelona, where Moneo
practice. Although Building, Teaching, relevance of Moneo’s work for the was able to find further synergies
Writing is a wonderful addition to twenty-first century (9).  As such, the with the systemic nineteenth-century
this canon and amply contributes volume is made up of three distinct French models of the Academy,
novel biographical and material strains, aptly titled “Biography,” while providing for a more pluralis-
insights, Moneo’s three most recent “Seven Buildings,” and “Thinking.”   tic and humanist school where
publications taken together deliver The three strains are finely different departments complemented
an unrivaled insight into his work; grained with revelatory and exhaustive the design teaching.  In the strain
they also argue more convincingly for research—hitherto scattered or “Thinking,” these pedagogical notes
twenty-first century relevance than lacking—this abundance compiled are elaborated to encompass key
this more circumspect tome strives to in a single volume makes it a key operative notions of the pedagogy
impart. By Moneo’s own introduction, resource for the understanding of such as “typology,” “composi-
Remarks on 21 Works (Monacelli Press, Moneo.  Perhaps just as significantly, tion,” “form,” and “the canon.”  In
2010) is a long-gestated monograph, extensive footnotes contextualize the addition, perhaps one of the most
though its pairing projects to new subject and entice the reader to delve significant contributions of the book,
and retooled theoretical essays, into decades’ worth of the intense the authors articulate a key global
expanding its scope to a theoretical historiographic milieu conforming and ultimately pedagogical tenet for

332 Reviews
Moneo stemming from the Spanish stranded sentence as the last passage example, an invitation to discern the
philosophers Miguel de Unamuno of a momentous chapter:  “Meanwhile, two different porticos in Logroño’s
and José Ortega y Gasset: a primacy on a family note, in 1975, Moneo’s Town Hall has no accompanying
of the circumstantial, of contingency youngest daughter, Clara, was born image unless one is fortunate to
and ultimately construction. In other in Madrid” (59). Other biographi- venture near the book’s index.   
words, a return to a contested plural cal events of great significance, as Second, as we are reminded
“reality,” in contrast to fantasti- Moneo’s editing of Arquitecturas Bis throughout the text, Moneo embarks
cal dogmatism “into which the or his participation in the Pequeños on “a unique, personal interpreta-
Modern Movement had degenerated” Congresos—Small Congresses—are not tion” (141) of history, theory, and
(182).  Hence, Moneo’s singularity and developed in the “Thinking” section context.  This method—coined a
rise to architectural notoriety may be to the degree they deserve—in part “theory of design”—is based on the
attributed to teaching a pedagogy at a result of the tripartite composi- analysis, assimilation, and projection
once deeply imbued in an argumen- tion. The Pequeños Congresos—where of precedents, expansive readings on
tative theoretical process assessing the Madrid and Barcelona camps site, and theoretical positions. The
potential approaches and deeply congregated, with guests such as Aldo resultant by-product is a plethora of
reliant on the validation of praxis. Rossi, to parse the theoretical territo- built, drawn, and written referents. In
In “Biography,” Moneo’s life ries of the “late organic style” and this light, the sparseness and choice
accounts and notes are incredibly of the nascent urban and typological of the graphic documentation for
insightful, particularly regarding his historicism—engendered a complex referential allusions are perplexing: the
formative years.  The painstaking output that is not discussed. only referent photographs are Stirling
research offers an amazing window In the section “Seven Buildings,” and Gowan’s University of Leicester
into his personality and interests.  One the iconic built projects of Bankinter, and Le Corbusier’s Millowner’s
follows Moneo from the small but the Logroño Town Hall, the Roman Association Building.  There are
strategic birth town of Tudela to Art Museum in Merida, the Miró moments when Moneo’s biography
Madrid, where a comparatively foundation, the Kursaal, the Murcia intertwines well with the description
ebullient artistic and university life Town Hall and the Cathedral of Our of projects; for example, Bankinter’s
provided a digression from Franco’s Lady of Los Angeles are individu- reliefs are explained to be the work
regime. In the Madrid of the 1950s, an ally represented and discussed of Francisco López Hernández—an
adventurous Moneo is uncertain of his while presenting a rich context and artist Moneo befriended at the Royal
vocational calling and first becomes background vicissitudes for each Spanish Academy in Rome. And
acquainted with artists.  The ensuing project.  Regarding this compilation, yet more graphic documentation
pedagogical environment is one of and though it may be explained as depicting Moneo’s biographic locales
master classes, professorships, and providing a wider typological range, and references would enhance both
apprenticeships. These latter ones— the inclusion of the Los Angeles sections on “Biography” and “Seven
his experiences under Francisco Javier Cathedral in this list merits discussion. Buildings.”
Sáenz de Oiza and Jørn Utzon—are It is not a question of the worthiness Finally, as deftly unpacked
elaborately positioned with regard of the project but rather of its elsewhere in the text, stemming from
to his formation.  However, it is his exemplary significance to arguments the Spanish philosophers Miguel de
time at the Spanish Royal Academy as deployed in the third and final Unamuno and José Ortega y Gasset,
in Rome, consequent approximation strain “Thinking”: the cathedral’s Moneo’s theory and praxis is informed
to La Tendenza, and pedagogical work design in its mediation of the by “the circumstances that engender
as Design Professor in Barcelona that circumstantial, historical, typological, design: the contingencies of the site,
informed Moneo’s discourse.  There contextual, and formal parameters the client and the programme,” and
are some minor editing omissions engenders a less transformative— more critically, construction (177).
that prevent a better understanding: disambiguated from original—project In other words, “the true theorist
Moneo’s birth is mistakenly dated after than other key works such as the has also to be a practitioner, because
and not before his town’s civil war Atocha Train Station or the Davis only the practitioner knows about
bombing (14), and a further explana- Museum at Wellesley College. the complexities and constraints
tion of when he became a registered Always insightful, the book’s of construction” (184). The case
architect is necessary as terms and graphic documentation is carefully is further made that construction
dates are oddly juxtaposed. selected and beautifully printed. validates theory and combats Moneo’s
Nonetheless, the term However, there are shortcomings in nemesis—arbitrariness.  Therefore,
“Biography” ought to solicit a further breadth and foci that are rather salient “Seven Buildings” ought to be
examination and daring interpretation in this section. First, there is further equally steeped in the circumstantial
of the respective interplay between material required to understand the construction.  Abductive documenta-
Moneo’s life events and architectural buildings and in cases find depictions tion of the material and construction
trajectory. For example, one finds this to direct mentions in the text. For practices would elucidate and augment

Reviews JAE 70:2 333

this key tenet: for example, detailed guides theoretical stances the way postwar welfare state as an interna-
discussions of the Kursaal’s ribbed Moneo has.  Hopefully Moneo’s recent tional phenomenon on the other,
concave glass, cast mullions, precast publications and the authors—in their “little attention has been given to
and cast in place concrete vis-à-vis expansive gaze across architectural the varied ways in which architec-
historical precedents and Spanish cultures and in their dual examina- ture and urban planning interacted
building practices would attain the tion of theory and practice—will help with the different regimes of welfare
level of disciplinary depth demanded reinvigorate Moneo’s stature as a key provision.” The aim of this book is to
elsewhere in the text. referent, commentator, and maker at a fill this gap in the literature.
As previously stated and as time when many in the United States The editors report two
this review is devised, the section are mostly concerned with Eisenman’s motivations to revisit “the architec-
“Thinking” articulates all sections exceptionalism. ture of the welfare state” today: (1) to
into a cohesive argument. “Thinking” understand the forces that shaped
manages to dovetail novel interpreta- Julio Salcedo Fernández is the Chair the context in which particular
tive analysis with a rigorous theoretical of the Spitzer School of Architecture building(s) stood in order to inform
chronicle of Moneo’s philosophy and at City College and has taught at decisions about their preservation
influences alike. A series of passages Harvard University, the University of or demolition, and (2) to understand
provide a nuanced and accessible look Pennsylvania, Syracuse University, the actual role(s) of the architect in
into Moneo’s referents: this review’s and Cornell University. In addition shaping or implementing welfare state
opening quote belongs in a discussion to his 2011 book, Generic Specific policies, in order to improve theory
that emanates from Deleuze’s reading Continuum, Salcedo’s work has won and practice as democratic social
of Spinoza and posits Emil Kauffman’s an Architectural League award and a reforms continue to evolve worldwide.
notions of the primacy of reason— European Award; been exhibited at There is significant variation in
vis-à-vis Rudolf Wittkower's reliance the Farnsworth Museum; and has been the extent to which these chapters
on transcendence—as instrumen- widely published. In addition, prior to successfully address these editorial
tal in Moneo’s accrued interests in funding Scalar Architecture, Salcedo goals; success here depends largely on
composition beyond those of Durand. worked extensively in studios such as the ability of the authors, all architec-
Other passages such as “Design Rafael Moneo. tural historians, to get the historical
Approach” advance a methodology contexts right.
based on Moneo’s intent to relegate The introduction includes a
“the excitement of new technolo- theoretical framework, intended
gies” in favor of a “realignment of the to unify the collection, that traces
disciplines of the human sciences” the origins of the welfare state to
(178).  In “Thinking,” not all the what Karl Polyani described as the
passages are equally revealing, though, Great Transformation that began
and the last two, “The Confrontation in the nineteenth century, a period
with Reality” and “Conclusion,” characterized by the rise of industrial
lack both incisiveness and broader capitalism, rapid urbanization, and
perspective to deliver on the promise economic growth. These transna-
to argue the relevance of Moneo’s tional phenomena also gave rise
work for the twenty-first century.   to a countermovement of social
Still, in reading this volume, protection, which by the 1920s led
one marvels at how Moneo navigated to a convergence of ideas, from
vibrant and disparate theoretical, both left and right, on the ideal of
cultural, and tectonic contexts to Architecture and the Welfare State a Third Way: social democracy and
generate such a rich and cohesive Edited by Mark Swenarton, Tom progressivism. These reform ideals
body of buildings and texts; and, as a Avermaete, and Dirk van den Heuvel provided the framework for welfare
corollary, one becomes painfully aware Routledge, 2014 states, which took shape in various
of the relative flatness and bareness of 360 pages national forms after World War II, and
recent architectural culture.  Although $59.95 (paperback) which subsequently were repeatedly
three recently emerging vectors are modified, widely maligned, and then
beginning to disrupt this flatness— The editors of Architecture and the dismantled beginning in the 1970s.
namely, pulling toward computational, Welfare State claim that despite great The case studies in this collection
social programming, or environ- interest among architectural histori- examine a range of issues and building
mental concerns—few people are ans about architecture during the types, in different countries and
able to reap the expanded benefits of second half of the twentieth century at different times, from the 1920s
this new context and even fewer are on the one hand, and studies “within through the 1970s.
able to grow a building practice that political sociology” examining the Chapters are grouped into three

334 Reviews

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