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Ryan Christian D.

Taganahan BSECE – 4 MECH 211A

Define the following:
1. Engineering – defined as the profession in which the knowledge of
mathematical and natural sciences gained by study, practice and experience
is applied with judgement in order to develop ways to utilize economically
the materials and forces of nature for the benefit of mankind.
2. Mechanics – a science that deals with the action of forces on bodies and
describes/predicts the condition of rest or motion of bodies acted upon
3. Engineering Mechanics – a branch of mechanics that deals with the study of
forces in relation to problems with engineering applications.
4. Celestial Mechanics – a study of motion of heavenly bodies such as planets,
satellites, and stars moving in gravitational fields of forces.
5. Quantum Mechanics – a branch of mathematical physics that deals with the
motion of electrons, protons, neutrons, and other subatomic particles.
6. Solid Mechanics – is a branch of continuum mechanics that studies the
behavior of solid materials.
7. Fluid Mechanics – a study of gases and liquids at rest or in motion.
8. Statics – a branch of solid mechanics dealing with rigid bodies that are or
remain at rest.
9. Dynamics – dealing with solids that are in motion.
10. Kinetics – concerned with the motion of bodies and the forces causing such
11. Kinematics – concerned with the motion of bodies without the reference to
the cause.
12. Strength of Materials – a branch of mechanics that deals with deformable
13. Hydrostatics – study of forces caused by water at rest.
14. Hydrodynamics – study of forces caused by water in motion.
15. Soil Mechanics – deals with the natural material that is neither solid nor fluid
and has a vast range of engineering application.
16. Force – an action of one body upon another
17. Magnitude – the degree to which the force will accelerate the body it is
acted on.
18. Position or Point of Application – reference point or axis through which the
force acts.
19. Sense or Direction – describe the sense in which the force acts along its line
of action.
20. Force Multiplier – a force that is obtained by dividing the magnitude of the
force by some distance along its line of action
21. Principle of Transmissibility – states that external effect of a force on a body
acted upon is independent of the point of application along its line of action.
22. External Effect – manifested in or a tendency to change the state of motion
of the body upon which the force acts.
23. Internal Effect – to produce stresses and strains within the body acted upon
24. Force System – a set of two or more coplanar or spatial forces that may or
may not be in equilibrium.
25. Resultant – a single force, or a couple which acting alone will produce the
same effect as the force system.
26. Composition of force – process of determining the resultant of a force
27. Equilibrant – a single force, or a force couple, which if and when added to
the force system will balance or neutralize the system.
28. Equilibrium – a condition when the resultant of the force system is equal to
29. Resolution – process of determining the components of a force.
30. Rectangular Components – two components of a force that are
perpendicular to each other.
31. Oblique Components – components of a force that are not perpendicular to
each other

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