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Good Day


The Society

1. Explain the concept of society;

2. Identify the functions, characteristics and types of

society; and

3. Create a poster of a prepared society based on

the discussion of the type of society.
What I Know
DIRECTION: Read each statement carefully and tell whether it
is true or false.
1. Society is composed of an individual with territory and
2. One of the reasons why people live together is for survival.
3. Society’s function is to deregulate people’s behavior.

What I Know
3. Society’s function is to deregulate people’s behavior
4. One of the characteristics of militant societies is the lives of
individuals and private possessions are at the disposal of the
5. Society can be dissolved when the people living in such a
society voluntarily attach themselves to another existing

1 Meaning and Nature of
Meaning and
Nature of Society

╸ “Societas” - companion or associate.

╸ a group of people with common territory, interaction,

and culture.

Meaning and
Nature of Society

╸ a group of people living together in a definite

territory, having a sense of belongingness, being
mutually interdependent with each other, and
following a certain way of life.

Meaning and
Functionalist POV
Nature of Society

╸ complex of groups in reciprocal relationships,

interacting with one another, enabling human
organisms to carry on their life activities and
helping each person to fulfill his wishes and
accomplish his interests in association with his

Meaning and
Structuralism POV
Nature of Society

╸ total social heritage of folkways, mores and

institutions; of habits, sentiments and ideals.

Meaning and Reasons people live together
Nature of Society as a society (Ariola, 2012):

╸ For survival

╸ Feeling of gregariousness

╸ Specialization

Characteristics of

1. It is a social system .

2. It is relatively large.

3. It socializes its members and those from


Characteristics of

4. It endures, produces, and sustains its members

for generations.

5. It holds its members through common culture.

6. It has a clearly-defined geographical territory.

Major Functions of

1. It provides a system of socialization.

2. It provides the basic needs of its members.

3. It provides the means of social participation.

4. It provides mutual support to the members.

Types of Society

1. According to Economic and Material System

2. According to Evolutionary View

3. According to People’s Subsistence

According to Economic and
Types of Society Material System

1. Pre-class Societies
╶ communal ownership of property and division
of labor.
╶ Examples of these societies are the earliest
clans and tribes.

According to Economic and
Types of Society Material System

2. Asiatic Societies

╶ The people are economically self-sufficient.

╶ Leaders are despotic and powerful.

According to Economic and
Types of Society Material System

3. Ancient Societies
╶ private land ownership
╶ The rich owned big tracts of private properties
╶ Poor worked as laborers.
╶ wealth is limited to a few people.

. 20
According to Economic and
Types of Society Material System

4. Feudal Societies
╶ The aristocrats owned the wealth of the

╶ The peasants worked on the lands of the

feudal lords with only few benefits received by
According to Economic and
Types of Society Material System

5. Capitalists Societies
╶ two classes of people appeared.
╶ The bourgeoise (property owners) who owned
the capital and the means of production
╶ the proletariat (the laborers or workers) who
are compelled to work for the capitalists or sell
their small properties to the capitalists.
According to Economic and
Types of Society Material System

6. Democratic Societies
╶ free enterprise where people are free to
engage in any lawful business for profit or gain.

╶ People had to work on their own livelihood

according to what the law mandates.

According to
Types of Society Evolutionary View

1. Simple Societies
╶ predominantly small, nomadic and leadership
is unstable.
╶ The people had no specialization of skills, thus
they lived in a simple life.

According to
Types of Society Evolutionary View

2. Compound Societies
╶ Two or more simple societies merged to form
a new and bigger society.
╶ predominantly settled agricultural societies
╶ characterized by a division of four or five social

According to
Types of Society Evolutionary View

3. Doubly Compound Societies

╶ completely integrated

╶ more definite in the political and religious


╶ more complex division of labor

According to
Types of Society Evolutionary View

3. Doubly Compound Societies

╶ predominantly settled agricultural societies

╶ progress in infrastructure and knowledge in
arts had taken place.

According to
Types of Society Evolutionary View

4. Militant Societies
╶ The existence of the military organization and
military rank

╶ Individual lives and private possessions are at

the disposal of the State

According to
Types of Society Evolutionary View

4. Militant Societies
╶ Individual activities such as recreation,
movements, the satisfaction of biological
needs, and production f goods are totally lead
by the State

╶ Individuals exist to serve the State.

According to
Types of Society Evolutionary View

5. Industrial Societies
╶ people elect their representatives to protect
their individual initiatives
╶ Freedom of belief, religion and production of
industrial goods exist
╶ Disputes and grievances are settled through
peaceful arbitration
According to
Types of Society Evolutionary View

5. Industrial Societies
╶ Cooperative efforts between management and
labor are based on a contractual agreement.

╶ Individual freedom, rights and initiatives are

being protected.

According to
Types of Society Evolutionary View

6. Post-Industrial Societies
╶ spread of computer machines and the
existence of information and communication.

╶ discoveries in medicines, agriculture, and

business whether in physical or natural
sciences emerged.

According to
Types of Society Evolutionary View

6. Post-Industrial Societies

╶ pollution, diseases, calamities are prevalent as

a result of the use of advanced technology

According to
Types of Society Evolutionary View

6. Post-Industrial Societies
╶ spread of computer machines and the
existence of information and communication.

╶ discoveries in medicines, agriculture, and

business whether in physical or natural
sciences emerged.

According to People’s
Types of Society Subsistence

1. Food Gathering Societies

╶ more than 16, 000 years ago.
╶ people survived from day to day through
hunting larger animals, collecting shellfish and
vegetable gathering
╶ Their tools were made of stones, wood and
According to People’s
Types of Society Subsistence

2. Horticultural Societies

╶ people planted seeds as a means of

production for subsistence

According to People’s
Types of Society Subsistence

3. Pastoral Societies
╶ nomadic who follow their herds in quest of
animals for food and clothing to satisfy their

╶ raised animals to provide milk, fur and blood

for protein

According to People’s
Types of Society Subsistence

3. Pastoral Societies

╶ small, wandering communities organize along

male-centered kinship groups.

According to People’s
Types of Society Subsistence

4. Agricultural Societies
╶ people used plows than hoe in food

╶ Irrigation farming was introduced which

resulted in a larger yield of production

According to People’s
Types of Society Subsistence

5. Industrial Societies
╶ 18th century during the Industrial Revolution
╶ Use of machines as means of food production.
╶ Mass production of guns, invention of steam
locomotives and large production of steel and
a well-coordinated labor force took place.

According to People’s
Types of Society Subsistence

5. Industrial Societies

╶ people began to be highly skilled and highly

diversified in their occupation

According to People’s
Types of Society Subsistence

6. Post-Industrial Societies
╶ Information Societies

╶ spread of computer technology, advances in

this technology are made by highly-trained
computer specialists

According to People’s
Types of Society Subsistence

6. Post-Industrial Societies
╶ modern technology gave rise to several
problems such as pollution, lung illness, skin
problems, and other

Dissolution of a
❑ when the people kill each other through civil

❑ when an outside force exterminates the members

of the society;

❑ when the members become apathetic among

themselves or have no more sense of
Dissolution of a

❑ when a small society is absorbed by a stronger

and larger society by means of conquest or
territorial absorption;

❑ when an existing society is submerged in the

water killing all the people and other living things
in it; or

Dissolution of a

❑ when the people living in such a society

voluntarily attach themselves to another existing

DIRECTION: Group of students will search for one type of
society and they will explain it to the class using the guide

1. When and where did this society rise?

2. What are the characteristics of this society?

3. Is this society still alive? Expound your answer.

What’s More 47
Create a poster of a prepared society based on the
discussion of the type of society.
CATEGORY 4 3 2 1
Required The poster All required All but 1 of the Several required
Elements includes all elements are required elements elements were
required elements included on the are included on missing.
as well as poster. the poster.
Graphics - All graphics are All graphics are All graphics Graphics do not
Relevance related to the related to the relate to the relate to the
topic and make it topic and most topic. topic.
easier to make it easier to
understand. understand.
Attractiveness The poster is The poster is The poster is The poster is
exceptionally attractive in acceptably distractingly
attractive in terms of design, attractive though messy or very
terms of design, layout, and it may be a bit poorly designed.
layout, and neatness. messy. It is not
neatness. attractive.
Materials The materials The materials The materials No poster has
required elements included on the are included on missing.
as well as poster. the poster.
Graphics - All graphics are All graphics are All graphics Graphics do not
Relevance related to the related to the relate to the relate to the
topic and make it topic and most topic. topic.
easier to make it easier to
understand. understand.
Attractiveness The poster is The poster is The poster is The poster is
exceptionally attractive in acceptably distractingly
attractive in terms of design, attractive though messy or very
terms of design, layout, and it may be a bit poorly designed.
layout, and neatness. messy. It is not
neatness. attractive.
Materials The materials The materials The materials No poster has
used in the used in the used in the been submitted.
poster are decent poster are good. poster is not
and appropriate. enough to justify
the artwork.

What I Can Do 49
Group Reporting

Topic 1: Cultural Relativism

Topic 2: Cultural Ethnocentrism

Topic 3: Socialization and Enculturation

Topic 4: Conformity and Deviance


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