Abundance Download Steps

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Abundance Healing Download Online System

Well done

And congratulations for being proactive to create the life you want.
There are wonderful people coming into your life and exciting times

We greatly appreciate you and look forward to sharing our successes together.

To get the most out of your Abundance Download. I have three suggestions...

√ Picking the right time and location is important to assist the shifts that will occur. Please find
yourself a quiet place, totally free of distractions to work through the exercises and activities. You
should repeat the process regularly to hone your creative skills.

√ Listen to the Abundance Healing Download and the Abundance Meditation with Subliminals first
thing in the morning and last thing at night.

√ Please share your success story so we can help change other people’s lives as well.

Let us know about your progress and visit us at www.ForensicHealing.com

You may contact us if you need assistance via email at info@


Sending healing and love

Here’s some recent feedback...

“Hello Marisa. I am so excited to tell
you that within a week of receiving
your abundance download I won a
major work contract AND sold a
property we have been trying to sell
for 14 months! Thank you, You are
MARISA RUSSO such a blessing to me.”
Forensic healing International >> Jesse WilderMt Lawley, Australia

PS: Do not use to use this content when operating machinery or driving a vehicle
Aust 1300 187 183
Practical Steps USA 1-800-896-9136

1 Create Good Karma

Make peace with others. Let go of old hurts. Bless others and always support others to be successful.
Clean up your energy so there are no blocks stopping you from moving forward.

2 Self Talk

What do you say it down and then put a line through it and replace it with the new affirmation. For
example... “I can’t afford that”, replace with “Money is coming to me and I can afford anything.”

3 Create A Vision Board

Use pictures of what you want to achieve, words of how you want to feel. Put it in your bedroom so
that it is the first thing you wake up to and the last thing you see at night.

4 Set Your Goals

Plan for the month, year, 5 years and 10 years ahead. Be clear about what you want.

5 De-Clutter Your Surroundings

Throw away negative memorabilia, letters or anything that does not represent your new freedom.

6 Use Good Feng Shui

Have water flowing, plant Jade plants and 8-cylinder chimes in the home. There needs to be a good
flow of energy from the front door. It needs to be open and light.

7 Write Yourself Regular Checks/Cheques

Have an arrangement with a friend that you send each other pretend cheques in the mail on a regular

8 Write Your Feelings... Live It From Now

Write down how would you feel with unlimited finances. What you will do and how you will feel
getting up each morning. This is the feeling to begin every day. Dress yourself every morning as if you
are living that life now.
Abundance Healing Download
Statements to Repeat During the Download

I .............................. (your first name) ask for Divine Intervention and Divine Grace to connect me
directly to Universal Abundance and Sources.

I ask for forgiveness from any karmic debt or universal consequence. I request for blessings and
abundance to be poured upon to those affected or associated with my actions.

I choose to know that it is my divine birthright to be abundant and powerful. I choose to reclaim and
accept my birthright of abundance and prosperity.

I choose to know that there is unlimited supply of wealth and an abundance for everyone. Abundance
and prosperity are energy and I choose to have abundant energy and attract wealth and prosperity in
every moment.

I now acknowledge gratitude for unlimited abundance I now have. I choose to receive and allow the
abundance and financial download to be fully activated to allow unlimited flow and ease of abundance
and finances in my life from this point forward.”


๏ My life is a miracle, a blessing and a birthright of abundance and prosperity

๏ I AM in deep gratitude for the outpouring of riches in my life
๏ I AM a powerful magnet for peace, love, light, prosperity and abundance

Abundance Affirmations

These affirmations are used as subliminals in the ‘Abundance Healing Meditation with Subliminals‘

๏ I choose to be abundant
๏ Riches are good
๏ Money is useful
๏ Money gives me freedom
๏ I love being wealthy
๏ It’s raining money
๏ The heavens are open
๏ Life flows
๏ Life is easy
๏ I choose to be powerful
๏ I choose to receive my abundant birthrights
๏ Money comes to me easily
๏ I encourage wealth in everyone
๏ There is more than enough to go around
๏ All I need is within me now
๏ Wealth is pouring into my life
๏ The riches of the universe come to me effortlessly
๏ I deserve love, success and happiness
๏ I am a money magnet
๏ I have abundant energy, vitality and well-being
๏ I have everything I need right now to accomplish everything I want
๏ I am getting wealthier each day
๏ The Universe supports my every effort
๏ I possess an abundance of creativity and energy
๏ At every turn, opportunity appears before me
๏ I am easily, openly and freely accepting abundance, now
๏ I am thankful for the limitless, overflowing source of my abundance
๏ Everything I touch returns riches to me
๏ My income is constantly increasing
๏ I am a positive resource and people want to do business with me
๏ Whatever my mind can conceive I can achieve
๏ All my intentions are manifested easily
๏ My life is a miracle
๏ I am thankful for my abundant life

We’re excited about hearing your success stories and seeing you transform.

Love and blessings, Marisa


19 Abundance Principles

“You are the vibrational writers of the

script of your life, and everyone else in
the Universe is playing the part that you
have assigned to them.”
-- Abraham-Hicks

1 Karma/Past Life

I’m sorry - Please forgive me - Thank you - I love you

2 Self Talk

“I will.” “It is going to happen.” “Everything is going to start going right for me.”

3 Negative Belief Systems/Negative Life Patterns

Money makes you more of what you are. Money is just a symbol of energy. I can have as much energy as I

4 Gratitude/ Blessings

Who are you most motivated to give to? It is a universal law ... the more gratitude, the more you get.

5 Self Worth/Sacrifice Suffering/Others Story/Belief in Worth/Comfort

It’s about who you are... how you live... what you say... and what actions you take.

6 Education/Law of Attraction

You will know how much you are committed to evolving by the books you read, what you spend your
time doing and where you spend your money. How do you choose to immerse yourself?

7 Change/Spiritual Growth

When you understand that you are a spiritual being having a physical experience then you can learn life
lessons and make life work for you.

8 Childhood/Genetics/History/Culture

Energy, programming, emotions come through your DNA.

9 Surroundings/ Vision Board/Media/Books/Pictures/People

Clear clutter and negative symbolic items. Things must feel good for you. Consider Feng Shui

10 Emotions/Visuals/Feelings/Hearing

What is your emotion around money? What do you visualise? What images do you entertain?

11 Birthright/Choices

“When God created man, he made him in the likeness of God.” Genesis 5:1. It is your birthright to have

12 Relationships

Your relationships affect everything. Take ownership that you are the creator of all your relationships.

13 Habits/Repetition

As Robbins says, “Repetition is the mother of all skill.” Develop good habits and rituals for everything.

14 Passion/love/Desire/Your New Story

What story are you telling others? What stories do you repeat?

15 Goal Setting

“When you don’t know where you are going - you’ll end up somewhere else.” Thomas Merton

16 Intuition/Flow/Meditation

Intuition is your best teacher. It will never let you down.

17 Reasons/Decide What You Want

Creating reasons for why you want abundance will keep you motivated and focused.

18 Energy/Work/Focus

Lots of energy is important for flow, enthusiasm, and drive.

19 The change is within you ....

Life flows - Life is easy - I choose to be powerful - I choose to receive my abundant birthrights - Money
comes to me easily - I encourage wealth in everyone - There is more than enough to go around - All I need
is within me now Wealth is pouring into my life.



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