Photo Narrative Report ABM Enrichment

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Sorsogon National High School

Accountancy, Business and Management

Setting the
Right Points:
A 3-Day Innovative
Academic Program to
Intensify Students' Process Skills and
Knowledge in Mathematics”

2nd floor New Science Building,

Sorsogon National High School Main
July 11-13, 2022
Setting the mood
Mayreen O. Janer, one of the
proponents delivered the
statement of purpose of the
training program and facilitated
the activity for setting of

Forty-three incoming Grade 12

ABM students participated the

Since this program is the first

opportunity for the learners to
get together personally, the
facilitators designed an activity
for them to get to know each
other through Bingo Activity
while still following the health
protocols set by IATF.

A pre-test was conducted to

assess the participants' mastery
in the different mathematical
competencies. Ma.Christina F.
Dondonilla, one f the proponents
facilitated the exam.
Practical and Functional

Day 1
Session 1

Engr. Salvador L.
Janer Jr. of
Sorsogon Medical
Mission Group
Hospital (SMMGH)
handled the first
session and discussed about one of the topics in General Mathematics that
is Solving Rational and Inverse Functions.

Session 2

While, Teacher Ivan L. Blazo of Sorsogon

National High School tackled about
Exponential and Logarithmic Functions and
Its Applications in Real Life. The participants
were given board works and exercises to
further practice the skills and apply the
concepts learned.
Technical and Logical
Day 2
Session 3

In the morning sessions of

day 2, Adelfa C. Ditan,
Master Teacher I of SNHS
facilitated the discussion
about Propositional Logic,
Syllogisms and Fallacies.

Session 4 on Math Word Problem Solving Tricks and Techniques, with

Crisanta L. Blazo, tested the higher order thinking skills of the participants.
They were asked to work in teams and compete with the other groups to
apply the problem solving techniques shared by the speaker.
Session 5

Making Sense using Maths

Ruel G. Frago, Master Teacher I, managed session 5 which is focused on the
suggested enrichment topics in Statistics and Probability that is Correlation
and Regression Analyses.

Session 6
The session entitled Math at
Work: Doing Mathematics in
the Workplace with Engr.
Jaynald L. Jelloso of
Department of Public Works
and Highways (DPWH) 1st
District Engineering Office
gave the participants
pragmatic idea on the most
essential mathematical skills
that are commonly used at
work in different fields.
The students were also given the chance to ask for practical tips on
how to easily get hired and be promoted (in government offices) from
the resource speaker.
Day 3
Session 7

The 3rd day of the training

program is intended for
Fundamentals of Accountancy,
Business and Management
(FABM) topics.

Ma. Christina F. Dondonilla of

the ABM Group gave a
discussion on Bank

Session 8

A complete talk on Taxation was given by

Rochelle Ann Chil, Provincial Accountant,
and is currently employed at Philippine
Statistics Authority (PAS) Sorsogon.

Session 9

Dulce Corazon F. Lacson, Certified Public accountant (CPA)/ Professor

II of Sorsogon State University shared her expertise on Closing and
Adjusting entries, another key concept in FABM.
Training Snapshots
Closing Program

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