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Physical Chemistry
Auxesis Review Center

N a m e o f I n s t r u c t o r : E n g r. R e y M a r t i n G . E s t o q u e .

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An ideal gas will only be considered in the

following operating parameters:

a. High Temperature, High Pressure

b. High Temperature, Low Pressure
c. Low Temperature, High Pressure
d. Low Temperature, Low Pressure
2 2
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Which of the following is false regarding absolute


a. All molecules will stop moving

b. Absolute zero can be achieved
c. Temperature is 0K
d. Temperature is 0R
3 3
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For a real gas, what causes the deviation from the ideal pressure at a
molecular level?

a. Energy is lost for each collision against the sides of the container
b. Energy is lost due to the collision of molecules with one another
c. Intermolecular forces of attraction of the molecules with one
d. Molecules randomly hit the sides of the wall with less force than

4 4
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When gas molecules collide, they experience

_____ collision.

a. Perfectly elastic
b. Imperfect elastic
c. Perfectly inelastic
d. Imperfect inelastic
5 5
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Which of the following is false with KMT?

a. Gas molecules move in random motion
b. Due to collision of gas molecules with each
other, some kinetic energy is lost
c. The temperature of the whole system does
not change with time
d. The size of the molecules are negligible
6 6
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This is the pressure exerted by the gas

molecules that are in equilibrium with the liquid.

a. Partial pressure
b. Atmospheric pressure
c. Total pressure
d. Vapor pressure
7 7
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The internal energy of an ideal gas depends on:

a. Volume
b. Absolute temperature
c. Pressure
d. Number of moles

8 8
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The state of an ideal gas is changed in a closed

path 1→2→3→4→1. Which of the following is
true about the work done on the gas?
a. W12>0, W23=0, W34<0, W41=0
b. W12<0, W23=0, W34=0, W41>0
c. W12=0, W23>0, W34=0, W41<0
d. W12=0, W23<0, W34=0, W41>0
9 9
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Which of the following is a characteristic of an

adiabatic process?
a. ΔU=0
b. W=0
c. Q=0
d. ΔV=0

10 10
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A sample of an ideal gas has an internal energy of U

and is then compressed to ½ of its original volume
while the temperature stays the same. What is the
new internal energy of the ideal gas in terms of U?
a. U
b. U/2
c. U/4
d. 2U
11 11
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Which of the following is not conserved in any


a. Mass
b. Energy
c. Momentum
d. Entropy
12 12
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An isentropic process is:

a. Isothermal and adiabatic

b. Reversible and isothermal
c. Reversible and adiabatic
d. Reversible and isochoric

13 13
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Increasing the temperature of the cold reservoir

_____ the Carnot efficiency.

a. Increases
b. Decreases
c. Does not change
14 14
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If the entropy of a system decreases, the entropy

of its surroundings
a. Must always increase
b. Must always decrease
c. May increase or decrease
d. Not enough information to answer the
15 15
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Which of the following is not true?

a. 𝜕𝑃
b. 𝜕𝑃
c. 𝜕𝑇
= −𝑆
d. 𝜕𝑉
= −𝑆
16 16
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Which of the following is not true?

a. 𝜕𝑃
b. 𝜕𝑇
= −𝑆
c. 𝜕𝑃
d. 𝜕𝑉
= −𝑆
17 17
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Which of the following is true?

𝜕𝑇 𝜕𝑃
a. 𝜕𝑉
𝜕𝑆 𝑉
𝜕𝑃 𝜕𝑆
b. 𝜕𝑇
= −
𝜕𝑉 𝑇
𝜕𝑇 𝜕𝑉
c. 𝜕𝑃
𝜕𝑆 𝑃
𝜕𝑉 𝜕𝑆
d. 𝜕𝑇
𝜕𝑃 𝑇
18 18
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Enthalpy can be expressed as a function of T and P. This

relationship is shown by:
a. 𝑑𝐻 = 𝐶𝑃 𝑑𝑇 + 𝑉 − 𝑇 𝜕𝑇 𝑃
b. 𝑑𝐻 = 𝐶𝑃 𝑑𝑇 + 𝑃 − 𝑇 𝜕𝑇 𝑉
c. 𝑑𝐻 = 𝐶𝑃 𝑑𝑇 + 𝑇
𝜕𝑇 𝑃
− 𝑉 𝑑𝑃
d. 𝑑𝐻 = 𝐶𝑃 𝑑𝑇 + 𝑇
𝜕𝑇 𝑉
− 𝑃 𝑑𝑃
19 19
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The amount of heat absorbed when CO2 gas reacts

with a solid CaO to form solid CaCO3 is measured in a
bomb calorimeter. The data obtained give a direct
measure of:
a. ΔU
b. VΔP
c. ΔH
d. CP
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Heat required to raise the temperature of 1lbm of

water by 1˚F.

a. Calorie
b. BTU
c. Specific heat
d. Heat capacity
21 21
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Which of the following statements is/are true?

1. The criterion of equilibrium at constant
temperature and pressure is dG=0.
2. For a reversible process, dS=dQ/T.
a. 1 only
b. Both 1 and 2
c. 2 only
d. None of the above
22 22
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The general statement of the Third Law of

Thermodynamics is attributed to:

a. Nikolaus Otto
b. Jacobus Clapeyron
c. William Clausius
d. Walther Nernst
23 23
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The equilibrium intensive state of a system is

described by specifying the temperature,
pressure, and:
a. Mole fractions
b. Number of moles
c. Volume
d. Chemical potential
24 24
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The fugacity of a real gas is equal to:

a. The pressure of an ideal gas which has the same
chemical potential as the real gas
b. The pressure of a real gas which has the same chemical
potential as the ideal gas
c. The chemical potential of an ideal gas which has the
same pressure as the real gas
d. The chemical potential of a real gas which has the same
pressure as the ideal gas
25 25
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Conceptual Master title
2021 PBE)

An adiabatic process is one in which the system under

investigation is thermally isolated so that there is no
exchange of heat with the surroundings. Thus, the work done
on a closed system in an adiabatic process is _____.

a. Equal to zero
b. Not equal to the exchange of heat with surroundings
c. Equal to the increase in internal energy of the system
d. Not equal to the increase in internal energy of the system
26 26
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2021 PBE)
If enthalpy is defined as present in a constant pressure process change of state,
using the relationship of ΔH=ΔU+ΔPV, where H is enthalpy, U is the energy
change in the system and PV represents pressure and volume states, determine
the ΔU and ΔH of 1kg of water when vaporized at constant temperature of 100˚C
and constant pressure of 101.35kPa. The specific volumes of liquid and vapor
water are 0.001041 and 1.67m3/kg. An amount of 2257kJ of heat is added to the

a. ΔU=2087kJ; ΔH=2257kJ
b. ΔU=2378kJ; ΔH=2221kJ
c. ΔU=2226kJ, ΔH=2378kJ
d. None of these
27 27
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2021 PBE)
A certain gas confined in a cylinder by a piston, where the initial
pressure in the system is 7 bar and the volume is 0.11 cubic meter.
The piston is held in place by latches and the apparatus is in vacuum.
Determine the change in energy when the latches are removed
suddenly and the gas expands to double its initial volume and the
piston strikes the latches at the end of the process.
a. 11.54kJ
b. 0.77kJ
c. 0.59kJ
d. No change

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2019 PBE)
State Le Chatelier’s Principle.

a. Le Chatelier’s principle states that when a stress is placed on a system in

equilibrium, the system tends to change in a way that relieves the stress.
b. All of these
c. Examples of the application of Le Chatelier’s principle are blowing your
breath through a straw and dissolving alka seltzer tablet in a glass of water.
d. Le Chatelier’s principle explains both the formation and decomposition of
acids, where anything that might act to increase the concentration of an acid
would produce an increase in the other components so as to keep the

29 29
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2021 PBE)
Determine which of the following occurrences tells us what happens when Le Chatelier’s principle
is applied whether these are true or false.
1. The addition of a component causes the equilibrium to shift to the opposite side
2. The removal of a component causes the equilibrium to the side from which the component is
3. Increasing the temperature drives an exothermic reaction to the side of the reactants, an
endothermic equilibrium to the side of the products
4. The addition of a catalyst has NO effect on the position of the equilibrium

a. T, F, T, F
b. T, T, T, T
c. F, T, F, T
d. F, F, F, F
30 30
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2019 PBE)

Define entropy.

a. Entropy is a function of the state of the system and

determines whether a physical change or chemical
reaction can occur simultaneously in a closed system
b. Entropy is the opposite of enthalpy
c. Entropy determines the time required for a reaction to
proceed and complete
d. All of these
31 31
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2021 PBE)
Determine whether the changes in entropy (ΔS) and enthalpy (ΔH)
are positive, negative, or near zero.
1. Ethyl alcohol evaporating from glass container
2. A diatomic molecule dissociates into atoms
3. Charcoal is burned to form CO2 and water
a. 1. ΔH>0, ΔS>0; 2. ΔH>0, ΔS>0; 3. ΔH>0, ΔS>0
b. 1. ΔH<0, ΔS<0; 2. ΔH>0, ΔS<0; 3. ΔH>0, ΔS<0
c. 1. ΔH>0, ΔS<0; 2. ΔH<0, ΔS>0; 3. ΔH>0, ΔS>0
d. 1. ΔH<0, ΔS>0; 2. ΔH<0, ΔS<0; 3. ΔH<0, ΔS<0

32 32
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2021 PBE)

Choose the process that occurs with a decrease

in entropy.

a. Freezing of water
b. Boiling of water
c. Dissolving salt in water
d. Sublimation of dry ice
33 33
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1 title style

A vessel of volume 22.4dm3 contains 2mol H2

and 1mol N2 at 273.15K. What is the total
pressure inside the vessel? Assume ideal gas.
a. 1atm
b. 2atm
c. 3atm
d. 4atm
34 34
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A vessel of
volume 22.4dm3
contains 2mol H2
and 1mol N2 at
273.15K. What is
the total pressure
inside the vessel?
Assume ideal
a. 1atm
b. 2atm
c. 3atm
d. 4atm
35 35
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2 title style
In an industrial process, nitrogen is heated to 500K at a constant
volume of 1m3. The gas enters the container at 300K and 100atm.
Use the Van der Waal’s equation to determine the approximate
pressure of the gas at its working temperature of 500K. For nitrogen,
a=1.352dm6-atm/mol2, b=0.0387dm3/mol.

a. 120atm
b. 140atm
c. 160atm
d. 180atm
36 36
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In an industrial process,
nitrogen is heated to 500K
at a constant volume of
1m3. The gas enters the
container at 300K and
100atm. Use the Van der
Waal’s equation to
determine the approximate
pressure of the gas at its
working temperature of
500K. For nitrogen,

a. 120atm
b. 140atm
c. 160atm
d. 180atm

37 37
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3 title style

A perfect gas undergoes isothermal compression, which

reduces its volume by 1.8dm3. The final pressure and volume
of the gas are 1.97bar and 2.14dm3, respectively. Calculate
the original pressure of the gas.

a. 10.5bar
b. 1.07bar
c. 750torr
d. 850torr
38 38
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A perfect gas
undergoes isothermal
compression, which
reduces its volume by
1.8dm3. The final
pressure and volume
of the gas are
1.97bar and 2.14dm3,
Calculate the original
pressure of the gas.
a. 10.5bar
b. 1.07bar
c. 750torr
d. 850torr

39 39
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4 title style

At 100˚C and 1.6kPa, the mass density of phosphorus

vapor is 0.06388kg/m3. What is the molecular formula
of phosphorus under these conditions?

a. P
b. P2
c. P3
d. P4
40 40
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At 100˚C and 1.6kPa,
the mass density of
phosphorus vapor is
0.06388kg/m3. What
is the molecular
formula of
phosphorus under
these conditions?

a. P
b. P2
c. P3
d. P4

41 41
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5 title style

A 1dm3 glass bulb contains 1x1023 H2 molecules.

If the pressure exerted by the gas is 100kPa,
assuming ideal gas, determine the temperature
of the gas.
a. 56.54K
b. 72.43K
c. 103.64K
d. 159.64K
42 42
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A 1dm3 glass bulb
contains 1x1023 H2
molecules. If the
pressure exerted by
the gas is 100kPa,
assuming ideal gas,
determine the
temperature of the

a. 56.54K
b. 72.43K
c. 103.64K
d. 159.64K

43 43
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6 title style

5000J of heat are added to 2mol of an ideal

monoatomic gas, initially at a temperature of
500K, while the gas performs 7500J of work.
What is the final temperature of the gas?
a. 200K
b. 300K
c. 400K
d. 500K
44 44
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5000K of heat are
added to 2mol of an
ideal monoatomic
gas, initially at a
temperature of 500K,
while the gas
performs 7500J of
work. What is the
final temperature of
the gas?

a. 200K
b. 300K
c. 400K
d. 500K

45 45
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7 title style

What is the final temperature of a sample of

argon of mass 12g that is expanded reversibly
and adiabatically from 1dm3 and 273.15K to
a. 122K
b. 131K
c. 145K
d. 159K
46 46
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What is the final
temperature of a
sample of argon
of mass 12g that
is expanded
reversibly and
adiabatically from
1dm3 and
273.15K to 3dm3?
a. 122K
b. 131K
c. 145K
d. 159K
47 47
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8-9title style
8. A sample of 4.5g of methane 9. Calculate the work that would be
occupies 12.7dm3 at 310K. Calculate done if the same expansion
the work done when a gas expands occurred reversibly and isothermally.
isothermally against a constant
external pressure of 200torr until its
volume has increased by 3.3dm3. a. -150J
b. -167J
a. -79J c. -103J
b. -150J d. -120J
c. -126J
d. -88J

48 48
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A sample of 4.5g of
methane occupies
12.7dm3 at 310K.
Calculate the work
done when a gas
expands isothermally
against a constant
external pressure of
200torr until its
volume has
increased by 3.3dm3.
a. -79J
b. -150J
c. -126J
d. -88J

49 49
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Calculate the work
that would be done if
the same expansion
occurred reversibly
and isothermally.

a. -150J
b. -167J
c. -103J
d. -120J

50 50
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10 (Nov.
title style
2019 PBE)

Applying the combined gas laws, determine the

volume of 1mol of Ne(g) in a flask at the
temperature of 25˚C and a pressure of 1atm.
a. 12.2L
b. 18.6L
c. 32.21L
d. 24.51L
51 51
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Applying the
combined gas
laws, determine
the volume of
1mol of Ne(g) in a
flask at the
temperature of
25˚C and a
pressure of 1atm.
a. 12.2L
b. 18.6L
c. 32.21L
d. 24.51L
52 52
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11 (Nov.
title style
2019 PBE)

In the combustion of 25g of methane gas, what

is the volume of oxygen required at 25˚C and
a. 411
b. 298
c. 363
d. 521
53 53
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In the combustion
of 25g of methane
gas, what is the
volume of oxygen
required at 25˚C
and 0.21atm?

a. 411
b. 298
c. 363
d. 521

54 54
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12 (Nov.
title style
2019 PBE)

Determine the volume of carbon dioxide in cubic

feet occupied by 120lb at a pressure of 1.5atm.
a. 750
b. 490
c. 560
d. 680
55 55
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Determine the
volume of carbon
dioxide in cubic
feet occupied by
120lb at a
pressure of
1.5atm. (T=40˚C)

a. 750
b. 490
c. 560
d. 680

56 56
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13 (Nov.
title style
2019 PBE)

If 1mol of an ideal gas is kept at 0˚C, during an

expansion from 3.0 to 10.0L, examine and
calculate how much work is done as the gas
during expansion.
a. -2.2x104J
b. -5.4x103J
c. -7.8x104J
d. -2.7x103J
57 57
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If 1mol of an ideal
gas is kept at 0˚C,
during an expansion
from 3.0 to 10.0L,
examine and
calculate how much
work is done as the
gas during

a. -2.2x104J
b. -5.4x103J
c. -7.8x104J
d. -2.7x103J

58 58
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14 (Oct.
title style
2021 PBE)

In a gas mixture containing 100mg/L of H2S gas

at 25˚C and 1atm, determine the partial pressure
exerted by the gas.
a. 0.071
b. 0.003
c. 0.101
d. 0.006
59 59
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In a gas mixture
100mg/L of H2S
gas at 25˚C and
1atm, determine
the partial
pressure exerted
by the gas.
a. 0.071
b. 0.003
c. 0.101
d. 0.006

60 60
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Which of the following does not have a zero

enthalpy of formation at 298.15K?
a. Li(g)
b. He(g)
c. Hg(l)
d. Br2(l)

61 61
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15 title style
Calculate the enthalpy change of the reaction (in kJ/mol).
CS2(l) + 3O2(g) → CO2(g) + 2SO2(g)

C(s) + O2(g) → CO2(g); ΔHF = -393.5kJ/mol

S(s) + O2(g) → SO2(g); ΔHF = -296.8kJ/mol
C(s) + 2S(s) → CS2(l); ΔHF = 87.9kJ/mol

a. -900
b. -1100
c. -1300
d. -1500

62 62
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Calculate the enthalpy
change of the reaction
(in kJ/mol).
CS2(l) + 3O2(g) →
CO2(g) + 2SO2(g)

C(s) + O2(g) → CO2(g);

ΔHF = -393.5kJ/mol
S(s) + O2(g) → SO2(g);
ΔHF = -296.8kJ/mol
C(s) + 2S(s) → CS2(l);
ΔHF = 87.9kJ/mol

a. -900
b. -1100
c. -1300
d. -1500
63 63
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16 (Nov.
title style
2019 PBE)

Calculate the net and the gross heats of

combustion for methane gas.

a.-491kJ; -998kJ/mol
b.-362kJ; -731kJ/mol
c. -891kJ/mol; -802kJ/mol
d.-598kJ; -1120kJ/mol
64 64
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Calculate the net and the
gross heats of combustion
for methane gas.

a. -491kJ; -998kJ/mol
b. -362kJ; -731kJ/mol
c. -891kJ/mol; -802kJ/mol
d. -598kJ; -1120kJ/mol

65 65
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17 (Nov.
title style
2019 PBE)

If 5g of methane gas is burned at constant

pressure, determine the heat released in kJ if the
change in entropy that accompanied the reaction
is -890kJ.
a. -360.00K
b. -250.01K
c. -278.12K
d. -192.00K
66 66
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If 5g of methane gas
is burned at constant
pressure, determine
the heat released in
kJ if the change in
entropy that
accompanied the
reaction is -890kJ.

a. -360.00K
b. -250.01K
c. -278.12K
d. -192.00K

67 67
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18 (Oct.
title style
2021 PBE)
The standard molar enthalpy change is -905kJ for the oxidation of
ammonia, 4NH3(g)+5O2→4NO(g)+6H2O(g). Analyze and calculate the
standard molar enthalpy of formation for ammonia based on the
following standard enthalpies of formation:
HF[NO(g)]=+90kJ/mol; and HF[H2O(g)]=-240kJ/mol

a. -227kJ/mol
b. -500kJ/mol
c. -406kJ/mol
d. -692kJ/mol
68 68
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The standard molar
enthalpy change is -905kJ
for the oxidation of
O(g). Analyze and calculate
the standard molar
enthalpy of formation for
ammonia based on the
following standard
enthalpies of formation:
HF[NO(g)]=+90kJ/mol; and

a. -227kJ/mol
b. -500kJ/mol
c. -406kJ/mol
d. -692kJ/mol

69 69
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title style
19. A block of iron weighing 3.6kg at a temperature of 20. How much sensible heat was used by the water to get
807˚C was inserted into a container containing 1L of water to its boiling point in J?
at a temperature of 30˚C isolated from the environment. a. 200,000
The cooling process of iron happens in two steps, the first b. 300,000
phase the water is heated the boiling point and in the
second stage the water evaporates. The phase continues c. 400,000
until the temperature of the iron is equal to the temperature d. 500,000
of the water. The final temperature of the water and the
iron is 100˚C. The specific heat of solid iron is 0.45J/g-K 21. The amount of water vaporized in grams in this process
is nearest to:
and the heat of vaporization for water is 2259.23J/g. The
energy given off by the iron block in MJ is nearest to: a. 200
b. 300
a. 1.1
c. 400
b. 1.3
d. 500
c. 0.7 22. If the density of water at all temperatures is 1g/mL, The
d. 0.9 amount of water left in the container in L is:
a. 0.5
b. 0.6
c. 0.7
d. 0.8

70 70
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A block of iron weighing 3.6kg at a
temperature of 807˚C was inserted
into a container containing 1L of
water at a temperature of 30˚C
isolated from the environment. The
cooling process of iron happens in
two steps, the first phase the water
is heated the boiling point and in the
second stage the water evaporates.
The phase continues until the
temperature of the iron is equal to
the temperature of the water. The
final temperature of the water and
the iron is 100˚C. The specific heat
of solid iron is 0.45J/g-K and the
heat of vaporization for water is
2259.23J/g. The energy given off by
the iron block in MJ is nearest to:

a. 1.1
b. 1.3
c. 0.7
d. 0.9

71 71
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How much sensible heat was used
by the water to get to its boiling
point in J?
a. 200,000
b. 300,000
c. 400,000
d. 500,000

The amount of water vaporized in

grams in this process is nearest to:
a. 200
b. 300
c. 400
d. 500

If the density of water at all

temperatures is 1g/mL, The amount
of water left in the container in L is:
a. 0.5
b. 0.6
c. 0.7
d. 0.8

72 72
Click to Problem
Sample edit Master
title style
23. A 2kg open calorimeter at 100˚C has a heat 25. Calculate the entropy change of the ice in
capacity of 4kJ/K. 100g of ice at -10˚C was cal/K.
placed inside the calorimeter. If CP of
a. 200
ice=0.5cal/g-K and latent heatof fusion is 80cal/g,
calculate the final temperature in ˚C. b. 100
a. 78 c. 60
b. 82 d. 40
c. 86 26. Calculate the entropy change of the universe
in cal/K.
d. 90
a. 12
24. Calculate the entropy change of the
calorimeter in cal/K. b. 14
a. -184 c. 16
b. -92 d. 18
c. -46
d. -24
73 73
Click to edit Master title style
A 2kg open calorimeter at
100˚C has a heat capacity of
4kJ/K. 100g of ice at -10˚C
was placed inside the
calorimeter. If CP of
ice=0.5cal/g-K and latent
heatof fusion is 80cal/g,
calculate the final temperature
in ˚C.
a. 78
b. 82
c. 86
d. 90

Calculate the entropy change

of the calorimeter in cal/K.
a. -184
b. -92
c. -46
d. -24

74 74
Click to edit Master title style
Calculate the entropy change
of the ice in cal/K.
a. 200
b. 100
c. 60
d. 40

Calculate the entropy change

of the universe in cal/K
a. 12
b. 14
c. 16
d. 18

75 75
Click to Problem
Sample edit Master
27 title style

Ethanol may be treated as an incompressible fluid at an

appreciable pressure range. If the pressure is changed from
1bar to 3bar at 350K, what is the change in the Gibbs free
energy in J/g? The density of ethanol at this temperature is
a. 0.25
b. 2.5
c. 25
d. 250
76 76
Click to edit Master title style
Ethanol may be treated
as an incompressible
fluid at an appreciable
pressure range. If the
pressure is changed
from 1bar to 3bar at
350K, what is the
change in the Gibbs
free energy in J/g? The
density of ethanol at
this temperature is

a. 0.25
b. 2.5
c. 25
d. 250
77 77
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Sample edit Master
28 title style

What is the minimum work in BTU required to

produce 20lb of ice from water at 32˚F if the
surrounding air is 85˚F and the latent heat of
fusion of ice is 143.4BTU/lb?
a. 300
b. 310
c. 320
d. 330
78 78
Click to edit Master title style
What is the minimum
work in BTU required
to produce 20lb of ice
from water at 32˚F if
the surrounding air is
85˚F and the latent
heat of fusion of ice is

a. 300
b. 310
c. 320
d. 330

79 79
Click to edit Master title Viscometers

• Falling Sphere – Stoke’s Law

𝑔𝐷𝑝2 𝜌𝑝 − 𝜌

• Ostwald Viscometer – Poiseuille Equation

𝜋𝑃𝑟 4 𝑡

80 80
Click to editQuestion
Conceptual Master title style

It is the property of a fluid that is caused by

shearing effect of a fluid layer moving past
another layer.
a. Density
b. Viscosity
c. Flow
d. Compressibility
81 81
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Sample edit Master
29 title style

A sphere of radius 5mm and density of 1.1g/cm3 falls at a

constant velocity through a liquid of density 1g/cm3 and
viscosity of 1cP. What is the velocity of the falling sphere in

a. 1.36m/s
b. 2.72m/s
c. 5.45m/s
d. 10.88m/s
82 82
Click to edit Master title style
A sphere of radius
5mm and density of
1.1g/cm3 falls at a
constant velocity
through a liquid of
density 1g/cm3 and
viscosity of 1cP. What
is the velocity of the
falling sphere in m/s?

a. 1.36m/s
b. 2.72m/s
c. 5.45m/s
d. 10.88m/s

83 83
Click to Problem
Sample edit Master
30 title style
An Ostwald Viscometer is used to measure the viscosity of a
monoatomic gas. The inlet and outlet pressures of the gas are 1.1atm
and 1.08atm. What is the viscosity in μP of 100mL of this gas
measured at 300K if it took 5hrs for the gas to flow through a 0.5m
tube of 1mm diameter?

a. 0.5
b. 5
c. 50
d. 500
84 84
Click to edit Master title style
An Ostwald Viscometer is
used to measure the
viscosity of a monoatomic
gas. The inlet and outlet
pressures of the gas are
1.1atm and 1.08atm. What
is the viscosity in μP of
100mL of this gas
measured at 300K if it took
5hrs for the gas to flow
through a 0.5m tube of
1mm diameter?

a. 0.5
b. 5
c. 50
d. 500

85 85
Click to edit Master title
style Collisions

• Mean free path • Average number of

1 collisions per unit time
𝑙= 𝑣
2𝜋𝜎 2 𝑛∗ 𝑛 = 2𝜋𝑣𝜎 2 𝑛∗ =
σ = collision diameter • Average number of
n* = molecular density collisions per unit
𝑛 ∙ 𝑛∗
86 86
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Sample edit Master
title style
31. The collision diameter for oxygen 32. Calculate the average number of
molecules is 3.742x10-10m at 25˚C and collisions experienced by one molecule
per minute.
1atm. Its average speed is 474.61m/s.
Calculate its mean free path in m. a. 4.2x1011
b. 4.36x1011
c. 2.4x1011
a. 6.5x10-8m d. 3x1011
b. 7.4x10-8m
c. 8.3x10-8m 33. Calculate the average number of
collisions per cubic meter per second
d. 9.2x10-8m for O2.
a. 9x1034
b. 10x1034
c. 11x1034
d. 12x1034
87 87
Click to edit Master title style
The collision
diameter for oxygen
molecules is
3.742x10-10m at 25˚C
and 1atm. Its average
speed is 474.61m/s.
Calculate its mean
free path in m.

a. 6.5x10-8m
b. 7.4x10-8m
c. 8.3x10-8m
d. 9.2x10-8m

88 88
Click to edit Master title style
Calculate the average
number of collisions
experienced by one
molecule per minute.
a. 4.2x1011
b. 4.36x1011
c. 2.4x1011
d. 3x1011

Calculate the average

number of collisions per
cubic meter per second
for O2.
a. 9x1034
b. 10x1034
c. 11x1034
d. 12x1034

89 89
Click to edit
of title
style Weight Determination

• Method of Limiting Densities – involves regression

wherein your x-axis is P, and your y-axis is ρ/P. The
y-intercept is then substituted to the modified ideal
gas equation to determine the molecular weight.

• Regnault Method – uses a bulb that is first filled with

gas then with water in order to analytically determine
the weight of the gas and the volume of the bulb
90 90
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Sample edit Master
34 title style

Calculate the molecular weight in g/mol of HBr using

the given data on the densities of HBr gas at various
pressures at 273.15K.

P(atm) ρ(g/L)
a. 80.89 1 3.6444
2/3 2.422
b. 80.93 1/3 1.2073
c. 80.96
d. 81
91 91
Click to edit Master
1 3.6444
Calculate the 2/3 2.422
molecular weight in 1/3 1.2073
g/mol of HBr using
the given data on the
densities of HBr gas
at various pressures
at 273.15K.

a. 80.89
b. 80.93
c. 80.96
d. 81

92 92
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Sample edit Master
35 title style
The following data were taken in measuring the molecular weight of a
certain gas by the Regnault Method: Wt. of evacuated bulb =
42.505g; Wt. of bulb + gas = 43.3412g; Wt. of bulb + water =
365.531g; Temperature = 25˚C; P = 745torr. Calculate the molecular
weight of the gas.

a. 64.61
b. 65.2
c. 66
d. 67
93 93
Click to edit Master title style
The following data were
taken in measuring the
molecular weight of a
certain gas by the
Regnault Method: Wt. of
evacuated bulb = 42.505g;
Wt. of bulb + gas =
43.3412g; Wt. of bulb +
water = 365.531g;
Temperature = 25˚C; P =
745torr. Calculate the
molecular weight of the

a. 64.61
b. 65.2
c. 66
d. 67

94 94
Click to Problem
Sample edit Master
36 title style

Calculate the critical density in g/cm3 of a certain

hydrocarbon from the following saturated properties.
Critical temperature of the hydrocarbon is 240˚C.
T(˚C) P(atm) ρL(g/mL) ρg(g/mL)
a. 0.285 150 13.57 0.65 0.0156
225 61.25 0.47 0.1
b. 0.28
c. 0.275
d. 0.27
95 95
Click to edit Master
T(˚C) title
P(atm) style
ρ (g/mL)
L ρg(g/mL)
150 13.57 0.65 0.0156
Calculate the critical 225 61.25 0.47 0.1
density in g/cm3 of a
certain hydrocarbon
from the following
saturated properties.
Critical temperature
of the hydrocarbon is

a. 0.285
b. 0.28
c. 0.275
d. 0.27

96 96
Click to editQuestion
Conceptual Master title style

The Clapeyron Equation gives the slope:

c. dT/dV

97 97
Click to editQuestion
Conceptual Master title style

The Clausius-Clapeyron Equation does NOT

apply to:

a. S-V equilibrium
b. L-V equilibrium
c. S-L equilibrium
d. None of these
98 98
Click to editQuestion
Conceptual Master title
2019 PBE)
What is the Clapeyron Equation?

a. Any of these
b. It postulates that the colligative properties, freezing point depression, boiling
point elevation, osmotic pressure, and vapor pressures are all dependent on
the number f particles in the solution and any change thereof is described.
c. It postulates that if two components systems consisting of solid and liquid
phases are miscible in the liquid state and immiscible in the solid state, only
the pure solid systems will separate out on cooling solutions.
d. It postulates that if the temperature and pressure are both change in such a
way as to keep the chemical potentials of two phases equal to each other, the
rates of change are given by the equation.
99 99
Click to editQuestion
Conceptual Master title
2021 PBE)
The coexistence curve where the plot of pressure versus temperature
along which the two phases coexist was shown by Clausius-
Clapeyron. What did Clausius postulate?
a. The Clapeyron equation was simplified by assuming that the vapor
obeys the ideal gas law and by neglecting the molar volume of the
liquid VL in comparison with the molar volume of the gas VG
b. The Clausius-Clapeyron equation does not apply to this situation
c. The Clausius-Clapeyron theory is applicable only for vaporization
and sublimation condition
d. Both scientists apply their postulates to linear and curvilinear
Click to Problem
Sample edit Master
37 title style

The equilibrium constant KC for the reaction:

2𝐴(𝑔) ⇌ 3𝐵(𝑔) + 𝐶(𝑙)
Is 0.0271M at 1100K. Calculate KP at that temperature
in bar.
a. 2
b. 2.5
c. 3
d. 3.5
101 101
Click to edit Master title style
The equilibrium
constant KC for the
2𝐴(𝑔) ⇌ 3𝐵(𝑔) + 𝐶(𝑙)
Is 0.0271M at 1100K.
Calculate KP at that
temperature in bar.

a. 2
b. 2.5
c. 3
d. 3.5

Click to Problem
Sample edit Master
title style
38. A mixture of 11.02mmol of H2S and 5.48mmol of CH4 was 39. Find KP˚.
placed in an empty container along with a Pt catalyst and the
equilibrium: a. 3x10-5
𝐻2 𝑆(𝑔) + 𝐶𝐻4(𝑔) ⇌ 𝐻2(𝑔) + 𝐶𝑆2(𝑔) b. 3x10-4
Was achieved at 700˚C and 762torr. The reaction mixture was c. 3x10-3
removed from the catalyst and rapidly cooled to room
temperature, where the forward and reverse rates of reaction d. 0.03
are negligible. Analysis of the equilibrium mixture found
0.711mmol of CS2. Find the amount of hydrogen sulfide at 40. Find ΔG˚.
equilibrium in mmol. a. 0
a. 11.7 b. 25
b. 10.3 c. 45
c. 9.6 d. 65
d. 8.2 41. Find ΔG.
a. 0
b. 20
c. 40
d. 60

Click to edit Master title style
A mixture of 11.02mmol of H2S and
5.48mmol of CH4 was placed in an
empty container along with a Pt
catalyst and the equilibrium:
𝐻2 𝑆(𝑔) + 𝐶𝐻4(𝑔) ⇌ 𝐻2(𝑔) + 𝐶𝑆2(𝑔)
Was achieved at 700˚C and 762torr.
The reaction mixture was removed
from the catalyst and rapidly cooled
to room temperature, where the
forward and reverse rates of
reaction are negligible. Analysis of
the equilibrium mixture found
0.711mmol of CS2. Find the amount
of hydrogen sulfide at equilibrium in

a. 11.7
b. 10.3
c. 9.6
d. 8.2

Click to edit Master title style
Find KP˚.
a. 3x10-5
b. 3x10-4
c. 3x10-3
d. 0.03

Find ΔG˚.
a. 0
b. 25
c. 45
d. 65

Find ΔG.
a. 0
b. 20
c. 40
d. 60

Click to Problem
Sample edit Master
title style
42. Dinitrogen tetroxide gas is 18.46% 43. Calculate ΔG˚ at 25˚C.
dissociated to nitrogen dioxide at 298.15K a. 4850J/mol
and 1bar in equilibrium. Calculate KP at
25˚C. b. 834kJ/mol
a. 0.14atm c. 1440kJ/mol
b. 1.4atm d. 4270kJ/mol
c. 0.56atm
d. 5.6atm 44. Calculate KP at the normal boiling point
of water assuming that ΔH=57.2kJ/mol at
that range.
a. 14.4atm
b. 144.7atm
c. 57.9atm
d. 578.8atm
Click to edit Master title style
Dinitrogen tetroxide
gas is 18.46%
dissociated to
nitrogen dioxide at
298.15K and 1bar in
equilibrium. Calculate
KP at 25˚C.

a. 0.14atm
b. 1.4atm
c. 0.56atm
d. 5.6atm

Click to edit Master title style
Calculate ΔG˚ at 25˚C.
a. 4850J/mol
b. 834kJ/mol
c. 1440kJ/mol
d. 4270kJ/mol

Calculate KP at the
normal boiling point of
water assuming that
ΔH=57.2kJ/mol at that
a. 14.4atm
b. 144.7atm
c. 57.9atm
d. 578.8atm

Click to Problem
Sample edit Master
45 title style

The normal boiling point of Br2 is 58.8˚C, and its vapor

pressure at 25˚C is 0.287bar. Estimate the average
ΔHVAP in kJ/mol of Br2 in this temperature range.

a. 29
b. 31
c. 35
d. 38
Click to edit Master title style
The normal boiling
point of Br2 is 58.8˚C,
and its vapor
pressure at 25˚C is
0.287bar. Estimate
the average ΔHVAP in
kJ/mol of Br2 in this
temperature range.

a. 29
b. 31
c. 35
d. 38

110 110
Click to Problem
Sample edit Master
title style
46. Accurate vapor-pressure 47. Estimate the boiling point of
data for a substance are given this substance.
in the table. Estimate the latent
heat of vaporization in kJ/mol
over this temperature range. a. 40
T(˚C) P(torr) b. 60
a. 41
40 55.364 c. 80
50 92.592
b. 43 60 149.51
d. 100
c. 45 70 233.847
80 355.343
d. 47
111 111
Click to edit Master
T(˚C) title
P(torr) style
40 55.364
Accurate vapor- 50 92.592
pressure data for a 60 149.51
substance are given
70 233.847
in the table. Estimate
the latent heat of 80 355.343
vaporization in kJ/mol
over this temperature

a. 41
b. 43
c. 45
d. 47

112 112
Click to edit Master
T(˚C) title
P(torr) style
40 55.364
Estimate the boiling 50 92.592
point of this 60 149.51
70 233.847
a. 40 80 355.343
b. 60
c. 80
d. 100

113 113
Click to Problem
Sample edit Master
48 title style

The vapor pressure of solid CO2 is 76.7mmHg at -103˚C and

its normal sublimation point is -78.5˚C. What is the heat of
sublimation of CO2 in cal/mol at its normal sublimation point?

a. 6061
b. 6160
c. 6610
d. 6801

114 114
Click to edit Master title style
The vapor pressure
of solid CO2 is
76.7mmHg at -103˚C
and its normal
sublimation point is -
78.5˚C. What is the
heat of sublimation of
CO2 in cal/mol at its
normal sublimation

a. 6061
b. 6160
c. 6610
d. 6801

115 115
Click to Problem
Sample edit Master
49 (Nov.
title style
2019 PBE)

Calculate the heat of vaporization in kJ/mol of a

compound with the following characteristics.

a. 33.06kJ/mol T (K) P (torr)

b. None of these 338.12 52.301
c. 44.62kJ/mol 369.52 141.801
d. 36.99kJ/mol
116 116
Click to edit Master title style
T (K) P (torr)
Calculate the heat 338.12 52.301
of vaporization in
kJ/mol of a
369.52 141.801
compound with
the following

a. 33.06kJ/mol
b. None of these
c. 44.62kJ/mol
d. 36.99kJ/mol

117 117
Click to Problem
Sample edit Master
50 title style

What is the ionic strength in M of a solution that is

0.1M potassium nitrate and 0.2M potassium sulfate?

a. 0.5
b. 0.6
c. 0.7
d. 0.8

118 118
Click to edit Master title style
What is the ionic
strength in M of a
solution that is
0.1M potassium
nitrate and 0.2M

a. 0.5
b. 0.6
c. 0.7
d. 0.8

119 119
Click to edit Master Colligative
title style Properties

• Boiling Point Elevation • KB is called the ebullioscopic constant,

∆𝑇𝑏 = 𝑖𝑘𝑏 𝑚 while KF is called the cryoscopic constant.

• Freezing Point Depression • For water, KB=0.51K/m, and KF=1.86K/m.

∆𝑇𝑓 = 𝑖𝑘𝑓 𝑚

• The Van’t Hoff factor (i) is 1 for non-

• Vapor Pressure Lowering electrolytes, and varies for electrolytes.
∆𝑃 = 𝑥𝐴 𝑃𝐵∗
• Degree of dissociation:
• Osmotic Pressure 𝑖−1
𝜋 = 𝑖𝑀𝑅𝑇 𝑛−1

Click to edit Master Colligative
title style Properties
• Trouton-Hildebrand-Everett Rule
𝑅 4.5 + 𝑙𝑛𝑇𝑏 = ∆𝑆𝑣𝑎𝑝

• Ebullioscopic and cryoscopic constants


121 121
Click to editQuestion
Conceptual Master title style

For miscible systems, the boiling point of the

solution is:
a. Lower than the boiling point of the liquid with
the lower boiling point
b. Between the boiling points of the two liquids
c. Above the boiling point of the liquid with the
higher boiling point
d. Cannot be determined
Click to editQuestion
Conceptual Master title style

All colligative properties stem from the _____ of

the chemical potential of the liquid solvent as a
result of the presence of the solute.
a. Reduction
b. Change
c. Enlargement
d. A or B or C, depending on the identities of the
solute and solvent
Click to editQuestion
Conceptual Master title style

In a process involving osmosis, at equilibrium,

the chemical potential of the pure solvent side
should be _____ the chemical potential of the
side with solute.
a. Less than
b. More than
c. Equal to
d. Can’t be determined
Click to editQuestion
Conceptual Master title style

When a solute is introduced to a liquid system,

the entropy of the said system:

a. Increases
b. Decreases
c. Stays the same
d. Can’t be determined
Click to editQuestion
Conceptual Master title style

Among the following, which compound will

produce the least lowering of the vapor pressure
of a solution?
a. sucrose, C12H22O11
b. Aluminum chloride, AlCl3
c. Table salt, NaCl
d. Sodium sulfate, Na2SO4
Click to editQuestion
Conceptual Master title style

Which of the following statements is true?

a. Trouton’s rule fails for highly polar liquids
b. It is impossible to go from vapor phase to liquid phase
without condensation
c. For C compounds and P phases, there are a total of CP
intensive variables to be specified
d. At high pressures, the latent heat of vaporization is a
measure of the strength of the intermolecular forces of
the liquid
Click to editQuestion
Conceptual Master title
2019 PBE)
What is the significance of colligative property in physical chemistry?

a. It refers to the freezing point depression, boiling point elevation,

osmotic pressure and lowering of the vapor pressure by a
nonvolatile solute
b. It refers to the temperature, pressure and energy of fusion of
volatile solutes in phase equilibrium
c. It refers to the non-existence of pressure among molecules
within the solute
d. It refers to the temperature differentials exhibited by non-volatile
solutes in reactions
Click to Problem
Sample edit Master
title style
51. An aqueous solution at 26.85˚C of 52. Calculate the osmotic pressure of the
0.72% by weight HCl freezes at -0.706˚C. solution in mmHg.
Calculate the Van’t Hoff factor i. a. 4000
b. 5000
a. 1.8 c. 6000
b. 1.85 d. 7000
c. 1.9
d. 1.95 53. Calculate the boiling point of the solution
in ˚C.
a. 100.1
b. 100.2
c. 100.3
d. 100.4
Click to edit Master title style
An aqueous solution
at 26.85˚C of 0.72%
by weight HCl
freezes at -0.706˚C.
Calculate the Van’t
Hoff factor i.


Click to edit Master title style
Calculate the osmotic
pressure of the
solution in mmHg.
a. 4000
b. 5000
c. 6000
d. 7000

Calculate the boiling

point of the solution
in ˚C.
a. 100.1
b. 100.2
c. 100.3
d. 100.4

131 131
Click to Problem
Sample edit Master
title style
54. 150g of NaCl is dissolved in 300g of 55. Compute for the Van’t Hoff factor.
diethyl ether. The boiling point elevation of a. 1.36
the solution is 26K. Assuming that the
Trouton-Hildebrand-Everett Rule applies, b. 1.23
compute for the ebullioscopic constant KB. c. 1.63
Normal boiling point of diethyl ether is
34.6˚C. d. 1.32

a. 2.32 56. Compute for the degree of dissociation

b. 3.22
a. 31.6
c. 2.23
b. 30.61
d. 1.32
c. 36.1
d. 33.3

Click to edit Master title style
150g of NaCl is dissolved
in 300g of diethyl ether.
The boiling point elevation
of the solution is 26K.
Assuming that the Trouton-
Hildebrand-Everett Rule
applies, compute for the
ebullioscopic constant KB.
Normal boiling point of
diethyl ether is 34.6˚C.


Click to edit Master title style
Compute for the Van’t Hoff
a. 1.36
b. 1.23
c. 1.63
d. 1.32

Compute for the degree of

dissociation (%).
a. 31.6
b. 30.61
c. 36.1
d. 33.3

Click to Problem
Sample edit Master
57 (Nov.
title style
2019 PBE)

Determine the boiling and freezing points, vapor

pressures at 23˚C of pure benzene, and a solution of
benzene in 1.202g of naphthalene in 25.63g benzene;
the molality and osmotic pressure of the solution.
a. 75˚C, 1.6˚C, 82.1mmHg, 0.247M, 6.3atm
b. 91˚C, 5˚C, 102mmHg, 0.432M, 9atm
c. None of these
d. 81˚C, 3.6˚C, 83.6mmHg, 0.32M, 7.78atm
Click to edit Master title style
Determine the boiling and
freezing points, vapor
pressures at 23˚C of pure
benzene, and a solution of
benzene in 1.202g of
naphthalene in 25.63g
benzene; the molality and
osmotic pressure of the

a.75˚C, 1.6˚C, 82.1mmHg,

0.247M, 6.3atm
b.91˚C, 5˚C, 102mmHg,
0.432M, 9atm
c. None of these
d.81˚C, 3.6˚C, 83.6mmHg,
0.32M, 7.78atm

Click to edit Master title

• Gibbs Free Energy

∆𝐺 = −𝑛𝐹𝐸 = −𝑛𝑅𝑇𝑙𝑛𝐾

• Faraday’s Equation
𝑄 = 𝐼𝑡 = 𝑛𝐹

• Nernst Equation
𝐸=𝐸 − 𝑙𝑛𝐾
Click to edit Master title

Click to editQuestion
Conceptual Master title
2019 PBE)
Are galvanic cells and electrolytic cells the same? Why?
a. No. because galvanic cells are electrochemical cells in which
chemical cells occur simultaneously; while in electrolytic cells,
the chemical reaction is caused by an externally applied potential
b. No, because galvanic cells need a constant supply of electricity
while electrolytic cells depend on intermittent source of power.
c. Yes, because they are both electrochemical cells and their uses
are common to each other
d. Yes, because galvanic cells and electrolytic cells are both
electrochemical cells.
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A constant current was passed through a solution of

CuSO4 for 1hr and 0.04g of copper was deposited.
What is the current?

a. 33.76mA
b. 16.88mA
c. 8.44mA
d. 4.22mA
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A constant current
was passed
through a solution
of CuSO4 for 1hr
and 0.04g of
copper was
deposited. What
is the current?

a. 33.76mA
b. 16.88mA
c. 8.44mA
d. 4.22mA
141 141
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Three electrolyte cells A, B, and C containing solution of ZnSO4,
AgNO3, and CuSO4, respectively are connected in series. A steady
current of 1.5A was passed through them until 1.45g of silver
deposited at the cathode of cell B. How long did the current flow?
What mass of copper was deposited?

a. 864.64s, 0.576g
b. 756.86s, 0.553g
c. 867.98s, 0.427g
d. 896.5s, 0.452g
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Three electrolyte cells A, B,
and C containing solution
of ZnSO4, AgNO3, and
CuSO4, respectively are
connected in series. A
steady current of 1.5A was
passed through them until
1.45g of silver deposited at
the cathode of cell B. How
long did the current flow?
What mass of copper was

a. 864.64s, 0.576g
b. 756.86s, 0.553g
c. 867.98s, 0.427g
d. 896.5s, 0.452g

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Calculate the EMF at 25˚C of the cell:
Fe3++3e-→Fe; E˚=-0.041V
Sn4++2e-→Sn2+; E˚=0.151V

a. -0.17V
b. 0.17V
c. -0.086V
d. 0.086V
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Calculate the EMF at 25˚C
of the cell:
Fe3++3e-→Fe; E˚=-0.041V

a. -0.17V
b. 0.17V
c. -0.086V
d. 0.086V

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