Epp 6 Week 5

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Republika ng Pilipinas

Kagawaran ng Edukasyon



Learning Area: TLE Days Sept. 19-23, 2022 Time:


Quarter: 1 Grade 6

Learning creates an online survey form

Competency/ies Processes online survey data


TLEIE6-0e-9 ADM TLE 6 ICT and Entreprenuership
Code: TLEIE6-0f-11 Reference/s: Module 5: Gathering and Organizing Information
MELCS-TLE 6 P. 407 Using ICT.


In Person Learning Remote Learning
A. Review

San Nicolas, Iriga City

(054) 299-2605
Look at the pictures and identify What are the 2 ways in Review: Answer QSN Quarter 1 Week 5
what activity that can be done? creating Online survey forms  What are the
that you can create from? requirements to create *Read and understand the directions in
an online survey using answering the QSN.
online survey?
 What are the steps in
creating online survey?
 What are the nine types
of distinct questions in
Say: If
the google forms?

your answer is
Audio and Video conferencing,
you are Correct.

• What is audio-video

B. Activate
Can you guess these unfamiliar Have you tried conducting Show examples of Online
words? surveys? survey

Arrange the given letters to

identify these unfamiliar words.
VEYRUS refers to
query(someone)in order to
collect data for the analysis of
some aspect of a group or area.
MORFS a printed or typed
document with blank spaces for
insertion of required or

San Nicolas, Iriga City

(054) 299-2605
requested information.
VEROH refers to position with a
computer cursor over
something (such as an image
or icon) without selecting it.
TAAD refers to factual
information (such as
measurements or statistics )
used as a basis for reasoning,
discussion, or calculation.
BEEFDACK The transmission
of evaluative or corrective
information about an action,
event or process to the original
or controlling source.

C. Immerse
Read and understand each Ask: Match Column A with
statement carefully. Identify  What are the Column B. Write the letter of
whether it is an advantage or requirements to create the correct answer on your
disadvantage of online survey. an online survey using paper.
Write letter A for advantage and online survey?
D for Disadvantage.  What are the steps in A.
creating online survey? 1. Online Survey
1.The time span needed to  What are the nine types 2. Online Survey Tools
complete an online survey of distinct questions in 3. Facebook
project is on average two-thirds the google forms? 4. Google
shorter than that of traditional  5. You tube
research methods.
2.The lack of a trained B.
interviewer to clarify and probe A. Where you can find ideas
can lead to less reliable data. on the topic.

San Nicolas, Iriga City

(054) 299-2605
3.Using online questionnaires B. A website you can get in
reduces your research costs. touch with friends and
You will save money on relatives
postage and you don’t have to C. A website containing
allocate time and resources to updated news around the
enter the information into a world.
database. D. website in the internet
4.The main benefit of online used to gather data on
surveys for researchers is that particular issues.
they increase productivity by E. An examination of a topic
saving time. or issue using internet and
5.Online surveys could be used by a group of internet
deleted and ignored. People users.
hate feeling poked and if they F. Most common website
get annoyed, they just have to that provide a wide range of
click delete. information

D. Synthesize
Discuss the following; Let them Watch the video. Discuss the online survey
What is an internet survey tools that can be used for
or online survey? simple surveys.
What are Google Forms? https://youtu.be/rfS7BvItsNM 1.FACEBOOK
Used to contact friends,
There are 2 ways in To create an Online survey relations, and acquaintances
creating Online survey using google forms ,you around the globe.
forms that you can create must have the following: It is used to keep track of
from.  Google account with friends and relatives.
Google Drive People can easily learn to
1. Google Drive enabled use it.
2. Google Sheets  Chrome Web 2. YAHOO
Browser Contains updates of news
 Google Forms Web around the world. From any

San Nicolas, Iriga City

(054) 299-2605
Discuss the following: Application event to any celebrity, you
-Steps in creating online survey can find it at Yahoo.
forms from Google Drive. YAHOO! Is also used in
-Creating an online survey form checking and sending
in Google Sheets. emails.
-How to create an online survey 3.GOOGLE
with Survey monkey. The most common website
that is used in searching a
(In discussing the lesson, you Web.
can use the ADM TLE 6 ICT It is used by everyone.
and Entrepreneurship It is helpful online tool as it
Module 5: Gathering and can provide a wide range of
Organizing Information Using information about places,
ICT.) things, people, events, food
and others.
Or you can Watch the video on 4.TWITTER
Used to keep track of your
favorite celebrities and their
https://youtu.be/ daily activities/ happenings.
MD4XzDCl9QM Also used to promote events:
celebrities, contests,
Discuss the Advantages and foundations, etc.
Disadvantages of Creating It also features trending
Online Survey topics to which the followers
express ideas and opinions.
You can find videos about
various topics such as
cooking, reviews on movies,
and the like.
It provides DIY videos that
are helpful for everyone.

San Nicolas, Iriga City

(054) 299-2605
Provides entertainment as
well as information through

E. Evaluate
Read and understand each In Groups, Use Google Write FACT if the statement
statement carefully. Choose the Forms to create an online is correct, and BLUFF if
letter of the correct answer and survey about any topic. not.
write it on your answer sheet. Present output in class.
Note: Write the indicators 1. Online survey is a
1.What is an online survey? under the scores. study that aims to
a. A collection of questions and RUBRICS gather information of
Criteria 4 3 2 1
answers. Content
a certain topic using
b. A group of sentences or a Analysis
the internet.
paragraph to read. Organizatio
2. Facebook is an
c. A pen and paper form to n example of online
answer the questions. tool
d. A questionnaire that the 3. First step in creating
target audience can complete online survey form is
over the internet. to select a template.
2. In a survey form(settings are 4. Create form
adjusted for single reply) how questions by
many times a respondent can selecting a YES or
submit their responses? NO question type.
a.once 5. The last step in
b.twice creating an online
c.thrice survey is to send the
d.many times form to your
3. Online survey are usually recipients.
created in a pen and paper
form. Is it true?

San Nicolas, Iriga City

(054) 299-2605
b. No
4. It refers to the positioning of
the computer cursor over
something such as an image or
icon without selecting it.
5. The order or arrangement of
the questions in an online urvey
can be______
6. One of the tasks of the
Google Forms is to collect the
respondents email address.
a. True
b. false
7. Which of the following is one
of the advantages in processing
online survey data.
a. possible cooperation
b. limited sampling and
availability of respondent
c. The survey cannot be
changed all throughout the
process of data gathering.
d. easy and convenient for

San Nicolas, Iriga City

(054) 299-2605
respondents to complete
surveys online.
8. What is the first step in using
a Google Form?
a. Edit and format a form
b. Go to Facebook account
c. Open the website
drive.google.com then set-up a
new form.
d. Send a form for people to fill
9. Why google Forms is one of
the recommend online survey
tool we used in processing an
online survey data?
a. Google Forms is an Online
game Tool.
b. Google Forms is a tool for
Online Shopping
c. Google Forms is a tool that
allows Collecting Information
via survey
d. Google Forms is a tool that
allows the Collecting of bill
10. In making questions in
Google Form, What type of
question allows you to select
more than one answer?
a. Checkboxes
b. List
c. Paragraph

San Nicolas, Iriga City

(054) 299-2605
d. Radio Button

F. Plus
Fill in the blank with the Disseminate an online
appropriate word or phrase survey
1. Online survey form is a
questionnaire created Process Online survey data.
as a web form with
databases that is
completed by
respondents over the
2. In creating an online survey
form, keep your instructions
answering the question.
3. The format of the online
survey form should be
4. Design your survey
form in an attractive,
simple and SHORT
5. At the end of the
question of the Online
survey form THANK
YOU should be
Checked by: (Name of SH) (Name of SH) (Name of SH) (Name of SH)

(Name of SH)

San Nicolas, Iriga City

(054) 299-2605
San Nicolas, Iriga City
(054) 299-2605

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