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1. What is Job Analysis?

Job analysis is referred to the process of determining which characteristics are necessary
for the satisfactory job performance and conducting an analysis of the environmental
conditions in which the job is performed. In the analysis of the jobs, the main aspects that
need to be taken into consideration are, work content of job and job content of work. In this
case, the two important documents that need to be taken into consideration are, job
description and job specification.

Job analysis is regarded as an important tool, particularly in the making of decisions in

terms of human resources. It is used to design a number of human resource activities and
programs. The various factors that help in understanding the meaning and significance of job
analysis have been stated as follows: (Unit 2. Job Analysis and Job Design, n.d)

2. Mention and describe the product of Job Analysis? How these products affect
other organizational outcomes?

Job analysis needs to be done in order to design the organization and determine job
descriptions, job specifications and job evaluations. The explanations for the three aspects of
job analysis are as follows:

a.) Job description (job description) Job description is written information that describes
the duties and responsibilities, working conditions, employment relationships, and aspects of
work in a particular position in the organization. This job description must be explained
clearly so that employees are expected to be able to recognize and know what tasks they will
do, what responsibilities and achievements they must achieve in the future. Job descriptions
must be guided by all employees so that their work is easier to do because job descriptions
are structured, clear and easily understood by employees.

b.) Job specifications (job specifications) Job specification is a list of the human demands
of a position, namely education, skills, personality, etc. according to the product of job
analysis. In developing job specifications, it is necessary to consider all elements of
knowledge, abilities, skills, and other characteristics.

c.) Job evaluation Job evaluation is assessing heavy or light, easy or difficult, large or
small job risks and giving the name, ranking (rank), and the price or salary of a position. If
the job is heavy, difficult, risky, and the rank of the position is higher, the price or salary will
be higher, but on the other hand, if the job is easy, light, risky, has little responsibility and the
rank of the position is low, the salary will be smaller
3. Go to and find the information about “industrial engineers”

What They Do in Industrial Engineering:

Design, develop, test, and evaluate integrated systems for managing industrial production
processes, including human work factors, quality control, inventory control, logistics and
material flow, cost analysis, and production coordination.
On the job, you would:
 Estimate production costs, cost saving methods, and the effects of product design changes on
expenditures for management review, action, and control.
 Plan and establish sequence of operations to fabricate and assemble parts or products and to
promote efficient utilization.
 Analyze statistical data and product specifications to determine standards and establish
quality and reliability objectives of finished product.

4. List some of the reasons why women are paid less for comparable work
performed by men? Think of some stereotypically “female” jobs and comparable
jobs that are stereotypically held by men. Are there inequities in compensation
between the “male” and “female” jobs? Why or why not? 

Based on the results of the World Economic survey 2016 Forum, Indonesia ranks 88th
in the Global Gender Gap Index and ranking 107th in the Economic Participation and . sub-
index Opportunity (World Economic Forum, 2016). Ratio women's wages to men's wages for
the same job is only 0.68. This value
decreased compared to 10 years ago which was 0.79. Based on these data, it is clear that
Indonesia must catch up with the other countries in terms of gender equality in the field of
economy, one of which is equal pay between genders.

Equality wages are decomposed into two parts, explained gaps and unexplained gaps.
Explained gap is the difference in wages between male and female workers due to differences
in human capital such as differences in education and work experience, while the unexplained
gap or also called residual The gender wage gap is the difference in wages between men and
women that cannot be explained by differences in human capital. Using worker level data, the
residual gender wage gap often seen as a form of discrimination wages made by the

A. Discrimination and bias

Apparently, bias and discrimination still happen to us, even from subconscious. Men
are often considered more competent to work by prospective recruiters. This will lead to a
lack of employment opportunities for women. Furthermore, this could lower the average
wage received by women.

B. Different bonuses

One of the problems with the salary gap between women and men is the difference in
bonuses received during work. Men were more likely to receive bonuses than women. In this
case, the bonus in question is a bonus or performance allowance.
C. Women are required to take care of the family

Reporting from The Conversation, Indonesian women, especially those under the age
of 30, experience significant income differences when compared to men. When women have
reached the age of over 30 years, with managerial positions in the office, this difference is
getting thinner. Unfortunately, not much women who survive to work into managerial
positions. Society's demand for women to choose a family is at its root. This makes many
women choose to resign and take care of their families, or move and choose jobs with more
flexible hours with lower wages.

D. Difficulty returning to work after giving birth

If they choose to return to work after having children and breastfeeding, women will
experience various difficulties, especially community pressure that women should not work
and take care of children. If a woman resigns during childbirth and applies for work again,
her chances of being called in an interview session will be less than that of a man or woman
who does not have children.

Companies can play a role in gender equality in the workplace by implementing an equal
opportunity policy. The policy should briefly describe the desire and steps taken to
implement equal participation and treatment such as:

 Policies and programs to eliminate gender discrimination, and to increase

opportunities for women to move into skills-oriented and non-traditional jobs.

 Strict enforcement of policies to eliminate sexual harassment and discrimination.

 Support for policies that refer to family and equality of family responsibilities and
benefits for both parents

((Unit 2. (n.d.). Job Analysis and Job Design. Retrieved February 03, 2020 from
Jurnal Ekonomi dan Pembangunan Indonesia Edisi Khusus Call for Paper JEPI 2018: 1–21 p-
ISSN 1411-5212; e-ISSN 2406-9280
Analisis Jabatan (Pengertian, Tujuan, Aspek, Metode dan Tahapan) (


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