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Personal Skills Audit

1. Look at the twelve personal areas of knowledge and skills and place them in order
of difficulty, with the most difficult first (you can do this by cutting and pasting them in

Meet deadlines

Desire to learn/improve

Team player

Work independently

Accept responsibility

Take risks

Maintain focus

Motivate people

Good time management

Solve problems


Ability to plan

2. Use the ‘traffic light’ system to highlight which you feel is the most or least difficult
for you (you can do this by changing the text colour):

Red – major priority which needs working on a lot

Amber (or yellow) – difficult, but manageable

Green – confident

I think I’ve been able to improve and learn so much from the first year of college,
working independently and in groups especially since there was no hand holding
from the tutors, as students we were made to do most of the work ourselves with
little to no help, unless we were truly stumped and this really sparked my desire to
learn more as it was more interesting and exciting. Also, during the first year, I was
able to decipher the projects very quickly using problem solving and independence
so I was always able to meet the deadline or hand in early.
To improve the amber areas, I’ll need more experience and I think the rest of the
second year will give me that experience. My time management, problem solving
and ability to plan went from a red to an amber during the first year so I think that I’ll
be able to improve it once again and be able to complete tasks a lot faster and with
more quality. Being decisive and motivating people is a little bit more of a task, since
it targets my people skills rather than the more technical side. I think that during the
group projects that we will most definitely have during the second year I will be able
to improve myself a lot more and improve those skills.

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