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Vocabulary Check B

name class

2.1 Shopping B
1 Look at the pictures and write the words.

cashier shopping bag shopping basket shopping list shopping trolley special offer supermarket

0 1 2 3


4 5 6

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/ 6

2 Complete the text.

At the supermarket, Dad always checks the 0 p r i c e of things before he buys

them. Then we 1 s

in a queue with lots of other people and Dad pays for
the 2 s . He never pays in 3 c . He always pays by 4 c .
5 6
He gets his r from the person at the check-out. Then we c
the shopping to the car and go home.

/ 6

name class

2.3 Shops B
3 Where can you buy these things? Write the names of the shops.
0 clothes, chairs, toys, birthday cards de p a r t m e n t s t o r e
1 magazines, newspapers, sweets n ’
2 vitamins, toothpaste c ’
3 bread, pies, cakes b ’
4 dresses, jackets, tops, jeans c s
5 potatoes, tomatoes, apples, oranges g ’
6 footballs, tennis rackets, roller skates s s
7 books b
8 boots, trainers, shoes s s
/ 8

Your total score / 20


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