Recommended Books For The Philippine Bar Exams Review - Compress

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Recommended books for the Philippine bar exams review

I’ve received several requests asking me what law books I used in reviewing for the Philippine bar
exams. Now that I have a blog I don’t have to enumerate them one by one to every single person that ask
me that question. All I have to do is give them the url of this site and tell them to check this post.

Basically, there are two sets of books that I will be giving. The first set are the ones that are to be used
during the 6 months review. (From April to August) while the next set should be used during the “pre-
week” review. (1st week of August and within September)

Take note that these are the books I used. I am not saying that any of these books are more superior than
others. For those who want to follow my lead then go ahead. But if you find a material that suites you
best than use that instead. Books are like food, one man’s meat may be another man’s poison. There are
some books that I like which you may not like. You should know how to select a material that suites you
best. Not doing so is like banging your head over a porcelain tile.

The books I used is further divided into two, Primary review material and secondary review material.
Primary review material is what I read from cover to cover while secondary review material is what I
only use as reference. (If there are some stuff that needs clarification and is not well explained in the
primary material I go to the secondary material, but I do not read all stuff in the secondary material, this
is just for reference)

1.) For the 6 month review aside from the codals here is the list of my recommended books/authors:


Political Nachura None
Labor Alcantara None
Civil Albano Jurado
Tax Untian, Dimampao Domondon
Mercantile Sundiang Villanueva
Criminal Ortega Notes, Sandoval None
Remedial Lakas Atenista notes Albano
Legal Ethics Lex Pareto Notes Albano

2.) For the pre-week, Aside from the codal the main material I used is the LEX PARETO NOTES, one
of the best statistical, bar problem based, codal based bar exam reviewer today. If you would like to
know more about the Lex Pareto Notes, check out

I also used some of Professor Abelardo Domondon’s notes. Professor Domondon is one of the best bar
reviewer today. The notes distributed by his review center, Primus bar review is also one of the best as it
statistically points out the possible questions in the bar exams, helping the bar reviewee focus on what is
truly important. It was Professor Domondon who inspired us to create the Lex Pareto Notes. I bought
some of his notes, to supplement the Lex Pareto Notes that I used. If you want to know more about
Primus, check out their blogsite at I highly recommend that you enroll
in the annual Primus “wrap-up” review in every August, as this will integrate your review. Prof.
Domondon has knack of getting a high success rate in forecasting possible bar exam questions. You
might also want to check out the Primus blogsite from time to time especially 2 to 3 days before the bar
exams as they sometimes release some great tips.

Please maintain your respect for the authors by not photocopying their notes or books. If you want to get
a copy of Professor Domondon’s notes buy them at the Primus pre-bar review center. This appeal also
goes for the Lex Pareto Notes. Please get your legitimate copies at the nearest law bookstore where it is
available. The Lex Pareto Notes is available in all National Bookstores nationwide. Check out the Lex
Pareto Notes blogsite for more information.

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