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A hazard is a source or a situation with the potential for harm in terms of human injury or ill-
health, damage to property, damage to the environment, or a combination of these.

Types of Hazard:
 Safety hazards
 Biological hazards
 Physical hazards
 Ergonomic hazards
 Chemical hazards
 work organization hazards
Safety hazard
Falling down from stairs

There are six types of hazards, the first of which we have identified is the safety hazard of falling
down from stairs. Falls on stairs can result in broken bones, spinal cord injury, lacerations, soft
tissue damage, traumatic brain injury, and other serious types of harm not to mention the mental
trauma from such an event. And they can be caused by: In the darkness, we also can’t see broken
steps. Dim lighting or low-wattage lights, often cause stair falls. Staircases that have missing,
loose, or damaged steps pose a danger to us. Both indoor and outdoor stairs should not be made
of overly-slippery materials. If carpets or pieces of rubber are placed on the stairs, it can reduce
the risks. Handrails provide added stability and safety, especially for elder peoples. Handrails
provide added stability and safety, especially for children and the elderly. If there are no
handrails, or if they are not sufficiently secured, they cannot help us to prevent falls.

Biological hazards
Standing water in back yard
There is standing water in the back yard of our university, there are many mosquitoes and flies
sitting on this water and when these mosquitoes started biting students, so it will spread many
diseases like dengue and malaria. Mosquitoes can be very annoying, their bites can produce itchy
welts, and the bites of some species are painful to certain individuals. "Quality of life" can be
reduced in areas with high numbers of biting mosquitoes. Mosquitoes also are vectors
(transmitters) of several viruses that can cause severe disease and even death in humans,
including dengue, malaria and West Nile Virus.
Physical Hazard
Sitting or standing in Sunlight

Sunlight is the most well-known physical hazard that affects people sitting outside. Students
sitting outside get highest sunlight exposure during high-intensity hours between 10:00 a.m. to
4:00 p.m. and during the summertime. The risk of getting sunburned is more throughout these
times. Some commonly used drugs such as NSAIDs, antihistamines, tetracycline, thiazides, sulfa
antibiotics, and diuretics increase the sensitivity to sunlight and cause itching and sunburn on the
skin. Which causes a lot of damage to our skin.
Ergonomic Hazards
Having to use too much force frequently

Construction work is currently underway at the university, workers work all day long Lifting
weights and working hard with strength all day causes workers to experience muscle spasms.
Excessive force can overload the muscles, creating fatigue and the potential for injury.  Force is
one of the risk factors for musculoskeletal disorders, and indeed.
Chemical Hazards
Chemical Hazard in Laboratory

As the picture shows As it turns out, the lab assistant is not wearing gloves or wearing a mask,
which can be life threatening and can cause burns. It is always recommended to wear lab safety
products while handling science lab equipment. Apart from the appropriate face and headgear, it
is also important to put on gloves for protecting your hands. Here are various reasons why you
should wear laboratory gloves:
You work with various chemicals and other materials in a science laboratory. Some of these can
be hazardous and cause harm to the skin of your hands. You may get infection and
contamination if you don’t wear gloves. So, whenever you are handling chemicals, infectious
materials, and radioactive substances, Nitrile examination gloves are a must.
Work organization hazards
Workload demands
The picture shows that this person is upset because there is too much workload, Whether or not
this person will suffer from depression due to overwork Otherwise, damage to another part of the
body can affect you, for example damage to the eyes.

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