Basic Mother Sauces

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Basic mother sauces: 

basically there are six types of mother sauces in which 5 of hot

sauces and one is a cold sauce.
 Bechamel sauce / white sauce
Ingredients Quantity
1. Unsalted butter 90 grams
2. Refined flour 90 grams 
3. Milk 1 litre
4. Bay leaf 1 number
5. Onion 10 grams
6. Cloves 4 number
7.  Nutmeg 1 number
8. Seasoning as per taste

1. Heat butter in a heavy bottom Pan over low heat
2.  Add  refined flour and make roux of Sandy texture.
3.  Remove  the roux  in a basin and add cold water,  whisking it to form slurry.
4.  Simultaneously bring milk to boil and add onion cloute.
5.  When milk is boiled, remove  the cloute and add slowly to the milk and whisk
it  vigorously.
6.  Cook the same over low heat for 20-30 minutes and stir occasionally.
7.  Adjust the consistency of the sauce.
8.  Season the salt slightly and with nutmeg.
9.  Strain the sauce  through  chinoise or strainer if the lumps are formed.
10.  Add a  dollop of butter on the top of the sauce to prevent skin formation
Note : onion cloute:  onion studded with cloves and bay leaf.
slurry: Smooth mixture of roux  and water.
Roux: Equal quantity of flour and butter.
Monter au beurre:  sauce finished with water to a world's confirmation on the
top of the sauce.

 Veloute sauce / Blond sauce

Ingredients Quantity
1. Unsalted butter 90 grams
2. Refined flour 90 grams
3. White stock 1 lites
4. Mushroom trimmings 25 grams
5. Seasoning as per taste
1. Heat butter in a heavy bottom Pan over low heat.
2. Add flour and make a blonde Roux of Sandy texture.
3.  Remove a roux  in a basin and add cold water ,  whisk it and form a slurry.
4.  Heat stock and mushroom trimmings and slurry.
5. Simmer gently for 1 hour, occasionally with wooden spoon( add more stock if 
6. Season the sauce slightly.
7. Strain the sauce through a muslin cloth or chinoise .
8. Finish the sauce with butter to avoid skin formation.
 NOTE: Veloute gets its name from the type of stock used.
Espagnole / Brown sauce

Ingredients Quantity
1. Unsalted butter 60 gram
2.  refined flour 60 gram
3. Tomato puree 40 grams
4.  brown stock 1.25 litres
5.  Onion 90 grams
6.  Carrots 70 grams
7.   Celery 50 grams
8.  Parsley stalk 2 number
9.  bay leaf 1 number
10.  Thyme 1 sprig
11.   Oil 10ml

1. Heat the butter in a heavy bottom pan..
2.  Add flour and make a brown roux  of Sandy texture.
3.  Remove the roux  in a basin and add cold water to make a slurry.
4.  Heat oil in a pan, add mirepoix and cook it until Brown.
5.  Add brown stock and tomato puree to it and bring to boil.
6.  Add slurry and whisk it.
7. Simmer the sauce and cook for 4 to 6 hours.
8. Strain the sauce through chinoise or strainer.
9. Finish the sauce by adding butter..
Note: Usually Demi glaze is used in place of Brown sauce.
 Demi glaze:  equal quantity of Brown sauce and brown stock reduced to half.

Tomato sauce  / Red sauce

Ingredients Quantity
1.  Pork  fat / butter 10 ml
2.  Onion 50 grams
3.  Carrot 50 grams
4.  Tomato 500 grams
5.  Tomato puree 20 ml
6.  Brown stock 500  ml
7. Garlic 5 grams
8.  Bay leaf 1 number
9.  Salt as per taste
10.  Sugar 10 grams
11.  Ham /  Bacon 50 grams 

1. Heat butter / porkfat in a heavy bottom  saucepan.
2.  Add chopped garlic,  roughly cut onion and carrot.
3.  Sweat the vegetables until slightly Brown.
4.  Add chopped  tomatoes and tomato puree and Saute it.
5.  Add brown stock and bring to boil.
6.  Reduce the heat and simmer over low heat for 1.5 to 2 hours.
7.  Pass the sauce through strainer for desired consistency.
8.  Add salt and sugar if required.
Hollandaise / Warm sauce
Ingredients Quantity
1. Unsalted butter   500 grams
2. Egg yolks   2 number
3.  Peppercorn   8 number
4.  lemon juice   5ml
5.  Vinegar 50 ml
6.   Seasoning as per taste
1. Clarify the butter by putting the butter in a double boiler and removing a scum or
white froth from it.
2. Heat Pan add peppercorn and vinegar and reduce it.
3.  Add reduced  Vinegar  and egg yolk in a basin,  whisk egg yolk over hot water and
add clarified butter slowly to form creamy texture.
4.  Ensure that the temperature do not rise over 60 degree Celsius otherwise  egg yolk
will get cooked.
5. When all butter has been added and whisked  add lemon juice and seasoning.
6. Strain the sauce  if required .
7. Store the sauce at 30 40 degree Celsius or not more than 1.5  hours.
NOTE: * If the sauce get too thick, add a few drops of warm water.
* Bain marie :  hot water basin for transfer in indirect  heat.
Ratio        110: 1     (Butter: egg yolk)

Mayonnaise/ Cold sauce

Ingredients Quantity
1. Refined / salad oil 1 litre
2.  Egg yolk 8 number
3.  English mustard 2  grams
4.  Vinegar 25 ml
5.  lemon juice 2 ml
6.   Seasoning as per taste
1. Put the egg yolk in a basin free from Moisture.
2. Add mustard, seasoning and vinegar.
3. Whisk the egg yolk in the printed basin and add oil very slowly( drop by drop or in a
thin streak) and whisk regularly.
4. When the emulsion gets form, one can add the oil slightly faster.
5.  Finish the sauce by adding lemon juice.
NOTE: Emulsion: Method of mixing two  unmixable substances with the help of an
emulsifying agent.
Lecithin:  it helps in emulsifying the sauce as it is present in egg yolk.
 Ratio      120:1    ( oil: yolk)

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