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Faculty of Arts & Humanities

Assignment Brief 2020-2021

Module Code: 2040 MAPA

Module Title: Applied Music
Assignment Title: Portfolio
Coursework Number: Portfolio
Submission Date: 14 April 2021
Module Leader’s Name/Email: Dr Chris Hobbs /
Module Staff Name/Email: Dr. Rich Hall <>
Dr. Nick Peters <>
Jaque Durrant <>


This assignment represents a ‘practical output’ resulting from the learning that
has taken place across the three (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday) components of
2040MAPA: Applied Music. That is, it will be a summative demonstration of your
music practice as it relates to the content of the module. The ‘Portfolio’ will be a
framework in which you show creative work, in a combination of areas of musical
practice, and which plays to your current strengths and/or areas in which you
have particular interest.

This will be a portfolio of music-making (such as compositions, songs,

arrangements, orchestrations, digital audio creations, acoustic performances, or
music analysis), as offered in this Assignment Brief — and as agreed with your

This assignment will be embedded principally in your Tuesday class sessions

with Dr Chris Hobbs. In those sessions, you will have an opportunity to propose,
test, present, and get tutor/peer feedback on, your work as it progresses
throughout the semester. You will receive advice on the best way to shape that
work into its final form in anticipation of its submission.

Assignment Description

The portfolio will contain three components, together worth 60% of the total
module mark. The three components may be equally weighted (20% for each) or
a greater weighting may be given to one component. Exact weightings will be
determined on an individual basis between yourself and the lecturers, given the
following criteria: no component may count for more than 30% or less than 10%;
weightings must be multiples of 5 (so 30-20-10 is permissible, 30-18-12 is not)

1. DAW work (Nick Peters). There are two options in this section. You may
choose only one of them.

a) Create a composition portfolio component that illustrates research and

development in your use of DAW composition techniques and processes.
This composition could be:
• sound-based (e.g. sonic art/electroacoustic composition)
• instrumental (or vocal) combined with electronics and/or digital processing
• electronic (e.g. synthesizers/MIDI-based)
• any combinations of the above

In all cases, attention must be given to the production and the compositional

b) Record your own arrangement of an existing piece of music, but which
also demonstrates development and creativity in your use of musical and
technological skills in the use of the DAW. If you choose this option, we
suggest that you create a MIDI backing track and either sing or play a live
instrumental over the MIDI backing. You should pay close attention to both
the musical arrangement and to the mixing of the piece.

2. Performance (Rich Hall) Present a solo and/or collaborative portfolio

component that should demonstrate research and development in an aspect of
technical application on your instrument.

3.Composition (Chris Hobbs) There are two options in this section. You may
choose only one of them.

a) Compose an original work for a specific instrument or voice (or group of


b) Present an analysis of a given piece of music


(a) Your proposals for choices of options must be made in consultation with the
options’ respective lecturers.

(b) The combination of your portfolio entries will typically constitute approximately
6-10 minutes of work.

Associated Learning Outcomes

LO1: Demonstrate confidence, accuracy and creativity in musical and technical

skills when rehearsing and performing music

To obtain marks in this LO you will need to show an understanding of the

mediums in which you are working and the ability to produce effective practice-
based material.

LO2: Exhibit musical skills and understanding in any combination of the following:
composing, arranging, performance practice, music analysis, music production

To obtain marks in this LO you need to show a willingness to engage in the

appropriate activities, to make a positive contribution and to take a leading role
where appropriate


A portfolio containing three pieces of work, chosen from the options provided
above and created within the given parameters. Work that is of a purely audio,
video, or live performance nature should be submitted in audio/video format as
agreed with the module tutor. Score-based work should be submitted in PDF
form with an accompanying MIDI playback file. Written work should be submitted
in PDF form.

The University policy is that all written work should be submitted online via
Turnitin, but some work in the Faculty may need to be handed in using an
alternative submission process. Speak to your Course Director (CD) if you think
this may be the case for the assignment you are writing.

Your work for this assignment must be submitted by 18:00 on 14 April 2021
via the assignment link on the module’s Aula space.

You must make every effort to submit the best work possible prior to the
deadline. If your assignment is submitted online please do not leave it until the
last minute to submit. Aim to submit in the working day before the deadline, or
earlier, in case there are problems submitting.

If you fail to submit work for the module or submit an assessed piece of work late
without an agreed extension, you will receive a mark of 0% for that piece of work,
even if it is one minute late. You will however be eligible for a re-sit attempt at the
next available assessment opportunity where your mark will be capped at 40%

If you fail this assignment on the first submission, the re-sit brief for the module
can be found on the module’s Moodle space. Read this carefully and book a
tutorial with the Module Leader to ensure that you are clear about what you need
to do to pass the module at the re-sit opportunity.


Reassessment Method: Resubmission of Portfolio


NOTE: All passing resit marks are capped at 40%.

Extensions and Mitigating Circumstances

The University wants you to do your best. However, we know that sometimes
events happen that are either beyond your control or easy to predict and which
mean that you will not be able to submit your coursework by the deadline. If this
happens, you can apply for an extension to your deadline for up to two weeks, or
if you need longer, you can apply for a deferral, which takes you to the next
assessment period (for example, to the resit period following the main
Assessment Boards). You must apply for an extension or a deferral before the
assignment deadline above.

You apply for an extension or deferral at:

You will find information about the process and what is, or is not, considered to
be an event beyond your control at:

Please note: Module staff are not allowed to give unofficial extensions.

Academic Dishonesty

We expect all students to act with academic integrity, which means that they will
study and produce work in an open, honest and responsible manner.

Academic dishonesty covers any attempt by a student to gain unfair advantage

(e.g. extra marks) for her/himself, or for another student, in their assessed work.
It not only damages your personal reputation, but also the reputation of the entire
university, and it will not be tolerated at Coventry University. There are severe
penalties for students who are found guilty of academic dishonesty ranging from
obtaining a mark of 0% for the piece of work through to exclusion from the

For full details of what constitutes academic dishonesty and how to avoid it,
please see the section in the Faculty Student Handbook, available on your
course’s Moodle space.

And finally ...

If there is anything that you do not understand about this assignment brief, or you
have any concerns about it, please contact the Module Leader. Their name and
contact details are at the top of this brief.

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