Character Sketch of Hamlet

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Character Sketch of Hamlet

 Hamlet is the beloved Prince of Denmark. He is the son of Queen Gertrude and King Hamlet.
Hamlet is a young man attend university of Wittenberg. Hamlet is a teenage boy who is loyal
to his father and wants to protect his mother and his family's legacy. 
After the death of this father (murdered by his uncle Claudius) Hamlet's mother Gertrude
married Claudius, but it also seems likely that he married her as a strategic move, to help him
win the throne away from Hamlet after the death of the king. It put a lot of hate for this uncle
and dislike for his mothers, she seems to move on so fast. Hamlet is said to have a bit of an
Oedipus complex where he is raged seeing his mother marrying and kiss some other man. He’s
possessive and protective for his mother.
Hamlet is in love with Ophelia, the daughter of Claudius' most trusted counselor, Polonius.
Ophelia’s father tells her to not trust Hamlet's love because he believes that Hamlet has gone
mentally ill from the death of his father. Some thought his behaviour was the result of
being in love. but Ophelia loves him . Ophelia’s role in the play revolves around her
relationship with three men which also kills her in the end
Hamlet becomes obsessed with proving his uncle's guilt before trying to act. When the ghost
appears to Hamlet, it tells him that his father (King Hamlet) was murdered by his brother
Claudius. Hamlet agrees with the ghost to avenge his father's death by killing Claudius, but not
to punish his mother for her behaviour, which causes a personal conflict for Hamlet. Hamlet is
not sure if he should believe the ghost and struggles to determine what to do about his father's
death. but throughout the play he misses every opportunity to kill Claudius.
For example:
• Claudius was surrounded by many bodyguards.
• It could've been an conscience and Hamlet couldn't satisfy himself that he wanted to avenge
his father's death.
• Doubts prevailing that whether the ghost is telling the truth or if it's really there.
• "Oh what a Rouge and pleasant slave am I." Here he reproaches himself bitterly for the
• He sees Claudius on his knees praying and it would've been a perfect chance to strike him but
he let's it go because he doesn't want Claudius to die when he's in front of God.
Hamlet’s character grow from a depressed man into a confident one and not really sure with
what his next moves should be and this causes lots and lots of chaos in everyone’s life.hamlet
is filled with rage and anger. Claudius sends two men Guildenstern and Rosencrantz to kill
hamlet but they get killed by hamlet, there were only two methods of killing Hamlet, the
sharpened sword and the poison on the blade, Claudius insists on a third, the poisoned goblet.
When Gertrude inadvertently drinks the poison and dies, during a fencing match. Both
Hamlet and Laertes are fatally poisoned during the match, and before he dies, Hamlet kills
Claudius. Hamlet’s madness and his quest for revenge ultimately resulted in his
death. Throughout the play, Hamlet displays guilt, hate, pessimistic thoughts and
negativity ,depressed, suicidal murderer and hardly any love left to give away.

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