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ChE 34: Chemical Engineering Laboratory 1


Group # 1: Date Performed: February 8,2018

Writer: Ching, Lorraine Ann A. (2013000828) Date Submitted: February 11, 2018
Co-workers: Ali, Hanah Nasifa M. (20140003835) Instructor: Engr. Shierlyn S. Paclijan
Mabao, Michael Alex S. (2013002572)
Villamar, Hazel Ann C. (2013001557)

Main objectives of this experiment are to determine the discharge of a venturi

meter and to determine the relationship of the coefficient of discharge and Reynold’s
number to the water flow rate. Venturi meter is a flow measurement instrument which
uses a converging section of pipe commonly known as constricted throat to give an
increase in the flow velocity and a corresponding pressure drop from which the flow
rate can be deduced. Liquid was collected in the measuring tank and its time at which
the liquid takes to reach a certain level of the container and volume were recorded.

Keywords: coefficient of discharge, reynold’s number, pressure drop, venturi meter


It is imperative and essential to control and measure the amount of a material

going in and out of any processing plant. Since most of those materials are in the
form of fluids, they are flowing in conduits. There are many and different devices
used to measure the fluid flow. Venturi meter is the device which is widely used
among those devices. Venturi meter is a flow measurement with a constricted throat
in middle which allows flow rates through pipes to be calculated by measuring the
difference in pressure created by a contraction in a pipe. It is usually inserted directly
into a pipeline as shown below. It is used to measure the flow rate through a tube. It is
based on the use of the Venturi effect, the reduction of fluid pressure that results
when a fluid runs through a constricted section of pipe. It can be used to measure
high flow rates in pipes having diameters in a few meters; Also, venturi meter can be
used where high pressure recovery is required.

Figure 1. Venturi Flow Meter

As shown in the figure above, there are mainly three parts of the venturi
meters namely converging part, throat and diverging part. The short converging part
is the portion of the venturi where the fluid gets converges. The throat is the portion in
between the converging and diverging part; its cross section is much less than the
other parts. As the fluid enters the throat, the velocity increases and the pressure
decrease. Whereas diverging part is the portion at which the fluid gets diverges. The
principle of venturi meter is based on Bernoulli’s equation. Bernoulli’s equation states
that in a steady, ideal flow of an incompressible fluid, the total energy at any point of
the fluid is constant and the total energy consists of pressure energy, kinetic energy
and potential energy or datum energy.[1]


The venturi meter is a device used to measure the flow rates of a fluid flowing
through the pipes. The venturi meter consists of three parts: the short – converging
part, the throat and the diverging part. It is based on the principle of Bernoulli’s
equation. Inside of the venturimeter pressure difference is created by reducing the
cross-sectional area of the flow passage. The pressure difference is measured by
using a differential U-tube manometer. By this, a pressure difference is created
between the inlet and the throat of the venturi.[2] In fluid dynamics, a fluid's velocity
must increase as it passes through a constriction in accord with the principle of mass
continuity, while its static pressure must decrease in accord with the principle of
conservation of mechanical energy. Thus any gain in kinetic energy a fluid may
accrue due to its increased velocity through a constriction is balanced by a drop in

Figure 2. Venturi Meter

To measure the speed at the contraction of the venturi throat, the equation can be
derived from the overall mechanical energy balance. Assuming that it follows a
turbulent flow and a mechanical-energy balance between points 1 and 2 for an
incompressible fluid

v12 p1 v22 p2
   (eq. 1)
2  2 
Continuity equation for a constant p:
D12 D22
v1  v2 (eq. 2)
4 4
Combining eq. 1 and 2
1 2( p1  p2 )
v2  (eq. 3)
1  ( D2 D1 ) 4 
An experimental coefficient ,Cv, to account for the small friction loss occured in the
where Cv is the discharge coefficient for a Venturi meter, D1 and D2 are the
diameters of the pipes, P1 and P2 are the inlet and outlet pressures and ρ is the
density of the fluid in the device.


The outlet diameter and the throat were measured using a meter stick. Then, the
switch for the equipment was turned on to allow the fluid to flow through the pipe
eventually passes through the constricted throat of the venturi flow meter. Steady
state was needed to reach before the fluid can be collected and measured. It’s
steadiness was checked through reading the pressure. From the outlet of the pipe,
fluid was collected by a container and measured together with the time it takes the
fluid to reach a certain level in the container. The volume and time was recorded
together with the height of the water collected starting from the base of it. Also, the
pressures of the different parts of the venturi meter were recorded. Three (3) trials
were made at each valve opening.

Figure 3. Schematic Diagram of the Procedures


Table 1. Coefficient of Discharge Obtained

Run Average Average Gage Average Average Average Average Average
Volume time difference VFR Throat Pipe Discharge Reynold’s
(mL) (s) , (m3/s)103 velocity, velocity coefficient, Number,
∆P(Pa) v2 ,(m/s) (m/s) Cd Nre
1 748 1.39 6894.76 0.54 1.86 0.54 0.48 38048.12
2 695 0.99 5515.81 0.70 2.44 0.70 0.70 49813.85
3 732 1.00 5515.81 0.73 2.54 0.73 0.73 51796.18
Graph 1. Average Discharge Coefficient vs. Average Reynold’s Number


The main objectives of this experiment is to determine the coefficient of

discharge of the venture meter and the relationship between the discharge coefficient
and the reynold’s number. Three different pressure drop for three runs then the
volumetric flow rate of each trials was observed and used to determine discharge
coefficient and its relationship with the reynold’s number.

Can be observed from table 1 that as the coefficient of discharge increases, the
reynolds number also increases indicates that a linear relationship that this two
variables have, and it also shows from graph 1 that the relationship between
discharge coefficient and reynold’s number is almost linear. Pipe velocity is a function
of reynolds number, that if the velocity increases, reynolds number also increases.
Pipe velocity also contributes to obtain the value of coefficient of discharge, as
discussed coefficient of discharge and reynolds number has a linear relationship, this
means that without computing for the value of coefficient of discharge it can be
conclude that the Cd increases if the NRe increases as the velocity increases. If the
velocity decreases it can be also concluded otherwise.

The possible error occured on the experiment by the researchers can be number
bias while reading the calibration on the graduated cylinder that was used to obtain
the volume and also reading of the pressure in the pressure gauge. The other
possible error was the time recorded on the data was inaccurate due to the time
delay that was caused by the researchers (i.e. not stopping the watch at exact time).

1. It can be concluded from the results of the experiment that, Venturi meter can
be used to determine the coefficient of discharge for a given fluid. Also,
Venturi meter can display the trend of pressure distribution, as the fluid
passes through a tube with variable inner diameter.

2. Venturi meter can produce accurate and precise measurement for fluid
flowrate when there is significant pressure drop.

3. It is observed that the pressure difference reaches its highest value on the
throat of the venturi meters’ tube due to the small cross sectional area, and it
reaches its highest value at the ends of the tube due to the large cross
sectional area.


1. The experiment results can be improved by avoiding errors like not stopping
the stop watch at the exact same moment when the amount of water flows
into the container.
2. The experiment results can be improved by avoiding errors like not reading
the values of the water height while looking perpendicularly.
3. The experiment should be done at flow condition having a high pressure
drop in order to increase accuracy and precision of the readings.


Geankoplis, C.J. Principles of Transport Processes and Separation Processes. 4th Ed.
Pearson Education, Inc. 2003.


A.1 Raw Data

Run 1
Trial V,m^3 t, sec Pin ,Pa Pout ,Pa
1 0.000725 1.32 62052.8 55158.1
2 0.000757 1.41 62052.8 55158.1
3 0.000761 1.45 62052.8 55158.1

Run 2
Trial V,m^3 t, sec Pin ,Pa Pout ,Pa
1 0.000677 0.92 97905.55 92389.75
2 0.00073 1.05 97905.55 92389.75
3 0.000678 1 97905.55 92389.75
Run 3
Trial V,m^3 t, sec Pin ,Pa Pout ,Pa
1 0.000739 1.04 114453 108937.2
2 0.000738 1.03 114453 108937.2
3 0.00072 0.94 114453 108937.2

A.2 Sample Calculations

Throat diameter: D2 = 1.915 cm =0.01915 m

Area throat = = 0.000288023 m2

Pipe inner diameter: D1 = 3.570 cm = 0.0357 m

Areapipe = = 0.0010009m2
At 23 ˚C
䀀 9.3605 x10-4Pa-s
䀀 aas

Volumetric flow rate (VFR) calculation:

VFR = Volume/time
VFR = 0.000725 m3/1.32 s
VFR = 0.000549 m3/s
Velocity calculation:
v2 = VFR/ Area throat
0 000 a m /s
v2 = 0 000㤰吠吠0㤰 㤰
v2 = 1.906938282 m/s
Differential Pressure calculation:

䁒㤰0 㤰 吠 吠
Discharge Coefficient (Cd) calculation:

00 a m
a0䁒a 吠㤰吠㤰 m/s
00 sm

㤰 䁒吠a s s

NRe calculation:

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