Being A Woma1

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What is the meaning of Woman? Based on the Wikipedia, Woman is a

female human. While based on the internet, being a Woman is

always defined in opposition to a man and so being a woman

becomes living up to other people’s expectations. According to

me, being a woman means a lot. It is being strong mentally and


My favorite and least favorite aspects of womanhood is that I

love being a female. I love feeling pretty and tougher than

people often give me credit for. I love how my boyfriend treat

me, respect me, taking care of me, protect me, how he loved me

and most of all how he treat me as a female.

My least favorite aspects of womanhood is that I hate that

society makes women feel like they have to apologize for

everything. I hate that when I’m alone walking or running, I see

every man as a potential threat. I hate that nothing we do ever

seems to be good enough.

Being a woman or a lady is like a surprise gift which has been

surprising me and all the females through different stages of

life. I must say that it’s not easy being a woman. Why? Because

first of all, female is being the one who is raped. Not the men.

And it is being told rape is your fault because of how you

dressed or acted.

For me, it’s not like that. We need to be treated respectfully.

We need to be respect by other people especially the men. Men

should respect the female by always encouraging her and never

ever putting her down in any way.

Even though we have lots of struggles in life, being a woman is

still a blessing. Through all the difficulties that I have faced

as a female, I always find a ray of hope to pull myself through

it and face the world with newer and greater challenges as well

as beauty. God has blessed us with immense will to face a


Ladies first, this is one of the global slogans which we have;

the ladies would always insist that men and women are equal and

they should be treated equally. The women have always wanted the

rights which are equal to that of men.

There are many advantages of being a woman. Like makeup. Most of

females are using makeup. They’re using it because they want to

look pretty. Unlike men, we are permitted incredible room to use

all sorts of paints and enamels and pastes and potions to build a

beautifully deceptive fantasy atop you natural appearance.

We’re allowed to cry. What happens when we cry? Many people will

console us, unlike men, many people will laugh at them. People

are willing to help us

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