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Court of Atonement®

Work on Ourselves First

What is upsetting me?

(tell your story),

“How does this make me feel?”


Honor the way you feel.

(use the statements above and keep repeating this statement until it feels REALLY STRONG)

“Yes, it’s true I feel, __________!”

Dump it!

"I no longer tolerate these energies in my body!"

"I, __________ place all of these emotions, ___________ into a Full

Court of Atonement for the purpose of correcting any-and-all
detrimental thoughts and emotions at their points of origin
throughout my timeline and throughout my family lineages. I ask
for positive resolution of this energy now."

Go back to the top of the page and start again! Once you feel
complete, read the final statement.

"Even though these things have happened, there is no reason not to

be optimistic that my life is improving from here!
I could choose to be optimistic about ______.
I am choosing to be optimistic about ______.
I am optimistic about my life!

Amy Jo Ellis © 2020

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