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I, , place_________, each and every level and layer of his consciousness, all aspects of his

being, the entirety of his family lineages and guides into a full court of atonement for the
purpose of easy and successful transitions into his new teaching job. I ask for divine
intervention, divine right action, divine guidance optimization for this endeavor. I ask for soul
recognition, heart center optimization, clarity of heart soul mind, developing and maintaining
healthy boundaries, optimization of energy encasements for all.

I ask that he be open, willing, and able to be excited and to find the positive in this new
adventure; I ask that he find a good mentor and all the support he needs to flourish and thrive in
this new position. I ask for divine intervention creating rapport with his new students and
creating a joyful learning environment. I ask for timeline review to correct and resolve any and
all hindrances or blockages to the most auspicious beginnings and the most productive school
year. I ask to bring in the souls of everyone he will be teaching and working with and I ask for
soul recognition for all.
I, , place _________ into a full court of atonement for the purpose of the creation of optimal
classroom dynamics between him, his students, fellow teachers and staff; I ask for timeline
review to clear and resolve any and all discord, conflicts, non-beneficial energies between each
and every one. I ask for clarity of communication, confidence and surety, security and a
nurturing environment; I ask for timeline review to create positive resolution, hope and joy, and a
zest for learning between ______ and all of his students.
I, , place the classroom, school buildings, the entire campus and school grounds of
________________ (from ground breaking until now) into a full court of atonement for the
purpose of location security and job site security. I ask that the grounds be cleared with the
fullness of Raymon Grace’s Clearing Package and blessed with the fullness of Amy Jo Ellis’s
house clearing procedure- cleared and blessed, cleared and blessed, cleared and blessed.

I, , place ________into a full court of atonement for the purpose of soul recognition, heart
center optimization, clarity of heart soul mind, developing and maintaining healthy boundaries,
optimization of energy encasements, and optimization of self confidence for _____ and each
student. I ask for Absorbed Sibling Resolution for each student, traumatic stress resolution and
resolution of shock and making peace with the past surrounding their experiences with
Covid/school/masks, I ask to resolve all needs for completion for each, I ask for divine
intervention and divine right action surrounding this school year to make it the most positive
experience for all of them to flourish and thrive in this lifetime.

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