Farm Certification Schemes

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Requested by the AGRI Committee

Study in Focus

Farm certification schemes

for sustainable agriculture
See the full study

Certification schemes (CS) for agricultural products and schemes analysed cover some of the eco-schemes
foodstuffs provide assurance (through a certification farming practices (generally less than one-quarter,
mechanism) that certain characteristics or attributes of based on a list of 22 pratices proposed by the
the product or its production method or system have Commission in 2021) and a few schemes cover
been observed. more than one-third of the practices.

Main observations
• Our research project has identified a total of 198
certification schemes at EU level and in the main
third countries. A typology of nine types of
certification schemes has been elaborated and 15
flagship schemes have been selected for
detailed analysis. For each of these selected
schemes, the contribution to the EU sustainability
objectives has been analysed. Some have a broad
scope of commitments,
likely to provide a direct or
The study high contribution to nearly
• It does not seem relevant to use CS in the framework
of the result indicators foreseen by the new CAP, as
analyses how farm all EU sustainability
CS do not generally foresee a comprehensive and
certification schemes can objectives. Other schemes
centralised monitoring system.
help the EU reach its can help achieve one to
three EU objectives (mainly • Targeted and relevant certification schemes could
sustainability objectives in
sustainable management prove useful within the CAP national strategic plans
the farming sector and be
of resources, protection of to achieve the CAP sustainability objectives, provided
instrumental in the
the environment, health that a specific assessment of the requirements and
implementation and
and animal welfare, and method of implementation of each of these schemes
monitoring of the related
less frequently climate is conducted to prevent any greenwashing risk. From
CAP instruments during the
change). The remaining a CAP perspective, certification schemes seem to
upcoming programming
ones specifically focus on present a limited risk of competition distorsion
one objective, e.g. animal between Member States.
welfare or climate change.
• A significant share of the schemes analysed Conclusions and policy recommendations
covers some requirements related to the new
CAP conditionality framework (statutory Recommendation 1: Encourage the use of the relevant
management requirements (SMRs) and good certifications’ schemes within the CAP National Strategic
agricultural and environmental conditions Plans to achieve the EU sustainability objectives.
(GAECs)). Only a few schemes provide guarantees
Rationale: Several schemes contribute to different EU
beyond the required practices of a significant
number of SMRs and GAECs. Certification schemes
could also be instrumental in supporting the Recommendation 2: Use certification schemes to
adoption or maintenance of farming practices implement the CAP and achieve CAP objectives; this is
requested by the eco-schemes and the agri- particularly relevant for SMRs, GAECs, eco-schemes and
environment climate measures (AECM): most of the

Policy Department for Structural and Cohesion Policies

Responsible: Kinga OSTAŃSKA, François NEGRE
Directorate-General for Internal Policies of the Union EN
PE 699.634 - August 2022
Access this note
Farm certification schemes for sustainable agriculture

AECMs. Practically, this could be supported by the  third-party control,

development of tools such as:  implementation of a monitoring system
which can feed the EU monitoring system.
• an equivalence programme of the certification
schemes with CAP instruments (SMRs, GAECs, Rationale: A wide range of schemes are presently
ecoschemes and AECMs). implemented at EU level. They differ in terms of scope, type
• a guideline for the assessment of equivalence of of requirements, level of requirements and practices. Some
schemes with CAP instruments (SMRs, GAECs, of them may be instrumental for the CAP. This is a case-by-
ecoschemes and AECMs). These guidelines shall case approach.
A guide to scheme setters may be relevant to develop the
 the contribution to at least one
environment or climatic objective of the
CAP, For several schemes, the assessment of the contributionto
 clear environmental or climatic added value environment and climate is not easily measurable (for
(measurable achievements), instance, requirement to elaborate a management plan,
 requirements with “clear added value” that but no quantitative target).
are compulsory (not optional requirements,
neither recommendations),

Breakdown of schemes depending on the type of productions involved

Source: AND International

Disclaimer. The content of this At a glance note is the sole responsibility of its authors and any opinions expressed therein do not necessarily
represent the official position of the European Parliament. © European Union, 2022.
The present note is based on the study Farm certification schemes for sustainable agriculture: State of play and overview in the EU
and key global producing countries, concepts and methods., authored by: AND International: Tanguy CHEVER, Adèle GONÇALVES, Clément LEPEULE
Publication: August 2022. © Image on page 1 used under the licence from Adobe Stock
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