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Common Entrance Mathematics Questions

The correct answers are in Bold. Feel free to watch the video above for 101 more
questions and complete solution.

1. Express XLIX in Arabic numeral.

A. 511
B. 490
C. 460
D. 49
E. 46

2. Write in figure, twenty five thousand and five.

A. 25,505
B. 25,500
C. 25,050
D. 25,005
E. 25,000

3. What is the place value of 2 in 204.14?

A. Hundreds
B. Tens
C. Tenth
D. Hundredth
E. Thousandth

4. Find the LCM of 12, 18 and 24.

A. 108
B. 72
C. 54
D. 36
E. 6

5.Find the sum of the square of 9 and the square root of 9

A. 6
B. 9
C. 81
D. 84
E. 99

6. Express N30,000 as a percentage of N60,000

A 60%
B. 50%
C. 40%
D. 30%
E. 20%
7. Which of the following numbers is NOT a perfect square?
A. 200
B. 144
C. 121
D. 25
E. 9

8. Two-third of a number is 10. What is the number

A. 30
B. 25
C. 20
D. 15
E. 10

9. Find the simple interest on N600 for 5 years at 9% per annum

A. N970
B. N920
C. 720
D. 520
E. 270

10. If 35% of a number is 70, find the number.

A. 20
B. 35
C. 105
D. 200
E. 2,450

11. Multiply 6204 by 0.0031

A. 19.23
B. 19.53
C. 190.23
D. 191.23
E. 192.32
12. What must be divided by 9 to obtain 32?
A. 24
B. 72
C. 144
D. 288
E. 576

Comprehension Passage I
The correct answers are in Bold. Feel free to watch the video above for more
questions and complete solution.


Read the passages below carefully and answer the questions that follow by choosing
the most appropriate of the options lettered A-E.
Once upon a time, there lived a man whose name was Joseph, son of Okwuike of
Amaekpu village, Joseph was a rich man. His fame spread to the neighbouring
villages of Umuokoro, Umuihi and Umuoro. Joseph awarded scholarship to the
orphans and gave widows money and farmlands for crop cultivation.

One day, the entire village was thrown into mourning because rumour spread that
armed robbers had visited Joseph in his house, robbed him and killed him.

However, the truth was later revealed that armed robbers never visited Joseph’s
house but that he only took ill and was taken to the teaching hospital in the city. This
was a great relief to the people of Amaekpu and the neighbouring villages who were
beneficiaries of his kindness because they believed he would recover from his
sickness. Sadly, Joseph did not survive the illness as he died a few days after he
was taken to the hospital; but his memory lived on forever amongst his people.
The correct answers are in bold text.
1. Joseph was famous because he
A. built houses for the poor.
B. visited orphanages.
C.was rich and kind.
D. was the son of Okwuike.
E. was visited by armed robbers.
2. Another word that can replace relief as it is used in the passage is
A. comfort.
B. harm.
C. hurt.
D. opportunity.
E. privilege.
3. The name of Joseph’s village is
A. Amaekpu.
B. Okwuike.
C. Umuibi.
D. Umuokoro.
E. Umuoro.
4. When the people heard that Joseph was admitted in the hospital, they were happy
A. he was a wicked man.
B. they considered him an enemy.
C. they believed that he would recover from the sickness.
D. they wanted him to die.
E. they wanted to inherit his property.
5. Apart from money, Joseph gave the widows
A. cash crops for cultivation
B. farm lands for cultivation
C. Food
E. Scholarship
E. wrappers
English Comprehension Passage II
The correct answers are in Bold. Feel free to watch the video above for more
questions and complete solution.
Recreation is very important in the development of the child. It does not only develop
the child physically but also helps in the mental growth of the child. This is why the
government has ensured that recreation is observed in schools.

However, where the pupils are not monitored during recreation, they may end up
sustaining injuries. That is why in most schools, it is not engaged in without a teacher
monitoring the pupils to avoid any harm. During recreation, the following games are
played: athletics, handball, ludo, rope skipping etc. Some lazy pupils avoid recreation
and this has affected their physical and mental development.

6. Who ensures that recreation is observed in schools?

А. Teachers.
B. Government
C. Parents
D. Schools
E. Pupils
7. According to the passage, the following games are played during recreation
A. athletics
В. football
С. handball
D. ludo
E. skipping
8. To avoid injuries, the __ monitors the pupils during recreation.
A. cleaner
B. games master
C. head boy
D. headmaster
E. teacher
9. Some __ pupils avoid recreation
A. brilliant
B. lazy
C. pampered
D. sharp
E. weak
10. According to the Passage, recreation develops the child physically and ___
A. emotionally
B. Mentally
C. structurally
D. Intelligently
E. socially
Primary Six Exam Passages & Questions
There were’ three activities Musa enjoyed so much while growing up. These were
recitation of nursery rhymes, which increased his retentive memory, playing of
football, which, enhanced his physical fitness, and storytelling which boosted his
thinking ability and taught him several moral lessons. Of all these. his favourite was

His friend, Ibe, on the other hand, liked watching cartoon network and playing violent
video games and films. He concentrated more on violent video games. To him.
children should play more of violent video games because they make a child smart
and creative. More so. they bring about quick thinking and fast decision making.

One day, Musa and Ibe met in school during break time and discussed the
advantages and disadvantages of those activities they liked. Musa succeeded in
discouraging his friend from playing and watching violent video games and films.
This was done by telling Ibe a short story about Clinton, an American boy who
picked a gun and shot his father as a result of what he learnt.

Clinton regretted his action. Apart from this obvious fact, other reasons why Musa
disliked violent video games were that they teach kids the wrong values such as
aggressive behaviour and vengeance. They also corrupt the mind. On listening to
this short story, Ibe vowed never to play or watch violent video games and films

11. Which one of these activities is Musa’s favourite?

A. Playing football.
B. Playing video games.
C. Recitation of nursery rhymes.
D. Storytelling.
E. Watching films.
12. According to the passage, ___ shot his father.
A. a child
B. a friend
C. Clinton
D. Ibe
E. Musa
13. Another word can replace disliked as it is used in the passage is
A. hated.
B. loved.
C. shunned.
D. wanted.
E. watched.
14. Ibe was used to?
A. Violent video games
B. Storytelling
C. Playing football
D. Sleeping
E. Reading
15. Musa likes football because?
A. boosted his thinking ability
B. enhanced his physical fitness
C. increased his retentive memory
D. made him smart and creative
E. taught him several moral lessons.
National Common Entrance Passages

Hand washing is the single most important thing that you can do to help prevent the
spread of infection and stay healthy. As much as 80% of infections are said to be
passed on by unclean hands. So, wash them often throughout the day. Do so
especially before eating, cooking food, and after dressing or touching a wound,
touching an animal, using the toilet, or changing a baby’s diaper.

Washing with soap and water is more effective than using alcohol-based hand
sanitisers. Children stay healthier when parents train them to wash their hands and
to keep them away from their mouths and eyes. Bathing every day and keeping your
clothes and bed linens fresh and clean also contribute to better health. Culled from


Once upon a time, there was a boy called Akin. Akin had a bad habit that of dipping
his fingers into soup pots: whether it was his mother’s or any soup pot in the
neighbourhood. Often, the soup would go sour and their owners would be wondering
what went wrong.

Akin continue with this habit until he was caught red-handed one sunny afternoon.
with meat stuck in his throat in a neighbour’s kitchen. When the owner of the kitchen
came in and saw Akin trying hard to spit out the meat, she started shouting, thief!
thief!! thief!!!. People gathered and some tried to get the meat out but could not.
Surprisingly, when the woman tried, out came the meat!

Akin was beaten and made to dance around the village square with empty milk cans
and Icaves hung around his neck. By evening that day, he was on his knees crying


There lived a boy called Babu and his dog, Snoopy. Babu was a very stubborn boy
who caused his parents a lot of trouble. Sometimes he fought and returned home
with torn clothes. His parents had warned him several times but he would not listen.

One day, he got into trouble on his way to school, when he ordered his dog that went
everywhere with him to bite a little boy who refused to give him his bicycle. Unknown
to Babu, the boy’s father was a policeman who arrested him and his dog and took
them to the police station. When his parents heard, they came begging for his
release, telling the policeman how poor they were.

Finally. Babu and Snoopy were released and taken home. At home, his parents told
him they would have to sell some portion of their land to pay the moneylender. This
made Babu apologize and Asked for forgiveness for causing them all the trouble. He
told them he would sell Snoopy to pay the loan. Babu sold Snoopy, gave the money
to his parents and became a good boy from that day onwards

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