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1st Quarter Examination in English 10

S.Y. 2019-2020

Name _____________________________________________________ Date: ___________________

GENERAL DIRECTION: Write the letter of your answer in the space provided before each number.

I. Literature (Daedalus and Icarus)

Direction: Match each description in Column A to a name or place mentioned in Daedalus and Icarus in Column B.

___ 1. the apprentice of Daedalus and his sister’s son who invented the saw A. Apollo
___ 2. the Athenian hero who came to Crete to attempt to slay the Minotaur B. Ariadne
___ 3. the author of Daedalus and Icarus C. Athena
___ 4. the daughter of Minos and Pacipahe who fell in love with Theseus D. Athens
___ 5. the goddess who gave Daedalus his talent E. Camicus
___ 6. a half-man and half-bull F. Cocalus
___ 7. the homeland of Daedalus. G. Crete
___ 8. the island to where Daedalus went after the death of his son H. Daedalus
I. Icaria
___ 9. the island where the labyrinth of the minotaur is built by Daedalus
J. Icarus
___ 10. the king of Camicus
K. Iolaus
___ 11. the king of the island of Crete
L. Labyrinth
___ 12. a maze built to imprison the minotaur M. Minos
___ 13. the name Daedalus gave to the land near the place where his son fell N. Minotaur
___ 14. his name means “skilled worker” O. Nick Pontikis
___ 15. the nephew of Heracles who led the group joined by Daedalus to Sardinia P. Paciphae
___ 16. the Olympian god to whom Daedalus built a temple where he hung up his wings Q. Perdix
___ 17. the other apprentice of Daedalus who, at the age of twelve, displayed a skill that R. Sicily
nearly rivaled his mentor’s. S. Talos
___ 18. the place where the court of Cocalus is located T. Theseus
___ 19. the queen to whom Daedalus constructed the wooden cow
___ 20. the son of Daedalus

II. Grammar Awareness – Reflexive & Intensive Pronouns

Direction: Complete the following sentences by filling the blanks with appropriate reflexive/intensive pronouns.

___ 21. John promised __________ to work harder next semester. A. herself
___ 22. The judges could not agree among __________. B. himself
___ 23. Ethel gave __________ a reward for her hard work. C. myself
___ 24. We cooked the whole meal __________. D. ourselves
___ 25. Have you asked __________ why you are here? E. themselves
F. yourself

Direction: Determine whether the pronoun used in each statement is intensive (write I) or reflexive (write R).

___ 26. The students made the scenery themselves.

___ 27. The mayor presented the new program himself.
___ 28. Some animals protect themselves through camouflage.
___ 29. The pitcher scored the winning run himself.
___ 30. The players prepared themselves by staying in shape.

III. Writing and Composition – Persuasive Writing

Direction: Match a persuasive statement on the left with its possible purpose in the box on the right.

___ 31. “Vote for Sarah!” A. create interest

___ 32. “The principal should let us wear hats.” B. make change
___ 33. “Cell phones don’t cause brain cancer.” C. prove something wrong
___ 34. “If you don’t adopt this dog, it could have to live in a shelter.” D. stir up sympathy
___ 35. “Better grades get you a better job and more money.” E. urge people to action
Direction: Match a phrase/statement on the left with a feature of persuasive text in the box on the right.

___ 36. Consider the singular and plural form of the verb. A. Connectives/conjunctions F. Powerful verbs
___ 37. colorful and imaginative descriptive words B. Emotive words G. Present tense
___ 38. Use action words in an active voice. C. Facts/statistics H. Repeated words
___ 39. words that can touch emotions D. paragraphs I. Rhetorical questions
___ 40. Be consistent of the first, second, or third person. E. Personal pronouns J. Strong adjectives

IV. Oral Language and Fluency – Public Speaking

Direction: Identify what is referred to by each statement. Choose your answers from the box.

A. channel H. global plagiarism O. main points U. sexist language

B. connotation I. incremental plagiarism P. message V. signposts
C. credibility J. initial credibility Q. nonsexist language W. speaker
D. denotation K. internal previews R. patchwork plagiarism X. supporting points
E. derived credibility L. internal summaries S. pathos Y. terminal credibility
F. ethics M. listener T. plagiarism Z. transitions
G. ethos N. logos

___ 41. It is where the speech communication starts.

___ 42. It is the receiver of the communicated message.
___ 43. It is the meaning suggested by the associations or emotions triggered by a word or phrase.
___ 44. It is the literal or dictionary meaning of a word or phrase.
___ 45. It does not stereotype people on the basis of gender.
___ 46. It promotes the stereotyping of people on the basis of gender.
___ 47. They should be independent from each other, but same pattern is used an and balanced amount of time is
spent for each one.
___ 48. They are the “flesh” that fills out the skeleton of your speech.
___ 49. They let the audience know what the speaker will take up next.
___ 50. They remind the audience of what they have just heard.
___ 51. It is one of Arisrtotle's first rules of public speech that appeals to the speaker's credibility.
___ 52. It is the audience’s perception of whether a speaker is qualified to speak on a given topic or not.
___ 53. It is credibility acquired from past knowledge and first impression of the audience towards the speaker.
___ 54. It is credibility acquired during the speech delivery.
___ 55. It is what is thought after the speech is completed.
___ 56. It is the branch of philosophy that deals with issues of right and wrong in human affairs.
___ 57. It is presenting another person’s language or ideas as your own.
___ 58. It occurs when a speaker uses an entire work that is not his/her own.
___ 59. It occurs when one patches together bits and pieces from one or more sources and represents the end
result as his or her own.
___ 60. It occurs when most of the speech is the speaker’s original work, but quotes or other information have been
used without being cited.


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