MidTerm Exam in 21st Century Literature SY 2019-2020 Part 1 REMOVAL

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Midterm Examination in 21st Century Literature (Part 1)
S.Y. 2019-2020

Name _____________________________________________________ Date: ___________________

GENERAL DIRECTION: Write the letter of your answer in the space provided before each number.

I. Elements of Fiction

Direction: Match each description/statement in Column A to an element of fiction in Column B.

___ 1. It explains the character’s actions or decisions. A. verbal
___ 2. It is a plot device that is used when a hint is provided about what will happen B. unreliable
later in the narrative. C. tone
___ 3. It is a plot device that is used when what is happening in the present is explained D. theme
by recalling an event in the past. E. symbol
___ 4. It is a type of irony that is created when the intended meaning is the opposite of F. situational
what is stated. G. setting
___ 5. It is a type of irony that occurs when the opposite of what is expected to happen H. rising action
is what actually happens. I. point of view
J. plot
___ 6. It is a type of irony that refers to the disjunct between what a character knows
K. omniscient
and what the readers are made to know.
L. motivation
___ 7. It is a type of narrator that cannot be trusted for some reason.
M. limited omniscient
___ 8. It is a type of narrator that gives his/her comments or opinions. N. intrusive
___ 9. It is a type of narrator that knows and reveals everything, including what’s in the O. in media res
mind of the characters. P. foreshadowing
___ 10. It is a type of plot that begins in the middle of the story’s action. Q. flashback
___ 11. It is a type of plot that orders events in a fragmentary way. R. falling action
___ 12. It is a type of plot wherein events are chronologically sequenced. S. exposition
___ 13. It is an object that is literally present but has a deeper or figurative meaning. T. episodic
___ 14. It is the critical point of the story, or its unique insight about its chosen subject. U. dramatic
___ 15. It is the element that shapes how the events are told in a sequence or a pattern. V. conflict
___ 16. It is the mood or general feeling evoked by the setting. W. climax
___ 17. It is the narrative perspective or angle from which readers witness the events as X. classic
told by the narrator. Y. character
___ 18. It is the narrator’s attitude towards the characters or story that he/she is telling. Z. atmosphere
___ 19. It is the part of the plot where the initial state of things is being described.
___ 20. It is the part of the plot where the intensity of disturbance is increased.
___ 21. It is the part of the plot which disturbs the initial state of things.
___ 22. It is the time and place or the physical and social contexts where a story takes
___ 23. It is the turning point of the plot, or the point of its highest intensity.
___ 24. It is the type of narrator wherein the perspective is restricted to one character.
___ 25. It is the unraveling of the consequences of the major decision made at the
turning point of the plot.
II. Elements of Poetry

Direction: Match each description/statement in Column A to an element of poetry in Column B.

___ 1. A part stands in for the whole, or vice versa. A. understatement
___ 2. A word is substituted by another closely associated with it. B. synecdoche
___ 3. A word that imitates the sound it denotes. C. stanza
___ 4. Human qualities are given to inanimate objects, animals, or abstract terms. D. sound
___ 5. It does not use connectives, states one thing is something else, and suggests E. simile
several aspects of likeness. F. rhythm
___ 6. It downsizes the state or quality of something. G. rhyme
___ 7. It focuses on a single aspect of likeness, and it uses connectives. H. pun
I. personification
___ 8. It implies a discrepancy between words and their meanings, actions and their
J. persona
results, between appearances and reality.
K. paradox
___ 9. It is a cluster of sensory perceptions, all the images in a poem taken to mean
L. oxymoron
something together rather than separately. M. onomatopoeia
___ 10. It is a combination of contradictory words or ideas. N. metonymy
___ 11. It is a fictitious character whose voice we “hear” in the poem. O. metaphor
___ 12. It is a group of related lines. P. irony
___ 13. It is a recurrence of stresses and pauses in a poem. Q. ironic point of view
___ 14. It is a strange or self-contradictory statement that is apparently or surprisingly R. imagery
true. S. hyperbole
___ 15. It is a word chosen for its direct reference to a well-known historical or fictitious T. figurative language
person, place, thing, or event U. euphony
___ 16. It is an exaggeration for the sake of emphasis. V. dramatic situation
___ 17. It is the moment (in lyric poetry) or series of events (in narrative poetry) that the W. diction
speaker speaks about X. cacophony
___ 18. It is the nonliteral use of language. Y. apostrophe
___ 19. It is the poem’s choice of words, with each word suggestive in terms of its Z. allusion
meaning, sound, and placement together with other words
___ 20. It is word play involving two similar sounding words but with different meanings.
___ 21. The sound of words are harmonious together.
___ 22. The sounds are harsh or discordant.
___ 23. The speaker addresses someone or something who is absent, dead, does
not/cannot respond, or is not ordinarily spoken to.
___ 24. The speaker’s tone differs from the poet’s, i.e., the intended meaning contradicts
the tone.
___ 25. Two or more words contain the same combination of vowel and consonant


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