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Following questions will discuss your motivation to use social networking sites. Read the following statements carefully and
choose your responses.

Q. I use social networking sites…… Neither

Strongly Agree nor Strongly
Agree Agree Disagree Disagree Disagree
(5) (4) (3) (2) (1)
to meet new people O O O O O
to find other people like me or similar to me O O O O O
to talk to people with same interests O O O O O
to establish long lost contacts O O O O O
to let out my emotions to others who will understand O O O O O
to express my anger to others who will sympathize O O O O O
to talk out my problems and seek advice O O O O O
to support social causes O O O O O
to let other know I care about their feelings O O O O O
to learn about unknown things O O O O O
to do research O O O O O
to learn about useful things O O O O O
to share new ideas and my achievements O O O O O
to get new ideas from others O O O O O
to relax by releasing work or other pressure O O O O O
to feel excited O O O O O
to pass time O O O O O
because I can use it anytime and anywhere O O O O O
because it is free O O O O O
because I can use it easily O O O O O
because I can find information related to jobs easily O O O O O
because people who are important to me think that I should use social networking sites O O O O O
because people who influence my behavior think that I should use social networking
to create my social identity O O O O O
because of the feeling of social warmth on social networking sites O O O O O

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