BPT Lesson D

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Basic Productivity Tools (BPT) Lesson Idea

Lesson Title Everyday use of Geometry

Content 10th Grade Geometry: Volume
Content MGSE9-12.G.GMD.3 Use volume formulas for cylinders, pyramids, cones, and spheres
Standards to solve problems.
MGSE9-12.G.GMD.4 Identify the shapes of two-dimensional cross-sections of three-
dimensional objects, and identify three-dimensional objects generated by rotations of
two-dimensional objects.

Technology 1.3 Knowledge Constructor

Standards Students critically curate a variety of resources using digital tools to construct
knowledge, produce creative artifacts and make meaningful learning experiences for
themselves and others.

Integrated Desmos, Jamboard, Quizlet Matching Game, Prezi

Reference https://quizlet.com/687807289/match
or -assessment tool
Supporting (open in chrome, it will not open in safari)
This quizlet matching game is basically testing the knowledge of what we learned at the
very beginning of the lesson. It is used as an assessment tool to see how much of the
information the students are actually retaining. It is also a fun game activity for the
students, and it challenges them to be able to answer the questions quickly.


- Create objects (product maker)

- Visualize the composition of volume

In the teacher desmos, the students are supposed to complete a few tasks that allow
them to visually see how volume is composed. The students not only are expected to
complete the task, but they also have a chance to manipulate different objects and see
how they affect the volume of each shape. The students are creating shapes here and
inserting different 2-D shapes within a 3-D shape.


-Task completion tool

The jamboard is used for students to complete the warm-up task that asks them to
recall information that was learned in our previous class.

-Teacher PowerPoint copy for lesson plan:

-Class project for assessment. The students will create a Prezi PowerPoint to
demonstrate their knowledge of the content that was taught. It should not be content
heavy, but it should give the students a chance to design their own building using any of
the following shapes: cones, spheres, pyramids, cylinders, cubes, prisms.

Google docs: Use this as a tool to create the building. Google docs has 3-D shapes
available for visual purposes.

Bloom’s Remembering, Understanding, Applying, Analyzing, Evaluating, Creating

Integration This lesson is designed for Loti Level 3
Universal This lesson definitely has multiple forms of representation for volume. The self-paced
Design desmos task allows the students to see a great visual representation of what different 3-
Rationale Dimensional shapes are composed of. The students definitely remain engaged because
they are constantly being asked to either participate in full-class responses, review
games, and practice problems. With the varied response methods, the students have
many forms of expressing that they understand the content, or are at least trying to
understand it.
Lesson Idea This lesson is co-taught by three teachers including myself. The students will learn
about volume through the use of different basic productivity tools such as: jamboard,
quizlet, and desmos. The teachers will facilitate different tasks, and the students will
work through the tasks to create products and complete their work for the day. The
lesson will begin with the jamboard warmup. This warmup poses the question “What do
you remember from our last class”? The students will use their computers to tap their
link and complete the warmup task by jotting down their ideas, things they remember,
and any questions that they may have. The entire lesson will take 30 minutes. Student
learning will be assessed through a retention test at the very beginning of the lesson.
After the warmup, the students will see the learning targets and will be asked to
complete the introduction task on the desmos link. The students will form shapes
(create a product) and will be able to see how volume works the way it does. They will
be able to see the relation between 2-D and 3-D shapes for cones and cylinders.

The final portion of this lesson plan requires students to work on creating a Prezi Slide
show that explains how volume is utilized in real world situations. The assignment is to:
“Sketch a building (house, shopping mall, school, restaurant, etc) that includes at least
THREE of the 3-D shapes that we learned today. Come up with the measurements
(length, width, height, radius, etc) for each shape in your building and calculate the
volume. The students are advised to use google docs to create their building with the 3-
Dimensional shapes. This will be a great way to differentiate learning for those who
work best with exploration, and those who are more hands on and experimental.
This entire lesson plan is great for every type of learner. It is very hands on, allows
students to manipulate shapes, tests the students on their knowledge, and allows every
student to remain engaged.
The student learning will be extended to a higher learning level by having the students
create their own volume problem in google docs and use prezi to present it to the class.
The lesson is concluded with practice problems. The practice problems will be worked
on in groups of four. As the teacher, I will break down every problem after each group
has tried it at least once. The students will submit their scratch work and I will write
comments on their work and hand it back the next day. The students will also receive
feedback based on their understanding of volume through a graded rubric for their prezi

Design I believe that the activities that I creates could impact student learning in a positive way
Reflection because it causes them to utilize their thinking in so many different ways. They have to
retain information learned in the lesson, relate volume to real-world scenarios, and then
create their own product using what they learned. To extend the lesson, the students
could create their own 10 minute mini lesson to teach a partner. Having students teach
what they learned is a great way to hold them accountable for actually knowing the
information. At the same times, some students learn better from their peers.

Student Artifacts: Google Docs “Building Creation Sample” & Sample Prezi Presentation

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