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natural PRIMARY


1 1 1 Our bodies and health

Class Book
2 2

Think Do Learn Natural Sciences

is a new series aimed at teaching content in English with a hands-on approach.This new
methodology activates critical thinking skills and helps children understand and learn in a more
stimulating way. Level 1 includes extensive audio activities and songs, a story book,
and a complete digital resource pack for both student and teacher.

The course is completely modular, allowing for a variety of teaching situations.

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sciences 1
Module 1 Our bodies and health

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Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. It furthers the University’s objective of excellence
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Oxford University Press España S. A.
Parque Empresarial San Fernando, Edificio Atenas
28830 San Fernando de Henares, Madrid, Spain

© of the text: Blanca Morote, Nina Lauder, 2014

© of the song lyrics: Nina Lauder, 2014
© of this edition: Oxford University Press España S. A., 2014

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CREDITOS NATURAL SCIENCE1 M1.indd 1 11/07/14 12:17

Table of contents
Natural Sciences 1
MODULE 1: Our bodies and health

Unit Contents Page

1 My body My body 4
Parts of my body 6
Joints 7
My skeleton 8
My muscles 9
I grow 10
Emotions 11
Let’s work together! 12
Experiment time! 13
Let’s revise! 14

2 My senses My face 17
My senses 18
See 19
Hear 20
Smell 21
Taste 22
Touch 23
Let’s work together! 24
Experiment time! 25
Let’s revise! 26

3 Healthy bodies Healthy bodies 28

Healthy food 30
Before and after eating 31
Healthy bones and muscles 32
Healthy senses 33
Hygiene 34
Being ill 35
Let’s work together! 36
Experiment time! 37
Let’s revise! 38

My dictionary 40

My Big Project – My dental diary 42

content page tableof content_ NATURALSCIENCES M1.indd 1 02/07/14 15:46

My body

1. 2
Look, listen and do.

2. Look and say ‘hands’ or ‘feet’.

4 Our bodies and health

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3. 3
Listen and repeat. Then listen and point.



4. Match and stick.

head torsØ limb∫

My body has three parts: head, torso and limbs.

ha s?
W hi
five 5

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Parts of my body
1. 4
Sing and do.

2. 5
Listen and number.

hand arm
head 1




My arms and my legs are limbs.

6 Our bodies and health

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1. 6
Listen and touch your joints. Then listen and match.

1 shoulder
2 elbow
3 wrist
4 hip
5 kne∂
6 ankl∂
2. Tick the joints in your arm.

ankl∂ wrist kne∂ elbow

3. Move your joints!

I can move because I have joints.

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My skeleton
1. Which ones have a skeleton? Circle.

2. Look and match.




3. 7
Listen and say the chant.

My skeleton supports and protects my body.

8 Our bodies and health

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My muscles
1. 8
Listen and match.

2. Look and colour the muscles.

My muscles help me move.

ha s?
W hi

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I grow
1. 9
Listen to the story. Who is the baby?

2. Order the pictures.

3. Read and draw.

Thi∫ i∫ m∂ a∫ å baby. Thi∫ i∫ m∂ now.

We all grow and change.

10 Our bodies and health

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1. 10
Look, listen and say the number.

1 2 3

2. Make funny faces!

3. How do you feel today? Draw and say.

I have different emotions.


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Let’s work together!
Tag me!

We need:
My body TEMPLATE 1.1
Parts of the body labels

head neck


labels template arm arm

scissors leg leg

sticky tape hand hand

a camera foot foot


© Oxford University Press España, S. A.


1. Cut out your labels. 2. Stick the labels on a classmate.

3. Make some funny poses. 4. Take a photo.


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Experiment time!
Can you do it?
You need:

a soft ball

Try, then tick the box.

Can you move a ball with your:

foot hand nos∂

Can you catch a ball with your:

feet hand∫ nos∂

Can you pick up a ball with your:

feet hand∫ nos∂


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Let’s revise!
1. Circle the joints. Then point and say.

2. Colour the circle yellow (skeleton) or red (muscles).


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3. Match the picture to the sentence.

My arms are limbs.

I can move because I have joints.

My skeleton supports and protects my body.

My muscles help me move.

M Y P R O G R E S S . Colour the faces.

I know the parts of my body.

I know where my joints are.

I know where my muscles are.

I know where my bones are.


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My dictionary



hand arm


40 Our bodies and health

dictionayNATURALSCIENCES b1 .indd 40 02/07/14 17:15


se∂ touch

hear smell tast∂

cold headach∂ muscle∫

skeleton stomach ach∂ toothach∂


dictionayNATURALSCIENCES b1 .indd 41 02/07/14 17:15

BigProject Do you take good care
of your teeth?
My dental diary


Draw things that are good and bad for your teeth.

Circle the things you have in your bathroom.

42 Our bodies and health

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Find out!
Tick the things that help keep your teeth healthy.

Make predictions!
Predict your habits. Tick.

I brush my teeth every day. I eat vegetables every day.

I floss every day. I go to the dentist.

I eat sweets every day. I use mouthwash every day.


Ask a question about your teeth!


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My dental diary!

Fill in your chart for 3 days.





Show a friend your results. Compare.

44 Our bodies and health

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Super scientist experiment!


Read and tick.

I think the egg will … I think the egg will …

stay the same change colour stay the same change colour


The egg … The egg …

stays the same changes colour stays the same changes colour

When I use the toothbrush, the egg … When I use the toothbrush, the egg …

stays the same gets cleaner stays the same gets cleaner

My conclusions:


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Amazing smile by:
My toothbrush My food My teeth are:




My smile!

M Y P R O G R E S S . Colour the faces.

I can collect data.

I can show my results.

I can do an experiment.

46 Our bodies and health

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042-048 MBP_proyecto1_9788467383713.indd 47
Oxford University Press

Super Scientist Award

is a super scientist and knows how

to keep their teeth healthy.


Well done!

14/01/16 12:15
p. 5

p. 20

p. 28
© Oxford University Press España, S. A.

adhesivos natural science BI.indd 2 02/07/14 17:24

natural PRIMARY


1 1 1 Our bodies and health

Class Book
2 2

Think Do Learn Natural Sciences

is a new series aimed at teaching content in English with a hands-on approach.This new
methodology activates critical thinking skills and helps children understand and learn in a more
stimulating way. Level 1 includes extensive audio activities and songs, a story book,
and a complete digital resource pack for both student and teacher.

The course is completely modular, allowing for a variety of teaching situations.

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1 03/07/14 12:00

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