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Islamiyat notes

Chapter 2


1. Faith-Belief on prophet (Rislat)

 Questions:
 Why has God created us and sent us on this earth?
 What is real purpose of our existence?
We are here to worship Allah. to obey Him, and to live usefully
and peacefully amongst ourself and his other creation. We must
do good in the world and for this we have to guide us to earn
Allah pleasure. This will lead us to our eternal home (heaven).
Who will tell us how to reach heaven?
What should we do to deserve this award in the hereafter?
Who will give us guidance?
Rislat or prophet hood means conveying Allah message. Rasul’s
or prophet are Allah, messenger whom he appointed to guide
us through his angels and Books. Leif in Allah prophet and the
message they brought is part of our Iman(faith).
Q. About prophet, & work of the prophet that Allah gave them?
Prophets are vitious people who teach us about Allah. They tell
us what are sin are virtue are. They tell what should we do to
please Allah and what we should not do that will displease him
Prophet tells us Allah is one and only master.They teach us how
to pray, when to pray and our duties toward Allah.

Q. What they had to do to become prophets:

 Were able to impress upon there Ummah
 Need to be good and do right things
Allah chose his prophet from amongst people who
breathed and lives like any other human being but ked
virtuous lives.

Q. Characteristic of Prophet:
 Honest
 Tolerant
 Patient
 Kind hearted
 Compassionate people who yearned to improve the
condition of the society at large and wanted oppression
immorality to stop.
Q. Who is the first human and who was the last human?
First human was Hasrat Adam. Prophet was sent all the times
for guidance of His people. Hasrat Muhammad was the last
prophet he was sent as a messenger of all humanity and for all
times to come.

Q. Who are Nabi and Rasul and what were their duties? Tell few
names of Nabi?

Allah messenger were given scriptures to relate to us. These

messengers were called Nabi. Rasul’s are Allah messenger who
were given the books. The name of the messengers are Adam,
Nooh, Lut,Mossa and Haroon etc.

A. Concept of worship (Ibadat) in Islam

Q. What is definition of Ibadat?

Ans: Ibadat comes from word Abd which mean slave or
servant. Thus, Ibadat means total submission to Allah.
Q. Why we should do Ibadat?
Ans: We should do Ibadat because it is an effort for our
human to develop a close relationship with Allah and way
to thank him for all that he has gave us. Reciting Kalama
Tauheed remind us that Allah alone is our master and we
can rely on him for all our needs. Namaz, hajj and Zakat
are all parts of Ibadat. Ibadat makes person humble,
modest &kind-hearted.
B. Importance of Praying to Allah (Du’a)

Q. What is meaning of dua and why we Muslim use dua?

Ans: The meaning of dua is to call out. Muslim use dua to
call out Allah. It is one of the greatest acts of worship in
Islam. Dua is the most important part of worship.
Q. Point which we must keep in mind when we call to
Allah for dua:
1.We must have faith that Allah is listening to us.
2.We must expect the best for him.
3.Our intention must be good & we must pray only for
the permissible things.
4.Dua should be mad with sincerity & with an attentive

Q. Dua that are most likely to be answered by Allah are:

 Dua by parent to children
 Dua for a person who is not present
 Dua for traveler
 Dua of a person who have been wrong

C. Zakat

 Most important pillar of Islam.

 Zakat mean purification
 It is a charity which is compulsory for all adult &
free Muslim who have minimum wealth
 The minimum amount is called Nisab.
 After salat, giving zakat is the most important
obligation of Muslim.
 Zakat is payable on cash, gold, silver & raw
material used in industrial goods.
 The rate of Zakat is 2.5 percent on cash, gold,
Q. Zakat can be given to?
 The poor and the needy
 To free captives
 To help debtors pay their debts
 T the travelers
 To cause of Allah
 To those who collect zakat
Q. Importance of Zakat
Ans: Zakat is a way of ensuring that the rich do not forget
the needs of the less fortunate in a society & that is their
duty to help and take care of poor.

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