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Tutorial 1
Research Question: What is the average income of delivery riders in Singapore for June
Population of Interest: Delivery riders in Singapore
Sampling frame: All Delivery riders in Singapore

Numerical Variables: Income
Categorical Variables: Full/Part Time (Nominal), Vehicle(Nominal), Base(Nominal) - does
not seem to have any intrinsic/clear ordering to it to make it ordinal Cf. Happiness level,
Education level

491.005 ≈ $491.01

The average in 1(c) also factored in the income of part-time drivers (who in the survey adds
up to a sizeable proportion of 191/200, around 90% of the respondents) who earns
significantly less and given their large representation would greatly skew the statistics. The
average for only full-time delivery riders is $1465.11, compared to $445 for part-time riders

Not exactly. The average income of group of riders with car is about 15% higher.

Average of
Row Labels Income
0 457.754717
1 528.5

0 (other
modes) 457.754717
Full 1380
Part 448.9714286
1 528.5
Full 1475.75
Part 440.3837209
Grand Total 491.005

Research question: To determine if the new algorithm for the riders’ delivery app is effective
in resulting in an increase in income for delivery riders, as compared to the old algorithm.

Design: Use random assignment to split the 1206 riders into two groups, one treatment
group and one is the control group. The treatment group will have their apps updated to the
new algorithm, while the control group will be using the old algorithm. The participants
should be blinded as to which group they are in. After 3 months, assess their income (don’t
do self-reporting).
Tutorial 1
other variables of concern: gender, full-time or part-time, location of riders, working hours,
active delivery timings in the day, vehicle type

Old Algo New Algo Total

M 403 421 824
F 187 195 382
Total 590 616 1206

no. of males (old algo) = 590/1206 * 824 ≈ 403


(a)(i) 4201.754386

(b)(ii) 115663.5965

(iii) 115663.5965

(iv) the values are exactly the same. balancing point = what lies to the left of the mean is
exactly what lies on the right of the mean. subtracting it will always get 0.

mean = sum of terms/ number of terms

answer for b(ii) lies in sum of x terms / x and answer for b(iii) is sum of y terms/ y where x +
y = n, although the mean is not the median wherein x and y should be almost the same, with
a large data set, the mean is not far from the median.

(v) the median would also likely share this balancing property. BUT when the standard
deviation is very high, and when there is skewness (e.g positively skewed, such that most
values are clustered on the left hand side of the month) maybe in the case of a very
competitive exam such as the IMO with only 6 questions, most people

(b) not necessarily. we can just imagine the food delivery riders example, the standard
deviation among full timers (sub group) will likely not be significant and the sd among part-
timers will also not be that much, but when we combine them together, we can imagine
that there is greater sd.

4. Question (investigation causal relationship): Whether gender of the penguins is

responsible for the larger standard deviation in mass for the Adelie species compared to the
Chinstrap species.

Find out:

1. Find out the mean for female Adelie penguins (if there wasn’t any male penguins)
2. Find out the mean for male Adelie penguins
3. Compare 1 and 2 against each other and the total mean
Tutorial 1
4. Find out the mean for male Chinstrap
5. Find out the mean for female Chinstrap
6. Compare 5 and 6 against the total mean
7. If the 1 and/or 2 deviates from the total mean significantly more than 5 and/or 6 ,
then it’s likely that the gender
8. Conclude that the gender of the species affects the standard deviation

Count of Average of
Row Labels sex body_mass_g
Adelie 151 3700.662252
female 73 3368.835616
male 73 4043.493151
Chinstrap 68 3733.088235
female 34 3527.205882
male 34 3938.970588

S p r e ad o f A d e l i e an d C h i n st r ap p e n gu i n w e i g h t s b y g e n d e r
80 4500

70 4000
2500 Count of sex
40 Average of body_mass_g
20 1000
10 500
0 0
female male NA female male
Adelie Chinstrap

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