Atividade de Língua Inglesa - 8os. Anos

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Língua Inglesa – 8os.


Vocabulary - Feelings

1. Observe os emojis abaixo e pesquise o significado dos adjetivos que eles representam:

Excited _______________________

Sad _______________________

Angry _______________________

Sick _______________________

Surprised _____________________

Happy _____________________

Unhappy _____________________

Bored _____________________

Tired _____________________

Confused _____________________

Proud _____________________

Afraid _____________________

Embarrassed __________________

Hungry _____________________

Shy _____________________

2) How are you feeling today? (Como você está se sentindo hoje?) observe o modelo abaixo e responda em inglês,
depois desenhe o emoji que representa sua resposta.
a) How are you feeling today?
I´m hungry today.

WH- question words
1. Combine as perguntas com as respostas corretas.
( ) He is 12 years old.
(A) What`s his name?
(B) Where does he live? ( ) His full name is John Reeves.
(C) What`s his full name?
( ) His favorite sports are basketball and tennis.
(D) What are his favorite sports?
(E) How old is he?hat`s his name? ( ) He lives in London.
(B) Where does (B) he
( ) His name is John.

2. Traduza as perguntas e respostas do exercício acima.

Língua Inglesa – 8os. Anos

1- Complete o texto usando o banco de palavras:

Garfield’s Routine

Hello! My name is Garfield. I ___________________ at ten o’clock.

Then, I _________________ a glass of milk. After that, I
__________________ on the sofa and ___________________ TV. Odie is
my best friend. He __________________ watching cartoons on TV. We
watch Ben Ten. At lunch time I _________________ a delicious lasagna and Odie ________________ a bone.
Then, I _________________ in the park with John, but Odie ________________ with a bone. In the evening!
I have some fish for dinner. At nine o'clock I _________________.

Banco de palavras: sleep - sit - watch - likes - eat - play - get up - eats - drink - plays

2- Combine as colunas, encontrando o complemento adequado a cada verbo.

1. read ( ) a coke
2. drink ( ) early or late
3. walk ( ) in the park
4. eat ( ) a good book
5. get up ( ) to school
6. meet ( ) to Orlando
7. go ( ) television
8. travel ( ) some new friends
9. watch ( ) a hamburger
10. have ( ) a pet

2. Faça a tradução do texto.

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