Group Discussion Worksheet

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Group Discussion

Group:1 Date: 5/17

Each response should be written in complete sentences, and it should be around 50 to 100

Responses from group members

Chinese Name:劉郁嫻
1.I think I relate to the people who are rushing in the photo. Although they look busy in
their life, I thought they are actually using their own pace to advance on their way of life.
People who are sitting in the photo make me feel like they still don’t know the way they
should have gone. So I think I may relate more to people who are rushing.

2.I spend many hours a day doing nothing, but I don’t think that is a waste of time, I regard
this as a way to let our body rest. I have some experience working too hard that my body
can’t afford. So I know the rest is essential, no matter what kind it is, suitable relaxation is
what we really must do.

Chinese Name:黃子芸
Response: 1. I relate more to people who are rushing around. They seem like they have
tasks and are busy completing them. Before distance learning, I was one of them who had a
specific aim, such as going to school or work.As a result, I understand more about people
rushing around.

2. I spend a lot of time doing nothing. During the commute or in my spare moment at
study, I don't feel like doing anything but spacing out. And I don't consider the time wasted
because I enjoy idleness. When I am idly, I feel aimless but stress-free. I am truly myself at
that moment.

Chinese Name 紀皓天

Response:1.relate people who are rushing around rather than sitting down there.
In the first of all, rushing means you have to use time very wisely:though it just pity of
time.Second,rushing means live in the present."Carpe diem, quam minimum credula
postero."The people who just sitting there means he or she is got nothing better to do .

2.I usually spend one hour or thirty minutes doing what I really wanna do. For me,I need
the time to deeply relax. Like play some computer games, make a phone call to my
confidante or BFF,or just take forty winks.I do not think it wastes time. It makes me more
vigorous to face my subject and my club.

Chinese Name: 黃寶釵

Response: 1.I relate more to those people who are sitting down because they seem to be
more relaxed and I am not sure if they are having fun or just waiting for something.I feel
the hustle and bustle after a day of work, sit down and enjoy my space. Feeling the
difference from yourself is not a bad idea.
2.I think time is very precious to me right now. But sometimes I waste it rummaging
through my phone, eating, sleeping. Although this is normal, if you spend too much time
sleeping in, you will find your plans difficult to complete, so I feel I need to learn how to
manage my time well and my life had a substantial.
Chinese Name : 歐智寧
1. I think I relate more to the people who are rushing around. In this picture, people look
busy and in a hurry. In my opinion, I have more similarities with them because you
usually can see the situation at stations. I have to take public transportation when I go
home from school. That’s why I relate more to the people who are rushing around.
2. I spend so much time doing nothing. I know this is a bad habit and it is wasted time, but
I am still doing this involuntarily. I’m always doing nothing when I am studying. Because
of that, I should spend more and more time reading the same page. Moreover , doing
nothing has become a bad habit in my life, so I think I should break the bad habit.

Chinese Name 陳敏希


1. I think I relate more to the people who are sitting down. I think it takes too much energy
for me to rush around my business, so if I have any other leisure time, I must sit down
or even lay down on my bed. Also, I think rushing around brings me high efficiency but
it is very tiring. That’s why I would like to be those people sitting down in the crowded

2. I think it is very difficult for me to spend time doing nothing. Because even though I
have a lot of time, I must play my online game or watch Netflix, it must have something
to do. Even when I sleep, I’m sleeping rather than doing nothing. On the other hand,
during the online education period, I think my life is too boring, so I must find
something to do, for example, cooking,exercising, playing games,etc. I think if I do
nothing, I am useless and time wasting.

Chinese Name 陳胤錡

1. I think I relate more to the people who are sitting down. Because I am a lazy person, I
don’t do anything that makes me tired. If there’s a seat, why do I have to stand? Almost
everyone is busy every day, including me. But I don’t want to rush around because that’s
not my style. Even though I am in a hurry or have many tasks to do, I still can work those
things out at my own pace.

2.I spend so much time doing nothing a day. It isn’t waste time and I love it. One of my
favorite things is turning on music then doing nothing. It helps me relax and collect myself.
It seems that my body does nothing, but my brain can’t stop thinking. Not thinking about
business or relationships, just thinking. It sounds weird, right? But I suggest everyone try

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