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Name: Leona C.

Santiago Date: June 10, 2022

Yr./Course/Section: BSPA 2-2 Schedule: Thursday (5:30 – 8:30)

I. Editorial Cartoon (50 PTS.)

Choose one gender-based issue from the options below. Research its current condition in the Philippines and illustrate it
through an editorial cartoon. Explain your views and position about the issue in 1 paragraph (5-10 sentences).

Domestic Violence Extra-Marital Affair Human Trafficking

Sexual Harassment Gendered Bullying Work Discrimination

Elimination of Discrimination

Discrimination based on gender, life stage, work, and other factors must be eliminated.
Many frontline workers were discriminated against at work during the pandemic outbreak since they
were the first to help patients who had been infected with the Corona Virus. As a result, people
believe they should avoid them because they may become infected. People harass someone or say
harsh things. When they know they are front liners or health workers, they are screamed at, kicked
out, or avoided, according to numerous reports. As students or Filipinos, we must respect one
another and properly explain whether you are only concerned about yourself or your health. It's nice
to know that a law has already been passed to protect them, namely the City Ordinance No. 8624 or
the 'Anti COVID-19 Discrimination Ordinance of 2020' in Metro Manila, which states that any form of
harassment or discrimination against the above-mentioned individuals, as well as government forces
on the frontlines, is prohibited.
II. What’s on Your Mind? (25 PTS.)

Direction: Read the two feature articles in the box and write a short essay about your reflection and stand on the
topic elaborated in the article. (5 points each)

On Polyamory
Polyamory as Post-Modern Love Polyamory is an invented word for a different kind of relationship. Poly comes
from Greek and means “many”. Amory comes from Latin and means “love”. Mixing Greek and Latin roots in one
word is against traditional rules, but then so is loving more than one person at a time when it comes to romantic or
erotic love. The word polyamory was created in the 1980s by Morning Glory and Oberon Zell. This couple, who
have been married since 1974, continues to enjoy a deeply bonded open relationship that has morphed in many
directions over the years, including a live-in triad lasting ten years and a six-person group marriage that recently
dissolved after ten years. The Zells did not invent the lifestyle, which has come to be known as polyamory, nor di I,
though we are among a handful of pioneers who have mapped this new territory and thought deeply about its
implications over the past thirty-some years. I use the word polyamory to describe the whole range of love styles that
arise from an understanding that love cannot be forced to flow or be prevented from flowing in any particular
direction. Love, which is allowed to expand often grows to include a number of people. But to me, polyamory has
more to do with an internal attitude of letting love evolve without any expectations or demands that it looks a
particular way than it does with the number of partners involved.
(Source: Anapol, Deborah. 2010. Polyamory in the 21st century: Love and Intimacy with multiple partners, 1-2. New York: Rowman and Littlefield Publishers, INC.

Process Questions:

1. What do you think of this kind of relationship?

Polyamory is still practiced today; according to the Quran, a man is lawfully entitled to have up to four wives.
However, the Quran states that justice must be done and that if a man is afraid of injustice, he must be content
with only one wife. They should stand for it, in my opinion, you should just stay with your one and only
partner. Because it takes two to tango, you and your partner can work together as a couple because it is the right
thing to do.

2. How can this change a person’s perspective toward love and gender identity?

You should only love one person, regardless of gender, in my opinion. Because this one individual can
both help and please you. You don't have to look for or fall in love with someone else only to find or fulfill
someone's flaws. All you have to do now is communicate and understand each another.

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