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Victor Malaspina (Order #35116610)

Victor Malaspina (Order #35116610)




Dedicated to my son Conner and his friends,
Bryen and Spencer

Victor Malaspina (Order #35116610)

Several Images provided by Storn Cook, Rudolf
Montemayor, Tony Perna, Antonio Rojo, Fritz Casas,
and Butch Mapa via Image Portfolio © Louis Porter Jr.

Some art work taken from Sci-Fi Clip-Art Collection

One, copyright © Philip Reed and Christopher Shy.
Used with permission. To learn more visit www.

Some art work taken from Sci-Fi Clip-Art Collection

Two, copyright © Philip Reed and Christopher Shy.
Used with permission. To learn more visit www.

Other Images from LPJ9644 Image Portfolio 1.29

Random Violence © Louis Porter, Jr. Design.

Some artwork from Fantasy Filler Art copyright Rick

Hershey, All Rights Reserved.

Some artwork © 2015 Dean Spencer, used with

permission. All rights reserved.

Some artwork in this book is ©2005 Team Frog

Studios, used by permission.

Some artwork from OtherWorldly Art Portfolio©

OtherWorld Creations, Inc.

Some artwork copyright Octavirate Entertainment,

used with permission.

Some artwork © Daniel Comerci - danielcomerci.com

Some artwork © Shaman’s Stockart

Some artwork © JE Shields

Some artwork © Tamas Baranya

Some artwork © Matt Morrow.

Some Images and text from public domain resources.

All original content, layout and design by

James F Keck © 2019

Victor Malaspina (Order #35116610)

Section 1: Basics 2

Section 2: Character Creation 4

Section 3: Skills & Associates 9

Section 4: Powers 22

Section 5: Magic 36

Section 6: Psionics 54

Section 7: Gear 62
Section 8: Combat 88

Section 9: Gamemastering 104

Basic NPCs & Critters 109

Character Sheet 119

Index 122

Victor Malaspina (Order #35116610)



Victor Malaspina (Order #35116610)

Welcome to 4C Expanded
The 4C (4 Color) System was designed to emulate an Excellent game system from the 80s that was
quite popular then (and still is today), that allowed you to play in the role of your favorite comic book
superhero, or to create one of your own design. The rules were simple and easy to learn, and are still
being used as the foundation for many of today’s latest Supers games. The original 4C System was a
good attempt at recreating the original system, but it fell short in several areas. 4C Expanded is an
attempt to rectify those shortcomings, and to - expand - upon the uses of this fine system to make it
more than just another “Supers” role-playing system.
Don’t get me wrong, 4C Expanded is all about Supers, but the system can also be utilized for so many
other genres, from straight Sci-Fi to Fantasy, and everything in between. In this book, we’ll begin with
a reworking of the original 4C rules as they were created, for super-heroic role playing, and then we’ll
move on to specific rules for use in other genres. First, let’s cover the basics!

Section 1: Basics
Before you can dive into the game, you’ve got to get acquainted with a few of the basic rules. Here,
we’ll discuss the type of Dice to be used for all action resolution, and the Master Table, which is essen-
tially the heart of the system. Once you have these basics down, you’ll be ready to move on to new, fun
and awesome worlds of game play. Let’s take a look at some of the terminology that you’ll be seeing
throughout these pages.
The characters you play in any 4C Expanded game are made up of a set of Traits, or Attributes, that de-
fine how the character can interact with the world around them. Each Trait is marked with a numerical
Rank Value that is used for determining whether your character succeeds or fails at a given task. The
higher the value, the better your character is in the given Trait. These Traits are broken down into two
categories, Primary Traits, and Secondary Traits.
The Primary Traits make up the character’s physical, and mental connections to the game world. They
define how well a character can do in a fight, or how much weight they can lift or carry, and whether
they can figure out complex puzzles, or how well they can withstand mental attacks. Each character has
seven Primary Traits, four Physical, and three Mental. These will be discussed further in the Character
Creation section. The numerical values of the Primary Traits are used to generate the totals of most of
the Secondary Traits.
Two of the Secondary Traits, Health and Fate, are made up from the totals of the character’s Primary
Traits. The character’s Health score is composed from the four Physical Traits, while the Fate score is
generated by totaling up the Mental Traits. Obviously, the Health score is the amount of damage the
character is able to withstand during a fight, while Fate is a pool of points that the player can use to ad-
just dice rolls during the game. These Traits will be discussed further in the Character Creation section.
The type of dice used in a game of 4C Expanded are called percentile dice. This is a pair of 10-sided
dice that give a number between 00 and 99 when rolled. You can use two different colored dice to let
you know which is the ones digit, and which is the tens digit. There are also sets of dice where one is
marked in tens (10, 20, 30, etc.) and the other is marked normally (0 - 9). This is my personal favorite
type of dice as there is no mistaking which is the 10s digit, and which is the ones digit.

Victor Malaspina (Order #35116610)

The Master Table
The Master Table is used to determine the success or failure of almost every action that a character attempts in
the game. Whenever a character tries to perform an action, select the appropriate Trait, Power, Ability, or Skill
to determine the Rank Value to be used. Locate the Rank Value in the leftmost column of the Master Table, roll
d% and find your die result on the table by moving along the row to the number you rolled. The higher the roll,
the better your success. The number rolled will be in a gray, white, red, or blue column. A gray result is a Failed
Attempt (FA), white a Minor Success (MS), Red is a Success (S), and blue is an Outstanding Success (OS). These
result levels will be used throughout the game for various purposes, from setting a target for opposing skill or
ability attempts to damage modifiers.
Rank Values
Master Table Everything that a character does to interact with
Rank % Roll Rank the world will fall back to a Trait, Power, Ability, or
Value FA MS S OS Descriptor Skill that has a Rank Value. Whenever you need to
5000+ 00 01-19 20-59 60-99 Omega 5 determine success or failure for an action, you’ll
roll the dice, and then cross-reference the roll with
2500 00 01-24 25-64 65-99 Psi 2.5
the character’s ability/skill score, or raw Trait on the
1500 00 01-29 30-69 70-99 Chi 1.5 Master Table.
1000 00 03-34 35-74 75-99 Mythic
500 00-02 06-34 35-74 75-99 Wonderous You will note the Rank Value Descriptors in the right-
most column of the Master Table. These descriptors
250 00-05 06-39 40-79 80-99 Powerful
can be used in conjunction with the actual numeri-
150 00-09 10-39 40-79 80-99 Mighty cal range of the Rank Value if you choose.
100 00-14 15-44 45-84 85-99 Transcendent
75 00-19 20-49 50-84 85-99 Colossal
1-2 Minimum human
50 00-24 25-54 55-89 90-99 Stupendous
3-5 Below-Average human
40 00-29 30-59 60-89 90-99 Inconceivable
6-9 Average human
30 00-34 35-64 65-93 94-99 Significant
10-19 Above-Average human
20 00-39 40-69 70-93 94-99 Exceptional
20-29 Exceptional human
10 00-44 45-74 75-96 97-99 Strong
30-39 Maximum Human Limit
6 00-49 50-79 80-96 97-99 Average 40-49 Low superhuman
3 00-54 55-84 85-98 99 Lacking 50-74 superhuman
1 00-59 60-89 90-98 99 Weak 75-99 High superhuman
0 00-64 65-93 94-98 99 Void 100-149 Low Cosmic
Rank FA MS S OS Rank 150-999 Cosmic
Value % Roll Descriptor 1000+ Beyond Comprehension

Row Steps
A Row Step represents a shift of one or more rows up or down the Master Table in the effective Rank Value for
a single action. A Row Step can be a bonus or a penalty. For example, a +1 Row Step moves the effective Rank
Value to the next higher row (i.e. from Exceptional 20 to Significant 30) while a –2 Row Step moves the effec-
tive Rank Value two rows lower (i.e. from Exceptional 20 to Average 6).

Altering the Dice

After a roll is made you may spend up to 25 points from Fate to shift the result of a single roll one color left or
right (from gray to white, white to red, red to blue, or vice-versa) on the Master Table. The roll you alter can
be your own or someone else’s (ally or enemy). You may spend additional points to further shift the color (i.e.

Victor Malaspina (Order #35116610)

from gray to white, or red to blue) with each additional shift costing a further 25 points. Multiple characters may
spend Fate to affect the same die roll.

As an alternate rule you may declare that you wish to spend Fate points to alter a roll before rolling the dice. A
minimum of 5 points will be spent for declaring the use of Fate points whether they are needed to achieve the
desired Result or not. This allows the player to use as many or as few Fate points as needed to get the desired

Section 2: Character Creation

Building Your Hero
Now that you’re familiar with a few of the basics of the game, let’s get to building a character. Each character in
4C Expanded can be a unique creation of your own imagining, or one you want to emulate from your favorite
comic series. If you wish to perform the latter, you should work with your GM to determine the character’s start-
ing Trait and Power Ranks. If you’d like to generate a completely new character, you can do so randomly, or via a
point-buy method.

Before we begin rolling up your Traits and Powers, or spending any points, let’s first go into a bit more detail
about what makes up a character. As mentioned in an earlier section, a character has seven Primary Traits that
allow him, or her, to interact with the game world. These Traits are divided into four physical (Melee, Agility,
Stamina, Strength) , and three mental Traits (Intellect, Vision, and Empathy). Collectively, these are known as the
character’s MASSIVE Traits.

Primary Traits
The seven Primary Traits listed below make up the character’s physical and mental structure. Each Trait will come
into play several times during a game session.

• MELEE - This trait is used whenever your character gets into a hand- to-hand combat situation. From
bare knuckles brawling to dueling with sabers, this is the Trait to use.

• AGILITY - Agility is a measure of your character’s sense of balance, and hand-eye coordination. Use this
Trait whenever you are attempting any sort of ranged combat, or whenever your balance is tested.

• STAMINA - This Trait determines how long your character can keep going under adverse conditions.
Struggling your way through a desert, or deep-sea diving are situations where this Trait will come into
play. It is also used when you are trying to rush an opponent (see Rushing in the combat section).

• STRENGTH - Simply put, this is your character’s physical power. It determines how much weight the
character can lift/throw, and it is also the amount of damage he, or she, causes when punching or
kicking an opponent.

• INTELLECT - This is your character’s brain power, or smarts. You’ll use this Trait when trying to over-
come any mental puzzles you may encounter along the way. Trying to solve mathematical equations,
chemical formulas, and even remembering where you left your keys calls for the use of the Intellect

• VISION - This is both the character’s ability to physically notice things, and to “sense” those things that
aren’t readily visible. Instinct, or Sixth Sense are other ways to describe this Trait.

• EGO - This Trait is a measure of a character’s mental strength, or willpower. It comes into play whenev-
er the character is subjected to mental stresses such as mind control powers or abilities, or when being
physically tortured.

Victor Malaspina (Order #35116610)

Secondary Traits
The character’s Secondary Traits are Health, Fate, Fame, and Means. The Health and Fate Traits are derived
from totaling up your character’s MASSIVE Traits. Fame and Means are generated randomly, or can be pur-
chased if using the point-buy method of character generation.

• HEALTH - This is how much damage your character can sustain before being knocked unconscious.
To get your Health total, add your character’s Melee, Agility, Stamina, and Strength Traits together.

• FATE - Fate is a pool of points that your character can use to tweak dice roll results during combat, or
any other situation where you have to roll for success. To generate your starting Fate pool, add the
character’s Intellect, Vision, and Ego together. You will be using Fate points often during an adven-
ture, but you will also be receiving them for successful actions during the game as well, so this total
will fluctuate throughout an adventure session.

• FAME - This is a measure of how famous, or infamous your character is in the public eye. If you are
relatively unknown (which many super heroes tend to be in the beginning), your Fame score will
likely be 0, or maybe a few points higher. However, you might be quite famous from the get-go, and
could begin the game with a high Fame score. This score is rolled randomly on Table C.

• MEANS - This Trait shows how rich, or poor, your character is in the beginning. Means isn’t an exact
dollar amount of worth, but more or less your character’s credit rating per month. If you’re of Av-
erage (6) Means, your character is considered to be a regular working Joe, making standard hourly
wages in a factory, or other nine to five type of job. If your Means score is Exceptional (20) then your
character is independently wealthy, either through inheritance or successfully running your own
small business. This score is also randomly generated by rolling on Table C.

In unarmed combat, a character normally does damage equal to their
Strength Trait Value on a successful hit. This works extremel well
in a comic-centric role playing game, but if you are playing a game
with a more cinematic flare you’ll want to keep your characters, and
sometimes their antagonists, on their feet for a while longer than a
single comic frame will display. Here we introduce Melee Damage as
an additional Secondary Trait.

MELEE DAMAGE - This is the amount of damage your character can

do when physically attacking an opponent in unarmed combat. It
is also used as a bonus to any damage caused by hand-held melee
weapons such as a sword or club. For every Row Step above 0 of the
character’s Strength Rank Value on the Master Table, he or she does
2 points of Melee Damage.
Let’s Get Rolling
Alright, now you know a little more about what makes up a character, so let’s build one. First you must decide
whether you want to build your character randomly, or via the point-buy method. A random character is just
that - random, and sometimes you’ll not be too happy with the results. A character built by point-buy, how-
ever, gives you much more control over the outcome, but your scores will be limited by the amount of initial
build points you start with. In either case, your first step in building a character is always its Origin.

Victor Malaspina (Order #35116610)

Your character’s Origin determines several factors throughout the remainder of creation. Some origins will alter
certain of your MASSIVE Trait scores, while others will give you extra powers, or power-like abilities. If you de-
cide to go with the Point-Buy method of character creation, the Origin you choose also determines the number
of build points you begin with. They are separated as points for Traits (T), and points for Powers, Skills, and
Associates (P/S/A).

At this point in the game, you can simply choose an Origin, or roll one
randomly if you have no idea of the type of character you wish to cre-
ate. Choose, or roll for, an Origin from the list below:
00-21 Skilled Human T: 80; P/S/A: 150
22-37 Changed Human T: 100; P/S/A: 100
38-51 Technologically Enhanced T: 80; P/S/A: 150
52-61 Robot T: 180; P/S/A: 150
62-77 Mutant T: 150; P/S/A: 150
78-89 Alien T: 200; P/S/A: 150
90-99 Symbiot T: 42; P/S/A: 130

SKILLED HUMAN - The character is a highly trained, but normal human

being. The character begins the game with three bonus skills of their
choice. Roll on column C for beginning Traits.

CHANGED HUMAN - The character has been altered by some form of accident, or experimental application.
Raise one (1) of the character’s MASSIVE Traits by +20. Roll beginning Traits on column C.

TECHNOLOGICALLY ENHANCED - This character has acquired his or her powers through the use of technology.
All initial powers must be assigned to weapons, a suit of armor, or other gadgetry that the character uses while
fighting the bad guys. Raise Intellect by +20. Means is also increased by +20. Roll on column A for starting Traits.

ROBOT - The character is some sort of mechanical, or magical construct. Raise all MASSIVE Rank Values by +10.
Character’s Fame begins at Void (0). Robots roll on column B to generate starting Traits.

MUTANT - The character’s genetic makeup has been altered, either by accidental exposure to cosmic, or atomic
radiation, or naturally inherited at birth. Raise Stamina by +10. Means is reduced by 10 (minimum of 1). Fame
is reduced to 0. Character gains one bonus Power. All starting powers are innate. Mutants roll on column B for
beginning Traits.

ALIEN - The character has come into the world from another planet, or plane of existence. Raise all MASSIVE
Rank Values by +10. Alien characters begin with one less Power (minimum of one). Each Power can be an inborn
ability, or mechanical in nature. Aliens use column B when rolling beginning Traits.

SYMBIONT - A Symbiotic character relies on another creature for sustenance and locomotion. In return, the
Symbiotic character grants special abilities or some other benefit to its host. In most cases, the symbiotic rela-
tionship is a mutually agreed partnership, but in some cases the pairing is more like slavery.

All of a Symbiont’s Physical Primary Attributes begin at 6 points, relying on their host’s body type for protection
and locomotion Roll up a second character to represent the Symbiont’s host body. Their Mental Attributes (In-
tellect, Awareness, and Willpower) are generated by rolling on column B.

Victor Malaspina (Order #35116610)

To Randomize or Not to Randomize...
Now comes the fun part, do you want to roll up the rest of your character randomly, or do you want to take up
the reins, and build your character from the ground up? Both methods will be covered in the following pages.

As mentioned previously, random generation leaves your character’s Traits, Powers, and other options up to
chance. You have little to no control over what you will come up with. However, if you need a quick character
for a last minute gaming session, pick up the dice and roll. This is also an excellent method that the GM can
use for coming up with a quick villain if the main bad guy isn’t enough of a challenge for the PCs.

Once you’ve chosen, Rank Value Table

or rolled for, your
character’s Origin, you
will next need to roll 00-04 1 1 1 3
up his, or her, MAS- 05-09 3 3 3 6
SIVE Traits. The Rank 10-19 6 6 6 10
Value Table has four 20-39 10 10 8 20
columns. Your char- 40-59 20 20 10 30
acter’s Origin deter-
60-79 25 30 15 40
mines which column
you will roll on. 80-95 30 40 20 50
96-99 35 50 25 75
The Point-Buy method is straight-forward. You have a number of Build
Points, determined by your Origin (see page 6), with which you will
create your character. The costs associated with each facet of your
character’s build are listed in the following table:

Primary Traits Rank Value
Secondary Traits Rank Value
1 Skill or Spell Level 20
1 Associate 20
1 Power or Psychic Ability 2 X Rank Value

The Primary and Secondary Trait cost is

self-explanatory, simply purchase them at Hey! Let’s build a character as we go! We’ll do Random Generation
Rank Value. Associates, Skills and Spell Lev- first, and follow up with a re-cap of the Point-Buy system afterwards.
els cost 20 points each. Powers and Psychic First let’s roll our Origin; 67, that’s Mutant territory, cool. Now, let’s
Abilities are a bit more expensive costing roll up his Traits using the Rank Value Table at left. Mutants roll on
two times the desired Rank Value. column B of the Rank Value Table to generate their MASSIVE Traits.
For our Mutie, we get scores of 30, 6, 50, 10, 10, 20, and 30. You can
Primary Traits assign these down the line, or place them wherever you desire.
As noted earlier, the character’s Primary, or
Under the Point-Buy system, the Mutant Origin gives us 150 Build
MASSIVE, Traits are Melee, Agility, Stamina, Points to spend on his Primary and Secondary Traits. Random
Strength, Intellect, Vision, and Ego. Depend- generation gave us a total of 156 points on the Primary Traits alone,
ing on your character’s Origin, you will roll but since our man is a mutant, we won’t need to worry about the
for each Trait on one of the four columns Secondary Traits of Fame and Means, since any points spent there
of the Rank Value Chart above. For a truly would be lost anyway.

Victor Malaspina (Order #35116610)

random character, insert each score rolled into the MASSIVE Traits down the line. If you’d like to exercise a bit
of control, write them down on a piece of scrap paper, and place them in each Trait as you see fit. Some Origins
will affect certain, if not all, Traits, so keep this in mind when placing the scores.

Secondary Traits
The character’s Secondary Traits are Health, Fate, Fame, and Means. As mentioned previously, your Health
score is generated by totaling up the first four scores of your MASSIVE Traits. Likewise, your Fate points are
generated by adding up the last three scores of your MASSIVE Traits. Next, we look at Fame, and Means. Unless
you’re using the Point-Buy method, you’ll roll for both of these scores on the Rank Value Table.

FAME - First let’s roll for Fame. Roll percentile dice, and compare the result to column C. Your character’s Origin
may affect the final total score.

MEANS - Next comes the character’s Means. This time we roll on column B. Again, the final total score may be
affected by the character’s Origin. Note your scores in the appropriate location on the character sheet, and let’s
move on.

MELEE DAMAGE - As noted earlier, Melee Damage is an optional Secondary Trait for use in combat. Instead of
using the character’s full Strength Trait Value as the damage score in unarmed combat, count the number of
Row Steps on the Master Table from zero to the Strength Trait Value and multiply by 2.

Example: A character with a Strength Rank Value of 20 would do 10 points of damage when punching or kick-
ing an opponent.

If the character uses a melee weapon, he or she then adds the Melee Damage Trait to the damage value of the

Example: The character draws a sword and hits an opponent. The sword’s damage is 10 plus the character’s
Melee Damage Trait score of 10 for a total of 20 points of damage.

Okay, so we’ll assign our character’s Primary Trait scores where we want them. We want him to be decent in a fist
fight, so let’s give him a Melee score of 30, that’s Significant. We also want him to be nimble, maybe more so than
anything else, so let’s put the 50 in Agility, a Stupendous score. His Stamina should be worthwhile, so let’s drop an
Exceptional score of 20 there. Oh, hey, Muties get a bonus of +10 to their Stamina, so let’s raise that score to 30.
Don’t want him to be a 90 pound weakling, so let’s give him a Significant Strength score of 30. He’s no Einstein, but
he’s not a crash test dummy either, so let’s give him an Above Average Intellect of 10. His Vision should also set him
above others, so let’s put that other 10 there. Okay, so he’s not a very strong willed person, but he’s just as good as
the next guy, so we’ll put the Average score of 6 down for his Ego.

Now let’s get our Secondary Traits taken care of. Adding up the MASS portion of the Primary Traits, we get a total
of 140. This is the character’s Health score. Very nice. Now we add the IVE half of the Traits for a total score of 26
- ugh - our boy doesn’t have a lot of Fate points to play with now does he? Oh well, that’ll fluctuate during game
play anyway. Our next step is the character’s Fame. Being a mutant, our character automatically begins with a Fame
score of 0. That was easy, huh? Next comes Means. Again, a Mutie gets hit with a penalty for being what he is, so
whatever we generate will already be reduced by -10. To generate our score, we roll on column B of the Rank Value
Table for a score of Inconceivable (40)! Oh, wait, we have to subtract 10 from that, so we’re knocked back down to
Significant (30). Still, it appears that our mutant has an income equivalent to that of a small corporation. Not too
shabby! This kind of conflicts with his having a Fame of 0, but perhaps he’s a Prince or something from an island
nation that nobody pays much attention to. Whatever the case, we’ve got our Primary and Secondary Traits taken
care of.

Victor Malaspina (Order #35116610)

Section 3: Skills & Associates Option
Once you have determined your character’s Origin, and Characters can purchase up to five levels
generated its Traits, it is time to decide what skills he or she in any skill. Each level in a skill gives a +1
knows. Each skill is tied to a particular MASSIVE Trait and Row Step to the Primary Trait it is associ-
gives a +1 RS to the Trait whenever the skill is used. With the ated with. Should a character acquire the
Game Master’s approval, you may also take one, Advanced Improved Skills power, he or she still gets a
skill in place of two regular skills. This gives the character a +3 RS bonus to the chosen skill, which can
+2 RS bonus when using the Advanced skill. raise it above the maximum level limit of 5.
Sometimes a player will want to have their character be more fine tuned in a specific skill. He or she may want
to be really good with a certain weapon, or be able to really know how to keep an old favorite robot in operat-
ing order. Focusing allows the character to be more highly skilled when using that one thing that they are good
with. Focusing increases the character’s bonus from the skill level from +1 RS to +2 RS whenever that particu-
lar item or ability is involved. The cost of focusing is the same as raising a kill level, and whenever the base skill
is increased it costs an additional 100 Fate points to raise it.

Random Skills
Unless you are building your character via the Point-Buy method, use the % ROLL No. of SKILLS
table at right to determine the number of skills your character begins with. 00-19 1
All skills may be attempted unskilled except those marked with an asterisk *. 20-49 2
50-79 3
Next, roll a single 10-sided die to determine which skill table to roll on, and
then roll d% for the specific skill. 80-99 4

Victor Malaspina (Order #35116610)

00-32 Blunt Weapons 00-24 Athletics 00-06 Artistry
33-65 Edged Weapons 25-49 Climbing 07-12 Beast Control
66-99 Martial Arts 50-74 Running 13-21 Bluffing
75-99 Swimming 22-29 Camouflage
30-37 Detect Lie
00-04 Archery 06-07 INTELLECT SKILLS
38-44 Detect Traps
05-09 Balancing 00-03 Alien Lore
45-52 Disguise
10-13 Contortion 04-06 Ancient History
53-60 Gambling
14-18 Disarm Traps 07-09 Appraising
61-68 Interrogation
19-23 Dodging 10-13 Arcane Lore
69-75 Meditation
24-27 Driving 14-16 Astronavigation*
76-83 Predict Weather
28-31 Escape 17-19 Barter
84-91 Research
32-35 Hiding 20-23 Botany
92-99 Tracking
36-40 HOV Ops 24-27 Capital Ship Engineering*
41-45 Lock Picking 28-32 Capital Ship Piloting 09 EGO SKILLS
46-50 Pick Pockets 33-36 Capital Ship Weapons 00-15 Animal Handling
51-55 Piloting 37-40 Computer Ops 16-31 Command
56-58 Ranged Weapons 41-44 Dead Language 32-46 Hypnotism
59-61 Rope Use 45-48 Demolitions 47-63 Intimidation
62-64 Set Snares 49-52 Electronics 64-79 Resist Domination
65-70 Sleight of Hand 53-56 Envirosuit Ops 80-99 Willpower
71-76 Starship Gunnery 57-58 First Aid All beginning characters start the
77-80 Starship Piloting 59-61 Foraging game with skills at first level. If the
81-84 Stealth 62-63 Geo-Navigation GM would like to have your char-
85-88 Thrown Objects 64-66 Heraldry
acters be more advanced, you can
roll on the following table to deter-
89-92 Thrown Weapons 67-69 Language
mine each skill’s starting level:
93-96 Tightrope Walking 70-72 Medicine*
97-99 Tumbling 73-75 Mining D% SKILL LEVEL CLASSIFICATION
76-78 Planetary Science 00-49 1 Novice
04 STRENGTH SKILLS 50-69 2 Advanced
79-82 Repair
00-24 Intimidation 70-84 3 Adept
83-85 Robotics
25-49 Jumping 86-89 Security 85-94 4 Expert
50-74 Lifting 90-93 Starship Engineering* 95-99 5 Master
75-99 Wrestling 94-96 Survival
97-99 Toxicology

Victor Malaspina (Order #35116610)

EDGED WEAPONS – Types of edged weapons include
Using Skills swords, daggers, knives and the like.
Whenever a character is attempting to perform
a difficult task that would be covered by a skill, MARTIAL ARTS – Martial Arts comes in many styles. In
he or she makes a skill check. All of the skills are its basic form, this skill gives a +1 RS bonus to the Me-
grouped by the Primary Traits that govern them. lee skill for any type of unarmed hand to hand combat.
Edged Weapons falls under Melee, Foraging and Specific styles can be designed by the player and the
Survival are listed under Intellect, etc. The GM will Game Master and can have special attacks that may be
determine if a skill check is necessary based upon learned with each new level.
what else may be going on at the time that the
character is attempting to use it. For instance, if a Some basic style additions are listed here to help guide
character is leisurely scrolling through the Univer- the player or GM in designing their own specific style:
sal Web on a ship’s computer during a hyperspace • Quick Strike - This style uses multiple, rapid attacks
jump, no roll would be needed, but if he or she that allow the combatant to get in several punches or
was needing to find specific information on how kicks during a Turn at the cost of doing less damage
to repair a damaged laser cannon during a space per strike. The character makes a number of attacks
battle, then the GM would require the player to equal to his or her Melee rank score divided by ten,
roll. but each hit only does half his or her Strength or Me-
lee Damage score (rounded up) in damage.
Melee Skills • Locks & Bars - This style focuses on trapping an op-
BLUNT WEAPONS – The character is knowledge- ponent’s arms and legs by twisting, bending, or even
able in the use of blunt weaponry. Examples pinching their joints in ways that will immobilize them,
and possibly render them unconscious. Characters
include club, maces, hammers and similar types
that utilize this style achieve a Hold on a White result
of weapons.
or higher.

Victor Malaspina (Order #35116610)

• Power Strike - This style concentrates on hard hitting LOCK PICKING – The character has learned to pick
attacks that amplify the damage with each strike. The locks in order to gain access to secured rooms or
character receives a +1 RS to Strength for damage containers.
PICK POCKETS – In order to get by in the streets,
• Energy Reversal - The martial artist utilizing this style the character has learned to discreetly acquire
pits his or her opponent’s energy against them self. valuables from others by reaching into pouches
The target of these attacks typically gets thrown, or pockets to grab the loot.
sometimes for great distances, by a simple twist of a
wrist. Whenever the character is attacked, he or she PILOTING - This skill covers flying atmospheric
can attempt to Evade the incoming strike. With a Red vehicles over a planet’s surface. Select a specific
result or better, the character achieves a Pound result type of aerial vehicle at character creation for
against his or her attacker. If the target is thrown, he
each instance of the skill. Add the skill level bonus
or she receives double damage from the impact.
to the vehicle’s Handling rating when performing
Agility Skills
RANGED WEAPONS - The character understands
ARCHERY – The character is skilled in the use of bows the basics of using various types of ranged weap-
of various types, from long bows and short bows to ons that fire projectiles or energy beams at great
crossbows of various sizes. distances.
BALANCING – The character has the ability to maintain ROPE USE – The character can tie and untie knots
his or her balance under various conditions. of all kinds. A being tied up by a character using
CONTORTION – The character has trained his or her- this skill must make a Blue result on any attempt
self to be able to bend and twist their body in an un- to break free unless they possess the same skill.
natural fashion. This can allow the character to get into SET SNARES – This skill increases the character’s
small spaces that others of their stature couldn’t go. chance of trapping small animals. The traps may
DISARM TRAPS – The character is familiar with many also be used to capture humanoids of various
types of dangerous traps and how to disarm them. sizes.
SLEIGHT OF HAND – The character is able to
DODGING – The character’s reflexes have been honed make things appear or disappear into thin air by
to give them a better ability to dodge ranged attacks. palming them and distracting their audience.
DRIVING - The Driving skill covers all sorts of wheeled STARSHIP GUNNERY - This skill is required to man
vehicles from passenger sedans to tour buses. Add the various weaponry found aboard a starship.
the skill modifier to a vehicle’s Handling rating when
performing maneuvers requiring a check. STARSHIP PILOTING - Starships require a quick
eye and a quicker mind when zipping through
ESCAPE – This skill allows the character to slip out of real space, especially during combat with another
non-magical bindings. The character may attempt to vessel. A highly skilled pilot can be the clincher in
escape from magical bonds, but they must roll a Blue many combat scenarios. Add the Starship Piloting
result to do so. skill level bonus to the starship’s Handling value
HIDING – The character has the ability to tuck them- when performing maneuvers.
selves into the shadows or to camouflage themselves STEALTH – Character’s skilled in Stealth increase
to make themselves harder to notice. their chances to sneak up on unsuspecting
targets. Sneaking sets the difficulty for an oppo-
HOV OPS - The HOV Ops skill is used when attempt- nent’s Vision check while searching for intruders.
ing difficult maneuvers while operating a hover style
vehicle. The skill will only come into use during chases THROWN OBJECTS – A character with this skill
or whenever a tricky maneuver is attempted. can lob large rocks or other non-weapon items
with accuracy.

Victor Malaspina (Order #35116610)

THROWN WEAPONS – The character has
learned to accurately throw various edged or
Intellect Sills
piercing weapons. The weapons include dag- ALIEN LORE - The character is knowledgeable about
gers, darts or spikes, or other similar weapons. various alien species and their cultures. He or she can
utilize this information to enhance relations with other
TIGHTROPE WALKING – The character can walk species as they are encountered or to assist in combat-
across chasms or from rooftop to rooftop across ing them.
secure ropes, cables or even vines.
ANCIENT HISTORY - The character is knowledgeable
TUMBLING – This skill can be used to reduce about ancient civilizations and historic battles.
damage from falls. Roll the modified Agility Trait
after a fall to reduce the damage based on the APPRAISING - The character can estimate the value of
Result of the roll. White and Red results reduce objects and merchandise.
the damage taken by half. A blue result prevents
ARCANE LORE - The character is studied in various
all damage.
areas of occult and mystical knowledge.
Strength Skills BARTER - The character can haggle with traders to get
INTIMIDATION - The character can threaten a better deal. Add to Intellect or Renown, whichever is
an opponent with physical violence and make the highest, when dealing with merchants.
them hesitant to interact with him or her. If the
Intimidation check is successful, all actions made
by the target when dealing with the character
suffer a -1 RS penalty.

JUMPING - This skill allows the character to

jump across large gaps or from rooftop to roof-
top with ease.
LIFTING - The character has trained his or her
body and is able to lift heavier objects than they
are normally allowed.

WRESTLING - The character is capable of achiev-

ing better holds and grabs while wrestling.

Stamina Skills
ATHLETICS - This skill allows the character to
perform leaps and tumbles while traveling
through an area that would normally be very
difficult terrain. This is also known as parkour.

CLIMBING - The character can scale trees,

mountains, and walls with relative ease, wet or
icy surfaces notwithstanding.

RUNNING - This skill boosts the character’s

chance to outrun opponents or escape from

SWIMMING - The character can swim in condi-

tions that others find challenging.

Victor Malaspina (Order #35116610)

BOTANY - This skill allows the character to locate and ELECTRONICS - The Electronics skill is used when-
identify various wild plants and fungi that are useful ever a character is attempting to build, modify,
for healing. The character may also use the skill to repair, or sabotage any device having electronic
cook up minor salves, oils and unguents that can be components.
used to heal burns and damage.
ENVIROSUIT OPS - Envirosuit Ops, or Operations,
CAPITAL SHIP ENGINEERING* - This skill is similar to is a must have skill for anyone attempting to use
the Starship Engineering skill but on a much larger an extra vehicular or pressurized suit in a hostile
scale. Most repairs and general maintenance on a Cap- environment. Simply putting on and wearing the
ital scale starship require multiple engineers to work suit doesn’t require a skill check. If the character
together to get the job done. If the character has the is attempting an action that would be impeded by
Command skill, he or she may add the starship’s Crew the suit’s lack of mobility, such as operating a per-
Rating bonus to this skill to make repair or mainte- sonal ranged weapon not designed for use with
nance attempts. the suit, he or she must roll a skill check before
using the item.
CAPITAL SHIP PILOTING - Piloting a Destroyer class or
bigger starship is very different from flying a fighter or FIRST AID – First Aid is a very useful skill in almost
pinnace. You won’t find any joysticks or throttles on any situation. The character can stop the loss of
the bridge of a Capital ship. In most cases, a Capital essential bodily fluids in another after they’ve
ship pilot will find him/herself strapped into a seat taken damage in combat or through any other
behind a control panel plotting maneuvers. A character means. For special body types such as Gaseous,
may Focus this skill upon a specific type of ship. Liquid or Energy, the character must Focus on
them when taking the skill. The skill can be used
CAPITAL SHIP WEAPONS - Similar to Starship Weap- once a day per wounded character and will dou-
ons, Capital Ship Weapons allows the character to op- ble the daily healing rate.
erate the larger weapons found aboard these vessels.
Characters may Focus upon a specific weapon system. FORAGING - The character is skilled in searching
for food and other supplies in the most unlikely of
COMPUTER OPS - Computer Ops or Operations allows places. A successful skill check allows the charac-
the character to use computer systems to search for ter to turn up something beneficial to them self
information or to analyze data they’ve discovered. and their companions. This should be used with
General programming is also a part of the Computer some common sense, however, as attempting to
Ops skill. Hacking is considered a Focus of Computer forage for that particular part to repair a dam-
Ops and allows the character to infiltrate supposedly aged HTL drive would not be feasible in an area
secure systems to extract vital information or disrupt where it most certainly wouldn’t be found, unless
the system with corrupted codes and viruses. The tar- the GM decides that another vessel had crashed
get number for hacking into a system is the Computer in the area prior to the character’s being stranded
Ops skill roll of the being that programmed it. there.
DEAD LANGUAGE - The character can speak and read GEO-NAVIGATION - The character is able to
an ancient language that is no longer in common navigate on various planetary terrains using maps
usage. Only one Dead Language may be known per and positioning devices. He or she may plot an
selection of this skill. overland or sea course using fixed landmarks or
the position of the stars in the night sky.
DEMOLITIONS - Demolitions allows the character
to set up explosive charges in the proper position to HERALDRY – The character is knowledgeable of
achieve maximum damage. The Demolitions skill also the symbols and colors used by royalty to identify
is used to disarm explosive devices and booby traps set their status and their affiliation.
by another expert. The difficulty to disarm an explosive LANGUAGE – This skill may be selected multiple
is the success level of the person that set it. times to know how to speak, read or write specif-
ic languages.

Victor Malaspina (Order #35116610)

MEDICINE* - The character has gone through • Mechanical – Mechanical repair allows the
several years of study to learn about their own character to fix many devices including internal
species’ biology and anatomy to be able to heal combustion engines and hover vehicles.
them whenever they are injured or diseased.
A character with the Medicine skill has also ROBOTICS - The character understands the inner
learned about the physiology of other spe- workings of robots and similar automatons. Robotics
cies since being thrust into this galactic mess may be used to replace damaged components and to
brought on by “Mankind”. Check the character’s program them for new tasks.
Intellect Trait or Alien Lore skill when encoun- SECURITY - The Security skill allows the character
tering a new species to see if they have studied to bypass computerized surveillance devices to gain
their physical aspects. If the check fails, any access to restricted areas. With special equipment,
attempt at surgery or producing curatives is security codes can be hacked to get into a system and
made at a -3 RS penalty. Medicine may not be shut down alarms or traps that would hinder advance-
used unskilled. ment through a facility. The difficulty for bypassing a
system is the Security skill roll of the being that set it
up to begin with.

STARSHIP ENGINEERING - Starship Engineering is

used to perform the detailed maintenance and repairs
required for the sensitive drives and other integral
systems aboard a vessel. Hull repairs and other main-
tenance duties are also covered by this skill.

SURVIVAL – The character can use this skill to ensure

that they suffer no ill effects due to exposure in the
MINING – The character can use this skill to de- TOXICOLOGY - The character understands the proper-
termine the location of ores and minerals, and it ties and uses of various poisons, and their antidotes.
can be used to extract them from the ground.

PLANETARY SCIENCE - The character using Plan- Vision Skills

etary Science can study the data acquired by a
ARTISTRY – The character is capable of producing
starship’s sensor readings and determine useful
works of art that may be sold or traded.
information about a world. Information can in-
clude likely water and food sources, the location BEAST CONTROL - The character can steady creatures
of mineral deposits, and level landing areas. A by gently talking to it and approaching it carefully.
character with a high level in Planetary Science Mounts are less likely to throw their rider when suc-
can make a decent living as a Finder, one who cessfully using this skill.
goes to new worlds to check them out for major
corporations. BLUFFING – This skill increases the character’s chance
of tricking an opponent into believing that they are
REPAIR - The Repair skill allows the character to surrounded or outnumbered. It may also be used while
fix various broken devices depending upon the gambling to make opponents believe you have an
area of Repair they have studied. The Repair skill advantage.
is broken down into the categories listed below:
CAMOUFLAGE - The character can use their surround-
• Electronic – The character has the abili- ings to blend in and seem to disappear. This skill works
ty to repair electronic devices up to and in natural and created settings equally. The skill roll
including beam weapons. of the character using Camouflage sets the difficulty
number for those actively searching the area.

Victor Malaspina (Order #35116610)

DETECT LIE – The character can notice small “tells” the target is susceptible to suggestions made by
when speaking with others to know when they are the skilled character.
INTIMIDATION – The character can stare down
DETECT TRAPS – This skill gives the character a better an opponent and make them hesitant to inter-
chance to notice tripwires or trap doors that could act with him or her. If the Intimidation check is
cause damage or death if set off. successful, all actions made by the target when
dealing with the character suffer a -1 RS penalty.
DISGUISE - Disguise is used to alter a character’s ap-
pearance in order to make themselves unrecognizable RESIST DOMINATION – This skill trains the
to onlookers. It is useful in situations where the char- character’s mind to build mental walls to protect
acter might stick out in the crowd. The skill roll sets the against any mundane, magical or psychic at-
difficulty for an observer to see through the disguise. tempts to control them.

GAMBLING - There are almost as many forms of WILLPOWER – The character can withstand intim-
gambling in the galaxy as there are sentient species. idation and interrogation made against them.
Using the Gambling skill, a character can understand
the odds necessary to win a particular game, and even Uncategorized Skills
bend them to his or her favor. The opposing player’s
Gambling skill or Brains attribute is the target number The following skills can be coupled with one, or
for the opposed roll. more, of the previous categories. These are spe-
cialty skills that will increase the RS modifier of
INTERROGATION – The character uses mental coercion the associated skill by +1.
to force a captive into revealing information.
MARKSMAN - This can be applied to the
MEDITATION – The character can use Meditation to Archery, Guns, Thrown Objects, or Thrown
increase their mental recovery. It also doubles a magic Weapons skills.
user’s Magical Energy Level recovery rate.
WEAPONS MASTER - The character receives
PREDICT WEATHER – The character can forecast the a +1 RS when using melee weapons, on top of
weather conditions coming in the next couple of days. any other modifiers gained by other skills.
RESEARCH – This skill increases the character’s chance WEAPONS SPECIALIST - The character receives
to learn information about a subject. a +2 RS when using a weapon that he or she
has chosen as a “signature” weapon.
TRACKING – The character uses the skill to track ani-
mals or people across vast distances.
Just about everybody knows somebody. Whether
Ego Skills it be your best friend from your old village, your
ANIMAL HANDLING – The character can calm animals master that taught you all you know, or a priest
and teach them tricks or train them to do work. who has blessed your family farm, these people
are your character’s Associates. Whenever you
COMMAND - The Command skill is used when the get stuck for information, or just get into a jam
character is trying to get a group of NPCs under his or that you can’t get out of alone, your Associates
her command to carry out a set of orders. may be able to % ROLL No. of ASSOCIATES
help. To determine
HYPNOTISM – This skill allows the character to at- 00-19 1
the number of
tempt to gain mental control over another being. The 20-59 2
Associates your
character must have the attention of the target for one 60-89 3
character starts
full Turn before making the attempt to hypnotize them.
out with, roll on 90-98 4
The result of the Hypnotism roll sets the target result
the table at right. 99 5
for the being to make an Ego check to resist. If failed,

Victor Malaspina (Order #35116610)

• Medical - An associate in the Medical profession
Utilizing Associates can be a huge benefit to the character, especially
Okay, so now you have some Associates. So
after heavy combat. The medical professional
what are you supposed to do with them?
could be a nurse who could patch up the charac-
Depending upon what your Associates do for a
ter’s wounds enough to get them through to an-
living, you can gain a lot, or a little, of just about
other day, or a physician in a hospital who could
anything you need. For instance, if one of your
repair more significant damage or even bring the
Associates is a port guardsman, you can ask for
character back from the dead.
information about people. If you have a crime
lord as an Associate, you might be able to get • Criminal - A professional criminal associate is
special equipment, or even hard cash, whenever a member of a large gang or organization. The
you need it. If your Associate is a cabbie, you associate could be a local thug that can provide
might get free rides across town, or wherever information about what’s happening in the
he, or she, is willing to take you. The following streets, or a “made man” in the “family” who
are some suggested Associate types and the could acquire illicit equipment or other items
possible aid that they can offer. that the character can’t, with good conscience,
get for themselves.
PROFESSIONALS - Professional associates are
people who have gone through lengthy training to SCIENTIFIC - Scientific associates give the character access
attain the skills needed to hold important positions to laboratories and research facilities that he or she
in their chosen field. Doctors, lawyers, business- normally wouldn’t have access to. A chemist could create
men, law enforcement and even superhero or- special polymers for the character to use to build special
ganizations can all be considered as Professional equipment with, or a researcher can help them figure
Associates. Here are a few examples: out what this strange alien looking device is supposed to
do. Scientific associates are primarily going to be used for
• Law Enforcement - Associates in this
information gathering.
profession can be as simple as a neigh-
borhood beat cop or as high ranking as ARCANE - Sometimes it’s good to know someone with
an agent of the F.B.I. or the C.I.A. The knowledge of the occult. Sorcerers, witch doctors, a
character may receive aid in the form of voodoo priestess, all of these practitioners of the “dark
information about specific crime activity arts” can be very beneficial to a character, especially if
or identifying the owners of vehicles, he or she finds them self as the subject of a curse, or are
or the character may be able to secure plagued by extra-dimensional beings intent on devouring
some pieces of equipment that are only the world. An arcane associate can help the character by
available to members of law enforcement. divining information from the beyond about a subject
Some higher ranking law enforcement they are searching for, or transporting them to other di-
officials may contact the character from mensions or worlds to chase down a mystical villain.
time to time seeking help in apprehending
difficult criminals or solving a tough case.

Victor Malaspina (Order #35116610)

Victor Malaspina (Order #35116610)
without the substance for a specified amount of time
Drawbacks will cause the character to be off center, irritable, and
Nobody is perfect, and super heroes are no excep-
quite unpleasant to be around.
tion to this fact. Once you’ve gotten down your
character’s Traits and Powers, you might consider Simple addictions such as to food or nicotine, and to
picking up a Drawback. a lesser extent alcohol, will cause the character to
become fidgety, or nervous, and quite aggravated by
Drawbacks are personal character flaws, or even
things that appear to be innocent to others. The char-
weaknesses, that the PC must deal with in their
acter will suffer a -1 RS penalty to all social interactions
day to day lives, as well as when they’re out
until he/she gets what they crave. This level of Addic-
fighting the bad guys. Some Drawbacks may even
tion should only be worth about 5 to 10 Build Points.
have physical aspects that can hinder actions, or
cause problems in social interactions. If a char- More moderate Addictions would include heavier alco-
acter chooses to take a Drawback, they must be hol use, or “recreational” drug use. Again, going with-
prepared for all of the ramifications that come out the substance will cause the character to become
with it. irritable, and sometimes even violent. Social interac-
tions will suffer a -2 RS penalty to the character’s Fame
Drawbacks are typically taken during charac-
rolls. This level of Addiction should give the character
ter creation, though some could be applied as
between 10 to 20 extra Build Points.
the character develops through game play. It is
suggested that a character should take only one ARCH-ENEMY - Sometime in the character’s past he,
Drawback, but it is not forbidden to take more. or she, has defeated someone in a rather humiliating
You should discuss the types, and number, of fashion. That somebody keeps coming back with a
Drawbacks you want your character to have with vengeance. An Arch-Enemy will pop up from time to
the Game Master. time to try to cause the character’s downfall, if not
their demise.
When you take up a Drawback, you will receive
a number of character build points that you An Arch-Enemy should give the character between 5 to
can apply to any of your Primary or Secondary 20 Build Points based upon how powerful the enemy
Traits, Powers, Skills, or Associates. You may even is. If the enemy is a non-super level villain (a reporter
choose to add these extra points to the charac- bent on shaming the hero, or a crooked cop looking to
ter’s Fate point total to be used while adventur- bust the character for any reason), then he/she would
ing. The number of points you will receive will be only be worth 5 to 10 points. For more influential en-
determined by the Game Master. emies (head of a major corporation, or a government
official), or super powered enemies, the character
Some sample Drawbacks, and their suggested
should receive from 10 to 20 extra Build Points.
Build Point award for taking them on, are listed


Addiction 5-20
Arch-Enemy 5-20
Marked 10-30
Physical Impediments 30
Troubled Past 5-30
Weakness 10-30

ADDICTION - A character with an addiction has to

have a specific substance (food, alcohol, nicotine,
drug, etc.) in order to function normally. Going

Victor Malaspina (Order #35116610)

MARKED - The character has been physically marked ter moves away form it. This Drawback should give
by someone as a matter of shame, or to let others the character a number of Build Points ranging from
know that he/she has been branded for one reason or 5 to 30 points.
another. This mark is always visible, but can be tempo-
WEAKNESS - The character has a form of allergic
rarily covered by clothing, or even makeup. Whenever
reaction to a specific stimulus. The stimulus can
the Mark is seen by others, the character must make a
be anything from dust to alien, or supernatural,
Fame check with a -2 RS penalty. Check the results on
materials. Whenever the character encounters this
the table below:
substance, he/she suffers a -1 to -5 RS penalty to all
actions. The level of the penalty should determine
the number of extra Build Points the character
People are disgusted, and will move away from receives.
character, or even react violently against them.
People will tolerate the character’s presence, but These Drawbacks are only suggestions. Work with
will not associate with them. the Game Master to create your own Drawbacks if
People are sympathetic to the character, and will those presented here do not fit your character ideas.
associate with him/her, but at a distance. If you are rolling your character randomly and wish
Blue Same as red. to use Drawbacks, choose or create one for your
Marks can be anything from tattoos to scars, and may
even be supernatural in nature (glowing eyes, or other Each time the Drawback comes up in play, the
altered features). A Mark should give the character be- character will receive a number of Fate Points if the
tween 10 to 30 extra Build Points. player works through it instead of simply ignoring it.
The number of Fate points gained depends upon the
PHYSICAL IMPEDIMENT - A Physical Impediment can severity of the Drawback.
be anything from the character being deaf, or blind, to
missing limbs. Though it doesn’t stop the character from DRAWBACK FATE POINTS GAINED
living a normal life, it does cause them to have to adapt to Addiction 30
certain situations that people without a Physical Impedi-
Arch-Enemy 30+
ment take for granted. Some Impediments can be worked
around through the use of prosthetics, wheelchairs, or Marked 40
cybernetic enhancements (lost limbs, paralysis), while Physical Impediment 75
others require that the character adapt by falling back Troubled Past 50
on other senses or abilities (deafness, blindness). This Weakness 75
Drawback gives the character a -3 RS penalty to actions
that would be hindered by the Impediment unless en- Example: James created his character with the Trou-
hancements are utilized. Physical Impediment is one of bled Past Drawback. The character’s trigger memory
the more difficult Drawbacks to work around, and should is of falling from the roof of his childhood home re-
give the character an extra 30 Build Points at character sulting in a fear of heights. During the course of an
creation. adventure, James’ character is forced onto the roof
of a building in downtown Manhattan. As long as
TROUBLED PAST - The character has some issues with
his character remains on the roof, he suffers a -1 RS
something that has happened to her/him in the past.
penalty to all actions. Once the situation has passed,
Traumatic experiences, such as witnessing the brutal
the GM awards James 50 Fate points in addition to
murder of a loved one, or being physically or mentally
any others gained for other actions.
abused, might be the stimulus for the character’s heroic
origins, but they can also be the trigger for emotional
outbursts that can disrupt the character’s line of thinking.
Whenever the character encounters a situation similar to
their own Troubled Past, they will receive a -1 RS penalty
to all actions until the situation is resolved or the charac-

Victor Malaspina (Order #35116610)


P owers

Victor Malaspina (Order #35116610)

Section 4: Powers
Now comes the fun! Once you have your Primary and Secondary Traits, it’s time to get your powers. Like almost
every aspect of character creation, your character’s Origin may affect the number of Powers he, or she, receives
at creation. To determine the number of powers your character will begin the game with, roll on the following
%ROLL No. of Powers Now that we know how many Powers your character has, it’s time to
00-19 1 see what they are. Below is a set of tables listing all of the powers that
are currently available in the 4C Expanded rules set. If you don’t see a
20-59 2
power that you want in the list, new powers can easily be created by
60-89 3 inspired players and GMs. If you roll the same power twice you may
90-98 4 elect to either increase the power’s Rank Value by +20 or roll again on
99 5 the same table.

00-06 Absorption 00-05 Alter Ego 00-08 Astral Projection
07-13 Body Armor 06-10 Amphibious 09-17 Burrowing
14-20 Caustic Body Fluids 11-14 Astoundingly Wealthy 18-26 Dimension Jump
21-26 Chameleon 15-19 Celebrity 27-34 Environmental Shell
27-32 Combat Awareness 20-24 Dark Vision 35-44 Flight
33-39 Contaminant Resistance 25-30 Elasticity 45-53 Portal
40-45 Detection 31-35 Extra Body Parts 54-62 Super Leap
46-50 Force Field 36-40 Growth/Shrinking 63-72 Super Speed
51-56 Hardiness 41-45 Headquarters 73-81 Teleportation
57-62 Invisibility 46-51 Improved Skills 82-90 Vehicle
63-68 Mind Shield 52-55 Multiplicity 91-99 Wall Crawling
69-74 Nine Lives 56-62 Physical Metamorphosis
75-79 Nullification 63-67 Regeneration
80-84 Phasing 68-73 Shape Shift
85-89 Protected Sense 74-79 Side-Kick
90-94 Reflection 80-84 Super Sense
95-99 Resistance 85-89 Trait Boost
90-94 Trait Increase
95-99 Water Native
00-09 Claws
10-19 Elemental/Energy Control %ROLL 6-7 CONTROL POWERS
20-29 Elemental/Energy Generation 00-13 Animal Command
30-39 Fast Attack 14-27 Animate
40-49 Manifest Weakness 28-41 Magic
50-59 Mind Control 42-55 Molecular Manipulation
60-69 One-of-a-Kind Weapon 56-70 Plant Control
70-79 Paralyzing Touch 71-84 Telekinesis
80-89 Rage 85-99 Telepathy
90-99 Weapon(s)

Victor Malaspina (Order #35116610)

The tables are divided into Defensive Powers, Offensive Powers, Self Alteration Powers, Control and Travel
Powers. To generate your Powers randomly, roll a single 10-sided die to determine which table to roll on, and
then roll d% for the power.

Once you’ve rolled up your allotted Powers, you’ll need to determine their Rank Values. To generate each Pow-
er’s Rank Value, roll on column D of the Rank Value table on page 7.

Power Descriptions
All of the powers are listed
Ah, now for the fun stuff, Powers! First we have to figure out how
alphabetically on the following
many Powers our hero can have to begin with, so let’s roll on the
pages with descriptions for each.
Table. Upon rolling the dice, we get a 73. That gives us a whopping
ABSORPTION - The character is 4 Powers to begin with. And, since our guy is a Mutant, he gains one
immune to damage inflicted by extra power in addition to those rolled. Awesome!
a specific elemental or energy
Now we just have to roll on the Powers Table to find out what those
type (select one, see pg. 26) up
Powers are. Rolling the dice, we come up with Elemental/Energy
to the Rank Value of this Abil-
Control, Flight (ah good, no hailing taxis to get to a crime scene!),
ity. Any damage inflicted over
Headquarters (hey, that’ll help justify his high Means Rank), Super
the Rank Value of this ability is
Sense, and Elemental/Energy Generation. Cool, this guy appears to be
suffered normally.
shaping up nicely.
The character may use the
Now let’s roll for his Power’s Rank Values. Rolling on column D we get
absorbed energy in one of two
40, 20, 10, 20, and 40. Let’s give the big numbers, Inconceivable (40),
to his Elemental/Energy Control and Generation Powers. Hey, since
• Healing - The character he has both Powers, he gets an additional +10 permanently added to
instantly recovers a num- both, giving him a Stupendous (50) in each Power, that’ll make him
ber of damage points equal one tough hombre in any fight. We’ll put an Exceptional (20) down for
to the damage absorbed, Flight, and the other 20 can go to his Headquarters. Lastly, we’ll drop
up to his or her maximum the Above Average score of 10 into his Super Sense.
Our guy is looking really good now. Let’s define a few things about his
• Attack - The character, on Powers. First, his Elemental/Energy Control and Generation Powers
his next turn, may unleash will be based on fire (only because that’s what I want him to have).
the absorbed energy as Next, we have to decide what his Super Sense will be. For this charac-
an attack. Treat as an ter, I want him to have a special type of vision, maybe thermal vision,
appropriate elemental or that allows him to see the heat signatures of people, animals, or
energy control attack with objects, even through walls.
a Rank Value equal to the
Okay, our guy is looking really cool now. All that is left is to flesh him
number of damage points
out with some Skills, Associates and some gear and we can play!

ALTER EGO - The character possesses another form, a different persona he can willingly change into. Create a
second character to use as this character’s Alter-Ego. The second character is an average member of the origi-
nals species possessing similar abilities. Additionally, the second character cannot possess any primary trait or
special ability with a Rank Value greater than 30; any result rolled over 30 is automatically reduced to 30.

AMPHIBIOUS - The character has specially developed lungs that allow them to breath equally well in air or
in water. A character with this power cannot be drowned while submerged but will suffocate if the necessary
element for breathing is not present.

Victor Malaspina (Order #35116610)

ANIMAL CONTROL - The character can communicate happening. He, or she, may return to the body
with and control animals. To successfully communi- instantaneously, and defend it, but suffers from a
cate with an animal the character must roll d% on the -2RS penalty to all actions for one Turn until he/
Master Table using the Rank Value of this power or the she is reoriented. The character can remain in
character’s Ego +10, whichever is greater. A result of Astral form indefinitely, but the body must still
white or greater indicates successful communication be maintained with food, water, oxygen, and all
has been established. other necessities. If the body dies while in Astral
Projection, the character becomes a non-corpore-
To control an animal, the character must achieve a al ghost.
blue result. The character can control one type of an-
imal (such as birds, reptiles, mammals, sea creatures, BODY ARMOR - The character has armor of
etc.), which must be determined at the time of the some kind, perhaps a carapace, a thick hide or a
character’s creation. protective body suit, which reduces damage by
an amount equal to the Rank Value of this ability.
ANIMATE – The character can animate almost any If the Body Armor is technological in nature, it
object, or number of objects, he, or she, can see, or can also be a platform for most of the character’s
touch, up to and including biological forms (dead bod- other powers.
ies). The animated object(s) is completely under the
character’s control and will carry out whatever action Another facet
it is ordered to perform. Animated objects are not of Body Armor
affected by mental attacks. They have a Health score is that it can
equal to their material strength, or half their original act as a sort
Health score if they were once living beings. of exoskel-
eton that
The duration of the animation is a number of Turns enhances the charac-
equal to the power Rank Value score, or until the char- ter’s MASS Traits. At
acter releases the animated object(s). The number of creation, you have the
objects that can be simultaneously animated is equal option of using a portion
to the power Rank Value divided by 10 (minimum of 1 of the Rank Value rolled for
object). Body Armor to enhance
your character’s Melee,
ASTOUNDINGLY WEALTHY - This is not an actual
Agility, Stamina, and
“power.” The character has come into a fortune, either
Strength scores. Obviously,
through inheritance, hard work, or winning the lottery.
this will whittle down the
This result increases the character’s Means by +50 and
armor’s protection value,
Fame by +20.
but if you roll high enough, it
ASTRAL PROJECTION - The character’s mind/spirit leaves won’t hurt to lose 1 or 2 Row Steps
the physical body behind and can travel practically any- in order to boost a lower Trait. So if
where. While out of the body, the character may travel your character ends up with a Melee Trait score
into the ocean depths, into space, or even through of Average (6), you can lower your armor’s Rank
solid materials, all without harm. While traveling in Value by one RS to increase the Trait to Above
this manner, the character can only be attacked by Average (10).
other Astral beings, or by attack forms that affect one’s BURROWING - The character possesses the abil-
Intellect or Ego. ity to tunnel beneath the earth, moving at a rate
One of the dangers of Astral Projection is in leaving equal to his normal running speed (see Move-
one’s physical body unprotected. While away, the ment, p. 89) through any subterranean terrain
character’s body appears to be in a form of suspended with a material rank equal to or less than the
animation, or coma. It will take damage from attacks Rank Value of this ability. The character cannot
normally, and the character will be aware of what is burrow through other creatures.

Victor Malaspina (Order #35116610)

CAUSTIC BODY FLUIDS - The character’s blood, Optional: Instead of claws the character possesses
spittle, urine, etc, is composed of a caustic sub- another type of weapon of the player’s choosing which
stance to most other beings. Other characters or may be used for bashing or slashing attacks (choose
creatures coming into physical contact with the one).
character’s specified bodily fluid will be burned
for an amount of damage equal to the power’s COMBAT AWARENESS - The character has a special
Rank Value divided by 10 per Turn until it is neu- sense that alerts the character to danger seconds be-
tralized with a base material of some sort. fore it strikes. In all instances in which the Vision trait
is used the character uses the Rank Value of this ability
CELEBRITY - This result is not a “power.” The char- or the character’s Vision +10, whichever is greater.
acter’s Fame score is increased by +30. The char-
acter is so famous that whenever he would gain, CONTAMINANT RESISTANCE - The character possesses
or lose, Fame (see p. 106) the values are doubled. a strong resistance to toxins, diseases, and the like.
The character cannot possess a secret identity. Any time the character must roll to resist the effects of
poison, disease, or similar environmental hazards the
CHAMELEON - The character’s body, as well as character may use the Rank Value of this power or the
worn or carried items, can be changed at will Rank Value of Stamina +10, whichever is greater.
allowing the character to blend into the sur-
roundings. This is similar to Invisibility (see p. 29), DARK VISION - The species can see in total darkness
except it is easier to detect the character; anyone as if it were a moonlit night. If a sudden bright light
searching for the character rolls d% and adds the source appears while the species is using Dark Vision
Rank Value of their Vision trait to the roll and they are blinded for 2d10 Turns.
compares it against the character’s d% roll plus DETECTION - The character has the ability to detect a
the Rank Value of this ability. If the character rolls specific form of energy, ability, or supernatural pres-
higher than the searcher the character remains ence. Select one type from the following list:
• Magnetic - The character can detect magnetic
CLAWS - The character has some form of claws, fields – usually powers of those possessing mag-
either a natural part of the character’s body or netic control – within a number of sectors equal
a worn item. The character uses the Rank Value to the Rank Value of this power.
of either the character’s Melee or this power
to make slashing attacks. Claws are treated as a • Psychic - The character can detect psionic activ-
one-handed weapon for purposes of damage. ity or ability –when a power is used or someone
possesses a power – within a number of sectors
equal to the Rank Value of this power.

• Radioactive - The character can detect radioac-

tive energy within a number of sectors equal to
the Rank Value of this power.

• Spirit - The character can detect spiritual activi-

ty – such as ghosts – within a number of sectors
equal to the Rank Value of this power.

The above is by no means a complete listing of avail-

able detection powers. Players that wish to possess a
form of detection not listed here are encouraged to
discuss the idea with their Game Master.

DIMENSION JUMP - The character can move at will

between dimensions. The character may freely jump

Victor Malaspina (Order #35116610)

to another dimension he has previously visited but visiting a new dimension requires the character to roll d%
on the Master Table using the Rank Value of this power. A result of gray means that the character arrives dazed
at the destination dimension and must spend the next turn recovering (the character may take no actions that

ELASTICITY - The character has the ability to elongate and contort their body or individual limbs / appendages.
The distance that they can stretch themselves is limited by the individuals Strength score. The rate is 1 meter
per point of Strength.

ELEMENTAL/ENERGY CONTROL - The character has the ability to control a single element/energy chosen from
the following lists. The character can manipulate the element or energy to his or her will. Some suggestions on
how to use this power are listed below:
Air The character can manipulate winds to attack, create force fields, lift objects, etc.
Earth The character can manipulate the ground to attack, create walls of earth that act as armor, lift objects, etc.
The character can cause fireballs to leap from a fire pit to attack with, increase or decrease the temperate of a
flame, create a wall of fire like a force field, etc.
Water The character can manipulate water to attack, create walls of water that act as armor, lift objects, etc.

Electrical The character can manipulate electricity to attack, create force fields, lift objects, etc.
Light The character can manipulate light to attack, blind opponents, create force fields, etc.
The character can manipulate ferrous metals to attack, create walls of metal that act as armor, lift metallic
objects, etc.
Sound The character can manipulate sound to attack, lift objects, create force fields, etc.

Note that the above are guidelines only. The exact extent of what this power can do is up to the Game Master.
Here are a few possibilities:

• WEATHER CONTROL - A subset of elemental control, a character may choose to manipulate the weather.
This can be especially powerful since it allows a character to manipulate air, lightning, rain, and any other
aspect associated with storms/weather.

• ATTACKING - A character using Elemental Control to attack may use either the power Rank Value or the
character’s Melee Rank Value +10, whichever is greater, for melee attacks. For ranged attacks use the
power Rank Value or the character’s Agility Rank Value +10. Damage inflicted in either case is equal to the
power Rank Value.

• BODY ARMOR - The caster can use the elements to encase them in a sort of body armor having a material
strength of the element. Earth would obviously be the best choice against physical attacks, but fire, water
and air can have their uses as well. The armor gives protection to the caster equal to the material strength
of the element plus the spell’s Rank Value.

ELEMENTAL/ENERGY GENERATION - The character has the ability to spontaneously generate a single element
or type of energy chosen from the Elemental/Energy Control power list. The character can also control the cho-
sen element or energy as per the Elemental/Energy Control power but that control is at an effective Rank Value
equal to one-half the Rank Value of this power.

A character that possesses matching Elemental/Energy Control and Elemental/Energy Generation gains a per-
manent +10 Rank Value bonus to both powers.

Victor Malaspina (Order #35116610)

ENVIRONMENTAL SHELL - This power creates and extra-dimensional pocket where the caster is completely sus-
tained from starvation, thirst, and from asphyxiation. He or she is impervious to heat or cold, and even the vacu-
um of space. The character can withstand being trapped underwater, and even being buried alive. The pocket
does not protect the caster from attack, however. If the caster has a rank of 30 or higher, he or she can envelope
other begins within the pocket if desired. The caster can remain within the pocket indefinitely.

EXTRA BODY PARTS - The character has additional body parts beyond two arms and two legs, either a com-
pletely new part (such as a tail) or extras of an existing part (four arms instead of two). The character selects a
single extra body part. Extra body parts function as follows:

• Claws - The character gains the Claws power (see p. 25). If the character already possesses the Claws pow-
er the power’s Rank Value is increased by +20.

• Extra Arms - The character gains one bonus attack each turn.

• Extra Legs - The character moves faster; increase movement by 1 sector each turn.

• Body Armor - The character gains the Body Armor power. If the character already possesses it, the power
Rank Value is increased by +20.

• Tail - The character gains one bonus attack each turn and may use the tail as if it were an extra arm.

• Wings - The character gains the Flight power with the speed determined by the Rank Value of this power.
If the character already possesses the ability, its Rank Value is increased by +20.

FAST ATTACK - A character with this power can attack a number of RANK VALUE ATTACKS/TURN
times each turn depending on the power’s Rank Value: 1-29 2
FLIGHT - The character can fly either through the use of an item or by 30-49 3
innate means. When flying the character can move a number of sec- 50+ 4
tors per turn depending on the Rank Value of the power:


1-2 1
3-5 2
6-9 9
10-19 4
20-29 5
30-39 6
40-49 7
50-74 8
75-99 9
100-149 10
150-999 15
1000+ *
* The character can circle the world in a single turn.

FORCE FIELD - The character has the ability to generate a force field, either through mental powers or a device.

• Device: The force field acts as body armor with a Rank Value equal to the ability. If an attack deals damage

Victor Malaspina (Order #35116610)

in excess of this force field’s Rank Value the device is shorted out for 1-10 turns (during which time it
cannot be used).

• Mental: The force field acts as armor with a Rank Value equal to the power or the character’s Willpower
+10, whichever is greater. If an attack deals damage in excess of the force field’s Rank Value or the
character’s modified Willpower, the character must roll on the Master Table using the Rank Value of
the character’s Stamina. A gray result leaves the character dazed and he or she must spend 1-10 turns
recovering (the character may take no actions during that time). On any other result the character is dazed
for one turn.
larger or smaller (select one), to a maximum/min-
1-2 9 feet 4 feet
imum height as shown on the table at right:
3-5 12 feet 3 feet
When using Growth, the Rank Value of the char- 6-9 15 feet 2 feet
acter’s Strength is changed to the Rank Value of 10-19 18 feet 1 feet
this power or the character’s Strength Rank Value
20-29 21 feet 6 inches
+10 whichever is greater. Opponents attacking
the bigger character gain a +1 RS bonus on their 30-39 24 feet 3 inch
attacks. 40-49 27 feet 2 inch
50-74 30 feet 1 inch
When using Shrinking the Rank Value of the char-
75-99 60 feet 1/3 inch
acter’s Strength is unaffected. Anyone attacking
the character when using this ability suffers a -1 100-149 120 feet ¼ inch
RS penalty and the character gains a +2 RS bonus 150-999 240 feet 1/8 inch
to attacks. 1000+ 480 feet 1/16 inch

HARDINESS - The character’s species evolved on a world with extreme conditions, resulting in their race be-
ing far more resilient in similar climates. Choose one extreme climate at character creation (examples include
desert conditions, ice, radiation, etc.) The character has a resistance to the chosen condition at the Rank Value
of the ability.
HEADQUARTERS - The character possesses a secret headquarters. The headquarters size and location must be
approved by the Game Master. The exact makeup of the headquarters – weapons locker, garage, communi-
cations center, prison, etc. – must also be approved by the Game Master. The Rank Value of the headquarters
should be used as a rough guide.

Rank Possible Size & Contents

1-5 A secret room in an apartment. May include a computer and basic lab. Nothing sophisticated.
6-9 An apartment. A home gym would be appropriate. Maybe one piece of advanced technology.
A house. A few dedicated rooms serve as an armory, a brig, or other specialized duty. May include a
20-29 A mansion. Sprawling, spacious, and loaded with extras.
A compound. Multiple buildings behind a sturdy fence or wall. A character with a headquarters of
this size most likely does not have a secret identity.
A skyscraper. Some floors may be rented out as offices or apartments but most of the building is
dedicated to the character’s pursuit against crime.
An orbital complex, subterranean city, inter-dimensional residence, or other highly unusual and/or
massive complex.

Victor Malaspina (Order #35116610)

A headquarters can be of a smaller size than power’s Rank Value, so the stronger the target’s Ego,
suggested. A Rank Value 50 headquarters, for the harder it is to create the Weakness.
example, could be a single well-outfitted man- MIND CONTROL - The character can take over the
sion. For more information, and examples, see minds of others. A target of Mind Control must be
the Headquarters section on page 83. within visual range of the character and must possess
IMPROVED SKILLS - Not exactly a “power,” this an Ego Rank Value less than the Rank Value of this
result grants the character two bonus skills and power or the character’s Ego, whichever is greater.
increases the Row Step bonus of one skill to +3. To take control of another the character must roll d%
INVISIBILITY - The character can become invisi- on the Master Table using the Rank Value of this power
ble and remain so for as long as desired. Sound, or the character’s Ego +10, whichever is greater. If the
scent, heavy rain, and other methods can still result is gray the mind control attempt fails. If the re-
give an invisible character away. The character sult is white or greater the target is controlled until the
may also attempt to turn objects or other char- character releases the targeted character or the target
acters invisible by touching them. Roll on the is ordered to do something out of the ordinary (such as
Master Table using the Rank Value of this ability, injure a companion) at which point the target rolls d%
on a result or red or greater the item or charac- on the Master Table using the Rank Value of the target
ter touched is invisible and remains so as long as character’s Ego. A result of red or greater is needed to
the character touches it. break free of the mind control.

MAGIC - The character possesses

knowledge of, and ability to use, magic.
Magic allows the character to cast For many, the original power of Magic in the 4C system works
“spells” that duplicate any other power well in a pinch. It’s simple, quick, and doesn’t bog down the
in the game; as a result Magic is the action too much. So as long as it works why not use it?
sole power the character may have. A
character may use only one spell per Later in the rules you will find a chapter concerning a different
turn. system of rules for magic that adds more detail and effects.
There is also an additional spells list with some similarities
Duplicated powers function as de- to several of the powers listed here. Consider each system of
scribed in the individual power sec- magic and determine which works best for your group of play-
tions and at a Rank Value equal to the ers and their style of game play.
character’s Magic Rank Value.

MANIFEST WEAKNESS - The character can cause MIND SHIELD - The character creates a mental barrier
another being to suffer the effects of a weak- to protect his or her mind from mental attacks. The
ness as if the target had been afflicted with it character is alerted to any attempt to read his or her
from the beginning. For normal human beings, thoughts and can lock down the barrier to prevent any
the weakness can be a simple allergy, or cause further attacks on the following Turn. This provides
the target to become deathly ill when exposed the caster with a +3 RS bonus to his or her Ego checks
to the stimulus (chosen by the character when against mind affecting attacks.
the power is activated. Magical or super pow- MOLECULAR MANIPULATION - This power allows the
ered beings will suffer power loss, and possible character to rearrange the molecules of surrounding
death, as long as they are exposed to the chosen objects into another form. One could change a flower
substance. into a knife, or bullets into raindrops. The character
The character using this power must roll a full can only manipulate the molecules of a substance’s
Success result (red column) on the Master Table material value that are equal to, or less than, the pow-
in order to create the weakness. The target’s er’s Rank Value. Once changed, the object remains in
Ego Trait Rank Value is subtracted from this its new state permanently, or until the character uses
the power on it again.

Victor Malaspina (Order #35116610)

MULTIPLICITY - The character has the ability to create exact duplicates of his/herself. A successful power roll
brings into existence a number of clones equal to the power rank divided by 10. The Health of the duplicates is
determined by the success level of the power roll. A White result gives the clone 25% of the originator’s total
Health, Red 50%, and Blue 75%. The clones are mentally linked to the character, and will do as he/she com-
mands. The duplicates will remain in existence for a number of hours equal to the power rank divided by 10, or
until destroyed, whichever comes first.

NINE LIVES - The character is exceptionally lucky. At the start of each game session the character gains a pool of
Fate points (see p. 5) equal to twice the Rank Value of this power. These points must be used during that game
session to affect die rolls and cannot be saved or used for character improvement. Additionally, once each game
session the character may roll the dice without declaring the tens die until after the roll.

NULLIFICATION - The character possesses the ability to nullify – completely negate – the powers of others
within a number of sectors equal to one-tenth the Rank Value of this power (round up). If the result of the
power roll is gray, the nullification attempt fails, and the character suffers damage equal to one-half (round up)
the Rank Value of the target’s power rank value that the character attempted to nullify. If the result is white the
targeted being’s power is drained to half its rank value (round up). On a Red or Blue result the target’s power is
negated for five turns. The target regains the power at the end of the fifth Turn.

ONE-OF-A-KIND WEAPON - The character owns a unique weapon of the player’s choice which deals damage
equal to its Rank Value.

• Melee Weapon: The character makes

melee attacks with the weapon using the
weapon’s Rank Value or the character’s
Melee+10 whichever is greater.

• Ranged Weapon: The character uses the

weapon’s Rank Value or the character’s
Agility +10, whichever is greater, when

• Incorporated Ability: At the player’s

discretion, one of the character’s other
powers may be incorporated into the
weapon increasing the Rank Value of the
incorporated power by +10, but loses
the use of the incorporated power if the
weapon is lost or stolen.

PARALYZING TOUCH - The character’s touch can render opponents unable to move. To paralyze an opponent
the character must first make a successful melee attack which deals no damage. The target must then roll on
the Master Table using its Stamina Rank Value to resist. If the result is gray the target is paralyzed – knocked
down and unconscious – for a number of rounds equal to one-tenth the Rank Value of this power (round up).

PHASING - The character ‘s body can change into an insubstantial form allowing the character to pass through
objects. The power also grants the character body armor at the Rank Value of this power while phased.

PHYSICAL METAMORPHOSIS - The character’s body can change into an unusual material, (select one from the
following list at character creation), at will. When metamorphosed the character possesses the traits of the
material and gains body armor equal to the Rank Value of this power.

Victor Malaspina (Order #35116610)

The character transforms into a being of pure energy (electricity, light, radiation, etc., choose
one). When in the chosen energy form the character may do such things as:
Energy • Jump into power lines and travel through them. (Electricity)
• Move at the speed of light. (Light)
• Cause radiation burns and sickness. (Radiation)
The character transforms into a being of pure fire. When in fire form the character is capable of
setting things on fire.
The character transforms into a being of pure metal. The character’s Strength Rank becomes
equal to the Material Strength Value of the metal chosen.
The character transforms into a being of pure water. When in water form the character may
choose to flow like water, running through cracks and other small spaces.
Damage - Depending on the form and Gamemaster approval the character may make use of the Rank Value
of this ability to determine damage when attacking (punching with fists of steel, igniting things if made of
fire, etc.).

PLANT CONTROL - The character can control RAGE - The character using this power slips into a sort
plants, forcing them to twist and turn, and use of berserker-type rage, causing him/her to become
them to wrestle and attack opponents, or block a veritable monster in combat. When activated, the
attacks. The character performs all of these power reduces the character’s Intellect score down to
actions, through a chosen plant, using the Rank Weak (1), but raises his/her Melee and Strength scores
Value of this power or the character’s Melee +10, by the power Rank Value. This raises the character’s
whichever is greater. The character can control a Health score for the duration of combat. This power
number of plants each turn equal to the number remains in effect until combat has ended, plus 1-10
of times he can attack in a turn (controlling counts turns afterward. Once the Rage has passed, the char-
as an attack). The character can only control acter will need to rest for 3-30 Turns.
plants within a number of sectors equal to one- REFLECTION - The character possesses the ability
tenth the Rank Value of the power (round up). to reflect the effects of another character’s power
PORTAL - This power is a limited form of Telepor- back at the originating character. To use this power
tation. The character opens a small dimensional the character must roll d% on the Master Table using
doorway from one point in space to another, the Rank Value of this power. If the result is gray the
and physically steps through it to appear on the reflection attempt fails and the character suffers the
other side. The character must be able to see the normal effects of the power. If the result is white both
destination point, or be familiar with the targeted the character and the originator of the affected power
area. “Blind Porting” can result in actual physical suffer the normal effects of the reflected power. On
damage if the character steps into thin air, and any other result the power is reflected back and the
falls several feet to the ground below. The Portal originator suffers the power’s full effect.
remains open for a number of Turns equal to the REGENERATION - The character heals quickly. Once per
power’s Rank Value, or until the character clos- turn, instead of taking another action, the character
es it. If left open, other characters may follow may recover a number of Health points equal to the
through, whether they be friend or foe. Rank Value of this power.
PROTECTED SENSE - One of the character’s senses RESISTANCE – The character gains the ability to resist
– either a normal sense (sight, hearing, etc.) or a damage from a particular attack form. This resistance
super sense – is completely immune to damage or can be against anything from energy attacks to physical
attacks of a Rank Value equal to or less than the attacks to mental attacks, and even psionics. The char-
Rank Value of this ability. Touch, though a sense, acter ignores any damage from the chosen attack form
cannot be protected. up to the power’s Rank Value.

Victor Malaspina (Order #35116610)

SHAPE SHIFT - The character can change their body RANK VALUE SECTORS/TURN
into any shape desired (animals, other characters,
1-2 1
objects) though the character retains the character’s
original size (unless the character also has the Growth 3-5 2
or Shrinking power pg. 28). The change is automatical- 6-9 3
ly successful unless the character attempts to imper- 10-19 4
sonate a specific thing (such as another character) at 20-29 5
which point roll on the Master Table using the Rank 30-39 6
Value of this ability. A Gray result means the character
40-49 7
fails to adequately copy the character or object and
can be easily identified. 50-74 8
75-99 10
SIDE-KICK - The character possesses a sidekick that 100-149 15
assists him or her on adventures (and is the perfect
150-999 20
tool when the Game Master wants to cause trouble).
Create a second character. This new character may 1000+ 35*
possess no primary trait greater than the main char- * A character with Super Speed can circle the
world in a single turn.
acter’s and cannot possess more than one-half the
number of powers (round up) of the main character.
Any results that would break these two rules are TELEKINESIS - The character possesses the mental
automatically reduced. The sidekick is under the Game ability to move objects without touching them.
Master’s control. The upper limit of weight the character may lift
with this power is the greater of the power’s Rank
SUPER LEAP - The character can jump across great Value or the character’s Willpower Rank Value
distances. The character may leap up to a number of +10.
sectors each turn depending on the Rank Value of the
1-2 50 lbs.
SUPER SENSE - The character possesses a single ex- 3-5 100 lbs.
traordinary sense such as super-hearing or super-sight.
6-9 200 lbs.
Rolls made to use the heightened sense use this
power’s Rank Value or the character’s Awareness +10, 10-19 400 lbs.
whichever is greater. 20-29 800 lbs.
30-39 1 ton
A player may, with Gamemaster approval, have an
40-49 10tons
entirely new sense. For example, a character may be
blind but possess echolocation (“seeing” like a bat) or 50-74 50 tons
possess infravision in addition to normal sight allowing 75-99 80 tons
the character to see in darkness without penalty. 100-149 100 tons
150-999 200 tons
SUPER SPEED - The character can run at superhuman
speeds. The character moves up to a number of sec- 1000+ 400 tons
tors per turn based on the Rank Value of this ability or
Ranged Attacks: The character may also use this
the character’s Agility +10, whichever is greater.
power to perform ranged attacks - by throwing an
When attempting an unusual maneuver, such as run- object or simply using telekinetic “force” - using
ning across water or up walls, the player must roll d% the character’s Willpower in place of Agility. A
on the Master Table using the Rank Value of this power successful attack deals damage equal to the Rank
or the character’s Agility +10, whichever is greater. A Value of this power.
failure results in the character sinking into the water
or falling from whatever height he or she manages to TELEPATHY - The character can read the minds
reach. of others and transmit mental messages. For all

Victor Malaspina (Order #35116610)

actions involving this power the character uses trait operates at this new value. At the end of this time
the greater of the power’s Rank Value or the the affected primary trait’s Rank Value is reduced to
character’s Ego +10. one-half (round up) its normal value for 1d10 turns.

A character with this power may read the mind TRAIT INCREASE - The character receives a permanent
of any character with a Ego Rank Value that is increase in the rank value of any two primary traits by
lower than the character’s Rank Value in this +15 each. If this “power” is rolled twice the bonus to
power or the character’s Ego +10, whichever is each primary trait chosen is increased to +20 each.
VEHICLE - The character possesses a unique and excep-
A character with this power is automatically tional vehicle. The character selects an existing vehi-
aware when someone attempts to read the cle and then increases the Durability, Handling, and
character’s mind. The character may attempt to Velocity of the vehicle by one-half this power’s Rank
block the other telepath; both characters roll Value (round up). In addition to this increase the vehi-
d% and add the Rank Value of this power or the cle possesses two special systems – weapons, unusual
character’s Ego +10, whichever is greater. abilities that mimic a power, or any other equipment
the Game Master will approve – with each system at a
TELEPORTATION - The character may teleport Rank Value equal to one-half this power’s Rank Value
a number of sectors equal to the Rank Value of (round up).
this power in a single turn. If the character can
see the destination point, or knows the area, WALL-CRAWLING - The character can move normally,
and makes a result of gray on the spell casting either through using a specialized device or innate
roll, the character arrives dazed at the destina- means, across surfaces from which most people would
tion sector and must spend the next turn recov- fall (walls and ceilings, for example). Gamemasters
ering (the character may take no actions that should inflict a row step penalty when attempting to
turn). However, if the caster is unfamiliar with – move across a slippery surface.
or cannot see – the destination sector and tele-
ports into a solid object – which can include the WATER NATIVE - The character is from a watery civili-
ground – the player must roll d% on the Master zation and may breathe underwater or on land. When
Table using the Rank Value of the character’s swimming, the character moves a number of Sectors
Stamina. A result of gray immediately bounces determined by the Rank Value of this power.
the character back to the starting sector. He or
she takes one half of the object’s Material Value
in damage, and is dazed and must spend 1-10 01-02 1
turns recovering (taking no actions during that 03-29 2
time). A white result immediately bounces the 30+ 3
character back to the starting sector where he
or she is dazed for one turn. WEAPON(S) - The character possesses a weapon, or
weapons, with a combined total damage equal to the
TRAIT BOOST – This power gives the character a Rank Value of this power.
temporary boost to any one primary trait of the
character’s choice by giving it a +1 RS bonus for The character may possess weapons that do not ap-
every 10 points of the power Rank value. For a pear within these rules or in existing 4C System games
number of turns equal to one-tenth the newly or supplements. Such new weapons must be approved
boosted value (round up), the affected primary by the Game Master.

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Victor Malaspina (Order #35116610)



Victor Malaspina (Order #35116610)

Section 5: Magic
The MEL replenishes at a rate equal to the char-
acter’s Ego Rank per hour of rest. This rate may
be adjusted through meditative methods that
Magic in the original 4C System was too simplistic, and
enhance the Ego, or through magical devices or
quite frankly, too powerful. The entry for magic simply
totems created specifically for this purpose. The
states that Magic is the only power that the character
caster may also procure magical items that can be
can have, but that it could be used to emulate any
used to store certain amounts of their own per-
other power in the list, and that only one spell could
sonal energies to be used later on when casting
be cast per turn. However, should the player decide to
spells. These items are like rechargeable batteries
raise his or her character’s power rank through the use
and hold a finite amount of “charges” that the
of Fate points, you’d have a very powerful sorcerer on
caster can use in a pinch when his or her own
your hands! Some folks may like it to be that simple,
reserves are getting low, or if the caster wishes to
but many others prefer some crunch!
preserve his or her main supply.
If you like to keep things simple, continue to use the
These items can take the shape of just about
Magic power as it stands in the original rules. If you
anything that the caster chooses to imbue his or
want magic to be more robust in your campaigns, then
her Self Energy with; wands, staves, rods are all
please consider the following!
classic examples. Other forms may include types
of jewelry (rings, necklaces), or even favorite toys
Types of Magic from the caster’s youth (dolls, toy soldiers, etc.)
Magic taps into various mystical energies in order to These items may be charged through certain rit-
produce the effects desired by the caster. In this sys- uals or meditative practices and will maintain the
tem, a character may utilize three main sources with power imbued until it has been used up. Many
which to cast their spells; Self, Cosmic, and Ethereal. casters often safeguard their items with words
Each of these sources may be used to cast a number of of power, or passwords, to unlock the energies
different spells. Let’s take a look at them below. within. An unlocked wand or staff may be used
by another caster at will. To those untrained in
Self Energy the mystical arts, the item will appear as nothing
Self Energy is power derived from the caster’s physical more than a decorative piece, or a simple object.
and mental being. Some might even say the energy
comes from the very soul or spirit of the caster. It is Cosmic Energy
used for spells that primarily affect the caster him/her- Cosmic Energy is energy drawn from the physi-
self, or other willing individuals. cal universe around us. It is an energy that flows
Using Self Energy literally draws upon the caster’s through all matter, both living and inert. Cosmic
physical Health and Ego, and any character that Energy is used for spells that affect the world
chooses to practice magic using this type of energy around the caster. Many combat and defensive
will have a separate Magical Energy Level (MEL) to tell spells use Cosmic Energy as the power source.
them when they have used up their daily allotment To use Cosmic Energy, the caster acts as a con-
of power. The MEL is a combination of the character’s duit, channeling the power through his or her
Health total (Melee + Agility + Strength + Stamina), and body, or a specially crafted magical item (again,
his or her Ego Trait Rank score. Each spell will have a this could be a wand, ring, toy, etc.) As with Self
cost that must be subtracted from this total at casting. Energy, each spell has a certain cost when cast.
The energy is used even if the spell is unsuccessful or However, instead of depleting the caster’s Magi-
interrupted. Once the caster’s magical energy reaches cal Power, it can overload it, so the use of magical
a level lower than their Ego Rank, they begin to get items to direct the energy is a common practice.
weak, performing all actions with a -2 RS penalty until
their Magical Power regenerates. If the caster’s Mag- If the caster does decide to channel Cosmic Ener-
ical Power level reaches zero, he or she will fall into a gy through their own body, the raw power begins
coma for a number of hours equal to their Ego Rank. building up within. If the cost surpasses his or

Victor Malaspina (Order #35116610)

her MEL, he or she begins taking physical damage rank value. Each time a spell is cast, the cost is applied
from the inside out. If the caster’s Health total to the Magical Energy Level.
reaches zero, he or she literally bursts into magi-
cal flames and turns to dust. Magical Energy Level
Self and Cosmic Energy spells rely on the caster’s
Ethereal Energy Magical Energy Level (MEL) when casting. The Magical
Ethereal Energy is magical power that is grant- Energy Level is made up from the character’s physical
ed to the caster by extra-dimensional beings or Health Secondary Trait added to his or her Ego Primary
gods and goddesses. It is used by mages and by Trait score. So, a Mage with a Health total of 100 and
priests alike. To use Ethereal Energy, the caster an Ego rank value of 40 will have a Magical Energy
must either make a deal with an entity or swear Level of 140.
allegiance to them. The caster can then use the
energy to cast various spells, some of which can Self Energy spells will deplete the MEL and will phys-
be very powerful. ically exhaust the caster if it is reduced to zero. Char-
acters who are drained of Magical Energy collapse and
Most spells that use Ethereal Energy require the any actions attempted are performed at -2 Row Steps
caster to chant a short, quick prayer or praise to for 1-10 Turns. At the end of that time the caster will
the entity and special hand gestures are some- regenerate an amount of Magical Energy equal to his
times also used. Special items may also be used or her Ego rank value.
to channel the entity’s power. These items are
typically in the form of holy (or in some instances Cosmic Energy spells use the MEL as a pressure gauge.
unholy) tokens or relics, but they may also be a Each time a Cosmic Energy spell is cast, the energy
simple staff, weapon or other special device. used passes through the character unless he or she
uses a magical item designed to act as a channel. If the
There is no direct cost to use Ethereal Energy to caster channels the energy themselves, the spell cost
be paid by the caster as there is with the other of each Cosmic Energy spell is recorded in the Cosmic
types of energy. However, if the entities that the Energy column of the MEL and adds up over several
caster has sworn allegiance to call out to them castings. Once the MEL maximum has been reached,
to perform a special action or quest, they must the caster begins taking physical damage from the
oblige, or they will lose access to the energy, inside of his or her body. When the caster’s physical
or worse. This doesn’t happen very often with Health reaches zero, his or her body bursts into flames
entities of the benevolent sort, but more sinister and turns into a pile of ashes.
beings may demand service from their adherents
quite frequently. Be careful to whom you give
your loyalties!

Casting a Spell
Spell Rank Values
Each spell has its own Spell Rank Value. Whenever
a new spell is learned, it has an initial Rank Value
of 10. This rank value may be increased through
the use of Fate Points at a cost of 10 times the
current spell rank. For example, to raise a spell
from rank 10 to rank 20 costs 100 Fate points.

Casting Cost
Each Self and Cosmic Energy spell has a cost in
Magical Energy. The cost is equal to the spell’s

Victor Malaspina (Order #35116610)

Duration Once a spell is learned, the caster may cast the
A spell’s duration is determined by its rank value unless spell as often as he or she wishes as long as there
stated otherwise in the description. is enough Magical Energy to fuel it. The number
of spells a character can have in their memory is
Area of Effect based upon their MEL divided by 10. So, a Mage
A spell’s Area of Effect is also determined by its rank with an MEL of 150 can know a total of 15 spells
value unless stated otherwise in the description. at a time. These “spell slots” can be filled with the
same spells for as long as the character desires,
SPELL RANK DURATION AREA OF EFFECT but if a new spell is needed, one of the older
1 1 Turn Touch spells must be temporarily “forgotten” to allow
3 1 Turn Touch for the knowledge of the new spell to be memo-
6 1 Turn Touch
rized. Older spells can always be re-studied at a
later time if and when they are needed. A char-
10 10 Turns 1 sector
acter may acquire an unlimited number of spells
20 1 hour 2 sectors within their spell books or scrolls.
30 1-10 hours 5 sectors
40 1 day 10 sectors
During game play, a character can learn new
spells by studying spell books and scrolls found or
50 1 month 10 miles
purchased while adventuring. The cost of learning
75 1 year 200 miles a new spell is 200 Fate points. The player must
100 Permanent Worldwide then make a successful Intellect or Research skill
150 Permanent Worldwide check. If the check fails, the character only loses
250 Permanent Worldwide 50 Fate points, and he or she may attempt to
learn the spell at another time. This cost may be
500 Permanent Worldwide
reduced by performing a successful Spell Craft
1000 Permanent Dimensional check. A White result on the check reduces the
1500 Permanent Dimensional cost to 175 Fate points, a Red result reduces it to
2500 Permanent Universal 150, and a Blue result reduces the cost to 100. If
5000+ Permanent Multi-Versal the spell is being taught by another character, the
cost is automatically reduced to 100 Fate points,
Learning Spells and the character receives a +1 RS to the Intellect
Magical spells can be learned or gained in various or Research skill check.
ways. At character creation, the character will already
have learned a few spells to get them on their way to
adventure. For Mages, these spells will either have
been taught to them by a master or family member.
For a Priest or Priestess, the magic comes to them in
response to prayers to their deities or through making
deals with nefarious entities. The number of spells the
character receives may be generated by rolling on the
table below.
00-19 1
20-59 2
60-89 3
90-98 4
99 5

Victor Malaspina (Order #35116610)

Many of the spells listed hereafter are taken from the Powers list from the original 4C System rules. Other spells
are adapted from the original game system that the 4C System was carved from. Several others have been scav-
enged from a myriad of other gaming systems. That said, this list should be quite comprehensive.

Victor Malaspina (Order #35116610)

00-03 Absorption 00-02 Alter Object 00-05 Ability Duplication
04-05 All Seeing Eye 03-05 Animal Command 06-13 Absorption
06-07 Analyze Object 06-08 Animate 14-21 Banish
08-09 Anchor 09-11 Bestow Weakness 22-29 Dimensional Portal
10-11 Astral Projection 12-14 Binding 30-35 Dimensional Window
12-14 Body Armor 15-17 Burrowing 36-50 Environmental Shell
15-16 Chameleon 18-20 Charm 51-60 Ethereal Armor
17-18 Change Luck 21-23 Confuse 61-68 Ethereal Blast
19-21 Combat Awareness 24-26 Conjuration 69-76 Ethereal Servant
22-23 Contaminate Resistance 27-29 Control Emotion 77-88 Heal Other
24-25 Detect – Danger 30-31 Curse 89-94 Remove Curse
26-27 Detect – Evil 32-37 Elemental Generation & Control 95-99 Scry
28-29 Detect – Flaw 38-43 Energy Generation & Control
30-31 Detect – Magic 44-46 Entanglement
32-33 Detect – Psionic 47-49 Fear
34-35 Detect – Spirit 50-52 Glamour
36-37 Elasticity 53-55 Growth / Shrinking – Others
38-39 Empathy 56-58 Heal Other
40-41 Enhanced Sense 59-61 Illusion
42-43 Enhanced Speed 62-64 Invisibility – Others
44-45 Enter 65-67 Mesmerism
46-47 Flight 68-70 Mind Control
48-49 Foretell 71-73 Mind Probe
50-51 Growth / Shrinking 74-76 Mind Trap
52-53 Hasten 77-79 Nullification
54-55 Heal Self 80-82 Paralyzing Touch
56-57 Invisibility 83-85 Plant Control
58-59 Leap 86-88 Reclamation
60-61 Levitation 89-91 Surge
62-63 Linguistics 92-94 Telekinesis
64-65 Major Shield 95-97 Telepathy
66-67 Mental Barrier 98-99 Teleportation
68-69 Minor Shield
70-71 Multiplicity
72-73 Phasing
74-75 Physical Metamorphosis
76-77 Portal
78-79 Rage
80-81 Reflection
82-83 Regeneration
84-85 Resistance
86-87 Shape Shift
88-89 Trait Boost
90-91 Trance
92-95 Wall Crawling
96-99 Water Freedom

Victor Malaspina (Order #35116610)

If the item was left behind for over a year before the
Self Energy Spells caster has found it, he or she receives a -1 RS to the
ABSORPTION – The character is immune to Spell Rank for every 10 years of time passed.
damage inflicted by a specific elemental or energy
type (select one, see pg. 48) up to the Rank Value ANCHOR – The Anchor spell causes the caster to
of this spell. Any damage inflicted over the Rank become almost completely immobile to anyone or any-
Value of this spell is suffered normally. thing that attempts to move them. The caster receives
a mystical form of Body Armor equal to the Spell Rank
The character may use the absorbed energy in and is unaffected by Pound and Concuss results from
one of two ways: combat attacks. The surface that the caster is an-
• Healing: The character instantly recovers chored to can be destroyed, but its Material Strength
a number of damage points equal to the is doubled. If destroyed, the character may be moved
damage absorbed, up to his maximum value. normally. The spell lasts until its duration is over or
until the caster dispels it.
• Attack: The character, on his next turn, may ASTRAL PROJECTION – The character’s mind/spirit
unleash the absorbed energy as an attack. leaves the physical body behind and can travel practi-
Treat as an appropriate elemental or energy cally anywhere. While out of the body, the character
control attack with a Rank Value equal to the may travel into the ocean depths, into space, or even
number of damage points absorbed. through solid materials, all without harm. While travel-
ALL SEEING EYE – The caster gen- ing in this manner, the character can only be attacked
erates an invisible floating eye that by other Astral beings, or by attack forms that affect
allows him or her to see at normal one’s Intellect or Ego.
distances that he or she may One of the dangers of Astral Projection is in leaving
normally see. The eye can be di- one’s physical body unprotected. While away, the
rected to distances determined character’s body appears to be in a form of suspended
by the spell’s Rank and can see animation, or coma. It will take damage from attacks
through darkness, both normal normally, and the character will be aware of what is
and magical, and it can also see happening. He, or she, may return to the body instan-
through illusions and detect magical taneously, and defend it, but suffers from a -2RS penal-
creations (including astral projections). ty to all actions for one Turn until he/she is reoriented.
The eye is a physical thing that can be destroyed The character can remain in Astral form indefinitely,
if detected. It is linked to the caster via the Ego but the body must still be maintained with food, water,
Trait and has Health equal to its Rank. If the eye oxygen, and all other necessities. If coupled with the
is destroyed, the caster takes damage equal to his Environmental Shell spell (pg. 52), these necessities are
or her Ego score. taken care of. If the body dies while in Astral Projec-
tion, the character becomes a non-corporeal ghost.
ANALYZE OBJECT – With this spell the caster may
BODY ARMOR – The character creates a mystical shell
handle an object that he or she is unfamiliar with
of armor which reduces damage by an amount equal
and discover various bits of information about
to the Spell Rank. The armor protects the caster from
it. This spell is cast in two stages. If the character
physical, elemental, energy, and magical damage.
makes a successful casting roll, he or she discov-
ers what the object is, what it does, and how it is CHAMELEON – The Chameleon spell allows the char-
operated. acter’s body, as well as worn or carried items, to be
The next stage, if the caster desires, requires a changed to blend into his or her surroundings. This is
second casting roll. If successful, the caster learns similar to Invisibility (see pg. 43), except it is easier to
the identity of the last person to wield the item, detect the character; anyone searching for the char-
and his or her thoughts and actions during the acter rolls d% and adds the Rank Value of their Vision
last few hours before the item was released. trait to the roll and compares it against the charac-

Victor Malaspina (Order #35116610)

ter’s d% roll plus the Rank Value of this spell. If the Strength score up to 3 RS higher than the caster’s
character rolls higher than the searcher, the character spell Rank.
remains hidden.
DETECT MAGIC – Upon casting, this spell reveals
CHANGE LUCK – Upon casting this spell, the character all items or beings that possess magical energy.
gains a pool of Fate points equal to twice the Spell The objects or beings will glow with a light aura
Rank. The spell takes two full Turns to cast. that is visible only to the caster.

These points must be used during the current game DETECT PSIONICS – This spell reveals the presence
session to affect die rolls and cannot be saved or used of beings or objects that have psychic abilities or
for character improvement. Additionally, once each that have been affected by psychic powers. The
game session the character may roll the dice without items and beings will glow with an aura of varied
declaring the tens die until after the roll. hues and is detectable only by the caster.

COMBAT AWARENESS – The caster gains a special DETECT SPIRIT – This spell allows the caster to
sense that alerts the character to danger seconds be- detect spiritual beings or objects that have come
fore it strikes. In all instances in which the Vision trait is from other dimensions. Good spirits emit light
used the character uses the Rank Value of this spell or colored auras while evil spirits have a darker tint.
the character’s Vision +10, whichever is greater. These auras may be seen by the caster and by
other spiritual beings.
CONTAMINANT RESISTANCE – The caster is granted a
strong resistance to toxins, diseases, and the like for ELASTICITY – The caster’s body can stretch, allow-
the duration of the spell. Any time the character must ing the character to attack someone in a different
roll to resist the effects of poison, disease, or similar sector. A character with this power can stretch a
environmental hazards the character may use the number of sectors equal to this spell’s Rank Value
Rank Value of this spell or the Rank Value of his or her divided by 10 (round up).
Stamina +10, whichever is greater.
EMPATHY – The caster can detect the feelings or
DETECT DANGER – Similar to Combat Awareness, this emotions of an individual or group and works on
spell projects a field of detection around the caster animals as well. Though it doesn’t allow him or
to the spell’s Rank range that alerts him or her to any her to read actual thoughts, the caster can discern
form of danger, including physical, magical or psychic. fear, hatred, mistrust or love. Furthermore, the
caster can also determine the object of the indi-
DETECT EVIL – The caster vidual’s or group’s emotions.
can detect the presence of
evil beings or objects to a An added benefit of this spell is that the caster
distance determined by the can project his or her own emotions to an indi-
spell’s Rank. The evil presents vidual or group. This can come in handy during
itself as a dark aura around negotiations or when trying to calm down a mob.
the being or object notice- This aspect of the spell may only be used once per
able only to the caster. casting.

DETECT FLAW – The caster ENHANCED SENSE – The caster may enhance a
can study a non-magical single sense such as hearing, touch or sight. Rolls
object and determine its fatal made to use the heightened sense use this spell’s
weaknesses. The caster may Rank Value or the character’s Vision +10, whichev-
then make a magical attack er is greater.
on the object. On a Red
Result or better, the object is A player may, with Game Master approval, have
obliterated. This can be done an entirely new sense. For example, a character
to objects having a Material may be blind but possess echolocation (“seeing”

Victor Malaspina (Order #35116610)

like a bat), or infravision, in addition to normal larger or smaller, to a maximum / minimum height as
sight allowing the character to see in darkness shown on the table below:
without penalty.
ENHANCED SPEED – The character can run at
1-2 9 feet 4 feet
superhuman speeds. He, or she, can move up to
a number of sectors per turn based on the Rank 3-5 12 feet 3 feet
Value of this spell or the character’s Agility +10, 6-9 15 feet 2 feet
whichever is greater. 10-19 18 feet 1 feet
20-29 21 feet 6 inches
30-39 24 feet 3 inch
1-2 1
40-49 27 feet 2 inch
3-5 2
50-74 30 feet 1 inch
6-9 9
75-99 60 feet 1/3 inch
10-19 4
100-149 120 feet ¼ inch
20-29 5
150-999 240 feet 1/8 inch
30-39 6
40-49 7 1000+ 480 feet 1/16 inch
50-74 8 When using Growth, the Rank Value of the character’s
75-99 10 Strength is changed to the Rank Value of this spell or
100-149 15 the character’s Strength Rank Value +10 whichever is
150-999 20 greater. Opponents attacking the bigger character gain
a +1 RS bonus on their attacks.
1000+ 35
When using Shrinking the Rank Value of the char-
When attempting an unusual maneuver, such as acter’s Strength is unaffected. Anyone attacking the
running across water or up walls, the player must character when using this power suffers a -1 RS penalty
roll d% on the Master Table using the Rank Value and the character gains a +2 RS bonus to attacks.
of this spell or the character’s Agility +10, which-
ever is greater. HASTEN – The caster can cast spells or perform attacks
a number of times each turn based on the power’s
ENTER – When cast, this spell will unlock any Rank Value.
mundane barred door or container instantly. To
unlock magically barred doors or containers, the HEAL SELF – Once per day, the caster can heal him or
caster must roll a success equal to or greater than herself a number of points equal to the spell’s casting
the spell that was cast to lock it. Rank.
FLY – The caster gains the ability to fly. When INVISIBILITY – The caster can become invisible and
flying the character can move a number of sectors remain so for the duration of the spell. Sound, scent,
per turn depending on the Rank Value of the heavy rain, and other methods can still give an invisible
spell. character away. The caster may also attempt to turn
objects invisible by touching them. Roll d% on the Mas-
FORETELL – The caster can predict the actions
ter Table using the Rank Value of this spell, on a result
of anyone he or she has observed for at least 5
of red or greater the item or touched is invisible and
Turns. If successfully cast, the caster does not
remains so as long as the character touches it.
have to decide what to do in that Turn until after
his or her opponents have declared their actions. LEAP – The caster can jump across great distances. The
character may leap up to a number of sectors each
GROWTH / SHRINKING – The caster can grow
turn depending on the Rank Value of the spell.

Victor Malaspina (Order #35116610)

The caster is alerted to any attempt to read his
or her thoughts and can lock down the barrier to
prevent any further attacks on the following Turn.
This provides the caster with a +3 RS bonus to his
or her Ego checks against mind affecting attacks.

MINOR SHIELD – This spell allows the caster to

create a personal shield with which he or she may
deflect incoming attacks. The shield has an armor
rating equal to the casting Rank value and is used
much like a warrior’s shield. The caster directs the
shield to move between him or herself and the
incoming projectile or magical attack.

The caster may also break the shield up into four

smaller pieces that can be used to deflect multi-
ple attacks. This reduces the armor rating by -1 RS
for each smaller shield.

MULTIPLICITY – The caster can create exact du-

plicates of his or herself. A successful casting roll
brings into existence a number of clones equal
to the spell’s rank divided by 10. The Health of
the duplicates is determined by the success level
of the power roll. A White result gives the clone
25% of the originator’s total Health, Red 50%, and
Blue 75%. The clones are mentally linked to the
character and will do as he/she commands. The
duplicates will remain in existence for a number
of hours equal to the power rank divided by 10,
or until destroyed, whichever comes first.

PHASING – The caster’s body can change into

an insubstantial form allowing the character to
LEVITATION – The caster can levitate him or herself up “phase” through objects. This spell grants the
into the air to a height of a number of sectors equal character armor at Rank Value as weapons would
to the spell Rank divided by 10. This spell may also be simply pass through them as if they were a ghost.
used by the caster if he or she is falling from a great
height to prevent crashing to the ground.
can transform into an unusual material, selected
LINGUISTICS – On a successful casting roll, the caster from the list below, at will. When metamor-
can instantly learn a language that is written or spoken phosed the character possesses the traits of the
in his or her presence. material and gains body armor (see pg. 41) equal
to the Rank Value of this power.
MAJOR SHIELD – The caster creates a magical barrier
that can protect an area 1 sector wide and 2 sectors • DAMAGE - Depending on the form, and
high. The shield has an Armor Rating equal to 3 Ranks Game Master approval, the character may
higher than the spell’s casting Rank. make use of the Rank Value of this spell to
determine damage when attacking (punch-
MENTAL BARRIER – The caster creates a magical ing with fists of steel, igniting things if made
barrier to protect his or her mind from mental attacks. of fire, etc.).

Victor Malaspina (Order #35116610)

PORTAL – This spell is a limited form of Telepor- its source. The caster must roll d% on the Master Table
tation. The character opens a small dimensional using the Rank Value of this spell. If the result is gray
doorway from one point in space to another, the reflection attempt fails, and the character suffers
and physically steps through it to appear on the the normal effects of the opponent’s spell. If the result
other side. The character must be able to see the is white both the character and the originator of the
destination point or be familiar with the targeted affected power suffer the normal effects of the reflect-
area. “Blind Porting” can result in actual physical ed spell. On any other result the spell is reflected back,
damage if the character steps into thin air and and the originator suffers the spell’s full effect.
falls several feet to the ground below. The Portal
remains open for a number of Turns equal to the REGENERATION – This spell helps the caster, or a
spell’s Rank Value, or until the character closes it. willing target, to heal quickly. Once per turn, instead
If left open, other characters may follow through, of taking another action, the character may recover
whether they be friend or foe. a number of Health points equal to the Rank Value of
this spell.

RESISTANCE – The caster, or a willing target, gains the

ability to resist damage from a particular attack form.
This resistance can be against anything from energy
attacks to physical attacks to mental attacks, and even
magic. The character ignores any damage from the
chosen attack form up to the spell’s Rank Value.

Attacks doing more damage than the character’s Resis-

tance score are reduced by the spell’s Rank Value and
the remaining damage is applied to his or her health.

SHAPE SHIFT – The caster can turn into any shape

desired (animals, other characters, objects) though
the character retains the character’s original size
(unless the character also has the Growth / Shrinking
spell). The change is automatically successful unless
the character attempts to impersonate a specific thing
(such as another character) at which point roll d% on
the Master Table using the Rank Value of this power. A
gray or white result means the character fails to ade-
quately copy the character or object and can be easily
RAGE – The caster using this spell slips into a sort identified.
of berserker-type rage, causing him or her to be-
come a veritable monster in combat. When acti- TRAIT BOOST – This spell gives the caster a tempo-
vated, the power reduces the character’s Intellect rary boost to any one primary trait of the character’s
score down to Weak (1) but raises his/her Melee choice by giving it a +1 RS bonus for every 10 points of
and Strength scores by the spell’s Rank Value. This the spell’s Rank value. For a number of turns equal to
raises the character’s Health score for the dura- one-tenth the newly boosted value (round up), the af-
tion of combat. This power remains in effect until fected primary trait operates at this new value. At the
combat has ended, plus 1-10 turns afterward. end of this time the affected primary trait’s Rank Value
Once the Rage has passed, the character will need is reduced to one-half (round up) its normal value for
to rest for 3-30 Turns. This spell may also be cast 1d10 turns.
on a willing target.
TRANCE – The caster may slip into a meditative state
REFLECTION – This spell allows the caster to re- to either slow down his or her hear rate to slow the
flect the effects of another wizard’s spell back to effects of poisons or diseases, or speed it up to cir-

Victor Malaspina (Order #35116610)

culate medicines for quicker recovery. The spell also The duration of the animation is a number of
allows the caster to simulate heart attacks, feign death, Turns equal to the spell Rank Value score, or until
or raise his or her temperature to deceive others. The the character releases the animated object(s).
caster must remain still and cannot perform any other The number of objects that can be simultane-
actions or risk losing concentration. It takes two turns ously animated is equal to the spell Rank Value
to fully awaken from the Trance. divided by 10 (minimum of 1 object).

WALL CRAWLING – The caster can move normally BESTOW WEAKNESS – The caster can cause
across surfaces from which most people would fall another being to suffer the effects of a weakness
(walls and ceilings, for example). Game Masters should as if the target had been afflicted with it from the
inflict a row step penalty when attempting to move beginning. For normal human beings, the weak-
across a slippery surface. ness can be a simple allergy, or cause the target
to become deathly ill when exposed to the stim-
WATER FREEDOM – The caster gains the ability to ulus (chosen by the character when the power is
breathe underwater or on land. When swimming, the activated. Magical beings will suffer power loss,
character moves a number of Sectors determined by and possible death, as long as they are exposed
the Rank. to the chosen substance.

Cosmic Energy Spells The character using this spell must roll a full
Success result (red column) on the Master Table
ALTER OBJECT – The caster can rearrange the physi- in order to create the weakness. The target’s Ego
cal makeup of objects within the same sector. He or Trait Rank Value is subtracted from this spell’s
she cannot change mass of the object, or the type of Rank Value, so the stronger the target’s Ego, the
material that it is constructed of, only how the original harder it is to create the Weakness.
matter is assembled. So, a large wooden crate could be
BINDING – The caster creates magical bands to
rearranged into a row boat or a sword could be turned
form and attempt to entangle a target within
into a shovel. The spell is only effective with items with
spell’s rank range. If the target has room to move
a Material Strength equal to or less than the spell’s
as the binding is forming (takes 1 Turn), he or
Rank. The effects of the spell are permanent unless it is
she may attempt to Dodge to escape them. If the
cast on the object again.
Binding is successful, the caster may choose to
ANIMAL CONTROL – The caster can communicate with engulf the target completely or simply bind their
and control animals. To successfully communicate with hands and feet.
an animal the character must roll d% on the Master
The Binding doesn’t cause any damage to the
Table using the Rank Value of this power or the charac-
target and can only be broken by magical attacks
ter’s Ego +10, whichever is greater. A result of white or
that do damage of the spell’s Rank Value or high-
greater indicates successful communication. To control
er, or if the caster is rendered unconscious.
an animal, the character must achieve a red result. The
character can control a number of animals equal to the BURROWING – The caster may tunnel beneath
spell’s Rank value. the earth, moving at a rate equal to his normal
running speed (see Movement, p. 89) through
ANIMATE – The caster can animate almost any object,
any subterranean terrain with a material rank
or number of objects, he, or she, can see, or touch, up
equal to or less than the Rank Value of this spell.
to and including biological forms (dead bodies). The
The character cannot burrow through other char-
animated object(s) is completely under the character’s
control and will carry out whatever action it is ordered
to perform. Animated objects are not affected by CHARM – The caster magically presents him or
mental attacks. They have a Health score equal to their herself in a pleasing manner causing all hostile
material strength, or half their original Health score if beings within one sector to make an Ego check
they were once living beings. with a target Result level equal to the Result of

Victor Malaspina (Order #35116610)

the caster’s spell roll. If the targets fail, they are in constant contact with the target (chatting, looking
immediately Charmed by the caster and “change into their eyes, etc.), he or she may cast the spell. A
their mind” about him or her and become hostile successful casting establishes control over the subject.
with someone else entirely. Targets may attempt If the target fails an Ego check to break the spell’s hold,
to free themselves from the effects of the spell he or she is then susceptible to the caster’s sugges-
by making an Ego check each Turn until he or tions. Love, hate, fear, sadness, any emotion can be
she beats the Result Value of the caster’s spell. brought to the surface and enhanced to overwhelm
The spell will also be broken if the caster attacks the target. This can disrupt spells, force a fighting
a target. If the target remains Charmed until the man to become madly in love or make a brave man
end of the spell’s duration, he or she will not whimper in utter horror at the sight of a shadow. The
remember that they have been charmed, nor who emotion ends immediately when the duration of the
charmed them. spell ends, and the target returns to his or her original
emotional state. The spell can affect only one target
CONFUSE – Upon a successful casting of Confuse, at a time, and only one emotion may be enhanced per
all targets within the spell’s area of effect must casting.
make a successful Ego check or fall into a state
of confusion for 1-10 Turns. The results of the CURSE – This powerful spell causes a single target to
spell can be generated randomly on the following be cursed. Once the spell is cast successfully, the target
table, or the GM can apply his or her own special may make an Ego check to avoid its effects and ne-
results. gate the spell. If the Ego check fails, the target suffers


0 Target sits down and dwells on his or her life.
Target grows intensely sad and cries at everything he or she sees or attempts to do, suffering a -1 RS to all
Target becomes intensely focused on a simple task (washing hands, picking lint from shirt, etc.) and cannot
be distracted from doing it.
3 Target drops to the ground and throws a major temper tantrum for no apparent reason.
4 Target becomes intensely shy and attempts to avoid everyone.
5 Target becomes extremely lethargic and tries to fall asleep wherever he or she can.
6 Target is lost and walks around asking others for help finding his or her way home.
7 The target begins attacking random things except for living beings.
8 Target begins laughing uncontrollably and can’t quit. Suffers -2 RS to all actions.
Target believes he or she is a great actor performing on the stage and gets upset at the audience for not
giving their undivided attention.

CONJURATION – The caster may summon objects modifiers of 1 RS (+ or -) to all actions that will have a
or beings from one location to their current area. negative impact on the subject. The target can attempt
Simple objects or small harmless animals may be one Ego check per day to break the curse, or he or she
conjured without making a roll. Larger, more dan- may seek out the assistance of another spell caster
gerous objects or creatures require the caster to to attempt to remove it. The spell can be dispelled by
make a successful spell roll. Sentient beings that another caster by casting a Remove Curse spell with
are friendly to the caster must roll a Red result or a success equal to or greater than the success level of
greater on the casting roll. An unwilling sentient the Curse.
target requires a Red result or greater on the roll
and the target may make an Ego check to resist The player may request different effects besides the
the summoning. original malady mentioned above. The GM should con-
sider the suggestions and place conditions or restric-
CONTROL EMOTION – After spending one Turn tions on them at his or her discretion.

Victor Malaspina (Order #35116610)

acter has the ability to generate and control a single mental Generation & Control, the caster has the
element chosen from the following list. The character ability to control a single chosen type of energy
can manipulate the element to his or her will. Some from the following list.
suggestions on how to use this spell are listed on the
following table: ENERGY
Electrical The character can hurl lightning bolts,
create force fields, lift objects, etc.
Air The character can manipulate winds to attack,
Light The character can manipulate light to
create force fields, lift objects, etc.
attack, blind opponents, create shields,
Earth The character can manipulate the ground to etc.
attack, create walls of earth that act as armor,
Magnetic The character can manipulate ferrous
lift objects, etc.
metals to attack, create walls of metal
Fire The character can create fireballs to attack that act as armor, lift metallic objects,
with, increase or decrease the temperate of a etc.
flame, create a wall of fire like a force field, etc.
Sound The character can manipulate sound to
Water The character can manipulate water to attack, attack, lift objects, create shields, etc.
create walls of water that act as armor, lift
objects, etc. ENTANGLEMENT – This spell creates a physical
Note that the above are guidelines only. The exact web-like substance to creep out from the ground
extent of what this spell can do is up to the Game Mas- around the caster to cover an entire sector,
ter. Here are a few possibilities: trapping every being within it, friend or enemy,
unless they make a successful Agility check. The
• Weather Control: A subset of elemental con- web has a material strength equal to the spell’s
trol, a character may choose to manipulate the rank value and can be destroyed by physical or
weather. This spell can be especially powerful magical means. If the caster is rendered uncon-
since it allows a character to manipulate air, light- scious before the spell duration ends, the web
ning, rain, and any other aspect associated with will disappear.
FEAR – This spell generates an aura of Fear to
• Attacking: A character using Elemental Control emanate from the caster that will affect all targets
to attack may use either the spell’s Rank Value or within its area of effect unless they roll a suc-
the character’s Melee Rank Value +10, whichever cessful Ego check. Failure causes the targets to
is greater, for melee attacks. For ranged attacks want nothing more than to flee from the caster
use the spell’s Rank Value or the character’s as quickly as they can for the duration of the
Coordination Rank Value +10. Damage inflicted in spell. The target is so scared of the caster that all
either case is equal to the spell’s Rank Value. actions performed within sight of him or her are
made with a -2 RS penalty.
• Body Armor: The caster can use the elements
to encase them in a sort of body armor having The subject of the Fear spell may make an Ego
a material strength of the element. Earth would check every 3 Turns in an attempt to break free.
obviously be the best choice against physical If successful, the caster will not know that the
attacks, but fire, water and air can have their uses target has broken free unless he or she attacks or
as well. The armor gives protection to the caster acts without fear.
equal to the material strength of the element
plus the spell’s Rank Value. GLAMOUR – This spell creates a series of strob-
ing and flickering lights to appear in a specific
• Lifting Objects: The upper weight limit of an ob- location of the caster’s choice within the area
ject the character may lift is based on the spell’s of effect. The lights will distract and confuse all
Rank Value (see table at right). targets, except the caster, caught within the area

Victor Malaspina (Order #35116610)

to suffer a -1 RS penalty to all actions. If the caster illusion will disappear. Any creature within the area can
wishes to cast the spell directly onto a single see, hear and even taste the illusion, but they cannot
target, he or she must make an Agility attack roll touch it. Attacks against the illusions appear to be inef-
with a Red result or higher. If successful, the tar- fective unless the caster wishes otherwise. Those sub-
get suffers a -2 RS penalty to all actions until the jected to the spell may attempt to disbelieve the illusion
spell ends. by making a successful Ego check.

GROWTH/SHRINKING OTHERS – This spell is INVISIBILITY OTHERS – Similar to the Self Energy spell
similar to the Self Energy spell. The caster can Invisibility, the caster can cause a willing target to
cause a willing target to grow larger or smaller, to become invisible and remain so for the duration of the
a maximum / minimum height as shown on the spell. Sound, scent, heavy rain, and other methods
table below: can still give an invisible character away. The invisible
character may also attempt to turn objects invisible by
touching them. Roll d% on the Master Table using the
Rank Value of this spell, on a result of red or greater the
1-2 9 feet 4 feet item or touched is invisible and remains so as long as
3-5 12 feet 3 feet the character touches it.
6-9 15 feet 2 feet
MESMERISM – This spell allows the caster to hypnotize
10-19 18 feet 1 feet
creatures with less than human Intellect (3 or lower). A
20-29 21 feet 6 inches successful spell casting check gives the caster the ability
30-39 24 feet 3 inch to speak to the creature. If the creature’s Stamina Trait
40-49 27 feet 2 inch is lower than the spell’s rank value, the caster may also
50-74 30 feet 1 inch command it to perform simple tasks (get a rat to re-
75-99 60 feet 1/3 inch trieve a cell door key, or a bird to carry a message to an
ally). Only one creature may be mesmerized at a time.
100-149 120 feet ¼ inch
150-999 240 feet 1/8 inch MIND CONTROL – The caster can take over the minds of
1000+ 480 feet 1/16 inch others. A target of Mind Control must be within visual
range of the character and must possess an Ego Rank
When using Growth, the Rank Value of the char- Value less than the Rank Value of this power or the cast-
acter’s Strength is changed to the Rank Value of er’s Ego, whichever is greater.
this spell or the target’s Strength Rank Value +10
whichever is greater. Opponents attacking the big- To take control of another the character must roll d%
ger character gain a +1 RS bonus on their attacks. on the Master Table using the Rank Value of this spell
or the character’s Ego +10, whichever is greater. If the
When using Shrinking the Rank Value of the char- result is gray the mind control attempt fails. If the result
acter’s Strength is unaffected. Anyone attacking is white or greater the target is controlled until the
the character when using this power suffers a -1 character releases the targeted character or the target
RS penalty and the character gains a +2 RS bonus is ordered to do something out of the ordinary (such as
to attacks. injure a companion) at which point the target rolls d%
on the Master Table using the Rank Value of the target
HEAL OTHER – The caster can heal other beings a character’s Ego. A result of red or greater is needed to
number of points equal to the spell’s rank value. break free of the mind control.
ILLUSION – This spell allows the caster to create MIND PROBE – The caster taps into the target’s mind
illusory images of things, people and creatures and is able to discover various details such as its true
that will perform any actions that he or she di- identity, and other details about him or her. If the caster
rects them to do within the spell’s area of effect. wishes to search for any secrets or specific information
The caster must maintain his or her concentra- that the target may be trying hard to hide, the caster
tion throughout the duration of the spell or the

Victor Malaspina (Order #35116610)

must make a Red Success or greater. The target must of the spell casting roll is gray, the nullification
roll an Ego check equal to or greater than spell casting attempt fails, and the character suffers damage
roll to avoid giving up the information. equal to one-half (round up) the Rank Value of
the target’s Magical Energy Level that the char-
MIND TRAP – This spell may be cast if the caster acter attempted to nullify. If the result is white
believes he or she might be the target of any form of the targeted being’s Magical Energy is drained to
mental attack. The spell duration is 10 Turns or until half its current total (round up). On a Red or Blue
the caster is attacked. If attacked, and the caster rolls result the target’s remaining Magical Energy is
a successful casting check, the Mind Trap repels the depleted for five turns. The target regains half of
attack and lashes back at the attacker doing the spell’s his or her previous amount of Magical Energy at
rank value in damage to the attacker. If the caster has the end of the fifth Turn.
any pent-up Cosmic Energy built up in his or her Mag-
ical Power slot, it is added to the damage dealt. If the PARALYZING TOUCH – The caster’s touch can
spell casting roll fails, then the attack works against the render opponents unable to move. To paralyze an
caster, but the damage dealt is reduced by -2 RS. opponent the caster must first make a successful
spell casting roll, and then hit the target with a
NULLIFICATION – The character possesses the ability melee attack. This attack deals no damage, but
to nullify – completely negate – the Magical Energy of the target must then roll a successful Stamina
others within a number of sectors equal to one-tenth check to resist. If the result is gray the target is
the Rank Value of this spell (round up). If the result paralyzed – knocked down and unconscious – for
a number of Turns equal to one-tenth the Rank
Value of the spell (round up).

PLANT CONTROL – The caster can control plants,

forcing them to twist and turn, and use them to
wrestle and attack opponents, or block attacks.
The caster performs all of these actions, through
a chosen plant, using the Rank Value of this spell
or the character’s Melee +10, whichever is great-
er. The character can control a number of plants
each turn equal to the number of times he can
attack in a turn (controlling counts as an attack).
The character can only control plants within a
number of sectors equal to one-tenth the Rank
Value of the spell (round up).

RECLAMATION – This spell may be cast on a

target who has been affected by other spells that
have put them under someone else’s control
(Mind Control, Fear, Illusion, Mesmerism, etc.).
If the caster’s spell rank value is higher than the
caster of the control spell, the control is broken
without having to make the casting roll. If the
control spell’s rank value is equal to that of the
caster, then he or she must make a successful
casting roll. If it is higher than the caster’s Recla-
mation rank value, then he or she receives a -1
RS for each rank the control spell’s rank value is
above his or her spell’s rank value.

Victor Malaspina (Order #35116610)

SURGE – The caster creates a wave of magical TELEPORTATION – The caster may teleport a number
force to emanate from him or herself that pushes of sectors equal to the Rank Value of this spell in a
outward from their position, either in a straight single turn. If the caster can see the destination point,
line or in a circular shock wave, that causes dam- or knows the area, and makes a result of gray on the
age to all within the area of effect. If the spell’s spell casting roll, the character arrives dazed at the
rank value is 30 or higher, all creatures within the destination sector and must spend the next turn re-
path of the wave must make a successful Agility covering (the character may take no actions that turn).
check to remain standing. However, if the caster is unfamiliar with – or cannot
see – the destination sector and teleports into a solid
TELEKINESIS – The caster may move objects with- object – which can include the ground – the player
out touching them. The upper limit of weight the must roll d% on the Master Table using the Rank Value
character may lift with this spell is the greater of of the character’s Stamina. A result of gray immedi-
the spell’s Rank Value or the character’s Ego Rank ately bounces the character back to the starting sector
Value +10. where the caster is dazed and must spend 1-10 turns
recovering (taking no actions during that time). Any
RANK VALUE WEIGHT other result immediately bounces the character back
1-2 50 lbs. to the starting sector where he or she is dazed for one
3-5 100 lbs. turn.
6-9 200 lbs.
10-19 400 lbs.
Ethereal Energy Spells
20-29 800 lbs. ABILITY DUPLICATION - This spell allows the caster
30-39 1 ton to copy an ability of another race or creature that he
or she has observed. Any combat capabilities of the
40-49 10tons
copied ability deals damage equal to the spell’s rank
50-74 50 tons value. Once a particular abiility has been copied by this
75-99 80 tons spell no furure casting rolls are needed to use it again,
100-149 100 tons simply spend the appropriate MEL points for the cost
150-999 200 tons of the spell.
1000+ 400 tons ABSORPTION – The character is immune to damage
inflicted by a specific ethereal energy type up to the
• ATTACK - The character may also use this Rank Value of this spell. Any damage inflicted over the
spell to perform ranged attacks – by throw- Rank Value of this spell is suffered normally.
ing an object or simply using telekinetic
The character may use the absorbed energy in one of
“force” – using the character’s Ego in place
two ways:
of Agility. A successful attack deals damage
equal to the Rank Value of this spell. • Healing: The character instantly recovers a
number of damage points equal to the damage
TELEPATHY – The caster can read the minds of
absorbed, up to his maximum value.
others and transmit mental messages. For all
actions involving this spell the character uses the • Attack: The character, on his next turn, may
greater of the spell’s Rank Value or the caster’s unleash the absorbed energy as an attack. Treat
Ego +10. as an appropriate elemental or energy control
attack with a Rank Value equal to the number of
A character with this spell may read the mind of
damage points absorbed.
any character with an Ego Rank Value lower than
the caster’s Rank Value in this spell or the charac- BANISH - This powerful spell can send a single entity
ter’s Ego +10, whichever is greater. back to its original plane of existence or any other
plane of the caster’s chosing. Lesser entities or beings

Victor Malaspina (Order #35116610)

(demi-gods, minor devils, stock demons) require a sim- servant cannot be harmed by physical means, and
ple success, but greater entities require a Blue result is only damaged by magic or psychic abilities. It
to be expelled. The entities may make an Ego check to has body armor and a Health total equal to the
avoid being banished. Lesser entities receive a -2 RS spell’s rank value. Any attacks made by the being
penalty to the check. do the spell’s rank value in damage. The servant
will remain with the caster indefinitely unless it is
DIMENSIONAL PORTAL - This spell opens a doorway banished by the caster or another magic wielding
to another plane of existence. If the caster has visited being.
the plane previously, no spell roll is required. If he or
she is entering a plane hostile to the caster, he or she HEAL OTHER - The caster can heal other beings of
receives a -1 RS penalty to the spell roll. If the plane is a total of damage equal to the spell’s rank value.
one that the caster has never visited, he or she re- This spell may also heal damage that cannot be
ceives a -3 RS on the roll. This penalty may be reduced healed by normal means.
by using the Dimensional Window spell to find a de-
cent point to enter the plane. REMOVE CURSE - This spell allows the caster to
remove curses from other beings. If the curse was
DIMENSIONAL WINDOW - The Dimensional Window due to a spell from another spell caster, he or she
spell allows the caster to take a peek into another must roll a success level equal to or greater than
plane of existence. The caster must know of this plane that of the curse spell. This spell may also be used
beforehand, learned through research and study. The to remove curses of lycanthropy or vampirism
successful casting of this spell reduces the RS penalty with a Blue result on the casting roll.
of the Dimensional Portal spell for traveling to an un-
known plane by 1 RS for a White Success, 2 for a Red SCRY - The caster may use this spell to observe
Success and by 3 for a Blue Success. the actions of other beings in almost any location
of the world. He or she must personally know, or
ENVIRONMENTAL SHELL - This spell creates and ex- have a personal effect of the subject in order to
tra-dimensional pocket where the caster is completely locate them. The spell also requires the use of a
sustained from starvation, thirst, and from asphyxia- reflective surface to gaze into. The target of the
tion. He or she is impervious to heat or cold, and even spell does not know they are being watched.
the vacuum of space. The character can withstand
being trapped underwater, and even being buried
alive. The pocket does not protect the caster from at-
tack, however. If the caster has a rank of 30 or higher,
he or she can envelope other begins within the pocket
if desired. The caster can remain within the pocket in-
definitely (treat the duration of the spell as if the rank
value is 100).

ETHEREAL ARMOR - The caster summons a shimmer-

ing suit of armor that can protect him or her from
physical, magical, and ethereal damage. The Armor
Value is equal to the spell’s Rank Value.

ETHEREAL BLAST - This spell gives the caster the ability

to launch attacks of pure ethereal energy causing rank
value damage.

ETHEREAL SERVANT - The caster summons a being

from another plane of existence to serve as their loyal
servant. The being is often invisible, but can take on
any appearance that the caster finds pleasing. The

Victor Malaspina (Order #35116610)


P sionics

Victor Malaspina (Order #35116610)

Section 6: Psionics
it are unavailable until it is charged once more.
These items can either be worn like jewelry, or
A psychic character, or Psionicist, has special abilities simply carried around in a pouch, but they must
that appear magical in nature, but are in fact powered be within contact distance of the psychic in order
by mental energy. The Psionicist derives his or her to do what they were designed to do.
energy from their own Ego, and from what they can
Certain crystals and other minerals can also
siphon from other beings around them.
be used to channel the psychic energies of the
A Psionicist has a Psychic Energy Level (PEL) which is a Psionicist in a similar fashion to the tuners. The
measurement of their individual power. Each psychic crystals do not have to be charged like the tuners
power has its own Rank Value, and whenever a psychic as they draw their power from the universe
power is used, the power’s Rank number is subtracted around them. Each crystal may only be utilized
from the PEL. The PEL is made up of the character’s until its energy is used up, then it becomes noth-
Health total plus their Vision, and two times their Ego ing more than a pretty paper weight. Crystals may
Trait Value. So, a character with 100 Health, a Vision of be purchased from just about anywhere, or they
20 and an Ego of 40 has a PEL of 200. can be mined by the psychic them self. Purchased
crystals tend to have less energy stored within
Using Psychic Abilities them than those dug up by the character. Typical
The Psychic powers available to the Psionicist are energy levels in purchased crystals run from 10
willed into action by the psychic’s thoughts alone. It points to 50. Mined crystals can have from 20
is a powerful form of metaphysical manipulation that energy points to 150 or more. The GM will tell
doesn’t go without cost. Each time a psychic power you how many energy points a particular crystal
is used, its Rank Value is subtracted from the charac- contains.
ter’s PEL. Once the character’s PEL is used up, he or
she may continue to use their abilities, but the price Psychic Abilities
is paid from their Health total. The internal damage Psychic abilities, or powers, are mysterious in
taken when pushing themselves in this fashion mani- their operation. From the outside, an onlooker
fests itself through hemorrhaging (bleeding) from their wouldn’t even know that anything out of the
eyes, ears, nose, and mouth. Once the character’s ordinary was happening unless the power has
health reaches zero, he or she goes into a coma for obvious effects like telekinesis or energy manipu-
2-20 hours. lation. Let’s take a look at some of these powers
The high cost associated with using psychic abilities
would seem to deter the Psionicist from using their All characters have the potential to use psychic
powers often, or attempt to increase their Rank Value powers, though those with heightened Ego Trait
to make them more effective, but there are various scores are more capable than others. Begin-
devices and natural objects that the psychic can utilize ning characters have the option to take Psionics
to help expand their total PEL. through the Point Buy system, or they may ran-
domly generate their powers. Roll on the follow-
Tuners & Crystals ing table to determine the number of psychic
Several psychics use special devices called Tuners that powers that the character begins with:
they “train” to fine tune and amplify their psychic
energy. A tuner can be any sort of item from a piece % ROLL No. of POWERS
of jewelry to a favorite melee weapon, or even a toy. 00-19 1
These devices enhance the character’s Ego Primary 20-59 2
Trait with a +1 RS for the purpose of increasing their 60-89 3
PEL only. The items must be “charged” by the Mental-
90-98 4
ist each night by channeling their energies into them
while meditating. If the device isn’t charged each 99 5
night, the trait boost and bonus points provided by

Victor Malaspina (Order #35116610)

Once you know the number of powers the character may start with, roll for each ability on the following table,
and then roll on column D of the Rank Value Table on page 7 to generate the power’s Rank.:
00-02 Animal Control 47-49 Levitation
03-06 Apportation 50-53 Mind Control
07-09 Astral Projection 54-56 Mind Probe
10-12 Aura Reading 57-60 Mind Trap
13-15 Block Senses 61-63 Plant Control
16-18 Calm 64-67 Postcognition
19-21 Chronokinesis 68-71 Psychic Surgery
22-24 Clairaudience 72-75 Psychometry
25-27 Clairsentience 76-79 Pyrokinesis
28-30 Clairvoyance 80-83 Remote Viewing
31-33 Cryokinesis 84-87 Suggestion
34-38 Healing 88-91 Telekinesis
39-42 Energy Manipulation 92-96 Telepathy
43-46 Fear 97-99 Thoughtography

ANIMAL CONTROL - The character can commu- ASTRAL PROJECTION - The character’s mind/spirit leaves
nicate with and control animals. To successfully the physical body behind and can travel practically any-
communicate with an animal the character must where. While out of the body, the character may travel
roll d% on the Master Table using the Rank Value into the ocean depths, into space, or even through
of this ability or the character’s Ego +10, whichev- solid materials, all without harm. While traveling in
er is greater. A result of white or greater indicates this manner, the character can only be attacked by
successful communication has been established. other Astral beings, or by attack forms that affect one’s
Intellect or Ego.
To control an animal, the character must achieve
a blue result. The character can control one type One of the dangers of Astral Projection is in leaving
of animal (such as birds, reptiles, mammals, sea one’s physical body unprotected. While away, the
creatures, etc.), which must be determined at the character’s body appears to be in a form of suspended
time of the character’s creation. animation, or coma. It will take damage from attacks
normally, and the character will be aware of what is
APPORTATION - RANK VALUE SECTORS WEIGHT happening. He, or she, may return to the body instan-
This power allows 1-2 1 50 lbs. taneously, and defend it, but suffers from a -2RS penal-
the psychic char- ty to all actions for one Turn until he/she is reoriented.
3-5 2 100 lbs.
acter to effective- The character can remain in Astral form indefinitely,
6-9 9 200 lbs.
ly teleport items but the body must still be maintained with food, water,
from one place to 10-19 4 400 lbs.
oxygen, and all other necessities. If the body dies while
another. The dis- 20-29 5 800 lbs.
in Astral Projection, the character becomes a non-cor-
tance and weight 30-39 6 1 ton
poreal ghost.
that an object 40-49 7 10 tons
can be apported 50-74 8 50 tons AURA READING - The psychic has the ability to read
relies upon the 75-99 10 80tons the aura of others. Auras can show the emotion of a
power’s rank. See 100-149 15 100 tons
being, like anger, love, happiness or sadness. It can
the table at right also show the likely intentions of a being as well, such
150-999 20 200 tons
for both: as the intent to harm others or willingness to give aid.
1000+ 35 400 tons

Victor Malaspina (Order #35116610)

BLOCK SENSES - The psionicist may “turn off” one to add the power rank to any action requiring a
of the main senses of a single target; vision, touch, Vision check. This power also allows the character
hearing, smell, etc. The targeted individual may make to see future events by hours, months, or even
an Ego check to avoid the effects with a success level years depending on the power rank.
equal to the power roll.
CRYOKINESIS - The psychic has the ability to
CALM - This power causes the intended target to settle manipulate temperatures with his or her mind
into a peaceful, relaxed state of mind to the point of to the freezing point. Any ice created with this
drowsiness. The target must make a successful ego ability has a material strength value equal to the
check against the success level of the power roll to power’s rank. The character can use the power to
break free from the effect or he or she will remain in attack, forming ice shards which can be hurled at
the state for 2-20 turns. All attempted actions while their enemies doing rank level damage.
under the effects of calm are made at a -3 RS penalty.
ENERGY HEALING - With this power, the psychic
CHRONOKINESIS - This power gives the psychic the uses their own psychic energy to heal themselves
ability to manipulate time around them. At low rank or others of damage from mental or physical
levels, this ability only allows the psychic to affect time attacks. The character heals a number of health
in seconds or minutes. At higher levels, the Psioni- equal to the power rank value.
cist could travel several days, months or even years
through time. Check the table at right to determine ENERGY MANIPULATION - With this power the
the power’s ability to affect time: psychic has the ability to both generate and con-
trol a specific form of energy chosen at character
RANK VALUE TIME creation from the following table:
1-10 1-10 Turns
11-50 1-10 Hours
The character can hurl lightning bolts,
51-100 1-10 Days Electrical
create force fields, lift objects, etc.
101-250 1-10 Weeks
The character can manipulate light to
251-1000 1-10 Months Light attack, blind opponents, create shields,
1000+ 1-10 Years etc.

CLAIRAUDIENCE - Clairaudience allows the psychic to The character can manipulate ferrous
metals to attack, create walls of metal
hear beyond the normal levels of their species. At low Magnetic
that act as armor, lift metallic objects,
rank levels, the psychic can hear whispers from across etc.
a crowded room. At higher power ranks, the Psionicist
The character can manipulate sound to
could conceivably speak to beings from other dimen- Sound
attack, lift objects, create shields, etc.
sions. A character using clairaudience may use this
power or their Vision +10, whichever is greater, when FEAR – This power generates an aura of Fear
checking for surprise. to emanate from the psychic that will affect all
targets within its area of effect unless they roll a
CLAIRSENTIENCE - A psychic with clairsentience has successful Ego check. Failure causes the targets to
the ability to sense things not normally perceivable. want nothing more than to flee from the psioni-
Even creatures with the ability to make themselves cist as quickly as they can for the duration of the
invisible, either with a power or through technology power. The target is so scared of the psychic that
may be detected by a character using clairsentience. all actions performed within sight of him or her
Some call this ability a “sixth sense”. At higher rank are made with a -2 RS penalty.
levels some psychics have the capability to see beings
on other worlds or dimensions. The subject of Fear may make an Ego check every
3 Turns in an attempt to break free. If successful,
CLAIRVOYANCE - Clairvoyance allows the psychic to the caster will not know that the target has bro-
“see” the future. At all levels this power acts like the ken free unless he or she attacks or acts without
Combat Awareness ability, giving the psychic the ability fear.

Victor Malaspina (Order #35116610)

LEVITATION - The Psionicist is capable of lift-
ing him or herself, or other objects, with but a
thought. This power can also be used as a form of
travel. The amount of weight that the character
can lift is determined by the power rank value on
the following table:


1-2 50 lbs.
3-5 100 lbs.
6-9 200 lbs.
10-19 400 lbs.
20-29 800 lbs.
30-39 1 ton
40-49 10tons
50-74 50 tons
75-99 80 tons
100-149 100 tons
150-999 200 tons
1000+ 400 tons

MIND CONTROL - The character can take over the

minds of others. A target of Mind Control must be
within visual range of the character and must pos-
sess an Ego Rank Value less than the Rank Value
of this ability or the character’s Ego, whichever is

To take control of another the character must roll

d% on the Master Table using the Rank Value of Ego check equal to or greater than spell casting roll to
this ability or the character’s Ego +10, whichever avoid giving up the information.
is greater. If the result is black the mind control
attempt fails. If the result is red or greater the MIND TRAP – This power may be cast if the psychic
target is controlled until the character releases believes he or she might be the target of any form of
the targeted character or the target is ordered to mental attack. The power’s duration is 10 Turns or until
do something out of the ordinary (such as injure the psionicist is attacked. If attacked, and the psychic
a companion) at which point the target rolls d% rolls a successful power check, the Mind Trap repels
on the Master Table using the Rank Value of the the attack and lashes back at the attacker doing the
target character’s Ego. A result of red or greater is power’s rank value in damage to the attacker. If the
needed to break free of the mind control. power roll fails, then the attack works against the psy-
chic, but the damage dealt is reduced by -2 RS.
MIND PROBE – The psionicist taps into the tar-
get’s mind and is able to discover various details PLANT CONTROL – The psychic can control plants, forc-
such as its true identity, and other details about ing them to twist and turn, and use them to wrestle
him or her. If the psychic wishes to search for any and attack opponents, or block attacks. The psionicist
secrets or specific information that the target performs all of these actions, through a chosen plant,
may be trying hard to hide, he or she must make using the Rank Value of this power or the character’s
a Red Success or greater. The target must roll an Melee +10, whichever is greater. The character can

Victor Malaspina (Order #35116610)

control a number of plants each turn equal to the more beings. A simple suggestion requires only a
number of times he can attack in a turn (controlling white result to be implanted, while more detailed
counts as an attack). The character can only control and specific ideas need a red result or better to
plants within a number of sectors equal to one-tenth take effect. If the target’s Ego is equal to or higher
the Rank Value of the power (round up). than the psychic, he or she may make a check
using that trait to ignore the suggestion.
POSTCOGNITION - This power allows the psychic to
see into the distant past. At lower rank levels (10 or TELEKINESIS - The character possesses the mental
less), the character must physically touch an item ability to move objects without touching them.
to begin receiving information. At higher ranks the The upper limit of weight the character may lift
character need only see an item or area to read it. The with this power is the greater of the power’s Rank
details of information that can be seen is determined Value or the character’s Willpower Rank Value
by the result of the power check. A white result pro- +10.
vides vague, minor details in a flashback. A red result
gives more details such as names and specific events. RANK VALUE WEIGHT
A blue result will give the psychic nearly complete de- 1-2 50 lbs.
tails, including dates and even hours of the happenings 3-5 100 lbs.
associated with an item or place. 6-9 200 lbs.
PSYCHIC SURGERY - Psychic Surgery is a form of attack 10-19 400 lbs.
that allows the Psionicist to slice away at certain 20-29 800 lbs.
memories of the target’s mind. The level of detail 30-39 1 ton
of the memories that the psychic wishes to remove 40-49 10tons
determines the base result level needed for the power
50-74 50 tons
check. Short term memories (seeing the character,
overhearing a conversation, etc.) only require a white 75-99 80 tons
result to erase. Long term memories (specific military 100-149 100 tons
or professional training) require a red result. Lifetime 150-999 200 tons
memories (old friends, parents, a child) need a blue 1000+ 400 tons
result to remove. The target may make an Ego check to
block the attack using the result of the power check as Ranged Attacks: The character may also use this
the target. power to perform ranged attacks – by throwing
an object or simply using telekinetic “force” – us-
PSYCHOMETRY - Similar to Postcognition, Psychome-
ing the character’s Willpower in place of Coordi-
try is a power that is used to discover specific details
nation. A successful attack deals damage equal to
about a being by holding items that belong to them.
the Rank Value of this power.
Using psychometry, a psychic character could effective-
ly track another being across vast distances. TELEPATHY - The character can read the minds of
others and transmit mental messages. For all ac-
PYROKINESIS - Pyrokinesis gives the psychic the ability
tions involving this power the character uses the
to create and control fire. The intensity of the flames
greater of the power’s Rank Value or the charac-
created are equal to the rank value of the power.
ter’s Ego +10.
REMOTE VIEWING - This power allows the psychic to
A character with this power may read the mind of
see scenes or beings in other places as they are taking
any character with a Ego Rank Value that is lower
place in real time. The power could be used to look
than the character’s Rank Value in this power or
into a building to check for guards, or to find a missing
the character’s Ego +10, whichever is greater.
A character with this ability is automatically
SUGGESTION - A very useful power, Suggestion allows
aware when someone attempts to read the char-
the character to plant an idea in the thoughts of one or
acter’s mind. The character may attempt to block

Victor Malaspina (Order #35116610)

the other telepath; both characters roll d% and manent loss of Ego points equal to the attack’s rank
add the Rank Value of this ability or the charac- value divided by 10.
ter’s Ego +10, whichever is greater.
SCRAMBLE - This attack jars the target’s mind in an
THOUGHTOGRAPHY - Thoughtography is the attempt to “scramble” his or her thoughts and memo-
ability to capture images from another being’s ries. A successful attack causes the target to roll an Ego
memories. The psychic must make contact with check against the attack’s success level. Failure disori-
the target of the power and maintain it until the ents the target for 1-10 turns, giving a -2 RS penalty to
thoughts are captured. A successful Melee attack all actions for the duration.
that causes no damage must be performed, and
then the power may be attempted. SIEGE - This attack sets up a sphere of psychic energy
which jabs at the target’s mind from multiple angles
Psionic Combat at once. Power may be kept up for several turns (pay
Combat between two Psionicists can be devas- the PEL cost for each turn) without the need for a
tating. Outwardly, it appears as if the two beings new attack roll. No other attacks may be made while
are having an intense staring contest, until one or performing Siege.
both of them begin bleeding from their eyes and
nose. A full scale battle can last mere seconds in Defenses
the real world, but can seem like an eternity in
MENTAL CLOAK - Acts like body armor for the mind.
the minds of the psychics.
Deflects attacks at rank value. May be kept up for half
There are various forms of attack and defense cost after initiating the Cloak. (Rank 10 would only cost
available to a psychic. At creation, a character 10 points instead of 20).
may select one attack and one defense from the
MENTAL BLOCK - Blocks off a specific portion of the
following list:
mind to prevent attacks from erasing or discovering
certain thoughts or ideas. Stays up indefinitely until
Attacks the Mentalist releases the Block, or until a set time has
SPIKE - Sends a jolt of psychic energy through the elapsed. The power check result sets the difficulty level
target’s mind doing rank level damage to his or for someone attempting to break through.
her PEL if a Mentalist. Causes physical damage FORTRESS - Sets up reinforced mental shielding around the
to the target’s brain if non-psychic. Non-psychics Mentalist’s mind as a defense against Siege. Character may
must roll a successful Ego check or suffer a per- make attacks from within the Fortress while keeping it up.

Victor Malaspina (Order #35116610)


Victor Malaspina (Order #35116610)


G ear

Victor Malaspina (Order #35116610)

Section 7: Gear
lower than their Means Trait Value as frequently
as they need to. This doesn’t mean that they can
Characters will need various bits of gear, weapons and buy out a whole store of items that fall within
vehicles to get through the daily grind of whatever that range, but if they need to purchase multiple
they are doing. An individual’s personal equipment items that meet the benchmark, the GM should
can be a valuable asset to them in a crisis. Even such allow it. For items that need a Means check to
mundane items like a lighter or poncho could be a life purchase, the character is only allowed to at-
saving tool at the right moment. Let’s take a look at tempt the check once per pay period of his or her
some of the available gear a character might want, and character’s day job, or once per game week. If a
what they must do to acquire it. Means check fails, the character simply doesn’t
have the funds available to make a purchase. He
Purchasing Gear, Is it Within My Means? or she will have to wait until the next paycheck
Whenever a character wants to pick up a new piece hits the bank before they can try it again.
of gear, he or she can stroll into their favorite gearpo-
rium, drop a few bucks and go their merry way with Pooling Resources
their new sackful of goodies. Okay, maybe it’s not all Some items are simply too costly for a single char-
that simple. In the game, the characters will often have acter to be able to afford. If the cost of an item
most of what they need at hand, but occasionally they is two Row Steps or higher above the character’s
will need to pick up some special gadgets to make their Means Rank Value, it is too expensive for him or
lives easier. Things don’t always come freely though, her to acquire alone. If the character is part of
so how do they pay for them? The answer is with their a team, then they may pool their resources in
Means. order to be able to make the purchases that they
The Means Trait is a reflection of what a character can
afford, not an actual monetary value. The score is sim- If a group of characters wants to pool their re-
ilar to the character’s Primary Traits in that it is used sources to make a purchase, the character with
to make checks when attempting to purchase the gear the highest Means score adds a +1 RS modifier
they want or need. The Mean score is the Rank Value to his or her Rank Value for each character in the
used when rolling on the Master Table to determine group. Characters with a Means Trait Value of 1
whether they have the necessary funds to purchase a cannot add anything to the pool as they can bare-
particular item. ly afford to pay for their own necessities. If the
combined Row Step modifiers do not bring the
When attempting to make a purchase, compare the lead character’s Means Rank Value to within one
Cost of the item desired to the character’s Means Val- Row Step of the cost of the item, then it is too
ue score. If the character’s Means is three times higher expensive for the group as a whole, and they will
than the cost of the item, he or she may purchase it have to find another method of raising the funds
without rolling the dice. If the item is equal to or one for the purchase.
rank lower than the character’s Means, he or she must
The lists on the following pages are just samples
make a White result on the Means check to be able to
of the many items that may be found amongst
purchase it. If the cost is one Row Step or more higher
a being’s personal belongings. They are a mix
than the character’s Means, he or she must make a
of historical, modern and futuristic equipment.
Red result or higher on the Means check. If the cost
Each item’s purpose and usage will be described
is higher than one Row Step above the character’s
following the lists, as well as any special modifiers
Means Value, it is out of his or her reach.
a specific piece of gear may give to the character
The character can purchase items that cost three times using it.

Victor Malaspina (Order #35116610)

Backpack 3 Grappling Hook 6 Ballistic Plate Armor 20 20
Basic Adventurers Pack 10 Hammer 6 Breast Plate 6 30
Basic Repair Kit 10 Healer’s Pack 6 Chain Mail Shirt 6 10
Basic Survival Pack 10 Holy Symbol 1 Chain Mail Suit 10 20
Bed Roll 3 Hunter’s Trap 6 Envirosuit 30 30
Binders 10 Hydrator 10 Force Bracers +3/3 20
Binoculars 6 Ignitor 1 Full Face Helmet 10 10
Blanket 1 Lantern 6 Great Helm 6 (head) 10
Candles (12) 1 Lock 3 Half Helm 3 (head) 6
Chalk (12) 1 Lockpicking Kit 3 Half-Plate Armor 15 20
Chest, Large 6 Miner’s Pack 10 Heavy Fur 3 3
Chest, Small 3 Mini-Comp 20 Hide Armor 6 6
Climbing Gear 6 Poison 10 Leather Armor 6 3
Communicator 10 Pouch 1 Mesh Armor 10 10
Data Chip 6 Radiation Meter 6 Personal Force Shield * *
Data Pad 10 Radiation Suit 10 Plasteel Shield +3/6 10
Emergency Beacon 20 Rations (1 week) 10 Plate Mail 20 40
Envirosuit 30 Rope (20 meters) 6 Reflector Shield +3/6 10
First Aid Kit 6 Sleeping Bag 3 Ring Mail 10 10
Fishing Equipment 3 Survival Blanket 3 Scale Mail 15 30
Flashlight 3 Tent 6 Shield 3/10 6/10
Gas Mask 6 Torch (6) 6 Skull Cap 6 6
Gear Bag 1 Translator 10 Splint Mail 10 10
Glow Sticks (6) 6 Utility Belt 6 Studded Leather 8 6
Waterskin 3 Synth-Hide 8 6
*See Description

Victor Malaspina (Order #35116610)

Battle Axe S 15 20 Blow Gun P 2 1 1
Beamer E 10 30 Boomerang B/S 1 6 6
Club B 6 3 Bow, Long P 6 10 10
Collapsible Baton B 6 6 Bow, Short P 3 8 10
Dagger S 6 6 Chakram S/B 1 8 10

Flail B 10 10 Crossbow P 8 15 10
Flame Thrower E 2 15/10 20
Hammer B 8 6
Grenade E* 2 * 10
Hatchet S 8 6
Heavy Machine Gun P 10 30 20
Horseman’s Pick B 15 10
Javelin P 2 8 3
Knife S 6 3
Laser Pistol E 8 10 10
Knucks B 3 3
Laser Rifle E 10 20 10
Lance P 15 10
Micro-Missile Launcher P 10 20* 30
Laser Lance E/P 20 30
Missile Launcher (Shoulder) E 20 40* 50
Mace B 8 10
Pneumatic Pistol P 4* 6 6
Machete S 8 3 Pneumatic Rifle P 6* 8 6
Morning Star B 10 10 Projectile Pistol P 6 8 6
Pole Arm S 15 10 Projectile Rifle P 8 10 6
Shillelagh B 6 1 Scatter Gun P 3 15/6/3 6
Sonic Hammer B 15/St 20 Spear P 1 10 3
Spear P 10 3 Sub-Machine Gun P 6 20 20
Spear-Staff P 10 3 Throwing Axe S 1 10 6
Staff B 6 1 Throwing Knife P/S 1 6 10
Static Whip E 10/St 20 Throwing Spikes P 1 3 3
Stun Baton B/E 6/St 20 * See Description


Sword, Great S 15 20 Air Car 10 30 20 40
Sword, Long S 10 6 Boat (Small) 3 3 3 6
Sword, Rapier S 6 3 Boat (Speed) 6 10 6 10
Sword, Scimitar S 8 3 Boat (Military) 20 10 10 50
Sword, Short S 8 6 Crawler 20 10 10 30
Whip S 3 6 Ground Bike 6 10 6 10
St = Stun Ground Car 10 20 10 10
Hauler 20 10 6 20
Hover Bike 6 20 20 20
Hover Car 10 30 20 30
Jet (Military) 20 150 30 75
Jet Pack 6 20 10 30
Mini-Crawler 6 10 6 10
Roto-Hopper 10 20 10 40
Roto-Plane 10 30 10 40
Tank 50 6 20 50
Walker 50 6 10 75

Victor Malaspina (Order #35116610)

ple animal skin can act as a blanket. Having a blanket in
your gear adds a +1 RS to the character’s Survival skill
BACKPACK - Backpacks are small containers used checks.
to carry personal gear. They can be constructed
of any material, from a simple cloth sack to a CANDLES - This is a bundle of 12 bees wax candles that
lightweight metallic shell. A backpack can carry can illuminate an area of 10 feet each. A candle will
small items with a combined weight of up to 28 burn for approximately 8 hours. They are susceptible
kilograms. to being extinguished by wind and rain.

BASIC ADVENTURER’S PACK - This is a backpack CHALK - Chalk is a simple bit of mineral that can leave
filled with some standard gear that are commonly marks on various surfaces. It can be used to mark trails
purchased by travelers. The pack includes; 50 feet or to sketch images or diagrams for plan making.
of rope, 12 candles, flint and steel, a water skin
and a bedroll. CHEST - A chest is a box that can hold larger items
that require more protection than a pack or pouch,
BASIC REPAIR KIT - This kit includes various tools, but they are heavier and bulkier and require a mount
meters, and small spare parts to allow a character or wagon to transport. Chests are water resistant to a
to make small repairs to gadgets and weaponry. degree, but are highly susceptible to fire. Chests come
Using a Basic Repair Kit adds a +1 RS to any repair in large (up to 5 feet by 3 feet) and small sizes.
CLIMBING GEAR - Climbing gear consists of several
BASIC SURVIVAL PACK - A basic survival pack metal spikes and clamps, and a small hammer. Used in
holds several items that can help a character conjunction with rope, climbing gear adds an addition-
endure being lost or stranded in many situations. al +1 RS to Climbing skill checks.
These items include; an Emergency Beacon, a
First Aid Kit, Glow Sticks, a Hydrator, an Igniter, a COMMUNICATOR - A simple communicator can be
weeks worth of Rations, and a Survival Blanket. used to send and receive voice, text and video messag-
es to other characters with similar devices, or to com-
BEDROLL - A bedroll can be as simple as a thick munication devices on a planet’s surface or orbiting
furred animal skin to a finely stitched mat of lin- starships.
en. A bedroll adds a bonus of +10 to a character’s
Stamina for the purpose of daily Health recovery. DATA CHIP - Data chips are storage devices that can be
inserted into data pads or computers with appropriate
BINDERS - Binders are used to secure prisoners to ports, and used to store and read information. A single
prevent them from easily escaping. Some binders data chip can contain thousands of volumes of text, or
are nothing more than hand-cuffs, while others hundreds of hours of voice or video messages.
are designed to encircle the prisoner’s body to
pin their arms or other appendages. They come DATA PAD - A data pad is a small device used to view
in various sizes and configurations to be able to information stored on data chips, and can also be con-
handle different body types. Typical binders have nected to the info-net if a comm signal is available.
a material strength value of 20. Some binders are EMERGENCY BEACON - A small device that can be
also fitted with Rank Value 20 stun diodes that clipped onto a character’s clothing, or worn like a
can be set to activate automatically if the prisoner piece of jewelry that sends out an emergency signal in
attempts to leave a specified area, or can be man- various frequencies. Emergency beacons can also be
ually activated by the captor. used as an improvised tracking device that can be used
BINOCULARS - Binoculars are used to give a to follow a target. The signal strength of an emergency
character a magnified view of an area. Searching beacon is 150 sectors.
with binoculars gives the character a+1 RS bonus ENVIROSUIT - An Envirosuit gives its wearer protection
to Vision. from environmental hazards and conditions. It contains
BLANKET - A simple patch of wool cloth or a sup- an on board air, food and water supply that can keep

Victor Malaspina (Order #35116610)

a character alive for up to one week before it must such as a weapon or bag, to be dragged back to
be refitted. The suit gives the wearer the protection the character.
of body armor against radiation and physical attacks
with a rank value of 30, but against energy attacks the HAMMER - This is a small tool that can be used to
protection value drops to 6. Personal force shields are drive climbing spikes or nails. It can also be used
often used in conjunction with an envirosuit to protect to break open small rocks to check for precious
against energy based attacks. minerals when mining. The hammer can also be
used as an improvised weapon that causes +6
FIRST AID KIT - A first Bashing damage.
aid kit can be used by
any character to treat HEALER’S PACK - This is a small pack that can
themselves or others be slung over the shoulder or worn on a belt. It
when wounded. Using contains various herbs, oils, salves and bandages
a first aid kit gives the used for healing. Using the pack on a wounded
character using it a +1 character gives a +1 RS to Healing skill checks.
RS when attempting to
treat injuries. HOLY SYMBOL - A holy symbol can take the form
of just about anything that can represent a deity,
FISHING GEAR - Fishing gear gives the character a from statues to weapons. Holy symbols can be
+1 RS to Survival skill checks. It consists of lures and used to channel the Ethereal Energy of spells
string, and a net that can be cast into the water to trap granted by the entity they are devoted to.
HUNTER’S TRAP - A hunter’s trap can be a large
FLASHLIGHT - Flashlights are invaluable in the dark- or small cage that can be used to capture animals
ened confines of a space cruiser or cavern tunnels alive, or a spring trap that clamps down on an
on a planet’s surface. It can be used as a spotlight, animal’s leg or neck that can maim or kill it. The
casting a beam to a distance of up to 3 sectors, or as a spring-type trap causes 20 points of damage to
mini-lantern shedding light in a circle within a 1 sector any creature that sets it off. The creature must
diameter. make a successful Agility check to avoid being
GAS MASK - A gas mask protects the wearer from caught.
harmful gases. HYDRATOR - A hydrator is a small device that
GEAR BAG - A gear bag is a large cloth or synthetic draws moisture from an atmosphere, and purifies
satchel that can be slung over the shoulder for easy it for drinking. The device can collect up to 4 litres
transport. A gear bag can carry slightly larger items of water per day.
than can fit into a backpack, such as rifles or similar IGNITER - An igniter is a small device that is used
weaponry, up to a weight of 45 kilograms. to ignite fires.
GLOW STICKS - A glow stick is an enclosed plastic LANTERN - A lantern can illuminate a radius of
tube that contains a pair of chemicals that react when about 30 feet. It is less susceptible to rain or
mixed. The reaction creates a brilliant glow that illumi- wind, and has a duration of approximately 12
nates an area of up to 1 sector in diameter. The dura- hours.
tion of the reaction of each glow stick is eight standard
hours. Glow sticks are sold in packs of six. LOCK - Locks can be used to secure containers
or doors from easy access. A basic lock can be
GRAPPLING HOOK - This is a three or four pronged picked by a competent thief by making a success-
hook that can be tied to the end of a rope that can be ful lockpicking skill check. More advanced locks
tossed over a wall or into a tree limb to be used for impose penalties to lockpicking checks but are
climbing, giving a +1 RS to Climbing skill checks. The more expensive to purchase.
hook can also be used to grab items from a distance,

Victor Malaspina (Order #35116610)

LOCKPICKING KIT - A lockpicking kit gives a skilled ROPE - Rope can be used for many purposes, from
character an extra bonus to gain entry to doors climbing walls or mountains, to tying up a captured en-
or containers secured with locks. The kit gives a emy. It can be made from many different substances,
bonus of +1 Row Steps to the Lockpicking skill. but it is commonly made of synthetic materials, and is
sold in 20 meter lengths. Rope adds a +1 RS to climbing
MINER’S PACK - This is a set of tools that can be attempts when used.
used to find and excavate precious minerals from
the soil. The pack includes a pickaxe, a shovel, a SLEEPING BAG - A sleeping bag can keep a character
lantern, a small hammer and a pan. warm and snug when sleeping out of doors.

MINI-COMP - A SURVIVAL BLANKET - A survival blanket can mean the

mini-comp is a small difference between life and death in certain situations.
computer, sometimes They are thin, but are made from a material that traps
carried in a pocket body heat underneath to keep the character warm.
or worn on the wrist.
Though not as powerful as a home based unit, or TENT - A tent provides a comfortable place to sleep
ship-board computer, the mini-comp can handle when having to “rough it” out doors. Tents are com-
almost any computations that a being needs to monly constructed of lightweight, but tough materials,
make. Using a min-comp adds a +1 RS to Research and will usually house up to four beings of standard
skill checks. human size.

POISON - Poisons come in various strengths rang- TORCH - A torch provides illumination in a 20 foot radi-
ing from mild sleep inducing effects to poisons us. Torches can be purchased in bundles, but they can
that can kill a target almost instantly. A being also be improvised with a branch and some oil soaked
subjected to poison must make a Stamina check cloth.
to avoid its effects. Some poisons are stronger TRANSLATOR - Translators are small devices that are
than others and may impose certain penalties or programmed to decipher spoken languages after being
set target Result levels to this check. For more on exposed to them for a few hours. The devices can be
Poison, see the Combat section. hand-held or worn.
POUCH - A pouch is a leather or canvas bag used UTILITY BELT - Utility belts have multiple pouches that
to carry small items such as coins, gems or jewel- can carry several small items such as tools or similarly
ry, or other similarly sized items. sized devices.
RADIATION METER - A radiation meter alerts WATER SKIN - This is a bag or sack made from a large
the character to rising levels of deadly radiation. animal bladder that can be used to carry a quantity
It will begin to chime or give a visual indication of water or other liquid. Having a water skin gives the
whenever radiation reaches threatening levels. character a +1 RS to Survival checks.
RADIATION SUIT - A radiation suit will protect the
wearer from most forms of radiation with a pro- ARMOR
tection value of 50. It offers no protection from BALLISTIC PLATE ARMOR - This armor protects the
physical damage whatsoever. wearer from most types of physical damage, including
piercing, bashing and slashing, and impact damage
RATIONS - Rations are made up of dried and from falls. It is constructed from lightweight plasteel
processed foods which are condensed into small plates which are attached to an undergarment that
cubes or squares to make them more transport- doesn’t restrict movement. Ballistic plate armor only
able. Rations aren’t the greatest tasting things in protects the wearer from 6 points of energy damage.
the galaxy, but eating them is better than starving.
Rations are sold in packs that will feed an individ- BREASTPLATE - A breastplate from a suit of Full Plate
ual for one week. Armor is sometimes worn over lighter suits of armor

Victor Malaspina (Order #35116610)

such as leather or chain mail. It gives the wearer better HALF-PLATE ARMOR - Half-Plate armor does away
protection than the lighter armor, but it’s not as cum- with the forearm and shin plates and boots of
bersome or obtrusive as the heavier plate mail. Full-Plate. It is heavier than chain mail, but more
flexible than full-plate.
CHAIN MAIL SHIRT - If a full suit of chain mail is a bit
too expensive, a shirt offers partial protection at a HEAVY FUR - A set of heavy fur provides some
more affordable price. protection from damage as well as protection
from the cold.
CHAIN MAIL SUIT - A suit of chain mail covers the
character from head to foot, offering moderate protec- HIDE ARMOR - Similar to heavy fur, hide armor
tion while allowing more freedom of movement than consists of pelts of animals and boiled leather bits
heavier options. that provides protection and flexibility.

ENVIROSUIT - As armor, an envirosuit protects the LEATHER ARMOR - One of the most common ar-
wearer from 30 points of radiation and physical dam- mor types for adventurers. Leather armor is light
age, but only 6 points of energy damage. Being some- and sturdy, and allows for more mobility than
what bulky, an envirosuit works best in Zero-G environ- most of the other armor types.
ments. Wearing an envirosuit as armor on a planet’s
surface gives the wearer a -1 RS penalty to all physical MESH ARMOR - Mesh armor is one of the most
actions. Some military envirosuits are fitted with shield popular styles of armor for standard adventur-
generators that provide the wearer with AV 20 protec- ing. It is extremely lightweight and very flexible.
tion from energy attacks. It is also highly concealable, and able to be worn
beneath regular street clothing. Mesh armor
FORCE BRACERS - Force bracers are similar to personal protects the wearer from slashing and piercing
force shields in that they create a small shield that will damage with an Armor Value of 10, but only an
deflect energy weapon attacks. They are worn on the AV of 6 against bashing attacks.
wrist of the character and must be put into the path
of an incoming attack to be effective. The character PERSONAL FORCE SHIELD - Personal force shields
must make a Block attempt using their Agility with the give the user protection against energy weapon
bracers to deflect the attack. Force bracers may also be attacks. They are available in several protection
used in Rushing attacks. The size of the shield is rough- levels, but are typically legally sold at a maximum
ly one meter in diameter. AV of 10 with a cost matching the AV. Military
units can have AVs of up to 50 or higher. Black
FULL FACE HELMET - A full face helmet protects only market shields have been hacked and can also be
the wearer’s head. It offers excellent protection when purchased with AVs as high as military units, but
the visor is pulled down, but give the wearer a -1 RS have the potential to short out. If a hacked unit
penalty to Vision checks unless the faceplate has a takes a Blue result hit, roll on the Master Table
HUD viewer. Some helmets with a HUD can actually using the unit’s original AV. A fail means that the
give the wearer a bonus to Vision checks and other unit has overloaded and ceases to function until
action rolls depending on what is displayed. repaired.

GREAT HELM - The great helm is a PLASTEEL SHIELD - These shields are discs or
full helmet with openings for the squares constructed of plasteel that can be car-
eyes and decorative holes on the ried on one arm, and are used to deflect physical
faceplate for ventilation. It protects attacks. They offer no protection against energy
the character’s head with an Armor attacks.
Value of 6.
PLATE MAIL - Plate Mail armor, also known as Full
HALF-HELM - The half-helm is the common headgear Plate, offers the most complete protection. The
of the foot-soldier or regular rank and file warrior. It character is encased from the neck down in rigid
gives the head protection with an Armor Value of 3. metal plates. The only drawback of Plate Mail is

Victor Malaspina (Order #35116610)

a reduction in flexibility. A character dressed in attached across the surface. It offers slightly better
Plate Armor suffers a -1 RS penalty to Agility. protection at a cost of extra weight.

REFLECTOR SHIELD - A reflector shield is a plasteel SYNTH-HIDE - Some primitive cultures still utilize skins
shield that has been coated with a special reflec- and hides taken from the various creatures of their
tive polymer that offers the bearer some protec- worlds, but many more civilized species have devel-
tion against both physical and energy attacks. oped synthetic leathers and other hides to replace the
natural ones. These synthetics are hardier and offer
RING MAIL - Ring mail armor protects the wearer greater protection than the original materials, and can
from slashing attacks quite nicely, but the Armor be designed in various styles and colors.
Rating is reduced by 1 Row Step against Bashing
and Piercing weapons. MELEE WEAPONS
SCALE MAIL - This BATTLE AXE - A battle axe is either
armor is similar to single edged with a spike or ham-
chain mail armor in that mer head opposing, or double edged
it covers the wearer and heavily weighted for more power-
from head to foot, but ful cleaving. It can be a deadly weapon,
instead of tiny links of but it is quite cumbersome.
metal chain it is made
BEAMER - Beamers were originally hand-
up of small metallic
held laser cutters used in repair work on
scale-shaped plates
starships and surface vehicles. They weren’t
and offers incredible
in service for long until they were being used
protection. However,
as a highly concealable weapon that could be used
the character suffers a
to kill an unsuspecting opponent. E.G.A.L. authori-
-1 RS penalty to Agility.
ties quickly made the tools illegal to possess without
SHIELD - A shield increases the Armor Rating of proper licensing. Beamers emit a variable length laser
a character by 1 Row Step. If the shield is the “blade” that can cut through most materials with
character’s only protection, it gives him or her an relative ease. The blades will pass through other lasers,
Armor Rating of 3. A shield can also be used when but can be blocked by personal shields.
Rushing, increasing the character’s Stamina by
CLUB - This is one of the simplest weapons to use, and
+1 RS for damage purposes. A tower shield is a
can be improvised easily by grabbing a heavy tree limb
larger, heavier shield that gives the character an
or broken table leg.
Armor Rating of 10 by itself, or a +2 RS increase to
his or her overall Armor Rating if used with armor. COLLAPSIBLE BATON - Collapsible batons are easily
A tower shield cannot be used while Rushing. concealable, and quite devastating to targets struck
with them.
SKULL CAP - A skull cap gives partial protection to
the wearer’s head. It is less restrictive than a full DAGGER - A small hand-weapon that can be easily
face helmet, giving no penalties to Vision checks. concealed, the dagger can be an extremely useful tool
for combat and more mundane tasks.
SPLINT MAIL - This armor consists of metal strips
attached vertically to a heavy canvas or cotton FLAIL - The flail is a melee weapon with one or more
under shirt. It provides great protection against spiked or studded ball heads attached to a short wood-
various types of damage, but is quite heavy and en or metal shaft by a length of chains.
noisy. Characters suffer a -1 RS penalty to Agility
when attempting to be stealthy. HAMMER - The hammer is similar to a miner’s sledge,
but heavier. Some are also fitted with a spike on the
STUDDED LEATHER ARMOR - Essentially leath- opposite face of the hammer head.
er armor with small studded or spiked rivets

Victor Malaspina (Order #35116610)

HATCHET - A hatchet is a primitive tool used for chop- style javelins, but with a heavier set of heads on
ping through wood, plastics and some metals. Hatch- each end. The weapon can be thrown like a spear,
ets can also be utilized as a good slashing weapon to or wielded like a quarterstaff.
cause some serious damage.
STAFF - This appears to be a simple walking aid
HORSEMAN’S PICK - This is a long pole weapon pri- used by older folk or by mages or priests. It can
marily used from horseback. It is similar to a hammer, be swung like a club to do moderate damage to
and is often found having a spike opposite the hammer an opponent.
STATIC WHIP - this weapon consists of a telescop-
KNIFE - Another primitive weapon that is often carried ing cable that extends from a cylindrical grip out
by almost every being in the galaxy. They are useful as to a length of three meters. Attacks made with
tools and slashing weapons. the whip are typically made to ensnare a target,
and then a charge is triggered to jolt the subject
KNUCKS - These are light weapons that can be slipped with several amps of electricity.
onto the fingers of the character to give him or her
a little extra punch. Knucks can be constructed from STUN BATON - A stun baton is similar to a col-
various materials. lapsible baton, but it is fitted with a static charge
unit that delivers a jolt of electricity to the target
MACE - A mace is a short shafted weapon with a stud- with each hit. Personal force shields will nullify
ded, bladed or spiked head. the charge. A successful hit with a stun baton that
isn’t blanked by a force shield causes an instant
MACHETE - Yet another primitive but effective melee
Concuss result, forcing the target to make a
weapon. Machetes were created to help adventurers
Stamina check on the Concuss table.
hack their way through thick underbrush in heavy
forests and jungles. They are more concealable than STUN KNUCKS - Stun knucks are insulated braces
larger weapons. worn on the hands with electrodes protruding
passed the wearer’s knuckles. A successful hit
MORNING STAR - The morning star is a long-handled
with stun knucks causes an automatic Concuss
version of a mace, usually having long spikes on its
result, forcing the target to make a Stamina check
head giving it its name.
on the Concuss table.
POLE ARM - This weapon is essentially a long handled
SWORD, GREAT - This is a long,
battle axe which gives the wielder more reach. It is
two-handed weapon that can
heavy and awkward, however, and may only be swung
cause some very serious dam-
every other Turn.
age. It is quite heavy, however,
SHILLELAGH - The shillelagh is basically a light club. It and may only be swung once
is often used as a walking stick by characters wanting per turn unless the character’s
to be perceived as being unarmed or non-threatening. Melee Rank is high enough to
The head, or grip, of the stick is often a natural looking allow for more than two attacks
knot or carved ball head and is sometimes reinforced per Turn.
with metal bands or studs.
SWORD, LONG - The long
SONIC HAMMER - Sonic hammers originated as tools sword is a standard weapon
used in the construction of habitations, large buildings, that can be found amongst
and starships. They add a little extra kick upon impact soldiers and adventurers alike
from sonic emitters inside the hammer head, giving across many lands. They are
each strike a modulated pinging sound and causing typically well balanced slashing
some heavy damage in the process. weapons that do moderate
SPEAR-STAFF - Spear-staves are similar to the old Earth

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SWORD, RAPIER - A rapier is a single-edged long • Stun Arrowhead - 10 Blunt/Stun
sword, often having a basket shaped hand guard.
The blade is narrower than a standard long sword, • Grappling Arrowhead - 10 (fitted with 50 meters
and its tip is good for jabbing through looser links of nano-cable)
in chain mail or even scale mail armors. • Gaseous Arrowhead - Intensity 20 knockout gas
SWORD, SCIMITAR - The scimitar is a curved, The archaic version of the bow comes in two types;
single-edged blade that is usually wider at the tip Long and Short. Long bows can lob an arrow to a
than at the hilt. It is definitely a weapon made for maximum distance of four Sectors, or 200 yards. They
hacking and slashing. are typically carried by foot-soldiers as the shaft of the
bow is long and not as easy to fire from horseback. A
SWORD, SHORT - The short sword is slightly lon-
short bow is more compact and lighter, but can only be
ger than a dagger, but much shorter than the long
fired to a maximum range of three sectors (150 yards).
sword. It can be used easily as a slashing weapon,
but it is more often used to jab at an opponent. CHAKRAM - This weapon is similar to a boomerang,
but it is in the shape of a metallic or heavy wooden
WHIP - A whip is a light weapon that doesn’t
ring with a sharpened metal edge around the rim. It
cause much damage, but like the blowgun or
can be thrown to do a minimum of 8 points of damage,
throwing spikes it can be tipped with poisonous
or used as a slashing melee weapon which adds +3 to
barbs to cause greater damage. The whip can also
the character’s Strength score for damage.
be used to “grab” things up to 10 feet away.
CROSSBOW - This is a powerful ranged weapon that
RANGED WEAPONS can launch its ammunition up to 10 Sectors. A draw-
BLOWGUN - This is a simple length of pipe of back to this weapon is that it can only be fired every
metal or a carved wooden tube which fires small other Turn. The modern iteration of this weapon is
darts via blowing through one end. The darts are sturdier, and can fire its quarrels at greater distances.
typically small and don’t do much damage on Like a bow, crossbow bolts can also have different
their own, but they can be dipped in a myriad heads attached for various effects. (See above).
of poisons that can do more serious harm to a

BOOMERANG - This odd ranged weapon is

typically a blunt, angled, wedge-shaped device
that will return to the character when thrown
if it misses its target. The character must make
a successful Agility check to catch the boomer-
ang when it returns. Some variations have three
“blades” but still return if the target is missed.
The edges of some boomerangs are sometime
enhanced with knife-edged blades that increase FLAMETHROWER - A somewhat nasty invention, the
the damage of this weapon to 8. flamethrower douses targets within its range with a
burning mixture of sticky fuel that will continue burn-
BOW - A bow is another archaic weapon that ing for several turns after the initial hit. The weapon
launches arrows at moderate distances. Modern is typically swept from side to side covering every-
versions can be fired at greater distances than thing within 2 sectors with flames. Targets within this
their ancient cousins, and arrows can be fitted area may attempt to Dodge the attack. If they are hit,
with various heads that have different effects and targets take the initial 15 points of damage, and an
damages. Some examples follow: additional 10 points of damage per turn thereafter for
1-10 turns.
• Explosive Arrowhead - 20 Energy damage

Victor Malaspina (Order #35116610)

GRENADE - Grenades come in several types with the
standard being high explosive (HE) or fragmentation
grenades. Grenades are an area weapon doing their
damage in a 2 sector diameter in the impact zone.

• Fragmentation Grenade - Does slashing damage

to all targets within 2 sectors.

• Smoke Grenade - Blinding smoke within 2 sec-

tors giving a -2 RS to all characters actions within
the smoke or attackers attempting to hit targets
within the smoke screen.

• Concussion Grenade - Automatic Concuss to all

within one sector.

• Goop Grenade - Spreads a tangled web of goo

within 10 meters of the impact area. Those that
don’t Dodge the goo are held and must make a
Slip attempt with a -2 RS penalty to Strength to
break free.

JAVELIN - A javelin is a short, spear-like weapon that pressed air. The weapons are very effective in the
may be thrown up to two Sectors (100 yards). It can vacuum of space, and underwater.
also be used as a melee weapon that adds +6 to the
PNEUMATIC RIFLE - Similar to the pneumatic pis-
wielder’s Strength score for damage purposes.
tol, the rifle uses a larger compressed air system
LASER PISTOL - A laser pistol is a standard weapon in allowing for greater range shots.
the galaxy. They are deadly, and quite cheap in most PROJECTILE PISTOL - A projectile pistol uses the
instances. gases from a compressed mini-explosion within
LASER RIFLE - Laser rifles are another common weap- a bullet to launch a bit of lead or other metallic
on in the galaxy, used by everyone from militia to projectile.
Tracers and everyone in between. PROJECTILE RIFLE - A projectile rifle fires the
MICRO-MISSILE LAUNCHER - This launcher can be same type of bullets as a pistol, but at greater
worn on the wrist or fitted to several points on body distances.
armor. The basic missile load out is a high explosive SHOTGUN - This weapon is similar to the projec-
type, but several other types can be purchased. tile rifle with the exception of the type of bullets
MISSILE LAUNCHER (SHOULDER) - A missile launching fired. A shotgun fires a shell with several bits of
system that is fired from the shoulder is a light and lead or metal that scatter to cover a wide area
extremely portable weapon with the power to destroy upon leaving the end of the barrel. This shot only
many types of vehicles. The standard missile type is has a range of 3 sectors. The damage is greatest
heavy explosive, but like its micro cousin, several other within one sector of the scatter gun, and is re-
types are available. One such missile is known as the duced in effectiveness at each sector beyond the
Tank Buster. It has a reactive tip that can blow a hole first. Characters within the arc of fire may Dodge
through armor before the actual warhead goes off, to avoid damage.
reducing the Durability rating by 2 Row Steps.
SPEAR - Spears are basically long poles with
PNEUMATIC PISTOL - The pneumatic, or air pistol, fires daggers attached to the end. They can be used as
small projectiles via a high pressure burst of com- a melee weapon to stab at an opponent from a
distance, or they may be thrown.

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THROWING AXE - This is a small hand-axe that travel through rough terrain, and others with smooth
can be hurled at an enemy from up to 1 Sector. tires for higher speeds in the more civilized areas
which receive a +5 Velocity bonus. Most bikes can
THROWING KNIFE - Throwing knives can be easily carry up to two passengers. Being a vehicle without
concealed on one’s body. They are often sold in an enclosed passenger area, characters riding ground
sets of three, and can be tossed accurately up to bikes receive no protection from its Durability rating
1 Sector. unless they get off and hide behind them.
THROWING SPIKE - These small spikes are highly GROUND CAR - A ground car usually has four wheels
concealable, and several can be carried at a time. and accommodates between two to six passengers,
Though they don’t do too much damage by them- depending on the model. Sportier versions are a bit
selves, they can be tipped with poison to cause faster than the common models, and receive a Velocity
greater damage to a target. bonus of +5.

AIR CAR - Air cars are a common sight on many
worlds. These speedy conveyances can carry
passengers across vast distances in style and com-
fort. For safety purposes, many of these vehicles
are fully automated with an artificial intelligence
system that will follow directions so long as what
is asked is legal. These systems can be hacked to
bypass the AI and gain manual control.
HAULER - Haulers are large cargo vehicles used to
BOAT (SMALL) - A small boat can either be pow- transport various goods from point to point over long
ered by a small motor, or a simpler vessel that can distances. They have a large and lengthy detachable
be rowed by one or more beings. A small boat can trailer that is capable of carrying several tons of mer-
carry three standard sized humanoids. chandise. Some haulers are wheeled, and others are
hover capable.
BOAT (SPEED) - A speed boat is typically slightly
larger than the small boat mentioned previously, HOVER BIKE - A hover bike is similar to its grounded
and is powered by a much faster motor. Speed cousin in that it is light, fast, and maneuverable in tight
boats can carry up to six standard sized human- confines. Hover bikes, however, aren’t restricted to
oids. needing a solid surface to travel upon, capable of zip-
ping along easily over land or water. Most hover bikes
BOAT (MILITARY) - Military boats are light, fast, can carry only one passenger, but some beefier models
and heavily armed and armored. Most military can bear two or three standard sized humanoids. Hov-
boats can carry up to fifty or more personnel. er bikes offer no protection to the riders unless they
are hiding behind them.
CRAWLER - A crawler is a standard exploration
vehicle used by many cultures throughout the gal- HOVER CAR - Like a ground car, hover cars are primar-
axy. The vehicles can have four, six, eight or more ily designed to comfortably carry from two to six hu-
wheels, and a large cargo area capable of carrying manoid sized passengers through most terrain types,
heavy payloads over very rough terrain. Crawlers including water.
can carry up to eight standard sized humanoids in
relative comfort. JET (MILITARY) - Military jets are atmospheric air
machines that were designed for war. Most jets carry
GROUND BIKE - Ground bikes are two-wheeled one or two passengers, with each having their own set
vehicles that are fast and easy to maneuver in of controls in case one or the other is killed or wound-
tight spaces such as forests and narrow alleyways. ed. Military jets are fitted with various weapons from
Some versions are fitted with off-road tires for lasers to missiles and bombs.

Victor Malaspina (Order #35116610)

JET PACK - The jet pack is a wearable propulsion device to propel it into the air. Planes can carry from one
that is capable of carrying a humanoid character up to up to dozens of passengers depending on its
and through the air at great speeds. The pack can be configuration.
small enough to conceal beneath a jacket or cloak but
it will have limited range. Larger devices will have a TANK - Tanks have been used for war on count-
greater fuel capacity and offer the user extra range. less worlds for eons. They are heavily armored
vehicles that use treads, wheels, or even hover
technology for locomotion. Tanks are often fitted
with large cannons that deliver deadly explosive
shells to targets at long distances, or other large
weapons capable of heavy destruction.

WALKER - A walker is a military vehicle similar to

a tank in that they are heavily armed and ar-
mored, but they have the advantage of a higher
vantage point as their bodies (and ordinance) are
raised high above the battlefield. This can also be
a disadvantage as successful attacks to a walkers
legs can bring them crashing down. Most walkers
are fitted with four to eight legs, but some two-
legged versions have been designed for smaller
confines. Large walkers can safely carry several
MINI-CRAWLER - Mini-crawlers are small one to four squads of troops into battle zones and deploy
passenger vehicles similar to ground bikes with three them into sensitive areas while supplying devas-
or four wheels. They offer no protection to the riders tating cover fire for them.
unless they are hiding behind the vehicle.

ROTO-HOPPER - A roto-hopper is a flying vehicle with

long spinning blades fitted to a motor on top of the
vehicle to raise and lower it in the air. It has a passen-
ger compartment capable of carrying between two to
six standard sized humanoid beings. Some versions
are designed to carry more passengers or cargo, but
are mostly used by military services. A roto-hopper’s
biggest disadvantage is the rotor itself, a successful
attack on the hopper’s motor or rotor blades can send
it plummeting to the ground. Most hoppers have extra
armor plating on the engine compartment, but the
rotors are unprotected.

ROTO PLANE - Similar to the roto-hopper, a roto-plane

uses spinning blades attached to a motor that is at-
tached either to the nose or to the wings of the aircraft

Victor Malaspina (Order #35116610)

ARROWS & BOLTS - The ammunition for a bow is
Special Ammunition called an arrow. Arrows are typically between two to
Some of the ranged weapons mentioned earli- three feet in length, depending on the type of bow
er can fire various types of ammunition. Some that will be firing them. They can be made from var-
arrows have already been described, but here we ious materials from wood to aluminum to the more
will look at them again along with specialty am- modern material, carbon fiber.
munition for other weapons. Missiles, grenades,
and bullets and their effects on play will all be Likewise, the Bolt, or sometimes quarrel, is the am-
discussed in this section. munition for a crossbow. Bolts are shorter and heavier
than arrows, ranging from less than a foot to up to
AMMUNITION TYPE DAMAGE COST two feet in length. Bolts are also available in the same
Arrow/Bolt P 10 6 types of materials as arrows.
Arrow/Bolt Explosive E 30 20
Arrows and bolts are sold in sets of three. The modern
Arrow/Bolt Gaseous G * 20 versions of arrows and bolts have threaded ferrules
Arrow/Bolt Grappling P 10 10 on their tips to receive different types of arrowheads
Arrow/Bolt Net B 3* 10 or other devices. The following types of heads can be
Arrow/Bolt Stun B 6/St 20 fitted to both arrows and bolts:
Bullet P 10 6 • EXPLOSIVE - Explosive heads have small fragment-
Bullet, Armor Piercing P 20* 20 ing casings that can be set to explode on contact
Bullet, Electro E 10/St 20 or delayed via timer. Explosive heads act as gre-
Bullet, Explosive E 20 20 nades when determining damage.
Bullet, Rubber B 6/St 10 • GASEOUS - A gaseous head consists of a small
Grenade, Concussion E 10/St 20 container that can hold various types of gases that
Grenade, Fragmentation (HE) E 30 20 are emitted on contact.
Grenade, Goop B 6 10
• GRAPPLING - Grappling heads have barbed edges
Grenade, Incendiary E 50* 20 that can be fired into various materials and be set
Grenade, Smoke G - 10 to act as an anchor for ropes or cables. The anchor
Grenade, Tear Gas G 10* 10 has a Material Value of 50 and is secure enough to
Grenade, White Phosphorous E 30* 20 bear a load of up to 140 kg.
Mini-Missile Heat Seeking E 30 30 • NET - This type of head is a bit larger than others.
Mini-Missile High Explosive E 30 20 It has a container that holds a net large enough to
Mini-Missile Napalm E 40* 20 entangle a normal sized human being. Upon a suc-
Mini-Missile Nuke E 500 100 cessful hit with the net arrow, the attacker makes
a second attack roll on the Wrestling Table using
Missile, Heat Seeking E 50 50
the net’s Material Value (10) as its Strength. A Red
Missile, High Explosive E 50 40
or Blue result is a Hold and means that the target
Missile, Napalm E 75* 50 is entangled in the net. The target may attempt to
Missile, Nuke E 1000+ 1000+ Slip free from the net, or cut themselves out of it.
Pneumatic Pellet P 3 3
• STUN - A stun head is a blunt device that can be
Pneumatic Pellet, Explosive E 10 10 fired at an opponent with an attempt to stun or
Pneumatic Pellet, Stunner E 3/St 20 subdue them. The stun heads deliver an electrical
Shot Shell P 10/6/3 6 pulse upon contact which gives an automatic Con-
Shot Shell, Buckshot P 15/10/6 6 cuss result. The stun head’s Strength Value for the
Shot Shell, Slug P 20/15/10 6
Concuss check is 30.

Victor Malaspina (Order #35116610)

BULLET - Bullets are fired from several types of fire- The grenade has a Strength Value of 40 for
arms. They come in various calibers and sizes, and purposes of the Concuss check.
are sold in boxes of 20 rounds. The following types of
bullets can be purchased in the proper caliber for any • FRAGMENTATION - These are the grenades
type of projectile weapon: that everyone imagines when they hear the
word “grenade”. Fragmentation grenades
• ARMOR PIERCING - Armor piercing bullets are, as have a steel casing that separates in small
their name implies, designed to penetrate ar- fragments which are blasted outward from
mored targets. Armor piercing bullets reduce the the blast zone. Each character (even the
Armor Value of body armor by two Row Steps, so thrower unless behind cover) within three
body armor with an AV of 30 that is hit with an ar- sectors of the blast is subjected to a ranged
mor piercing bullet is reduced to AV 10 for damage attack by the grenade with an Agility Rank
purposes. Value of 10. Those struck within one sector
will potentially take 30 points of damage.
• ELECTRO - Electro bullets discharge an electrical Those within two sectors take 20, and those
jolt with an Strength Value of 30 on contact with a within three sectors take 10.
target. Characters or creatures hit with an Electro
bullet must make a Concuss check to avoid uncon- • GOOP - A goop grenade hurls a mass of
sciousness. These bullets are very effective against stringy, sticky goo that covers everything
electronic targets such as robots or similar devices, within 10 meters of the blast zone. The goo
doing their physical damage plus the Strength Val- has a Strength Value of 30 and attacks all
ue from the electrical jolt for a combined damage characters or creatures within range using the
of 40 Struggling table. A Red or Blue result means
that a Hold has been achieved. Targets may
• EXPLOSIVE - Explosive bullets are similar to explo- attempt to Slip free from the goo with a -2 RS
sive arrowheads, doing less damage, but having penalty, or cut themselves out of it.
greater range.
• INCENDIARY - Incendiary grenades are used
• RUBBER - Rubber bullets are a less lethal projectile for setting fires to various substances, up to
that are primarily used for crowd control and sub- and including metallic structures and devices.
dual. Trick shots can be made with rubber bullets, The grenades will even burn under water.
such as bouncing them off walls or other solid Incendiary grenades burn with an Intensity
surfaces to ricochet into a target behind cover. Value of 50.
GRENADE - Grenades are weapon launched or hand
thrown explosive devices that are either detonated
after a short timer expires or on contact with a solid
surface. Grenades are a restricted weapon that may
only legally be purchased by military or law enforce-
ment personnel. The listed cost is for a supply of six
grenades. There are several types of grenades, each
with their own special effect as listed below:

• CONCUSSION - Concussion grenades, also known

as flash-bangs, are used to subdue an enemy by
temporarily deafening and disorienting them. The
blast from a concussion grenade can accidentally
ignite flammable materials and fuels if they are
within close proximity of the blast. All charac-
ters within one sector of the blast zone without
hearing protection must make a Concuss check.

Victor Malaspina (Order #35116610)

• SMOKE - Smoke grenades are used to con- fied by any levels the character has in the Ranged
ceal movements or to signal teammates from Weapons skill to achieve a lock on the primary
a distance. They come in a variety of colors target. Targets can Dodge to avoid the missiles,
which can be used to give teammates coded but the missiles can achieve a new lock once it
signals while in the field. A smoke screen has been shaken. They will pursue their target for
covers an area equal to two sectors, and six Turns until they run out of fuel or are diverted
makes spotting characters moving within it towards another target. Heat seeking missiles can
very difficult, giving searchers and attackers a be tricked with the use of flares which reduce their
-2RS penalty to Vision checks and all combat attack rank by -3 Row Steps, and cause them to
attacks. detonate on a Gray result.

• TEAR GAS - Tear gas grenades produce a • HIGH EXPLOSIVE - High explosive is the standard
billowing cloud of noxious fumes over a two mini-missile payload. It is used in both fire-and-
sector area that subjects all unprotected forget missiles such as this classification, and in
creatures and characters within it to major ir- the aforementioned heat seeking missiles. The
ritation of the eyes and skin, and causes their fire-and-forget mini-missile relies on the charac-
mucous membranes to operate in overdrive. ter’s Agility Rank Value when firing in order to hit
Characters without gas masks caught within a target.
the cloud suffer a -3 RS penalty to all actions • NAPALM - Napalm missiles are filled with a
until they vacate the area and wash away the highly volatile mixture of fuel and gelling agents
irritant. that sticks to and burns everything it comes into
MISSILES & MINI-MISSILES - Missiles can be contact with. Targets struck by napalm take the
small enough to fire from a shouldered launcher full amount of damage on the first Turn, and an
or large enough to be launched from a vehicle additional 20 points of fire damage each Turn
mounted system. Mini-missiles are small projec- thereafter for 1-10 Turns, or until the flames are
tiles approximately six to eight inches in length extinguished.
that are fired by launchers that can be worn on • NUKE - Nuclear missiles are highly dangerous
a character’s wrist or mounted to body armor. weapons that are restricted to government agency
Mini-missiles are restricted and may only be usage only. Most heroic characters will avoid using
purchased by military and other government a nuke as the chance for collateral damage is too
agencies. The following variations of missiles and high. However, some situations may require the
mini-missiles are just a few of the types that may massive power of a nuclear missile as other weap-
be available. ons may not have the umph to handle the job.

PNEUMATIC PELLETS - Pneumatic pellets are small

projectiles made of lead, or sometimes copper, that do
very little physical damage on their own. They are fired
from air rifles and pistols that most consider as nothing
more than a child’s toy. The wound inflicted by a stan-
dard pellet is insignificant, but there are variations that
can do considerably more damage.
• HEAT SEEKING - Heat seeking missiles lock
on to the exhaust from an aircraft or ground • EXPLOSIVE - Explosive pellets do damage equiv-
vehicle and follow it to its source. The high alent to regular bullets, but with the potential to
explosive missiles can be set to explode via ignite flammable substances on impact.
proximity or upon contact. When launched, • STUNNER - These pellets are coated or filled with a
heat seeking missiles track their targets with mild (Rank 10) paralytic poison that will render the
an equivalent Agility Rank Value of 30. Each target immobile for 1-10 Turns if the pellet causes
time they are launched, use this value modi- any damage.

Victor Malaspina (Order #35116610)

SHOT SHELL - This is the standard type of ammunition COMPOSITION-B - A precursor to Composition-4,
used with the scatter gun, or shotgun. The shot shell is Comp-B was used throughout World War II in
a small plastic, or sometimes brass, cylinder that con- everything from artillery shells to hand grenades.
tains several small lead or steel pellets that spread out It is still in use in many munitions, but is slowly
in an arc in front of the firing character out to a maxi- being phased out by newer explosives.
mum distance of 3 Sectors. All characters or creatures
DYNAMITE - Dynamite is an explosive made from
within range in the firing arc that don’t have cover take
highly volatile nitroglycerin. It is virtually safe as
damage if the attack roll is successful. The damage
long as it isn’t too old and starting to “sweat”.
potential to targets within the firing arc decreases with
At this point the nitroglycerin is separating from
each sector of distance.
its binder and it can be set off just by dropping a
• BUCK SHOT - A buck shot shell fires larger pel- stick of it on the floor. Dynamite is used in various
lets than the standard version which do a higher mining and demolition applications, and is avail-
amount of damage to targets struck by them. Due able to those having the proper licenses.
to their larger size, the potential for hitting multi-
RDX - RDX is used as the base explosive in many
ple targets within range is reduced. The attacker’s
of the plastic compositions, and was often used
Agility Rank suffers a -1 RS modifier to hit targets
as the primary explosive in most of the bombs
at 2 Sectors, and -2 RS modifier to hit targets with-
and grenades in WWII. RDX is one of the most
in the 3 Sector range.
powerful non-nuclear explosives to date. Its
• SLUG - This type of shot shell fires a single, large usage is restricted for military purposes and con-
bullet that does considerable damage to the target trolled mining operations only.
if struck. The damage potential still drops off at
SEMTEX - Originally developed in the 50s for
each range step like other shot shells.
military operations, Semtex was quickly adopted
as the explosive of choice by various paramilitary
Explosives groups and terrorists due to its difficulty to be
Sometimes you need a bigger bang for your buck!
easily detected.
Whenever you need to reduce a building to a pile of
rubble, or do some serious damage to that behemoth
bad guy with nigh impenetrable body armor, some
of the following explosives might do the trick. Most
explosives are restricted to military usage or require
licensing available to demolition crews or excavation
TNT - Trinitrotoluene, or TNT, got its start as a
yellow dye until its explosive properties were
Composition-4 E 75 30 discovered. Though its reactivity is low compared
Composition-B E 50 30 to other explosives, it still has its place in demo-
Dynamite E 75 20 lition. It is now used as a benchmark to rate the
RDX E 100 30 effectiveness of all other explosive materials.
Semtex E 75 30
TNT E 50 20 Magical Items
Magical items can be found in almost any game
COMPOSITION-4 - Most popularly known as C-4, this setting. They are created through various means,
is the most widely used explosive in modern times. C-4 either by enchantments cast by spell casters, or
is a plastic explosive that can be molded and crammed through the mystical manipulations by celestial
into place to destroy specific objects or structures powers. Each item may produce spectacular ef-
quickly and precisely. Small portions of C-4 are used to fects, or offer special bonuses to various Traits to
breach sealed doors in military and police operations. make certain actions easier to achieve.

Victor Malaspina (Order #35116610)

ITEM EFFECTS ANKLET OF SWIFTNESS - This magical item is a leather
or metallic chain that the character wears around his
Amulet of Warding 10 to 30 Rank Value
or her ankle. The anklet gives the wearer the ability to
Anklet of Swiftness Triples Movement achieve a burst of speed that triples their movement
Armor of Healing Heals 30 Damage/Day rate twice per day. Most humanoid characters have a
Armor of Sustenance See Description maximum move rate of 3 Sectors per Turn, so wearing
an Anklet of Swiftness increases this to 9 Sectors per
Arrow of Accuracy +1 to +5 RS Modifier
Turn. The anklet also has the added benefit of increas-
Arrow of Messages Teleports ing the character’s number of attacks. As long as the
Arrow of Thunder Electrical Burst (30) speed burst hasn’t been used, the character receives
Boomerang of Droning Disorientation one additional attack per Turn. Once a speed burst has
been used, the extra attack benefit is lost until the next
Bracer of the Wall AV 20
Cup of Fulfillment Always Full
Cane of Salendus Doubles MEL ARMOR OF HEALING - This magical set of armor can
be found in any form, from a simple chain mail shirt to
Dagger of Deflection Automatic Block
full plate mail. The armor will heal 30 points of damage
Dagger of Throwing +1 to +5 RS Modifier at the end of the game day. This healing is in addition
Dragon Ward +5 RS Modifier to the character’s normal daily healing rate.
Drum of Destruction Destroys Walls
ARMOR OF SUSTENANCE - This armor provides the
Elven Blade +1 to +5 RS Modifier wearer with all of his or her daily food and water
Flail of Elberun +3 RS vs Undead needs as long as it is worn. The armor is typically
Grapnel of Climbing See Description enchanted leather or chain mail with their standard
Hammer of Gil +3 RS vs Dragons Armor Values.
Hand of Thome Enter 1/Day ARROW OF ACCURACY - These arrows are often
Javelin of Chains See Description found in bundles of from 3 to 6 and are tipped with
Lamp of Sight Detect Secret Doors standard war arrowheads. They are enchanted to give
the archer using them a +1 to +5 RS modifier to their
Orb of Construction See Description Agility Trait when firing them. The arrows do standard
Parchment of Mapping Automatic Mapping damage.
Rope of Snaring Tangles up Targets
Spear of Geldus +3 RS vs Large Targets
Sword of the Depths +3 RS vs Sea Creatures
Sword of Machesis +4 RS vs Shape-shifters
Sword of Splitting +2 RS Amputation ARROW OF MESSAGES - These arrows are used to de-
liver messages to a specific target named before firing,
Sword of Tarrak +3 RS Flaming Sword
anywhere in the world that the target is located. Once
Trident of the Squid See Description fired, the arrow will teleport in mid-flight, disappearing
a short distance from the archer and reappearing a
AMULET OF WARDING - These items come in
short distance from where the target is sitting or stand-
many forms, from necklaces to rings, or broaches
ing. The arrow will never strike a living creature, and
to lockets with magical writings within. The am-
will stick into any surface in front of the target so that
ulets give the wearer protections against general
they will see it immediately. Small message scrolls may
damage or more specific maladies such as fire or
be attached to the shaft of the arrow for delivery to
drowning. The amulet provides the character with
the targeted individual.
the equivalence of body armor with a 10 to 30
Rank Armor Value against the type of damage it ARROW OF THUNDER - This arrow lets loose a violent
was created to protect against. burst of thunder and lightning upon contact with its

Victor Malaspina (Order #35116610)

target. The strength of the lightning is Rank Value 30, cane his or her MEL reverts back to the original
and explodes in a globe that will strike all creatures count. If the cane is ever destroyed, it erupts in
within twenty meters of the arrow. a blast that causes Energy damage equal to the
caster’s original MEL to all creatures within 1
BOOMERANG OF DRONING - This item appears like an Sector of the item.
ordinary throwing weapon. When thrown, the boo-
merang emits a low humming droning noise as it whips DAGGER OF DEFLECTION - These daggers look
through the air overhead. The boomerang can be like ordinary weapons, and function in a similar
directed by the thrower and will remain in the air until fashion in combat until the character using it
recalled or it is caught by someone else or smacked is attacked. The dagger performs an automatic
down from the air. All creatures within the Sector that Block attempt against the opposing weapon with
it passes over suffer a -3 RS penalty to all actions until a Strength Value of 20.
the boomerang returns to the thrower or is knocked
down from the sky. DAGGER OF THROWING - These daggers are
enchanted to give a character who throws them a
BRACER OF THE WALL - This bit of armor looks like a +1 to +5 Row Step bonus to Agility.
normal bracer of leather or metal that would be worn
by an archer or other warrior. When a magical word is DRAGON WARD - The dragon ward is a large
spoken, however, a translucent, shimmering giant tow- spear that has been enchanted with a +5 RS
er shield appears before the wearer. This shield has no modifier to Melee or Agility when used against
weight, so the character can move about freely. It gives dragons. The spear also receives a +3 RS modifi-
the character an Armor Value of 10 against all forward er to its damage value, taking it from a damage
facing attacks, including magic. of 10 to 40 points when a successful hit is made
against a dragon.
appears as a standard tin cup DRUM OF DESTRUCTION - This item appears as a
or drinking horn until it is filled normal musical instrument that would be used to
with whatever beverage the beat cadence while marching into battle. When
character chooses to drink the drum is beat while facing a wall, the vibra-
from it. The cup will always re- tions created by it begin reverberating through
main full no matter how large the wall’s structure and do 10 points of Material
of a drink that the character damage per Turn. The number of Turns required
takes from it. The cup will refill to tear down a section of wall depends upon the
itself continuously until the material that the wall is constructed of.
drinker pours out the contents Example: A castle wall is typically constructed of
without taking another drink. stone blocks. Stone has a Material Value of 30,
The cup may be filled with so the Drum of Destruction must be played for at
different beverages each time least 3 Turns to bring a section of the wall down.
that it is used.
ELVEN BLADE - Elves are master weapon smiths
CANE OF SALENDUS - Salendus was a powerful wizard who can weave magical energies into their work
from the world of Miggadu. He was a wise and noble with near flawless perfection. Each blade is
magician who used his magics to end the subjugation crafted with between a +1 to +5 RS bonus to the
of a colony of elves on the island of Andregor by an wielder’s Melee Trait for attacks. The craftsman-
ancient fire dragon. He would never have been able to ship of the blades also increase their damage by
defeat the dragon without his trusty cane at his side. +5 points, so an elven long sword would do 15
The cane looks like a simple wooden cudgel, but it is a points of damage, and a dagger would do 11. El-
very powerful device. So long as the caster carries the ven blades also glow lightly upon command offer-
cane in his or her hand, it doubles the character’s MEL. ing a source of illumination equal to candlelight.
So, a character with an MEL of 110 who carries the
cane will have an MEL of 220. If the character loses the

Victor Malaspina (Order #35116610)

FLAIL OF ELBERUN - Elberun was a mighty priest LAMP OF SIGHT - This magical lantern sheds light as
of Chansuum, the deity of the Sun on the world any other oil lamp, but if any secret doors or hidden
of Miggadu. He wielded a magical flail that gave trap doors are within the aura of the lamp’s light they
him a +5 RS bonus to Melee whenever he was begin to glow with a pale golden light. The lamp does
confronted by undead creatures. The magic of the not reveal that a portal is trapped.
flail also gives it a +5 bonus to damage against all
opponents giving it a damage value of 15. ORB OF CONSTRUCTION - This is a small marble orb,
slightly larger than a man’s fist. When the orb is placed
GRAPNEL OF CLIMBING - This device is a small, at the foundation of a ruined structure, its magic reas-
foldable grappling hook which is used in the same sembles the building to its original condition. The orb
fashion as the original, except that the hook al- can reconstruct one building per day.
ways finds an anchor whenever thrown. The hook
also will work with any type of material that is at- PARCHMENT OF MAPPING - This is a single sheet of
tached to it; string, cloth, fishing line, all as if they parchment measuring approximately two feet by three
were regular rope. The grapnel and line attached feet. Upon entering an unknown area, cavern or build-
to it can support up to 500 pounds of weight. ing, the character utters the magical words to activate
the parchment, and it begins to automatically map out
HAMMER OF GIL - Gilead the Great was a mighty the area as the character moves through it. This can be
warrior of Miggadu who gained his reputation as a handy tool to avoid getting lost while exploring.
a dragon slayer. His favored weapon was a war-
hammer that he affectionately named Little Gil. ROPE OF SNARING - This is a simple looking coil of
The hammer gives its wielder a +3 RS modifier to rope that can be used normally in most situations.
Melee against dragons and does an additional 10 The magic of the rope comes to play when the wielder
points of damage per hit. The damage bonus is wishes to capture a target. He or she tosses the coil
reduced to 5 against any other opponent. of rope at the intended target while uttering a magic
word. The rope unravels from its coil and attempts to
HAND OF THOME - This is a wrap up the target using the Struggling table for the
small magical statue in the attack. The rope has a Strength Value of 30. It may only
shape of a human hand. It was be damaged by magical weapons or spells.
created by Thome, Mage-Thief
extraordinaire several centuries SPEAR OF GELDUS - Geldus was a warrior who was
ago. The hand gives its user the famed for his ability to defeat giants and other very
power of the Enter spell once large creatures. His weapon of choice was his mighty
per day, giving him or her entry spear. The spear gives the user a +3 RS bonus to either
to any mundane or magically Melee or Agility depending on whether it is used to
sealed portal or container by stab at an opponent or is being thrown. The spear
simply touching the hand to also receives a bonus of 5 points to damage against all
the door or lid. types of opponents.

JAVELIN OF CHAINS - This weapon looks like a SWORD OF THE DEPTHS - This magical weapon is a
standard javelin with miniature chains etched long sword forged by merfolk to be used against the
around the length of the shaft. When thrown into predators of the sea. It gives its user a +3 RS bonus to
the midst of a group of opponents, the chains Melee against all sea creatures, and does an additional
launch out from the javelin after it strikes the 5 points of damage to any opponent. The blade begins
ground. All creatures within one Sector of the glowing brightly whenever sea creatures with ill intent
javelin are attacked by the chains on the Strug- are near.
gling table. The chains have a Strength Value of 40 SWORD OF MACHESIS - Machesis was a monster
and cannot be cut by normal weaponry. Creatures hunter on the world of Migaddu. His fiercest hunts
Held by the chains fall to the ground and cannot were against the various shape-shifting creatures of
make any actions except to attempt to Slip free. the world. This silver bladed sword gives its wielder a
The chains do no damage to held creatures.

Victor Malaspina (Order #35116610)

+4 RS bonus to the character’s Melee Trait for attacks,
and does an additional 10 points of damage to shape
Magic Wands & Staves
shifting creatures. The blade does 5 points of addition- Casting magic can take its toll on the caster.
al damage to all other opponents. Depending on the energy type used, the cast-
er’s MEL is either depleted, or taxed each time a
SWORD OF SPLITTING - This long sword is one of spell is cast. Self Energy spells use the character’s
unparalleled sharpness. Whenever the wielder makes own energy and reduce the caster’s MEL on each
an unmodified Blue result on his or her attack roll, the casting. Cosmic Energy spells draw their power
target must make a Stamina check with a Red result or from the universe and the caster must channel
better, or have the limb hit by the attack be amputat- the energy through him or herself. Magic Wands
ed. The attack roll’s ones digit determines the limb that and Staves were developed by various wizards to
is affected. ease the burden that the energies were placing
upon them.
0-1 Head Wands and staves prepared for Self Energy spells
act like batteries. The caster infuses some of his
2-3 Left Arm
or her own energy into the item to be used at a
4-5 Right Arm later time to meet the needs of the casting cost
6-7 Left Leg of spells. Whenever a spell is cast, effects that
8-9 Right Leg would normally emanate from the caster appear
to come from the wand or staff instead.
SWORD OF TARAK - Tarak was a flamboyant warrior
who enjoyed making a scene during combat. His sword Example: Malisdonin the Wise casts Energy Gen-
was created more for flash than for combat effective- eration & Control - Electricity. Normally, the bolt
ness, but it turned into one of the most effective weap- of lightning that he would generate would appear
ons a warrior could ask for. This is a long sword that to come directly from his hands, but as he is using
gives the wielder a +3 RS bonus to Melee. The weapon his staff, the lightning comes from the head of it
does an additional 5 points of damage per hit. The instead. The energy needed to power the spell
blade may also be commanded to bring forth a flame is reduced from the stores in the staff instead of
that will do an additional 10 points of energy damage from Malisdonin’s MEL.
to all opponents, and is doubled to 20 points against The “charges” in a wand or staff will remain with-
cold based creatures. in the item until they are used. Once depleted, a
TRIDENT OF THE SQUID - This is a standard looking wand or staff may be recharged by the caster by
trident like those found in gladiator arenas. When used performing special rituals that will transfer his or
in battle, the trident can be used to attack multiple her own MEL points into the item. This should be
opponents in one stroke. The tines of the trident will done in a place where the caster can rest after-
elongate and spread out to stab at up to three oppo- wards to recuperate the energy they infuse into
nents when the magic word is spoken. The tines have the wand or staff. Any character knowledgeable in
a range of up to one Sector and use the character’s the use of wands or staves may pick one up and
Melee Trait Value, plus any skill level bonuses, to make use it for their own spells unless it is enchanted
each attack. Each tine does 10 points of damage when with a magic word to unlock it.
used in this fashion. When used as a standard trident,
the weapon does 15 points of damage. If the wielder
of the trident opts to flee rather than fight, the trident
can be made to emit a cloud of thick black smoke
when on dry land, or ink when under water, that will
provide cover for the character to make their escape.
Any attacks made against the character while shielded
by the cloud are made with a -3 RS penalty.

Victor Malaspina (Order #35116610)

This list is great for the character lucky enough to roll
Headquarters Headquarters as one of their powers. But what if you
Every hero needs a place to hang their cowl at the aren’t that lucky? Does your character simply roam
end of the day. A headquarters is a place where the streets day and night looking for trouble, taking cat
the characters can regroup after a hard day of naps on park benches to get a little rest? Chances are,
battling the bad guys and study up on their next that isn’t the way the players would want their charac-
big adventure. It should be a place of security and ters to be.
peace for the characters.
Here we break down the monthly costs in Means asso-
The entry for Headquarters in the Powers section ciated with the suggested buildings and their contents
lists several ideas for the size and contents of the for characters or groups to be able to purchase a Head-
character’s base of operations based on the Rank quarters of their very own. The lists on the following
Value rolled for the “Power”. This list is reposted pages will have building with their number of rooms,
below for easier reference. and the cost of renting or purchasing the space.

Rank Possible Size & Contents

A secret room in an apartment or a storage locker. May include a computer and basic lab. Nothing sophisti-
6-9 An apartment or van. A home gym would be appropriate. Maybe one piece of advanced technology.
A house or RV. A few dedicated rooms serve as an armory, a brig, or other specialized duty. May include a
20-29 A mansion. Sprawling, spacious, and loaded with extras.
A compound. Multiple buildings behind a sturdy fence or wall. A character with a headquarters of this size
most likely does not have a secret identity.
A skyscraper. Some floors may be rented out as offices or apartments but most of the building is dedicated
to the character’s pursuit against crime.
An orbital complex, subterranean city, inter-dimensional residence, or other highly unusual and/or massive

Victor Malaspina (Order #35116610)

NO. OF in neighborhoods throughout the world. A house
HEADQUARTERS TYPE ROOMS COST would have three to five large rooms that could
be furnished with various types of equipment.
Apartment, Large 1-5 10
Many houses also have attached or detached ga-
Apartment, Small 1-3 6 rages that could be made into a separate training
House 3-5 10 room or other equipment storage space, as well
Mansion 5-10 20 as a place to park your battle wagon! A house
would be very comfortable for one or two heroes,
Compound 3-20 30
but will accommodate a medium-sized group of
Skyscraper, Floor 12 40 up to eight.
Skyscraper, Suite 24 30
MANSION - A mansion is a very large house or
Complex 5-30 75 manor with several spacious rooms that could be
Secret Room 1 3 made into training spaces, information centers,
Vehicle (RV, Semi-Trailer, etc.) 1 10 or laboratories. Some manors also have multi-bay
garages that could also be converted for training
Vehicle, Small (Van, Truck, etc.) 2-3 20
or other purposes. A mansion would be an ideal
APARTMENT, LARGE - A large apartment can be a headquarters for medium to large-sized groups of
simple large one room studio to a sprawling five room up to twelve heroes.
suite with plenty of space to set up all sorts of equip- COMPOUND - This would be an area similar to
ment. This type of headquarters would be suited for a military training camp or a distribution ware-
small groups of characters (2-4), with the cost of rent- house facility with fences and several medi-
ing split between them. um-sized buildings that could each be utilized for
APARTMENT, SMALL - This sized apartment would various types of training facilities, garages, and
work well for the lone wolf character, or maybe a pair large storage areas. A compound would likely
of heroes. It would be large enough to accommodate have to be manned by a small group of regular
some modest amounts of equipment. personnel to provide security or maintenance
duties unless the heroes would prefer handling
HOUSE - This would be a standard sized home found those things themselves. A compound would be

Victor Malaspina (Order #35116610)

great for very large groups of up to twenty or so Battle Rooms & Computer Labs
heroes, and would be perfect for use as a training So, you have your headquarters, now what do you
facility for new recruits. want to fill it up with? A base of operations is only
as good as the equipment that the characters have
SKYSCRAPER, FLOOR - This would be an entire available to them. The following list offers groups of
floor of a hi-rise building, most typically the gear that characters may want to fill the spaces with. If
penthouse. It can accommodate large groups of you don’t see the equipment they are requesting, use
heroes (10-15) with several rooms for training and these suggestions as a guideline to put together what
equipment storage. In most cases, the penthouse they want at an equivalent price.
will have rooftop access with landing pad facilities
for helicopters or other air type vehicles. EQUIPMENT COST
SKYSCRAPER, SUITE - A suite in a skyscraper Armory 20
would be one section of a floor, either a corner or Battle Room 40
one half of a floor. The space would be adequate Chemistry Lab 30
for a large team of heroes (8-12) with plenty of Computer Lab, Large 30
room for training areas and equipment. Roof ac-
Computer Lab, Moderate 20
cess might be available with a skyscraper suite.
Computer Lab, Small 10
COMPLEX - A complex could be any large space Electronics Lab 30
that could cover several blocks of a city to an Gymnasium 10-20
orbital space station, or an even more out of this
Maintenance Bay 10-30
world area such as an extra-dimensional construct
created through magic or other cosmic forces. Medbay, Basic 20
This would be an incredible space for use as a Medbay, Advanced 50
training facility for armies of superhero types, Panic Room 20-50
with housing for up to one hundred or more. Security Center 10-30
SECRET ROOM - This space would be tight quar- ARMORY - This is a space or room where the char-
ters with room for a few small pieces of equip- acters can hang their holsters and other hardware.
ment. It would likely be located in apartments or It might contain storage safes to secure weaponry, a
a small house and would only be suited for one or reloading center, and a weapons repair station.
possibly two heroes.
BATTLE ROOM - A battle room is a place within the
VEHICLE, LARGE - Though somewhat funny headquarters with a virtual combat environment that
sounding, many heroes would prefer having a the characters can practice using their powers and
mobile base of operations that can be driven from tactics. Battle rooms are typically found in secure areas
place to place depending on where the action that don’t pose a threat to passersby should things
takes them. A large vehicle like an RV or semi with within the room get out of hand. Battle rooms are only
a cargo trailer could provide a very small group available in Mansions or larger buildings/complexes.
of heroes (2-6) with a flexible platform to oper-
CHEMISTRY LAB - Characters can use a chemistry
ate out of with enough space to haul moderate
lab to create special polymers for use in uniforms, or
equipment to their destination.
weaponry. They can also use them to research myste-
VEHICLE, SMALL - Having a vehicle that can store rious residues left behind by unknown enemies. Using
a decent load of equipment for one or two heroes a chemistry lab adds a +2 RS bonus to a character’s
just makes sense. A smaller vehicle such as a van Research skill when used.
or delivery truck would fit the bill here. A charac-
COMPUTER LAB - A handy room with anything from a
ter wouldn’t be able to live out of the vehicle on
laptop computer to large server racks that can crunch
a consistent basis, but it would be comfortable
away at the data that characters need to figure out
sleeping space for a few nights away from home.
their opponent’s next moves.

Victor Malaspina (Order #35116610)

• LARGE - This lab would contain large servers that • BASIC - The basic medbay is little more than
could compute detailed equations like those re- what you might find in a doctor’s office or
quired for space exploration or thorough chemical standard ambulance vehicle. A small couch
or medical analyses. A large computer lab adds a or stretcher, and a stock of basic emergency
+5 RS modifier to characters using them for Com- medical supplies and medicines to quickly
puter Ops and Research skills. patch up a wounded character. Any major
medical needs would have to be performed
• MODERATE - A moderate computer lab would be in an actual hospital.
equal to those found in law enforcement labs or in
universities. Moderate labs add a +3 RS modifier to • ADVANCED - An advanced medbay has all of
a character’s Computer Ops or Research skills. the medical equipment necessary to per-
form more serious repairs and surgeries that
• SMALL - A small computer lab consists of a per- a character may need after a battle or acci-
sonal computer or laptop with a few peripheral dent. This type of medbay is comparable to
devices like scanners or printers. They don’t have an emergency facility in an actual hospital.
the massive computing power of larger labs, but
they can be utilized for research and minor calcu- PANIC ROOM - This is a secure location usually
lations. Small computer labs add a +1 RS modifier located in a basement or, at the very least, central
to a character using the Computer Ops or Research area of the headquarters. A safe room is a place
skills. where the team can fall back to when things go
south. It can be a simple small chamber that is
ELECTRONICS LAB - This is a work space where the fire and bullet proof, and might have enough food
characters can repair or modify electronic equipment. and water to allow a few folks to survive inside
It may also be used to study devices that they might for a few days or more. Larger safe rooms can be
stumble upon in the field. strong enough to survive aerial bombing, possi-
GYMNASIUM - Some gymnasiums are nothing more bly even nuclear, and may also be big enough to
than a simple room with a weight bench and punch- accommodate dozens of extra people. This room
ing bags. More advanced gyms can have multiple may be combined with one of the other rooms
machines to help focus on specific muscle groups, an that the characters might be using for other
actual gymnasium with a basketball court, spas to relax purposes, like a computer lab or armory, or even
in after a hard workout, etc. a medbay.

MAINTENANCE BAY - This is an area, usually found SECURITY CENTER - Simple security centers will
in a garage, where characters can work on damaged be a small room with one or two computers and
body armor or vehicles. It can be a simple garage with monitors that are connected to a few security
a decent tool chest to do basic mechanical work, or it cameras placed around the building in strategic
can be an advanced work space that has many of the locations. More advanced security centers can
tools and diagnostic devices necessary to effect repairs have multiple computers and monitors with
on various types of technological equipment. connections to city-wide security systems, or with
satellite access to be able to search for targets
MEDBAY - After a hard day of fighting the bad guys, it’s almost anywhere in the world.
nice to be able to come home and have your resident
medic patch you up. Medbays can be a simple small
room with a couch and some cabinets containing
bandages, medicines and some basic surgical equip-
ment to stitch up bullet holes, or they can be advanced
medical facilities with all of the monitors and supplies
necessary to perform major surgeries. It’s all a matter
of what the character or team can afford.

Victor Malaspina (Order #35116610)



Victor Malaspina (Order #35116610)

Section 8: Combat
and the GM roll dice for any actions requiring a
check in the Resolution phase. Damage from suc-
Combat in 4C Expanded is fast and furious. The poten- cessful attacks is applied, and a new turn starts
tial for a fatal outcome is ever present. A highly skilled again.
warrior can often put away his opponent with as little
as one blow. Even a lucky shot from one that is not so Declaration
skilled has the potential of severely damaging their (What can I do In a Turn?)
target. Battle is not for the faint of heart. Each combat Turn in the game is equal to approx-
imately three to six seconds of real time, so the
Time amount of actions your character can take is rath-
Time in the game runs pretty much the same as it does er limited. Some actions may take longer than the
in the real world until you get into combat or begin allotted time of a combat turn, while others can
performing skills that take time to resolve. When this be performed with a couple of seconds to spare.
happens, time gets broken down into increments that
allow for keeping up with the actions your character is Below is a list of some common combat actions
making. These increments are called turns. and the estimated time to perform each action:

A Turn represents a brief amount of time in which Fire a Weapon: Simply squeezing the trigger of
a character may perform an action. Actions include a weapon usually takes less than a second of
attacking, dodging, using a special ability or moving. real time, but accuracy requires the shooter to
Characters with average Melee or Agility Traits may take a moment to aim, so most characters will
only perform one action per turn. Characters with only be able to fire one shot per turn. There are,
ranks higher than 25 in these Traits are allowed 2 or however, a few weapons that operate in burst
more actions per Turn (see Multiple Actions). and automatic fire modes that will launch a hail
of bullets or beams toward an opponent in rapid
Order of Combat succession. Conversely, there are also weapons
1. Declaration that must be manually reloaded after each shot
and will take a full turn to do so. Each weapon’s
2. Initiative
description will have a Rate of Fire (ROF) listed to
3. Movement indicate the number of rounds, or bursts are fired
4. Resolution with each squeeze of the trigger.
5. Damage Assessment Reload Weapon: Reloading most weapons will
usually take a full turn to complete. Some may
A Turn of combat is broken down into four quick and
even take longer, and this will be noted in the
easy steps. The first is Declaration and it begins as each
weapon’s description. Special reloading devices
player describes what his or her character is up to for
are designed to speed up this process and can cut
the round. Movement, attacks, defenses, or preparing
the time to reload a weapon by up to half a turn.
for an action to be carried out on a subsequent round
are all typical actions that most characters may at- Recover Weapon: Sometimes during the chaos of
tempt. combat, a weapon is dropped. If it is the char-
The Movement phase allows characters to get into po- acter’s only weapon, it is essential to regain it in
sition for making an attack, to attempt to gain a better order to defend ones self. If the character is para-
vantage point for a ranged attack, or to retreat from noid and carries dozens of weapons on his or her
combat all together. Certain special attack forms, such person at all times, a new weapon may be drawn
as a Rush, require the character to advance toward to replace the lost one. Picking up a dropped
their target to gain the necessary momentum to inflict weapon or drawing a new one takes about a half
damage. Each character’s rate of movement will vary a turn.
from species to species.
Dive for Cover: This action is usually performed
Once each character and NPC is in place, all players during the Movement stage at the beginning

Victor Malaspina (Order #35116610)

of a combat round. Sometimes, when taken by moving vertically (i.e. climbing a wall) use the following
surprise or your original cover is compromised, it table.
is necessary to find new protection. Diving behind
a new cover source or simply dropping flat to the RANK VALUE SECTORS PER TURN
ground takes away from your other options, but it 01-29 1
does increase your chances of surviving combat. 30+ 2

After everyone has determined their actions, it’s Falling
time to see who goes first in the Turn. Each of the There will be occasions when the characters will slip
player characters rolls percentile dice and adds and fall from higher ground, or be plummeting to a
their character’s Vision Trait value. The GM rolls planet’s surface after bailing out of a crashing starship.
once for all of the NPCs. Actions are resolved in The character will end up taking some serious damage
the order rolled from highest to lowest. from the sudden impact with a solid surface unless
they have a means of slowing their descent, such as
Movement a parachute or jetpack. The rate at which the charac-
In most cases, much of the movement made ter is falling at the point of impact will determine the
during a game won’t be played out in character. amount of damage taken. The damage taken from a
But there will be some situations when you will fall is 20 times the object’s speed at impact.
need to know how far a character can move, The rate of speed that a character falls varies a lot de-
mostly during combat. If you like to use minia- pending on a planet’s gravity, and in how the character
tures to keep up with combat actions, these rules orients their bodies during the fall. The galactic stan-
will come in handy. dard of gravity that is based on the Terran’s home-
Movement is divided into individual areas known world of Earth sets the terminal velocity benchmark
as sectors. Maps can be drawn by the GM to speed at 10 Sectors per Turn. Unless a planet’s gravity
indicate the area that a sector covers. A Sector is is drastically different, use the galactic standard for
equal to approximately 50 square yards, or one determining damage from a fall. For those planets
story in elevation (about 10 feet). The number of that are at least one half times higher than standard,
sectors a character may move in a turn is deter- multiply its listed gravity by 10 to determine maximum
mined by the Rank Value of his or her Agility, or velocity.
Special Ability. An object won’t achieve maximum velocity as soon
Standard movement rates for each character will as it begins falling. Unless it’s fired from a cannon or
vary depending on their Origin. The player and thrown by a larger creature, it will take a few Turns
GM should work together to determine how fast to reach max speed during a fall. For every Turn an
or slow their character’s species can move. Use object falls its speed doubles until reaching maximum
the table below as a guideline for base movement velocity. So a character falling from the roof of a small
rates. All rates are listed as Sectors. Running dou- building will only take about 20 points of damage, but
bles the listed movement rate. if he or she falls from a skyscraper, the damage could
reach 200 points.
01-02 1
1 1 20
03-29 2
2 2 40
30+ 3
3 4 80
Climbing 4 8 160
The Move table assumes a character moving 5 10 200
horizontally along the ground; if the character is

Victor Malaspina (Order #35116610)

Slowing down during a fall requires the character
to use something to increase the drag on their
bodies. A parachute or jetpack, as mentioned
previously, will allow the character to perform a
controlled descent and avoid damage, but what
if those items aren’t an option? If the character
can find anything to grab on the way down (tree
limbs, or a floating sky-jellyfish) as they fall it will
slow their descent by half and reduce the amount
of damage taken. Some characters might even
get creative and use an amorphous partner as
a make-shift parachute if they can think quickly

In addition to moving across the sectors of a map
(either through walking, running, or climbing),
characters may also swim. Without the swimming
skill, a character moves only a single sector each
turn in water. A character that sinks or swims un-
der water may hold his or her breath for a num-
ber of turns equal to their Stamina Rank Value;
after that point the character must roll a Stamina
check and compare the results on the following

Gray Character is drowning
Character is winded; future Stamina
checks rolled with -1 RS penalty
Red No effect
Blue No effect

A character can move for a number of turns equal
to the Rank Value of his or her Stamina before
running the risk of suffering from exhaustion. If
the character pushes them self beyond that limit,
he or she must roll a Stamina check and compare
the results on the following table:

Character collapses and must rest for
3-30 turns
Character collapses and must rest for
2-20 turns
Red No effect
Blue No effect

Victor Malaspina (Order #35116610)

Zero-G Movement declared actions succeed. Each player rolls for their
Movement in zero gravity is quirky at best. With- characters actions at the same time while the GM rolls
out assistance from a jet pack, a character will for any NPC actions. If the characters have coordinated
simply drift along at whatever speed he or she their actions to happen in a certain order, the GM will
can achieve from physically launching themselves resolve them that way.
from a ship or other object. In this situation, the
speed is based on the character’s Strength trait.
They say size doesn’t matter, but in combat it kind of
The character will continue at this speed until
does. Whenever a character of standard humanoid
coming into contact with another object.
size attacks something larger or smaller than itself,
the scale of difference affects his or her attack and
Miniatures and Movement
damage. For instance, a humanoid character firing a
As mentioned earlier, miniatures can come in very
laser rifle (Humanoid Scale) at an air car (Vehicle Scale)
handy when combat begins. Things can become
would gain a +1 RS modifier to hit it, but would do -1
very confusing for everyone after even a couple of
RS in damage. Likewise, a Capital ship attempting to
turns of combat. The use of miniatures allows the
specifically target a tiny creature on the surface of a
players and the GM to position their characters
planet would receive a -6 RS penalty to hit it, but a +6
where they imagine them to be on a battle map
RS bonus to its damage.
or within a 3D terrain setup.

Battle maps created by the GM will be drawn SCALING TABLE

using Sectors, an area which covers approximately SIZE RS MODIFIER + or -
50 square yards. You can purchase maps created Atomic 5
for other systems with hexes or grids that likely Microscopic 4
represent only 5 to 10 meters. Converting these Tiny 3
over to Sector maps is as simple as counting out
Small 2
the appropriate number of hexes or grids and
outlining a group of them with a marker to create Medium 1
a Sector. Humanoid 0
Large 1
Once everyone has made the call as to where Titanic 3
they are moving and who or what they are Moon 4
attacking, it’s time to roll the dice to see if their Planetary 5

Victor Malaspina (Order #35116610)

Punching, kicking, stabbing, slashing, etc. are all types Gray Miss/Whiff
of melee attacks. To resolve a melee attack, determine
Hit. Opponent takes half
whether or not it is a Bashing or Slashing attack. White
BASHING - Any unarmed attack with fists or feet, or an Nail. Treat as a normal hit
attack with a blunt weapon or object, is called a Bash- Red unless a called shot was de-
ing attack. Weapons in this category are marked with clared before rolling the dice
a B in the equipment lists. Roll d% on the Master Table Critical Damage. Opponent is
using the character’s Melee Rank Value and compare fatally wounded
the result to the following table:
RANGE PENALTY - Count the number of sec-
ATTACK RESULT EFFECT tors from the attacker to the target ignoring the
Gray Miss/Whiff attacker’s sector but including the target’s sector.
For each sector of distance, the attacker suffers
White Hit. Opponent takes half damage
a -1 Row Step penalty to the Rank Value of his
Pound. Opponent takes full dam- or her Agility for this attack up to the weapon’s
Red age, and is knocked down (or into maximum range. This penalty may be negated
adjacent sector)
or reduced by using special targeting devices or
Concuss. Opponent takes double telescopic scopes.
Blue damage, and is possibly knocked
unconscious Rushing
SLASHING - Any attack with a knife, sword, or other When a character rushes an opponent, he or she
sharp object is a Slashing attack. Piercing weapons is charging at them in an attempt to tackle or
such as arrows and javelins also fall under this catego- ram them and knock them down or into adjacent
ry. Weapons in this category are marked with an S in sectors while doing some moderate damage in
the equipment lists. Roll d% on the Master Table using the process.
the character’s Melee Rank Value and compare the To rush an opponent you must meet the following
result to the following table: conditions:
ATTACK RESULT EFFECT • The opponent cannot be in the same sector
Gray Miss/Whiff as you.
White Hit. Opponent takes half damage
• You must be able to reach the opponent in
Concuss. Opponent takes full one turn.
Red damage, and possibly knocked
unconscious If these two conditions are met, you roll d% on
Critical Damage. Opponent takes the Master Table using the character’s Stamina
Blue double damage, and is fatally Rank Value. The character gains a +1 Row Step for

Ranged Attacks
Any attack made from a distance is considered a
ranged attack. Weapons such as lasers, crossbows
and thrown weapons or objects are all considered
ranged weapons. Ranged weapons can be Bashing (B),
Slashing (S), Piercing (P) or Energy (E) weapons and
are marked with accordingly in the equipment lists.
To make a ranged attack, roll d% on the Master Table
using the character’s Agility Rank Value and check the
result on the following table:

Victor Malaspina (Order #35116610)

each open sector moved into. Compare the result STRUGGLING - Use the following table when you are
to the following table: attempting to grab an opponent and restrain them.
The character may choose whether or not to cause ac-
ATTACK RESULT EFFECT tual damage while Struggling with his or her opponent.
Gray Miss/Whiff Damage is equal to the character’s Strength rank value.
Hit. Opponent takes half
Pound. Opponent takes full Gray Miss/Whiff
Red damage, and is knocked down White Near miss
(or into adjacent sector) Hold. You’ve successfully grappled
Concuss. Opponent takes your opponent
Blue double damage, and is possi- Hold. You’ve successfully grappled
bly knocked unconscious Blue
your opponent
The damage caused by a Rushing attack is equal SLIPPING - When a character has been put into a
to the character’s Stamina rank value. The dam- hold, he or she may attempt to break free by making a
age is increased by +1 RS if the character charges Strength check and comparing the result to the follow-
into his or her target with a shield or is wearing ing table:
body armor (Armor Rating of 15 or higher). If a
weapon is being used in the charge, such as a ATTACK RESULT EFFECT
spear or lance, add the weapon’s damage to the
Gray Fail. You’re still held
White Fail. You almost made it
Wrestling Red Elude. You’ve escaped
Grabbing, choking, holding, and similar attacks Turnabout. You’ve escaped, and
are all covered under wrestling. Roll d% on the Blue you can choose to put your oppo-
Master Table using the character’s Strength Rank nent in a hold of your own
Value, plus any applicable skill level bonuses, and
compare the result to the following tables:

Victor Malaspina (Order #35116610)

On a Turnabout result, the character has slipped free RESULT EFFECT
and wriggled into an advantageous position that will
Pulled down and pinned to the
allow him or her to grab and hold the opponent. The
ground. Each attacker does half dam-
character receives a +1 RS bonus to his or her Strength Gray
age to the target each Turn until he
Trait to perform this follow-up maneuver. or she Slips free (see Slipping).
SEIZING - Use this table when you want to grab some- Pulled down to the ground but not
thing out of an opponent’s grasp such as a weapon or White pinned. Must spend next turn getting
back up
a vial of toxic goo:
Red No effect
Gray Miss/Whiff
White Hit. Calculate Damage
Combat Results
Red Snatch. You’ve grabbed your target CONCUSS - On a Concuss result, compare the
Shatter. You’ve grabbed your tar-
Rank Values of the attacker’s Strength to the
Blue defender’s Stamina. If the attacker’s Rank Value
get, but broke it in the attempt
is greater than the defender’s, the defender must
roll d% on the Master Table using his Stamina and
Multiple Actions compare the result to the following table:
MELEE ATTACKS - When surrounded by multiple oppo-
nents in a single sector a character may elect to attack
Unconscious. Knocked out for 1-10
everyone at once. Roll once for the attack. On a Blue Gray
result everyone is affected as if the result was White.
Any result less than Blue is a complete miss. This only Stunned. Knocked down. Must spend
remainder of Turn getting back to
works with melee attacks. White
his/her feet. No other actions may
Characters with a Melee or Agility rank value of 26 or be taken
higher may also take more than one Action per Turn. Red No effect
The following table shows the Rank Value ranges for Blue No effect
multiple actions.
CRITICAL DAMAGE - You are dying. Your Health
RANK VALUE ACTIONS PER TURN points drop to 0 and your Stamina Rank Value
drops by one Row Step on the Master Table at the
26-50 2 end of each turn until it reaches Rank Value 0, at
51-100 3 which point you are dead. Once you’ve reached
101+ 4 Rank Value 01-02 you can stabilize yourself by
spending 10 Fate points each turn.
Swarming If you receive aid before you die, meaning some-
Swarming takes place when two or more opponents one spends a full turn tending to your wounds,
attempt to wrestle an opponent to the ground inflict- you automatically stabilize; your Health points
ing punches, stabs and kicks to their target. To make a remain at 0 but your Stamina Rank Value stops
Swarming attack, the attacker with the highest Melee dropping.
rank value becomes the Primary attacker. For each
assisting character or creature performing the swarm, ELUDE - You’ve escaped from the hold and may
the primary attacker receives a +1 RS bonus to his or move into any adjacent sector of your choice.
her Melee Trait for the attack. If the attack is success-
ful, the target must make a Stamina check and consult HOLD - You’re firmly holding your opponent. For
the following table for the results: every Turn you maintain the hold your opponent
suffers a number of points of damage equal to
your Strength Rank Value.

Victor Malaspina (Order #35116610)

NAIL - This is a called ranged attack on a specific Value of the substance that the cover is made up of, or
target. It is used for feats of marksmanship such the Durability of the vehicle.
as severing a rope with an arrow or shooting a
gun out of someone’s hand; it deals damage to Cover also makes it harder to see exactly where a tar-
the target like a normal hit The attacker must get is and makes them more difficult to hit in the first
state the intention to try for this result before place. A substance that completely obscures the view
rolling the attack. If a Nail is not declared before of the target (a wall or large vehicle) gives an attacker
the dice are rolled this result is treated as a Hit. a -5 RS penalty to hit. Substances that provide only
The Game Master has the final say on the effect partial cover (small trees, tall grass, smoke, etc.) give
of a successful Nail attack result. the attacker a -3 RS penalty to hit the target.

POUND - Compare the Rank Values of the attack- Material Value

er and defender’s Strength. If the attacker’s Rank If you want to destroy an object, what it is made of
Value is greater than the defender’s, the defender determines how much damage you need to do to it to
rolls d% on the Master Table using his/her Stami- achieve your goal. The Material Value of a substance
na. Compare the result to the following table: is kind of like a character’s Health Trait score. If it is
reduced to 0, it is destroyed. The Material Value also
RESULT EFFECT acts like Body Armor for itself, and to anyone taking
Knocked down and into an adjacent cover behind it.
sector of attacker’s choice. Must
spend next turn getting back up. Also Example: George is firing his rifle at a mad robot that is
Gray hiding behind a pile of wooden pallets. The rifle does
knocked into, or possibly through
(*see below), any obstacles in the a base of 10 points of damage, and individual wooden
path pallets have a Material Value of 5. Each time a bullet
Knocked down in current sector. hits the pallets, they absorb 5 points of damage, and
White the remaining 5 points of damage are dealt to the
Must spend next turn getting back up
Red No effect robot.
Blue No effect The following table lists the strengths of various mate-
* If the attacker’s Strength score is higher than rials. The listed value represents the strength of a sec-
the material value of the obstacle that the tion of material that is 15 centimeters (about 6 inches)
defender smashes into, then the defender is thick. For every 15 centimeters of thickness above this,
knocked through it. raise the Material Value by 5.
SHATTER - Unfortunately you grabbed the object
a little too hard and broke it. If the object could MATERIAL VALUE SUBSTANCE
possibly injure someone or something, such as 1-2 Paper, Glass
a ranged weapon, the Game Master should roll 3-5 Plastic, Wood
randomly to determine which character – or 6-9 Aluminum, Rubber
important item – in the sector or adjacent sectors 10-19 Brick, Asphalt
was harmed.
20-29 Concrete, Bullet-Proof Glass
SNATCH - You’ve grabbed the object in question 30-39 Stone, Reinforced Concrete
and wrested it from your opponent.
40-49 Iron
Avoiding Attacks & Damage 50-74 Steel
75-99 Diamond
Taking cover behind a solid object gives the 100+ Alien Substance
character both protection and makes them harder
to hit. Hiding behind a wall or a vehicle gives Dodging
the character the equivalent protection of body Dodging is used to help make the character more diffi-
armor with an Armor Value equal to the Material cult to hit with ranged attacks. Roll on the Master Table

Victor Malaspina (Order #35116610)

using the character’s Agility Rank Value and compare into two categories. The first effect is a Row Step
the result to the following table: modifier that is applied to the attacker’s Melee
rank value before the attack roll itself. If the Block
RESULT EFFECT successfully stops the attack then no damage is
Gray Fail taken. If it doesn’t stop the attack completely, the
-3 RS penalty to all attacks made against second effect reduces the attacker’s Strength rank
White value for damage purposes from the attack:
Dodging Character this Turn
-6 RS penalty to all attacks made against
Dodging Character this Turn RESULT EFFECT
Blue -9 RS penalty to all attacks made against Gray Fail
Dodging Character this Turn -1 Row Step. For purposes of dam-
age, the Rank Value of the attack-
Evading er’s Strength suffers a -1 Row Step
Evading is similar to dodging, except it applies to melee penalty.
combat only. Evading is the act of weaving and bob- -4 Row Steps. For purposes of dam-
bing to avoid an attack. Roll d% on the Master Table Red age, the Rank Value of the attacker’s
using the character’s Melee Rank Value and compare Strength is reduced by 3 row steps
the result to the following table: Blue -7 Row Steps. For purposes of dam-
age, the Rank Value of the attacker’s
RESULT EFFECT Strength is reduced by 6 row steps
Fail. Opponent automatically hits you,
Gray counting a Gray result as White when
attacking this Turn There are times when a character must catch
something (a falling party member or innocent
Evade. Avoided attack. Character suffers
White victim, a thrown object, an arrow, etc.) When
no damage
catching, roll d% on the Master Table using your
Superior Evade. You’ve maneuvered your- Agility Rank Value and compare the result to the
self into an advantageous position; on the
Red next turn you gain a +1RS bonus to your following table:
Melee roll to attack the opponent that you
just evaded RESULT EFFECT
Blue Maximum Evade. As above, but bonus is Fail. You miss. If it was an object
+2 RS Gray being thrown to harm you, such as a
weapon, you’re automatically hit
Blocking White Fail. You’ve missed
Sometimes it’s necessary to stop Strength with You catch, but possibly harm, your
Strength. This maneuver is used when fighting with target. You must make a second d%
swords, with staves or any other sort of melee weap- roll on the Master Table using Agility;
on, and it is also used when fighting open-handed. In- any result less than Red means what
stead of avoiding an attack by moving out of the ways you caught suffers damage equal to
(as with Evading), the character is stopping, or slowing the Rank Value of your Strength
down, the attack with their own weapon or shield, or Blue Perfect catch. Good job!
with their arms or legs when fighting hand to hand.
Some open-handed fighting styles give the character Waiting
the ability to block, or deflect, weapon attacks with A character that wins initiative may choose to
their bare hands. wait before acting, allowing opponent(s) to act
first and then interrupting, and taking an action at
When blocking, roll d% on the Master Table using the the best possible moment. For example, a char-
character’s Strength Rank Value and compare the re- acter planning a ranged attack against an oppo-
sult to the following table. The effects are broken down nent may wait for that opponent to move closer

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(reducing the penalty associated with ranged You can choose to reduce the damage done by any of
attacks, see p. 92). your attacks by pulling your punch. Prior to attacking
you state the reduced amount of damage your attack
Damage can cause and/or the level of success it can achieve.
Any successful hit inflicts damage that is sub- If your attack hits it does the reduced damage, and if
tracted from your Health total. When your Health your level of success was greater than your limit, the
points are reduced to 0, you are Dying. The success is reduced to your limit.
amount of damage an attack inflicts depends on
what type of attack it is: Weapon Types
Each weapon does a particular type of damage that
MELEE - In hand to hand combat, a character’s
use different effect tables. The following are the stan-
Strength Rank Value determines the amount of
dard types of damage used for the game:
damage he or she does with each punch, kick,
bite or other non-weapon attack. Melee weap- • BASHING (B) - These weapons do bashing or blunt
ons add their listed damage to the character’s damage whenever they are used, and their effects
Strength score. are rolled on the Bashing Table. They are intend-
ed to bruise flesh and break bones. Examples of
Optionally, for games with a more realistic feel,
bashing weapons include clubs, hammers, maces
for each Row Step above Rank 0 of Strength,
and knucks.
the character does 2 points of physical dam-
age per successful hit. If a character is using • SLASHING (S) - Slashing weapons cut through flesh
a melee weapon, this score is added to the and sometimes bone. They are intended to cause
weapon’s listed Damage score. open wounds that will bleed. Use the Slashing Ta-
ble for damage effects with weapons of this type.
Example: A character with a Strength Rank Val-
Swords, knives, and even whips are considered
ue of 30 does 6 points of damage whenever he
slashing weapons.
or she punches an opponent. If he or she picks
up a sword, the Melee damage is added to the • ENERGY (E) - Energy weapons include lasers, fire
sword’s listed damage score of 10 for a total of generators, electrical attacks, etc. Some Energy
16 points of damage. weapons, such as a flamethrower, continue to do
some damage after the initial hit. Energy weapons
RANGED - Inflicts a number of points of dam-
use the Ranged Attack Table for combat effects.
age equal to the Material Value of the item
thrown, or a set amount of damage by weapon • PIERCING (P) - Most piercing weapons fire pro-
type. jectiles or bullets, though some hand-held weap-
ons like spears or javelins are also considered
The Result Level of your attack roll determines the
to be Piercing weapons. Piercing weapons use
intensity of the damage you do to the target.
the Ranged Attack Table during combat for their
A Minimal (White) result means you just effects.
clipped or grazed your target and the attack
• GASEOUS (G) - Gaseous weapons emit noxious
only does half damage.
fumes that can cause severe irritation or uncon-
A Standard (Red) result is a solid hit and the sciousness if coming into contact with the target’s
attack does full, regular damage. eyes or skin, or are inhaled. The effects for each
type of Gaseous weapon will be listed in its de-
An Outstanding (Blue) result means you hit a scription.
critical target and the damage is doubled.
Shock, Pain & Stun Damage
Pulling Your Punch Whenever a Player Character, or an NPC, takes nearly
In some situations you might want to subdue a 50% damage to Health in a single hit, or are hit with
target rather than seriously injure or kill them. a stun weapon, they must make a Stamina check to

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avoid losing consciousness from shock and pain. Roll HALLUCINOGENIC - These poisons are sometimes
d% on the Master Table, and compare the result on the sought out for purely recreational usage by many,
following table: but the harm done to the body is quite painful
once the target comes down from his or her
RESULT EFFECT “high”. These powerful poisons cause the target
Gray Unconscious. Knocked out for 1-10 Turns to see strange and often unreal things and believe
Stunned. Knocked down. Must spend that they are indeed coming after them. Unless
White remainder of Turn getting back to his/her the target makes a Red result on a Stamina check,
feet. No other actions may be taken he or she will fall subject to the drug and may
Red No effect attempt to get away from whatever they are “see-
ing” and possibly hurt themselves in the process.
Blue No effect
ACIDIC BURNING - These types of poisons are
Poison simply designed to cause the target pain and dis-
Sometimes the characters will either get poisoned by comfort. They are often employed during torture
an enemy or a creature’s attack, or they will use them sessions where the subject is offered an antidote
on their enemies. Poisons can be introduced in a num- to alleviate the pain if they talk. The target may
ber of ways, such as ingestion, injection, or contact. avoid the damaging effects by making a Red re-
Poisons vary in strength from mild, sleep inducing, to sult on a Stamina check.
harsh, painful and deadly. A poison’s strength is repre-
sented by a rank value. The higher the rank value, the POSSIBLE INSTANT DEATH - One of the deadliest
stronger the poison. The following table lists typical poisons one can utilize. This is used when you
poison strengths and the damage they can cause. want someone to die quickly, if not painlessly.
Once entered into the subject’s system, he or she
POISON RANK SPECIAL EFFECTS DAMAGE must make a Red result on a Stamina check to
01-03 No damage. Disorienting 0 avoid sudden death, and unless he or she makes a
06-20 Paralytic / Sleep inducing 3 Blue result, the target takes 50 points of damage.
21-40 Truth serum 10
41-75 Hallucinogenic 20 Armor reduces the amount of damage suffered
76-150 Acidic burning 30 in an attack by subtracting its Armor Rating (AR)
151-500+ Possible Instant Death 50 from the amount of damage inflicted; any re-
maining points are then subtracted from Damage.
DISORIENTING - Poisons that disorient the target give Certain types of armor are better at protecting
them blurred vision, make their ears ring and causes against specific types of damage than others. Bal-
them to become easily manipulated. They cause no listic Plate armor offers one of the highest Armor
physical harm. Ratings against projectile weapons, and protects
the wearer against Bashing and Slashing attacks
PARALYTIC / SLEEP INDUCING - These types of poisons
equally. Mesh armor, however, gives excellent
cause mild damage when introduced. The target must
protection against Slashing attacks, but offers
make a successful Stamina check to avoid being para-
almost no defense against Bashing weapons.
lyzed or knocked unconscious for 3-30 Turns.
Some armor types are also more susceptible to
TRUTH SERUM - Another mildly damaging poison, transferring damage from other sources more
truth serums get into the target’s bloodstream and easily than others. For instance, Mesh armor
make their way into his or her brain. Once there, they actually increases the damage from electrical
make the target highly susceptible to questioning. The attacks by +2 Row Steps, and Synth-Hide armor is
target must make a successful Stamina check to resist easier to bypass with Piercing attacks from arrows
telling the truth. and spears. The GM should consider the armor
types and how they are affected by certain types

Victor Malaspina (Order #35116610)

of damage as they arise, and apply the appropri- overload check using the unit’s original Rank Value. If
ate modifiers accordingly. the check fails, the unit overloads and ceases to func-
tion until it can be repaired.
Helmets are designed to protect the wearer’s Mounted Combat
head and do not add much, if any, added benefit There will be times when one party or another will be
to the character’s overall Armor Rating. How- riding a creature or open air vehicle like a motorcycle
ever, should someone perform a called shot to or a hover bike, and they will have to fight, either with
the character’s head, a helmet is his or her best enemies on the ground, or on their own mounts or
friend! vehicles. Attacking while atop any creature has advan-
tages and disadvantages.
Helmets come in two forms; the Full Face, and
the Skull Cap. The Full Face helmet is often worn Mounted Vs Ground Troops
by soldiers and security personnel, and offers the In this situation, the mounted combatant has the
greatest protection for the character’s head. It is advantage of higher ground over his or her opponents.
superb against both Bashing and Slashing attacks. Attacking from higher ground allows the attacker to
A drawback to this helmet is that with the face rain devastating blows down upon the defenders that
plate closed, the character’s visibility and hearing are difficult to avoid or block. A mounted attacker
are reduced unless it is fitted with a view screen. receives a +1 RS bonus to Melee attacks against targets
Without the view screen, a character wearing on foot.
a Great Helm receives a -1 RS penalty to Vision
checks. Jousting
Jousting is a special, archaic form of Rushing where the
The Skull Cap offers moderate protection from
rider uses a long weapon, typically a spear or lance,
both Bashing and Slashing attacks, and doesn’t
and rides his or her mount or vehicle towards their
impose any penalties to sight or hearing. Skull
opponent in an attempt to skewer them. Jousting can
Caps can be made of various materials, but most
be done against targets on foot, or against a mount-
are constructed of either reinforced plasteel,
ed opponent. In a joust, use the mount’s Stamina to
Synth-Hide, or metal.
make the attack roll. If the attack is a success, use
Personal Force Shields the mount’s Stamina rank value for the damage, plus
Personal force shields protect the user from the damage of the weapon used in the attack. In the
energy, electrical, and even sonic attacks. A force chance that the rider’s Stamina is greater than that of
shield is either worn on the character’s body in his or her mount’s, the mount receives a +1 RS bonus
the form of a belt or sash, or it is built into body to its Stamina for damage purposes.
armor or an Envirosuit. The projectors that emit
Mount Attacks
the shielding are angled to offer the greatest pro-
Mounts are creatures that have been trained to allow
tection from all angles.
certain other creatures to ride them. Most normal
Each shield unit has a set Rank Value. Most creatures instinctively know how to defend them-
common force shields available to non-military selves against others that they deem dangerous. They
personnel are limited to a Rank Value of 10, while will use whatever natural weapons they possess to
military grade units can run up to 50 or higher. fight off these threats. Terran horses use hooves and
Black market units can be had at a reduced cost, sometimes bite. Other creatures of the galaxy may use
but their protection values may not be what they claws, teeth, tail and wings, and even a breath weapon
are advertised to a potential buyer. if available.

A lower Rank Value unit may be hacked to in- A rider and mount working together can become
crease the protection level, but may burn out if a rather formidable force to reckon with. A trained
subjected to too much damage. If the damage mount can perform its attacks on demand either by
inflicted from an attack was a Blue result, roll an word of its rider or other audible cues such as whis-

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tles, or through specific nudges or taps with knees or Armor, or barding, can be of any type that can be
feet as the rider uses his or her own weapons to deal purchased or crafted for a character. The armor
damage to their opponents. This sort of teamwork must be fitted onto the creature by the character
doesn’t happen overnight. Unless the character is cre- on a daily basis, as most creatures aren’t very
ated in a way that determines that he or she has had a comfortable “wearing” such things and need to
mount for a considerable amount of time, the mount be free of them for a time.
will either have to be trained by the character or the
character must purchase an already trained mount at Vehicles in Combat
considerable cost. All vehicles are defined by three Vehicle Traits;
Intelligent creatures will usually do their own thing Durability, Handling, and Velocity. These are the
in combat, allowing the rider to tag along and take a main statistics to be used in most combat situa-
swipe or two as they go. If the rider has gained the tions.
trust of the creature, it will take direction in many
situations. If it determines that there is a better course
This Trait is a measure of how much damage a ve-
of action, however, it will take it.
hicle can suffer before being destroyed. Durability
Armor for Mounts and Creature Companions also doubles as armor, reducing the damage the
Many creatures already possess a natural form of vehicle, and any characters inside, suffers from an
armor; thick hides, scales, or heavy fur, will all give a attack by this value.
creature some protection against harm. Man-made Durability is a numerical score (not Rank Value)
armor can be created or purchased for any creature that is decreased as the vehicle takes damage and
that the character wants to protect. increased when the vehicle is repaired; if reduced

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to a score of 0 or lower, the vehicle is completely For purposes of damage inflicted/suffered, a crash is
destroyed. The Durability Trait can be increased treated like a collision. If there is nothing but ground
above its starting value by adding armor plating, to hit in the sector the vehicle crashes into the ground
but for each point of armor added, the score (Material Value 50).
of either Velocity or Handling is reduced by the
same amount. Damaging and repairing vehicles is
discussed on page 102.

This Trait measures the control of a vehicle.
When attempting to perform sharp turns or other
unusual maneuvers, use this score or the charac-
ter’s Agility score, whichever is lowest, to make
the check. The character’s skill level bonuses in
operating the particular vehicle may be added to
the Handling rate. The difficulty of the attempted
maneuver sets the target color for the roll:

COLOR DIFFICULTY COLLISIONS - Collisions can be the result of various

Gray Easy (standard turns)
situations, from the loss of control to intentional ram-
ming. Whatever the reason, the vehicle hits something
White Average (sharp turns while speeding)
(a character, wall, another vehicle, etc.). If the vehicle’s
Red Difficult (jumping over a broken operator chooses to purposefully hit a pedestrian, or
bridge) another vehicle (ram), the selected target must roll d%
Blue Ridiculous (running a car on two on the Master Table using their Agility Trait if on foot,
wheels to slip through an alleyway) or the vehicle’s Handling rating, and the character’s
Driving/Piloting skill (if operating a vehicle) to try to
If the result of the roll equals the color or a great-
avoid the collision. Compare the die roll result to the
er color the maneuver succeeded. If the maneu-
following table:
ver fails the vehicle crashes.

CRASH - When a vehicle crashes its operator must RESULT EFFECT

roll for the severity of the crash. Roll d% on the Failure. The target is hit and suffers colli-
Master Table using the vehicle’s Handling Rank sion damage (see below).
Value, plus applicable skill bonuses, and compare White Success. The target gets out of the way.
the result to the following table: Red Same as above
RESULT EFFECT Blue Same as above
Vehicle crashes into an object, The struck object suffers a number of points of damage
character, or vehicle (as determined
equal to the vehicle’s Durability and the striking vehicle
by the Game Master) in the same
sector in which the maneuver was suffers a number of points of damage depending on
Gray what was hit:
attempted. If the vehicle crashes into
a character or other vehicle there is
a chance for the vehicle to avoid the
• CHARACTER - If the character has armor (either
crash (see Collisions below). worn or natural), the vehicle suffers a number
of points of damage equal to the armor’s Rank
As Gray result, but the vehicle crash-
White es in an adjacent sector to the one in
which the maneuver was attempted. • VEHICLE - The vehicle suffers a number of points
Red Same as above of damage equal to the second vehicle’s Durabil-
Blue Same as above ity.

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• OBJECT - The vehicle suffers a number of points If the attack roll is a Red result, use the current
of damage equal to the Material Value of the hit Durability rating of the damaged vehicle to per-
object. form a System Damage check using the following
• PEOPLE INSIDE THE VEHICLE - Characters inside
a vehicle that is involved in a collision suffer 10 RESULT EFFECT
points of damage for every sector the vehicle
Major System Destroyed (power
moved that turn prior to the collision.
Gray plant destroyed, wing shot off, guid-
A vehicle involved in a collision moves no further that ance system destroyed, etc.)
turn. Major System Heavily Damaged.
White Apply -2RS penalty to all actions
Velocity attempted with affected system.
This Trait measures the number of sectors the vehicle Red Major System Lightly Damaged.
may move in a single turn. This Vehicle Trait uses a Apply -1RS penalty to all actions
numerical score (not Rank Value) that represents the attempted with affected system.
vehicle’s maximum safe speed. A character perform- Blue No Systems Damage.
ing tricky maneuvers while driving a vehicle over this
speed must make a Handling check with a -2 RS penal- If the attack roll is a Blue result on the Master
ty to avoid losing control. Table, use the current Durability rating of the
damaged vehicle to perform a Critical Damage
Vehicle Combat check using the table below:
Vehicle combat is similar to character combat. Weap-
ons mounted to a vehicle are fired by characters who RESULT EFFECT
use their Agility Trait, modified by any applicable skills. Gray Vehicle Destroyed
A vehicle operator may attempt to evade incoming fire, Vehicle Heavily Damaged. Roll on
or a collision (see above). If the driver/pilot declares System Damage Table
evasive maneuvers to avoid being hit by weapons fire, Red No Critical Damage
use the character scale Dodge table in the Combat Blue No Critical Damage
section on page 96.

When a vehicle is in combat and is hit with an attack Vehicle Damage & Repairs
that causes damage equal to or greater than the vehi- When a vehicle is damaged due to combat, or any
cle’s total Durability rank, match the color result of the other reason, repairs can be made to bring it back
attack with the following table: to its original condition so long as its Durability
is not reduced to 0. Once a vehicle’s Durability
RESULT EFFECT reaches 0 it is completely destroyed.
Gray Miss Damage can be repaired by a character that has
White Minor Hit. Durability reduced by 1 points. the Repair skill. The duration, in days, for the
Red Solid Hit. Durability reduced by 2 points. repairs to be made is equal to the mechanic’s In-
Possible System Damage. tellect Trait score modified by his/her Repair skill
Blue Critical Hit. Durability reduced by 4 points. level, divided by 10.
Possible Critical Damage.

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G amemastering

Victor Malaspina (Order #35116610)

Section 9: Gamemastering
to rooftop or notice an enemy hiding in a dark
alley) the Game Master does two things:
The Game Master’s (GM’s) job is a busy one. He or 1. Decides which Primary Trait or power ap-
she is in charge of every detail of the game that is plies to the action. For example, Strength
not in the control of the Player Characters (PCs). The for jumping or Vision for noticing or Super
GM must describe everything that the characters see, Speed for running up a wall.
hear, taste, smell and touch, and be all of the strange
creatures, shop keepers, dignitaries, and every other 2. Decides the difficulty of the action based on
Non-Player Character (NPC) that the PCs encounter the following table:
during a gaming session. As GM, you are the director
of this cinematic production of adventure. RESULT DIFFICULTY
Gray Easy
That said, be sure that everyone, including yourself,
White Average
is having fun. Keep the game moving smoothly. Don’t
get bogged down by searching through the rules for Red Difficult
a specific detail that may or may not have too much Blue Very Difficult
impact on the adventure at hand. If it is stopping the
action, wing it. Make a decision and move on. If it is a The player then rolls d% on the Master Table
crucial element to the storyline and success or fail- based on the appropriate Trait or ability and com-
ure depends on that certain ruling, then you should pares the color result to the color needed for suc-
know it already. Study the rules during the downtime cess; if the result equals the color or greater, the
between gaming sessions and know the rules that you character’s action succeeded. If the action fails,
are sure will be relevant to the adventure. If necessary, it is up to the Game Master to determine exactly
write them down on a reference sheet, or at the very what happens to the character as a result.
least write down the page number where they can be
In addition to setting the basic requirements for
quickly found in a pinch.
success, the Game Master can also use Row Step
If you are the sort of GM that likes to run your games bonuses and penalties to reflect favorable or
on the fly, at the very least have some stats made unfavorable conditions. The following are some
up for some generic NPC or creature types that the suggested modifiers:
characters are likely to encounter during an adventure.
Stopping the game to roll up Kelorg the barkeep or a SITUATION MODIFIER
pack of Seulian rats can quickly become monotonous -5 Row Steps to opponents
Hiding in shadows
for your players and will cause them to lose interest attempting to notice
in playing. Grab a scrap piece of paper or some index -2 Row Steps to Agility while
cards and jot down the scores you think you’ll need for Fighting atop a attempting to maintain bal-
a few NPCs or creatures and keep them ready any time jostling vehicle. ance while fighting atop the
you are playing. A happy group of players makes the carriage
GM’s job a lot nicer! Climbing a wall in -2 Row Steps to Strength while
the rain. trying to hold onto a wet ledge
The Rules
The Master Table has already been introduced in the Character Health & Healing
Beginnings section, but the usefulness of the table Characters start the game with a number of
extends beyond the confines of combat; the Master Health points equal to the total of their first four
Table is the key to any an all actions characters per- Primary Trait Rank Values (Melee, Agility, Stami-
form. na, and Strength). Characters lose these points as
they suffer damage throughout the course of an
When a character wants to attempt an action that will adventure and may die if reduced to 0 points.
have an impact on the storyline (i.e. leap from rooftop

Victor Malaspina (Order #35116610)

Natural Recovery If a character seeks medical attention for more serious
If damage is taken throughout the course of a day wounds, the attending Medics or Priests will roll d%
of adventure, the characters will naturally heal on the Master Table using the Medicine or Healing
a number of Health points for each night of rest skill. Any color Result higher than Gray indicates that
equal to the Rank Value of their Stamina Trait the surgery was a success, and the character regains
score. This healing can be enhanced through the a number of Health points equal to two times the
use of medicines, or other methods described priest’s or doctor’s Intellect modified by the Medicine
below. or Healing skill level.

First Aid Kits & Healer’s Packs In a medieval fantasy setting, if the character’s wounds
Superficial wounds such as cuts, scrapes, and are very serious (poisoning, near death, etc.), the
bruises can be mended by anyone with access Healer may employ magical means. This could include
to a First Aid Kit, or Healer’s Pack in an archaic set- using various healing potions or spells, up to and
ting. Though some serious wounds can be tempo- including prayers to their respective deities for divine
rarily patched up, such as setting a broken bone, intervention.
or using a tourniquet to stop a bleeding deep cut,
heavier damage (serious burns, lodged shrapnel, Fate Points
etc.) can only be treated by a Medic using the Characters start the game with a number of Fate points
Medicine skill. equal to the total of their last three Primary Trait Rank
For characters to be able to use a First Aid Kit or Values (Intellect, Vision, and Ego). These points may be
Healer’s Pack on themselves, they will have to be spent to affect the outcome of events in the game. The
conscious and in a position to reach the wounded players may also save up Fate points to advance their
areas upon their body. Characters do not need to characters skill levels, or their spell or psionic rank
have any levels in the Medicine, Healing or First values (see Advancement).
Aid skills to use a Kit or Pack. Characters gain Fate points for positive actions such
A successful use of a First Aid Kit or Healer’s Pack as defeating enemies or finding unique ways out of
will heal a number of points equal to the Rank tough situations, rescuing someone from a dangerous
Value of the Intellect of the character using the condition (pulling someone out of a burning building),
kit. This Rank Value is adjusted by any levels the making time for an associate, etc. The amount of Fate
character has in the First Aid, Healing or Medi- points received should be proportionate to the action
cine skills. Any result on the Master Table above and danger involved. The following guidelines should
Gray is considered a success. A result of Gray is help you determine a fair reward for their actions:
simply a Failure with no Health points gained, and
doesn’t result in any further damage. SITUATION FATE POINT REWARD
Highest offensive rank value
Medics & Priests Defeating a foe
of the foe
If a character has suffered some serious dam-
age, including severe burns, heavy cuts, or deep Saving a lost child 10 points
wounds, he/she will likely need to see a Medic Uncovering an evil
or seek out a priest or priestess in a medieval plot against a popular 30 points
setting. Most cities will have decent hospitals or leader
temples that are equipped to handle patients Rank value of strongest
with more serious damage. The doctors and Finding amazing tech
nurses / priests and priestesses in residence have
Good roleplaying 5 to 20 points
been trained in the art of various healing tech-
niques, and are often capable of salvaging limbs, The giving of Fate points should be a dynamic thing.
and correcting tissue damage, things that a simple The players should receive a steady flow of points to
use of a First Aid Kit or Healer’s Pack wouldn’t be encourage spending them on action rolls and for char-
able to fix.

Victor Malaspina (Order #35116610)

acter advancement. If the players are getting frustrated ACTIONS ARE LOUDER THAN WORDS - The Game
due to not having enough Fate points, you should look Master may assign Row Step bonuses and pen-
for new ways for them to gain what they need. alties to the d% to reflect the character’s actions
prior to interacting with the public. If the char-
Means acter is acting negatively or threatening toward
Money is as essential in the world today as it has been those he/she is speaking to, apply a -2 Row Step
in eons past. Without money a character isn’t going to penalty to the Fame roll. If they are attempting
get very far. You could survive without money, but you to appear friendly, or helpful, give them a +2 Row
couldn’t ‘live’ without it. Step bonus.
Instead of having individual prices in dollars, we’ll use DEALING WITH ENEMIES OR HOSTILE RACES -
a form of credit called Means. The character’s Means The above assumes the character is dealing with
trait is an indication of what he or she can afford, not law-abiding citizenry or races that are friendly
an exact amount of money that they possess. The fol- to his or her own. If the character is interacting
lowing table gives an idea of the equivalence of wealth with enemies or a race that is normally hostile to
that each character has access to. them, then the character receives a -3 RS penalty
to Fame. If used as a form of information gath-
ering, a successful use of the Interrogation, or
00 Homeless Intimidation skill will give the character a bonus
01-03 Servant to their Fame roll according to the d% result. Gray
06-10 Dock Worker gives no modifier, White gives a +1 RS, Red +2 RS,
20-40 Small Business Owner and Blue +3 RS.
50-75 Corporate Officer Gaining or Losing Fame
100-150 Corporate Owner Each time a character defeats a powerful enemy
250-500 Small Nation or monster, or saves a life (or, if things aren’t go-
1000-1500 Large Nation ing well, commits a crime or kills), and the action
is known to the public, the character gains or
2500-5000+ Empire
loses a number of Fame points as listed below:
In general, the Game Master should allow characters ACTION POINTS GAINED OR LOST
to procure items and services appropriate to their
Defeat Enemy or Creature +5
Wealth Rank Value unless it would interfere with an
adventure. Rescue a Citizen +2
Commit Murder -10
Fame Ally With an Enemy -5
A character’s Fame determines whether or not he or
she is recognized by others when encountered. It can
The above amounts are suggestions only. If the
have some influence in negotiations or trade. Whenev-
enemy or monster a character stopped would
er a character is dealing with the public, roll d% on the
have affected an entire city, or if the life the char-
Master Table and check the color result on the follow-
acter saved was that of someone “important” or
ing table:
“famous”, the character may gain bonus points.
Gray Unknown, or hostile towards the charac- Character Advancement
ter Characters may improve their traits, skills, special
abilities and psionic powers as follows:
White Heard of. Friendly to a point
Red Well known. Will assist for a price TRAITS, SPECIAL ABILITIES & PSIONICS - A char-
Blue Loved. Will assist without question acter may spend Fate points to improve the Rank
Value of their Primary traits, spells and psionic

Victor Malaspina (Order #35116610)

powers. Increasing a Rank Value by one (20 to see, hear, smell, taste and touch. You will also have to
21) costs a number of points equal to the current play the part of every Non-Player Character (NPC) and
value times 10. creature that the Player Characters (PCs) encounter. To
say that you will be busy is an understatement.
New special abilities and psionic powers can be
learned at a cost of 200 Fate points, and requires To run a successful adventure, you need to be very
a successful Intellect or Research skill check. If familiar with the rules of the game. Nothing ruins the
the check fails, only 50 Fate points are lost. If the pace of the adventure and loses your players attention
character has access to a teacher, he or she must than stopping the action to look up a rule. If you have
still make the appropriate skill or trait checks, but trouble remembering certain rules, you could pick up
with a +1 RS to the roll, and the cost of learning is a pack of color coded note tabs to attach to the pages
reduced by half . with the rules in question to make them easier to find
quickly. Another idea is to write down specific, hard
SKILLS - Characters may increase their skill levels to remember rules on index cards or in a notebook to
at a cost of 200 Fate points times the current skill have them at hand when you need them.
level. So, to go from level 1 to 2 would cost 200
Fate points, and from level 2 to 3 would cost 400, Unless you are using a pre-designed adventure, you
and so on. Characters may also learn new skills at will need to come up with an interesting plot to put
first level at a cost of 250 Fate points. your players characters through. The type of adventure
you design should be geared towards your group of
If being taught by another character, the teacher adventurers and their particular power scheme or skill
must be at least one level higher than the trainee set. Most groups are a mixed bag of characters, rang-
in the skill, and the character must make a suc- ing from high-tech junkies to power house combatants
cessful Intellect check after the training period to to mystical or psychic types. Creating an adventure for
see whether the teaching was effective. If suc- such a group can be a challenge, but it can be done.
cessful, the cost of increasing a level or learning a The ideas in the table below can get you thinking to
new skill is halved. help you design a decent adventure for the different
character types your group may consist of.
Running Adventures
As the Game Master (GM), you are in charge of a If your group is a mix of the listed types, you will have
lot of aspects while running an adventure. You will to craft adventures to appease each of them so that all
have to describe everything that the characters of the players will feel relevant. It is possible to throw


This type of character has skills or powers geared toward beating opponents through
physical contests. Adventures should include antagonists with similar abilities. Perhaps
Fighter, Tank the characters must face off against their opponent in a city-wide free for all, bashing
each other with telephone poles and sports cars, or punching each other through build-
These characters rely upon technical gadgetry for their powers. Body armor with rocket
boots and missile launchers, energy weapons that can melt the side of a building, or a
belt filled with handy doodads to perform all of the actions one would need for a suc-
High-Tech cessful mission are the types of characters you’ll find in this category. They might also be
interested in similar battles with tough bad guys like the fighter types, but they will also
be interested in facing off against a mad scientist wanting to test his new Change-O-Matic
ray on the helpless citizenry of your home town.
Sorcerers and Psychics don’t often want to be bothered with petty thugs or common
Magic Users &
super type criminals. Their powers are more suited to protecting the world from extra-di-
Mind Benders
mensional entities and ethereal spirits bent on the destruction of life as we know it.

Victor Malaspina (Order #35116610)

a combination of enemy types at the group to cover all To achieve this, the GM should have an open
the bases, but you can also create one adventure for ended storyline in mind when putting together
each character type at a time. Put together a group of each adventure. Don’t try to railroad the story
muscle bound super villains for the tanks, a renegade over your players, as that can make them feel like
android with the ability to control inanimate electronic they are nothing more than advanced NPCs in the
devices for the hi-tech crowd or an extra-dimensional game. The GM should be ready to make changes
demon strolling down Main Street devouring souls as it to the plot as the story moves along. If you need
goes for the mage or psionicist. to, come up with multiple directions to take the
story down in case the players won’t follow your
When designing your adventures, gather together original idea.
all of the data you think will be needed to make the
adventure flow smoothly. Build your main antagonists If the players stymie the villain’s plans, think like
and other NPCs that might be encountered as the play- the villain would think. If heroes stop them from
er characters make their way through the adventure. robbing the armory, where does he or she turn to
Like hunting a rule in the middle of a battle, having to next? Maybe a weapons manufacturing facility,
roll up an enemy just before combat is just as frustrat- or a bank job or two to get cash for other types
ing and boring for your players. of equipment. Don’t fret over a busted plot line,
make a detour and keep on trucking!
Running a Campaign
As stated earlier, the GM is ever the busy beaver. He or Herding Cats
she not only has to keep the game running smoothly So, you’re running your grand adventure and
by knowing the rules well, the GM also has to de- things are going along just as you’ve planned. You
vise the main plot of the story line, select the proper are just about to introduce your PCs to your well
antagonists (NPCs) to throw at the player characters, crafted villain for a Big Boss Battle. All they have
and then herd all these cats through an adventure. to do is follow one of his minions back to the
Though some GMs would prefer to have their stories villain’s lair. And then it happens. Your tank char-
flow smoothly with the players grabbing at every hook acter Rushes the minion and knocks him out of a
he or she throws in their direction, but it almost never ten-story building. The minion dies on impact and
works out that way. your bait to get them to the Big Baddie is gone.
Now what?
Nonetheless, a good GM will always find a way to keep
the story rolling along in a favorable direction for the Sometimes things like the above happen and
players and for him or herself. So long as the players totally derail your plans. Sometimes your players
feel that their characters are performing adequately in do everything but grab your well baited hooks,
the adventure at hand, they should be enjoying them- and it seems like they do it on purpose! How can
selves. If the GM feels that the players are happy with you rein in those cool cats and make them go
the work he or she is doing, then the adventure will down your rabbit hole into your Wonderland?
most likely carry on to another, and then another. The simple answer is, don’t even try. If the players
simply aren’t interested in figuring out your plot,
A campaign is a series of adventures that the Game- go a different route. Yes, you will have to wing it,
master guides a group of player characters through to but situations such as this often seem to bring
tell a grand story. In a superhero campaign, this still great results. If you let it get to you, no one will
holds true, but the adventures will likely seem more have any fun.
like a string of unrelated episodes in a television series.
A successful campaign will carry the player characters
from one adventure to the next with an underlying
sense of cohesion that grows in intensity as the cam-
paign moves along. The players should feel eager to
see the campaign through to its end.

Victor Malaspina (Order #35116610)

Basic NPCs & Critters Biker Gang Member
When designing an adventure, it’s good to have a
few generic NPCs and creatures on hand for those 10 10 10 10 6 10 10 40
random sorts of encounters that the characters SKILLS RANK FATE
are sure to bumble into. Security guards, soldiers, Edged Weapons (3) 40 26
a biker bar barkeep, all of these and more will be Ranged Weapons (2) 30
listed here for quick reference during your game.
Riding (2)
Jot down their MASSIVE Traits and their skills on
note cards if you don’t want to keep the book WEAPONS RANGE DAMAGE
turned to this page. Pistol 6 8

NPCs Cabbie
Alien Invader M A S S I V E HEALTH
M A S S I V E HEALTH 6 10 6 6 6 10 6 28
10 20 10 10 10 10 20 50 SKILLS RANK FATE
SKILLS RANK FATE Driving (3) 22
Starship Piloting (2) 40 Geo-Navigation (2) 20
Ranged Weapons (2) 40 PEL Barter (2) 20
Laser Pistol 8 10

10 6 10 6 6 6 6 32
Ranged Weapons (1) 10 18
Blunt Weapons (2) 30
Barter (3) 30
Shotgun 3 10/6/3

Beat Cop
10 6 6 10 6 10 6 32
Ranged Weapons (2) 20 22
Driving (2)
Interrogation (1) 10
Pistol 6 8

Victor Malaspina (Order #35116610)

Combat Robot Soldier, Infantry
20 20 20 10 10 20 3 70 10 10 10 10 6 10 10 40
Ranged Weapons (3) 50 33 Ranged Weapons (2) 30 26
Tracking (2) 40 Thrown Weapons (2) 30
Security (3) 40 Geo-Navigation (2) 20
Laser Rifle 10 20 Projectile Rifle 8 10

Fighter Pilot Soldier, MP

6 10 6 10 10 10 6 32 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 40
Piloting (3) 26 Blunt Weapons (2) 30 30
Geo-Navigation (2) 30 Ranged Weapons (3) 40
Survival (1) 20 Security (2) 30
Pistol 6 8 Pistol 6 8

Mercenary Street Thug

10 10 10 10 6 10 6 40 10 6 6 6 6 6 6 28
Edged Weapons (2) 30 22 Edged Weapons (2) 30 18
Ranged Weapons (2) 30 Pick Pockets (2) 20
Demolitions (2) 20 Running (1) 10
Assault Rifle 8 20 Knife - 6

Security Guard Tribal Warrior

10 6 10 10 6 10 6 36 10 10 10 10 6 10 6 40
Ranged Weapons (1) 10 22 Edged Weapons (2) 30 22
Tracking (1) 20 Thrown Weapons (2) 30
Security (2) 20 Tracking (2) 30
Projectile Rifle 8 10 Spear 1 20

Victor Malaspina (Order #35116610)

Common Creatures Chimera
Here are a few common and uncommon types M A S S I V E HEALTH
of creatures that the characters may encounter 20 10 30 30 6 20 10 90
during their adventures. ATTACKS DAMAGE FATE
Multiple Attacks 3 36
Bite 10 ARMOR
Horns 15 20
Alligator/Crocodile Claw 6
M A S S I V E HEALTH Fiery Breath 30
6 10 20 10 3 3 3 46
Bite 10 9
Death Roll Special ARMOR

Alligators and crocodiles employ a special ma-

neuver called the Death Roll. When attacking, the
creatures approach their prey and chomp down
on a leg or neck using the Struggling table. If they
achieve a successful Hold result, they will then
attempt to drag their victim into the water. Once
there, they begin the Death Roll doing 10 points These creatures are the offspring of the original and
of damage until the victim is drowned or manages legendary Chimera born to Typhon and Echidna of
to escape. Greek mythology. The chimera is a combination of lion,
goat and dragon or serpent. It dwells near volcanic
Bear mountains and hot springs.
M A S S I V E HEALTH In combat, each of the chimera’s three heads receives
6 10 20 20 3 3 3 56 an attack. The lion uses its claws and its bite, the goat
ATTACKS DAMAGE FATE uses its horns, and the dragon uses its bite and its
Bite 10 9 fiery breath. The breath weapon is similar to an actual
dragon’s, capable of being used as many times a day as
Claws (2) 10 ARMOR
the creature wishes, but only once every three Turns
Hug Special 6 to allow the gases to regenerate after use.

Dog, Feral
Bears are found in various locales throughout the
world, and can make their homes in several cli-
mates and terrain types. They usually only attack 10 6 6 10 3 3 3 32
to defend their dens and their young, or if their ATTACKS DAMAGE FATE
food sources have become limited. Their primary Bite 6 9
attacks are with their claws. If both claws strike Claws (2) 6 ARMOR
successfully, they will attempt to hug their prey
tightly doing their Strength Rank score in damage.
If the hug is successful, the bear will also attempt Feral dogs roam freely in many areas in the wild and in
to bite the target for an additional 10 points of urban settings. They usually travel and hunt in packs in

Victor Malaspina (Order #35116610)

the same fashion as their wild cousins. When en- ple times throughout the day but only once every
countered, a group of two or more feral dogs will three rounds because the fuels or energies need-
perform a Swarm attack, with each additional dog ed to produce the effects must build up between
beyond the first adding a +1 RS bonus to the main uses. Dragons capable of flight will attempt to
dog’s Melee Value. Alpha dogs are usually stron- grab at their victims with their hind claws as they
ger and smarter than the average pack member, swoop down from above or do a strafing attack
and receive a +1 RS to their Melee, Strength and with their breath weapon.
Vision Trait scores, raising their Health to 46 and
their Fate to 12. Elephant
6 10 40 30 6 6 6 86
Tusks 10 18
Trample 20 ARMOR

Elephants are large, intelligent creatures that

usually travel in herds or families of up to 100 in-
dividuals. Most herds range from 8 to 20 in many
cases. If forced to defend themselves, elephants
will usually charge their opponents, hoping to
frighten away smaller targets with their size. But
if the opponent stands their ground, a tusked
elephant will use them in a Rush attack. Another
form of attack is to trample their opponents un-
Dragon, Fire
derfoot. If multiple elephants attempt to trample
M A S S I V E HEALTH a target, each pachyderm beyond the first adds
30 20 50 50 20 10 30 150 their Trample damage to its full damage of 50, so
ATTACKS DAMAGE FATE three elephants trampling a creature do 90 points
of damage.
Multiple Attacks 3 60
Frightful Appearance ARMOR Falcon
Claws 20 30 M A S S I V E HEALTH
Bite 30 MEL 6 20 6 6 3 10 3 38
Flame Breath 75 Beak 6 16
The Fire Dragon is the most feared of all dragon Talons 6 ARMOR
kind. It’s flaming breath consumes almost every-
thing it touches, leaving nothing but ash in its
wake. The dragon’s Frightful Appearance causes Falcons are birds of prey, meaning that they are
all creatures seeing the dragon for the first time the hunters of the sky. Falcons have been trained
to need to roll a Red result on an Ego check or and used by mankind for centuries as hunters for
become frightened, receiving a -3 RS penalty to all small game such as rabbits, squirrels, and some-
actions for 1-10 Turns. times other birds. Falcons can be trained to fetch
items from a distance as well, and have been
Dragons often fight with a claw, claw, bite routine. employed by thieves, at times, to snatch jewelry
The Dragon’s breath weapon may be used multi- or other valuables from unsuspecting targets.

Victor Malaspina (Order #35116610)

In combat, the falcon uses its naturally available them with their front hooves or kicking with the back
tools, its beak and its razor-like talons. It can use hooves. Being swift runners (4 sectors per Turn), hors-
its talons as it passes the target on the fly, and will es will attempt to flee an enemy unless they have been
peck with its beak if it lands on them. trained for battle (see Mount Attacks on pg 99).

10 10 30 20 6 6 3 70
Bite 6 15
Fists 10 ARMOR

Gorillas are found in the dense jungles of Africa,

and are also kept in zoos around the world. They
usually travel in large groups, or troops of up to
40. The silverback gorilla is leader of the troop,
and is usually somewhat stronger than the others
(+1 RS to Strength).

Gorillas are typically rather shy and would rather

avoid other creatures if possible, but if the troop
is threatened, they will defend them. Gorillas will
attempt to beat their opponents into submission Ikuchi
with their fists, doing 10 points of damage per hit, M A S S I V E HEALTH
plus an additional 10 points of Strength damage if 10 20 30 20 6 10 6 80
using the optional Melee Damage rules. They will
also attempt to bite an opponent for 6 points of
damage per successful hit. Bite 10 22
Constriction 20 ARMOR
Horse Oil Slick 6
The Ikuchi is a giant sea serpent that attacks ships and
10 10 40 30 6 10 3 90
other sailing vessels whenever they pass through the
ATTACKS DAMAGE FATE waters it considers to be its home. The serpent coils
Bite 6 19 itself around the vessel from bow to stern. It then uses
Hooves 20 ARMOR its considerable strength to crush the ship and sink
it, taking all aboard into the depths. While constrict-
ing, the Ikuchi secretes a dense sticky oil that coats
Horses have been used as transportation and the vessel and anyone unlucky enough to come into
beasts of burden for many centuries. They are contact with it. The oil has a Strength Value of 30, and
capable of pulling extremely heavy loads, up to makes a Struggling attack against anyone coming into
4 tons or higher, but may only comfortably carry contact with it. If a Hold result is indicated, the charac-
up to 400 pounds on their backs. They are easily ter or creature is trapped and may attempt to Slip free
trainable, and have even been trained as war from it on later rounds. Being stuck in the oil causes no
mounts in several cultures throughout history. damage, but the characters or creatures trapped will
be pulled under with the ship if it sinks.
Horses will defend themselves if necessary
by biting at an opponent, or raring up to beat

Victor Malaspina (Order #35116610)

Jaguar Lion
10 10 20 20 3 10 3 60 20 10 20 30 3 10 3 80
Bite 10 16 Bite 10 16
Claws (2) 6 ARMOR Claws (2) 10 ARMOR

The jaguar is one of the largest big cats in the world. Considered the king of beasts, the lion is one of
It makes its home in the tropical regions of South and the largest big cats in the world. Their natural
Central America, but has been spotted as far north habitat is in the plains or savannas of Sub-Saha-
as the Southwestern states of the US. Like many big ran Africa, and in the scrub lands and forests in
cats, the jaguar stalks its prey and waits for the most India. Lions are also found in most zoos around
opportune moment to strike. It attacks with both claws the world.
in the same Turn when attempting to take down its
target. If both claws hit, it follows up on the next Turn Lions live in large groups called Prides with one
with its mighty bite. if this attack is successful, the tar- male lion acting as the leader. The pride can con-
get is considered to be under a Hold result and takes sist of up to 40 lions, both male and female, but
automatic claw and bite damage each Turn until it is most encounters happen with smaller groups (1-
dead or Slips free. 10) of hunting parties. The females of the group
are the main hunters, and tend to stalk their prey
using stealth and camouflage.

In combat, the lion uses its massive claws to snag

its target. If both claws connect on an attack, the
target is considered to be in a Hold and is pulled
down to the ground. The lion then attempts to
bite its prey in the throat. If this attack succeeds,
the lion will maintain its hold until the target
manages to Slip free or dies.

Killer Hornet Swarm Manticore

10 10 1 20 1 10 1 41 20 20 40 30 10 20 20 110
Sting 1 12 Multiple Attacks (3) 50
Poison (6) 3 ARMOR Bite 10 ARMOR
Swarm Swallow 20
Barbed Tail Spikes 10/15
A swarm of what are known as “killer hornets” can be
as deadly as it sounds. Individually, the giant hornets The manticore is a creature said to have its origins
do pack a powerful sting with venom equal to a para- in Persia. It has the body of a winged lion with
lytic poison (Rank 6, Damage 3), but when attacking as the head or face of a man. Its tail is tipped with
a swarm (3-30), the poison increases in intensity de- barbed spikes which can be used like a flail or the
pending on the total number of bees doing anywhere barbs may be flung at opponents like arrows to a
between 6 to 60 points of damage if the target fails his distance of up to 3 Sectors.
or her Stamina check

Victor Malaspina (Order #35116610)

If the Manticore scores a Blue Result on a bite These powers are only available to the Nagaui when in
attack, it swallows the target whole. The target human form unless the animal form possesses psychic
takes normal damage instead of double but will abilities as well.
then suffer an automatic 10 points of damage per
Turn from the affects of the Manticore’s stomach Octopus, Giant
acid. This persists until the target is dead or the M A S S I V E HEALTH
Manticore is slain or the victim is cut out of the
20 20 40 30 6 10 3 110
creature’s stomach. A swallowed victim may at-
tempt to cut their own way out of the Manticore’s ATTACKS DAMAGE FATE
innards but will suffer a -2 RS penalty to all action Constriction 20 19
rolls due to the confined space. Beak 20 ARMOR
Ink Slick 6
Naguai (Shape-shifter)
M A S S I V E HEALTH The giant octopus is considered a legend in most
10 10 20 20 10 10 20 60 modern cultures, but some evidence does surface
from time to time to challenge that belief. The giant
octopus has been reported throughout several centu-
Shape-shift 40 ries by sea-faring cultures around the world. It is often
Claws 6 ARMOR believed that the tales of the Kraken were generated
Bite 6 from encounters with this creature.

The Nagaui are an ancient shape shifting race of

humans originating from the pan-Mesoamerican
era of Central and South America. Nagaui are
said to have been wizards or shaman who made
pacts with spirits, both good and evil, to gain their
special shape shifting abilities and walk about at
night in the form of dangerous animals that seek
to hunt down hapless humans and drain them
of their blood. Some traditions hold that these
creatures were born with the ability and can be a The giant octopus attacks passing vessels by wrapping
force for good or evil. In either case, the Nagaui as many of its tentacles around them and constricting.
roam the world as humans during the day, and This attack was very effective against wooden sailing
are transformed into an animal at night. ships of the past, but less so against more modern ves-
sels with metal hulls. In more modern times, the giant
Nagaui, in their human form, fight like any other
octopus will attempt to pluck sailors or passengers
human being, with either their fists or with weap-
from the decks of ships and pull them into the depths
ons. Upon transforming into their animal form,
where they then stuff their procured morsels into their
they fight with the tools available to their specific
snapping beaks. This, combined with the crushing
species. In most cases, this includes claws and
strength of their tentacles, usually makes short work of
teeth. Nagaui that take the form of more exotic
whomever finds themselves in their clutches.
creatures will acquire any of their special attacks
and abilities possibly doing more damage than If the octopus finds itself on the receiving end of the
that listed above. attack, it will attempt to flee by squirting a cloud of
ink in the surrounding waters. Anyone attempting to
Many Nagaui possess some psychic abilities up
attack the octopus through the cloud suffers a -3 RS
to and including basic attacks and defenses.
penalty. The octopus will swim away from the cloud on

Victor Malaspina (Order #35116610)

the Turn following its deployment. Anyone watching
for the octopus’ escape suffers a -2 RS penalty to their
Vision check to spot them.

10 10 3 3 1 10 3 26
ATTACKS DAMAGE FATE that seeks to completely destroy its double. The
Bite 6 14 Qliphoth will use various means to achieve its
Swarm ARMOR goal, at first to demoralize the target’s character,
steadily increasing its vile acts to make the victim
out to be so lecherous and even criminal. At this
Piranha are fresh water fish primarily found in the point, if the victim doesn’t take its own life due
rivers and lakes of South America. Some members of to shame, the Qliphoth will confront him or her
the species have turned up in small groups as far north itself.
as the southern United States as well. The piranha is a
The Qliphoth uses razor-like claws to attack its
small fish with a voracious appetite.
victim doing a minimum of 10 points of damage
Alone, a single piranha is often quite docile and would with each strike. The creature also has the ability
likely flee anyone or anything coming in its direction. to cast powerful magical spells to complete its
Most piranha travel in groups, or shoals, of 4 to 40 mission. If a human being is killed by a Qliphoth,
mostly for protection, but also for feeding purposes. it is said that his or her soul is destroyed forever.
It is when piranha are in a feeding frenzy that they
become very dangerous for any creature within their Rhinoceros, Black
waters. M A S S I V E HEALTH
As soon as one piranha draws blood from a target, the 6 6 30 30 3 3 3 72
whole group begins Swarming it. If the victim fails their ATTACKS DAMAGE FATE
Stamina check, the piranha can cause from 12 to 120 Rush 30 9
points of damage per Turn. The group can strip a hu- Horn 10 ARMOR
man sized victim to the bone within a few Turns if they
Trample 20 10
aren’t quickly removed from the water.
The black rhinoceros is a large, thick-skinned
Qliphoth creature with two horns rising upward near the
M A S S I V E HEALTH tip of its nose. It makes its home in various terrain
10 20 20 50 20 30 40 100 types in middle and eastern Africa, from savannas
ATTACKS DAMAGE FATE to jungles. A rhinoceros horn is a valuable com-
modity on the black market, and the creature is
Claws 10 90 often killed just for it.
Magic MEL
140 Black rhinos are typically solitary creatures,
roaming the plains in search of the various leafy
ARMOR plants and shrubs that make up its diet. They are
10 considered to be one of the most aggressive of
the species, attacking anything that it perceives as
In Jewish Mysticism, the Qliphoth is essentially the a threat. One of its primary attacks is a Rush. The
representation of an evil opposite to pure good. Some rhino will charge an opponent with its horn to
cultures consider this to be a form of doppelganger deliver a base damage of 40 points. If the target is
or evil twin which can be of any sort of living creature knocked to the ground, it will follow up its attack

Victor Malaspina (Order #35116610)

by trampling it to cause an additional 20 points of Tarasque
crushing damage due to its weight. The rhino can
also use its horn to stab at opponents by angling M A S S I V E HEALTH
its head and swinging it point first. 20 20 50 50 6 20 3 140
Bite 20 29
Claws 10 ARMOR
Stinger 10 30
Poison (20) 10

The tarasque is a large hideous beast with the body

Shark, Great White of an ox, the shell of a turtle, six short bear-like legs,
the head of a lion with the facial features of a man,
and a long scaly tail tipped with a scorpion stinger. The
10 10 20 30 3 10 3 70 tarasque is said to have rampaged through the coun-
ATTACKS DAMAGE FATE tryside of France centuries ago, and attacked merchant
Bite 20 16 vessels sailing the Rhone River.
Swarm ARMOR The tarasque’s main attack is with its massive gaping
6 maw which rends flesh and bone quickly. The stinger
itself does 10 points of piercing damage, and injects
The dread of any seafarer that manages to find the target with a sleep inducing poison which does
themselves adrift on the ocean without the pro- an additional 10 points on contact unless the target
tection of a large vessel, the great white shark is makes a successful Stamina check. If the target is
the stuff of legends. It has been portrayed in vari- knocked to the ground, the tarasque will rip at the
ous media as a vicious killer, gobbling up innocent victim with its sharp claws.
victims as they frolic in the water. In truth, the
great white can be a vicious killer, and is when the Undead, Skeleton
opportunity presents itself.
Great whites attack their prey by darting in and 10 10 20 20 3 6 3 60
grabbing at any available appendage, and some- ATTACKS DAMAGE FATE
times the torso. On a successful bite, its razor
Long Sword 10 12
sharp teeth grind at the flesh of the target doing a
massive 20 points of damage. This usually produc- Claws 6 ARMOR
es a considerable amount of blood to be spilled 10
into the surrounding water and acts as a homing
beacon to other sharks within a Sector of the Skeletons are one of the undead types that have been
victim. forced into their unlife through magical manipulations
to be used as guardians or cannon fodder. They are
The sharks travel in groups, or clans, of from 1 to near-mindless automatons with a lust for taking the
10 sharks lead by an alpha leader. This leader is life of living beings whenever they can. They are typi-
typically the largest, and more capable in combat cally armed with whatever weapons they used in life.
(+1 RS to Melee) than the rest of the clan. When Most skeletons were created by powerful wizards in
prey has been bitten, the scent of its blood fills ancient times, and will be armed with swords or simi-
the clan with a voracious desire to feast. The clan lar weapons. In modern times, skeletons can be armed
will then Swarm the wounded victim, taking bites with firearms and explosive devices making them even
from it as they pass until the victim is dead or more dangerous.
manages to escape.

Victor Malaspina (Order #35116610)

Warg pent form, the creature’s bite causes 10 points of
damage, and may cause an additional 20 points
M A S S I V E HEALTH of damage from the hallucinogenic poison it
10 20 30 40 6 10 10 100 injects if the target fails a Stamina check.
Claws 10 26 Zombie
Frost Breath 20 10 10 6 10 20 1 6 3 46
A warg is a giant demonic wolf that roams forests and Bite 10 10
mountainous regions seeking wayward human souls
to devour. They are normally solitary creatures, but Fists 10 ARMOR
have been known to gather in packs of up to 5 wargs Disease (20)
in areas where large concentrations of human beings
travel. They avoid cities if at all possible, and will stear A zombie is a mindless undead creature that
clear of large villages and towns. roams the land seeking only to devour the living.
They can be encountered individually, or in
Wargs attack their victims with their massive claws. groups with numbers ranging from 2 to 20. Some
They will attempt to knock down their victims with a zombies are magically created to serve as guards
swipe of a claw, and then pin them down (roll on the or as front line forces to soften up an enemy
Struggling table to achieve a Hold). Once down, the before following with a main attack. Others were
warg will use its breath attack to finish off their target, created through a biological accident, or disease
or simply try to bite off its head. Legend says that the which spreads whenever a living being is bitten by
warg devours the souls of those it kills in combat. the creature.

Xtabay Zombies attack at will, using their fists to beat

down an opponent. Once down, the zombie will
M A S S I V E HEALTH then attempt to eat their target, tearing at their
10 20 20 30 10 10 30 80 flesh with savage bites. Whenever a victim is
ATTACKS DAMAGE FATE bitten by a zombie and survives, there is a chance
Bite 10 50 that he or she will rise up afterward in the same
condition. Bitten characters must make a success-
Poison (30) 20 ARMOR
ful Stamina check to avoid contracting the disease
Shape-shift 10 or they will begin transforming into a zombie
Charm Spell MEL within 1-10 hours.

The Xtabay is an ancient Mayan mythological demon

that appears as an irresistible member of the oppo-
site sex to its chosen victims. In all instances, it has jet
black eyes and hair, and is always attractive to onlook-
ers. It attempts to lure its victims to a secluded place
where it then transforms into a giant serpent and tries
to devour the person.

In human form, the Xtabay uses a Charm spell to

subdue any sort of hostile notions that the target may
possess towards it, and makes the victim long to be
near it. Once the Xtabay attacks the victim, the spell is
broken, but by then it may already be too late. In ser-

Victor Malaspina (Order #35116610)

Name: ____________________________ Sex: _______ Age:________

Origin: ______________ Base of Operations: ___________________

Primary Traits Secondary Traits Current
Rank Modified Health Health

Melee MEL (Magical Energy Level) Self: Cosmic:

Agility PEL (Psychic Energy Level) Current:

Strength Melee Damage Armor Rating

Stamina Fate
Intellect Means
Vision Fame
Ego Skills Level Attribute Rank

Master Table
Rank % Roll Rank
Value FA MS S OS Descriptor
5000+ 00 01-19 20-59 60-99 Omega 5
2500 00 01-24 25-64 65-99 Psi 2.5
1500 00 01-29 30-69 70-99 Chi 1.5
1000 00 03-34 35-74 75-99 Mythic
500 00-02 06-34 35-74 75-99 Wonderous Powers Rank
250 00-05 06-39 40-79 80-99 Powerful
150 00-09 10-39 40-79 80-99 Mighty
100 00-14 15-44 45-84 85-99 Transcendent
75 00-19 20-49 50-84 85-99 Colossal
50 00-24 25-54 55-89 90-99 Stupendous
40 00-29 30-59 60-89 90-99 Inconceivable
30 00-34 35-64 65-93 94-99 Significant Melee Weapons Type Damage
20 00-39 40-69 70-93 94-99 Exceptional
10 00-44 45-74 75-96 97-99 Strong
6 00-49 50-79 80-96 97-99 Average
Ranged Weapons Type ROF Range Damage
3 00-54 55-84 85-98 99 Lacking
1 00-59 60-89 90-98 99 Weak
0 00-64 65-93 94-98 99 Void
Rank FA MS S OS Rank
Value % Roll Descriptor

Victor Malaspina (Order #35116610)

Spell Energy Type Level Rank Psychic Power Rank

Other Gear & Notes

Victor Malaspina (Order #35116610)

Contacts & Companions
Name: Profession:
M A S S I V E Health Fate Attacks Damage


Name: Profession:
M A S S I V E Health Fate Attacks Damage


Name: Profession:
M A S S I V E Health Fate Attacks Damage


Name: Notes:
Name: Notes:
Name: Notes:
Name: Notes:
Name: Notes:
Name: Notes:
Name: Notes:
Name: Notes:

Victor Malaspina (Order #35116610)

Basic Survival Pack 65 Claws 25
Battle Axe 69 Climbing 13, 89
Ability Duplication 51 Beamer 69 Climbing Gear 65
Absorption 23, 41, 51 Bear 111 Club 69
Acidic, Burning Poison 98 Beast Control 15 Collapsible Baton 69
Addiction 19 Beat Cop 109 Collisions 101
Agility 4 Bedroll 65 Combat 88
Air Car 73 Bestow Weakness 46 Combat Awareness 25, 42
Alien 6 Biker Gang Member 109 Combat Results 94
Alien Invader 109 Binders 65 Combat Robot 110
Alien Lore 13 Binding 46 Command 16
Alligator/Crocodile 111 Binoculars 65 Common Creatures 111
All Seeing Eye 41 Blanket 65 Communicator 65
Alter Ego 23 Blocking 96 Composition-4 78
Alter Object 46 Block Senses 56 Composition-B 78
Amphibious 23 Blowgun 71 Computer Ops 14
Amulet of Warding 79 Bluffing 15 Concuss 94
Analyze Object 41 Blunt Weapons 11 Concussion Grenade 76
Anchor 41 Boat Confuse 47
Ancient History 13 Military, Small, Speed 73 Conjuration 47
Animal Control 24, 46, 55 Body Armor 24, 41 Contaminant Resistance 25, 42
Animal Handling 16 Boomerang 71 Contortion 12
Animate 24, 46 Boomerang of Droning 80 Control Emotion 47
Anklet of Swiftness 79 Botany 14 Cosmic Energy 36
Apportation 55 Bow 71 Cosmic Energy Spells 46
Appraising 13 Bracer of the Wall 80 Cover 95
Arcane Lore 13 Breastplate 67 Crash 101
Arch-Enemy 19 Buckshot 78 Crawler 73
Archery 12 Bullets 76 Critical Damage 94
Area of Effect 38 Burrowing 24, 46 Crossbow 71
Armor 67, 98 Cryokinesis 56
For Mounts & Companions 100 C Cup of Fulfillment 80
Armor of Healing 79 Curse 47
Armor of Sustenance 79 Cabbie 109
Armor Piercing Bullets 76 Calm 56 D
Arrows & Bolts 75 Camouflage 15
Arrow of Accuracy 79 Candles 65 Dagger 69
Arrow of Messages 79 Cane of Salendus 80 Dagger of Deflection 80
Arrow of Thunder 79 Capital Ship Engineering 14 Dagger of Throwing 80
Artistry 15 Capital Ship Piloting 14 Damage 97
Associates 16 Capital Ship Weapons 14 Dark Vision 25
Arcane 17 Casting a Spell 37 Data Chip 65
Professionals 17 Casting Cost 37 Data Pad 65
Scientific 17 Catching 96 Dead Language 14
Astoundingly Wealthy 24 Caustic Body Fluids 25 Declaration 88
Astral Projection 24, 41, 55 Celebrity 25 Demolitions 14
Astronavigation 13 Chain Mail Shirt 68 Detect Danger 42
Athletics 13 Chain Mail Suit 68 Detect Evil 42
Aura Reading 55 Chakram 71 Detect Flaw 42
Avoiding Attacks & Damage 95 Chalk 65 Detect Lie 16
Chameleon 25, 41 Detect Magic 42
B Changed Human 6 Detect Psionics 42
Change Luck 42 Detect Spirit 42
Backpack 65 Character Advancement 106 Detect Traps 16
Balancing 12 Character Creation 4 Detection 25
Ballistic Plate Armor 67 Character Health & Healing 104 Dice 2
Banish 51 Character Sheet 119 Altering 3
Barkeep 109 Charm 46 Dimensional Portal 52
Barter 14 Chest 65 Dimensional Window 52
Bashing 91 Chimera 111 Dimension Jump 25
Basic Adventurers Pack 65 Chronokinesis 56 Disarm Trap 12
Basic Gear 65 Clairaudience 56 Disguise 16
Basic NPCs & Critters 109 Clairsentience 56 Disorienting Poison 98
Basic Repair Kit 65 Clairvoyance 56 Dodging 12, 95

Victor Malaspina (Order #35116610)

Dog, Feral 111 Flamethrower 71 Holy Symbol 66
Dragon, Fire 112 Flashlight 66 Horse 113
Dragon Ward 80 Flight 27 Horseman’s Pick 70
Drawbacks 19 Fly 43 Hover Bike 73
Driving 12 Focusing 9 Hover Car 73
Drum of Destruction 80 Foraging 14 HOV Ops 12
Durability 100 Force Bracers 68 Hunter’s Trap 66
Duration 38 Force Field 27 Hydrator 66
Dynamite 78 Foretell 43 Hypnotism 16
Fortress 59
E Fragmentation Grenade 76 I
Full Face Helmet 68
Igniter 66
Edged Weapons 11
Ikuchi 113
Ego 4
Elasticity 26, 42 G Illusion 49
Improved Skills 29
Electro Bullets 76
Gambling 16 Incendiary Grenade 76
Electronics 14
Gamemastering 104 Intellect 4
Elemental/Energy Control 26
Gaseous Arrow 75 Intimidation 13, 16
Elemental/Energy Generation 26
Gas Mask 66 Interrogation 16
Elemental Generation & Control 48
Gear 62 Invisibility 29, 43
Elephant 112
Gear Bag 66 Invisibility Others 49
Elude 94
Elven Blade 80 Gear List 63
Emergency Beacon 65 Geo-Navigation 14 J
Empathy 42 Glamour 48
Glow Sticks 66 Jaguar 114
Energy Generation & Control 48
Goop Grenade 76 Javelin 72
Energy Healing 56
Gorilla 113 Javelin of Chains 81
Energy Manipulation 56
Grapnel of Climbing 81 Jet (Military) 73
Energy Reversal 12
Grappling Arrow 75 Jetpack 74
Enhanced Sense 42
Grappling Hook 66 Jousting 99
Enhanced Speed 43
Great Helm 68 Jumping 13
Entanglement 48
Enter 43 Grenade 72, 75
Environmental Shell 27, 52 Ground Bike 73 K
Envirosuit 65, 68 Ground Car 73
Growth/Shrinking 28, 43 Killer Hornet Swarm 114
Envirosuit Ops 14
Growth/Shrinking Others 49 Knife 70
Escape 12
Knucks 70
Ethereal Armor 52
Ethereal Blast 52
Ethereal Energy 37 H L
Ethereal Energy Spells 51
Half-Helm 68 Lamp of Sight 81
Ethereal Servant 52
Half-Plate Armor 68 Language 14
Evading 96
Hallucinogenic Poison 98 Lantern 66
Exhaustion 90
Hammer 66, 69 Laser Pistol 72
Explosive Arrow 75
Hammer of Gil 81 Laser Rifle 72
Explosive Bullets 76
Handling 101 Leap 43
Explosive Pneumatic Pellets 77
Hand of Thome 81 Learning Spells 38
Explosives 78
Hardiness 28 Leather Armor 68
Extra Body Parts 27
Hasten 43 Levitation 44, 57
Hatchet 70 Lifting 13
F Hauler 73 Linguistics 44
Headquarters 28, 83 Lion 114
Falcon 112 Healer’s Pack 66, 105 Lock 66
Falling 89 Heal Self 43 Lock Picking 12
Fame 5, 8, 106 Heal Other 49, 52 Lockpicking Kit 67
Gaining & Losing 106 Health 5 Locks & Bars 11
Fast Attack 27 Heat Seeking Missile 77
Fate Points 5, 8, 105 Heavy Fur 68 M
Fear 48, 56 Helmets 99
Mace 70
Fighter Pilot 110 Heraldry 15
Machete 70
First Aid 14 Herding Cats 108
Magic 29, 36
First Aid Kit 66, 105 Hide Armor 68
Magical Energy Level (MEL) 37
Fishing Gear 66 Hiding 12
Magical Items 78
Flail 69 High Explosive Missile 77
List 79
Flail of Elberun 81 Hold 94
Magic Wands & Staves 82

Victor Malaspina (Order #35116610)

Major Shield 44 P Reflector Shield 69
Manifest Weakness 29 Regeneration 31, 45
Manticore 114 Paralytic/Sleep Inducing Poison 98 Remote Viewing 58
Marked 20 Paralyzing Touch 30, 50 Remove Curse 52
Marksman 16 Parchment of Mapping 81 Repair 15
Martial Arts 11 Personal Force Shield 68, 99 Research 16
Master Table 3 Phasing 30, 44 Resistance 31, 45
Material Value 95 Physical Impediment 20 Resist Domination 16
Means 5, 62, 106 Physical Metamorphosis 30, 44 Resolution 91
Medics 105 Pick Pockets 12 Rhinoceros, Black 116
Medicine 15 Piloting 12 Ring Mail 69
Meditation 16 Piranha 116 Robot 6
Melee 4 Planetary Science 15 Robotics 15
Attacks 91, 94 Plant Control 31, 50, 57 Rope 67
Damage 5, 8, 97 Plasteel Shield 68 Rope of Snaring 81
Skills 11 Plate Mail 68 Rope Use 12
Weapon 30, 69 Pneumatic Pellets 77 Roto-Hopper 74
Mental Block 59 Pneumatic Pistol 72 Roto Plane 74
Mental Cloak 59 Pneumatic Rifle 72 Row Steps 3
Mercenary 110 Point-Buy 7 Rubber Bullets 76
Mesh Armor 68 Poison 67, 98 Running 13
Mesmerism 49 Polearm 70 Running a Campaign 108
Micro-Missile Launcher 72 Pooling Resources 62 Running Adventures 107
Mind Control 29, 49, 57 Portal 31, 45 Rushing 92
Mind Probe 49, 57 Possible Instant Death Poison 98
Mind Shield 29 Postcognition 58 S
Mind Trap 50, 57 Pouch 67
Scale Mail 69
Miner’s Pack 67 Pound 95
Scaling 91
Miniatures and Movement 91 Power Descriptions 23
Scaling Table 91
Mini-Comp 67 Powers 22
Scramble 59
Mini-Crawler 74 Power Strike 12
Scry 52
Mini-Missiles 77 Predict Weather 16
Security 15
Mining 15 Priests 105
Security Guard 110
Missile Launcher (Shoulder) 72 Projectile Pistol 72
Self Energy 36
Missiles 77 Projectile Rifle 72
Self Energy Spells 41
Molecular Manipulation 29 Protected Sense 31
Semtex (Explosive) 78
Morning Star 70 Psychic Abilities 54
Set Snares 12
Mount Attacks 99 Psychic Surgery 58
Shape-shift 32, 45
Mounted Combat 99 Psychometry 58
Shark, Great White 117
Mounted Vs Ground Troops 99 Psionic Combat 59
Shatter 95
Movement 89 Psionics 54
Shield 69
Multiple Actions 94 Pulling Your Punch 97
Shillelagh 70
Multiplicity 30, 44 Purchasing Gear 62
Shock, Pain & Stun Damage 97
Mutant 6 Pyrokinesis 58
Shotgun 72
N Q Shot Shell 78
Side-Kick 32
Nagaui 115 Qliphoth 116 Siege 59
Nail 95 Quick Strike 11 Seizing 94
Napalm Missile 77 Skilled Human 6
Natural Recovery 105 R Skills & Associates 9
Net Arrow 75 Skill List 10
Nine Lives 30 Radiation Meter 67 Using Skills 11
Nuke Missile 77 Radiation Suit 67 Skull Cap 69
Nullification 30, 50 Rage 31, 45 Slashing 92
Random Generation 6 Sleeping Bag 67
O Ranged Attacks 92 Sleight of Hand 12
Ranged Damage 97 Slipping 93
Octopus, Giant 115
Ranged Weapons 12, 71 Slug 78
Orb of Construction 81
Range Penalty 92 Smoke Grenade 77
One-of-a-Kind Weapon 30
Rank Values 3 Soldier
Order of Combat 88
Rank Value Table 7 Infantry 110
Origins 6
Rations 67 MP 110
Origin Table 6
RDX (Explosive) 78 Snatch 95
Reclamation 50 Sonic Hammer 70
Reflection 31, 45 Spear 72

Victor Malaspina (Order #35116610)

Spear of Geldus 81 T Utility Belt 67
Spear-Staff 70 Utilizing Associates 17
Special Ammunition 75 Tank 74
Spell List 40 Tarasque 117 V
Spell Rank Values 37 Tear Gas Grenade 77
Technologically Enhanced 6 Vehicles 33
Spells 39
Telekinesis 32, 51, 58 Damage & Repair 102
Spike 59
Telepathy 32, 51, 58 In Combat 100, 102
Splint Mail 69
Teleportation 33, 51 Velocity 102
Staff 70
Tent 67 Vision 4
Stamina 4
Starship Engineering 15 Thoughtography 59
Throwing Axe 73 W
Starship Gunnery 12
Starship Piloting 12 Throwing Knife 73
Waiting 96
Static Whip 70 Throwing Spike 73
Wall-Crawling 33, 46
Stealth 12 Thrown Objects 12
Walker 74
Street Thug 110 Thrown Weapons 13
Warg 118
Strength 4 Tightrope Walking 13
Water Freedom 46
Struggling 93 Time 88
Water Native 33
Studded Leather Armor 69 TNT 78
Water skin 67
Stun Arrow 75 Torch 67
Weakness 20
Stun Baton 70 Toxicology 15
Weapon (power) 33
Stun Knucks 70 Tracking 16
Weapons Master 16
Stunner Pneumatic Pellets 77 Trait Boost 33, 45
Weapons Specialist 16
Suggestion 58 Trait Increase 33
Weapon Types 97
Super Leap 32 Traits 2
Whip 71
Super Sense 32 Primary 2, 4, 7
Willpower 16
Super Speed 32 Secondary 2, 5, 8
Wrestling 13, 93
Surface Vehicles 73 Trance 45
Surge 51 Translator 67
Survival 15 Tribal Warrior 110 X
Survival Blanket 67 Trident of the Squid 82
Swarming 94 Troubled Past 20 Xtabay 118
Swimming 13, 90 Truth Serum 98
Sword Tumbling 13 Z
Great, Long 70 Tuners & Crystals 54
Rapier, Scimitar, Short 71 Turnabout 94 Zero-G Movement 90
Sword of the Depths 81 Types of Magic 36 Zombie 118
Sword of Machesis 81 U
Sword of Splitting 82
Sword of Tarak 82 Uncategorized Skills 16
Symbiont 6 Undead, Skeleton 117
Synth-Hide 69 Using Psionic Abilities 54

Victor Malaspina (Order #35116610)

Your arch-enemy, the Rapscallion, has
deposited bombs throughout the city in vital
locations. Your team has just two hours to
locate and disarm them all. What do you do?

Your choices are unlimited!
Join the fun and build your hero today!

Victor Malaspina (Order #35116610)

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