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Round 2, Phase 1: Gather the Resources to Succeed

Day 3: Success Built to Last

My Purpose: I live fully engaged in each moment, doing what I love every single day.

Why Listen Now: When you align your thoughts and actions with what gives your life meaning,
you magnify your passion and impart greater clarity to your purpose than
ever before. The more these three overlap, the deeper your success.

Creating a meaningful life by design is much like a chef crafting a feast that
nourishes both the body and soul. This session helps you see that you already
possess all the ingredients and tools you need to create a life that serves you
and others well.

These valuable internal resources include the knowledge and wisdom

harvested from setbacks as well as the skills and strengths developed through
your unique life experience. Every experience reinforces your commitment
and resolve. Every sensation and emotion offers you an opportunity for
greater awareness.

Paraliminal Session: Before listening, answer the following questions regarding your goal:

• What fills you with deep satisfaction or is most meaningful for you?

• What are you choosing to get really good at? 81
Round 2, Phase 1: Gather the Resources to Succeed

Day 4: Abundant Money Mindset

My Purpose: I eliminate old self-limiting stories about money and establish a new,
beneficial mindset that acknowledges my value and worthiness to receive

Why Listen Now: Your history surrounding money can result in limiting attitudes and beliefs
that can become deeply embedded in your neurophysiology. Current fears
and doubts can show in your life as resistance, hesitation, and self-sabotage
that derail your confidence in your ability to claim the success you truly

This session helps you reframe your past and current ways of thinking to
serve you more successfully. As you eliminate any blocks, doubts, and fears,
you build a new mindset of worthiness that recognizes the value you can
create and the rewards you can receive for your contributions to others.

Paraliminal Session: Before listening, answer the following questions regarding your goal:

• What old stories, beliefs, and wounds from your past prevent you from
recognizing your own value and keep you from claiming your success?

• What current thoughts, fears, and doubts are preventing you from taking
action toward your goal?

• How would you feel, act, and speak if you approached your goal from an
abundant and expanded mindset?

Paraliminal Accelerator 82
Round 2, Phase 1: Gather the Resources to Succeed

Day 5: Simplicity

My Purpose: I deliberately design my life in a way that calms my mind and body and
brings me greater freedom, love, and passion.

Why Listen Now: When you live your life deliberately, you draw from inside your most
passionate self. You learn what drains your vitality, and you gather the
strength and energy necessary to move forward with your choices.

Simplicity is about exhaling the relentless pressures of modern-day living: too

much clutter, too many commitments, too much debt, too much everything.
It’s about creating a life of ease and inhaling a feeling that there is time for
what matters.

This session frees up positive space within, and it helps you discover the
inner intelligence that effortlessly guides you to manifest your passions in the
simple choices you make daily.

Paraliminal Session: Before listening, answer the following questions regarding your goal:

• In what area of life do you feel overly burdened or pressured, which may be
preventing your success?

• If you could discover a way to unburden this area of your life and live with
greater simplicity, freedom, and joy, would you choose to do so? 83
Round 2, Phase 1: Gather the Resources to Succeed

Day 6: Personal Genius

My Purpose: I accelerate my learning to secure the achievement of my goal.

Why Listen Now: You have a brilliant brain/mind, capable of learning anything you set your
focus upon. This session guides you to learn the skills that help you attain
and live successfully at your goal destination.

Learning can be effortless and fun. We learned our native language and
how to walk years before we ever went to school. Anything you need to
learn during the achievement of your goal will take place in an enjoyable,
accelerated way.

Paraliminal Session: Before listening, answer the following question regarding your goal:

• What knowledge do you want to acquire or what skills do you need to

develop to achieve your goal?

Note: On Day 7, you will experience both sessions of Sleep Deeply/Wake

Refreshed. Listen to Session A–Wake Refreshed first thing in the morning
and Session B–Sleep Deeply at bedtime. Consider reviewing the description for
Day 7 the evening before so you are prepared for your listening immediately
upon awakening.

Paraliminal Accelerator 84
Round 2, Phase 1: Gather the Resources to Succeed

Day 7: Sleep Deeply/

Wake Refreshed –
Session A – Wake Refreshed

My Purpose: I awaken today feeling refreshed and alert, ready to tap into my vast inner
resources to more fully express who I am.

Why Listen Now: Successful days begin with successful awakenings. When you move gently and
purposefully into conscious awareness, you remain more fully connected to
the rich creative intelligence and vitality within.

In the next 24 hours, enjoy the experience of both sessions of Sleep Deeply/
Wake Refreshed. Session A, as described here, helps you wake refreshed. Listen
first thing in the morning. Sessions B, described on the following page, helps
you fall asleep and sleep soundly. Listen at bedtime.

Session A helps you automatically draw upon renewed physical, emotional,

and mental energy to accomplish your daily tasks and goals. It is the perfect
listening session in the morning during the moments of expanding awareness
of your physical being, thoughts, and inner senses. As you remain in a restful
state you can energize for the day ahead and fully prepare your mind, body,
and emotions to have a spectacular day.

Paraliminal Session: Upon awakening and before listening, answer the following question:

• What will you choose to do to make your day spectacular? 85
Round 2, Phase 1: Gather the Resources to Succeed

Day 7: Sleep Deeply/

Wake Refreshed –
Session B – Sleep Deeply

My Purpose: I program my mind and body to benefit from deep, healing sleep and the rich
resources of my dreams.

Why Listen Now: You have deep reservoirs of energy within that allow you to adapt to the
circumstances you encounter each day. Sleep helps to replenish these
reservoirs while your dreams help your body, brain, and mind integrate the
experiences of your day, organizing those that serve you and releasing those
that do not.

Session B guides you to create a place within for the desired state of sleep to
exist. From this place of tranquility, you begin to notice all the ways your
reserves of energy are replenished. As you let go of the day and consolidate
all you’ve learned, you can program your dreaming mind to support your
wakeful endeavors tomorrow. When sleep carries you away, the many systems
of your body and mind reset themselves, finding the perfect point of balance
in their cycles.

Paraliminal Session: Before going to sleep, answer the following questions regarding your goal:

• What in your day worked to expand your success?

• What occasions or events caused you to feel contracted, and how could you
do things differently?

Paraliminal Accelerator 86
Round 2, Phase 1: Gather the Resources to Succeed

Day 8: Break the Habit – A

My Purpose: I recognize and prepare to release habits that do not support my success, and
I locate inner resources that will help me find greater serenity, peace, and
personal power.

Why Listen Now: Habits that do not support your success are layers of resistance that keep you
from your goal. Identify any habit or addiction that you would like to release.
Begin focusing on what you want to create instead. In this listening session,
you enter the ideal state to establish positive, self-empowering thoughts,
emotions, and behaviors that will support you.

Paraliminal Session: Before listening, answer the following questions regarding your goal:

• What is the specific habit or addictive behavior you want to move beyond
during this listening session?

• Would you allow the past to be over and step into a life of new possibility?

• What does this freer, richer life look like, sound like, and feel like? 87
Round 2, Phase 1: Gather the Resources to Succeed

Day 9: Finding Treasure

My Purpose: I effortlessly act upon the opportunities that favor my life with prosperity,
happiness, and all forms of treasure.

Why Listen Now: As you consciously hold your intention, it is the power of your nonconscious
resources that helps you find the best ways and means to attain it. Your mind
and body become the instruments of sensing, an “internal GPS” tuned to
your higher purpose and highest good and to the clues the universe offers in
support of your success.

This session activates a treasure-hunting party within you for the gifts,
talents, and strengths you innately possess and which propel you toward your
goal with courage, confidence, and a childlike curiosity to explore.

Paraliminal Session: Before listening, answer the following question regarding your goal:

• What treasure do you choose to claim as yours—the reward you desire to

discover and enjoy today?

Paraliminal Accelerator 88
Round 2, Phase 1: Gather the Resources to Succeed

Day 10: You Deserve It!

My Purpose: I affirm my inherent worthiness and define my success as I desire.

Why Listen Now: Your worthiness is linked to the unique essence of who you are and who
you were designed to be. When you recognize your innate worthiness, you
create a sense of confidence and peace, believing and knowing you are wholly
connected to your divine purpose.

No matter what your goal is, your success comes when you trust your inner
resources to guide your desires and actions. In times of challenge it’s easy to
stray from the true nature of your authentic self. This session helps you tap
into the love, courage, strength, flexibility, and freedom that are yours to
enjoy and express.

Paraliminal Session: Before listening, answer the following questions regarding your goal:

• Are you willing to bring your unique expression of greatness into the

• What would you choose to have your life look like as you live fully,
making a difference in the world?

Note: For the past 10 listening sessions you have been building greater trust in
yourself and discovering your true capabilities. The firm foundation you are
creating helps you realize the full capacity of your mind’s potential. Take a minute
now to transfer your M-T-O goals from your Phase 1 chart to your Phase 2
chart. This will help you move into action toward your goal. Be sure to evaluate
your progress using the Solutions Focus Scale and answer the questions for each
Paraliminal. Then proceed with your listening. 89
Paraliminal Accelerator 90
Round 2, Phase 2
My Goals
Minimum _______________________________________________________________________________________________
Target _________________________________________________________________________________________________
Outstanding _____________________________________________________________________________________________

How close am I to attaining my goal?

How close am
(Solutions I toScale)
Focus attaining my goal? (Solutions Focus Scale)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

chose a anumber
and not
andlower because:
not lower because: __________________________________________________________

Power Thinking
p Day 11 Purpose: I engage my ingenious mind to express my talents and creativity in extraordinary ways.

1) What specific result would you like to produce? 2) Are you willing to explore new habits of thought that
lead to this result?

New Action Generator–A

p Day 12 Purpose: I generate the willpower for making winning choices that support my highest good and benefit
those around me.

1) What new action are you choosing to take today and 2) As you approach the opportunity to take this action,
when would you take it? what rewards can you anticipate?

New Action Generator–B

p Day 13 Purpose: I reaffirm and recommit myself to my chosen course of action to achieve my goal and the life I

1) What new action are you choosing to take today? 2) What small or epic win can you anticipate achieving?

Miracle Mindset
p Day 14 Purpose: I maintain a miracle mindset that helps me thrive in life and succeed in every way.

1) Which attribute will you strengthen in the next 24 3) What will you accomplish using your newly
hours to help you accomplish your goal? (Choose only strengthened miracle mindset?

2) What person is an excellent role model for this attribute?

Happy for No Reason
p Day 15 Purpose: I develop habits that spontaneously bring me greater happiness in every area of my life.

Are you ready to be happy for no reason, to connect to the

pure joy and peace that is your natural state?

Financial Security
p Day 16 Purpose: I create new habits that help me achieve my goal and meet the financial accomplishments of my
ideal future.

1) What is one situation that may be compromising your 2) What one small next step or action could you take to
financial security and preventing you from achieving handle this situation and move toward the success you
your goal? envision?

Conscious Time
p Day 17 Purpose: I intentionally direct my time and my life energy in ways that help me fulfill my passions and

In what ways today can you reclaim your power and

consciously choose to invest your time so you can achieve
what you want?

New Behavior Generator–B

p Day 18 Purpose: I program my mind for goal attainment and adopt the behaviors of those who are successful at
what I want to achieve.

1) What new behaviors will help lead you to your goal? 2) Who do you know that consistently models and
demonstrates the behaviors you want?

Peak Performance–A
p Day 19 Purpose: I reinforce attitudes and behaviors that create superior levels of performance.

What could you do now to strengthen and raise your level

of performance to help you achieve your goal?

Peak Performance–B
p Day 20 Purpose: I rise to my personal best and achieve long-lasting results.

1) Could you allow yourself to perform at your highest 3) When will you allow yourself to attain your highest
level? performance?

2) Would you allow yourself to have this highest level of

Round 2, Phase 2: Take Decisive Action to Succeed

Day 11: Power Thinking

My Purpose: I engage my ingenious mind to express my talents and creativity in

extraordinary ways.

Why Listen Now: The way we think leads to the results we produce. As we mature, we settle
into habits of thought that serve our current aspirations, but they may
develop into mental barriers that prevent us from accomplishing future goals.

This session helps you develop flexible ways of thinking and discover
ingenious paths to your destination. As the power of your mind grows,
you explore new possibilities that accelerate your progress and success.
Greater access to the knowledge and skills within helps you take action with
increasing trust and confidence.

Paraliminal Session: Before listening, answer the following questions regarding your goal:

• What specific result would you like to produce?

• Are you willing to explore new habits of thought that lead to this result? 93
Round 2, Phase 2: Take Decisive Action to Succeed

Day 12: New Action

Generator – A

My Purpose: I generate the willpower for making winning choices that support my highest
good and benefit those around me.

Why Listen Now: Each decision you make can either move you closer to the life you want—or
not. Every choice matters.

Noticing an opportunity for making better choices and taking new action is
important in and of itself. As you gain clarity about your choices and more
fully align them with your best intentions, you will discover the resources
that support you are already in place. Each time your actions align with your
highest good, consider it a win, even if it is a small win.

Paraliminal Session: Before listening, answer the following questions regarding your goal:

• What new action are you choosing to take today and when would you take

• As you approach the opportunity to take this action, what rewards can you

Paraliminal Accelerator 94
Round 2, Phase 2: Take Decisive Action to Succeed

Day 13: New Action

Generator – B

My Purpose: I reaffirm and recommit myself to my chosen course of action to achieve my

goal and the life I desire.

Why Listen Now: Every time you commit to a positive action rather than an old habit you are
turning away from, that’s a small win. Small wins are powerful. Each one
moves you a bit closer to your goal. It’s the accumulation of these small wins,
day after day, that leads to epic wins.

This session helps you identify the indicators of your success. Every time you
choose a new action that supports your highest good, you experience an inner
reward. You know you can do it because you are doing it. Your progress is
marked by indicators of success, small or large, each conveying the message
that this is the way toward the life you desire.

Once your brain starts expecting the reward—craving the endorphins or

sense of accomplishment—it becomes automatic to make the choices that let
you accomplish your goal.

Paraliminal Session: Before listening, answer the following questions regarding your goal:

• What new action are you choosing to take today?

• What small or epic win can you anticipate achieving? 95
Round 2, Phase 2: Take Decisive Action to Succeed

Day 14: Miracle Mindset

My Purpose: I maintain a miracle mindset that helps me thrive in life and succeed in every

Why Listen Now: Attaining your desires and living a miraculous life begins with the mindset
that you are stronger than you think. Your mindset reflects what you believe
about yourself and your abilities. Your personal abilities are not fixed at birth
or carved in stone. You can build a mindset that helps you rise to every goal
and meet any challenge with confidence, courage, and unyielding strength.

This session helps you develop the seven attributes that comprise a miracle

• Being resilient
• Living in the present
• Being courageous
• Taking action
• Being abundant-minded
• Collaborating with supportive people
• Practicing forgiveness

(Learn more about the attributes in the Paraliminal booklet.)

Before Listening: Before listening, answer the following questions regarding your goal:

• Which attribute will you strengthen in the next 24 hours to help you
accomplish your goal? (Choose only one.)

• What person is an excellent role model for this attribute?

• What will you accomplish using your newly strengthened miracle mindset?

Paraliminal Accelerator 96
Round 2, Phase 2: Take Decisive Action to Succeed

Day 15: Happy for No Reason

My Purpose: I develop habits that spontaneously bring me greater happiness in every area
of my life.

Why Listen Now: Everyone wants to be happy. It is, after all, what Aristotle called the goal of all

True happiness is a lasting state of inner peace and well-being independent of

the conditions in your day-to-day life. It is always there as a backdrop, ready
for you to experience at any moment—even when you feel sadness, anger,
shame, or fear.

When you do get what you want—and feel happy for a reason—it’s still
possible you may feel as if something is missing from your life. That’s because
our culture insists you constantly strive for and acquire more external “stuff ”
that is promoted as bringing happiness.

This session helps you instill in yourself those habits vital to experiencing the
true happiness that already exists within you, creating feelings of expansion
that will serve you well.

Paraliminal Session: Before listening, answering the following question:

• Are you ready to be happy for no reason, to connect to the pure joy and
peace that is your natural state? 97
Round 2, Phase 2: Take Decisive Action to Succeed

Day 16: Financial Security

My Purpose: I create new habits that help me achieve my goal and meet the financial
dreams of my ideal future.

Why Listen Now: Your relationship with money and your daily choices drive you in any
endeavor, so it is important you are conscious about the decisions you make.
A part of you knows which behaviors move you forward and which ones do
not. This knowledge is stored within the vast database of your nonconscious
mind and is always available to you.

This session helps you direct your inner wisdom in ways that are best suited
to your unique circumstances so you take actions that help you successfully
realize your goals.

Paraliminal Session: Before listening, answer the following questions regarding your goal:

• What is one situation that may be compromising your financial security

and preventing you from achieving your goal?

• What one small next step or action could you take to handle this situation
and move toward the success you envision?

Paraliminal Accelerator 98
Round 2, Phase 2: Take Decisive Action to Succeed

Day 17: Conscious Time

My Purpose: I intentionally direct my time and my life energy in ways that help me fulfill
my passions and purpose.

Why Listen Now: Time, like money, is easy to spend and extremely valuable. But time is more
valuable, because it’s irreplaceable. If you temporarily run out of money,
you can invest your time to make more of it. However, there’s no amount of
money that will buy you more time. Once time is spent, it is gone forever.
Considering how you will invest your time is essential to your success and

How you use the time you have on this planet is an expression of who you
are and reflects your most deeply held values. Your choice of work, hobbies,
community commitments, and how you tend your relationships are all
investments of time you are making—consciously or unconsciously. This
session helps you create a deeply positive relationship with time that gives you
the confidence to direct your energy and actions in ways that best serve you.

Paraliminal Session: Before listening, answer the following questions regarding your goal:

• In what ways can you reclaim your power and consciously choose to invest
your time today so you can achieve what you want? 99
Round 2, Phase 2: Take Decisive Action to Succeed

Day 18: New Behavior

Generator – B

My Purpose: I program my mind for goal attainment and adopt the behaviors of those
who are successful at what I want to achieve.

Why Listen Now: The natural way we learn is through modeling others who consistently
succeed at the things we want to accomplish. Once you know what you want,
you can activate the power to achieve it by taking on the successful behaviors
of others. This session guides you step-by-step through the process. It is like
an entire self-improvement seminar in a single, relaxing session.

Think of someone who succeeds at your goal. Your mind permanently stores
every related thought, emotion, and behavior in a filing system that is always
available to you for reference. During this session you automatically open that
file, and your brain will pull out all you need to succeed.

Paraliminal Session: Before listening, answer the following questions regarding your goal:

• What new behaviors will help lead you to your goal?

• Who do you know that consistently models and demonstrates the

behaviors you want?

Paraliminal Accelerator 100

Round 2, Phase 2: Take Decisive Action to Succeed

Day 19: Peak Performance – A

My Purpose: I reinforce attitudes and behaviors that create superior levels of performance.

Why Listen Now: Taking action is essential in any goal achievement, and the quality of your
actions can make the difference between success and failure. The highest-
quality actions flow directly from how you feel and what you tell yourself.
This session makes sure that your feelings and self-talk will reinforce an
optimal performance.

Paraliminal Session: Before listening, answer the following questions regarding your goal:

• What is it that you would like to be able to accomplish? Pick an area of

your life that you would like to raise your current level of performance.

• Think of your current level of performance in this area right now. (You’ll
check in on your progress several times throughout the Paraliminal
Accelerator. It’s a helpful exercise to perform daily.) On a scale of 1 to 10,
where 10 is your ideal peak performance and 1 is where you haven’t even
started thinking about it, where would you place yourself? Pick a number.

• Consider why you chose a number as high as you did and not a lower
number. Consider that where you placed yourself on the scale indicated
you have made some progress toward your desired level of performance and
have personal resources and strengths already working for you.

• Now, think about the behaviors and attitudes that would move you one
number closer to your goal—one step up that scale. What could you do
now to strengthen and raise your level of performance to help you achieve
your goal? 101
Round 2, Phase 2: Take Decisive Action to Succeed

Day 20: Peak Performance – B

My Purpose: I rise to my personal best and achieve long-lasting results.

Why Listen Now: Now is the time to specify exactly who you are ready to be and what actions
you are ready to perform as you create the life you choose. You imagine a
virtual reality of yourself demonstrating the exact actions and behaviors you
will perform for the accomplishment of your success. Immersing yourself in
this three-dimensional scene delivers empowering thoughts and emotions
directly into your inner mind. From a powerful sense of being you act more
effortlessly, efficiently, and effectively. You gain long-lasting benefits to
support you as you reach even greater heights of performance mastery.

Paraliminal Session: Before listening, know the ideal end result you are choosing to attain—what
it looks, sounds, and feels like—then answer the following:

• Could you allow yourself to perform at your highest level?

• Would you allow yourself to have this highest level of performance?

• When will you allow yourself to attain your highest performance?

When your answer is now, and you are now willing to perform at the level
you have chosen, then you are ready to begin the listening session.

Note: You are halfway through the Paraliminal Accelerator, and you can be proud
of the steps you have taken toward achieving your goal. You have been expanding
the abilities of your mind and training your inclination to take action. Now it’s
time to tap the unlimited sources of personal motivation you hold within to stay
engaged as you move in the direction of your goal on a daily basis. Take time now
to transfer your M-T-O goals to your Phase 3 chart, evaluate your progress using
the Solutions Focus Scale, and answer the questions for each Paraliminal. Then
proceed with your listening.

Paraliminal Accelerator 102

Round 2, Phase 3
My Goals
Minimum _______________________________________________________________________________________________
Target _________________________________________________________________________________________________
Outstanding _____________________________________________________________________________________________

How close am I to attaining my goal?

How close am
(Solutions I toScale)
Focus attaining my goal? (Solutions Focus Scale)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

chose a anumber
and not
andlower because:
not lower because: __________________________________________________________

Get Around To It–B

p Day 21 Purpose: I focus on what needs to be done, creating a burning desire from within.

1) What is another task you must complete to achieve your 2) What is a reasonable time in which you will achieve this
goal? task?

Overcoming Overwhelm
p Day 22 Purpose: I access a reservoir of inner strength to effectively and efficiently accomplish what needs to be
done with calmness and clarity.

1) What current circumstances do you want to move 2) What new choices do you want to make?

New Option Generator–A

p Day 23 Purpose: I respond creatively to challenges that stopped me in the past, and I discover the path of least
resistance to success.

For what one issue regarding your goal do you want to

experience new options?

New Option Generator–B

p Day 24 Purpose: I resolve issues with new solutions and choices, and I take action to consistently win.

What is the new option you choose to put into action

Focus & Concentration
p Day 25 Purpose: I deliberately focus on the one thing I can do at any given moment today to achieve the greatest
reward for my efforts.

What things can you do more of to achieve your goal? Or,

what things can you stop doing that are not consistent
with achieving your goal?

p Day 26 Purpose: I follow through on the things I need to do to effectively accomplish my goal.

1) Why is this goal important to you? 2) How will working toward this goal complement your

Seeing the Unseen

p Day 27 Purpose: I harness remarkable powers of observation and inquiry to guide all my decisions and actions.

What positive affirmation motivates and inspires you to

achieve your goal?

Positive Relationships–B
p Day 28 Purpose: I attract and nurture positive relationships that support and strengthen me.

1) What feelings of fear, lack, or limitation do you most 3) What are you willing to give and what are you expecting
need to overcome regarding how you relate to others? to receive in your relationship?

2) What is the ideal situation you would like in a

supportive relationship?

Dream Play–A
p Day 29 Purpose: I enhance contact with my inner mind and dream world, and I profit from remembering my

What would you like your dreaming mind to achieve for

you as you sleep and dream?

New History Generator–B

p Day 30 Purpose: I appraise my progress and become my best support system for success.

1) What positive changes did you realize today? 3) How would you like your day to go tomorrow?

2) Is there anything you would like to improve?

Round 2, Phase 3: Persistently Advance Toward Your Success

Day 21: Get Around To It – B

My Purpose: I focus on what needs to be done, creating a burning desire from within.

Why Listen Now: This is your time to advance toward your goal. Sometimes a goal looms so
large it is hard to imagine you will ever get it accomplished. Break free from
restraints that have held you back. Rather than getting stymied in inaction,
this session builds the habit of taking decisive action in the direction of your
goal. It focuses your attention on a specific task you want to perform and gets
you into it, where you will ultimately discover the amazing power you have to

You have chosen a goal that is important to you. Be clear about how you
want to invest your energy and when you will do so.

Paraliminal Session: Before listening, answer the following questions regarding your goal:

• What is another task you must complete to achieve your goal?

• What is a reasonable time in which you will achieve this task? 105
Round 2, Phase 3: Persistently Advance Toward Your Success

Day 22: Overcoming Overwhelm

My Purpose: I access a reservoir of inner strength to effectively and efficiently accomplish

what needs to be done with calmness and clarity.

Why Listen Now: Feelings of overwhelm are a natural response to images of urgent and
competing priorities played in the mind. Trying to deal with everything at
once causes the brain to noisily distract you from being in a focused state of
steady achievement.

This session takes you to the calm, protected place of stillness within to help
you regain energy and equilibrium anytime your body and emotions are
thrown off balance. You move beyond the stresses and discover the capacities
and wisdom you already possess to successfully accomplish what you desire.

Paraliminal Session: Before listening, consider where you may be feeling stress and overwhelm
surrounding your goal, and answer the following questions:

• What current circumstances do you want to move beyond?

• What new choices do you want to make?

Paraliminal Accelerator 106

Round 2, Phase 3: Persistently Advance Toward Your Success

Day 23: New Option

Generator – A

My Purpose: I respond creatively to challenges that stopped me in the past, and I discover
the path of least resistance to success.

Why Listen Now: Sometimes your goals will unintentionally raise conflicts with other goals or
habits you already have established. It is like feeling stuck “between a rock
and a hard place,” or running into internal stop signs that make you want to
go in the other direction. This and the next New Option Generator listening
session help you break free so you persistently advance toward your goals.

In the New Option Generator–A session you pull out the stop signs. You create
new options for when you are stuck. You gain freedom from dilemmas and
release your creative genius to find the best ways to overcome the problems
you encounter.

Paraliminal Session: Before listening, answer the following question regarding your goal:

• For what one issue regarding your goal do you want to experience new
options? 107
Round 2, Phase 3: Persistently Advance Toward Your Success

Day 24: New Option

Generator – B

My Purpose: I resolve issues with new solutions and choices, and I take action to
consistently win.

Why Listen Now: Now that you have freed your creative insight and your choice to take
action, you are ready to chart a course for future success. In this New Option
Generator–B session you move through the current problem and perform
courageously. It is time to take consistent actions fearlessly and make progress
toward your goals. As you listen you gain further insight and translate your
ideas into high-level performance.

Paraliminal Session: Before listening, think about the issue from the New Option Generator–A
session and the real desire or goal you want to achieve. In the past, you had
wrestled with the different sides of the issue. You may now find that what you
desire is creatively outside of the issue as you used to perceive it.

• What is the new option you choose to put into action today?

Paraliminal Accelerator 108

Round 2, Phase 3: Persistently Advance Toward Your Success

Day 25: Focus & Concentration

My Purpose: I deliberately focus on the one thing I can do at any given moment today to
achieve the greatest reward for my efforts.

Why Listen Now: What you focus your energies on is called your focal point, and how you
direct it ultimately controls your time—and your life. No other factor has
a greater impact on your life than the choices you focus upon and make,
moment by moment. If you want something strongly enough and are willing
to persist long enough, nothing can stop you from achieving it. In fact,
everything in the known universe will help you make it happen.

This session helps you direct your focus and strengthen your concentration so
you can achieve your goal faster and easier.

Paraliminal Session: Before listening, take a moment to imagine having already achieved your goal
and the thoughts, feelings, and actions that helped you succeed. Then answer
one of the following questions:

• What things can you do more of to achieve your goal? Or, what things can
you stop doing that are not consistent with achieving your goal? 109
Round 2, Phase 3: Persistently Advance Toward Your Success

Day 26: Self-Discipline

My Purpose: I follow through on the things I need to do to effectively accomplish my goal.

Why Listen Now: Self-discipline is more than self-control or ploughing through difficult tasks
or working with grim determination to correct weaknesses in performance.
True self-discipline is actually positive, powerful, playful, and consistent with
a healthy life. It flows naturally from the strength of your clear purpose and
living in alignment with your values.

This session helps you create new disciplines by artfully, yet decisively,
steering your daily energies toward your goal. You will hear questions as well
as statements as you listen. The questions invite your brain to access specific
inner resources you already possess and connect you with your own creative
and powerful ways to stay on track to achieving your success.

The positive, affirmative statements support the purpose of your listening: to

demonstrate a high degree of self-discipline in areas of your life that will help
you achieve your goal.

Paraliminal Session: Before listening, focus on an area where unwavering self-discipline will help
you achieve your goal, and answer the following questions:

• Why is this goal important to you?

• How will working toward this goal complement your life?

Paraliminal Accelerator 110

Round 2, Phase 3: Persistently Advance Toward Your Success

Day 27: Seeing the Unseen

My Purpose: I harness remarkable powers of observation and inquiry to guide all my

decisions and actions.

Why Listen Now: You have a choice to open heighted sensory awareness at any time—seeing,
hearing, and sensing more of the world around you—to notice exactly what
you need when you need it to accomplish your goal.

This session guides you to make a series of observations that help you
enhance your visual, auditory, and kinesthetic, or feeling, sensory systems.
It trains you to turn up the power of your senses and then shift it back to a
more routine level until needed at a later time.

Listening can bring into your conscious awareness information relevant for
your purpose. And using positive affirmations can engage the part of your
brain designed to focus your attention—the reticular activating system.

Create one positive affirmation that motivates and inspires you to achieve
your goal. Consider these tips from Jack Canfield in our Effortless Success
course for writing affirmations:

• Start each statement with “I am” to bring it into the present tense.
• Make a positive statement.
• Use an action verb.
• Keep the statement brief and concise.
• Include a feeling word reflecting the emotion of having achieved the goal.
• Make affirmations for yourself only, not others.

For example: I am joyfully standing on the podium accepting my gold medal.

Paraliminal Session: Answer the following question:

• What positive affirmation motivates and inspires you to achieve your goal?

Before listening, say your affirmation to yourself aloud, with feeling, and
visualize the action, outcome, or experience you choose to create. 111
Round 2, Phase 3: Persistently Advance Toward Your Success

Day 28: Positive Relationships – B

My Purpose: I attract and nurture positive relationships that support and strengthen me.

Why Listen Now: Barriers you may have put in place to protect yourself emotionally can also
prevent you from fully expressing yourself or connecting with others. This
session guides you inward. It helps heal your relationship with yourself so
you can attract positive and healthy relationships with others who may best
support you and the vision you have for your life.

When you go into the world with feelings of limitation, you will act in a way
to prove you have limitations. When you go into the world with positive
expectations of abundance, you will act accordingly, giving and receiving
more fully.

Paraliminal Session: Before listening, answer the following questions regarding your goal:

• What feelings of fear, lack, or limitation do you most need to overcome

regarding how you relate to others?

• What is the ideal situation you would like in a supportive relationship?

• What are you willing to give and what are you expecting to receive in your

Paraliminal Accelerator 112

Round 2, Phase 3: Persistently Advance Toward Your Success

Day 29: Dream Play – A

My Purpose: I enhance contact with my inner mind and dream world, and I profit from
remembering my dreams.

Why Listen Now: This fun session puts you in the realm of pure imagination from where you
can draw immense personal benefit and self-development. Listening helps
refresh your creativity and gives you novel insights into how you can best
attain your goals.

Here you learn to make better contact with your dream world. The effect
strengthens the communication between your conscious mind and the vast
nonconscious mind that runs most of what happens inside you. Even if you
don’t think you dream, you always do. The brain/mind has to dream.

Paraliminal Session: Before listening, answer the following question regarding your goal:

• What would you like your dreaming mind to achieve for you as you sleep
and dream? 113
Round 2, Phase 3: Persistently Advance Toward Your Success

Day 30: New History

Generator – B

My Purpose: I appraise my progress and further develop my best support system for

Why Listen Now: This Paraliminal session helps keep you on track to your goal. This relaxing
and self-affirming session encourages you to take an honest inventory of
where you have come from, where you are now, and where you are going. It
comfortably reinforces your innate ability to learn from your mistakes and
make any necessary corrections in your approach as you move closer to the
attainment of your goal.

It doesn’t matter if you “fall off the wagon” because everyone does on
occasion. The successful people are those who get back on the wagon when
they fall off. Go easy on yourself and learn to be your own best friend, coach,
and confidant on your journey to success.

Paraliminal Session: Before listening, answer the following questions regarding your goal:

• What positive changes did you realize today?

• Is there anything you would like to improve?

• How would you like your day to go tomorrow?

Note: You are about to begin the final phase of your Paraliminal Accelerator. In
your most recent listening sessions you have been learning to respond creatively to
the challenges that have blocked you. You are recognizing new opportunities to
further your goal and are focusing on the final rewards. Now you will focus on
what it takes to cross the finish line and consistently win, time after time, as the
quality of your life continuously elevates. Transfer your M-T-O goals to your Phase
4 chart, evaluate your progress using the Solutions Focus Scale, and answer the
questions for each Paraliminal. Then proceed with your listening.

Paraliminal Accelerator 114

Round 2, Phase 4
My Goals
Minimum _______________________________________________________________________________________________
Target _________________________________________________________________________________________________
Outstanding _____________________________________________________________________________________________

How close am I to attaining my goal?

How close am
(Solutions I toScale)
Focus attaining my goal? (Solutions Focus Scale)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

chose a anumber
and not
andlower because:
not lower because: __________________________________________________________

Instantaneous Personal Magnetism

p Day 31 Purpose: I turn on poise, charm, and sex appeal so I may make a positive initial impression on those I

1) How might you be dissipating the natural magnetic 3) What is a characteristic of a person with strong magnetic
energies within you? qualities that you would most like to emulate today and
instill as a habit of living for yourself?

2) Where might these leakages be occurring in you? You

could be wasting energy by means of unnecessary or
unhelpful physical, nervous or mental behaviors. Select
one leakage you would like to correct today.

Creativity Supercharger
p Day 32 Purpose: I naturally rally the intelligence, imagination, and creative genius of my mind as needed.

1) What is the ideal end result you intend for your 2) Are you ready to receive it?
creativity to accomplish?

Soul of Money
p Day 33 Purpose: I embrace the power of sufficiency to nourish and expand the abundance I already have.

1) What personal quality or inner resource are you ready to 2) How will this quality help you achieve your goal?
expand or strengthen?

Recover & Reenergize

p Day 34 Purpose: I reestablish the natural rhythms of my body, renewing my strength and vitality and restoring
my energy and balance.

What is the goal or intention you would most like to

experience as you recover and reenergize?
Intuition Amplifier
p Day 35 Purpose: I trust the remarkable power of my inner knowing to guide my choices and actions, leading me
to a healthier, richer, and more fulfilling life.

1) For what issue would you most like to receive guidance? 2) What specific question do you have for your intuition
to answer?

Letting Go
p Day 36 Purpose: I release emotions and energies that derail my best intentions so I can easily move forward in all
the ways I choose to create my best life.

1) What inner obstacle, if any, still prevents you from 2) Are you ready to let go of the emotions surrounding this
attaining your goal? situation or feeling?

10-Minute Supercharger
p Day 37 Purpose: I recharge my energy to accomplish what I choose.

How do you want to feel after listening?

p Day 38 Purpose: I continually express gratitude for what is good in my life, naturally attracting more of what
gives me purpose and contentment.

What is one element of your day or aspect of your life for

which you feel grateful?

p Day 39 Purpose: I open the flow of abundance in my life so I may create the success I desire.

1) In what area of your life would you like to increase your 3) If you could experience the ideal right now, would you
abundance? choose to have it?

2) What would the ideal situation be for you in this area of

your life?

New History Generator–B

p Day 40 Purpose: I appraise my progress and become my best support system for success.

1) What positive changes did you realize today? 3) How would you like your day to go tomorrow?

2) Is there anything you would like to improve?

Round 2, Phase 4: Consistently Achieve and Enjoy Your Success

Day 31: Instantaneous Personal


My Purpose: I turn on poise, charm, and sex appeal so I may make a positive initial
impression on those I meet.

Why Listen Now: Every atom of every molecule in every cell of your body contains a dynamic
powerful movement of electric and magnetic forces. This session helps you
use this energy to great advantage and to develop a magnetic personality. You
learn to foster the flow of energy so you can release your full personal power
and exude charisma as you connect with people and attain your success. You
eliminate the unnecessary physical, emotional, or nervous behaviors that leak
your energy out.

As you capture energy that would otherwise be wasted and hold it within,
your body automatically takes on a more powerful, calm stance. Your mind
remains more focused, your confidence increases, and you feel more energized

Paraliminal Session: Before listening, answer the following questions regarding your goal:

• How might you be dissipating the natural magnetic energies within you?

• Where might these leakages be occurring in you? You could be wasting

energy by means of unnecessary or unhelpful physical, nervous, or mental
behaviors. Select one leakage you would like to correct today.

• What is a characteristic of a person with strong magnetic qualities that

you would most like to emulate today and instill as a habit of living for
yourself? 117
Round 2, Phase 4: Consistently Achieve and Enjoy Your Success

Day 32: Creativity Supercharger

My Purpose: I naturally rally the intelligence, imagination, and creative genius of my mind
as needed.

Why Listen Now: Creativity is when your brain is at peak performance. There is a lovely
dance of balance between the rational/logical modes of thinking and the
creative/intuitive modes of thinking. Associating, understanding, learning,
and remembering are all thinking tools that facilitate the creative process.
Creativity is the mind’s best work.

You can activate full-on creativity for any endeavor that requires inventiveness
and resourcefulness. Creativity is a source of power in every pursuit including
artistic, scientific, business, construction, and all forms of problem solving.
Find creativity a natural way of being even when under pressure. Melt blocks
to creativity. Express your creative genius.

The difference between where you are now and where you want to go is
essentially the problem that will be creatively resolved. The ideal next step to
take is what your creative brain and mind can give you now.

Paraliminal Session: Before listening, answer the following questions regarding your goal:

• What is the ideal end result you intend for your creativity to accomplish?

• Are you ready to receive it?

Paraliminal Accelerator 118

Round 2, Phase 4: Consistently Achieve and Enjoy Your Success

Day 33: Soul of Money

My Purpose: I embrace the power of sufficiency to nourish and expand the abundance I
already have.

Why Listen Now: The principle of sufficiency is a way of perceiving or being in your world.
When you let go of trying to get more of what you don’t really need, it
frees energy tied up in that chase so you can turn your attention to what
you already have. When you pay attention to the abundance you have and
nourish it, share it, and make a difference with it, it expands.

This session helps you overcome life’s three fears of insufficiency—that

you are not enough, not loved, not safe—so you can tap the abundant
gifts, talents, and resources you possess within. When you appreciate these
treasures, including your kindness, love, compassion, truth, and goodness,
they naturally expand and grow, allowing the fullest expression of your soul’s
purpose through your contributions, creativity, and work.

Paraliminal Session: Before listening, answer the following questions regarding your goal:

• What personal quality or inner resource are you ready to expand or


• How will this quality help you achieve your goal? 119
Round 2, Phase 4: Consistently Achieve and Enjoy Your Success

Day 34: Recover & Reenergize

My Purpose: I reestablish the natural rhythms of my body, renewing my strength and

vitality and restoring my energy and balance.

Why Listen Now: Whether you just finished a major task tied to your goal, a strenuous
workout, or a demanding day at the office, your body needs time to adapt
and restore the natural balance of your physiology.

This is best accomplished when the mind allows space for healing to occur.
Through deep relaxation, proper breathing, and visualization, you create an
ideal of what you want, allowing your muscles to unwind, the joints of your
body to expand, toxins to be carried away, and inflammation to recede.

For example, if you completed a marathon training session, you might know
the kind of improvement you want to see as a result. If you overworked
your body cleaning out the garage, you might simply desire a short rest to
restore your energy and enjoy your accomplishment. Or, if you finished a
demanding project or task, you can notice how your accomplishment has
served to further your goal.

This session sets a positive expectation for the benefits you receive from your
hard work. It helps restore emotional balance and mental equilibrium for
better clarity and focus as you move forward on the path to success.

Paraliminal Session: Take a moment to establish the specific results you would like to enjoy right
now, and answer this question:

• What is the goal or intention you would most like to experience as you
recover and reenergize?

Paraliminal Accelerator 120

Round 2, Phase 4: Consistently Achieve and Enjoy Your Success

Day 35: Intuition Amplifier

My Purpose: I trust the remarkable power of my inner knowing to guide my choices and
actions, leading me to a healthier, richer, and more fulfilling life.

Why Listen Now: Intuition is the conscious communication of nonconscious perceptions.

Remember an instance when you experienced a gut feeling or a hunch, an
inner voice speaking to you in a whisper or a shout, or an image that helped
you see things more clearly. What is your most dominant way to perceive
your sense of inner knowing? You may have trusted this guidance, doubted it,
ignored it, or dismissed it.

These perceptions exist as billions of bits of information that arise from the
vast database that lies below your everyday awareness. The more attuned you
are to these nonconscious resources and perceptions, the greater your ability
to use your unique talents to achieve your goal and make your life better in
every way.

This session can help you learn to more easily recognize the hunches, déjà
vus, gut feelings, and flashes of insight—the inner knowing that occurs to
you seemingly without having processed it through your “normal” thinking at
a conscious level of awareness.

Paraliminal Session: Take a moment to establish the specific results you would like to enjoy from
using your intuitive abilities, and answer these questions:

• For what issue would you most like to receive guidance?

• What specific question do you have for your intuition to answer? 121
Round 2, Phase 4: Consistently Achieve and Enjoy Your Success

Day 36: Letting Go

My Purpose: I release emotions and energies that derail my best intentions so I can easily
move forward in all the ways I choose to create my best life.

Why Listen Now: You live in an expansive universe of possibilities that is open and ready to
empower your intentions. Yet from time to time, you may find yourself
faced with a seemingly unsolvable problem or caught up in the emotions
of the moment. Problems, anxieties, and fears that hold you back are often
connected to your own blocked energies.

This session is designed to help you dissolve any inner obstacle you may be
experiencing in this moment, even painful emotions and situations. In the
process of releasing, letting go, you shift your energy, and that’s when new
perspectives and new approaches are revealed. Obstacles that once seemed
immovable become light and often disappear, allowing you to move forward
freely with the powerful guidance that arises from within.

This session teaches you a simple, practical process for letting go from The
Sedona Method program by Hale Dwoskin.

Paraliminal Session: Before listening, answer the following questions regarding your goal:

• What inner obstacle, if any, still prevents you from attaining your goal?

• Are you ready to let go of the emotions surrounding this situation or


Paraliminal Accelerator 122

Round 2, Phase 4: Consistently Achieve and Enjoy Your Success

Day 37: 10-Minute Supercharger

My Purpose: I recharge my energy to accomplish what I choose.

Why Listen Now: The 10-Minute Supercharger quickly offers you a deep restful experience that
leaves you feeling bright and alert. At this point in your journey, you are
well on your way to successfully attaining what you desire. Use this session
anytime in your day to revitalize your body, clear your mind, and re-channel
your energy to where it is most needed.

Paraliminal Session: Before listening, answer the following question:

• How do you want to feel after listening? 123
Round 2, Phase 4: Consistently Achieve and Enjoy Your Success

Day 38: Gratitude

My Purpose: I continually express gratitude for what is good in my life, naturally attracting
more of what gives me purpose and contentment.

Why Listen Now: Gratitude is both an inward and outward expression of positive feeling and
emotion. When expressed inward, gratitude generates growing feelings of
expansion that increase your inclination and ability to extend loving-kindness
to others.

A key is focusing on a positive emotion to create more of the emotion.

Whether you choose to think of something good in your life that happened
an hour ago, yesterday, last year, or during childhood does not matter; your
attention creates more of the emotion now.

This session guides you through an easy gratitude practice that helps you
pause in the busyness of your day and enter into a heart-opening experience
of deep gratitude and love. Gratitude stimulates the “feel good” hormones
and neurochemicals in your body that benefit you on every level—physically,
mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

Paraliminal Session: Before listening, answer the following question:

• What is one element of your day or aspect of your life for which you feel

Paraliminal Accelerator 124

Round 2, Phase 4: Consistently Achieve and Enjoy Your Success

Day 39: Prosperity

My Purpose: I open the flow of abundance in my life so I may create the success I desire.

Why Listen Now: When you pursue your intentions from a place of fullness rather than deficit,
you accelerate your accomplishments and improve your results. This session
helps you to wake up your prosperity consciousness and become a living
magnet as the Law of Attraction brings you all the abundance you are ready
to receive. Imagine a life of abundant health, energy, positive relationships,
opportunity, wealth, creativity…you decide.

Paraliminal Session: Before listening, answer the following questions regarding your goal:

• In what area of your life would you like to increase your abundance?

• What would the ideal situation be for you in this area of your life?

• If you could experience the ideal right now, would you choose to have it? 125
Round 2, Phase 4: Consistently Achieve and Enjoy Your Success

Day 40: New History

Generator – B

My Purpose: I appraise my progress and further develop my best support system for

Why Listen Now: As you conclude this 40-day program, take time to review how it has been
going for you. You’ve been doing the best that your current awareness
permits, and daily you have had the opportunity to increase your awareness.
Make an honest inventory of where you have come from, where you are now,
and where you are going.

You always get more of what you reinforce. As you reinforce your innate
ability to learn from your mistakes, you become your own best friend. As you
reinforce your innate ability to make corrections in your approach, you make
the most of your inner resources.

Paraliminal Session: Before listening, answer the following questions regarding your goal:

• What positive changes did you realize today?

• Is there anything you would like to improve?

• How would you like your day to go tomorrow?

Paraliminal Accelerator 126

Moving Forward
At the conclusion of your Round 2 listening sessions, once again, be sure to take time to
acknowledge your achievements and embrace your successes.

Let’s do one final check-in on the progress you have made using the Solutions Focus Scale below. On
a scale of 1 to 10, where 10 is your goal achieved and 1 is where you have not even started thinking
about it, where would you place yourself? Pick a number.

Consider why you chose a number as high as you did and not a lower number.

Acknowledge all the progress you have made toward your desired goal and all the personal resources
and strengths you already have working for you.

Now, think about the behaviors and attitudes that would move you at least one number closer to
your goal—one step up that scale. Every day seize the opportunities to act in ways that support your

Solutions Focus Scale

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

I chose a number this high and not lower because:

Where do you go from here?

Paraliminal technology is generative and does so much more than merely “fix” what isn’t working.
Each time you listen you are learning “how to learn” new ways to achieve your goal. When you
commit to a transformational change by listening to a full 40-session Round of Paraliminals, you are
creating a developmental shift within yourself around the topic you address. You are changing how
you change—a benefit that will serve you for the rest of your life.

Every time you set an important goal, consider doing another round of Paraliminals with either
Round 1, Round 2, or both. Look for blank sets of the Paraliminal Accelerator charts at the end of
your manual. Feel free to make copies for your ongoing personal use.

Coming up next in this manual is the Paraliminal Accelerator Guide followed by Recommended
Listening by Topic for additional guidance in choosing Paraliminals to support your goals.

Paraliminals direct your nonconscious mind in so many different ways to maximize your potential. All
you have to do is use them. As we have said many times, Life is too short to leave personal growth to chance. 127
Paraliminal Accelerator Guide
This guide suggests Paraliminals for several common issues and challenges related to your success,
health, relationships, and spiritual growth. The selections support you through the four stages we
naturally go through when making significant life changes:

1) Gather the resources to succeed

2) Take decisive action to succeed
3) Persistently advance toward your success
4) Consistently achieve and enjoy your success

Select a Paraliminal or two for each phase, and then listen over a period of several days or weeks as
you work to achieve your goal or resolve your issue or challenge.

Success Financial Challenges – Debt, Bankruptcy,

Financial Overwhelm 
Gather Resources
Deep Relaxation, Overcoming Overwhelm,
Gather Resources Anxiety-Free, Prosperity, Self-Esteem
Belief, Self-Esteem Supercharger, Supercharger, Wealth Motivator, Fearlessness-A
Personal Genius, Talking to Win, Prosperity, Take Action
Seeing the Unseen
Abundant Money Mindset, Finding Treasure,
Take Action Financial Security, Break the Habit
New Action Generator, Focus & Concentration, Persistently Advance
Get Around To It, Power Thinking,
Automatic Pilot, Prosperity, New Behavior
Self-Discipline, Wealth Motivator 
Generator, Soul of Money, You Deserve It!,
Persistently Advance No Matter What!
Self-Discipline, Instantaneous Personal Consistently Achieve
Magnetism, Prosperity, Get Around To It,
Gratitude, Living the Law of Attraction,
Overcoming Overwhelm, Fearlessness-B,
No Matter What!

Consistently Achieve
Peak Performance, Abundant Money Mindset,
Success Built to Last, Conscious Time

Paraliminal Accelerator 128

Health Aging with Vitality
Gather Resources
Perfect Health, Gratitude, Youthful Vitality,
Illness, Disease, Pain
Belief, Five Elements Healing, Fearlessness-A
Gather Resources
Take Action
Perfect Health, Deep Relaxation, Anxiety-Free,
10-Minute Supercharger, New Action
Self-Love, Fearlessness-A, Five Elements Healing
Generator, Instantaneous Personal Magnetism
Take Action
Persistently Advance
Recover & Reenergize, Fresh Start, Ideal Weight
Automatic Pilot, New Behavior Generator,
Persistently Advance Self-Discipline
Break the Habit, New Behavior Generator, Consistently Achieve
10-Minute Supercharger, Fearlessness-B,
Perfect Health, Youthful Vitality,
You Deserve It!
Peak Performance, Euphoria!
Consistently Achieve
Happy for No Reason, Sleep Deeply/Wake
Refreshed, Youthful Vitality, Euphoria! Relationships

Chronic Issues, Fatigue Breakup, Betrayal

Gather Resources Gather Resources 
New History Generator, Letting Go, Belief, Self-Esteem Supercharger, You Deserve It!,
Perfect Health, Five Elements Healing Automatic Pilot, Self-Love

Take Action Take Action

10-Minute Supercharger, Belief, New History Generator, Anxiety-Free,
Recover & Reenergize, Miracle Mindset Letting Go, Positive Relationships-A

Persistently Advance Persistently Advance

New Option Generator, Power Thinking, New Behavior Generator,
New Action Generator, Euphoria! Self-Esteem Supercharger

Consistently Achieve Consistently Achieve

Perfect Health, Deep Relaxation, Gratitude, Fresh Start, New Option Generator,
Youthful Vitality, Sleep Deeply/Wake Refreshed Positive Relationships-B, Creating Sparks,
No Matter What! 129
Challenging Relatives, Friends, or Co-workers Post-Traumatic Stress 
Gather Resources Gather Resources
Seeing the Unseen, Positive Relationships-A, Deep Relaxation, Letting Go, New Option
Self-Esteem Supercharger, Self-Love Generator, Belief, Self-Love, Fearlessness-A

Take Action Take Action

New History Generator, Fresh Start, Letting Go, Fresh Start, New Action Generator,
Gratitude, Fearlessness-A Instantaneous Personal Magnetism,
Automatic Pilot, New History Generator,
Persistently Advance
Overcoming Overwhelm, Dream Play,
Instantaneous Personal Magnetism, Sleep Deeply/Wake Refreshed
New Behavior Generator, New Option
Generator, Positive Relationships-A Persistently Advance
Deep Relaxation, 10-Minute Supercharger,
Consistently Achieve
Self-Esteem Supercharger, Fearlessness-B
Intuition Amplifier, Success Built to Last,
You Deserve It!, No Matter What! Consistently Achieve
Gratitude, Belief, Finding Treasure,
Seeing the Unseen, Five Elements Healing,
Spiritual Growth Euphoria!, No Matter What!

Spiritual Disconnect Grief/Loss

Gather Resources Gather Resources
Letting Go, Fresh Start, Belief, Finding Belief, New Option Generator, Self-Esteem
Treasure, Soul of Money, Seeing the Unseen, Supercharger, Letting Go, Seeing the Unseen,
Simplicity, Self-Love Self-Love, Five Elements Healing

Take Action Take Action

New History Generator, Automatic Pilot, Letting Go, Fresh Start, New Action Generator,
Positive Relationships-B, Living the Law Recover & Reenergize, 10-Minute Supercharger,
of Attraction No Matter What!, Fearlessness-A, Euphoria!

Persistently Advance Persistently Advance

New Action Generator, Gratitude, Automatic Pilot, Focus & Concentration,
Self-Discipline, No Matter What! New Behavior Generator, Intuition Amplifier,
Power Thinking, You Deserve It!
Consistently Achieve
Consistently Achieve
Gratitude, Happy for No Reason,
Five Elements Healing, Euphoria!  Success Built to Last, Gratitude,
Creativity Supercharger, Miracle Mindset,
Youthful Vitality, Fearlessness-B
Paraliminal Accelerator 130
Recommended Listening by Topic
Paraliminals are remarkably versatile. Every session can be used in a multitude of ways depending on
your perspective, your state of mind and emotions, and your precise intention. Allow your intuition
to guide your selections. However, for those times when you are not quite sure which one to choose,
consult this list for quick reference. The recommendations here are based on decades of experience
and the feedback from Paraliminal listeners.

A Focus & Concentration, Perfect Health,

Self-Discipline, Anxiety-Free,
Academic improvement New Behavior Generator
Personal Genius, Memory Supercharger,
Self-Esteem Supercharger, Self-Discipline 
Beliefs, limiting
Break the Habit, New Option Generator, New
Behavior Generator, New History Generator, Belief, Letting Go, New Option Generator,
Self-Love, Five Elements Healing, Fearlessness Finding Treasure, Self-Esteem Supercharger,
Law of Attraction, New Behavior Generator,
Aging Prosperity, Miracle Mindset, Fearlessness,
Youthful Vitality, Belief, Perfect Health, No Matter What!
New Behavior Generator, Fresh Start,
Success Built to Last, Instantaneous Personal
Magnetism, Self-Esteem Supercharger, Self-Esteem Supercharger, Belief, Letting Go,
Five Elements Healing, Euphoria! New History Generator, New Option Generator,
Automatic Pilot, Positive Relationships,
Anger management Self-Love, No Matter What!
Deep Relaxation, Letting Go, Positive
Relationships, New Behavior Generator, Break
the Habit, Self-Discipline, Talking to Win, 10-Minute Supercharger, Youthful Vitality,
Five Elements Healing Creativity Supercharger, New Option Generator,
Personal Genius, Euphoria! 
Anxiety-Free, You Deserve It!,
Get Around To It, Overcoming Overwhelm, C
Five Elements Healing, No Matter What!,
Fearlessness, Euphoria! Career fulfillment
Prosperity, Peak Performance, Conscious Time,
Get Around To It, Success Built to Last, You
Letting Go, Youthful Vitality, Deserve It!, Sales Leap, Intuition Amplifier, 131
Living the Law of Attraction, Talking to Win, New History Generator, Miracle Mindset,
Power Thinking, Wealth Motivator Five Elements Healing

Change Consistency
Letting Go, Fresh Start, New Behavior Self-Discipline, New Action Generator,
Generator, New History Generator, New Option Focus & Concentration, Get Around To It,
Generator, Creativity Supercharger, Dream Play, Automatic Pilot, No Matter What!
Break the Habit, Automatic Pilot,
Miracle Mindset, Fearlessness
Creativity Supercharger, Personal Genius, Deep
Chaos Relaxation, Dream Play, Intuition Amplifier,
Overcoming Overwhelm, Simplicity, Seeing the Unseen, New Behavior Generator  
Miracle Mindset, Deep Relaxation,
Self-Discipline, New History Generator,
Five Elements Healing, Recover & Reenergize D
Charisma, magnetism  Debt, financial concerns
Instantaneous Personal Magnetism, Peak Abundant Money Mindset, Living the Law of
Performance, Self-Esteem Supercharger, Talking Attraction, Prosperity, Financial Security, Soul
to Win, Living the Law of Attraction, Prosperity, of Money, Wealth Motivator, Fearlessness
Creating Sparks, No Matter What!, Euphoria!
Memory Supercharger, Belief, Anxiety-Free,
Power Thinking, Focus & Concentration, Overcoming Overwhelm, Personal Genius,
Simplicity, Overcoming Overwhelm, Finding Happy for No Reason, Perfect Health,
Treasure, Prosperity, Wealth Motivator, Five Self-Esteem Supercharger, Five Elements
Elements Healing Healing, Self-Love
Clutter Depression
Simplicity, Fresh Start, Overcoming Overwhelm, Self-Esteem Supercharger, New History
Get Around To It, Recover & Reenergize Generator, Letting Go, Happy for No Reason,
Fresh Start, Get Around To It, Anxiety-Free,
Self-Love, Five Elements Healing, Euphoria!
Self-Esteem Supercharger, Anxiety-Free, Belief,
Finding Treasure, Miracle Mindset, Destructive, limiting thoughts
Living the Law of Attraction, Peak Performance, Belief, New Option Generator, Self-Esteem
Sales Leap, Instantaneous Personal Magnetism, Supercharger, You Deserve It!, New History
Self-Love, Fearlessness, Wealth Motivator, Generator, Living the Law of Attraction,
No Matter What! Miracle Mindset, Self-Love, No Matter What!,
Fearlessness, Euphoria!, Recover & Reenergize
Conflict resolution
Positive Relationships, Fresh Start, Letting Go,

Paraliminal Accelerator 132

Disorganized Fear of future
Overcoming Overwhelm, Simplicity, Belief, Letting Go, Finding Treasure,
Focus & Concentration, Get Around To It, New History Generator, Anxiety-Free,
Self-Discipline, Five Elements Healing Miracle Mindset, New Option Generator,
You Deserve It!, Fearlessness, No Matter What!
Divorce, breakups  
Belief, Self-Esteem Supercharger, Automatic Financial abundance 
Pilot, New Option Generator, Fresh Start, Abundant Money Mindset, Prosperity,
Positive Relationships, Self-Love, Soul of Money, Living the Law of Attraction,
No Matter What! Financial Security, Gratitude,
Intuition Amplifier, Wealth Motivator
Dreaming, lucid dreaming
Dream Play, Sleep Deeply/Wake Refreshed, Focus
Personal Genius, Finding Treasure Focus & Concentration, Power Thinking,
Fresh Start, Letting Go, Conscious Time,
Memory Supercharger, 10-Minute Supercharger,
E Self-Discipline, Automatic Pilot, Soul of Money

Emotionally closed down Forgiveness, of others

New History Generator, Miracle Mindset, Gratitude, Letting Go, Miracle Mindset,
Self-Esteem Supercharger, Happy for No Reason, Positive Relationships, Self-Love
New Action Generator, Self-Love, Fearlessness,
Five Elements Healing, Euphoria!
Overcoming Overwhelm,
Energy, lack of Focus & Concentration, New Behavior
10-Minute Supercharger, Youthful Vitality, Generator, Simplicity, Instantaneous Personal
Focus & Concentration, Recover & Reenergize, Magnetism, Five Elements Healing
Deep Relaxation, Five Elements Healing

Environment that is supportive 

Simplicity, Overcoming Overwhelm, Prosperity,
Soul of Money, Five Elements Healing  Goal achievement
Conscious Time, Finding Treasure,
New Behavior Generator, Self-Discipline,
F Success Built to Last, New Action Generator,
Miracle Mindset, Get Around To It, Belief,
Fatigue or exhaustion Automatic Pilot, Living the Law of Attraction,
10-Minute Supercharger, Perfect Health, You Deserve It!, Wealth Motivator, Fearlessness
Peak Performance, Recover & Reenergize,
Fresh Start, Deep Relaxation, Five Elements
Healing, Sleep Deeply/Wake Refreshed Gratitude, Five Elements Healing, 133
Happy for No Reason, Euphoria!, You Deserve
It!, Living the Law of Attraction, Soul of Money
Perfect Health, Belief, Smoke-Free, Ideal Weight,
Fresh Start, Belief, New History Generator, New
Prosperity, Self-Love, Five Elements Healing,
Option Generator, New Behavior Generator,
Recover & Reenergize
Self-Love, Five Elements Healing, Euphoria!
Grounding and connecting with nature
Belief, Self-Esteem Supercharger,
Simplicity, Living the Law of Attraction,
Peak Performance, New History Generator,
Gratitude, New Behavior Generator, 10-Minute
Power Thinking, You Deserve It!, Self-Love,
Supercharger, Five Elements Healing, Euphoria!
Fearlessness, No Matter What!
Growth and improvement, continuous 
Increased energy 
New Behavior Generator, Personal Genius,
10-Minute Supercharger, Youthful Vitality,
Miracle Mindset, Get Around To It, Prosperity,
Fresh Start, Deep Relaxation, Prosperity,
New Behavior Generator, Fearlessness,
Five Elements Healing, No Matter What!
Wealth Motivator
Intuition Amplifier, Creativity Supercharger,
H Miracle Mindset, Dream Play, Seeing the
Unseen, Finding Treasure, Fearlessness,
Habitual nonconstructive behaviors
No Matter What!
Break the Habit, New Behavior Generator, New
Option Generator, Belief, Self-Love, Fearlessness,
Five Elements Healing, Euphoria!
Perfect Health, Sleep Deeply/Wake Refreshed,
Belief, Self-Esteem Supercharger, You Deserve It!,
Belief, New Behavior Generator, Ideal Weight,
Gratitude, Instantaneous Personal Magnetism,
Smoke-Free, Break the Habit, Recover &
Letting Go, Self-Love, Fearlessness,
Reenergize, Five Elements Healing, Self-Love,
Five Elements Healing
Fearlessness, Euphoria!
Happy for No Reason, Youthful Vitality,
Personal Genius, Deep Relaxation,
Soul of Money, You Deserve It!, Gratitude,
New Behavior Generator, Belief, Focus &
Holiday Cheer, Miracle Mindset, Self-Love,
Concentration, Self-Discipline, Power Thinking,
Five Elements Healing, Euphoria!
Self-Love, Five Elements Healing,
Recover & Reenergize Judgment of self or others 
Self-Esteem Supercharger, Gratitude,

Paraliminal Accelerator 134

Instantaneous Personal Magnetism,
New Behavior Generator, Positive Relationships,
Self-Love, Five Elements Healing  Meaning and purpose
Belief, Intuition Amplifier, Focus &
Concentration, Success Built to Last, Fresh
L Start, Living the Law of Attraction, Self-Love,
Lack of direction
Focus & Concentration, Fresh Start, Anxiety- Memory
Free, Wealth Motivator, Five Elements Healing, Memory Supercharger, Personal Genius,
No Matter What!, Getting Around To It, Success Focus & Concentration, Five Elements Healing
Built to Last, Living the Law of Attraction,
Creativity Supercharger Motivation 
Belief, Fresh Start, New Action Generator,
Learning habits
Peak Performance, Automatic Pilot, Get Around
Personal Genius, Memory Supercharger, To It, Self-Esteem Supercharger, Focus &
Break the Habit, Self-Discipline, Concentration, Simplicity, You Deserve It!, Self-
Focus & Concentration, Get Around To It, Discipline, Wealth Motivator, No Matter What!
10-Minute Supercharger

New History Generator, Conscious Time,
Positive Relationships, Success Built to Last, Negative people
Living the Law of Attraction, Prosperity, Positive Relationships, Self-Esteem Supercharger,
Financial Security, Soul of Money Fresh Start, New Option Generator, Self-
Letting go Love, Five Elements Healing, New Behavior
Generator, New History Generator, Recover &
Letting Go, Fresh Start, New Option Generator,
Anxiety-Free, Self-Love, Five Elements Healing,
Euphoria! Negative thinking, unproductive thoughts

Life balance Automatic Pilot, New Option Generator,

Letting Go, Fresh Start, Break the Habit,
Overcoming Overwhelm, Anxiety-Free, Deep
Power Thinking, Self-Love, No Matter What!,
Relaxation, Break the Habit, Simplicity, Soul
Fearlessness, Five Elements Healing, New
of Money, Miracle Mindset, Perfect Health,
History Generator, Euphoria!
Prosperity, Five Elements Healing
Negativity, cynicism
Loneliness, isolation 
Gratitude, Break the Habit, Holiday Cheer,
Positive Relationships, Self-Esteem Supercharger,
New Option Generator, Fresh Start, Self-Love,
Creating Sparks, Miracle Mindset, You Deserve
Fearlessness, Euphoria!
It!, Self-Love, Fearlessness, Euphoria! 135
Not knowing what to do 
Seeing the Unseen, Focus & Concentration,
Prosperity, Creativity Supercharger, New Option Regret about the past
Generator, New History Generator, Fearlessness, Letting Go, Fresh Start, New History Generator,
Fresh Start Gratitude, Miracle Mindset, New Option
Generator, Self-Love, No Matter What!

Relationships, business 
Positive Relationships, Miracle Mindset,
Overwhelm  Talking to Win, Sales Leap, Peak Performance,
Overcoming Overwhelm, Simplicity, Success Built to Last, Instantaneous Personal
Recover & Reenergize, Focus & Concentration, Magnetism, New Behavior Generator
Fearlessness, Five Elements Healing 
Relationships, family dynamics  
New History Generator, Positive Relationships,
P You Deserve It!, Holiday Cheer, Letting Go,
Talking to Win, Self-Esteem Supercharger,
Passion Self-Love
Success Built to Last, Miracle Mindset, Relationships, meaningful friendships
Creativity Supercharger, Recover & Reenergize,
Positive Relationships, Belief, Self-Esteem
Soul of Money, Intuition Amplifier, Living the
Supercharger, You Deserve It!, Finding Treasure,
Law of Attraction, You Deserve It!, Creating
Living the Law of Attraction, Self-Love
Sparks, Sales Leap, Prosperity, Self-Love,
Fearlessness, Euphoria! Relationships, romantic
Procrastination Creating Sparks, You Deserve It!, Self-Esteem
Supercharger, Belief, Positive Relationships,
Get Around To It, Self-Discipline, Instantaneous
Instantaneous Personal Magnetism, Prosperity
Personal Magnetism, Self-Esteem Supercharger,
Prosperity, New Behavior Generator, Fearlessness Resistance
Problem solving  Letting Go, New History Generator, Belief,
Automatic Pilot, You Deserve It!, Get Around To
Creativity Supercharger, New Option Generator,
It, Prosperity, Anxiety-Free, Fearlessness
Personal Genius, Power Thinking, Get Around
To It, Seeing the Unseen, Finding Treasure, Rigid, lacking spontaneity
Intuition Amplifier, Wealth Motivator   Creativity Supercharger, Fresh Start, New
Action Generator, Fearlessness, Euphoria!

Paraliminal Accelerator 136

S Smoking
Smoke-Free, Perfect Health, New Option
Self-esteem Generator, Break the Habit, New Behavior
Self-Esteem Supercharger, Belief, Finding Generator, Anxiety-Free, Five Elements Healing
Treasure, You Deserve It!, Gratitude, Self-Love,
Spiritual connection
No Matter What!, Fearlessness, Euphoria!
Gratitude, Miracle Mindset, Belief, Simplicity,
Self-sabotage  Fresh Start, Self-Love, Five Elements Healing,
Automatic Pilot, Belief, New History Generator, Euphoria!
Fresh Start, Happy for No Reason, Get Around
To It, Fearlessness, Recover & Reenergize
Deep Relaxation, Anxiety-Free, Letting
Self-forgiveness Go, Simplicity, Abundant Money Mindset,
Gratitude, Miracle Mindset, Belief, Self-Esteem Sleep Deeply/Wake Refreshed, Self-Esteem
Supercharger, You Deserve It!, Self-Love, No Supercharger, 10-Minute Supercharger, Recover
Matter What! & Reenergize, Youthful Vitality, Overcoming
Overwhelm, Five Elements Healing
Self-Love, Self-Esteem Supercharger, You Deserve Stuck state 
It!, Automatic Pilot, Perfect Health, Five Letting Go, Fresh Start, New Option Generator,
Elements Healing, Youthful Vitality Power Thinking, Fearlessness, Euphoria! 

Self-worth, aka, “deservability”

You Deserve It!, Belief, Self-Esteem Supercharger, T
Finding Treasure, Miracle Mindset, No
Matter What!, Wealth Motivator, Fearlessness, Test-taking skills
Euphoria! Personal Genius, Memory Supercharger, Deep
Skill mastery Relaxation, Power Thinking, New Behavior
Generator, Fearlessness
Self-Discipline, Personal Genius, Power
Thinking, Automatic Pilot, Peak Performance, Time management
Focus & Concentration, Instantaneous Conscious Time, Simplicity, Focus &
Personal Magnetism Concentration, Get Around To It, Self-
Sleep issues Discipline

Sleep Deeply/Wake Refreshed, Deep Relaxation, Trauma

New Behavior Generator, Dream Play, Five Letting Go, Belief, New History Generator,
Elements Healing, Recover & Reenergize Belief, Fresh Start, Recover & Reenergize, Self-
Love, Five Elements Healing, No Matter What!,
Fearlessness, Euphoria! 137
Fresh Start, Letting Go, Belief, You Deserve It!,
Intuition Amplifier, Positive Relationships, Self- Weight loss
Love, No Matter What!, Fearlessness, Self-Esteem Ideal Weight, Self-Esteem Supercharger, New
Supercharger Behavior Generator, New Action Generator,
New History Generator, Perfect Health, Belief,
Self-Discipline, Self-Love, Five Elements
V Healing

Victimhood  Worry
Belief, Fresh Start, New History Generator, Deep Relaxation, Anxiety-Free, Letting
Prosperity, Self-Love, No Matter What!, Five Go, 10-Minute Supercharger, New Option
Elements Healing, Fearlessness, Recover & Generator, Conscious Time, Get Around To It,
Reenergize Fearlessness, Overcoming Overwhelm, Wealth
Motivator, Five Elements Healing, Euphoria!

Paraliminal Accelerator 138

Tools for Lifelong Learning
We offer some of the finest programs to help you maximize your potential and get
the most from life.

Abundance for Life: Trance Breaking, Wealth Making

by Paul R. Scheele

Most of us live in a trance, the illusion of limitation. Paul Scheele will take you on a journey from
your familiar world to follow your hopes and dreams. You will free up energy as you awaken anew
into a world of abundance, power, and possibility.

The markedly innovative course has 24 audio recordings including four Paraliminal sessions and
seven meditations. You also receive a breakthrough video with hours of supportive material and a
thorough course manual. You will learn the secrets to having things you want miraculously appear
as well as the mental processes that make it happen for you. While you can finish the course in a
couple of weeks, you could study its principles for a lifetime.

PhotoReading: Use Your Whole Mind to Read

with Speed, Comprehension, and Enjoyment
by Paul R. Scheele

Experience how mentally photographing the printed page turns your mind into an information
sponge. You learn new ways of processing information to give you an edge in today’s world where
knowledge is currency. As a beginning PhotoReader you will get through your reading at least three
times faster than you can now—without the stress of speed reading. Hundreds of thousands have
already used the self-study course or attended the PhotoReading seminar.

The PhotoReading whole mind system allows you to get your reading done in the time you have at
a level of comprehension you need. You can be more knowledgeable, improve your job skills, ease
your workload, earn more money, and supercharge your memory.

Genius Code: Guiding You into the Realm of Genius

by Paul R. Scheele with Win Winger, Ph.D.

Your powerful inner mind talks to your conscious mind through a steady stream of images. Break
the code of these messages to boost your IQ, solve any problem, accelerate learning, recognize
golden opportunities, and supercharge your intuition.

Mind development pioneer Win Wenger and Paul Scheele teamed up in this fascinating exploration
into the human mind to bring you useful and practical applications that can benefit you
immediately and for a lifetime. 139
Future Mapping: Turn Imagination into Reality
by Paul R. Scheele, Ph.D., and Masanori Kanda

Paul R. Scheele and Masanori Kanda help you free your powerful imagination to immediately
generate ideas, find solutions, and spark creativity in ways that make a difference in every area of
your life. Future Mapping helps you draw on the motivating resources of your inner genius mind to
take the effort out of achieving your goals.

Using the unexpected power of altruism, self-sabotaging self-interest drops away, giving rise to
unexpressed potential. As you capture your conscious and nonconscious thoughts together in one
unique Future Mapping chart, you reduce interference from your limited conscious mind and get
relevant, practical, and creative insights for your goals.

This elegant process helps you creatively transform your thinking into concrete action plans. And it
works equally well for the smallest task and your most ambitious dream.

Memory Optimizer: A Fun, Bold Approach to Vastly

Improve Your Memory
by Vera Birkenbihl with Paul R. Scheele

Improve your memory with a unique approach using Vera F. Birkenbihl’s “The Birkenbihl Method”
and Paul R. Scheele’s “Paraliminal Learning.” Concepts and practical processes such as Intelligent
Gap Management, the Inner Archive, Memory Pyramid, and the Anchorman List coupled with 57
memory tricks will give strength to your memory and ability to learn.

Whether your needs are personal, professional, academic, technical, or anti-aging, use this personal
learning course to optimize your memory long into your future. Memory Optimizer includes ten
audio recordings, a 74-page course manual, and the Memory Optimizer Paraliminal session.

Diamond Feng Shui: Balance, Harmony, Good Fortune

by Marie Diamond with Paul R. Scheele

Universal energy continuously flows in and around our homes and workplaces. Learn to attract
positive energy and deflect negative energy so that you experience fortune and happiness in the four
main areas of living: success, health, relationships, and spiritual growth.

Feng Shui master Marie Diamond shows how universal energy responds to you personally, including
how a room with good Feng Shui actually stimulates your brain to access desirable alpha brain waves.
You also learn how to energize your home and workplace, reduce stagnant energy, and harness a type
of dynamic energy that ebbs and flows over time.

Marie Diamond and Paul Scheele have sculpted a way to apply complex information easily to
your home and office. This unique combination of Paul’s brain-friendly curriculum and Marie’s
astounding system allows you to effectively add layer after layer of good Feng Shui to your life.

Paraliminal Accelerator 140

Diamond Dowsing: Ancient Secrets, Modern Solutions
by Marie Diamond

Energy emanates from the earth’s core 24 hours a day. How the energy reaches you determines whether
it has a positive or negative impact. Druids, high priests, and shamans used this age-old knowledge to
enlighten and inform kings, guide armies, locate natural resources, pinpoint the perfect location for
palaces and cathedrals, and alleviate pain and sickness.

Feng Shui master Marie Diamond reveals how you can use this same knowledge today to determine
how the earth’s energy and the energy created by electricity, machinery, and cell phones affect you.
Learn how to use dowsing rods, interpret their movements, and take appropriate action so you can
neutralize stressed energy and amplify positive energy for your greater success, health, and well-
being. The course includes three videos, one audio recording with meditations and a Paraliminal,
and your own set of dowsing rods.

Effortless Success: Living the Law of Attraction

by Jack Canfield with Paul R. Scheele

We create our lives, with every thought every minute of every day. The keys are to ask, believe, and
receive. Best-selling author and transformational leader Jack Canfield translates these general principles
into specific daily practices to help you create the life you want now. He guides you in three powerful
courses. In Activating the Law of Attraction you learn how to get from where you are to where you want
to be. In Integrating the Law of Attraction you discover how to deal with obstacles that stand between you
and your dreams. In Applying the Law of Attraction you create breakthroughs in your health, relationships,
personal growth, and success.

Sonic Access: Instantly Transform

Through the Power of Sound
by Paul R. Scheele and Paul Hoffman

Access powerful vibrational frequencies to align your body’s energy system and quickly create
significant and lasting change in virtually every area of your life. This extraordinary program brings
together Paul Scheele’s unique Paraliminal technology, the cutting-edge audio frequencies of Holosync,
and the energy principles and sounds of Diamond Feng Shui and Spring Forest Qigong, all wrapped
up into the transformative music of Paul Hoffman.

Four unique Paraliminal Meditations offer you an amazing portal to greater success, richer
relationships, balanced health, and spiritual growth. Sonic Access supports you energetically to help
stabilize your intentions, build your internal connections, and attract the resources you need to
move your thoughts into positive actions and results. 141
Sonic Access Four Seasons:
Tap Nature’s Cycle of Abundance
by Paul R. Scheele and Paul Hoffman

Leverage the transformative energies of nature to quickly shift your energy and free your infinite
spirit to excel and prosper. Paul Scheele’s extraordinary Paraliminal Meditations draw on the wisdom
of Masters Chunyi Lin, Marie Diamond, and Jeddah Mali to help you understand the subtle
influences at work in our benevolent universe. Wrapped in the beautiful music of Paul Hoffman, the
vivid imagery, words, and powerful audio frequencies—including the ancient Solfeggio tones—help
you ride the waves of energy that each season brings to manifest the life you want.

Natural Brilliance:
Move from Feeling Stuck to Achieving Success
by Paul R. Scheele

Unshackle blocks that have held you back. In this uniquely powerful course, Paul Scheele helps
you understand how being stuck undermines your brilliance. See how you might be living with the
model of failure instead of the model of success.

You will move from feeling stuck to achieving success with four simple steps you do in your mind.
As a result, stress drains away, proverbial mountains shrink to molehills, goals soar to achievement,
relationships become more meaningful, and life becomes smoother and more fulfilling. Your course
includes six Paraliminal learning sessions to make the steps of Natural Brilliance automatic and help
you spontaneously move through limitations as they arise in the future.

Aura Seeing:
Experience the luminous world beyond ordinary sight
by Brian Osborne

Everything in existence—every person, animal, plant, and object—generates an energetic field or

aura. In this fascinating interactive program, teacher and healer Brian Osborne helps you reconnect
with your natural ability to see this life energy, Qi, giving you a clearer, more complete picture of
the world around you including the people in your life.

Brian integrates ancient Eastern and Western shamanic traditions with modern science in ways that
are easy to follow and fun to do. Vivid meditations help you enter a state of profound relaxation,
while clearing your energetic field to see auras more clearly. Gazing diagrams and exercises train your
physical eyes to see energy and help open your “third” eye. As you learn to trust your perception of
what is normally outside of conscious awareness, you gain practical benefits in your daily life and
the amazing gift of seeing the beauty of the luminous, moving energy.

Paraliminal Accelerator 142

Personal Celebration
by Paul R. Scheele

Gain purpose and satisfaction in your life. You will meet dozens of friendly people who give you
pleasant, life-affirming messages. As a result you are happier, more prosperous, and fulfilled.

Pure Energy: All Day Long, All Life Long

By Deirdre Hade

Vivid imagery, beautiful music, and healing sounds form the eight 5-minute meditations of Radiance
Pure Energy from spiritual teacher, mystic, and healer Deirdre Hade. Her teachings and meditations
help you create a powerful energetic foundation of deep integration, peace, and connection to your
higher self, the people you love, and your life purpose. This will help you greet each day with a vibrant
outlook and meet every challenge and opportunity with greater focus, enthusiasm, and joy.

This easy-to-use program includes meditations for your day (Morning Five Minutes, Rebalancer,
Bedtime) and for your life (Abundance, Health, Relationships, Environment, Spiritual Expansion), so
you can tap the pure love that emanates from your heart and live harmoniously with pure energy.

Euphoria! The Gift of a Healthy,

Balanced, and Energetic Life
by Paul R. Scheele, Hale Dwoskin, D. Trinidad Hunt, Chunyi Lin, Bill Harris,
and Rex Stevens Sikes
Six experts come together to help you experience a natural, euphoric high. Learn to enter, at will, a
sense of inner calm. Experience joyful flowing with the events around you. Feel blissful happiness,
love, rapture, and peace of mind.

Paul Scheele presents a Paraliminal session, Hale Dwoskin teaches The Sedona Method for
euphoria, D. Trinidad Hunt helps you find purpose, Chunyi Lin presents a Spring Forest Qigong
meditation, Bill Harris gives you a Holosync experience, and Rex Steven Sikes takes you on a ride
with the Attitude Activator—all giving you the gift of a healthful, balanced, and energetic life.

Million Dollar Vocabulary:

Sharpen Your Verbal Edge for Success
by J. Michael Bennett, Ph.D., with Paul R. Scheele

Breakthrough processes help you learn 600 new words to use naturally in everyday life. People with
a strong vocabulary are thought to be smarter and more capable, which is why they are generally
given all of the breaks and earn the most money. See how your vocabulary will grow from the very
first listening. 143
This vocabulary builder consists of ten vocabulary lessons and two Paraliminals, and a 64-page playbook.
The playbook supports the lessons with quizzes and crossword puzzles, tips for expanding your vocabulary,
and an extensive glossary. The Paraliminal learning sessions imprint the words and their meanings directly to
your brain.

Paraliminal Walkabout:
Step Into the Genius Resources of Your Mind
by Paul R. Scheele, Ph.D., and David Rubenstein, Ph.D.

Turn an everyday walk into a profound personal growth experience. Paraliminal Walkabout
combines the power of the Paraliminal human performance technology with specific walking and
breathing strategies to help you build a mind-body connection for enhancing all areas of your
life—physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. Benefit from this super-learning state with four
individual Paraliminal Walkabouts included with this course: Abundance, Health Boost, Creative
Thinking, and Quiet Mind.

Boundless Renewal: Embrace the Power of

Reflection to Rejuvenate, Attract, and Achieve
by Bernie Saunders with Paul R. Scheele

Don’t let the speed of life get the best of you. Rescue yourself from feeling overwhelmed, burned
out, disengaged, or out of control with Bernie Saunders and Paul Scheele’s Boundless Renewal. Use
these breakthrough insights and strategies to bring greater emotional, intellectual, and spiritual
balance to your life.

Your course includes six audio sessions, including a Paraliminal learning session, a comprehensive 56-
page course manual, a journal, and a special package that holds the secrets to boundless renewal. See
what happens when you shift your life’s focus from the ever ticking clock to something more valuable.

Resiliency: The Power to Bounce Back

by Al Siebert, Ph.D., with Paul R. Scheele

Use Resiliency strategies to overcome adversity and thrive in most circumstances. Get both the edge
to handle life’s annoyances and setbacks as well as confidence to deal powerfully with cataclysmic
events. Al Siebert and Paul Scheele help you build mental and emotional flexibility to turn
misfortune into good fortune.

Paraliminal Accelerator 144

Clear Mind ~ Bright Future: Goal Setting
with Focus, Energy, and Achievement
by Paul R. Scheele

Bring your hopes and dreams into reality with this unique interactive program you can do on your
computer. In just a couple of hours, international learning expert Paul Scheele will help you discover
your guiding purpose in life, sort out what you really want, create a workable path, and get you on
your way to manifesting your hopes and dreams. Life is too short to wait a minute longer!

Happy for No Reason: 7 Steps to Being

Happy from the Inside Out
by Marci Shimoff

Deep and lasting happiness doesn’t depend on your circumstances. It just bubbles up from within…
for no reason at all. In this breakthrough course, best-selling author and transformational teacher
Marci Shimoff shows you the specific practices to raise your happiness set-point, so you can become
happy for no reason and live the life of your dreams now.

You’ll be guided through the seven steps to being happy from the inside out. And the natural result
is greater success, wealth, and health, and more fulfilling relationships. You don’t have to win the
lottery, lose weight, or have happy genes. No matter where you’re starting from, this powerful
approach will show you how to experience true happiness for the rest of your life.

No Matter What! Stepping into Your Greatness

by Lisa Nichols

Finding your passion and living your dreams becomes an exciting adventure in this transformational
course. Breakthrough specialist Lisa Nichols helps you step into your greatness. Lisa will guide you
to the top of your mountain where you can sing your song, dance your dance, and exercise your
personal power so you can experience the peace, prosperity, and happiness you deserve.

Through inspirational stories, thought-provoking messages, and practical self-work activities, you
will bounce back from setbacks faster, step fully into your authentic power, remove limitation, and
push back any fear. Learn to use your inner coach to make better decisions and create dynamic and
fulfilling relationships with important people in your life—including yourself. You can move and
inspire other people and really make difference in the world—no matter what! 145
Diamond Hexagrams:
Ancient Symbols to Expand Your Life
by Marie Diamond

The I Ching is the world’s oldest and most revered system of personal guidance and prophecy, unveiling
the balance between heaven, human, and earth energy. Diamond Hexagrams reveals its use as a code for
manifestation. Feng Shui master Marie Diamond shows you how you can apply the complex system of
symbols called hexagrams to adjust the energy that flows into your space. You will clarify and uplift your
life purpose… increase the flow of abundance in your life… enhance your career and business success…
improve your health and well-being… create more loving and fulfilling relationships… discover greater
peace and contentment… change the “energetic direction” of your home.

Numerology: Know your numbers, know your self

by Gordon Taylor Spowart

Everything in the universe can be expressed in terms of numbers. In fact, the numbers of your birth
and those associated with your name energetically influence every aspect of your life, from your career
and passions to your health and relationships.

Numbers embody specific attributes, traits, and challenges. They describe your personality, talents, and
skills, and the way you approach your daily life. Understanding how numbers work can make your life
flow with greater ease and effectiveness so you achieve the success you desire.

Numerology helps you understand the nine basic lessons you are here to learn and the role “karma,”
the cosmic principle of destiny, plays in your life. Numerologist Gordon Taylor Spowart teaches you
how to uncover your lessons—or numbers—and create a Reading Chart that can help guide the
choices and actions you take in pursuit of your goals and dreams.

Paraliminal Resets:
Life is easier in the right frame of mind
by Paul R. Scheele, Ph.D.

The Resets help you quickly shift from one frame of mind to another, from one mood to another,
giving you maximum choice about how you feel so you can access full resourcefulness on demand.
Choose the emotional state that supports you when you need it—Calm, Focus, Adventurous,
Radiance, or Success—and accomplish what you truly want with greater ease, joy, and satisfaction.

Learning Strategies Corporation

Innovating ways for you to experience your potential
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Paraliminal Accelerator 146

Round 1, Phase 1
My Goals
Minimum _______________________________________________________________________________________________
Target _________________________________________________________________________________________________
Outstanding _____________________________________________________________________________________________
*If your goal is to achieve your optimal weight or live smoke-free, see Pages 19, 20, 31, and 32.
How close am I to attaining my goal?
How close am
(Solutions I toScale)
Focus attaining my goal? (Solutions Focus Scale)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

chose a anumber
and not
andlower because:
not lower because: __________________________________________________________

10-Minute Supercharger
p Day 1 Purpose: I recharge my energy to accomplish what I choose.

How do you want to feel after listening?

New History Generator–A

p Day 2 Purpose: I transform emotions and memories that block me so I may let go of the past and begin a new
life today.

1) If there is an experience that limits you or a negative 3) What would you be able to achieve with this new
emotion from your history that gets in your way of positive emotion in your life?
achieving your goal, what is it?

2) How would you like to feel instead?

p Day 3 Purpose: I open the flow of abundance in my life so I may create the success I desire.

1) How would increasing abundance in any one area of 3) If you could experience the ideal right now, would you
your life help you achieve your goal? choose to have it?

2) What would the ideal situation be for you in this area of

your life?

p Day 4 Purpose: I gain freedom from fears, project strength, and discover the courage to claim my desires.

If you could change any fear into power, what would you
achieve that could help you attain your goal?
p Day 5 Purpose: I boldly step forward into a richer and more successful life so I may gain freedom and strength
to create my future.

If you could change any fear into power, what would you
achieve that could help you attain your goal?

Ideal Weight–A
p Day 6 Purpose: I establish an excellent relationship with my body so I may feel good about my body and live at
my ideal weight naturally.

How can a healthy relationship with your body help you *Ideal Weight and Smoke-Free Living goal achievers,
achieve your goal? see additional questions on Pages 31 and 32, respectively.

Personal Genius
p Day 7 Purpose: I accelerate my learning to secure the achievement of my goal.

What knowledge do you want to acquire or what skills do

you need to develop to achieve your goal?

p Day 8 Purpose: I eliminate self-defeating beliefs that prevent me from attaining my goal.

1) What is one self-limiting belief you sense you need to 3) What will this enable you to achieve?

2) When you change this self-limiting belief, to which new

personal abilities will you have access?

p Day 9 Purpose: I create and strengthen self-empowering beliefs in my abilities so I may achieve my desires.

1) What is a self-enhancing belief you desire to incorporate 3) What will you be giving up when you adopt this new
into your life right now? belief?

2) What will this belief assist you in having, doing, or being? 4) Are you sure this is acceptable to you?

Get Around To It–A

p Day 10 Purpose: I eliminate procrastination and take action toward success.

1) In what area of your life are you choosing to break 2) What is the end result you desire to achieve?
through and gain momentum?
Round 1, Phase 2
My Goals
Minimum _______________________________________________________________________________________________
Target _________________________________________________________________________________________________
Outstanding _____________________________________________________________________________________________
*If your goal is to achieve your optimal weight or live smoke-free, see Pages 19, 20, 31, and 32.
How close am I to attaining my goal?
How close am
(Solutions I toScale)
Focus attaining my goal? (Solutions Focus Scale)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

chose a anumber
and not
andlower because:
not lower because: __________________________________________________________

New History Generator–B

p Day 11 Purpose: I appraise my progress and become my best support system for success.

1) What positive changes did you realize today? 3) How would you like your day to go tomorrow?

2) Is there anything you would like to improve?

Sales Leap
p Day 12 Purpose: I present a positive first impression to others and perform with the winning attitude and skills
of the top performers.

1) What performance skill would you like to enhance or 3) Think of an upcoming situation when you will be
strengthen during this session? demonstrating your skills. How will that success serve

2) What would you like to say, do, or feel as you interact

with others?

Ideal Weight–B
p Day 13 Purpose: I create a positive awareness of myself and my eating choices and consistently make choices that
serve me well in attaining and maintaining my ideal weight.

1) What situation around eating food has recently been a 2) How would you like to behave in this situation–a way of
problem for you, or might be a problem for you in the dealing with it that would lead to your ideal weight?
near future?

Youthful Vitality
p Day 14 Purpose: I enjoy the creative energy and vitality of youth so I may flow successfully into the attainment
of my goal.

What is one quality of youthfullness you would like to

New Behavior Generator–B
p Day 15 Purpose: I program my mind for goal attainment and adopt the behaviors of those who are successful at
what I want to achieve.

1) What new behaviors will help lead you to your goal? 2) Who do you know that consistently models and
demonstrates the behaviors you want?

Get Around To It–B

p Day 16 Purpose: I focus on what needs to be done, creating a burning desire from within.

1) What tasks are there to complete in order to achieve 3) Is it worth it?
your goal? (Keep it as simple as possible.)

4) What is a reasonable time in which you will achieve

2) What is the real, bottom line benefit to reaching your your goal?

Peak Performance–A
p Day 17 Purpose: I spark motivation to tackle any project, task, or responsibility and reinforce the attitudes and
behaviors that create superior levels of performance.

What could you do now to strengthen and raise your level of

performance to help you achieve your goal?

Memory Supercharger
p Day 18 Purpose: I build confidence in the inner workings of my mind.

In what situations would you like to demonstrate improved

memory and recall?

Peak Performance–B
p Day 19 Purpose: I rise to my personal best and achieve long-lasting results.

1) Could you allow yourself to perform at your highest 3) When will you allow yourself to attain your highest
level? performance?

2) Would you allow yourself to have this highest level of


New Behavior Generator–A

p Day 20 Purpose: I break through counter-productive behaviors and align every part of me with success.

What do you do to keep yourself from achieving your goal?

Round 1, Phase 3
My Goals
Minimum _______________________________________________________________________________________________
Target _________________________________________________________________________________________________
Outstanding _____________________________________________________________________________________________
*If your goal is to achieve your optimal weight or live smoke-free, see Pages 19, 20, 31, and 32.
How close am I to attaining my goal?
How close am
(Solutions I toScale)
Focus attaining my goal? (Solutions Focus Scale)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

chose a anumber
and not
andlower because:
not lower because: __________________________________________________________

New History Generator–B

p Day 21 Purpose: I appraise my progress and become my best support system for success.

1) What positive changes did you realize today? 3) How would you like your day to go tomorrow?

2) Is there anything you would like to improve?

Dream Play–A
p Day 22 Purpose: I enhance contact with my inner mind and dream world, and I profit from remembering my

What would you like your dreaming mind to achieve for

you as you sleep and dream?

Automatic Pilot–A
p Day 23 Purpose: I specify exactly what I want, and I get my inner resources to back me up.

1) Is your goal what you, personally, really want? 3) Are you willing to do whatever it takes, for as long as it
takes to have it?

2) Can you get deeply involved in it without having to

pressure yourself?

Automatic Pilot–B
p Day 24 Purpose: I lock in success by eliminating negative self-talk and vaporizing self-sabotage.

What are the challenges you will face while accomplishing

your goal?
Talking to Win–A
p Day 25 Purpose: I listen to and speak with others naturally and confidently, communicating with ease in any

1) Identify a future speaking opportunity. How would you 2) If you act and feel the way you want to in that setting,
like to feel and act when talking with others? what would be a small concrete indicator of your

Talking to Win–B
p Day 26 Purpose: I speak effectively and comfortably in group settings, and I deliver my presentations with

1) Could you allow yourself to become a masterful 2) Are you willing to allow yourself to be a masterful
presenter? presenter? If so, when?

Self-Esteem Supercharger
p Day 27 Purpose: I support my success with profound confidence, because I am my own best friend and coach.

1) On what issue in your life have you been judgmental 2) How will it feel when you are more compassionate,
and self-castigating? forgiving, and supportive of yourself, regardless of the
results you produce?

Positive Relationships–A
p Day 28 Purpose: I maintain positive relationships while I resolve problems through effective communication.

1) What conflict with another person would you like to 3) What is at risk for the other person?
resolve that would help you move closer to your goal?

4) What do you want instead, for you and the other

2) What is at risk for you in this conflict? person?

Break the Habit–A

p Day 29 Purpose: I recognize and prepare to release habits that do not support my success, and I locate inner
resources that enhance my personal power.

1) What specific habit or addictive behavior do you want 2) What does this freer, richer life look like, sound like,
to focus on during this listening session? and feel like?

Break the Habit–B

p Day 30 Purpose: I release negative impulses, and I replace unwanted behaviors with life-enhancing ones so I may
respond positively to my daily challenges.

1) What object, situation, or internal need triggered the 2) What is the positive, life-enhancing future that you have
unwanted behavior? chosen to live?
Round 1, Phase 4
My Goals
Minimum _______________________________________________________________________________________________
Target _________________________________________________________________________________________________
Outstanding _____________________________________________________________________________________________
*If your goal is to achieve your optimal weight or live smoke-free, see Pages 19, 20, 31, and 32.
How close am I to attaining my goal?
How close am
(Solutions I toScale)
Focus attaining my goal? (Solutions Focus Scale)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

chose a anumber
and not
andlower because:
not lower because: __________________________________________________________

New History Generator–B

p Day 31 Purpose: I appraise my progress and become my best support system for success.

1) What positive changes did you realize today? 3) How would you like your day to go tomorrow?

2) Is there anything you would like to improve?

Perfect Health
p Day 32 Purpose: I align my mind and body for self-healing and well-being.

1) In what areas of your physical or emotional experience 3) Has your body been trying to tell you something? If so,
would you like to achieve perfect health? what?

2) Can you remember a time in your life when you really 4) Are you willing to do whatever it takes to achieve perfect
felt good, strong, and healthy? health?

Instantaneous Personal Magnetism

p Day 33 Purpose: I turn on poise, charm, and sex appeal so that I may make a positive initial impression on those
I meet.

1) How might you be dissipating the natural magnetic 3) What is a characteristic of a person with strong magnetic
energies within you? qualities that you would most like to emulate today and
instill as a habit of living for yourself?

2) Where might these leakages be occurring in you?

Dream Play–B
p Day 34 Purpose: I become more conscious of my dreams while dreaming so I may use them to develop myself.

1) What do you desire from your dream state tonight that 2) Whether you are dreaming for fun or pleasure, what is it
will give you insight into achieving your goal? you want to dream about, what dream do you request?

Creating Sparks
p Day 35 Purpose: I automatically increase the quality of my thoughts and emotions to create more fun, mystery,
adventure, and sizzle in my life.

1) With whom in your life would you like to create sparks? 2) What exactly is it that you want in your relationship? Is
it more attraction, fun, excitement, romance?

New Option Generator–A

p Day 36 Purpose: I respond creatively to challenges that stopped me in the past, and I discover the path of least
resistance to success.

What one issue regarding your goal do you want new

options for?

New Option Generator–B

p Day 37 Purpose: I resolve issues with new solutions and choices, and I take action to consistently win.

What one issue regarding your goal do you want new

options for?

Deep Relaxation
p Day 38 Purpose: I enjoy profound and rejuvenating relaxation.

How do you want to feel when you are done listening to

this session?

Holiday Cheer
p Day 39 Purpose: I capture the feelings of a holiday spirit and transform any day into a celebration of life.

What do you believe you can achieve in life as you express

the true essence of your personal power and fully live your
life today?

New History Generator–B

p Day 40 Purpose: I appraise my progress and become my best support system for success.

1) What positive changes did you realize today? 3) How would you like your day to go tomorrow?

2) Is there anything you would like to improve?

Round 2, Phase 1
My Goals
Minimum _______________________________________________________________________________________________
Target _________________________________________________________________________________________________
Outstanding _____________________________________________________________________________________________

How close am I to attaining my goal?

How close am
(Solutions I toScale)
Focus attaining my goal? (Solutions Focus Scale)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

chose a anumber
and not
andlower because:
not lower because: __________________________________________________________

Fresh Start
p Day 1 Purpose: I consciously align my innermost intentions with the thoughts, feelings, and actions that will
make certain their outcome.

What negative emotion or behavior pattern would you

choose to release or meet with greater kindness, acceptance,
or love so you could move forward on your goal?

Living the Law of Attraction

p Day 2 Purpose: I attract what I need to achieve my goals and make my life better in every way by raising my
physical, emotional, and mental energy.

1) In what area would you like to raise your vibration to 1) What person do you know who models the high
support your goal—physically, emotionally, or mentally vibration that you would like to experience?
and spiritually?

Success Built to Last

p Day 3 Purpose: I live fully engaged in each moment, doing what I love every single day.

1) What fills you with deep satisfaction or is most 2) What are you choosing to get really good at?
meaningful for you?

Abundant Money Mindset

p Day 4 Purpose: I eliminate old self-limiting stories about money and establish a new, beneficial mindset that
acknowledges my value and worthiness to receive abundance.

1) What old stories, beliefs, and wounds from your past 1) How would you feel, act, and speak if you approached
prevent you from recognizing your own value and keep your goal from an abundant and expanded mindset?
you from claiming your success?

2) What current thoughts, fears, and doubts are preventing

you from taking action toward your goal?
p Day 5 Purpose: I deliberately design my life in a way that calms my mind and body and brings me greater
freedom, love, and passion.

1) In what area of life do you feel overly burdened or 2) If you could discover a way to unburden this area of
pressured, which may be preventing your success? your life and live with greater simplicity, freedom, and
joy, would you choose to do so?

Personal Genius
p Day 6 Purpose: I accelerate my learning to secure the achievement of my goal.

What knowledge do you want to acquire or what skills do

you need to develop to achieve your goal?

Sleep Deeply/Wake Refreshed

p Day 7 Purpose: I wake refreshed and energized, ready to tap the perfect guidance bubbling deep within,
and I fall asleep easily and sleep soundly as I reconnect with the dynamic source of healing, balance,
pMorning pEvening and well-being available to me.

Morning: Wake Refreshed Evening: Sleep Deeply

What will you choose to do to make your day spectacular? 1) What in your day worked to expand your success?

2) What occasions or events caused you to feel contracted,

and how could you do things differently?

Break the Habit–A

p Day 8 Purpose: I recognize and prepare to release habits that do not support my success, and I locate inner
resources that will help me find greater serenity, peace, and personal power.

1) What is the specific habit or addictive behavior you 3) What does this freer, richer life look like, sound like,
want to move beyond during this listening session? and feel like?

2) Would you allow the past to be over and step into a life
of new possibility?

Finding Treasure
p Day 9 Purpose: I effortlessly act upon the opportunities that favor my life with prosperity, happiness, and all
forms of treasure.

What treasure do you choose to claim as yours—the

reward you desire to discover and enjoy today?

You Deserve It!

p Day 10 Purpose: I affirm my inherent worthiness within and define my success as I desire.

1) Are you willing to bring your unique expression of 2) What would you choose to have your life look like as
greatness into the world? you live fully, making a difference in the world?
Round 2, Phase 2
My Goals
Minimum _______________________________________________________________________________________________
Target _________________________________________________________________________________________________
Outstanding _____________________________________________________________________________________________

How close am I to attaining my goal?

How close am
(Solutions I toScale)
Focus attaining my goal? (Solutions Focus Scale)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

chose a anumber
and not
andlower because:
not lower because: __________________________________________________________

Power Thinking
p Day 11 Purpose: I engage my ingenious mind to express my talents and creativity in extraordinary ways.

1) What specific result would you like to produce? 2) Are you willing to explore new habits of thought that
lead to this result?

New Action Generator–A

p Day 12 Purpose: I generate the willpower for making winning choices that support my highest good and benefit
those around me.

1) What new action are you choosing to take today and 2) As you approach the opportunity to take this action,
when would you take it? what rewards can you anticipate?

New Action Generator–B

p Day 13 Purpose: I reaffirm and recommit myself to my chosen course of action to achieve my goal and the life I

1) What new action are you choosing to take today? 2) What small or epic win can you anticipate achieving?

Miracle Mindset
p Day 14 Purpose: I maintain a miracle mindset that helps me thrive in life and succeed in every way.

1) Which attribute will you strengthen in the next 24 3) What will you accomplish using your newly
hours to help you accomplish your goal? (Choose only strengthened miracle mindset?

2) What person is an excellent role model for this attribute?

Happy for No Reason
p Day 15 Purpose: I develop habits that spontaneously bring me greater happiness in every area of my life.

Are you ready to be happy for no reason, to connect to the

pure joy and peace that is your natural state?

Financial Security
p Day 16 Purpose: I create new habits that help me achieve my goal and meet the financial accomplishments of my
ideal future.

1) What is one situation that may be compromising your 2) What one small next step or action could you take to
financial security and preventing you from achieving handle this situation and move toward the success you
your goal? envision?

Conscious Time
p Day 17 Purpose: I intentionally direct my time and my life energy in ways that help me fulfill my passions and

In what ways today can you reclaim your power and

consciously choose to invest your time so you can achieve
what you want?

New Behavior Generator–B

p Day 18 Purpose: I program my mind for goal attainment and adopt the behaviors of those who are successful at
what I want to achieve.

1) What new behaviors will help lead you to your goal? 2) Who do you know that consistently models and
demonstrates the behaviors you want?

Peak Performance–A
p Day 19 Purpose: I reinforce attitudes and behaviors that create superior levels of performance.

What could you do now to strengthen and raise your level

of performance to help you achieve your goal?

Peak Performance–B
p Day 20 Purpose: I rise to my personal best and achieve long-lasting results.

1) Could you allow yourself to perform at your highest 3) When will you allow yourself to attain your highest
level? performance?

2) Would you allow yourself to have this highest level of

Round 2, Phase 3
My Goals
Minimum _______________________________________________________________________________________________
Target _________________________________________________________________________________________________
Outstanding _____________________________________________________________________________________________

How close am I to attaining my goal?

How close am
(Solutions I toScale)
Focus attaining my goal? (Solutions Focus Scale)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

chose a anumber
and not
andlower because:
not lower because: __________________________________________________________

Get Around To It–B

p Day 21 Purpose: I focus on what needs to be done, creating a burning desire from within.

1) What is another task you must complete to achieve your 2) What is a reasonable time in which you will achieve this
goal? task?

Overcoming Overwhelm
p Day 22 Purpose: I access a reservoir of inner strength to effectively and efficiently accomplish what needs to be
done with calmness and clarity.

1) What current circumstances do you want to move 2) What new choices do you want to make?

New Option Generator–A

p Day 23 Purpose: I respond creatively to challenges that stopped me in the past, and I discover the path of least
resistance to success.

For what one issue regarding your goal do you want to

experience new options?

New Option Generator–B

p Day 24 Purpose: I resolve issues with new solutions and choices, and I take action to consistently win.

What is the new option you choose to put into action

Focus & Concentration
p Day 25 Purpose: I deliberately focus on the one thing I can do at any given moment today to achieve the greatest
reward for my efforts.

What things can you do more of to achieve your goal? Or,

what things can you stop doing that are not consistent
with achieving your goal?

p Day 26 Purpose: I follow through on the things I need to do to effectively accomplish my goal.

1) Why is this goal important to you? 2) How will working toward this goal complement your

Seeing the Unseen

p Day 27 Purpose: I harness remarkable powers of observation and inquiry to guide all my decisions and actions.

What positive affirmation motivates and inspires you to

achieve your goal?

Positive Relationships–B
p Day 28 Purpose: I attract and nurture positive relationships that support and strengthen me.

1) What feelings of fear, lack, or limitation do you most 3) What are you willing to give and what are you expecting
need to overcome regarding how you relate to others? to receive in your relationship?

2) What is the ideal situation you would like in a

supportive relationship?

Dream Play–A
p Day 29 Purpose: I enhance contact with my inner mind and dream world, and I profit from remembering my

What would you like your dreaming mind to achieve for

you as you sleep and dream?

New History Generator–B

p Day 30 Purpose: I appraise my progress and become my best support system for success.

1) What positive changes did you realize today? 3) How would you like your day to go tomorrow?

2) Is there anything you would like to improve?

Round 2, Phase 4
My Goals
Minimum _______________________________________________________________________________________________
Target _________________________________________________________________________________________________
Outstanding _____________________________________________________________________________________________

How close am I to attaining my goal?

How close am
(Solutions I toScale)
Focus attaining my goal? (Solutions Focus Scale)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

chose a anumber
and not
andlower because:
not lower because: __________________________________________________________

Instantaneous Personal Magnetism

p Day 31 Purpose: I turn on poise, charm, and sex appeal so I may make a positive initial impression on those I

1) How might you be dissipating the natural magnetic 3) What is a characteristic of a person with strong magnetic
energies within you? qualities that you would most like to emulate today and
instill as a habit of living for yourself?

2) Where might these leakages be occurring in you? You

could be wasting energy by means of unnecessary or
unhelpful physical, nervous or mental behaviors. Select
one leakage you would like to correct today.

Creativity Supercharger
p Day 32 Purpose: I naturally rally the intelligence, imagination, and creative genius of my mind as needed.

1) What is the ideal end result you intend for your 2) Are you ready to receive it?
creativity to accomplish?

Soul of Money
p Day 33 Purpose: I embrace the power of sufficiency to nourish and expand the abundance I already have.

1) What personal quality or inner resource are you ready to 2) How will this quality help you achieve your goal?
expand or strengthen?

Recover & Reenergize

p Day 34 Purpose: I reestablish the natural rhythms of my body, renewing my strength and vitality and restoring
my energy and balance.

What is the goal or intention you would most like to

experience as you recover and reenergize?
Intuition Amplifier
p Day 35 Purpose: I trust the remarkable power of my inner knowing to guide my choices and actions, leading me
to a healthier, richer, and more fulfilling life.

1) For what issue would you most like to receive guidance? 2) What specific question do you have for your intuition
to answer?

Letting Go
p Day 36 Purpose: I release emotions and energies that derail my best intentions so I can easily move forward in all
the ways I choose to create my best life.

1) What inner obstacle, if any, still prevents you from 2) Are you ready to let go of the emotions surrounding this
attaining your goal? situation or feeling?

10-Minute Supercharger
p Day 37 Purpose: I recharge my energy to accomplish what I choose.

How do you want to feel after listening?

p Day 38 Purpose: I continually express gratitude for what is good in my life, naturally attracting more of what
gives me purpose and contentment.

What is one element of your day or aspect of your life for

which you feel grateful?

p Day 39 Purpose: I open the flow of abundance in my life so I may create the success I desire.

1) In what area of your life would you like to increase your 3) If you could experience the ideal right now, would you
abundance? choose to have it?

2) What would the ideal situation be for you in this area of

your life?

New History Generator–B

p Day 40 Purpose: I appraise my progress and become my best support system for success.

1) What positive changes did you realize today? 3) How would you like your day to go tomorrow?

2) Is there anything you would like to improve?

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