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Submitted by:

Somashekhar Chougale
Seat No. 42
Sec. B
FedEx , Rank 45
Somashekhar Chougale


S.No Topic Page no

1. Acknowledgement 2
2. Diversity and Inclusion 4
3. Learning and Development 6
4. Employee Engagement 8
5. CEO 11
6. Organisational Values 13
7. Organisational Structure 15
8. Organisational Culture 17
9. References 19

FedEx , Rank 45
Somashekhar Chougale

Diversity and Inclusion.

Tracee Walls is the leader in charge of diversity and inclusion since August 2020. She is
responsible for leading the DEI, talent review, sequencing planning, and staff engagement

Since the inception of FedEx, the comma has embraced within diversity and inclusion controls.
The company is committed to the development of knowledgeable, safe and complete
workplaces that celebrate each individual's unique commitment. Through the ongoing
institutional affirmation of our mandate, we contribute to the arrangements and programs of
our staff, culture, business center and communities that recognize the special foundations of
the people, meeting the needs of the people.

A separate logic in Support a People Philosophy Foster is a collaborative culture in which all
representatives feel invited, respected, taken, listened to, and supported. Traditional Embed
D&I that promotes thinking and development

FedEx has won diversity and the inclusion of development considerations - By enabling hostility
- to speculate and capture culture and history. Promoting Learning and Management by
supporting holidays and even reaching out to all periods of pioneering in communities and
businesses Empowering Financial Opportunity by creating non-discriminatory communities.

For FedEx, the saying "is as different as the world we serve". From Harlem to Hong Kong, from
Sao Paulo to Sydney, the FedEx world is almost entirely composed of individuals, places, and
communities. To meet the needs of different customers, we display those unique qualities in
our organization and celebrate them in communities around the world.

In Walk 2020, Jack Muhs, president of the Center for East, Indian Subcontinent and Africa
(MEISA), noted the CEO's statement to strengthen 'Women's Strengthening Standards - Unityity
implies Business'. Standards have been developed by the United Nations and the Joined
Together Ladies, as well as graphic design works to empower gender equality in the workplace,
and in society.

FedEx , Rank 45
Somashekhar Chougale

Diversity & Inclusion is more than the workplace. It’s the cultures the company celebrate,
the dreams that FedEx inspire, and creating a global community where everyone is accepted.
At FedEx, diversity and inclusion happens because “we do it together”.

Diversity and inclusion at FedEx connects people and possibilities to deliver a better future for
team members, customers, suppliers and communities. Research proves there are many
benefits for businesses that make diversity a priority and promote inclusion. But there’s
another, far more important reason why we embrace diversity and inclusion: It’s simply the
right thing to do.

27.5% women in global workforce. 22.3% women in management roles globally.

Investing in the company’s diversity programs makes the company stronger and workforce and
leadership have been recognized consistently among top brands for diversity and inclusion. One
of the diversity and inclusion program implemented by FedEx is Celebrating Black History
Month , connecting the people is the main mission, where the company aims to lift
communities to higher standards of living. FedEx truly believes that a connected world is better
world, and what cloud be better than a connected forces that inspired hope and change for the
world. FedEx celebration of Black History Month.

FedEx Participates in Military Hiring fair, to provide jobs to the people who have served the
nation by “ Heroes get Job” . FedEx also participates in job fairs to hire people for generate
more employment , to employ different thinking people in organization.

FedEx recently presented its Global Women’s forum for FedEx women leaders. More then 100
women in top FedEx leadership roles attended the two day Executive roundtable, developing in
collaborations with the International Women’s forum. The event provides attendees with the
opportunity to grow and develop both in their business and personal lives

The FedEx is known for its diverse culture , when there was violence spread across United
states on the death of George Floyd , The CEO Frederick W.Smith and Raj Subramaniam issued
a letter to all FedEx team members and Global leaders, stating that they are known for their
diversity and all the people are treated equally and give respect they deserve . As a company
and as individuals, we must  understand the power of our words and thinking. The company
should demonstrate empathy and kindness in all actions and be willing to address these
topics in and outside of the workplace. The conversation about treating people with respect,
dignity, and acceptance is one that is necessary and one we must keep going. And now, more

FedEx , Rank 45
Somashekhar Chougale

than ever, it is a priority. More than 49% of the US workforce and 35.5% of management team
are minorities.

Some of the major achievement/accomplishment / recognition secured by FedEx in diversity

and inclusion are:

 Selected as a Military Times 2019, “Best for the Vets Employer”.

 In 2019 “Best-of-the-best Corporation for Inclusion “ By National Gay Lesbian Chamber
of Commerce.
 Named one of the Forbes’ 2019 “Best Employers for Diversity.”
 “2019 Top Corporations for Women Business Enterprises “ By Women’s Business
Enterprise National Council.

Learning and Development.

Bob Bennett was the protagonist at FedEx. He is responsible for setting and leading the
execution of FedEx learning & talent development strategies to achieve business results.
Promote continuous learning consistent with our Living PSP culture and overall company vision.
Responsible for programs designed to grow & develop the talent of organization. Also ensure
effective design, development & implementation of training/education solutions. At FedEx the
philosophy used for L& D is The People-Service-Profit logic (P-S-P).It is based on the conviction
that by making a positive working environment for Employees, they will give superior benefit
quality to clients, which will provide clients using FedEx items and services to supply the extent
of service and quality necessary to become, and to stay , the leader within the air express cargo
transportation industry, Federal Express has developed a unique relationship with its
employees, supported a people-first corporate philosophy. Founder and CEO Frederick Smith
decided to form workers an indispensably portion of the decision-making process, due to his
conviction that "when individuals are placed to begin with they will give the most elevated
conceivable benefit, and benefits will take after". Coming about from this guideline is the FedEx
corporate reasoning: People-Service-Profit. These three corporate objectives frame the premise
for all trade decisions. Various practices are followed by FedEx for Learning and Development.
They are-

1. When L&D gets intentional with development programs, they can help change mind-sets to
encourage more women and employees of colour to pursue new roles. The programs are
designed to not just provide employees with new skills, but to help shift the mind-set around

FedEx , Rank 45
Somashekhar Chougale

career development. At FedEx, giving employees a range of learning options and making areas
of development clear can help encourage more people to boost their hands, particularly
women. To address the skills gap, the company have to have a range of programs and learning
options that help every employee take a step forward.

2. Future-proofing your workforce implies considering around the aptitudes of each

representative, from the cutting edge to the C-Suite.Being laser-focused on skills can bring
clarity and equity to the present process. At FedEx they rely on discrete skills language to
demystify career development.

3. A corporation with a real learning culture may be a high-performance organization. Talent

mobility is key to thriving in the future of work. It’s a lofty goal, and a high-performing
workforce is important to realize that goal. Talent mobility is additionally a key a part of culture
at Rock Central. With a culture of “learning for all,” KimArie, Chief Learning Officer at FedEx
noted that, “as a leadership team we’re committed to that hourly team member that came in
someday being potentially the CEO,” so they work from there to get that team member what
they need in that career journey.

Numerous Initiatives are taken by FedEx for flexible employees training and development like
Introducing and developing NVQ programmes – qualifications which are open to everyone and
cover customer service, administration and, more recently, distribution, storage and
warehousing. Developing flexible learning through the ‘Virtual Academy’ which brings the
classroom to a desk or laptop for all employees – providing a wide array of e-learning
opportunities any more to boost the potential of the workers.

Bob Bennet the CLO and VP of HR at FedEx, embracing the technology side of the business, the
company is empowering the team , the company is involving their customers, couriers, services
agents, line managers to actually participate in learning programs . The company is going into e-
learning more, balanced learning. The company is becoming much more focused on what
experiential learning, actual taking what we do in practice and put it into place. The company
always focuses on Leadership training. They are still continuing that, the company has
expanded it now to leadership training from entry level positions all the way up because the
company recognize the value of informal leaders throughout the organization and the need to
develop them early.

FedEx , Rank 45
Somashekhar Chougale

FedEx is known for its employee survey. The company is doing surveys for almost 40 years, as
long as the company has been existence. The survey is an anonymous survey. They reach out
and ask every employee to participate and the company have 99% participation rate, which is
absolutely phenomenal.

This survey offers a way to measure employee culture. There are thousands of organizations
within the company, so the same culture will not work and cannot be replicated in every one of
those. The company has to find the mix for the right department.

The ultimate goal of Learning and developing at FedEx to become true partner, a true strategist.
The only way the company to succeed is, if their employee is success. The company is
successful in meeting each and every one of their objectives.

An Organization with a true learning culture is high performance organization. Talent mobility is
key to thriving in the future of work.

All employees have the FedEx equivalent of a ‘passport’ which accompanies them in each
position within the company, recording their training to ensure that employees can achieve
their career and personal aspirations while working for the organization FedEx Express pledged
to encourage and support employees to gain more skills and qualifications through investing in
valuable training opportunities to meet the needs of the business and support their future
development. It’s great news that such a world-renowned company as FedEx has signed the
Skills Pledge. This sends out a clear message that they are committed to training and skill
development for their staff, and that they consider this to be an integral part of their business
which will help to create a truly competitive, highly skilled workforce.

As a result FedEx has been recognized for its achievements in fostering an excellent work
culture, including consistent high performance in the great place to work survey in across the

Employee Engagement.


Having a way of appreciation for the individual and generosity and heat within the practices
contributes towards building a culture of trust within the organization. At FedEx employees are
genuinely made to feel cared for as a culture of gratitude and appreciation prevails altogether
day to day interactions. They recognize the control of saying ‘Thank you’ and continuously back

FedEx , Rank 45
Somashekhar Chougale

and prepare supervisors and peers to utilize these brilliant words successfully. They have a
singular tradition where whenever a plane is added to the FedEx Fleet, it's named after the
team members children. It is these simple initiatives that inculcate a way of pride within the
work and contributes to the TRUST reservoir.


In 2011, FedEx launched the social network platform where family, friends,
and colleagues from everywhere the planet can find stories, opinions and videos of FedEx team
members.It turns the spotlight on the everyday lives and passions that make performing at
FedEx unique and exceptional. Additionally, their team members can nominate colleagues
whose actions and attitude embodies ‘I am FedEx’ spirit Thanks to this social network, all the
FedEx regions are brought together, which creates a colorful picture of the various lives of team
members from everywhere the world.

Best Six practices in employee’s engagement at FedEx-

Put people first: The company attempt to make an inclusive environment where team members
are pleased with the work they are doing. They are committed to creating every FedEx
experience outstanding for both our customers and therefore the people we work with every

Share information – and listen: Employees are an important stakeholder, and that we keep
them within the loop with newsletters, blogs, meetings, events and even an in-house TV
network. The company appreciate that communication may be a street. They conduct online
surveys, followed by feedback sessions with managers, to debate the results

Encourage work/life balance -Job sharing and versatile work schedules encourage work/life
balance -- and supply a corporation with access to more employees with a good set of skills. At
FedEx, “people help” benefits provide team members with the resources to affect many
difficult times in life.

Embrace diversity- A diverse and inclusive workforce contributes a run of viewpoints and
characteristics that reinforce a company. FedEx has leadership development, mentoring and
training programs designed to retain and advance women and minorities

Help the community. Employees can all take pride in working for a company that assists in its’
communities. At FedEx, they are picked our top charitable efforts partly by polling employees

FedEx , Rank 45
Somashekhar Chougale

about the issues they care about – as a result we have thousands of passionate and active

Recognize and reward -Promotion from inside may be a component of the FedEx culture:
Ninety-two percent of our supervisors came from inside the corporate. We give out numerous
merit awards such as the Bravo Zulu, Purple Promise and many more.

Five challenges to executing a successful employee engagement strategy at FedEx are-

Barrier #1: a scarcity of alignment, insights, and focus at the highest

Barrier #2: External investors don’t prioritize engagement efforts

Barrier #3: Communication channels are saturated

Barrier #4: Engaging leadership behaviors don’t come naturally

Barrier #5: Bringing the remainder of the organization along

Steps has been taken to overcome these challenges and for smooth flow of activities at FedEx.

P-S-P culture – people are the heart of the culture, people are also heart of the management
philosophy. Without the efforts of 300000 employee’s team, there would be no FedEx. “People-
Service-Profit” is the corporate philosophy that helps the company delivers. All program and
policies, at every organizational level, must synchronize with this philosophy. All FedEx
managers are expected to scrupulously follow, as well as communicate to their team members,
the successful formula inherent in companies P-S-P philosophy. The FedEx people emphasis
produces outstanding services for customers, which intern produces the Profit required to fund
our future and reward people. Each aspect of P-S-P is integral to the whole and each element-
People, Service and Profit is essential for the success of the FedEx. Over 300000 team members
span across geographies, background and culture, yet the company is united by a common goal
to make every FedEx experience outstanding. They call this the Purple Promise.

Open dialogue with team members can tell the company what’s working and what isn’t, and
the company acts on their feedback. The company success depends on the ability of the team
members deliver knowledge that take responsibility for helping to develop their talent so they
can succeed. The positive results of the company show that they are on right track. Overall
participation in company annual survey last year was almost 92% of the workforce, up from
89% the previous year. During these surveys, people can express themselves anonymously to
help the company to understand what’s working and where they need improvement.
Employees respond to questions about their manager and leadership teams on everything from

FedEx , Rank 45
Somashekhar Chougale

fairness to effectiveness to compensation and benefits programs. In follow-up meetings,

manager sit down with their team to hear employee concern firsthand .Together the group
develops and commits to plan of action for the upcoming year that addresses these concerns.
The company also incorporates suggestions that affect the broader enterprise, like feedback on
how to improve benefit programs or communication channels between leadership and team
members. Open Door programs also encourage employees to communicate upward and give
their opinion or ask questions on workplace issues.

Quality Driven Management (QDM) is another way the company engage the expertise of global
workforce. Team members worldwide have access to a comprehensive set of QDM tools that
helps them examine the way the company do business and figure out how to make it better —
from day-to-day activities of workgroups to re-examining the efficiency of routes. Companies
goal is to improve processes and efficiency, while upholding the service levels customers
expect. Using a set of principles and a problem-solving model, improvements at FedEx go
beyond applying a bandage; they get to the root cause. We also award an annual QDM Cup that
recognizes teams that accomplished significant results. The QDM Cup joins a broad recognition
program, including our Purple Promise and Humanitarian awards, designed to show
appreciation for outstanding team member performance.

Frederick Smith, FedEx Executive leadership Chairman
and CEO.

After serving for 4 years in Marines, he launched the

original air-ground Federal Express network, which
began operating in 1973. The company has since
grown into $84 billion global, serves more than 220
countries and territories.

Smith is responsible for providing strategic direction

for all FedEx operating companies, like, FedEx Express,
FedEx Ground, FedEx Freight and FedEx Services,
which includes FedEx office, FedEx Logistics and FedEx
Data works. Approximately 570,000 team member
worldwide currently handle more than 19 million
shipments each business day.

FedEx , Rank 45
Somashekhar Chougale

Smith is a Transformational leader, the leadership style is of Affinitive Style, Participative Style
and democratic Style which is combined, But because FedEx has flat structure.

The major initiative and success story, the first international acquisitions, intercontinental
operations began in 1984 with service to Europe and Asia. The following years, Federal Express
marked its first regular scheduled flight to Europe. In 1988 the company initiated direct-
scheduled cargo serve to Japan.

Another major move by Smith, Federal Express acquired Tiger International Incorporation. in
1989. When it integrated the flying Tiger network on 1989, Federal Express became the world’s
largest full-service, all cargo airline. This acquisition by the Smith included routes to 21
countries. In 1998, acquired the Caliber system Inc.

In 1973, several flights took off, to deliver the couriers. But the increasing fuel price, the
company was losing $1 million a month, sometimes Smith asked his pilots to use their personal
credit cards to fuel the airplanes and promised them to repay them back. Smith invested his
last penny in company. In the earn if bankruptcy, Smith had one last chance to save the
company, he scheduled a pitch meet the board of directors of General Dynamics , in order to
save the loan. But that turned down and changed everything. Later he started gambling at
Blackjack table in Los Angeles .Smith turned $5000 to $27,000 in one night. This changed his
behavior of not giving up. This impacted the organization to pay off the bill and started getting
funds from major investors of the United States.

The strategy Smith used for success of his company and he explains this to all the
entrepreneurs. :-

1. Look for a competitive advantage.

2. Get good people.
3. Remember, “Business is just about arithmetic”.
4. Be prepared to work hard, but keep values in place.
5. Have a sense of humor.

Organizational Values.
Organizational values define the core values or principles the company will adhere to,
whatever. They encourage the best efforts of employees and also minimize their actions.
Strong, well-defined values should be a real indicator of your organization’s aspirations for work
ethic, and play a crucial role in building a positive culture in your organization.

FedEx , Rank 45
Somashekhar Chougale

FedEx recognizes the diverse needs of its customers. In response to this, it encourages the
availability of more postal options to choose from. This section is very close to the second one
which requires everything to be done to the recommended standards. Finally, the company
emphasizes services that reflect the value placed on customers by the company at all times.

FedEx's core values comprises of –

People - "We value our people and encourage diversity in our workforce and in our thinking."

FedEx is a world-class company and, in its essence, is about people. They take pride in the
unique ability of our team members who help make individual customer communication stand
out. Throughout its long history, FedEx has been known for its world-renowned relationships,
strategy and inspiration. The company always encourages team members to grow within the
company and provide them with the necessary tools to develop their careers and management
skills embedded within the business. Policies and programs support a strong work culture,
providing a safe, diverse and rewarding environment while allowing each region to individually
adapt its work environment to better fit its local staff.

Service - "Our absolute, positive spirit puts our customers at the guts of everything we do."

FedEx's strategy for collaborative, collaborative and digital design provides competitive
advantage to our company. The company's comprehensive portfolio allows us to meet the
needs of our customers, many of whom utilize services from two or more operating companies.

Innovation - "We develop and promote services and technologies that improve the way the
world works and lives."

FedEx recognizes the advantages of next-generation building for our team members and
operations, including computer-assisted vehicles, AI, robotics and drones. We support efforts to
renew organizational rules and regulations that promote the advancement in transportation

Integrity - "We manage our operations, finances and services honestly, efficiently and

The FedEx Code of Business Conduct and Ethics provides guidelines to ensure that our work
ethic works well and supports the reputation FedEx has gained as one of the world's most
respected brands. FedEx has always been known as one of the best companies in the world.
While this Code provides a guide to the various workplace situations, the high standards that
reflect our workplace can be summarized in a few simple terms.

FedEx , Rank 45
Somashekhar Chougale

Responsibility- “We fight for safe and healthy environments within the communities during
which we live and work.”

Through networks covering billions of people on six continents, bringing FedEx business. It is
the company's responsibility to provide services that improve the lives of those they work for.
When FedEx helps businesses access new markets, it grows and creates jobs that raise
standards of living in communities. Investing in safer and more sustainable transport improves
our track record and makes communities better off. A highly connected world is innovating
where shared ideas, goods and technologies come together to change the way we live and
work. FedEx believes that the connected world is a prosperous and stable world. And always
bring that forward.

Loyalty- "We gain the respect and confidence of our FedEx people, customers and investors a
day, in everything we do."

Profit and growth are largely driven by customer loyalty. Honesty is a direct result of customer
satisfaction. Satisfaction is greatly influenced by the number of services provided to customers.
The number is made by satisfied, loyal, and productive employees. FedEx always works
honestly and wins various awards equally.

It is the principles that contribute to the achievement of its goals and objectives

Organizational Structure.
Organizational structure is a system that describes how certain activities are managed to
achieve business objectives. These functions may include rules, roles, and responsibilities.
Organizational structure also determines how information moves between levels within a
company. An organization can be organized according to a variety of structures, which
determine how the organization will operate and function. In terms of functional structure,
standard configuration, a company is divided into smaller groups by specific areas (such as
IT, finance, operations, and marketing.FedEx is organized into separate subsidiaries — FedEx
Services, FedEx Express, FedEx Ground, FedEx Freight, FedEx Officeand FedEx Logistics .Each of
these companies has its own independent operations to best serve the needs of its distinct
customer segment.

FedEx's services provide sales, marketing, information technology, communications,

customer service, technical support, billing and collection services, and specific background

FedEx , Rank 45
Somashekhar Chougale

services that support our mobile components. Robert B. Cater and Rajesh Sumbramaniam
who is Co-President and Co-CEO with headquarters, are in Memphis, TN.
FedEx Express established a clear distribution and is the industry leader, providing fast,
reliable, and timely delivery in 220 countries and territories, connecting markets that make
up 90 percent of bulk domestic product within one to three business days. Donald F.
Colleran is President and CEO and is headquartered in Memphis, TN.
FedEx Ground gives customers the trust to deliver a business to a business or easy
accommodation service through FedEx Home Delivery and FedEx Ground Economy, the
latter of which was known as FedEx Smart Post. The FedEx Ground Network also includes
FedEx Home Delivery for residential deployments and FedEx Ground Economy. It is a
company owned by FedEx Corporation that specializes in land transport, usually for the
transport of long-distance, parcel trucks. John A Smith., Is the President and CEO and is
headquartered in Pittsburgh with Operations in the United States and Canada.
FedEx Freight offers extensive deployments throughout the U.S., Canada, Mexico, and
Puerto Rico and as a service to the U.S. Virgin Islands, FedEx Freight includes sub-truck
(LTL) options that support customer shipping needs. John A Smith., Is the President and
CEO and is headquartered in Memphis, TN.
FedEx Office provides reliable service as well as access to print and shipping. Services
include digital photocopying and printing, technology completion, signage, computer
hiring, and corporate printing solutions. We also provide FedEx Express and FedEx Ground
shipping, Hold at FedEx Location, and packing services supported by FedEx Office Packing
Pledge. Brian Philips is President and CEO and is headquartered in Dallas, TX.
FedEx Logistics provides a complete set of solutions for procurement solutions, specialized
transportation, e-commerce technology services, restricted business parameters, and
trading and data management tools. Dr Udo Lange is President and CEO and is
headquartered in Memphis, TN.
Functional structure in FedEx: This organization chart shows the broad working structure in
FedEx. Each different job (e.g. HR, finance and marketing) is managed from top to bottom
with active heads (CFO, CIO, various VPs, etc.)to control other markets. FedEx acquisition
strategy provided an opportunity to capture a wide range of business and logistics business
environments with a variety of customer domains and areas including their operations in
order to achieve better interaction with the economy. They work during the Global scale to
provide customers with unlimited opportunities thereby extending the customer base and
reaching the global economy.
The company has been involved in many Corporate Social Responsibility programs as a
strategic plan to carry pandas, penguins and whales around the world to provide them with
the best living conditions. Although this type of transport is considered a dangerous FedEx
it does so lovingly to monitor them. FedEx has developed many new services that would
not be possible without its strong IT capabilities. FedEx's IT expansion has successfully
created a barrier for new entrants to the industry. Although FedEx’s coverage to provide
chains with integrated systems for strengthening, improving and adapting the various
components of the acquisition chain, was not a competitive advantage but was important

FedEx , Rank 45
Somashekhar Chougale

to the competition as customers saw the benefits of time compression and system
The visual data infrastructure in FedEx is heavily supported by the care of market
leadership over the years. They predict more time during a good guide and apply the right
decision by funding development. Over the years this has helped FedEx increase costs,
reduce process time and focus on customers and ultimately increase profit margins that
have helped during global GDP growth and international trade. Although FedEx has
invested heavily in it to improve from time to time, technical issues such as backup, virus
protection, web hacking problems are being successfully addressed to keep them in the
market leader position. 

Organizational Culture.
FedEx is a world-class company and, in its essence, is about people. The pride in themselves on
the unique ability of their team members who help make individual customer communication
stand out.

Throughout its long history, FedEx has been known for its world-renowned relationships,
strategy and inspiration. We encourage our team members to grow within the company and
provide them with the necessary tools to develop their careers and management skills within
the business.

The company's policies and programs support the strong work ethic, providing a safe, diverse
and rewarding environment while allowing each region to individually adapt its work
environment to better fit its local employees.

FedEx is committed to continuously improving our secure operating systems. They

comparatively promote and support a culture of health and safety for the benefit of our
employees, contractors and stakeholders, as well as the company and the community. Each
business day, FedEx delivers more than seven million packets to customers in more than 220
countries and territories. Managing a global network of people, buildings, trucks, airplanes and
technologies requires that safety and health principles be strategically integrated into all
aspects of our business.

FedEx has established that it cares deeply about the international community. It uses its
resources to help thousands of organizations around the world. Their aircraft also bring tons of
relief supplies to the disaster area. Employees volunteer many hours to make their
communities better places to live, play, in addition to work. FedEx provides financial support to
help ensure child safety and improve education. FedEx is committed to all of its employees and

FedEx , Rank 45
Somashekhar Chougale

communities. They demonstrate this by providing financial support and voluntary support for
charities that promote education, arts in addition to culture, and socially in addition to human

FedEx, being a transformation company and known for its honesty, has a very strong culture in
quality. The company have a program called QDM, which stands for Conducted Quality
Management. It’s all about continuous improvement, customer thinking, teamwork and waste
disposal. FedEx also developed a People-Service-Profit philosophy that addresses the needs of
employees, customers and shareholders. All over the world, we have had a standard approach
to PSP, as it is called. While our business strategies continue to change and change every few
years, our philosophy has allowed us to make changes in a systematic way. Years ago the
company began to view the PSP as a philosophy, but as the first way to deliberately invest in
culture - a culture that embraces change and drives change. Within this cultural framework, we
began to have a discussion of value that focuses on a few things - learning and caring. By
emphasizing the importance of learning and caring, it emphasize on PSP philosophy, on culture,
and use this to help employees embrace any form of change. Digital transformation is very
beneficial to it .By integrating PSP and QDM - a work culture that is based on learning and care
and quality – the company have identified the immutable or descriptive ability of our teams to
embrace change, including digital transformation.The company was founded with the first
philosophy of people and respect for everyone has always been a way of business. It believes
that a competent and inclusive workplace is a place where team members can bring their
authenticity to the work. Through education, training, regular communication and resources,
members of our team are encouraged to continue open discussions leading to action.

Platform for Executive Leadership - FedEx Services, Express, Office, Freight and Ground
incorporates senior leadership into the various Management and Inclusion Committees. These
committees consist of leaders in various fields from Human Resources to Engineering, Air Ops
to Finance. They set out their company ideas for performance, expectations and diversity goals,
shared best practices and collaborated to respond to progress.

Promoting Black Women Leaders- With 10-12 women in each group, the program includes
workshops, counselling and building relationships led by Black women officers and directors.
The impetus for this initiative is to empower emerging Black women and use the influence,
experience and sustainable knowledge to help them move around the corporate level.

Executive Leadership Council (ELC)– It is a membership organization dedicated to increasing the

number of African American executives and board members in Fortune 500 companies. FedEx

FedEx , Rank 45
Somashekhar Chougale

has created ELC's Mid-Level Managers Symposium (MLMS) - helping emerging managers find
skills and move on to the next level of leadership - available to team members from FedEx
Services, FedEx Express, FedEx Ground, FedEx Office, FedEx Custom Critical, FedEx Trade
Networks and FedEx Freight in 2019.

Giving Community Team Members and the Voice- In our operational companies, FedEx team
members participate in staff-led resource groups that help recruit, develop and retain talent,
create connections, and build community through targeted programs and events. Many
networks are available to team members - including, but not limited to: Women in Leadership,
Black Network, Hispanic Action Network, All Generations, Multi-Leadership Community, Asian
Network, Women Leaders of Change, LGBT and Friends, Veteran American Soldiers, POWERFUL
Network, Growing Professionals, Parents Working Together and many others.




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