Week 17 Customer Service 101 ARG

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2. I think the strategy didn't well.

Although Zapp did try to compensate for the

trouble by offering a $50 coupon, it did not directly help solve Don's problem
of late delivery. The coupon only gave Don benefit by helping him save
money, not how to get his ordered items at the assigned shipment date date.
With this, an alternative solution can be another gimmick like pay less if
delivery is late (giving direct discounts) or the company should promise to
deliver the items in time.

1. The message could go like this:

We truly regret the trouble you have to go through. Since the delivery is late, a
llow us to deduct a percentage on your shipment fee as compensation. The co
mpany also strives to attend to your future orders within your range of expecta
tions. Thank you for understanding!
*The message should include what the company should do inorder to
compensate for the trouble and a reassurance message to put customers at

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