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-The NSPE Code of Ethics states that engineers
ETHICS shall: hold paramount the safety, health, and
welfare of the public, work only in areas of
competence, issue public statements only in an
ETHICS VS MORALITY objective and truthful manner, act as a faithful
agent, avoid deceptive acts, and conduct yourself
ETHICS - The rules of conduct recognized in honorably and responsibly to enhance the honor,
respect to a particular class of human actions or reputation, and usefulness of the profession. The
a particular group or culture. ASCE Code of Ethics follows these same ideas
and requires engineers to provide learning
-Ethics represents the moral code that guides a
opportunities for those engineers that are under
person’s choices and behaviors throughout their
their supervision.
As an Environmental Professional I will:
-Social system – External
-Because society says it is the right thing to do. personally responsible for the validity of all
data collected, analyses performed, or plans
-Ethics are dependent on others for definition. developed by me or under my direction. I will be
They tend to be consistent within a certain responsible and ethical in my professional
context but can vary between contexts. activities.
2.encourage research, planning, design,
-A person strictly following Ethical Principles may
management, and review of activities in a
not have any Morals at all. Likewise, one could
scientifically and technically objective manner. I
violate Ethical Principles within a given system of
will incorporate the best principles of the
rules to maintain Moral integrity.
environmental sciences for the mitigation of
-Ethics are governed by professional and legal environmental harm and enhancement of
guidelines within a particular time and place environmental quality.
3.not condone misrepresentation of work I have
-Ethics are external standards that are provided performed or that was performed under my
by institutions, groups, or culture to which an direction.
individual belongs. For example, lawyers, 4. Examine all my relationships or actions, which
policemen, and doctors all have to follow an could be legitimately interpreted as a conflict of
ethical code laid down by their profession, interest by clients, officials, the public, or peers.
regardless of their own feelings or preferences. In any instance where I have financial or personal
Ethics can also be considered a social system or interest in the activities with which they are
a framework for acceptable behavior. directly or indirectly involved, I will make a full
disclosure of that interest to my employer, client,
EX - A lawyer’s morals may tell her that murder is
or other affected parties.
reprehensible and that murderers should be
punished, but her ethics as a professional lawyer, 5. not accept fees wholly or partially contingent
require her to defend her client to the best of her on the client’s desired result where that desired
abilities, even if she knows that the client is guilty. result conflicts with my professional judgment
MORALITY - Principles or habits with respect to 6. not engage in conduct involving dishonesty,
right or wrong conduct. While morals also fraud, deceit, or misrepresentation.
prescribe dos and don'ts, morality is ultimately a
personal compass of right and wrong. 7. be committed to upholding a positive
environment that reflects equality and inclusion,
-The idea of a moral code extends beyond the and mutual respect.
individual to include what is determined to be
right, and wrong, for a community or society at 8. NAEP has zero-tolerance for discrimination or
large. harassment. NAEP will not tolerate, condone, or
ignore unethical conduct and is committed to
-Individual – Internal enforcing these standards at all levels.
-Because we believe in something being right or IMMORAL, AMORAL, AND NON-MORAL
IMMORAL- Immoral is Something that is immoral
-Usually consistent, although can change if an is evil or wrong. It means failing to adhere to
individual’s beliefs change. moral standards. people who can differentiate
between right and wrong but intentionally do
-A Moral Person although perhaps bound by a
wrong anyway.
higher covenant, may choose to follow a code of
ethics as it would apply to a system. "Make it fit" -Areas of interest where moral categories do
apply and of are such a kind as to be evil, sinful,
-Morality transcends cultural norms.
or wrong according to some code or theory of
EX. Stealing someone’s car is immoral, telling a
lie, Strictly Speaking,
-To be immoral implies acting or thinking in a way
that violates one’s conscious morality. In other
words, the person should have known better, but
did it anyway.
AMORAL- means not influenced by right and Pornography is defined as "the depiction of erotic
wrong. If a person who is immoral acts against his conduct intended to elicit sexual excitement." It is
conscience, a person who is amoral doesn’t have words, deeds, or representations meant to elicit
a conscience to act against in the first place. sex sensations... its primary objective is to elicit
an erotic response. It is preoccupied with and
EX. A BABY, since they have not yet developed focuses on genital organs in order to provide
the brain capacity to understand right and wrong. sexual arousal. It highlights and focuses on them
Extreme sociopaths are also amoral since they in various ways meant to arouse sexual desire."
lack a conscience because of a cognitive Another typical definition of art is based on a
disorder. criterion of attributes, such as it must be
NON-MORAL - Nonmoral is used when morality expressive or thought stimulating at the very
is clearly not an issue. least. Excluding pornography from the criterion
for determining whether the "thoughts" you're
EX. If an action has the potential to help or harm attempting to elicit are undesired, insulting, or
another person. action has no potential to help or aimed toward gratifying a specific need is grossly
harm another person or yourself, then that action and abhorrently disrespectful to the artists and
is a nonmoral issue. well as just plain wrong and
SCHOOLED - Schooled is going through the Why can't we say the same about violent media
function of being divided by age, by subject, of like video games or horror films? Their major
high, low, medium, whatever. purpose is to elicit a specific emotion, which many
EDUCATED - Educated is understanding would argue is just as insulting as eliciting sexual
yourself means your own level of worth. You don't desire or deviancy, if not more so. The same may
need to adapt to someone else's map and that's be said about music, television, and other types
the whole reason why education exists. So, you of creative media. Such a double standard is
can create your map. superfluous and detracts from the truth that all
Educated but not cultured – Means a person is forms of expressive medium, in their own way,
acquiring knowledge through having a higher are "artistic," and it deprives audiences and
education but does not know to define a social artists alike of the right to define, express,
heritage of an organized community, pattern of explore, or transmit that which they have every
responses and not civilized in socialized. right to.


- Pornography is an art form. To produce and It is determined by the performers' and producers'
increase human pleasure, someone with a vision intentions. It can be a form of self-expression or a
and a warped mind is required. It is crass, lude, kind of art. If it is pushed on someone, it can also
and most importantly, an honest picture of how be considered abuse. No. Art is a visible
twisted and messed up the human species truly representation of human creative talents and
is. Yes. Porn is an art form. The main issue is that, imagination that is intended to be appreciated by
even in the so-called "sexually evolved" West, a small number of people primarily for its
open representation of sex is still regarded aesthetic beauty or emotional impact. No, it's a
negatively. It's as artistic as any other film or business. No artist creates the porn industry. The
video; it can be densely meaningful, but it can porn market (i.e., men in their late teens and
also be purely entertaining. Yes. It is, by twenties) and the main porn producers
definition, intrinsically artistic in its design and characterize the porn industry.
effect. It communicates sexual desire and
expresses eroticism, which is a valid subject of (4) If something is art, and it serves the objective
expression and communication and has been a of sexual stimulation, then it serves a specific
staple of the arts throughout human history. purpose. (5) A purpose cannot be both manner
Pornography is an art form. specific and manner in specific at the same time.
(6) As a result, if anything is pornography, it is not
Long answer: art.
To really answer this question, one must first
define "art" objectively. "Art is in the eye of the
beholder," and "I know it when I see it," are two
popular sayings in these circles. The unfortunate
reality of this duality is that it contradicts itself
when applied to a wide range of expressive
mediums. What past civilizations termed
"pornography" may today be openly exhibited in
museums and clarifies both human nature and
those societies. We may see this now, with
appeals to sexual or erotic desires being
exploited to both fulfill and mesmerize the
audience. It is up to the person to decide how they
want to interpret it.and this is something that
cannot be disputed.

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