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Character Planning

Draw a rough sketch of your main character. List his/her character traits.

Character’s Name: _Sazuan_________

 Grumpy
 Impatient
 Unfriendly
 Likes mobile or online games

List background information about the


 Was an excellent student

 Nice parents
 Loved by friends and teachers
 Tragedy happened
 Parent loss conscious
 Start to quarantine himself
Setting Planning

Write descriptive phrases about the setting.

Draw a rough sketch of your setting Think about your different senses.

First Situation:
 Fire and metal pieces scatter everywhere
 Smoke fills the space

Second situation:
 People start to gather
 Someone call the firefighter
Plot Planning

Use words, phrases, and sentences to plan out your story. Include as much detail and description as possible.

Beginning: What goes wrong?

(What is happening?) (What happens? How do the characters react?)

Sazuan is good student who excel in his study. He has nice and caring An accident happened and only him survived but his parents did not
parents that always take care of him. make it. They are in ICU, and he keep blaming himself.

Who/What helps? Ending:

(What happens? How do the characters react?) (What happens? How do the characters feel?)

His characteristics turn 360. Quarantine and do not interfere with Tired of living his life and try to commit suicide at the bridge. At the
the world. Wasting time play video games and start to vandalism end, he jumped and drown himself. His parents saved him in instant
because he thinks no one care about him. and Sazuan was very grateful his parents still alive.
Story Checklist
Author ✔ Student Editor: __________________________


Is the setting introduced with sensory details?

Is it clear what is happening?

Is the character introduced with descriptive details?

What Goes Wrong

Do you understand what goes wrong?

Are there details and descriptions?

Do you find out how the main character reacts?

Who/What Helps

Do you understand how the problem in the story is resolved?

Are there details and descriptions?

Do you find out how the main character reacts?


Is the reader left satisfied?

Are there details and descriptions?

Do you find out how the main character feels?

Final Check

Do the illustrations on each page help you understand the story?

Does the story make sense?

Do the sentences make sense?

Are all of the words spelled correctly?

Is the punctuation correct?

Is there dialogue in speech bubbles and/or in the text?

Are there transitional words?

Narrative Writing Rubric

3 2 1
(Exemplary) (Proficient) (Beginning)

Establish a situation and setting, using sensory details.

Introduce a character or characters, using descriptive details.

Use description to show the responses of characters.

Create a clear event sequence.

Use description to develop events.

Include a clear and logical ending, leaving the reader satisfied.

Demonstrate command of grammar and punctuation.

Spell correctly.

Optional: Use dialogue effectively

Optional: Use a variety of transitional words and phrases.

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