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2 page 367:

a) If waste products are not excreted, they can build up in the body, which would disrupt
b) i) ureter

ii) Gall bladder

iii) renal vein

c) x
d) i) The liver deals with excess amino acids

ii) Urea

p 360 nb 2


ii) they were the same time at 1000, 1300, and 1600 hours


i) when the temperature decreases water loss decreases since the stomata closes.

ii) when the humidity decreases water loss increases since its easier for water to evaporate into
dryer air than into more humid air.

P 356 nb 1

Tube Color indicator at start Color indicator after 6 hours

A Pinky red Yellow
B Pinky red Yellow
C Pinky red Yellow
D Pinky red purple

a) the colour change in a is because the shrimp is breathing thus exhaling co2 so the concentration of
co2 increases. However the color change in tube d is because of sunlight, undergoing photosynthesis by
changing co2 inot o2 so the rates of co2 are decreasing

b) the colour indicator stays the same (pinky red) since the shrimp is inhaling O2 and exhaloing co2and
the pong weed is changing the co2 into o2 through photosynthesis so the concerntration of co2 is the
same, hence being balanced.

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