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Peet eer ora Teme nso) Naecoagat) Pua Gee Naess Speaking Glossary ‘Grammar Appendix | regulae Verb List ‘Wiiting Guide ‘Writing Plan Pages Self Evaluation Charts Vocabulary Circle 10 geographical features. 2 complete the sentences wth words rm the puzzle inorie3. 1 elidel ode a ike up a big 2. Cows eat gas inthis 3A. nn a age moving body of 4 Some ofthe trees in thie ae Ihundeds of yar ld 5, We ave a smal oat We keyp tin the B Tostyur rin kowteda. Th word in bol aren ‘he rong aetnes. Wie them mot tothe coect satances. 1. The Shard a bullaing In London ver 300 metres high. The inventor was Renzo Piano. 2 Vidal Satsoon wa famous singe inthe 1960s. He rated many poplar ses and bis company made shampoo and conditioner. Henry Moore was a 2h-contury write. Much of le work i yery Ire, nd in pubic laces such as parks. Justin Biber a poplar architec rom Canadas “Amis Eathar war a aiedessr. [1982 she ‘became theft woontn to fy «plane sone sero the Adante Ocean, 6 Staphenie Mayer isan American sculptor. She isfamous forthe popular Twit erie of book 2 James Naismith, eather and doctor was the pit of basketball. 4 hood th cues below and complet the answers. “Thi person 1. cooks ina restaurant Heb 2 © f 2. works inalaborstory Sheba — ele tt 1. designs roads Shes an eet 44 isla flims Shean — res 5. takes plemwes. Hea 00. 6. play the guts He'sa m 7. points pictures Shebana———s 8. works forthe police, Sheba ete Iv. 9. isoftenin court Heal... 10, isin fashion shows. esa 4 5 unserambl tne weather words below and write thom next tthe covet symbols. ddoyuc «oswn «yuo «mar mtryos 0 © cose the caret aneworo show you understand ‘he wordin bold. 1. Hes 90k te I7C/ OC. 2 Late not sto the round es dey. 3. Ie ole 2/20 416 logy 1a not easy tose the road. 5 tte warm. e264 /5°C. 6 tee wet Wo wil / wowed our umbrels 7 ite hot tee 42 14°. 17 atch he sertonces in At th sontonces in B. a 1. In Venice aly, public anspor on the water 2 In Bangkok, Thailand, not evry tu scat 3. People can take thelr cas from England to France, 4. In Aust, people ving far rom act Ay to eto hospi. B They can tae the fee. >. They use an aeroplane ambulance Bee ther are motorboats 4 Some are motorbikes. |B completo th avert wit the words below ‘hora more words than you nee, lorry + hlicopter crue ship + tain erry underground jap «tas 1 Choose tne caret answer. 1. Theres /There ae / Were there many waterfalls ia the Austelan rainforests ‘The sun ies in the / some cat What typeof musi is ther was there were dere atthe pazt ls ight 4. Tmsoluddy— havent got some / any / sam omewrk ody! ‘ould you tke «an some egsandwich? ‘Are there many / much / the lands inthe Pace Ocean? ‘There wa / Are there / There werent any people onthe beach yesterday evening Beene war stormy. How much / How many / Are theve fee cen en the ben?” 2 comet the errs. 1. Abuy any food a school every ay, X 2 How many mone ae ou with youre 1 Li har got some makeup, 44 Isamoon clear right now? 5, How much pens have you gti your pencil cae X 6. Ther are some chocolate cake on the table right now. X 'B wrne questions win ne words below. Use he Present Simple o resent Continuous. Then answer ‘the questions according to the ptr. 1. eink coffe! ight 0 athe gis drinking cole ight mew? No.they aren’. They’reeatng pee. 2 the enagers use / Books / at thei schon! 3. Hob play the drama i is band 44 Mary /send/ text message /t Linda / nove 5. Dan/ write inhi notebook / the moment 6, Meanie /ride/ a motorbike to work very ay “choose to corct ver to complete he sence, ‘Use the Present Simpl or Preset Coniaous. 1. Crocodiles often Ave study) in swamps. an damp ra) to school because im ats 3. Carots (ot grow / not et) 4. My best find sometimes {of make) prety bracelets, 5. Laure (aot not wal) to the USA this summer 6 Look at the baby He (vor stand 7. Thats hurd question. not now / not meet) the answer toe 8. Tom, we (Gee walt for you outside the ibrary ‘5 compete o-mal with the vrs in brackets. ‘Use the crrct orm a the Present Simple Present Continuous Dear San, Mya Allo. Tin 4 eo i (vein Manchest, England | nen cooler and i (cai alate” satiete (ain) ain Chicago ot Ue got one oder shee This ear abe (oy) | ery in Biol She very ay she ft (come) home very fen. Jove musi At the momest, Te {hen 9 Add ew ong Io pt ony the guitar in aban | wet te ur own songs. Neweskend wet (peor) | sou commun ere you | fe) pee love) swimming and at weekends my ends ! [and ofien (take longbie ! ide plana ike ide for / iy best ent that | (sound fan o you? What kinds / of things you lesion dingr ! eee writer! ! Alison cronco he corse newer 1. Anatroplan sata. a faerthan «the fatet basfartar 2 Australia and inthe word. ‘claugerthan— thelargert by not are enough 5. Aeop ito wansport hundred passengers ‘too big «big enough be not big enough 4. Literature esubjee in my clas a less popular than. theleat popular iaispenietss 5. Amotorbike efor tanepoting baby 1 too dangsrour cot dangerous enough dangerous enough 1 complot the scond sentence so tat thas gota ‘iar meaning tthe st sontsnce Use the word Inbrachets 1. Mybotheris funnier than my ter and me (ine) My othe cha nour fay 2. Frogs areal a dangerous s mosques than) Frogs mosques |. Math easier than tory (ifical) th i the onto old oe ewig. “Theater inthe sea for swimming 5. Mya longer than yours. (s) Yourhalr mln 'B completo te sentences wi te coret saver form ofthe adjectives in brackets. 1. Weare ina hurry. You dont have odo it ge) 2 Loar very nervous when I gave my resentation, bat Lapoke - oud. 2. Tmafrald ng {ple} the other students In my cas, 44 None of my dassmates speak Engh (good) a5 Io, 5.1did (bad) in the story za, 50 mast do the exam gun. 6. My mam explains mats... (eas) my did does, so se often helps me ih my suds Getting ready for writing 1 head te text andthe missing sonences below, ‘Wits the tia of the missing seen la he ‘caret place nthe et. [ [REGENTS PARK | One af my favourite placer in London ie Regents Park, Every yen thousands of Londoners and tourists enjoy hep ae its many traction. | |The biggest traction in the pak is London Zoo. its gos real enforest The pat as ‘lso got beatiful gardens, an outdoor heat, {and lots of places o play fotall nd other Sports There als lovely lke fr boating (en, there are concert inthe park wo. ‘There’ no need to worry abou ood] Regents Packie a ret place to mact fiends orto just lax alone EL No ter what you do here, youl joy. Sov the 20, go ors bost ride or jut sito the grass and wateh people |. The parks peeeet place fr pene ‘btvekor can alto eatin one af the many cal, over 195 bce inte. and lo | ‘wonder hings to see anc do. 22 each sentence blow about Regent Park has got {wo mistakos capil ots, punctuation oF word der We each sentence correc. 1, What ime the 200 does open 2. There are performances inthe outdooe \heate frm may 0 september 5. Queen marys Garden ra garden fous With about 1200 rose. 4 The 200 has got 100 kinds of Bird? 5. ks easy to get tothe z0e onthe underground Getting Started Speaking 3 compete th logue with the phases below. 1 lke you to mest «Nice to met you, Ben ‘hiss Ben » Pleased to met you, Mr Leis Me Lewis: Hal, Ben tm Me Lewis the football coach here. Ben Me Lewis: I inom you played football ¢ your ‘ld schol Are you interested in joining the team here? Ben: Yes, Lam. Thank you! MrLewis: a some ofthe other boys in the tam, Jake, * es es joining oar team Jakes Walcome tothe tam! Rem Thanks! 4 ath the sentence in Ata tho setances In 810 ‘make min-llogues. There ae woo ans A 1. When the projet due? 2. Lean find my calealtoe 83. Can borrow a pen, please? 4. Whatls the homework? 5. Can you repeat tht please? 6 How do you spell "Wionary”? B 2. Ttmeans schoolwork todo after schoo, ot athome. DICTIONARY, «Unit begins on page 71. You can use mine. «Yes of couse. But pease py more stetion now £ Towrite «book report. i: Next Monday. 1 Sure here you ate. Do you want the Blue cone or the black one? i i 1 What a Journey! Voeabulary ous aston A ada les by hese. They were hoping to travel to Chins one dy There was atin acident Las yet we went to South Afi (Our stup et the port eat ths mo 8 We stopped in Kenya onthe way . Weset of at 30am 4.Lran out of water, ies fs lonely Lucky all he passengers suivived Last pring they went there and thet dream came tue ‘Compote tne sentences wth the wards be explore» journey + make your way ‘on your own » overcame al the obstacles reached our destination 1. havent gt any tne to help you ody, 2 The capa ofthe ship had many dificult, buthe 2. hope you enjoy kayaking, ong wena Last year they evel o Brau to ‘he ofrest How did you ftom the hotel tothe museum — bybusor on fot? ~ °° et te toning 1 dhe things you cancun ot of 2. two places you se your way ta school Compete te sentences to show you understand he words nba 2 We survived the dficuljourney because. 5. ida wantto walk tothe shop on my own becauee 44 elt lonely ony journey, 5 We reached our destination quickly Beis Grammar Psst sine / used to complete the sentances wth the vers in rackets. ‘ee tho Pat Simple. Then choose he corect 1, Nell Armstrong... (become) the st person to land on the mood in Jly 1962 1969, 2. Amela Earhart. (fy across the Atlantic /Pecifie Ocean on he own in 1932 2 Shela Mactonald (eum) ‘Mount Kilimanjaro in 1924 /1927. 4 De Livingstone (call from Europe te Altea / Asan 1840 5. Thousands of peonle 0 California | Las Vegas in 1891 look for eld ome 7°28 complete he sotonos with th obs teow Use the Pst Simpl, ave go «se + meet not ride not arive 1. The explorer round the world twice on melas night. aL 1 wonderful holiday nthe ‘mountains as yest. ‘ the tour group nylons inthe angle? 5. ‘our bikes around the island yesterday. “ esi interesting people on her journey? 3 wae sentences wit he mors tao. Use the ‘act form of wed tn When cov or hy dae ‘ach entence refer te? 1 ths German iy /hve wall dvidngit/ 2. thie lty/ nat /be the capital rsa bute toy 23. whieh country / people fal Persia ‘ntl 1935/7 4 whieh country / Croatia, Slovenia, Serbia and Aee other ountie orm /? 5, Rusia, Ukenne and several other counties belong co this union **4 complete he ext with the vert in brackets, ‘sete Past Simple o sedi. | Marco Polo Today, people an travel ies | Ino wed to wave fa . Only few peope® 4 {wredto/ gon long journeys Onefthe ‘ost fous travellers wae Maco Plo, ‘Marco was boen i lyn 1254. He 4 .* (ela very intligent child) sndhe® (sped) four languages stan carly age. At 7, he* (Goin) his father and unclean jourey to Asia ‘Hvough the Holy Land and Persia othe Empie ‘of China, The Chinese emperot Kubll Khan, * (Ge) Marco and 2 (ask) him to wor for hi. i Marco ‘earn to speak Chinese and {become a diplomat. He™ ‘tea to ‘many exciting counties ad (ba) jewellery spice nd exotic thes on the uy. When the Plosfialy (eturn Kay Only 1285 © afer yeas Ase dud, (used 0 ed) Shout Marco cael but when Be (Gur) 20.1 rally “nite sentences withthe words low se tho Past ‘Simple Then ate te sentences fo the exloers elon. 2d evel fo Antarctica fn 1912 2 thay eb | Mount Everest (in 1953 3 she sala boa / around che world fn 2010 Grammar as: cootinous/ **3 complet the sentences with the verbs la bracts Past Simple Use the Pat Simple or ast Continuous, : 1 We (Ge) in the forest 11 at was happening onthe ght yesterday? vwhea we (heat) a note, Lok atthe pctures and complete he srtences with th words eon Us the Past Conti a ee ee eh Co ala (not op at Basaran dene ete the sal saton ouside Par 4 yu (exe) the cy whl we ‘sein The passengers ry as Oreo ter ine a 4 5 Thebaby (oly) when r (take) «phot of ee ***4 complete he txt with te vrbs in backs, ‘Use the Past Sinpleo ast Gontncus. ag Saturday (go) tthe moantnne with my friends ‘Anbet, Ald and Thomas. When we ® (set ot the su (chine) nd the wind (at blow) all However, we we book, Mr Stone ‘fm : aoe ie dey . tei ring hea we rot wea ics — rode" nore) (gM mat af he uses bec owe (eco poback ome Ave They comps em ‘cinta mewn Aba (an ne oar er fot Thomas ad Alte ™ i) topetp nd™ ‘ea sh Anbrin cove A awrite Abe ar) wit his pave ad ty (ae) Abert dct MesStone psa tveing She a . ‘k(t seme tt ey: hen 2. cots he cot sn ‘eth te sence: mk a 30, 1. Was fim waiting / Did Jim wait for you when 1 While cs fing Breakfast: scr owes ating etd? sess : 2. Ron warding voles ere wie Sophie ee srs plying layed lea © Why aia wee ating, 2. Whe was cong /romed the ee, the phone rn Trasecng/ aw ed Jal ee 4. Did Pam break Wat Pam breaking erg 2 Mie ed yd wee war sing bed? ning tome show tal 7 5. The torts were ming made way oo ; ‘hog he ene ve tring) - 4 Lam vested won ei ath ttarted tia 1 neat the text and compete sonones bolo. wo American emcee Feary and Matte Hest, vated oe fist reach Be Noe Polen 188 the to men along with thers, taeda he sip the \raacdtowarts he Non Poe, Bu ae four years of traveting, rly rece Geland an sand 630 Komates south othe ‘ot Foe Henson and Peary rea maketh joaroy tote North ‘Pole several ines in te folowing yeast edt stood inact, te ne 162 wi ae, rn a a paises eee ie 1. Peary and Henson dream ws : 2. When Peary ane Henson traveled onthe Windward they on goto - 4. The wo explorers lived on Elsmere and for — ‘4 When Peary and Henson fly reached the North Pole, thete were only with he. ‘2 nie questions can you answer according tothe Listening ‘ont Answer hose questans 1. Where dd Peary nd Henson come from? 4 3 Listen yan cating Lao to Mow York. 2. How many tines exactly di Beary and ‘oacrter he meee ter, Henson ty ta each the North Poe? 2: played computer games bs metheraunt {3 When did Peary and Henson goo «. spoke to two American passengers lesmere isan? dateameal looked at the Might information 44 What di he In on Elles F ooked out ofthe plane window teach Peary and Henson to da? LUsten again and complet the sentences. 5. Why waste journey in 1909 very hed? 1. On theflight, Lynn st next tothe {6 What did Peary an Henson do when they 2, She watched — on the sseen reached their destination? 3: Theplane was dying about - ometres above the ground 4 Thetempersture outside the plane was oe 5. Thetime diference between London snd New York was ours. Vocabulary Fecings We he word below i the chart miserable dolightd antisocial - energetic tiled» irritable nthusiastcs annoyed «shocked «pact» confused «cheer 2 complet the santnces withthe words below. "** 3 Complete the semences so tat they ar tue ‘There are more word than ou need. for you. Use words fom Eerie 1 antisocial «annoyed «shocked «confused ea ‘miserable anergticsthrled Bo when go 0m 1. Wewere ot heae the tereble 2 when my fends ve ews about the a acedent ‘me a nie present 2 Jim didn use to have many fends and he t= ‘when go out and rately went out He was gute Jeave my phone at heme. 3. Jane was. when ber fends . when Lind some money invited be to New Zealand and rent her plane 5 when my parents dott tikes “anderstand me. 4. Iwas wlth Dan when he broke 6 when ti sy able 5. The clildven were running around the playground for rs while waning on 3 : Bench They are always Complete tho dalonue wit te pirates below. “Ho di you fel? « What happened? “Who did yousgo with? “Where dd you go last week? “Ae Hi Sue “Be Cento Amsterdam ‘Ae Ammterdam? Great! Aw & Ce eee someone olor bags. A: That tebe 1B: eves ver apet Lacy we ad sore money i ost pocket Writing Ararive 1 ed th sentences rom nara. Munbar tam in the correct eter, «Aer that, Amy ose her bg and toks tel tothe por On the way to the sisport, she heard noise fom ber bap Le. Yesterday afternoon, Amy was geting ready to goon ap. «4. While Army wast looking her ct jumped onto the bel an into the bag. «Fis ofall he pt an empty bag on herbed. £ Inthe end the tn eve took Amy and her cat home, ad Amy mised he fight ~ Then she sated taking thes frm her copboud ad plting them in her bg. ‘Amy opened her bug quchly and her cat jamped onto the st inthe an ‘2 choose te erect cameciors of sequence t compete the naratve, Then fn one quote fn the nara, (Ove morning last month, Vicky had an exciting journey onthe Wala. She was on he way 0 choo but tat morning some unusialthegs happened. "Later / Fest of al, Vicky got on the train nd a alone, °Then / Finally srange-looking ‘man sat down opposite her Iwasa very hat dy, atthe man was wearing ong cot snd'= ha. "After that / Eventually a plieweman gt onto te tan and shouted at everyone, £ “Stayin your seats” All the passengers were confused and worred sof ln the end, ‘he stange-looking man got up and tied t leave the rain. The policewontan ran afer him and held hs aes ugly unl wo more police acess ‘ame and took the man sway ‘Next / Eventually Vik found out why the polcewoman was Funning ater the stange looking an. She was shocked when she saw tis headin in the newspaper Polcowoman Arrests Bank Robber on Tri |B Think ofan ecg oven om 2 book or fo an eveat rom yur imagination, a compete the chart Paragraph 2 Wat happened How pope aregrh 3 iat hppanedn th ne ow the people: ‘4 Vict a narrative about te excngovnt Use the formation in Evrcee 2 ad the model Ineereee 26 help you ee Coen Sates Progress 1 compet th sentnces with he words and ‘xpreslon blow (10 pens) survive + made their way + misrable ‘riled » reached We destination fel lonely ‘aocal «ran out of energetic confused 1. twas eal when my best fend dda spe to me fora week 2 Everyone was delighted when the space rocket fialy Did you en your parents went ay fhe weskend? Bad wa to esr that hs favourite band was playing in town. Tooked atte nap but cit ow where Iwas Tas 50 ‘The men started thirjourey in India and oto Chins “The hier wale for hours because they felt sgoodand very Rob hates parties, He very — Iida buy anything when 1 goto Pers becauee ‘money. id any people the acident? 2 GRTTEREEIELIEEDD A the words blow to ach group (0 pelts) forest fory «windy «enthusiastic «politician Cruise sip» comet model «upset» ogey 1. omy soem + 2 plot engineer + 3 eset «island » - 44 motorboat yacht 5. annayed» cher» Grammar 2 poins 'B complet th sentences with he correc form afte ‘ors bracket Use the Post Simple or used. (s0ponts) 1 We time 60. 24 (ed to stent pop me but now t njy ard tock and far 3. Lise {ks the sesnery. She war disapointed! 4 My parents (xed 0 alow) ime say ou late, ut now Tea stay out mnie (begin our journey on 5 yo. (used to ride) your bike to school? 4 cole to test wit th verbs in brackets se the Pat Simple or Past ontnuous(10 pons). Last week, while my nel (vt) anhe® (ask) me, “Do you want to go for arid ins Nota balloon next weekend?” Timed (iy) Yes {veered whe he dey aly (come). While we . (take off, Iwas scared, Bat when we were high inthe hy. © (ook) down and” (se) tiny poole cis and hoes Below Th as (eno) andthe people » (all around, The work ook) ike cate compar same {5 GaTTERESENIEAID cava the croc nse (a0ponts) 1. Jes travels traveled raving to ‘trai st month 2. How much / any / many ship reed inthe harbour yesterday? 83, Were people waking / Did people wait [Are peopl waiting the station at 5 otock esterday? 4 Today, most people does write / dont write ld write eter. 45. Jane was ring / rode | were riding her bike fon the beach at noon yesterday. 6 Isthere / Was there There was any thunder Tas night? 7 Look! Do yousee / Are you seeing / ‘Did you ste the dolphins in the ocean? 8. The ote ly ae fying les her planer ‘ver the town now 9. The pstengers dont survive didnt survive / used to surive the journey because of terble storm. 20, Welive in the most beaut beautifully more beautiful han ty inthe word Dictation 10>0ins 4B © Liston and write the paragraph. Speaking 10 00s 1 atch tn questions nA the answersioB. a 1. Whore ald you go? 2. When dd you g there? 3. Whe did you go wih? 4 What happened? 5. How di you fc? B went st weekend ~b. We were col, wet and miseabe ~ 6 Tent camping inthe forest 41 ent with my best end, Mate f Atnlgh stom started. Writing 10 005 'B compet tne narative wit the connector of sequence below. Thre may be more an one correct answer. after that «then +n the end fret ofall. later ‘Yesterday, my fiend Laura and I went on pene." We deeded where to ~thebeach, >" we bought Some food and rink as sperma. erode ou bikes tothe beach together we ound 3 sod place for our picnic and we saw Tor and ‘Andie playing fot onthe Beach. ihe our of ur had a gest picnic together. Transiation 200s {© ‘ronslate the sentences into Engh. 1. Los explocadore sobrevivieron au vse por 3. Elsueto de ete se hizo realidad cuando veg por todo el mundo 44 Qué estan haciendo clos cuando salle tare? 5. Nowoia ser un entusasta dela navegacion. Dictation 110 ‘Speaking 110 Weng 110 TWarslaton _/20 My total score: 7100 othe foling Tek () te box you succeed. I sy 1 four words or phrase connected to 3. asentene in the Past Single and 2 Sentence ith wed to, 4. sentence withthe Past Simple and 22 Answer te questions about tp you took. 1. Whore dd you go? 2. When di you go? 3. Who dd you go wih? 4: Hove dd you fel? ‘3 wine te sentences about 8 or Vocabulary Actievemens “3 complete the sentences with the phrases blow. arms lot of money + represented elesee A a Bees ae ave the environment «donates money A B ‘made a significant contribution 1. represent 2 the envionment composed many songs 2 make by charity work has taken part in international competitions 3 sae your county 1. Bane Spain in significant contribution "the 2015 Eurovision Song Contest. © onstage 2, Fernando Alonso a Spanish racing driver, °° Complete the press forte plctares, He won the Formals One World Drivers Championship in 2005 and 2006. {The ongeisation Greenpeace does many projects to aia ‘Hopping palltion and helping endangered ‘inal 4. The Bates. © ‘the development of rack and pop music. They ed people of a ‘age Tove litening to them any ears tr. 5. The singer Bono ofthe popular band U2 by seling ‘songs and giving concerts. Bono wants to make the word bet place, soe often : tohelp people in Dea, for example **4 vite sentences about yours peopl you kaon ‘eee phases belo. orform on stage » appear on television do charity work » compose songt take part in international competitions 1. My father has ner appeared on teleison. Do 5 Grammar proven Pecect simple * H complete te sentences with the verbs below. Use the Preset Partct Simpl aia, write compete «win «be «perform donate watch 1, Coldplay allover the world 2 The eh musician Bob Geko ‘lotof mone to arin {People many countries the popular programme Survivor oa TV. 4 Irland the Enrovison Song Contes seen times 5. Taylor Swit many of her own songs 6 Roge Federer _———inseven consective Wimbledon fale 7. Astronauts ever (on the planet Mar "2 choose the caret answer 1. Lhave yet never / ately watched American Idol on TV. 2, Brad it hasjust/ for / ever made anew fl, 3. Mave you ever / et never taken part ina competition? 4. yen hasnt done his proc on global warming aleady/ ince ye. 5. Sue hart bought any new othe yet for / since let nme 6 Peoplehaven hear anything about that famous aces fr / since jt yeas °*B viet words into correct order to make ‘senionces se the Present Patt Simpl, Then wie (0ue) oF tle for you. 1, noteat/ ay chocolate for/1/ a month 2 andlecuicbike/ yt my da not use 3m Bareloa for 1 tive / many yeas 4. my frends ina photo competition just / paripate 5. 1/snce lst Cistmas/ not sce ny grandparents 6. my mum / hear / of Shakira / never 7. Fin elcopter 1 /aleady ***4 vite questions or he atsiers blow, Pay tonto othe worden ble 1 No, havent een that performance yt 2 — Yes the actors have gone home. 3 “The deci has een atthe theatre ll dy. 4 ‘The baad has already played five songs. 5 ‘The police officer has jus walked on sage. 5 complete he text win te verb Below Use the Prsant Partect Simple. write buy «ve « earn «have «Become not sap +e ‘Witing Her Way to Success “Amanda Hocking ‘ne ofthe best ein author of online ‘ook since 2010, She ‘ s inthe small > town of Austin, Minnesota, nthe US —— sine se was alte She iterent jobs, slays Stoves Hocking dit succeed in sein her books to publishers, so she decided to try to sll her work onlin, a 99 cents 2 copy. To her srpice, the books quickly became ‘very popular People = ve ene milion copes fr: nd they ‘yet! Hocking Alotof money fom her work ad is now a millon. Aer her online succes, big publisher published her books as ordinary books, and fim companies : Interested in making is of them, butshes Grammar Present Porect simple Past Simple. * Choose the correct answer, ***4® complete the text with the verbs in brackets. 1 We traveled / have evel o pas 1s the Present PariectSimple er Past inp many times since 206. 2 Lacy hast appeated/ didn appear on Tye 3 Tomand I saw / have seen a play lat Tap toed Ge eeecomes night (love) musicever ince she 4 Di you eversng / Have you ever ng be) young gt ‘on tage? na her 12 birthday she 5 Did the band car Have the band q Se ial ervinnes at -) schoo at oot matches and in hopping ott money in 20107 § |) Fetes Then 200 se 6 heard have heed ny favourite sng | rake) heist twee nce eight otek this morning. stbum Tyr Sif and she 7, Roselived ha ved in Florida en yours (become) famous en, Since then, Taylor (produce) four mor albus: Fores (2008) 2 Tks) the ps setnces tat hve Speak Now (2010, Red (2012 and 1989 ‘ne same meaning. (@o19, Mos of er song ae sboat 3 Nh 4a, Rick has been an actor since 2002. School stent having hard ie wih ove. , Rick started acting in 202 (verthe yeas. eager in many counties eS a herbs 2a Ter as jst come in toda ae ee) Tey aed an hour oo ‘inermainal queen ofp. aor, 4, Wemoved to Giasgow woyearsapo. set (xin 1 Wehavetivedin Ggow fortwo yeas any award fr er mus fhe ast ew Years Tor {vot stop) working. In 2008, 4 Beth goths ibaershe ganado Oat orig 1208 be teth has worked hresnceshegndusted i Ccopea) ne 8 capt ect tcc em | eG in ion orbs rg ‘he vers nro, Ue te Prevent Pret Simp =opleandabe Sonate ge poe nsf money to difeent chars nd onarieaton: Loe you he - B Ucn to» conversation about an interesting pt lel 2 age oramaare est erence erie ee Nee reer Arm } ae 5 Lining wth ocala io Fes fcc 2 Answer tne questions. 5. How old was he when he learned to read? 1 i ed ee be adi binky eT : oe 2 What was his ie £3) Listen again and complete the sentences. 3: Who helps Bete inthe organisation? 1, Alize knows information abost ho beens 7 she har bout hin 4 What i special about each song? 2. From avery young age, Sha parents could see that he war 5 In what stations do the cde songs help |. Shospareneare from and them? E 4 Atte moment, Sh leaning tobe 8 5 Sho blieves important to tosocety Vocabulary Aciviies Mach the stiles toe pictures. Ligpeering inet net 3. rc climbing ‘4 making pottery 5. windsurfing 6 perform inaband earehery 8 orienteering 9 camping "22 wie tne comet actin next each sortancs. designing fashion acceseorie «disc afm learning survival sil» perform ina band ‘study computer animation» create ound ects 1 Let do the sane gun, Ths tie, wat you to shoat very loudly. 2. How do make the stare move around fst? 8, Ths doesnt sound like soem. I ur sounds like ight ain 4.1 taken a coureon making jewellery 5. play an electric gitar and my fiend ings great 6. Today we wil learn howto cook outdoors, 3 make coteatons wih te words blow. hes ‘complete the sentences tha low wth the albeatons, camping fusion accetores pottery ‘vival kev archery Leo 240 3 lean 44 devin 5: make «Pam loves jevellry an scarves. She is staying how to by Every summes, my ens and take tent and tn the mountains «Hove urs pts and bow Te to 44. Belore you go hiking inthe jungle ts important to «You need good hands and eyes to “°*4 ta cetances with the words oom. Use words from Rand in eoch sentanes. fo oventeerng« actin # play +g canoeing ® perform ina band «go rock cing @ sage mountain + saxophone + map oer Emme Complete the dialogue wit the word ol. ould you tke + do you enoy “ae yo ntereted «are you good ‘am relly hen ieee im etdoor sete Bi Yes 2 on. swindsuring Unit 2 Writing Anwsatice 1 conptet te senonces ith he aectes nd avers nacht. LAW. eh was singing dating the football match (oul itl) 2 ew snowing ‘se the __- eploers made their way across thei (hes res) 13 The students were realy when they herd heir teacher shouting. (upeet angrily) 4 Don was. ‘worried when he heard the .______ news shoat the aecden: {bad very) 5. The eparterwrotean Interesting article about the game (eting exramey) ‘2 complete the news arte th te adjectives and adverbs below. There my be more tha one corel anewer. ‘qiely «wonderful loudly famous «extremely + challenging great «excitedly COODNG FOR MESA "The last day ofthis school year began yesterday ith oa ‘aang the yas, tents hve taken patina lof Including archery, orintevig and canoeing. Thre tudonts competed in yesterday’ finale Stadentandtechers st round th nk. The race bean at 10am. Chaves Marks war fest Heset of" ‘round the ake, but fins Kegan and Helen Bliss were far behind him Seconds later Holo wae fist, The teachers and widens shouted * “8 Helen wo the race Helene an * {alented athlete and ‘everyone et happy fore whata” ‘odes ee fo ae fantastic school year We wish everyone a lily 3 compl the cart about school event can Berea imaginary. Paragon? Wh — | wasinee ce Parag 2 Wathappaned - How peop fat. 1 || Pergraph 3 | trees ote vet “4 Wate a news art for he schol website Ute he nermation in xercie 2 and he mal ‘Exercise 21a help you a Ct Cl Voeabulary 20 pins 1 ead ne santnces and compete the wots '5 commit the sentences with the vets Brackets, (Soins) ‘oe te Present erect Simple or Fat Simple. 1. Tvepliyed the snophone for years. (aopains) Ip nab 1. Jule (ompose) songs since 2. Bry sant ny parents dm she was 13 year old to. organeation for por children 2. That ctor (ear) alot of 2. always try otros plastic bots in money ast yea. eyeing bins to hep s-—— the 3 youever ‘fake part in competion? 4. [ke reading maps want oin an an {oot do) archery at he Dennen eb sumer camp lst ear 5: Lets go onae__-——- trp neat weck, We 5. My fiends (go) windsurting cansleep an the beach tthe bosch ast Sanday, at Ato 8 mak past. (5 point) (6 GLEE crooee te corect s : nomex (10 points) eevee A. fashion sosemodes 1. Lwaslistening /Usten/ am listening to 2 en Saki reat song atthe moment 2 Tsing beautifal as Beauly a / beautifully ou do 23 Teak am thinking ave thought 1 Important co save the envionment 3 GSLCERETEED crt ne wort at 44 who i more successful than / fees blor. (10 pols) Tess sunt than /ehe most sccesfal ‘singer in your county? 5 Limade used to make was making pote, bt now prefer painting We have left are leaving / leave the shopping entre at five oak Pam hasnt made any pottery for / since / yet loos time Grammar 30 ois "They haven taken part dn takepart / ‘werent taking part nthe competition lst 4 compote the sentnces wi the vers below. eas a eee aaa nee "That pop group has’ got any / some / much pind «return + want «not lve «not appear hitsong atthe moment L They jst He crested has eeated /was erating new from their tip Rome sound elects for his band when wearsved 2 He on TV yet. mt Dictation spon: ra — longi in another nan __inmetime manors ener go (ROT Utena te te par sin computer einai 5. Say in Eaglnd dice Sheva ve oa 2. appe 6 alotot money, 4 dosgn songs 5. diect ‘© ontseision 1. alley cave iver desert 2 docharky work explore journey «set off 3 annoyed lables cheer e upset 4 dalghed » miserable «thrid» enthusiastc 5 tram ¢ underground ory «yacht 10 points £8 compete the qutstions with he folowing phrases. Than match the queen tothe anewer bol. acted in a play +n art into extreme spare tout doing charity work «ogo camping 1. Are you interested 2. Have you vee 3, Would yu ke. 4 Are you 5 How do you fee 1 No, prefer staying at a hte. bm notsure Hhavent got mach time Yes, 1am. Hove panting. Writing top. 1. four words o phrases connected to (© conplst the sartncae wit he ajectves ond achievements ‘avers boa. omall» really «important «well» excitedly 1. Thespectal effets made the lm ‘mezing 2 Heplaysa purin thenew fil, 3. Everyone aed when they heard the news 4. We eames. silat the cap. ‘5. The eam played extremely. 4 Seentence in the Present Perfect Spe Transiation 20 iat sentence inthe Past Simple, 2 four activites Perfect simple with suitable tine expressions. 0 Tronlate the sotonos nt ge, . — 1. Pam noe cantaa sobre escenario durante orator. 2 Anower te questions about your intrest. 1. Are you good at port? 2 ail artsta a estudio alguna vez animacin ig 2. Do you enoy camping? 43. Fimor «hacer clad en acs ao pad 4. Mis amigos nunca han ido de aeampada Sea Rae a 5: zAlguna vez has participao en una “ompeticin internacional? |B vite ts sentences abot sports avent or Woeabulary tavelitens * H complete he pz wit te missing ‘words in the phases blow. Acrosse> 5. Iugage 6 fsead Down insect 2. seeping camera 4 money 72 complete the sntecos about Sue's olde. ‘Use te words balow. guidebook» sunscreen «ont « passport futcate» backpack «map «toleties sunglasses 1, She only gong forthe weekend 50 she st ssa large ‘She en sea Shes been there many tines. he knows hee way around and what theres odo, 20 the dose need ore because She dosnt ned a she st leaving her county, 4 ts eloudy and rin at his time of ye sosheloat king o 5. Shel staying at «fends at. She st steeping ina. She cn use her friend’ shampoo and soap, She st (aking mary. "3 complete the sentences with te slagua ola form ofthe words tom Exeetes Tn? 1. People have sep in for thousands of years. Tye aay to cary. ‘The Roman army and some Naive American sed them. 2 In. 1946, Franz Greer, chemist in Europe, Invented one of the ist to help protect hin rom the sun 3. In 1828 an English author, Marana Starke, ‘wrote the fst. about aly nd France for British tours 4 According to some historians, Henry V, he ing of Engand from 1413 to 1422, invented theft. “He wanted English travellers to have «document of ‘Mention with them when the ef hele county 5 nancient ines, people made from diferent kinds of plants. These changed the sme of peoples ‘kine and helped hep insect say. nd sunny daring the day but ol a lg ee {ve senlonces boat what avel ems you ore ‘aking and why you need then. Use words othe ‘reese above. Lo Grammar Fite tenses 1 conplt the logs with th verbs in teehat, ** 3 Complete the sentences with he verbs blow. {ee be oing te ior resent Sime wth tire ‘Use Be golf wor Present ine with ature ening. mea LA We (ake the ein smo «by + stop» go» meet k (eave) London at 1020 1. The un itso bright Wsharting my ye. Be Bt then we (ot ge to Tek impala prof Cambie until noon we courte Gave enough meter? 9 pended bowtng 2. Ti going camping for the time. im on Toeney evening staid (hate 5, Ws rering outside m suet B: Tm sure you ove it tonight aa buy) money bet Do When son you need anything fom the wave shop? aa rsveaniotoe 3B: Yes, Can you please get me a gueboak project for Prague? Here—1 5. When the bus to Oxford {Ge} you money foe ine? 4A Won Yue taking so many things eth yout ou *°°4 contin te niisagues elo. Ue tre {pact everyting in your bckprck? teres. B: No 1seeit. (oot 0 1. Ar Tm bred Maybe Thine (ose a suas. - *2 complete the tex withthe vers in tracks. I Use Be gong tw Peset Simple with tute 2. Az What are you plans forthe weekend? Do na yourwant meta dive you anywhere? Bo ‘out atthe sieport, According othe — Satan cre aceon) ee eee iss oe - pig | Ea ee oes : Bae a mace tltearo” ear oe tte re ee are . ae See ‘Tere may be more han one correct answer. eaamerens ee ce ere Fa rene mea a A: I'm flying to Dublin next weekend, Sao, (dave) the dothes othe travelers desination. At the end of hae ip, ‘liens can got land without a pasport 2B: Wel, tink yull need some form of D cuveles™ (oy) mich ese than they do for eta luggage a new lth. oie se Zak Tonres aes Bs Youll abo need to take warm other ‘customers Both aew and ured clothing. The At Thewenther val be company (star the service lovely om not going to tae any sweaters. only in Canada end Ausra ait Be The weather fy) to Canada next, probably wort be as nie a yu thin! summer Feraps (oot tke) a suitease. can ry Zero Bagge intend! Grammar fe coninuous "3 te sentences wit the words lon: Ue te etre contin. 1 Compete the sentences withthe vers in brackets, 2. Lisa shop with her mum / all afternoon Use te Futire Contes rah 1. My parents a (au) athe Crown Hotel tomorrow night Youn vet them there 2. wht Tom do with hi rend hi 2. hy dont you meet atthe shopping centre weekend? inthe aernoon? We : : (ook) for backpacks and shoes frou rip. {3 Dont cl Ben from 4 atock to 6 olock Het ulded wus of Hampon Cour then 4 Teer do anything exeing This tine next ~ ve th 4. when they use ou camping egupmen 7 43. we/ celebrate / our grandther’ birthday! Inthe USA / ts ime next week ‘what Tim doing now 2 5 You cant wear my ed dress forthe party on 5.1/ not sleep before midnight tonight. ‘Weenestay deca eae en Compete the questions wth he verb Below Use***4% complete the eentencs to make them tue fo OH. the Fuare Continuous, Then answer te questions ‘en the Futur Contos, le the answers tue er you. wash «do se + watch listen 1 you 2. Tomorrow, from 8 adock to 9 oock inthe English evening ny parents homework this ime tomorrow? _ - 23. At? oldock tis evening, 2 ‘anyone in your home ~ : oto misc Blane this evening? smoming - — 5 Une next week, 3. Who — the dishes — In your home tonight? 1. Thirime next week, — ‘4. Can your fiend do her history project on your computer tomortow aernoon ot — the computer? your uring ‘im mot usualy Rear on Dy it you e oon oe vealing, at oy ‘soyerte ta arne? lenoyed my ays ‘Thon an Outward Bours ‘ys nn Eng’ Lake Hoda for you! List oa, | wont Toon Tots erganses ee, Di Tie regan has got ‘onan indy OtwarsBouna fyoure 1518 yea old and’ beau geen i, prt ‘tp tocages 191. kvas on he fe eying, youve hie vilgee ar of cous, kes. wea coat of Seated, Te holiday Yous io trcugh —_Yoveanergarisa awaling tpn mauninus rea nae Ban eausl scenery in you own bt we used company Nevis. te Ls highest mounian- Caled Conus. The company” We hia ae mouniab, Wert pleny of timo or outst ses, sccormoaaten, rock dng andesroaeg id arangss , ‘museums, and hopsin the provides a gudsbook and nap, ofleteeng, and lees carcng | ouneysde and alo have ies. You slaeo In ost, | Canpstes and tele. You! hol ach night Weed seeda bevels andaseeping ‘StKlometesin ‘og. Dut Teen Teks wit cay! provide other Tessa G, age 13 camping suneses, aes Ineusng ers. Tom 8, ago 16 1. On Teen Tees tips, participants spend tine Ince and na diate your suteses jour shale Everyone Malpas cay ‘ari aquemert oro ru, Listening 2, On a Teen Treks trip, you won't need to take 42) 3 Liston to 2 comersation about a visit to London and ny camping suples except. 3. Ines tha a week, Tear aed 4. Dan Outward Bound ip ested for 5. The teens on Outward Bound did outdoor activities sich as ‘2 mic questions can you anowe according tothe text Answer toss qootons 1. What les id Torn vit? 2 Where do people spend the nights on & Teen Tek holiday? 2. Wh dd Tessa go on hai with? 44 What are three reasons to wea company congas walling tr? 5. How ld were the people on Danis Outward Bound ip? answer the questions. 1. How long wl Sam bein London? 2. Whats Sam destination? 5. How longs the rde onthe Heathrow Expesst 4 How much des the Heatwow Express cst? 5. What cme wil am get to central London? 6. How far is Hyde Park from the wan station? D> ston again and choose the corect answer. 1. Katie once vised Amsterdam / Los Angeles ‘Athen belore a fg. 2. The ide on the Underground fom the airport to ental London isas long as sorte than / Tenger than onthe Express. 8. Hefore Rows meets Sate, Ross going to go ona boat ride do an exam / ‘sit Buckingham Palace 4. Sam wl probably want to ve Hyde Pak / ‘Trafalgar Square the Serpentine lake 2 Vocabulary tov! 4 completo to sertances to sow you understand ‘he words bal 1 complet the pass bod withthe words below, nee eee make «take» plan «hire «check «book ‘Wee going to —-acarin Florence. Ti. the weather forecast before we leave ‘Are you gong to aticket online? 1 hotel seervations tomorroe ‘Tomorrow morning, we going to ‘sour ofthe ty. 5.1m planning an itinerary fora visto here. Jetrhas bee to France many times. Hes going and felpus. ins Miniinerary for our tip 6 The ext ine | go sightseeing somewhere, there 2. When Ita a Break, 3. When [tae a tur of New Yor, I wast 4 Some people dn keto ive ear because “2 complete the eontenos withthe phases below. Make any necessary changes book her flight go sightseeing» take a break travel on business «ofr a long weskend Because of her job, my mam often to other tes for mening, she does soon, shell have to pay move forthe ce We. ~—yeterday My fevouite places wer the Eifel Tower and Note Dame Cathe 4 Were sndgongto | A Teta fe aban rsdeat ‘the mountains or the dy ec ty yet my family, Imtng my botheria Bro Het {eT wat in sha on Mendy ee ** Complete the sontences about what the people arc ogee Gage inveprensh bee ea Wah ee 1: Ys Helps af th ret - " ‘They haven't got an extra bed, so [sleep +2, Ava wants to deive from New York to Boston. eee ‘She + = 13, The girls are taking 2 map, a guidebook and a : Tin aot ue: My brother go ot of . Te eng © ing do pba ogg 4 Sonevintolwowtowaidiwilicm fy wa Se” 5. ewan Ova wl way fw Getty «too wat oom in Be fr ene pt filma dite bus ese @ pe ‘veyhee becuse my brother ves neat the diye ne ‘A: think be oa and dy. Be cee | AGT pater shook 1: Maes pod ime Writing 40 emai about pla 1 Rewrite he sentences 2dsng informal punctuation. Use dat, lies, brackets and an exclamation mark. 1. The igh’ going tobe rely long about 12 hours. 2 Yul have = wonderfl time ‘5. Wel goto Poms the best restaurant in town, 4. Tve planned a surpese 22 complet the eal wth ntormal punctuation, Use dat, etipes, brackets and an uctamaton mark. Hi Moly, Tm haing gest ime inthe Stats. My next stop i Boston be staying therefrom 15h 0 17 March ‘On any ist dy there, im going to getup early and wal slong the “Freedom Teil Neary ll of Boston's hstrc ses re on this walling tour The walk about 4 km lng and there’ a pecal ‘map to foo. It stars in Boston Common * the oldest ple park inthe US end ends on Brees Hill On that il theresa 67-metre-high monument ~ Banker Hill Monument. To get © beautiful view ofthe cy, visitors ean wale up 294 eps to the top ofthe monument! Oa Saturday, {hope the weather wl be good. going tire ableyde and ride on the Charles River bike th. im planing to cross he rive, oo, and vit Harvard Unlvetty la Cambridge, Boston has gota great music scene, som gong tog toa dub to hea some local musics. havent made ny plns fr my last day in Boston. Who knows? Maybe Tt hve an adventure * ooking forward to all ofthis and more thnk havea gret time! Love Robert | imagine ou are going t tke a two-day tpt Bris, Enlane, Wits an e-mall aren aout your plas Use the model in Exarise andthe intron he cart lowe lp you. Paragon War 10-10 Who tt Paraoraph 2 Dells about specie lacks and ace: Dey 1: Moring: us tour cy (ils rer harbourside, Nistor neighbouraeds, ny Berta ‘eroon: Bro ao Garens Even” Muse cub Bey 2: org oe cof te ty eto he 100 an Neos Mart renng” Gomedy cos Paragon 3 Prt: Wi have wera 2» herrea Check Your Progress Vocabulary 20pois 1 ate Ato 8 tomake phase. ints), |5 vite sentence with he word below Us the A B Future Comins. ott) 1. book sanitineray 1. you use /your camera this weekend /? 2 hive the weather forecast 3 pln caticet 2. thei tomonrow 1 By Japan | 4 check (4: for along weekend 5 eaar 2. we watch / he football match! rom 8 ioc ‘ross out the WRONG enw (pas) - 1 This suitcase luggage allowance / backpack 4s what Lake / do i nd all week 2 weighs lt - Before you go on holiday book your ght / make hotel reservations / take a break © GETTER cnonse na corect oat forget your talltis/sunsereen nswes (10 pelts) sunglases when you goto the beach, For many years, Alnwick Caste in ‘We're sleeping outside tonight Well need ‘Northumberland England," hasbeen J was stent /ecamera case leping bogs. ‘popular tourist ste Bat ia 200, became Ifyou have «good guidebook /passpoct/ ‘ven the most popalat/ more popular than / be ey nd your way {Ss popular a before Deca lm makers ae / Far ee ‘reusing / used the castle in he Harry Potter 3 GREENER compet te sentences ‘ln This is only one exile of" tours: wit two words or rases. Pay ttartion tothe ‘Stockh, Sweden, “used tobe J wont be ‘words in bod (0 pints) ‘id ase oe tourism destination ‘ithe but hanks to Dh Girt wih ke Dragon Tattoo, ove than 10000 people "are king! took take a tour ofthe Bin octions there ‘very Ye And ee 3 li company ‘Semaking/was making made Amecican ‘versons of he Swedish lms tourism ofa ‘were sleay planning for more tours. Tour sesamin w ‘companies think are thinking ehought film ee eee tourie ave important, so they rete special «s chmbing wb re tours for tem. Are youa fn of ames Bond. Ciming Mt erst waa ream come re fndbectckecuanrme 1 fetes el a Wl you be traveling You wil rave / ached my. You are travelling to Landon this summer? 5 Weave eatning about geographial features, ‘There ig There are / Were there interesting ie rvers, caves, and ‘ous ofthe fm locations in London an you ‘an find ® many / mach /lts of information online Grammar 20pons 4 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Dictacion ropa: {cote going tor Pree Sil wih itere (5) nen adware ea ee wl & pera. Le (oor) 10 trmowron We a the cane ice) st 9c | ) ‘ike bach tomrow? Maybe anys! 2: We checked the weather recast sso abet dy 1. There are many ass, such as eamping, canoeing. and 2 We uae by sen in diferent pes of teansportwcruise ship 2 and ‘He makes a significant contribution to che ‘Speaking 1o>0ins {8 sath the uosions in Atte answers in Be A 1. Where ze you going? 2. How long wl ou be staying there? 3. Where wl you be staying? 44 What are you gong to do there? ‘5. What wil the weather be te? 5 3 Two weeks To Hawai, Ine hotel ner the beach “Warm and beautiful! Timgoing wo lars windrarting Writing 10,00 {© rewrite the sentences ala norma panctatin. se a dah ise, brackets and examaton mn. LW be gest 2. Were going to st Ylowstoae one of the mest famots national parks 8. Thesides there are fanatic 4. Two el you the end 5. Take warm othe cold there Translation 20 ins 0 transno to somonces nto Engh 1. La visita emplezs dente de dos hors, 2. Creo que reservré un bllete por interne. 9. Masa algular un coche ena ciudad? 4 iNecestarérepeente contr nection alfen 5. Estas entado ala ae que cogebronceador. Woeabulary_ 120 Seams 190 Dictation _/ 10 ‘Speaking 110 10 ‘ansaton _/20 My total seore:_7 100 ‘othe folowing Tick (the box it you sucreed. A suy.. 1. for travel ts, 2 four phrases connected to eave, 3. one sentence with be gag 2, one sentence With wil and one sentence wth Present Simple with ature meaning, 22 Answer he qustion about an imagine tp you ae planning. 1. Where ae you going? 8. When does your ight evs? 4, How ae you going to tavel around? 5 write tres semencs about plans forthe ‘summer balay. Useftormal punctuation, Vocabulary rece: intow Mach the words tothe petures. 1. ofc block 2 ray sation 4 police station 4 carpark 6 swimming po! 7 running tack 8 bowling alley 9. aicport 7° complete te sentences with the wards bolow. art gallery «newsagent « ootall lth playground » universy + market hotel «nightclub 1, Shannon i studying architecture a. 2. My bother love poet. You can often in them atthe, 5, Mum buye vegetable and fruit at the {lf yoa ike dancing youl ove the ~ in our town, 5 That has got magazines from many counts 6 Listed the new = yesterday. There ate some ice patting there 7. take the children to the huge in the park i'theyre bored at home 1 My reads are stayingina nea the beach for hae ngs, hors ar te pope? Wit the ort lace places fom Exercises 1 and 2. Tha maybe more than ene correc nett. 1, Wel traveling to Amsterdam today, raitnay station Larger. 2m akng «spect some questions. 23. Laomtimes buy newspapers here |. Were studying the Fench Revolution this week 5: Theyre tating the match ght now. {Look at Ron! Het the fastest sure hel win Grammar firs:cansiioral/ ‘Second Conditions * H completo the sentences withthe paces below and the corct term of th ers in brakes Use ‘the Fist Conon, 1 Ifyou come to New York, (ke) you whe top of 2 Shewil see be — Gpend) some time in London 3. We not se the famous Printing the Mona Lis unless we go waa baa of fe. 2. complet the sentences wth he verbs below. Use ‘he Sezond Condon, asks take study «sell « not have 1, FT wont univers L_—___art history 2. fyou people for adviee you woud probably find some solutions to your Problems. 3. ewer people would use the trai ifthe ray station such aig ca park 4. Ifchey——___vagetales atthe markt, {would buy my vegetables thee, 5. Use he ite tothe Playground ii wer so cld outside. 3 complete the sentences wih the verbs in brackets, ‘Use the Second Condon. Litthere (be) space in thie car park, we pant the car ere, 21 ~ ove tothe ty centre iit have) more parks 3.tfwe (be) ade, we probably (go) (oa nigheub at the weekend 4. ttyou (Gell your panting toan alley, you (become) eh IL Ao take) he bust the sirporif be) Ales “4 chon he crac newer to complete the ‘sontanes Ia the Fst Contino Second Condon. We woat go camping tomorrow if rains / ‘would al Ifthe swieuming poo is were close to our ‘home, [would go swing every day. ff woulda’ have didn't hae job the bowing aly, want wo work athe por. Ie need a map, we got wil get one from the tours fe 5-Ltay/ would stay the Glnt Hot were you I excelent 6 Unless Bl gets got lots of homework, youl seem on the football pitch thie afternoon, +5 complet the test wth the vrs in brackets ‘sete Fest Conional or Second Conon. Ae you plang oi the Far Est (be) you, would miss ling i ae) tne wo vist ony one ig in he ate, would chose Beding! This asinating Chines cy has got 0 many wonderfl markets, museums, shops tnd restaurants, You (erie) your visit even moc if you learn afew words tnd phrases in Mandarin Chinese Some ‘companies include language learningon their tours of Bejing I were aout in Ching join) eis kind af ou Your ew each you many sf phrases yous (be) intrested. Then Youl practise them in rea tations, Unless yous (at) Being, yu ‘wont ee famous sights sucha the Farbidden Gy and the Temple of even, and yu (Got understand) the reasons this ly atracts lions of ours every yee We hope to se you in Bejing sont : ‘Complato the sentonces blaw to eeammend Sears 1. lfyoulike ese aod, youl enjoy (6 tfThad he time today 1 “would 1 coose to caret answers to complete te sentences in the Third Condon. 1, Ife had stayed / would have stapes few more hours we had visited would have visited some at galleries. 2, Wehadnt gone | wouldn’thave gone swimming ifthe water had been would have been cold. 43. had bought / would have bought a magazine i had found / would have found newsagent close tothe hte, 4 Ifthe snow ad been / wold have been heavy they had closed / would have closed the alpot. 5 Ifyou hadnt phoned / woaldnt have phoned me, 'hadat woken up wouldn't ave woken up in ne foe my ight. 6. We did't go / wouldnt have gone bowling the weather hadi been / would't have been stormy Wied Condtional_ "2 ete sonences wit the werd otow. Use the Thi ***4 wits sontnce for och stunion Use the Third Condonal Condon. 1. Ron be / annoyed you not asve/ 1. Wed go on ada o Brazil. The ‘ontime halide was too expensive, 2.1/ notshout at Tony / i be / not eto me 2 ll dt boy Natali birthday present = She wat disappointed, 2.40/17 not mest / Max 1 leave eae a 44 help / yu 1 we noe about the 2. Mick went swimming that morning Thats problem ‘why he saw a good fend at che swimming pol 5 if Kale not ose her eamera he not be / - upset 4 Lovet bed very late was ieiablein the morning. “*B maton ne proses in to Bad complet then wit he - - ‘ooct farm of th er in brackets to make eartonoos Inthe Td Condon. A 1Lifyou (0 aircey fom ere Madi New York, ‘Complete te sentences wih he wort below: 2. You lesen) more out the ty RE ie earn Ga eCte aut (ook) fr tickets exer, faye, : 4 You. (be) ser wo the hotel Oy, ie eed 5. Susie (uy) some gilts sive lnae ‘ (vin) the Metropolitan Museums = ve gone on a ifyou (get off) at Grand ea ehany i fee 2 the ocean ft had be. fyou (ake) a gue tou, ee ae el (ave) anther day in New ee eee York Gy. we (G0) 0 Broadway show. e thetight (ake) seven hous “iste {oot spend) al her mone. Unit 4 Reading 1 ead ote on wit Tu) Fae) nt sah sete blo. Then cree seroces Mt 1 Cental Paki fi fom New ok ig 2: People mas id ies ine he pur . ‘3, Children can play in the many playgrounds in the park. 4. Tho emmy birds in Col Pak = 5. Tikes forth sme cones nthe kw gue capes 2 down usin. 1 How any vistors comet Cant Park exch er? 2. Whee do perl go cinbingin he prt?” 2. What cantar d the peting so?” 4. What happen tothe as te mmr? 5. Why der the tt meron August? * Listening ws Jf 3 Lientosostsets taking sett Ltn oun nd amp tn etre ‘othbouots on» chee! ae pega. “Aeessenans cot = Than ewe cect owe, es 1. Waverley is far from near in the centre 2. Last Saturday evening, James met is frends e cinco wie . 72 If fames buys clothes, he'll go to town 3. Atthe weekend, Donna often goes out to on footy bs by ee. te ‘othe ed : 3. James often ply skal wit sends / Tana aigh Donna ging war Sites coun " 4: Donna and her fends on gotonconcet/ 5, bana slashed int ql bees ‘heraway ation the cnema shel ner, ) 5 Donna complains about the shops noise Pollution inher neighbourhood. Vocabulary wind tomn 1 ice nine wort ne ward snake. Then wr them net a he cre mbar ezrin othe pice "Stetoerioe andes atarebyg, 7°21 head he questions and complete the answers TIE 1 Yat shows yo hea et aeaaeeneiseeel 2. Where do ar stop when tf ed? ‘on your lf pas » youl ae «curt right Atthet 1 {tthe coner of how dol get 3. Where can you dea bket 8: Esco. looking he market Inab 1 = there? 4 Where should we crosea street? 3 You go ig. then Aare atthe 5. How can people cross iver? light ify wa long Maia Suet, Ona fountain. ‘x: Do you mean the famous Bird Fountain? Bs Yes tales 1 And thea what? Be Aer you" fountain youl see the market te sentences abut the pcre in Execs 1. es words tom Exercise ad 2 and Park Road, [A OK see. Thanks Unit 4 Writing a oscipionota pace 1 ath to 8 and wie setances using suc 2, he aud fr oxampl. Thee may Be mre nen O68 | ‘comet answer 1. Londons got bss packs 2 The Masé Orsay has gut pantings by fanous painters 3 You can do many exciting things in New York Cty. 2 4 Mone, Rent and Van Gogh '. You can go up the Empire Sate Bild, ake «bot to Hyde Pak and Regents Pack, ‘2 complete the tx with sucha, tke an for example. Thee may be more tha ove crest nse Hunderfossen -Hunderfosen Winter Parkin Nor ay sa spell amusement psk eas the 0 Lillehammer. only open between Janay nd March, ‘Thete ate manyexcing atts forthe ene family at Hunderosen ; ; Save scooters bumper cas and fairytale caste or cildn, Alls can alo enjoy themsclves hey can ry ston cating dow, Ahillaraspeed of 89 hlometes an how j Visto at Hunderfosen can also have special experiences 7 petting marie in che magaifient ce Hote § spending a night there: The rom terperatre inthe ce Hote between Sand? depres Ces, but special comfortable sleeping, bgt are povided Sr the guess sleep Tosum up f'you take tpt Norway i the winter, Hunderfossen wll be a wonderful place to vst IF wee you, would deiaely put Ion my itinerary. 3 complete the chart about park or a museum you have wise Parra | | Nan of lc: | peeowons |) Acryl depo ot te pce [prion tees: emmsereansoisossin ite a descition of te lace Use te infomation InExercse 3 and the model in Earcise 20 Fp you. 7 lia eat Cen a eas Vocabulary 20 ins 1 ater te tes into the word 8 ( pots) a 8 1. Chon playin it 2. fountain 2 You stay thre on holiday. —b. playgroand 3. Weuseittocros rivers. arrghtlab 4 Peoplegodancing there. a hte 5: es got water init abridge ‘2 complete the sentences with th words bow, (pans) statue «pavement «riba station market «sign 1. The children are wating onthe to eros the road 2 Does the tala to Oxord stp this 83. The people ae looking atthe Besa of alion in the square 4 Canyou rad the on that baling? 5. We always buy flowers a the 3 GHLEEELEED circle ne word tat oes belong (10 pans) 1. thlled- upset « delighted «enthusiastic 2 stormy lightning «thunder «sunny 3 explore» camping tent create sound eects 4 guidebook sitar» backpack « eatera case 5. trafic ight cbr crossing srport, roundabout Grammar 20 pis 4 completo to sontancs ith the vrs in rackets ‘Use the Fst Condloal oe Sacond Conon (AOpoits) 1. AFL work atti ofc block, (tke) the underground every dy 2tfehre (be) bicyete anes, it ‘would be les dangerous to ride inthe ity. Unless Mary (come) wieh ms, I wont goto the bowling alley this evening Any (not study) logy he went university were Linda 1 swimming pool everyday. SST {5 wt sontncos wit the word below. Use the ‘hr Gonna. 1 points) 1, you Rave / fan you go tothe Beach / esterday 2, wed visit the prk on Tuesday evening / wwe enjoy the jazz concer 3.1 mote /annoyed ck pes ney /to me 4 she not stop atthe eff ight here be/ an accident 5. he/ meets / atthe aleport/ hs ght / sotareve Tite THEE cvoose te crrect sewer (10 pins) ae: ea HL acgues, ‘My name is Rob and Tied / ave ved / ras living in London since 2002 I understand You ‘come / have come are coming hee on fan exchange programme in May. Ifyou want / | wanted / wold want information eboat tect, | tbe happy to help you. There ae much / lots of fantastic pusks, maseums and shops in London. *1 sed to live /T didnt ae to live Did set live near Hyde Pak, fata Now my favourite parks Regents Park I'm sure you like are going to ke will kee. W's got running racks eats, kes and even an opens {heat IT were you, went / would go wil go tothe theatre alot, "There ae / Are there / ‘Was there aways excellent shows at good prices." travel be travelling / travel {o Paris this time neat week, Which parks, shows and mareums you recommend ‘do you recommend ! you are recommending? Rob Dictation 10 pons (go)tothe Eb F Listen and write the paragraph. Speaking 10 00: '& compet the togue withthe phases blow. on your et how do I ett» youl se 1h second uring our right» ta ft ‘A: Excuse me, plese Bs Ifyou gostlght » at newengt |Ac And then what After you see the newsagent, take ‘Ac OK. And then what should do? onto Charch othe following Tek (the box if you succeed. sy. oh 2. foe place in own © conslete ne seences wth phates blow and Such 35 ke afr eal. {ental and basketball: Palm Beach Hae 3. sentence in the ist Condon and ‘sentence in the Second Conditional. 1 Eagan as oan cate 2. ke teat sports 3. There are some nie hotels here 4 Aon Gru designed unasua bulge 4 tected Gatien o 5 aris has got well-known sites Translation 20 pss 10 ansiate te sentences int nan. 1. Siyo fuer trl tiara ol pao de abe 2. Silos lfor no van andar in al porque, |B ite two setences eserbing a 3. Sino hubieras pci indlcnciones pata llegar a ‘rapt ine sence, altel, nol habriamos encontrado, 4 Me habrias vito enabler hubleas do ll anoche 5. No conducriamos alrededor del café s Woeabulary jscives * I complete he words inthe sentences blow each pictur. Doyou ie xing fa /w vegetables? “**21 The words in bold are inthe wrong sentences. "4B carrct th fle seatence in Exercise 3 without ‘Witte corct word next each sentence ‘hanging te werds in bls. Use he wort below, 1 Awanca gs oftasty wate, with no lemon init, lve «softs cake and ice cream 2. This yoghurt doesn tate good. Is fesh 3. Those bananas aren plain yo. 4 This etuce sot sous. Fbovght cst week. 5 complet the sentences o show you understand Sern 5. jour tngt ut when oct Sse -appetising food? _ without “~ 6. When wel chocteate heave NM agente testes 7. Set ance ca Herod ale Fem oy Bava as move Ea 4. an i fe ng Porat tensa 5 snot healthy 0 eat tao many sweet things 1. Ham and chicken at sweet 2. Phau has gota savoury sel 3: Apples re often gute alt. | 4. People ally eat tac ht a. 5. Artpeavocuo ishand 6 Indln fod is ofen ply. Grammar feane pronouns 1 circle the comes answers to complete he sents, Then () the sentences ta ar tue or you 1, Thnow someone which who llegito 2, There was atime where / when I didnt eat ny vegetables 5. lnm tytown, theresa restaurant where / which you cn eat ssh 4. Tye gota friend who / whose family doesnt fat any mest or fish. --5. goto achoo which / where you can buy fod foe lane. 6. doit ow anyone whe f whore docs ike ps "2 cute the crest answers oo stout carats, ‘The domesticated carot that / who / where we eat today onginated fom the wld aot “Those Ancient Gresks and Romane who / hich /whose diet included carats ate wid {arts They were purple, red, white oF yellow, Accosdng to legend, the people wh / which / whose invented the orange carot were the Dutch. They invented itn haneur ef the House of Orange, the Dutch Royal Fart. The plant ofthe cacrot—the greens who / which where you see above the giound~ ‘an grow ane metre tal Every Yet, yOu Gan see the plae'srigh white Rowers during the months when /where whe i's warm, 1 Thanks tothe carro’ swect tase (5% suse), there are many counties that where /who people make cakes and ther deserts with ® 7" compet tne sentnce wth he corractreltve pronouns. Thre may be mor than one earect, inthe town my grandparents ether rai fish make 2 Some people wort ea nyt Ib complete cooked sats theee 3 Ive got fend apples day 4 Tilnever forget he fan afternoon ‘we tea whole watermelon on the beac, 5 There chef. hes ae alt ‘eathy and ae les than 500 calories, ***4 complete ve tex win te correct tative pronouns. ‘Thar maybe more than one core answer. “The cheese {smore popular in England than ay oer spe of cheese fe cheddar ches gts ame from the English igo prope fire made - Cheddar People dnt Koon the ead yar cheddar as frst made, only that twas during the 12h entry In the 1th entry cheddar making Became aster snd better thanks to aman © Invented new equipment snd anew method of preparing chest. The man Inventions changed cheese-making techniques ‘a Joseph Harting, Tere ae any people all hi "the father of hed pear) Harding and members of hi fay introduced cheddar making to other countries and ‘continent. Toy, the village of Chea tl rakes chess bit in quantities” are smaller than they used to make, Examples ofother places. they make ‘excelent chedaae ae Canad, the US and ‘Australn. There ae many diferent types of cheddar cheese, The types have go the stages avout alten take st eng evo eas to make! TE ‘Mah th descriptions tothe eoect tens below. ‘hen wt your own desrigins for the wo ems without mates oda watsr+onton «potato «hot dag «butar 4. les awhit, geen or purple vegetable that we dont have a cook, Welten use iin pastas, ana an salads 2 Say dk ies as gota colar Grammar. petcingwiatve causes Cl th eoretreative pronoun in A. Than mah A {08 toform sentences win efing rite cause. a 1. Japan ie country where / who 2 Ther ace people which / who 3. Rem Sith ea teenager whose / which 4. Chinas the country when / which 5. There waa time when / whose 6 People ate about 85% of the oranges that / who 2 raw Bishis very populuc =b. produces most ofthe garcia the worl ‘ooking shows made bee a poplar speset <4. grow in the woad to make orange uc se thee of enon to clean things experts chose Noma, 2 return in Dentath, asthe best restaurant inthe word ***4 te cues or he pz below Use detning ‘Across-+ "2, soln ne srtences using detnng relative clases. 2. [f.avera papular atin fod hatin lake any nscessary changes. ‘he shope ofa large cc 1. Saffron ea type of pce. It is exteely + tn : expensive 5 2. There wasa time nthe pst. People sald 5 : ketchup asa medicine then. Down t ~ 1 - 3. Atoguels the name ofthis tll hat. A chet A ves a - : & 4 The Middle East the area, Hummus comes t - from there 5. Those people ate tomatoes Best They wete the Artec in Mexico, 6. Dominique Ansel the baker. His invention ‘sa combination of roisant and A doughaut “3 complete the sentences to mek than te fr you ‘os each ofthe reat peancuns Below once which «who «where «when + whose 1. 1know someone 2.Ivegota fiend 13. Tenover been to restaurant 4. There war atime 5, Theresa desert. Enna Compe the dialogue se your ‘agin, ‘A lif ever forget the mea that my younger sister made or my mm on herbed 2B What wat special about et A She made a salad [A Sh also made a cake. ce Realy? rere when [made ny fist cake. i “And what inks di she prepare? Ashe 'B Tm sore your mether wil never foget that meal Unit 5 Reading 4 ed he et and ck () (rut or al ext to each sentence below. Then coe the fe sentences From Peanuts to Peanut Butter oo ike pean? Ten sty tank you to Spanish congustadors | ‘sha scoveres eanots South Amenca and brought them Europe tore thas 500 et ag, From Erte, pear ta iar ao | ‘he nord and becane common in Ata, Chinese Indonesian, Thal 4nd Pippin fod | According to experts, peanuts came tothe US inthe ate 2700s, Soon after, American farmers bbegan to gtom peanuts and they became a popular fod. There were street vendors who sold ‘peanuts and people ate them in theatres and even in chureh! They algo vse them In cooking, Inthe 1890s, ome people inthe US began to make peanut butter Dr Ambrose Straub made ‘peanut pase for hs patents. He wanted to make a heathy food that was easier for old rople without teath to eat. Another doctor who seo started to make peanut butter 3 nutous food for his patients was ohn Harvey Kellogg. Not many people tked the taste ofthe onginal peanut butter tna a paste which wasnt salt or sweet, ike most peanut butter i ods In 1922, Joseph Rosefci added sale and sugar to peanut butte and many more people started to enjoy eating The sat and sugar alsa Kept the peanat butter fresh for along time, Ths, and nen, more sophistiated machines for ‘making peanat butter, made it possible to produce iin large amounts. Since the mié-1940s, peanut butter has been one of the most popula foods the US. ‘Americans eat Neary 320 mon Kis of peanut butter every yaa! Peat butter has even ben in space: the first special food for American atfonauts Mad peanut butter in The Inca people in South America probably never thought about thelr peanuts going faraway! Listening 1. Peanuts rat ame from Europe, - 3 Liston to acomvrstion sbot boing 2 veetaran 2. Peanuts became poplar in the ad ik () the sentences Tre) or Fs). US inthe I7eh century. T 1. Lisa hast eaten any mest 4. Both Dr Staub and Dr Kellogg for swo months made peanut bute to hep peopl 2. Lisa meal nt spy enough - 3. Acending to the fl, eating ‘4. Peanut utter became mare popular Jess meat lps the environment afer Rosefeld improved 4. Metis Monday began mare ‘han 30 years ago, ‘5. People have eaten peanut ter in 5. Inthe UK, 18% offales have space Meatless Monday. £3 4 Listen agin and complete the sentences. 2 complete he sentences 1 Lisa eating cooked vegetables and 1. After peanuts eached Europe, 2. One reaton Lim became vegetarian was 2 Inthe US,peore fist bought pean from bce shelves 5 Before becoming vegetarian, Lisa dst eat 5. lore pean butter had sage and sale it saon aa 4 The purpose of Meatless Monday i fr people 4. ln the 19205, people coud start making ot to devon cing habits of peanut butter because 5. Liss onitest mest on Monday 5. Far over 70 years, peanut buter hasbeen ” Vocabulary wens * mate he foods to th pres. **3 circ te correct ansmars Pay atotion tthe 1. cauliflower words in bol 2 mushrooms Toprepure 23 peas 1. aed chicken cook It on tp of he coker / ace in the oven 5 pinach 2. boiled eggs, cook them i water Jon a barbecue 6 pork 53. mashed potatoes, use a fork p00 7 stich 4 feed ish seal ml (jer 5: roast ee, cook fr angie nthe ove / ‘na pon top of the coker. 6 galled vegetables, cook them ona barbeewe/ *°°4 pion opcal mel for you ey Use he words Inexercees ,2an63. or a starter: im goingto make © Pima about Tea sand» youre not een | We nig shat sou onan Ton expecta lie Prather have ‘What our et kino 2 complete the sentnces withthe words below. am « main course» sde dishes» tarters Deaf desert 1, They forgot to bring us the - before the ert the me. 2 dont want ve had soup, shambarges chips and sald on ult 5 New Zend produce lot of . There ace mote shep there ‘an people! 4 We usually eat________ such as potatoes o ce together with mest 5 Late spoghet and a small sla for dinner last, righ = 20 spaphett was my 6 Argentina is famous fois People ther love asado = mest onthe barbecue Unit 5 Writing Arsiwonrevew 1 wot te sce inte caret rer compat te sntece. 1 Hove hee tlds (lous, huge) 2 Wewenttos café las week (panes, terse) 3 Thenew chefisa woman. (Danish, indy tl) (4 They served te in ups (smal Engl, prety) 5. The restaurant ha got wood table. (bac, long atractive) 6. That ele has got armcles (brwn ge, comforabs) ‘2 ead ne restaurant coview. Then it the aetesn Bodin the chart below sree Gleason's fom 800 am ill 2.0 a, 5 Gleason has got tasty, tration American food, They serve breakfast all day. and the bacon and eggs ar particulary good, Fr lnc and inne the specaites that they offer include huge hamburgers and Spey Fed chicken. Their side dishes ~ from bed macaroni and cheese 1 delicions,colourlgriled vegetables are grest. They seve the food on prety large blue plats. Gleason also fren plac with a great atmosphere. There are simple, grey metal tables, comforable ‘thas and pictures of famous American actor and singers onthe wall 5 They ply fantastic American mui rom the 1960s and 70s, {Love Gleason’ and recommend it to everyone. I's got the best burgers $ intown, ands reat place where you can spend time with rend, 5 even ate at night |B Wate a restaurant reviow. Use the model in Exercise 2 and the chart below to help you. Paragraph Name of resou: Savile Leeton: ison Set (pering nous Tues Sunéy, 12.00 pn-.00 pm Paragraph 2 "ypes of oe: Bt foe te amb ane bot, baked ard mene patos, bol vegeabes) ‘Special an roe! bet win museca sauce Atmosphere: urplsesnt, ro muse, sow svi Paragraphs Fecommendeton: fod pan and borg, smasher is past | i 6 Check Your Progress 1 atone wor Attar mains iB pnts) A B 1. rose sa typeof mest 2 mw cooked in or water Bepimch cc anpeofuste 4 boiled 4. not cooked 5 beet fa ioen vegetable 12 choose the caret answer. (5 pots) 1 Wea out of 20 we dda make fried J rashed / baked potatos. 2. No, thanks 1 dont wat any vegetables. only want the cabbage / hellish spinach. 23. Le this ts very aw ast plan ‘4 Lamb Bee Cauliflower is usually whit. 5. This bred is ely frozen / rsh spicy I jurt come outa the oven. 3 GRITS write tw o th words low in each estogory (10 pints) pavement» backpack - archory fanmayed = inventor + model» windsurfing bridge = ritable« guidebook 1 job: - 2. Tevel tee 4 Foaling: 5 Around won Grammar 200s 4 compete the o-nai wt lav pronouns. There may be mre than ne correct ans (14 pints) — ae [feerenmemmere een Se een scopes eee ee rae ses oceniaeee mopar ae sonermenit ar Bie aaa See teenie Seo wees, ee ay ze I've ever hac | re '5 Join be sontenos using defining relative clases, isk any necessary changes. pos) 1. Iewas an unusual dessert. was sweet and sp. 2. That was the moment. Then she had an idea fora nee dis for her restaurant. 83, Hewar one of the waters. He served all he drinks the eestaurant (GEIETTSEIEDD choose te cost ‘answer (10 pins) Ifyou go / went wil gto the cinema, will you «2 popcoen? There re mils of people who / hich whove tink his tasty sacks part ofthe Fan of ging to the cinems People have enjoyed enjoy ar enjoying popcos for thousands of es “The Native Americans te tong go. According tosome cenit, you want a snack, popoorn is “the est eter than / good many types of fut and vegetables because inlades larger amounts ‘of some very important nates. However, the popooen® who where / that they sll the cinema ot healthy case tao saly and it got any / much aot of olin sal very high in lois ill you go / Ae you going ‘You going te cinoma this swelaend?* You are going to buy / ‘You are buying Willyou be buying popeoen? 1am / were fd been you woud thik twice out buying popcorn atthe ‘ema, Popcorn that yo make J sre making / makes at home s Sbeterides! Dictation 10 ss BOT Listen and write te paragraph. Vocabulary _ 20 '& complet the daonue with te sentences below. eee What would you rather have - lamb or bes? heaton 110 ot expecially 1 rather have cae. nn [Nom not fast about food. EB What’ you favourite deser? Wit _/10 Irmuch prefer fish Translation _ 120 A: Is there anything tat you don at? Be —— ‘A: Tam Lean stand vegetables, bu ove meat. Be ‘Ac lt doesnt cell make a dference ome. allkinds of mest. What about you? Be Bs [im mad abou ie cream! You are alo ken ‘on ce cream, aren you? he following Tk (7) the bo you sucea. Asay. ninaerine ind : Lowrie Writing 10 points sas Suma on 2. four tems rom a mens a {© complete te sontancs wit te cts inthe correct rd ‘oars ng ane 1. They serve sandwiches on. a ae bred tov dll) she pee a 2 Where can we go for foodt Pe (Greek, good) eT 4. Weateata atlas night: (te, French, tril) 4 The restaurant ha got Sights In thecaling (interesting pink tay) 5. ke dese ‘ala bow (ange, bese opanee red) Translation 20 pon: 40 rane the sentences inte each. 1 Losquisastes que comp etaban congo ‘2 Awe the questions about your pretences. 1. You'e Keen on Indian food, aren you? 2. What would you rather ave ~ something savoury orsweet? 53. Le there anything that you dont et? Seu " 4. What’ your favourite vegetable? 2. No te entsiarm a comida qu pcan, ~ aaqueno! 5% wate ror sentences about a el or imaginary restaurant Us adjectives nthe corest det C) 3. Quiero ira un restauante donde srvan rarso fresco, _ eos - 2 4 Conozco «alguien que tla come comide 3 ruta “ 5. Nunc olvidar ee que pede poste sts que a plato principal Voeabulary reatonshins * I nave pairs of setences got the same meaning? WiteS (seme) a (teen 1.1 ditagree with you 4. Let compromise ‘Wel diferent opinions, ldo what you want 2 Lapologle, 5. Why id you betray hee? Ten relly sorry. ‘Why di you ll everyone her secret? 8. Heaccepta me the way Lam, 6 Leespeet Ms Smith. He wants me to change {havea good pinion of Ms Sih **2, complet the i-alogues with he words below. annoys rut» ignore «disappointed «forgive 1A: dort hee 'B Why? Do you think se it honest? 2. Ae Areyou hapy with Olivers work? B: No. Infact, he has rally ie 5 Ar Maisie sll angry with me BT sure shell you you explain what happened, 4 Ae Do you like this music? B. No, italy me 5. Ae What do you think of his comments? B: They not important Just them Compote the sentences wth the comet frm ofthe press below. nar my flings have a argument with fallout with ‘male fun of standup for myelf« hang ou with «make fronds 1. People sometimes Bab because es extrem talland thin, 2. Iteally : ‘when she called me stupid” 3. They euely—— ‘each other They agree about most things. 4 Ihave spoken wit oe fore longtime. him about six months ago. 5. Tim going to... Am lter Maybe well atc fm on TY. 6. When you fst move i anew ey, can take along time to 7 Lay when ow Fn ight +4 complete he sentences o show youunderstand ‘ho mepaing oth werden Ble 1. Lrespect. because hel the 2. fs not una teenagers to have am argument with. - Ter pod idea to apologise ater ‘One reason people fll outwith each cher 5. One way to make fends isto — He wanted to leave the part at 10 clock, and [wanted to stay wnt midnight. We ‘compromised and et at Grammar soci: * I complet the sentences abut endship with the oct oof must, have te nod ta. Thee may ‘be mire than one caret enone, ¢ Rules for Friendship 1 You hart ron feclngs 2 Somes, ends ‘compromise | 2.You ala | a ends how you fee They can usualy gues. 4 You era fread, 5. You espe fends, even when you disagree with thelr opinions. 6 Your frend spend all ‘ihe time with you. He / She sometimes wantsto be alone a with other peopl °° 2, mend to ist sentence Then wits the words inthe carect order to make sentences, Use the cart form of he mods Jane ast getup earl tomorrow maring. stay up ate tonight / should be ‘ete planning e surprise birthday prt for Debbie ‘must you fsbo tll /her I Europe, mor kis goto school fram Monday to Fry, atthe weekend / have to they goo sehoo 4 borrowed Loris sweater lst week. item need t to het 5. Gina it coming over o my house tonight herlitle bother! she ook ater have to 6 Dave doesnt know many people here yet. Inve him /we wang out with howl "3 complete te questions bolw withthe words in rack athe caret form of sou, ave 10F ‘need fa. There maybe more han one crac newer ‘Tham answer the questions. Make te answers tue foryou 1 (you / wea asehool uniform? 2 (you / de) more sport? 3 (your di dive) farto goto woxk? 4 (your mum / change) hor halen your opinion? °° choo caret nee "Bossy" Friends Have you got "bos" eend? Bony fiends vant to make ll the decisions and they dont ike compromising. But you shoulda’ / you must / ‘do you have to accept bossy behviwt from 2 frend? Not Read the tips below. + You should / don't have to mustn't tlla frend when you thik they are bossy ~but you should should / don't need todo this cy + You mast / should / dont have todo whatever your een want. You “shouldnt need ‘ont have to stand up for youre For example, ‘when bossy end sys, "Were going ore the ew Joy Depp ln tonight you en sy." dont need to shouldnt / must go out tonight because ve got lo of homework, but how sbout Seeing ic over the weekend?” Compete th min-salogues with the modal eon. ‘hore maybe more than one correct answer. ‘should « muse don? have t+ need to 1 ALYeu ite pete hinge abou fiends on instagram 'B Lhnow is wrong, but tof people dot 2 Ac You hang ut more en with your end, Be Low butt gets Boring. You ep friends sehen they have got problem 1B. Lagos ty nt to dppoin them. BRE Yon con Teac deed llth dine Be {gues youre ight But if nt {stand up for myst sy forme Grammar soci: Look at th cart comparing ways of keoping in touch with rend in the 1608 and indy. Then compote the ‘stntences wth he correct frm of can coed. [i Inthe 1960s, people © yoe08 toa rend letters by port but [erence ge) 1 snd tr by pon bt te. | 2 mobi prones oh. ta wth thei ends on Skype but they |. tater by post Zz tal using an ordinary phone {nla Facsbook Zi: se text messaging. com | dey, people fe tetnessaro fg we ema Lcsinseeates Zo) 5. purphotos and messages on Instagram Fac 6 make ideo call, but hey ‘dole withouta camera 72 complet the sentnces withthe crrect om of eae fan he verb blow. answer «hang out» translate «trust compromise 1. Emma and Sandra had an argument about thee science projet but uci they 2. How god ie Marys French? he Jong texts int French? 3 don think over Brad agin because he betrayed us. 44 Erle id most of the homework, but he all the questions 5. Ivegotan eam tomorrow so! ‘with you a the shopping entre tis evening ** cele comect verb and complete the sentences withthe caret form of mayor might 1. Dont say that to Lz. You annoy / respect het 2 Adami very shy He do make fiends quickly at his new school 53. hope my parents wil aezep sy opinion. They diagree talk wth me st sue about my answer to this maths problem Ihave got! be wrong. 5. Brian does fel well He . ‘meet | know os at the cinema tonight °° head a table hasop and chose to caret ansme. ‘The Hare with Many Friends “Hare was very poplae with all the other animals. She thought thy were her fends (One day she herd the sound of dogs. Hate was feghtened she ran to her frend Horse. “Dog are ‘coming Pease let me climb on your bck. Yue taland you could can / have to eun fst” Hate ssid "T*don' have to wasn able toca enewered ore. Thou / might have work: bt youve soto many oer tend Tin ste they wil eae to / ‘musta may not help ou" Hare then sted for help fom Bull and Goat, uc they ®coukdnt shouldnt? cant help sie her Bull sid, "T “can need tof should goto an important Be eal Wass eo est, ‘meeting non” Goa sd, "My buck hurts {couldnt | ‘A Have you got any pans forthe dont have to / musta carry anyone” Hare then rn to oe Sheep. “Pleas, tmust can’ should you help me?” she Gane sed. Sheep sic "Tm fa of dogs” They might dont need fo have to hurt me” and ran sy Finally ‘ae talked to Baby Cow He sald "mart / coulda / ‘at help you. Tm too young” "Nobody wil help me" thought Hare, so she ran as fast as she "could can) ‘must and was safe fom the dogs. The lesson ofthe sory Someone with many fends has no friends. od he text and answer the etn | fe Online and in Real Life ‘urge esto grow up wit scnisteated mail pores, tx mesg and socal meas as staan an Facebook Fo: at en, Some stl scsi ne US ae vy rete sg oa en the “cermin” Wal hve resect caveat abot ep te terran? might sure you Facebook and phones can't replace parsonal meetings. Imapne you hate od tout na way of eonmatg wth eds What wt you est ant do bout Fansbok tet messages, phone calor mesg ers When etches asked 2000 13-t 7-year ‘hs custo, 5% ansnerd.meetg iets. They fought Hanging ct wih ends was much emer than sng et essa tng one pane or commana on Fes nl ode ‘Teenagers cre about one pracy. 192011 Pow, arearh ongaiato,tvawed BOD people aged 12-1, Mere tan SOW tem se he “oy stig n Facto o make sur at ny hr eal ards wire abt ate ht ey goed. ‘Social moda can hlp tens make ents ‘Many tes have and scl neta can ap sty tes became mee crit When eer pease acapt iste" o Remon, toncones ese ae a ake ee el Thay wit tgs of ost photos rut sone felngs Tse pti ala iy oie Aout 2% of ies te Pe reser ave a !ngent Wh someone erase ctx onlin expec, and 2% have sen ot wih send. edn, 12%, have been to figtene ta ota shoal aera bed one xerncs. Oe Be ber an, sunt AO he oa ve sod pf ends ccs tad beavurote, you ink esac tying te Genera in your cou) are ng sma ngs ase in fe US? 1. Acroriag wo mos tes, what the most stenin; ingorant wy tocommanetewin timate o > B ston tos conversation about a man and his cat. 2. How many people i tho Pew organo ‘Texivy he resents interview? 1. ues owen pfs concert ali 1 What waa about 60% a th tees in he ie Rew resect? Sadek eon 4. Inwhat wo ways oust media apy 4. Jes wa ving the touts when he People? found Bo, : 4 Jamas helped Bob ge wel, 5 Thanks to Bob, ames ems more money. > 4 Usten again and compote the sentences. 5 What problem have 25% ofthe eens had afters bad anne experience? 2 compet te sentence. ‘aoeaarma ce 1. One sae fray ten the 2.kae Temes when he vestatboa. 2 The youngest people inthe Pew eranoations 3. jue ed nthe tet beau cult one tnd oratome or some tees cil networking ic way 4. Dob iowed jes and ee don they en aaa f ther and ‘ih ane 5: ames ad reason tore becase ‘4 Abad online expertence has caused 22% of ' teens to 5 According othe study, eens often E bud beaviour online 3 Vocabulary rsjectves of personarty * A Fin int sects of personaly nthe pure. 2 wine stale adjectives rom Eerie 112 ‘desert the pesan feo ltrs below. There i wo extra ajectes ® ai dor ou) min ehurryt et “**3 ond ho ret sentence Choose the comet answer that explains te word in bold. 1. Shes mood. a Shes usaly ute cheerful >, Heremotions change very qui 2. Het seaiive a Heb nt nie. 1 es ay ort is eng. 5 Shes stubborn ‘She wort stent advice She pas atention to advice, 4. She sense 2 Sheers eri 1, She thinks early about decison. 5 Hes dishonest. 4 Teast him completely. Leon ust him 6. She erogant She dis she's beter than everyone ese 1 She avt talks about her achievements 7 Hes jealous. 4. Het annoyed when Ihang out wth the boys. 3. He ies hanging out wih my fends. 1s Shes unreiable 1 She forget her promises. She acer forgets her promis **°°4& ta your opin of hee people you know wag tects of prea he examples to expan sur opinion, 1 hp indier tes pa 2 My end wants to poe ihe ut ‘uneible {want to work eth veo 3 Lborrowed my fend’ jacket, and los it. ma 44 My parents nd oten have aguments. Wri¢ing ter asking tor gung saviee 1 wee Fac or (opinion) next exch sentence. 1. Jess apologised to me. 2. Mary accepted my decision. 5: Tedoest seem ke sense thing td 4 He seems arogant. 5. They hve alot of esguments 6 Lol Sue dahonet ‘2a he ata asking for ace. Undine two face and cle we eins, Dror il | don't know what to dl Recent, enaver ry fiend Alon ae £0 Sornewhere, he often “forgets” to bing far allt. Over the past faw months, Te bought him enema tts and rmeab with money my parents gave me Think he hopes continuo to do this tua Im teed of, He's ner thanked me forthe money oc oturned any tf Alin and | re coe rend, but ‘imatating to thnk he hos me oni ecaue | py for hi! | enjoy hanging ‘ut with Alan an dont want to hurt te feoings What do you thik shou do? store 8 vou are gong to wrt let ving avin to Steven Execs 2 Complete te chart elon. A deseo fn proba you sa Possible sutons 'F wie» eter ging advice to Sov in Exercise 2 Use the chart in Execs 3a hl you 2 (ES AS I ae RET Cheek Your Progress Vocabulary 20 sins ‘5 complet the sentences wth the mods elo. (1 1 cose ne careot ans: (0b) rahul dnt ed scat 1 Love hanging out wth he She 90 wanes eee inconsiderate Kind 1. Eddies inconsiderate. in no surprised he rake any ends 2. He arogat He doesnt respect forgive anyone ee ™ 2. eg and twee one best ends. We 3. Tm not being born. 1 jus agree / tal each other everthing compromise with you about this 2. Those ans dot ook good on you. You 4. Hes very moody these days thnkies bes to = tedncs aos eee 4. Weve gota or of work and we. 5. Thatannoys me! You're being selfish sensible Ssh the projet by tomorrow 5 Be quiet This bea You ‘2 compete te sestonce with te words nd phrases se your male phone hee. below pins 6: tm tang guar lessons and tae plano eson inthe sum. Aiappoint hurt Ur edling «trust, Saree tno ap ogiee 7 Mire hurts le, but © the doctoe 1. Pushy people cn 2 wediiedo someone (GEELTEEETEEEED cnoose te coac answer, Aithonest. (0pm) 3. When emtone nev, cay to Friendship Day important in India and some South American counties. If di have an 4 Unrlale people often Indian end," wont know / had own / sites. ‘wouldnt know about it Friends celebrate 5. Sometines, people afer ire celebrating / have celebrated Prendship Day they've been re bysenting each other cards o ging gis. How Sieatated / dt start wil star? Arman $3 GeETITESITEIEEIEND a two woros to each “who which (whose owned a greetings-card sro, (0 sit) company thought ofthe idea in 1919 and et 1 eabage + peas + iton the st Sunday in August. The dea wast . ‘ery soecenfl People dt suddnl start 2. archery + cenesing 5 boring some / any / the cards for tee ind But the idea *has disappeared! disappears / 44 ease Heald i ‘id disappear i nda, Fiendship Day sl the fat Sanday August. AnoberFiendship thle dled . Day "has begun began wil begin many ited + ddited oe yes ater in 1958, man in Paraguay has! - ha wa having diner th some ens when they had the Hes of resting Weld Friendship Day on 3th ul Over the years, hs day Grammar 20poiis “as also becoming also becomes ha aio Become ppulrin Uruguay and Age Cheney econct sears 6 ei ‘What about you? " Will you be celebrating / 1.1m studying now, but ean /am bleto You wll celebrate / Do you celebrate Friendship ight vit you ner Day nest aly 2 Wedont have to / may need to wear & nfo a school ea rae Dictation 10 sins 3. You might usta / on have wo be ate you are late, they wont let you int 48> 77 Liston and write the parograph, 4 Jolin grew up near the beach He can / could ‘ust ur when he was ight yor od 5. Youte ever and sensitive In ny opinion, you ave to / must! should sud meine 6 Ben isbur nt noon bu she willbe able to arto shoul mest sin he aero Ss sret «sgn + Speaking topoias 8 compote tn eentncos with he proses blow. Woesbulary _/20 Grammar _/30 ° hy dont you «bt clear that « How about Dictation — 10 Bl ware yo» Mabe you're to tomting 10 Bo 1 talk wo them about ait ; “Tansation 120 a _— ty to make some new My total seore: _/ 100 organising «purty for shes not being stubborn. You need to tey to compromise Writing 10,0105 ‘Bo he following. Tk (th ox i you succod. tsa sme. | © nto Yat oF (opinion. 1. four words ar phrases connected to 1. Joeand Megan ha an argument lt ig. easteainie o ne 2. Thatenota sensible ides : 23. yen et arzogat. a aM 4 She sems unhappy. 2 four adjectives of personality. o b T'S. She shouted te yesterday, . - Day iow = - j Translation 20 pons 3. sentence about somthing you should rd o fora tind, anda sentence about e “Tana the sentarcs it Eglh Something you dot have oo for nt 1 Tienes que dsupare ends 2 No debe gnorr ts problemas. = vers y a 4 sentence about something you ee able sll (edo naw and. sentence about 4. Puede confar ene? Somathing you might do one day. a 4. No ea capa de defenderme cuando ea smésjoren 5. Puede que no ests de scuerdo con la gente, pero deberiasrespetar su opinion 22 Wate an answerforesch problem below. 1 tm always ed in the morning. 2 Tiled tomy parents, Now Ufa bad sbowit. * 1 oose te caret answer Pay tention othe words in bold 1 tdenf think that man with dak a ithe accued hin he probably helped catch the the 2. Myenum is ajudge, She has won made decison many ciminal cases nthe aw courts. 3 Herprison sentence was one yea robbery. | There war no warning afr before he storm, 5: He broke the lave He arove! eed in he ik lane 6, She's innocent She has ndhing to do wih the rime. / The crime was here. 7. They id couse any damage. They did sta! / Break anything. 8. Most shop owners obey the law. They zll/ dot slchol wo chien, ‘9, Nobody has ever roken into our house because weve got big dag! window. 10. They found him guilty. He was shoted | hited "22 complete he newspaper eatines andthe captions forthe photographs. Use the wards and phases Below. hooligans «scene ofthe crime «ioe «rial « wines «identify» commit a serious crime Outs the courtoom. Me \, inten Sadi Domes are re patloktretenceate [pf Sena not “**B complete the passage wih te correct form of he words and phrases rom Exercises 1 and 2. Uke Fother Like Son ‘One ofa prentsjobs sto each thee ident fell rues and 1 But in Sctlan,secordng othe police, sme fathers of focball” doing th poste. They encouraging sons to * ‘They even Partpating withthe one eights and lore and after mates, Pale have ® many ofthe father son ps and ate watching them, “Ths ates ct ita cance th son ine yang [dont undertnd then sd one pac fice ‘***4 nko foe word pis with th words Helou and wits 2 sentence with ach word pa identify «rial cause damage «innocent « witness «priton sentence «riots «judge 1 a 2 a 4 Grammar Present sine Passive / Simpl Passive Compete sntanss wih he caret ema te "*B Camplteesutences wie cet orm ote ‘ers in acts the Present gle Fave ‘orb in bracts Us fe Fst Simple ass. Ten mrt ‘umber sotnees erro ert arepct, {Commit eee stost fans robber. “ 2. Theno-smolg hw 4. Unloreanatel fr the ober, a mobo (oot ben cats here, bt the pale dnt shone eave) one Ab anthing swe ofthe a a nay ts bs Therobber (out on (ea fom is sbop tian hey ieve) et Jong prison Sentenes A Thereme ofthe rine €. Giff Diamonds, jewellery shop in Landon, ates ‘ohotgeph by (cob) on 6 August the ple. “ 2008 se the acased The robbers (exe) - {aon to psk tothe afte te pots ound his phone jas? Thre diferent crs. ow. 6 My favour pole TV dana (ts) ye ober eave these othe (how ever night st oie 10 loc & Jewellry worth 0 maion (ak) om the hop. *°2 comple txt abet pce yous prgrane a th cares verbs naka. Use he Procent***4P We setnces bet ling he facts elo, Singles. se Pas Singe Paste 5 %~ 1. Someone anounced the dae nae 2. Someone read a description of the cme 8. The ayers questioned witnesses and the secured Fi 4 The accused gave a sateent iiss ot YP the Youth ncuron Programme - 5. Thejuage made a decision, (Gamage design) to a hp prevent eo 17-year-old in England and Wales om getingmolved in cre YP . (recommend / protect) me for Kid ving in neighbourhoods with ot teem cies dg eorhoods wih eter Miteaout burly Use some tthe es demic endyiostee? lower your own. Ue te Pat Sng athe. a teacher or by the police, but chey dnt have ‘break ino a house in our neighbourhood toparicipateifthey dont want to. A variety of steal a laptop, jewellery and two mobile phones acivies nd service * ier ch peti ee (te ecb he programe icaing eracool cles curse sed help i ‘ehoa ad aly poems The parcputs orate intervie stout oe Thisinfermaton (ese dco) to decile which scien re eater ‘he. Eery yer thousands of young people seve hl bya Grammar Fresen Sine Passive! Past Simple Passive * H Conpiete the sentences with be correct form athe °** Rewrite he sentences Use he Posen Sipe ‘bs brackets Use the Preset Sipe Pass ‘ox Past Simpl Passive. Then tk (7) He ens you ‘hin r from real os tres. 1. 1m1950, 2 bank robber in Canada (catch) bythe poice ‘very icy beenae he wrote robbery ‘ote ons bak frm with ir nm eta ont 2. Inthe US, more than wo millon fry els (cel each yeaz 3.12006, man in England (sentence) to 15 minutes in prison fr srling clothes from a shop Iwas probably the shortest entance ‘ever gven 4. In 1982, Queen Elizabeth private bedroom in Buckingham Place (Greacint) bya man ‘alle Michael Fagan He spen 10 minutes, lone with the Queen before se managed to eetheb ‘Years gon Las Angeles, California, ew methods to conte rts (develop). Today police there use one of those metho: birds! The birds —— (ala) to axtack people They are very lective when hundreds of thers (cles into aerowa Wile questions to complete the dalague, Use words low and th Present Simple Passive or Past Simple Passive. ‘A how many pies tal from yur shop ‘A why / do you think hey take 1 Becrae theyre vlusble animal ‘A the poppies usually sll ors high pice 1B: Oh, yes, Wesel them fr about £700 eich 2: yourshop often aka Bs No. ts only happened once before. Thieves stole thee tens (As anyone J arrest for that het [Be No. The case was never sled Passive Pst Simple Passive. Make any cesar changes 1. Does forensic scent analyse vtdence? “Thieves tle en computers fom out In til lawyer epresents the accused. “Toons cleaned many shops and stets afer the August 201 ries in London. Do the courts send tenage criminals to prison in your country? In 1852, author Chis Dickens crated one ofthe ist detecivsin English icon in a ove ‘Mite sentences withthe words below: Use the ‘Prosent Simple Passe o Post Sipe Pasie, “hen mach esc sentence to award bow. 1 / usualy held nena of aw 2 emacs commie / as men 1 head te teat and tik (/) Tre) FF as) nocto each sentence Below. Thom write le ‘he seniences that gave you the answers, Oats Sete eahe ime victims nuns. Murer vine Weapons. Footprint: Fingerprints Broken windows of oar ~ ‘amage causes ding a crime Al tesa and rare photographed athe cane of cine Tis work ‘Stoney = forse photographer an mporant rember of acane sane ivesigation ten Forersc hotoaraphs ar seul ring cial Investigations and tals Beau investigations ‘an tale morths reve yeast important to have prota with deal ofa re: During Wa foresc ‘hotogranhs ar often shown asides. They ae So eed as uel ald when ces are dsebed or : inasesarequesiones butt ar ual pole work ul atin the 19h eur twas st developed fr that parpone by ‘iphens erin a French poleman Some of his ‘working methods ar sti ed ony. crme scenes re Photography wes invented during the 18205 and 1630, With spel comoute programs Images are made ager Unit and round the scene potoataphed from Various potsors nto sow the seo hinge Inthe photos rules ae often plsced near people ‘nd thing before the shots ae taken, ‘amerasand photographic echniques ave become very Sophsteated nthe por 00 years Foren photography {an show things tat were actualy se by anyone at the cime stan. Fo ample in shots taken hrugh & ‘mieoscape proces cle "photomicosrahy is Doslbleto see detas of tinge ave 9 fngerbts Pa earl ivble marks on weapons and Uy pce of ‘lining, Phtoarap aken with spec tnd of hte fan show many otter kines of mportant eden. Compute technology is ako wed in forensic photoset. ‘reaver and 30 mage ra rested from photographs Forensic phaograper face terse scones vey de. This Gan belie or them, Buta one experienced forerse ‘hotographe si, “fel good abot my work becau © bhotogrpted before anything nave Everything elpreatn wimoae” 2 Photgeapy was ued in pie TF 1 yma lr stowed f ‘worn the 1808 tosee rene pte. if 3, Alphonse Bertifon was a French Photographer. | 4 Photograph ca show things tat robo sa the erime sens 5. Photograph are ten mage into | 3D images. 2 asner te questions, 1. What are hee examples of things Photographed atthe scene af crime? 3. When are crime scenes photographed? 4 Why are eles wedi forensic photographs? 5. What gupment is sed for “photomicrography” beds a camen? . 2 How do forensic photographs help investigator? Listening D> & Usten wo wo students aking about ts a ‘London. hen chose te caret answe. 1. Therios began in east /noeth/ west toadon. 2. Acity NOT mentioned is Lierpoa!/ Birmingham / Manchester, 3. A young boy was found gully of teaing ‘phone «waste bin trainers worth £5 4. During thers, restautan customers were robbed Injured! kiled bya teneger 5. Sam and Jessa participated in damaging buldings | bresking int shope/ leaning up thei city. 45> Liston apa and complete te sentences. 1. The London rats started on inthe year 2. Therlotlased for da, & er cent of people arested were 17 or younger 4. The youngest person found gully af crime wae ears od BA your-ld boy rotbod °

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