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Human Resource Management Individual Assignment

“Restaurant Business”
Human Resource Plan

Manuel Paul Philip


Human resource management is critical because it ensures that all employees have a good

working environment, which allows them to excel in their tasks. I have decided on 4

departments for my restaurant business– Kitchen Staff, Managerial Staff, Floor Staff and

Delivery Staff. A dependable restaurant crew that works tirelessly to provide top-notch

service to clients is one of the most typical characteristics of a successful restaurant.

Customers go to a restaurant not just for the food, but also for the experience. Hence, having

the right human resource plan can increase efficiency of the restaurant.

The restaurant industry is notorious for high employee attrition rates and so requires an

efficient management system. The most significant component in retaining and expanding the

number of customers is the quality of service provided by a restaurant. Hence if managed

effectively the restaurant industry is a highly rewarding business.

Human Resource Management

Human resource management is a strategic approach to managing people in a company or

organization in such a way that they assist the company acquire a competitive edge. Human

resource professionals are in charge of an organization's human capital and are responsible

for placing policies and procedures in place. Human resource departments are responsible for

overseeing employee-benefits design, employee recruitment, training and development,

performance appraisal, and reward management, such as managing pay and employee-

benefits systems. The overall goal of human resources is to ensure that an organization's

success is based on its people.


My friend runs a restaurant business and I’ve got some information from him about the

business. Since he runs a small restaurant with only 12 employees, the HR function was just

basic and he was not able to provide all the data I needed. Hence online surfing and YouTube

videos helped me get sufficient data.

Human Resource Plan

Below is a chart that portrays the different levels of departments and the man power that is

required for my restaurant business.

Manpower Plan
My restaurant will be having a capacity of 12 tables and each table seating 4 customers. A

total of 30 employees would be needed for effective functioning of the restaurant. Manpower

required for each department is mentioned below

Kitchen Staff
A restaurant's kitchen is its beating heart. A

good human resource is necessary for

seamless operations, especially in the food

business. In this particular department, I

would be requiring 6 Chefs cum cook so

that there would be no delay in preparing

the food.

Recruitment and Selection Strategy- The chef must be involved in creating menu items,

recipes and developing dishes ensuring variety and quality. Finally, ensure that the kitchen

complies with all standards, including sanitary and food safety guidelines. In the recruitment

process the job specification and job description will be sent to an external agency for

potential candidates. Social media advertisement will also be used as an internal recruitment

strategy. After the recruitment process, the pool of potential candidates is selected thoroughly

by HR manager to find the best suits candidate with the restaurant’s need. The selection

process will include interview and work sample test.

Floor Staff

Employees who work in this sector of the restaurant are the restaurant's brand ambassadors

because they are in direct contact with customers. The floor personnel are frequently

responsible for both the best and worst customer experiences. As a result, it's critical that

they're well-trained and alert. I will be

hiring 6 waiters (1 waiter for 2 tables) and 4

cleaners (3 table cleaners and 1 floor

cleaner) for my restaurant business.

Recruitment and Selection Strategy- The

candidates have to be strong as an

individual and robust in working inside a team. Attitude, character, willingness to work and

learn new things, and a strong interpersonal connection are all attributes that my waiters must

possess in a restaurant setting. External agency can be used to get potential candidates and

selection will be based on interview and work sample test. Cleaners will be selected based in

their cleaning abilities.

Delivery Staff

The delivery staff is just as important as the

floor personnel because they are the ones

who take the restaurant's brand out onto the

streets and into customers' homes. They are

my brand's representatives and must be

adequately hired. I would be requiring 4

deliver boys so that there would be no delay

in delivering the food.

Recruitment and Selection Process- The candidate must have a valid driving licence and a

clean driving background. Delivery staff must be patient and kind when interacting with the

customer. For recruitment social media advertising can be used for getting potential

candidates. The selection process will include an interview and background verification.

Managerial Staff

Managerial Staff is one of the most significant

aspects of a restaurant's human resource

structure. Human resources for

a restaurant guarantee that everything is in

order and that everyone is working towards a

common goal. Managerial Staff's judgments

can make or break the client experience and expectations. Managing and assigning the correct

resources at the right time can help the restaurant achieve efficiency, which will increase the

profit margin. Managerial staff is broadly divided into four levels – HR Manager, Restaurant

Manager, Cashier, and Storekeeper.

Recruitment and Selection Strategy- The restaurant and HR manager must have great

communication skills, prompt decision making ability, patient enough to handle all situation,

and must be good in conflict resolution. For recruiting social media and external agency can

be used for getting potential candidates. The selection process will include interview and

situational judgement test.

Training Strategy

I would be interested in bring individuals with experience and excellence in the industry,

maybe a single day training session by them will be helpful for employees. I will have a

senior or experienced employee demonstrate a specific task. The trainee observes the acts and

then replicates them subsequently. Alternatively, I will provide new hires instruction manuals

and let them try to accomplish the work without supervision.

Development Strategy

Creating a Culture of Transparency- My human resource manager must ensure that there

is open communication and feedback systems within the departments. If employees feel that

all major decisions are made behind closed doors and that their input doesn’t matter, then a

sense of distrust forms. Anonymous surveys seeking feedback, and having company meetings

can help a lot with cultivating a culture of transparency

Reliability with Benefits and Payroll- Yearly increment will be given to all employees

depending on the company’s revenue. Performance appraisal for those employees who

perform beyond company expectations. Mandatory 10-day vacation to all employees apart

from casual leave and sick leave allowance.

Employee Empowerment Practices- Enhancing customer service by inspiring staff to

perform their tasks are the driving forces behind this strategy. Employee recognition

programmes by rewarding the best performer will improve not only customer service but also

employee retention in my restaurant because individuals prefer to work in a pleasant setting

rather than under stress. Hence this type of development strategy will be implemented in my



The restaurant business is all about the experience guests receive. The above-mentioned

human resource plan will ensure the smooth functioning of the restaurant. Departments like

kitchen staff, floor staff, delivery staff and managerial staff have to work in cross functional

teams for the overall success of the restaurant. Human Resource departments have a lot of

responsibilities and these are quite challenging, but if a company wants to stay competitive, it

needs to have these HR strategies in place.


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