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MP 1
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in
brackets. Use the Present Perfect Continuous or Past Perfect
1 We ...................... (wait) here for three hours.
When is the plane going to take off?
2 They .................... (come) here for years. They love
3 Before the hotel closed down, it ...................
(welcome) guests for over 80 years.
4 I love it here in Italy. I .................. (practise)
my Italian in shops and restaurants.
5 When we arrived, it was obvious that it ........... (rain)
for several hours.

Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in

brackets. Use a Perfect Simple or Continuous tense.
A report says that 80% of British people 1 ...............
(stay) in a holiday resort more than once and that, on
average, each person goes to their favourite holiday
destination six times in their lifetime. What’s more, most of
them go back to the same hotels and restaurants year after
year. I’m here at one of Britain’s busiest airports and I
................. (interview) holidaymakers about their
The Newton family are fairly typical. They 3 .............
(visit) Gran Canaria for the last six years and they
....................(look) forward to going there again ever
since they arrived home last August. Now they are on their
way. “Was it an easy decision?” “Yes. We like meeting the same
people and eating in the same restaurants. It’s like visiting
family. Before we went to Gran Canaria the first time, I
........................(never / hear) of it. I didn’t know
where it was. I 6 .......................(not look) at an
atlas or anything. I 7 ................ (work) really hard and
it was my first holiday abroad. I 8 ............... (not /
even / fly) in a plane before! Now, I have a map of the Canary
Islands on my bedroom wall. I 9 ................... (stare) at
it for the last three weeks! I 10 ................. (also /
learn) Spanish for the last few months. Sorry, we have to go.
We don’t want to miss our plane!”
Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in
Our school is going to start a keep-fit class if enough people
.................... (show) interest. I will go unless it
.................... (take place) on Tuesdays. That’s my
busiest day because we always get masses of homework on
Tuesdays. If I 3.................... (not start) it
immediately, I 4.................... (not go) to bed until
about 2 am! I like the idea of a keep-fit class. It
.................... (not be) possible if Miss Stone, our new
PE teacher, 6.................... (not join) the school in
September. She’s incredibly keen on all forms of exercise. She
already runs netball, running and gymnastics clubs. If there
.................... (be) eight days in a week, she
................... (organise) even more things for us to do!
Complete the text with a suitable word or contraction.
How often do people say: “I wish I 1 ........................
look so old” or “If 2 ........................
I had more energy!” Well, the solution is in your own hands.
If people changed their lifestyle, the benefits to their
appearance and feelings 3 ....................... be dramatic.
The first thing to do is to get more exercise. 4 .............
you feel stressed, go for a walk or a cycle ride. Exercise
releases endorphins into the brain, which make you happier.
Remember that when you do exercise outside, you
........................... also get important vitamin D
from the sunlight. Food is also important. If you eat a lot of
fruit and vegetables, you will 6 .......................
amazed and delighted by how young and clear your skin looks.
Cutting down on the amount of sugar you eat will also help
keep your teeth white. If I 7 ..................... eaten so
much sugary food when I was younger, I wouldn’t 8 ............
had so many problems with my teeth. So, if you want to look
and feel great, you can, but things won’t improve
...................... you make the effort to change your
bad habits. Why not make a new start today?
Complete the text with the words below. Use the correct form
of the verbs.
destroy ■ eat ■ have / its title / change ■ make (x2) ■
have / 3D version / make ■ probably / write ■ convince ■
often / say ■ remake
When was the first 3D film shown? Believe it or not, it was in
1922 in Los Angeles.
Unfortunately, it wasn’t popular, but nowadays most box-office
hits seem to 1 .................... as well as the normal 2D
version. It 2 ..................... that Snow White and the
Seven Dwarfs was the first full-length animated film, but in
fact, an Argentinian animated film, El Apostol,
.................. in 1917. Unfortunately, since then, all
copies of this film 4 ................... .
There seem to be more and more remakes nowadays. In 2002, 2004
and 2007, there were three Spider-Man films starring Tobey
Maguire and Kirsten Dunst. Most people probably
didn’t think that any new Spider-Man films needed
......................... , but since then, there have been
more films starring Andrew Garfield and Tom Holland. The
script for a new film 6 ..................... right now!
Remakes are nothing new, though. The 1916 film The Three
Godfathers 7 .............. in 1919 although
it ............... to Marked Men. Special effects are no
different. When we see actors 9 ..................... by
dinosaurs, we know it isn’t real, but in 1895, special effects
were unknown. In that year, Thomas Edison produced an 18-
second film called The Execution of Mary, Queen of Scots.
The film showed the actor bending down and then the axe
falling on her head. Of course, Edison had stopped the film
and put a dummy in the actor’s place, but the people in the
audience 10 ................... they had seen a real death!
Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning
as the original.
1 The producer forced the director to change the ending of
the film.
The director ____________________________________________.
2 A professional does her make-up before each performance.
She ____________________________________________.
3 The makers of The Lord of the Rings offered Sean Connery a
huge amount of money to play Gandalf.
Sean Connery ____________________________________________.
4 People say that only 7% of British films make a profit.
It ____________________________________________.
5 She should have offered him the role.
He ____________________________________________.
6 Were these pictures taken by a professional photographer?
Did you ____________________________________________.
Rewrite the sentences, replacing the words in brackets with a
relative clause.
1 My boss, (he is never happy with us), has cancelled our
New Year party.

2 There are no windows in my office, (it is always a mess).

3 The town centre car park, (my mum usually parks there), is
closed today.

4 My dad gets up at 5 am on workdays, (at that time, the

rest of us are still asleep).
5 Oprah Winfrey, (her television show was really popular),
is a multibillionaire.

Complete the text with a suitable relative pronoun below.

who x 2 ■ whose x 2 ■ which ■ when ■ where
Any Given Sunday is an interesting film starring Al Pacino. He
plays Tony D’Amato, an American football coach 1
.................. is having problems with the owner of the
A new player, 2 ............. name is Willie Beamen, joins the
team, but he ignores the coach’s instructions. Beamen is
valuable to the team, so that puts D’Amato in a difficult
position. D’Amato goes through difficult times 3
.................. he doesn’t allow Beamen to continue playing
on the team. The other players, 4 ................ know that
Beamen can help them to win, are angry and lose confidence in
D’Amato’s leadership. Then, before an important match, D’Amato
gives an amazing speech, 5 ................. I know by heart
because of the number of times I’ve seen it! Of course, the
team wins. Beamen, 6 ...................attitude completely
changes, comes back and apologises and everything is fine. At
the end of the film, D’Amato tells the team owner that he is
moving to New Mexico, 7 ...................... he is going to
coach a new team. The owner isn’t too upset but gets a huge
shock when D’Amato says that his first signing for the new
team is Beamen.
Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning
to the first sentence, using the word given. Use 2-5 words,
including the word given.
1 “What do you do to help the environment?” our teacher
asked us. DID
Our teacher asked .................................... to help
the environment.
2 “It wasn’t me who put the paper in the wrong recycling
bag,” said Jack. PUTTING
Jack ............................. in the wrong recycling bag.
3 “You should put gloves on before picking up litter,”
advised the campaign manager. TO
The campaign manager advised ................................
before picking up litter.
4 “Don’t leave your computer on all night,” my mum said to
me. NOT
My mum told ......................... computer on all night.
5 “Is there anywhere we can cross the border between Georgia
and Russia?” asked the hikers. WAS
The hikers asked if ............................... cross the
border between Georgia and Russia.
Rewrite the sentences correctly. There may be more more than
one possible answer.
1 Mum told us to not be home late.

2 Alex wondered should he buy a diesel car.

3 The instructor said us that he had worked there.

4 Two students refused helping with the campaign.

5 Journalists asked what was the government going to do
about the oil spill.

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