Behaviour Change Facilitators Handbook

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Behavior Change Facilitators’



Who is the Handbook for?_____________________________________________________2
What is the purpose of the Behaviour Change Facilitator Programme?______________________3
Objectives of the Behaviour Change Facilitator Programme_____________________________________3
Qualities of a good BCF__________________________________________________________________3

What are the roles and responsibilities of BCFs?________________________________________3

To execute their work well, BCFs should mobilise and get support from the following:_______________4
What are the roles of community leaders in supporting Behaviour Change Facilitators?___________4

How can a BCF disseminate information to the community?______________________________5

BCF AND COMMUNICATION______________________________________________________________5
What is communication?_________________________________________________________________6
What makes BCF a good communicator?____________________________________________________6

ADVOCACY AND COMMUNITY MOBILIZATION____________________________________6

What is advocacy?________________________________________________________________6
In advocacy, one can:___________________________________________________________________6

What is Community Mobilization?___________________________________________________6

Behaviour Change Facilitator Code of Conduct and Expectations______________________7
AWET BCF (Volunteer) should strive to uphold the following:_____________________________7
Expectations of all AWET BCFs____________________________________________________________7
BCFs should avoid:______________________________________________________________________7

Prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse______________________________________7

Sexual Harassment_____________________________________________________________________7

Sexual Exploitation________________________________________________________________8
Sexual Abuse____________________________________________________________________8
Every Person under AWET must comply with the following prohibitions:____________________8
Community feedback mechanisms (Accountability of affected persons)________________8
Feedback channels which communities can use are as follows:____________________________8
Referral System_____________________________________________________________9
Victim Friendly Unit (Police)________________________________________________________9
Local Clinic______________________________________________________________________9
District Focal Person_______________________________________________________________9

Who is the Handbook for?

The Handbook provides guidance for:

 Behaviour Change Facilitators

 Any Volunteer engaged by AWET

Apostolic Women Empowerment Trust (AWET) is an Inter-Apostolic faith based, professionally
managed committed Organisation mandated to advance the rights of Adolescents and women issues
and mainstreaming of gender in apostolic church activities. AWET leads in creating dialogue with
different apostolic churches. AWET is fully cognisant of the fact that Apostolic churches have
different beliefs, norms, values and perception on key social issues such as early/child marriage,
education, HIV/AIDS, Maternal Newborn Child Health (MNCH), Gender Based Violence (GBV) and
Adolescents Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights (ASRHR). Based on the different doctrines and
beliefs of the various apostolic churches, AWET ensures that special consideration is taken when
engaging different apostolic groupings using the AWET participatory and transformative community
engagement model and toolkit. AWET by virtue of being part of the apostolic community is
cognisant of differences and expectations hence engagements are done in a conducive and
transparent manner.


Empowered Apostolic women and adolescents’ girls, so that they can actively
participate in social and economic development processes that will enable them to
Vision advance their rights .and those of others.

To empower women and girls especially in Apostolic churches, protect their rights
Mission and create a future filled with hope.

Thematic Child Gender Based Education Livelihoods

Health WASH
Areas Protection Violence ASRHR



Values Inclusivity Excellence Hope

Behaviour Change Facilitator (BCF) is a person who lives in the community and serves as a link
between the formal services and the community. She/he is a person who can read and write and is
selected by the community in which she/he lives. The BCF is a part-time volunteer whose roles and

responsibilities are to educate and to motivate communities in issues related to health, gender-
based violence, and child protection and to motivate communities and individuals to become
advocates for anti GBV and uptake of public health services. The BCFs are trained at district level and
work in communal areas, resettlement schemes, small scale and large farms, high density, urban,
mining and peri-urban communities.

This booklet was developed for the purpose of facilitating an understanding of the work of the
Behaviour Change Facilitator engaged by AWET. The booklet will be used by primarily the BCFs and
can be used by other community groups, partners and stakeholders implementing community
programmes. BCFs are expected to collaboratively work with community members to plan and
conduct the awareness campaign, including local decision makers, religious leaders, traditional
healers, midwives, and other individuals in the health care field. The Handbook outlines some of the
work the BCF does in communities.

What is the purpose of the Behaviour Change Facilitator

The purpose of the programme is to contribute to the improvement of the quality of life in the
communities through strengthening of development activities at household and community level.
The application of Social and Behavior Change Communication (SBCC) in programs assist
communities on integrated approach to improve health and development outcomes.

Objectives of the Behaviour Change Facilitator Programme

1. To increase the capacity of communities to prevent and control social protection issues and
diseases within communities.
2. To strengthen development activities within communities.
3. To empower communities to value development and health, and to take actions that
promotes positive behaviour change.

Qualities of a good BCF

1. Someone who can read and write.
2. A mature person, male or female.
3. A good community mobilizer/communicator.
4. A respected member of the community.
5. Someone who is interested in health and development.
6. Willing to work for the good of the community on a voluntary basis.
7. Able to educate and empower individuals and community members to value health and maintain
positive health behaviours.
8. Able to maintain confidentiality.

What are the roles and responsibilities of BCFs?

 To educate individuals and communities on health-related issues, gender-based violence,
and child protection issues.
 To provide education on breast feeding, nutrition and immunisation based on Integrated
Management of Childhood Illness strategies.
 Provides information on HIV/AIDS and Home-Based Care, management, and rehabilitation.
 To support outreach programmes including weighing of babies and providing school health
services and follow up defaulters in the community.

 To conduct Health promotion activities on Water and Sanitation, Ante Natal Care, Post Natal
Care and Family Planning.
 To collect information and data and maintain a record book of members of households and
use it for planning.
 To conduct home and follow up visits in the community.
 To promote dental health and hygiene.
 To provide health promotion on different diseases.
 Support in designing and implementation of multi-pronged risk communication and
behaviour change campaigns within the community whilst working with community
 Identify best practices and document lessons learned and share learning with relevant
stakeholders and District Focal Person.
 Undertake frequent visits across the assigned community to gauge the progress of program,
identify challenges and report to DFP.
 To assist in carrying out monitoring and evaluation and record keeping.

To execute their work well, BCFs should mobilise and get support from the following:
• Traditional and Religious Leaders
• School Heads
• Shop attendants
• Community Based Organization
• Market Vendors
• Retired Civil Servants
• Other community-based workers/volunteers in health care
• Youth leaders
What are the roles of community leaders in supporting Behaviour Change Facilitators?
The leaders should support Behaviour Change Facilitators in the communities by:

1. Mobilizing local partners, community members and community groups to support BCFs
2. Supporting the implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of BCFs activities.
3. Facilitating the development of policies which promote the activities of the BCFs at ward
level for example by laws on toilet construction.
4. Collaborating with the Behaviour Change Facilitators and other community health workers.

AWET Behaviour Change Facilitators Focus Areas?


Based Education

Life Skills Facilitator Health (HIV,
(Enterprene MNCH,
urship) SRHR)

Response WASH

Figure 1 Behaviour Change Facilitator's focus areas in communities

How can a BCF disseminate information to the community?

 Person to person (Inter-Personal Communication),
 Community drama, role plays and music,
 Posters,
 One to One Counselling,
 Working with Community based groups,
 Home visits,
 Public announcements (schools, churches, and other public gatherings),
 Community meetings,
 Training sessions,
 Community leadership meetings and
 Outreach programmes and Campaigns.

The methods differ according to the needs of each target group and according to the environment or


Effective communication is the key to changing people’s behaviour. Situations where communication
is necessary include all aspects of education such as:

 Promoting community participation

 Mobilising inter-sectoral co-operation
 Sharing knowledge about gender-based violence (GBV), child protection and health so that
individuals, families, and communities can take more responsibilities for their own

It is important that BCFs develop effective communication skills.

What is communication?
 Communication has been defined as – finding something in common sharing ideas, sharing
understanding and sharing experiences.
 Communication involves shared meaning.

The communication process should be a two way for it to be effective so talk with the people and
not to the people, this call for establishment of a dialogue.

What makes BCF a good communicator?

One must have the following attributes to be an effective communicator.

• Reliable
• Confident
• Knowledgeable
• Knowledgeable of the target groups, language, value, beliefs, and customs
• Good listening skills
• Friendly
• Tolerance/patience
• Caring
• Non-judgemental


What is advocacy?
It is a continuous adaptor process of gathering, organising, and formulating information into
arguments, to be communicated through various interpersonal and media channels with a view to
raising resources or gaining political and social leader acceptance and commitment for a
development programme thereby preparing a society for its acceptance.

In advocacy, one can:

• Gather information on situation and trends regarding a given problem.

• Package information for presentations to policy makers and stakeholders.

• Identify target audiences for Advocacy, Gather information on situation and trends regarding a
given problem.

• Package information for presentations to policy makers and stakeholders.

• Identify target audiences for advocacy.

What is Community Mobilization?

A process of using all available means and resources to inform, educate and put communities into
action for the prevention and control of diseases. It is important to be clear on what the community
is being mobilized for and what they are expected to do their role in the programme should be

Interpersonal communication includes the following: - demonstrations, workshops, seminars,

discussions, role plays, drama, lecture.

The best media is one that is cost effective and able to reach out to the target group.

The following are some of the strategies that can be used:

Exhibits: T/Shirts, caps, hats, banners etc

Publications: Booklets, pamphlets, newsletters, fliers, magazines, posters, flip charts, traditional/folk
media, drama, song and dance, poetry, and puppetry.

Behaviour Change Facilitator Code of Conduct and Expectations

AWET BCF (Volunteer) should strive to uphold the following:
• Demonstrate integrity, respect, and professionalism to all
• Follow all AWET policies and procedures
• Fulfil responsibilities in a timely fashion and participate in orientation and training
• Uphold the mission, values, and strategic priorities of AWET
• Refrain from any political activities as AWET is apolitical and every member of AWET team should
not be affiliated to any political party as this will affect the overall goal of AWET.
• Act with honesty and integrity when dealing with the community and not to show any favouritism
of any form for whatever reason.
• Maintain confidentiality and respect the privacy of others and the community members at large.
• Serve as a representative of AWET at community level and agree to uphold AWET’s reputation &
integrity. Also, I agree to refrain from making public statements to the media without prior approval
• Communicate with AWET any conflict of interest or legal barriers to perform assigned task

Expectations of all AWET BCFs

• Respect the regulations on the use of the emblems and prevent their misuse.
• Strive and work for the highest standards of quality.
• Behave in accordance with AWET’s Code of Ethics.
• Be available in an emergency
• Respond to the needs of communities and strengthen their capacity for self-help and active
• Keep information confidential.
• Be reliable and respected in the community.
• Be willing to volunteer more hours if necessary, such as in disasters or emergencies.

BCFs should avoid:

• Using resources of the AWET without permission
• Misuse of AWET resources
• Misusing the AWET position for personal advantage
• Taking advantage of their status as a volunteer to perform private transactions or sales for a
profit for themselves or a third party

Prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse

Sexual Harassment: any unwelcome sexual advance, comment, expressed or implied sexual
demand, touch, joke, gesture, or any other communication or conduct of a sexual nature, whether
verbal, written or visual, by any person to another individual within the scope of AWET’s work. The
definition includes sexual harassment that is directed at members of the same or opposite sex and

includes harassment based on sexual orientation. AWET prohibits sexual harassment of any
individuals, employee, project partner or program participant, regardless of their work relationship.

Example: A female AWET staff member makes rude comments of a sexual nature to her
colleagues any time a specific male logistician walks by. These comments are heard by the
logistician and make him uncomfortable, so he tries to avoid her whenever he can.

Sexual Exploitation: pressuring or demanding individuals to provide sexual favours against

their will, with the threat of denying project assistance, withholding work support, or any other
negative repercussions in the workplace or community.

Example: A male AWET staff member requires women to sleep with him before he gives them
their monthly food distributions.

Sexual Abuse: any actual or threatened physical intrusion of a sexual nature, by force or under
unequal or coercive conditions.
Example: A male staff member rapes a community incentive worker when they are cleaning up
after a distribution.

Every Person under AWET must comply with the following prohibitions:
 Must refrain from sexual activity with any person under the age of 18 regardless of the
local age of consent (national laws). Ignorance or mistaken beliefs of a child’s age is not a
defence. Failure to report such a relationship may lead to disciplinary action.
 Exchange of money, employment, goods, or services for sex, including sexual favours or
other forms of degrading, humiliating or exploitative behaviour is strictly prohibited. This
includes the exchange of assistance to beneficiaries and programme participants in the
work of the trust.
 Must not request any service or sexual favours from clients or participants of the AWET’s
programmes, children, or others in the community where AWET works in return for
protection or assistance and will not engage in sexually exploitative relationships

Community feedback mechanisms (Accountability of affected

Community feedback mechanisms are key in ensuring that communities where AWET is
implementing activities have access to channels to launch complaints, suggestions, questions,
rumours, and appreciation to hold AWET to account.
Community members can choose to be anonymous when they launch complaints and if they share
their identity BCF is obliged to keep it confidential.

Feedback channels which communities can use are as follows:

 AWET toll free line (08080443) – members of the community can call at any given time free
of charge and speak to AWET representatives. BCFs are obliged to give this number to
community members each time they engage individuals and communities.
 Household door to door visit – members of the community can share their feedback with
BCFs so that they report to the district focal persons
 WhatsApp and message – members of the community can share their feedback via
WhatsApp or text messages to the BCFs, or District Focal Persons
 Suggestion boxes – community members can share their feedbacks via suggestion boxes
which are viewed on a daily basis by District Focal person
 Email ,

Anyone has the right to make a report or give feedback about the behaviour
of AWET representatives in line with our code of conduct and whistle blower

Referral System
As a Behaviour Change Facilitator your main role is to link communities to health care services by
educating them about the benefits of seeking health services as such you do not play the role of
nurses or a professional counsellor in offering treatment. When faced with a case in the community
you are strongly encouraged to report to an appropriate service provider, and if in doubt contact
your district focal person or local clinic personnel. As a BCF you do not work alone establish
working relations with other organizations, get phone numbers for the following important cadres
for the purpose of referring:

Victim Friendly Unit (Police)

 Any issues to do with sexual abuse, sexual exploitation, gender-based violence should be
reported to the police and such cases should be treated with uttermost confidence and
 Refer rape victims to clinics within 72 hours for them to seek medical attention to prevent
STIs and pregnancy

Local Clinic
 Pregnant mothers should always be referred to the clinic for ANC booking and delivery
 Those who want to get tested for HIV or screened for other disease should be referred to
the clinic
 Report any disease outbreak to the local clinic, so that the community receives treatment

District Focal Person

 If unsure of which service provider to refer the person get hold of your district focal person
and ask for assistance

For every referral made please fill it, in the referral book.

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