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ProVision Plus

Customer Release Notes

Software Version 2.13.0-190 GA
31 August 2022
DocReg Ref: 7251


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Scope and Purpose ......................................................................................................................... 4
Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 4
Software Part Numbers ............................................................................................................... 4
Release Summary ....................................................................................................................... 4
Documentation .............................................................................................................................. 11
Product Modules Supported ......................................................................................................... 12
Functionality Supported ................................................................................................................ 19
Features .................................................................................................................................... 19
Services Layers ......................................................................................................................... 29
Device Types and Software Versions ....................................................................................... 29
Device Types Supported by FAS and HAS Modules ................................................................ 30
ProVision Software Versions ..................................................................................................... 31
System Scalability for Devices .................................................................................................. 32
System Scalability for Services ................................................................................................. 33
Number of Web Clients ............................................................................................................. 33
Enhancements .............................................................................................................................. 34
Product Licensing .......................................................................................................................... 58
Product Modules ........................................................................................................................ 58
Technology License and Device Licenses ................................................................................ 59
Device Class .............................................................................................................................. 59
Rules regarding Device License ................................................................................................ 60
System Requirements ................................................................................................................... 61
Hardware Requirements for Server ........................................................................................... 61
Standalone ProVision Plus Server ......................................................................................... 61
High Availability (HA) Monitor Server .................................................................................... 62
Combined ProVision Plus and ProVision EMS Server with FAS Module .............................. 62
Hardware Requirements for Client ............................................................................................ 63
Supported Operating Systems .................................................................................................. 63
Supported Web Browsers ......................................................................................................... 63
Other Prerequisites .................................................................................................................... 63
Known Issues ................................................................................................................................ 64
ProVision Plus ........................................................................................................................... 64
Supported Devices .................................................................................................................... 64
Resolved Field Issues ................................................................................................................... 66
Reporting Issues to Aviat .............................................................................................................. 72

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Copyright © 2022, Aviat Networks, all rights reserved.

Scope and Purpose

This document provides software release information on supported functionality, compatibility,
and known customer affecting issues, relating to the released software versions. The intended
users of this document are:
• Aviat Networks Customers
• Aviat Networks Value Added Resellers
• Aviat Networks Value Added Service Providers
• Aviat Networks Product Support staff
• Aviat Networks Field Service staff

As of 31 August 2022, Aviat Networks announces the release of ProVision Plus 2.13.0-190 GA
(General Availability) release software.
The product is in the form of a single server application with a web browser-based user interface.
No separate client application is required.
New support introduced since 2.10.1 GA release is identified by blue highlighting throughout this

Software Part Numbers

Product Part Number Version Build
ProVision Plus 614-230000-021300 2.13.0 GA 190
This includes PV+ GeoServer map server - 1.0.0 95

Release Summary
This section summarizes the new capabilities introduced.

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• On upgrading to PV+ 2.11.0 or later from earlier releases, devices are not presented on
the new topology map until geographical coordinates of Site containers are established.
Please refer to the instructions in “Upgrading ProVision Plus Server” section in the
ProVision Plus Installation and Administration Guide for details.

PV+ 2.13.0-190 GA:

New functionality provided:
• General
o Network Navigator
▪ Expanded site view with nodes and interconnecting links
▪ Radio links to adjacent sites
▪ Navigation to adjacent sites
o Reporting Hub central view for reporting
▪ Scheduled inventory, configuration, Network Health, FAS, HAS reports
▪ Save to file and email actions
▪ Report generation on demand
▪ Access to report history
• HAS product module
o Link Maintenance
▪ Maintenance focus list added to Health Assurance feature
▪ Maintenance overlay added to geo map link mode view
o Smart panels enhancement
▪ Intra-site links section added to Site smart panel
▪ Problem links section added to Link smart panel
▪ Active events section added to Device smart panel

PV+ 2.12.0-203 LA:

• No new functionality provided
• For issues addressed, see section Resolved Field Issues

PV+ 2.12.0-180 LA:

New functionality provided:
• General
o Geo coordinates import enhancements
o Eclipse: Extended L1LA support via PV EMS
o Eclipse: L1 service alarm
• HAS product module (for Eclipse, CTR 8540/83xx, WTM4K)
o Perf. Anomalies monitoring
▪ Availability, Extended fade, Low Modulation, Modulation Availability,
Dribbling Errors, Interference, XPIC Cancellation
o Health Assurance Configuration, for Perf. Anomalies
o Health Assurance, providing network radio links summary and focus lists for
▪ Availability, Utilization, Congestion, Perf. Anomalies
o Health Trends, providing timeline graphing of radio link issues including
▪ Availability, Utilization, Congestion, Perf. Anomalies
o Topology Map radio link Health Assurance overlay options
▪ Availability, Utilization, Congestion, Perf. Anomalies
o Radio link smart panel enhancements
o HAS product module link count licensing

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PV+ 2.11.0-445 GA:

New functionality provided:
• General
o PV+ GeoServer map server
o Geographical network topology map via PV+ GeoServer
▪ Site and link display modes
▪ Explorer tree overlay
▪ Smart side panel overlays
• Site detail, Device detail, Link summary, Link detail
▪ Site coordinates import / export
o Availability, utilization, and congestion performance metrics
• EM Integration for ProVision
o New container and device import behavior from PV EMS
• New HAS product module (for Eclipse, CTR 8540/83xx, WTM4K)
o Availability, utilization, and congestion performance widgets
o HAS product technology license

PV+ 2.10.1-295 GA:

New functionality provided:
• Network Topology:
o Browser incompatibility issue results in inability to select and position device, and
access right-click menu. Issue introduced by latest versions (March 2022) of
Google Chrome and MS Edge (Chromium), and has been resolved through a
change in PV+ 2.10.1-295.

PV+ 2.10.1-293 GA:

New functionality provided:
• IP/MPLS fault & performance
o L3VPN attachment circuits static routes provisioning
o L3VPN service MTU and Max Ethernet Frame Size provisioning
o VPN service interop (across CTR 8740 and CTR 8540)
New device configurations and embedded software supported:
• CTR 8740: MPLS service discovery & provisioning for R3.0 software
• CTR 8740: MPLS service alarms for R3.0 software
• CTR 8740: MPLS LSP diagnostics for R3.0 software
• CTR 8740: QoS discovery and provisioning for R3.0 software
• CTR 8740: R4.1.2 software
• CTR 8540: MPLS service discovery
• CTR 8540: MPLS service alarms
• CTR 8540: MPLS LSP and VRF diagnostics
• WTM4K: R2.11 software
• PV+ 2.10.1 GA release includes all capabilities in 2.10.0 and 2.8.3 releases
• In alignment with best practice, Aviat requires deployment of PV+ MPLS and/or QoS
support with new customers to undergo an integration trial in either the customer lab or
Aviat lab (with a representative configuration). Please refer to the note in section
Product Modules Supported for details.

PV+ 2.10.0-352 GA:

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New functionality provided:

• IP/MPLS fault & performance (for CTR 8740)
o QoS policy management
• New IP/MPLS provisioning module (for CTR 8740)
o L3VPN service provisioning (includes supporting VPNv4 routing)
o L2VPN service provisioning (includes supporting PWs and T-LDP sessions)
o Provisioning of QoS policies associated with VPN services
o IP/MPLS provisioning license
• EM provisioning (for CTR 8740)
o User interface for EM provisioning
o QoS provisioning
o VPN service provisioning
o QoS policy provisioning on PV+
o QoS provisioning
New device configurations and embedded software supported:
• CTR 8740: R4.1.2 software
• The FAS product module is not supported in this release.

PV+ 2.9.0-539 GA:

New functionality provided:
• New IP/MPLS fault & performance module (for CTR 8740 with R4.1.1)
o VPN (L3VPN VPLS, VPWS) service detail views
o L3VPN RT service topology views
o L2VPN PW service topology views
o L3VPN diagnostics (VRF ping & trace route)
o LSP diagnostics (ping & trace route)
o T-LDP session discovery
o VPN service alarms
o VPN service QoS Policies configuration view
o IP/MPLS fault & performance license
• EM fault and performance (for CTR 8740 with R4.1.1)
o EM provisioning for CTR 8740 HA and non-HA configurations
o New Interface Detail view (for all supported devices)
o QoS classification & metering configuration discovery
o QoS interface configuration view
o Notification based alarm collection
o Notification based configuration change discovery
o NBI access to IP/MPLS VPN service information
o NBI access to IP/MPLS diagnostics
New device configurations and embedded software supported:
• CTR 8740: R4.1.1 software
• CTR 8740: HA configurations
• The FAS product module is not supported in this release.

PV+ 2.8.3-150 GA:

New functionality provided:

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• FAS product module

o Algorithm and reporting enhancements for improved accuracy of interference
detection including suppression of false positive reporting
o Import FAS interface absolute threshold settings in bulk
o 10, 28 and 38 GHz band support
• General
o Digitally signed installer with SHA-256 hash

PV+ 2.8.2-103 GA:

New functionality provided:
• New SNMP Event NBI product module
o Events / alarms trap forwarding
o User initiated events / alarms resync
o Trap request (from OSS) initiated events / alarms resync
o Multiple trap destinations
o Technology licensing
• EM fault and performance
o License Management enhancement
o User accounts mgmt enhancement
o Event purge maximum time setting increase
o Device physical path (containment hierarchy)
• HA
o HA Monitor installer enhancement
• The FAS product module is not supported in this release.

PV+ 2.8.1-198 GA:

New functionality provided:
• FAS product module
o Scheduled FAS report ability to automatically save to the file system
• On upgrading to 2.8.1 from earlier versions, historical FAS data is not automatically
migrated to the new episodes format and is therefore not presented in the new
Dashboard, Episodes Analyzer, and Link Analyzer views. A migration script is provided
with 2.8.1-198 and later release with this capability (refer to the Enhancements section
(for 2.8.1-198) for details).

PV+ 2.8.1-191 GA:

New functionality provided:
• FAS product module
o New FAS Dashboard with interface and episodes analysis capabilities
o FAS Link Analyzer
o FAS Episodes Analyzer
o Network FAS Interface Configuration enhanced
o Modelling of interference episodes and lifecycle state
o FAS monitoring failure events
o Reporting for episodes and interfaces
o Scheduled reporting, including email and save to file options
o WTM4K device configurations support

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o 5 GHz band support

• EM fault and performance
o Topology map filtering for a container (region or site)
New device configurations and embedded software supported:
• WTM4K R2.10 software
• On upgrading to 2.8.1 from earlier versions, historical FAS data is not automatically
migrated to the new episodes format and is therefore not presented in the new
Dashboard, Episodes Analyzer, and Link Analyzer views. A migration script is provided
with 2.8.1-198 and later release with this capability (refer to the Enhancements section
(for 2.8.1-198) for details).

PV+ 2.8.0-192 LA:

New functionality provided:
• Topology Map
o Container (Region, Site) based filtering of the topology map
o Paired device group box on topology map re-introduced
o Improved container icon sizing
New device configurations and embedded software supported:
• CTR 8740: R4.1 software
• CTR 8740: Degraded-HA configuration with R4.1 software
• The FAS product module is not supported by this LA release. New FAS capabilities
(including support for WT4K devices) are under development and planned for release in
PV+ 2.8.1.

PV+ 2.7.1-283 GA:

New functionality provided:
• User mgmt
o Add ability to export user accounts in CSV format
o Add peer MAC address to L2 topology

PV+ 2.7.1-280 GA:

New functionality provided:
• EM Fault & Performance
o System scalability to 3,000 EM devices
o New Network Topology Map
o New Services Data Panel and Services Topology Map
o Email notifications
• CE Fault & Performance
o System scalability to 2,000 CE devices
• FAS product module
o Bulk capture of PCR datasets across multiple devices/links
o Reference PCR dataset management
o Configuration of per-interface FAS thresholds
o FAS dashboard export to PDF, CSV and JSON
o FAS algorithm improvements (for multipath and fading conditions)

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o CTR 8540 / 83xx support

• High Availability (HA) product module
o Warm-standby server
• When upgrading from 2.7.0 or earlier release please read the upgrade procedure
described in the “Upgrading ProVision Plus Server” section in the ProVision Plus
Installation and Administration Guide as the MongoDB Database has been updated and
some additional prerequisites are now required

PV+ 2.6.2 GA:

New functionality provided:
• FAS product module
o L4 interference
o Licensing
▪ 7/8, 11, 13, 15, 18 GHz technology licenses
▪ FAS Link License policing
• When upgrading an existing FAS licensed deployment to 2.6.2 (or later) a new license
file is essential. The previous license file will become invalid after the grace period.
Please request an upgraded license from before upgrading
your PV+ software.

PV+ 2.6.1 GA:

New functionality provided:
• FAS product module
o Expert system providing automated detection of interference
o Interference performance parameters
o Interference severity level alarms
o FAS Retained Datasets (user-initiated download)
o Network FAS Alarm Indicator
o FAS Alarms topology overlay
o FAS Dashboard
o FAS Interference Episodes
o FAS PCR Viewer
o Radio Network Health (interference statistics)
o Resource Performance (interference statistics)
o Eclipse 5.4.57 to 8.8.11 software
o Licensing
▪ FAS 6 GHz technology
• NBI product module
o FAS interference alarms and performance statistics
New device configurations and embedded software supported:
• WTM 4000: R2.9.1 software

PV+ 2.6.0 GA:

New functionality provided:
• NBI Lite product module
o NBI Lite license
o Limited OSS integration capability through the RESTCONF NBI

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• User account management

o Ability to create user accounts and change password without email
• EM fault & performance module
o Copy L1/L2 services or devices from Live to Baseline
o Max utilization (%) and Max throughput (Mbps) added to daily bins
• Installer
o Ability to enter host or domain name in self-signed SSL certificate
• Windows 2019 server OS
New device configurations and embedded software supported:
• CTR8740: SyncE, PTP TC
• Ethernet QoS performance data for CTR8740, WTM4K, CTR8540, Eclipse
• RF ACM performance data for WTM4K, CTR8540, Eclipse
• WTM 4000: R2.9 software

The following Manage Advanced documentation is provided with this release.
• ProVision Plus Installation and Administration Guide – Manual for installation,
configuration, and administration, covering PV+ server and PV+ GeoServer map server
• ProVision Plus User Guide – Manual for day-to-day operations.
• ProVision Plus NBI System Integration Guide – Manual for system integration with
OSS or network orchestrator via the RESTCONF-based northbound interface.
• ProVision Plus SNMP Event NBI System Integration Guide – Manual for system
integration with event / alarm management OSS via SNMP Trap based northbound

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Copyright © 2022, Aviat Networks, all rights reserved.

Product Modules Supported

This section identifies the supported ProVision Plus Product Modules and summarizes the
functionality available for each. A more detailed definition of the available functionality is
provided in section Functionality Supported.
Each Product Module requires a Technology License and Device License Count. See section
Product Licensing for details.

EM Fault & Performance Product Module

Network The following Direct Device Mgmt capabilities are provided:
Deployment 1. Deploy Object: Devices and Physical container hierarchy
2. Create Link: L1 links
Access Control The following is supported:
1. Device Access Control
Multi-layer The following is supported:
Topology 1. Topology Discovery: Layer 1, Layer 2
Visualization 2. Network Topology Map
3. Geographical Topology Map via PV+ GeoServer map server
4. Topology map Network Navigator
5. Topology map Site, Device, and Link smart panels
6. Services Data Panel
7. Services Topology Map
8. Services Filtering
9. Explorer Tree
10. Device Detail (with dependent / supporting layer navigation)
11. Service Detail (with dependent / supporting layer navigation)
Configuration The following is supported:
Mgmt 1. Network / Device Detail
2. Network / Inventory
3. Device Detail view
4. Interfaces Detail view (Basic, LAG, QoS, Services)
5. Direct Device Mgmt
6. Device config backup & restore
Network Licensing The following is supported:
1. Register Licenses
2. Apply Licenses
Network Software The following is supported:
Loading 1. Register Software
2. Load Software
Managing Network The following is supported:
Configuration 1. Baseline vs Live Selector
Changes 2. Reconciliation Reports
3. Create Baseline
4. Copy devices or services from Live to Baseline
5. Delete services from Baseline
6. PV mediated containers in Live and Baseline
Events / Alarms The following is supported:
1. Device Events / Alarms
2. Service Alarms: Physical (L1 link) only
3. Event Browser
4. Alarm Status Indicators

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5. Network Alarm Indicators

Email Notifications The following is supported:
1. Notification based on configured event filter
2. Multiple notifications (each with separate event filter)
Performance Mgmt The following is supported:
1. Resource Performance
2. Radio, Ethernet, and Sensor Network Health
Reporting Hub The following is supported:
1. Scheduled inventory, config, Network Health, FAS, HAS reports
2. Access to reports history
System Admin The following is supported:
1. User Mgmt
2. User Security Policy
3. Email Server Mgmt
4. License Mgmt
5. Database Mgmt
General The following is supported:
1. System Messages
2. Help

EM Integration for ProVision Product Module

Network The following Indirect Device Mgmt capabilities are provided:
Deployment (via 1. Automated import of devices and their physical links
ProVision) 2. Automated import of the physical container hierarchy
Access Control The following is supported:
1. ProVision Network Access Control
Multi-layer The following is supported:
Topology 1. Topology Discovery: Layer 1, Layer 2
Visualization 2. Network Topology Map
3. Geographical Topology Map via PV+ GeoServer map server
4. Topology map Network Navigator
5. Topology map Site, Device, and Link smart panels
6. Services Data Panel
7. Services Topology Map
8. Services Filtering
9. Explorer Tree
10. Device Detail (with dependent / supporting layer navigation)
11. Service Detail (with dependent / supporting layer navigation)
Configuration The following is supported:
Mgmt 1. Network / Device Detail
2. Network / Inventory
3. Device Detail view
4. Interfaces Detail view
This feature presents limited data only, for indirectly managed devices.
Managing Network The following is supported:
Configuration 1. Baseline vs Live Selector
Changes 2. Reconciliation Reports
3. Create Baseline
Events / Alarms The following is supported:
1. Device Events / Alarms
2. Service Alarms: Physical (L1 link) only

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3. Event Browser
4. Alarm Status Indicators
5. Network Alarm Indicators
Email Notifications The following is supported:
1. Notification based on configured event filter
2. Multiple notifications (each with separate event filter)
Performance Mgmt The following is supported:
1. Resource Performance
2. Radio, Ethernet, and Sensor Network Health
Reporting Hub The following is supported:
1. Scheduled inventory, config, Network Health, FAS, HAS reports
2. Access to reports history
System Admin The following is supported:
1. User Mgmt
2. User Security Policy
3. Email Server Mgmt
4. License Mgmt
5. Database Mgmt
General The following is supported:
1. System Messages
2. Help

EM Provisioning Product Module

L1 network design The following L1 network design capabilities are provided:
1. Centralized management of L1 network design
2. Pre-provisioning of L1 network design through the user interface
or NBI (where licensed)
Pre-provisioning The following pre-provisioning capabilities are supported:
device 1. Pre-provisioning of device L1 configuration parameters through
configuration the user interface or NBI (where licensed)
Device online The following device online provisioning capabilities are supported:
provisioning 1. Online provisioning of device configuration changes through the
user interface or NBI (where licensed)
User interface for The following capability is supported for CTR 8740:
EM provisioning 1. Device interface pre-provisioning and online provisioning
through the device Interfaces Detail view
2. This includes the ability to associate a QoS policy with an
interface or sub-interface

FAS (Frequency Assurance Software) Product Module

FAS expert system The following is supported:
1. Automated interference detection, symptom recognition, fault
isolation and record generation
2. Generation of interference alarms and performance metrics
classified as Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, or Level 4 interference.
3. Modelling of interference episodes and lifecycle state
Configuration The following is supported:
Mgmt 1. FAS dataset downloads in bulk with automated fitness testing
and automated or manual selection of reference dataset
2. FAS Persisted Datasets management

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3. FAS system configuration

4. FAS interface configuration
Events / Alarms The following is supported:
1. Interference severity alarms
2. Event Browser (FAS alarms)
3. Network FAS Alarm Indicator
4. FAS monitoring failure events
Performance Mgmt The following is supported:
1. Interference performance metrics
2. FAS Dashboard with interfaces and episodes analysis
3. FAS Episodes Analyzer
4. FAS Link Analyzer
5. FAS PCR dataset viewer
6. Resource Performance (FAS parameters)
7. Radio Network Health (FAS parameters)
Licensing The following is supported:
1. 5, 6, 7/8, 10, 11, 13, 15, 18, 28, 38 GHz technology license
2. FAS Link License count policing
Important Note:
• When upgrading an existing FAS licensed deployment to 2.6.2
(or later) a new license file is essential. The previous license file
will become invalid after the grace period. Please request an
upgraded license from before
upgrading your PV+ software.
NOTES: 1. FAS is not supported in PV+ 2.8.0, 2.8.2 and 2.9.0 releases.
2. On upgrading to 2.8.1 from earlier versions, historical FAS data
is not automatically migrated to the new episodes format and is
therefore not presented in the new Dashboard, Episodes
Analyzer, and Link Analyzer views. A script is provided with
2.8.1-198 and later release with this capability (refer to the
Enhancements section (for 2.8.1-198) for details).

HAS (Health Assurance Software) Product Module

HAS expert system The following is supported:
1. Automated detection of radio link performance anomalies
2. Recording of radio link performance anomaly episodes
Multi-layer The following is supported:
Topology 1. Topology map link mode Health Assurance link overlays
Configuration The following is supported:
Mgmt 1. Health Assurance Configuration of performance anomaly
thresholds for each radio interface.
Performance Mgmt The following is supported:
1. Network Health Assurance
2. Health Trends
3. Radio link smart panel performance widgets and timeline graphs
Licensing The following is supported:
1. HAS technology license
2. HAS link license count policing

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Carrier Ethernet (CE) Fault & Performance Product Module

Services Layers The following CE networking layer services are supported:
1. VLAN for customer bridge and provider bridge (QinQ) networks
2. PTP Link
3. SyncE Link
Note: Layer 1 and Layer 2 topology is available with EM Fault &
Performance product module.
Multi-layer The following is supported for CE networking layer services:
Topology 1. Topology Discovery: PTP, SyncE, VLAN
Visualization 2. Network Topology Map
3. Services Data Panel
4. Services Topology Map
5. Services Filtering
6. Tree Context Selector: CE layers
7. Service Detail (with dependent layer navigation)
Configuration The following is supported:
Mgmt 1. Service Detail view: VLAN, PTP link, SyncE link
Managing Network The following is supported for CE networking layer services:
Configuration 1. Baseline vs Live Selector
Changes 2. Live Network Configuration Change Indicators
3. Reconciliation Reports
4. Create Baseline
Events / Alarms The following is supported for CE networking layer services:
1. Service Alarms

IP / MPLS Fault & Performance Product Module (for CTR 8740 and CTR 8540)
Important Note: In alignment with best practice, Aviat requires deployment of PV+ MPLS
Integration trial and/or QoS support with new customers to firstly undergo an integration
trial in either the customer lab or Aviat lab (with a representative
configuration) to ensure there are no significant integration issues. This
is a necessary risk mitigation step, as it’s not feasible for Aviat to lab test
all potential configuration variations. Please contact product
management through Aviat TAC for further details.
Services Layers The following IP / MPLS networking layer services are supported:
1. L3VPN including RT (route target import / export)
2. VPLS and VPWS including PW
3. T-LDP session
Multi-layer The following is supported for IP / MPLS networking layer services:
Topology 1. Topology Discovery: L3VPN, VPLS, VPWS, T-LDP
Visualization 2. Services Data Panel
3. Services Topology Map
4. Services Filtering
5. Tree Context Selector: IP / MPLS layers
6. Service Detail (with dependent layer navigation)
Configuration The following is supported:
Mgmt 1. Service Detail view: L3VPN, VPLS, VPWS, T-LDP
2. VPN service QoS Policies view
3. QoS Policy Management
Managing Network The following is supported for IP / MPLS networking layer services:
Configuration 1. Baseline vs Live Selector
Changes 2. Live Network Configuration Change Indicators
3. Create Baseline

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Events / Alarms The following is supported for IP / MPLS networking layer services:
1. Service Alarms
Diagnostics The following IP / MPLS diagnostics are supported:
1. LSP ping and trace route
2. VRF ping and trace route
Note: VRF diagnostics are supported for CTR 8740 with R4.1 and later.

IP / MPLS Provisioning Product Module (for CTR 8740)

Important Note: In alignment with best practice, Aviat requires deployment of PV+ MPLS
Integration trial and/or QoS support with new customers to firstly undergo an integration
trial in either the customer lab or Aviat lab (with a representative
configuration) to ensure there are no significant integration issues. This
is a necessary risk mitigation step, as it’s not feasible for Aviat to lab test
all potential configuration variations. Please contact product
management through Aviat TAC for further details.
VPN service The following VPN service provisioning capabilities are supported:
provisioning 1. L3VPN including RT (route target import / export)
2. VPLS and VPWS including PW and T-LDP sessions
QoS policies QoS policies associated with VPN service attachment circuits can be
provisioning for provisioned with the VPN services.
VPN services

NBI Product Module

Protocol RESTCONF protocol over HTTPS transport
Access control Basic authentication (RFC 7617) and NACM access control (RFC 8341)
YANG access Read and RPC / Action access to the following data is provided:
1. PV+ system connectivity
2. Devices including config, inventory, and state
3. Physical network topology
4. Carrier Ethernet services topology
5. Alarms (for devices and services)
6. Performance attributes (for devices)
7. FAS interference alarms and performance parameters
8. High freq. monitoring of performance attributes (for devices)
9. IP / MPLS service discovery
10. IP / MPLS service provisioning
11. IP / MPLS diagnostics
12. QoS configuration
Refer to the Functionality Supported section below for further details.

NBI Lite Product Module

Protocol As per NBI product module
Access control As per NBI product module
YANG access Read and RPC / Action access to the following subset of the NBI data is
1. PV+ system connectivity
2. Devices including config, inventory, and state
3. Physical network topology
4. Alarms (for devices and services)
5. Performance attributes (for devices)

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Refer to the Functionality Supported section below for further details.

SNMP Event NBI Product Module

Protocol SNMPv1 or SNMPv2 based Trap forwarding
Functionality The following functionality is provided:
1. SNMP Trap forwarding of raised and cleared events / alarms.
2. Support for southbound resynchronization request, resulting in
re-sending of all active events / alarms.
Refer to the Functionality Supported section below for further details.

High Availability (HA) Product Module

High Availability The following capabilities are provided:
1. Warm-standby redundant server
2. Geographic redundancy

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Functionality Supported
This section provides a detailed overview of the functionality supported.


Network Deployment
Direct Device The following is supported:
Mgmt 1. Manual deployment of directly managed devices.
2. Manual deployment of L1 links.
3. Manual deployment of the physical container hierarchy.
Indirect Device The following is supported:
Mgmt (via 1. Automated import and deployment of devices indirectly
ProVision) managed via ProVision and their physical links.
2. Automated import and deployment of the physical container
hierarchy from ProVision.
3. Automatic conversion rules applied to containment hierarchy on
import (e.g. Rack to Site container).
4. Explorer Tree non-compliant container hierarchy indicators.
This can occur when importing from ProVision.

Device Access Control

Device Access The following is supported:
Control 1. Tabular view presenting the access control settings for all
directly managed devices.
2. Configure the communication authentication credentials for each
ProVision Network Provides the ability to configure and manage communications with a
Access Control ProVision system through ProVision’s “ProVision Plus” NBI.
NOTE: For optimal performance, ProVision Plus and ProVision severs
must be co-located (i.e. running on same server / VM or on the
same LAN). The latency between them must not exceed

Supported The following is supported:

ProVision server 1. Stand-alone server on Windows OS.
configurations 2. Redundant server (Primary/Standby and Redundancy
Controller) configurations on Windows OS.

Multi-layer Topology Visualization

Topology The following is supported:
Discovery 1. Discovery of the network topology, together with devices and
services configuration and state information, takes place
2. For indirectly managed devices, the information is discovered
via the ProVision NBI (Northbound Interface), and includes the
physical deployment tree hierarchy defined in ProVision.
3. For directly managed devices, in information is discovered
direction from the devices (using NETCONF protocol).

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Network Topology Provides the ability to graphically visualize the whole network.
Map This includes the following capabilities:
1. Topology map
2. Geographical map via PV+ GeoServer map server
3. Site and Link centric display modes
4. Alarms and Health Assurance (Availability, Utilization,
Congestion, Perf. Anomalies, Maintenance) overlay options
5. Site aggregation on zoom
6. Map pan and zoom
7. FAS alarms overlay option
8. Site deployment with manual positioning
9. Site geographical coordinates import / export
Network Navigator The following is supported:
1. Expanded site view with site nodes and interconnecting links
2. Radio links to adjacent sites
3. Navigation to adjacent sites
Topology map The following side panels are supported, including navigation between
smart panels the panels:
1. Site Details – Health summary for devices on selected site
2. Device Details – Health of selected device
3. Link Summary – Health summary of selected microwave link
4. Link Details – Health of selected link including performance
widgets and timeline graphs
Services Data The following is supported:
Panel 1. Provides a tabular view with a summary of configuration and
state information of all services and devices in the network.
2. A separate table is presented for each service type (e.g. VLAN
or L2 Link service).
3. Layers enabled through the Layers Selector are presented as a
separate tab in the Data Panel.
4. Export to CSV, JSON or PDF format file.
Services Topology Provides the ability to graphically visualize the topology of selected
Map services, including supporting and dependent networking layers.
This includes the following capabilities:
1. Map pan and zoom
2. Overlay key attributes
3. Service link bundling / unbundling
4. Navigation up and down networking layers
5. Export to PNG format file.
Services Filtering Provides the ability to view the section of the network topology
associated with one or more services or devices.
The filtered topology view presents the following:
1. Dependent (higher layer) services in enabled layers.
2. Direct or indirect supporting (lower layer) devices and services
in enabled layers.
Explorer Tree The following is supported:
1. Devices Tree view representing the physical network hierarchy
(Region, Site, Device).
2. Navigation menu associated with each object (Region, Site,

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Configuration Mgmt
Network / Device The following is supported:
Detail 1. Tabular view presenting the configuration and state detail for all
or a subset of the devices in the network. A separate row is
presented for each physical or logical device module.
2. Analyze the information using sort and search controls.
3. Generate and save customized layouts.
4. Export to CSV or JSON format file.
Network / Inventory Provides the user with a specialized variant of the Device Detail view
that includes the device inventory information for the network.
Detail The following is supported:
1. Tabular view presenting the configuration and state detail of a
selected device or service.
2. Indication of the adjacent dependent (upper) and supporting
(lower) layer services.
3. Single click navigation to adjacent dependent or supporting
layer service.
4. Indication of the configuration differences between the Live
network and Baseline design.
5. Comparison of configuration and state information between
multiple selected devices or services of the same type.
Interfaces Detail The following is supported:
1. Lists the interfaces available on a device, including a
breakdown of protected interfaces to member ports.
2. Presents Basic, LAG, QoS, and Services configuration for a
selected interface.
VPN service QoS The following is supported:
Policies 1. Lists the QoS policies applied to the Attachment Circuits
(interface or sub-interface) for a selected VPN service.
2. For each policy, a list of the Attachment Circuits the policy has
been applied to is provided.
3. Provides the ability to view the classification and metering
configuration of a selected QoS policy.
Direct Device Mgmt The following is supported:
1. Tabular view presenting the ProVision Plus management
configuration for all devices in the network that are directly
2. Ability to configure the name and management IP address for
each device.
3. Analyze the devices using sort and search controls.
4. Generate and save customized layouts.
5. Export to CSV, JSON or PDF format file.
Config Backup & The following is supported:
Restore 1. Device config backup policy for the network can be defined by
an admin user.
2. Automated device config backup, on detection of config change.
3. On demand config backup for a selected device.
4. Ability to restore a selected backup to a device.
5. Export a selected config backup, allowing the user to restore via
the device craft tool.
FAS System Network-wide feature providing configuration of the following:
Configuration 1. PCR dataset download rate for the network during FAS
2. Interference thresholds mode

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3. Interference thresholds values RSL, L3 SNR, L4 SNR

Network FAS Tabular view providing the FAS configuration and status for all radio
Interface interfaces in the network licensed for FAS:
Configuration 1. Status of reference dataset configuration
2. Reference RSL and SNR values
3. Thresholds mode and configuration with ability to change
4. Export / import interface configuration in bulk
5. Interface suppression with ability to change
FAS Interface Radio interface configuration override of system defaults:
Configuration 1. Interface thresholds
2. Interface suppression
FAS Dataset Provides the following capabilities:
Download 1. User initiated FAS dataset download from devices/links in bulk
2. Automated fitness testing of downloaded datasets
3. Option to automate setting as reference datasets (assuming
fitness testing passed)
FAS Persisted Provides the following capabilities:
Datasets 1. Presents fitness test results
2. Ability to manually select reference dataset
3. Ability to export or delete dataset
Health Assurance Provides ability to configure the thresholds for each of the following
Configuration detectable performance anomalies on each radio interface:
1. Availability
2. Extended Fade
3. Low Modulation
4. Modulation Availability
5. Dribbling Errors
6. Interference
7. XPIC Cancellation

Device Provisioning
L1 network design The following L1 network design capabilities are provided:
1. Centralized management of L1 network design
2. Pre-provisioning of L1 network design through the user interface
or NBI (where licensed)
Pre-provisioning The following pre-provisioning capabilities are supported:
device 3. Pre-provisioning of device L1 configuration parameters through
configuration the user interface or NBI (where licensed)
Device online The following device online provisioning capabilities are supported:
provisioning 4. Online provisioning of device configuration changes through the
user interface or NBI (where licensed)

IP/MPLS VPN Service Provisioning

Pre-provisioning of The following pre-provisioning capabilities are supported for CTR 8740:
VPN service 1. Pre-provisioning of L3VPN, VPLS, and VPWS services
configuration configuration parameters, including QoS policies associated with
the attachment circuits, through the user interface or NBI (where
VPN service online The following online provisioning capabilities are supported for CTR
provisioning 8740:

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1. Online provisioning of VPN service configuration changes

through the user interface or NBI (where licensed)

IP/MPLS Service Diagnostics

Diagnostics The following diagnostics are supported for CTR 8740 and CTR 8540:
1. LSP ping and trace route
2. VRF ping and trace route
Note: VRF diagnostics are supported for CTR 8740 with R4.1 and later.

QoS Policy Management

Pre-provisioning of The following capabilities are supported for CTR 8740:
QoS policies 1. Tabular view of pre-provisioned QoS policies on PV+
2. Create, duplicate, edit, delete management of policies on PV+
3. The policies can be applied to device interfaces during EM
provisioning and VPN service provisioning
QoS policy types The following policy types are supported:
1. Decode DSCP
2. Decode PCP
3. Classification DSCP
4. Classification PCP
5. Single Rate Policing
6. Policing and Classification DSCP
7. Policing and Classification DSCP

Device Licensing
Register licenses Provides the ability to register device licenses on the PV+ server.
Registered licenses can then be selected for applying to the device
Apply licenses Provides the ability to apply license to managed devices via the task
manager feature. Capabilities include:
1. Support for WTM 4000 and CTR 8740 variants
2. Automatically match license files with devices
3. Apply licenses to multiple devices via task manager

Device Software Loading

Register software Provides the ability to register device software on the PV+ server.
Registered software versions can then be selected for loading to the
device network.
Load software Provides the ability to load software into managed devices via the task
manager feature. Capabilities include:
1. Support for WTM 4000 and CTR8740 variants
2. Load multiple devices via task manager
3. Separate transfer and activation tasks
4. Transfer immediately, schedule, or manual
5. Activate immediately (following transfer), schedule, or manual

Managing Network Configuration Changes

Baseline vs Live Provides the ability to view either “Live” or “Baseline” information in the
Selector topology views.

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“Live” provides the user with visibility of configuration and state of the
live network devices and end-to-end services.
“Baseline” presents only the Baseline design configuration.
Reconciliation Provide Automated identification of configuration problems in the Live
Reports network that conflict with the internal Manage Advanced Baseline
Create Baseline Configuration changes detected to devices and end-to-end services in
the Live network can be promoted to the Baseline design by the user.

Event / Alarm Mgmt and Notifications

Device Events / Events and alarms detected from the devices are automatically
Alarms correlated to device entities, i.e. chassis/mainboard, plugins, interfaces,
etc. This includes FAS interference alarms indicating Level 1, Level 2,
Level 3, or Level 4 interference.
Service Alarms A common set of service-centric alarms (Services Alarms) are provided
for end-to-end services. Their state is automatically derived from
dependent device events and alarms.
Event Browser Provides the ability to view events and alarms detected from the
network devices and services in a tabular view. The following is
1. Tabular view presenting the history of detected events and
alarms associated with devices and services.
2. Analyze the events using sort and search controls.
3. Mark events as acknowledged.
4. Manually clear events.
5. Create and save customized layouts.
6. Export to CSV, JSON or PDF format file.
Alarm Status Provided with each device and service object presented in the topology
Indicators view Topology Map, Data Panel and Tree Context Selector panes.
Network Alarm Three network-wide indicators are presented:
Indicators 1. Devices Alarm Indicator providing a live summary status of all
device alarms for all devices.
2. Services Alarm Indicator providing a live summary status of all
service alarms for all services.
3. FAS Alarm Indicator providing a summary of all device interface
interference alarms.
Email Notifications The following is supported:
1. Configuration of multiple notifications.
2. Notification based on event filter.
3. Multiple recipients per notification.
4. User configurable subject heading and message body.
5. Management through Task Trigger view.

Performance Mgmt
Resource Provides the user with the following capabilities:
Performance / 1. Graphical timeline for selected resources over a selected
Overview period, providing a set of performance health indicators for the
resources for each bin period on the timeline.
2. Time correlated view of performance across multiple devices,
interfaces, and sensors.
3. For each bin, an indication on whether data successfully
collected, invalid, errored or below threshold.

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4. Ability to view the full set of data for a selected bin.

Resource Provides the user with the following capabilities:
Performance / 1. Performance timeline chart for selected resources over a
Chart selected period.
2. Presents time correlated view of performance across multiple
device interfaces and sensors.
3. Includes FAS interference performance statistics, including
Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, or Level 4 interference.
Resource Provides the user with the following capabilities:
Performance / 1. Tabular view presenting the performance data for the selected
Detail resources.
2. Includes FAS interference performance statistics.
3. Analyze the data using sort and search controls.
4. Export to CSV or JSON format file.
Network Health Provides the ability to proactively analyze the performance of all (or a
subset of) the traffic interfaces or device sensors in the network over a
selected period, and rapidly identify current or historical performance
issues. The following Network Health analyzers are provided:
1. Radio Network Health
2. Ethernet Network Health
3. Sensor Network Health
Network Health / Provides the user with the following capabilities:
Overview 1. Graphical summary of the performance of either all radio or
Ethernet interfaces, or all sensors in the network.
2. Includes FAS interference performance statistics.
3. Summary indication of the numbers of interface or sensors
below user selectable performance thresholds.
Network Health / Provides the user with the following capabilities:
Detail 1. Tabular view presenting the performance data for the selected
2. Includes FAS interference performance metrics.
3. Analyze the data using sort and search controls.
FAS Dashboard Dashboard providing network-wide analysis of interference over user
selected period.
1. Interfaces analysis
2. Episodes analysis
3. Dashboard filtering for container (region or site) or device
4. Hide Known Bad and Hide Unconfirmed options
5. Live update mode enable / disable
6. Reporting, including scheduled reports with save to file and
email options
FAS Dashboard / Graphical summary indicating a set of counts for the number of
Interfaces / interfaces affected by interference.
Summary Separate A and B side reporting for protected links.
FAS Dashboard / Tabular view presenting the list of radio interfaces with detected
Interfaces / interference episodes, providing interface-based analysis:
Interference Details 1. Freq band and Platform type (e.g. Eclipse)
2. Severity level interference seconds
3. Number of interference episodes including when last detected
on the interface
4. Type (burst, steady, multipath) interference seconds
FAS Dashboard / Graphical summary presenting the following:
Episodes / 1. Counts of interference episodes at each max severity level.
Summary 2. Count of Multipath (self-interference) episodes
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3. Counts of the episodes at each lifecycle state.

FAS Dashboard / Bar chart indicating the trend of Active, Open and Closed episodes.
Episodes / Trends
FAS Dashboard / Tabular view presenting the list of detected interference episodes,
Episodes / providing episode-based analysis:
Interference Details 1. Max severity level
2. Lifecycle status
3. Unique episode ID
4. Time detected and duration
5. Open and analyze the episode in the PCR Viewer
FAS Link Analyzer Provides detailed history of interference episodes detected on a radio
link over a selected period.
1. Radio link configuration details
2. Graphical summary of the detected interference episodes
3. Tabular view of the history of interference episodes
FAS Episode Provides the user with the ability to analyze a selected interference
Analyzer episode:
1. Graphical summary of 15-min performance history
2. History includes severity level, SNR and RSL values
3. Open in the PCR Viewer or export the data
4. View added user notes, or add a new note
5. Manage the lifecycle status of the episode
FAS PCR Viewer Provides analysis of PCR dataset. This includes FAS performance
Health Assurance The following is provided on Link summary and Link detail smart panels:
smart panels 1. Link terminations RAC configuration and RSL, Tx power, and
SNR performance including graph for the last 24 hours
2. Performance widgets for Availability, Utilization, Congestion,
and Perf. Anomalies
3. Performance timeline graphs for Availability, Utilization,
Congestion, and Perf. Anomalies
Network Health Network summary indicators and focus lists are provided for the
Assurance following radio link issues:
1. Availability
2. Utilization
3. Congestion
4. Perf. Anomalies
5. Maintenance
Health Trends The following timeline graphs are provided for a selected radio link:
1. Availability
2. Utilization
3. Congestion
4. Perf. Anomalies
5. Maintenance
Topology Map The following is Health Assurance overlay options are provided:
Health Assurance 1. Availability
overlays 2. Utilization
3. Congestion
4. Perf. Anomalies
5. Maintenance
Reporting Hub The following is provided:
1. Scheduled inventory, config, Network Health, FAS, HAS reports
2. Save to file and email actions

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3. Report generation on demand

4. Access to report history

System Admin
User Mgmt The following is supported:
1. Administrator, Engineer and Operator roles.
2. Administration of user accounts.
3. User access control for UI and NBI.
4. User access security policy.
5. Email based user admin.
User Security The following is supported:
Policy 1. Password length, composition, expiry, and expiry notification
2. Login retries
3. Session timeout
4. Pre and post login banners
Email Server Mgmt The following is supported:
1. SMTP server and credentials
2. Enable secure (HTTPS) connection
3. Enable authentication
4. Option to create and manage user accounts without email
server integration
License Mgmt The following is supported:
1. Create server fingerprint file
2. Load license file
3. Apply device count and expiry date restrictions
4. Notifications on invalid license and license expiry
Database Mgmt The following is supported:
1. Backup (scheduled and on-demand) and restore.
2. Cleared events purge settings
3. Performance data purge settings

General Functionality
System messages The following is supported:
1. System message notifications advising users on system
management activities and issues.
Help Online help is provided

Protocol The following protocol capabilities are supported:
1. RESTCONF protocol (RFC 8040)
2. HTTPS transport
3. RESTCONF extensions for NMDA datastores (RFC 8527)
Access control The following access control capabilities are supported:
1. Basic authentication (RFC 7617)
2. NACM access control (RFC 8341)
3. Admin user access control of NBI users
YANG capabilities The following YANG capabilities are supported:
1. YANG library (RFC 8525)
2. NMDA datastores (RFC 8342)
3. Schema-mount (RFC 8528)

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YANG access Access is provided to IETF standard and Aviat YANG models, spanning
network topology, service level, and device level models. Access to the
following is provided via read access and RPC / Actions:
1. PV+ system connectivity
2. Devices including configuration, inventory, state, and physical
path (Region / Site containment hierarchy)
3. Physical network topology
4. Carrier Ethernet services topology
5. VPN services topology
6. VPN & LSP services diagnostics
7. Alarms (for devices and services)
8. Performance attributes for devices
9. FAS interference alarms and performance statistics
10. High freq. monitoring of performance attributes (for devices)
Refer to the ProVision Plus NBI System Integration Guide for the set of
YANG models available via the NBI.


Protocol SNMPv1 or SNMPv2 based Trap forwarding
Functionality The following functionality is provided:
1. Events / alarms trap forwarding.
2. Support for southbound resynchronization request through an
SNMP Trap, resulting in re-sending of all active events / alarms.
3. Support for user / manual resynchronization request.
4. Up to 10 independent trap destinations, each with its own
filtering configuration.
5. Technology licensing.

Redundant Server
High Availability The following capabilities are provided:
(HA) 1. Support of warm standby redundant two-server setup with third
server HA monitor app
2. Geographic redundancy

Installer Apps
PV+ new install The following capabilities are supported:
1. Install ProVision Plus server application together with the
required versions of third-party components (NodeJS, Redis,
2. Ability to install self-signed SSL certificate.
PV+ upgrade install The following capabilities are supported:
1. Upgrade to new version ProVision Plus server application and
new versions of third-party components (NodeJS, Redis,
2. Database migration (where the database format differs between
the current and upgrade versions).
3. Ability to install self-signed SSL certificate.
WARNING: It’s important to follow the instructions provided in the
ProVision Plus Install and Admin Guide, to avoid any risk of
data loss during upgrade or migration.

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PV+ GeoServer The following capabilities are supported:

install 1. Install PV+ GeoServer map server application.
2. Uninstall of PV+ GeoServer map server application.

Services Layers

Carrier Ethernet (CE) Networking

VLAN The following is supported:
1. VLAN link topology and attributes
SyncE Link The following is supported:
1. SyncE link topology and attributes
PTP Link The following is supported:
1. PTP link topology and attributes
L2 Link The following is supported:
1. L2 link topology and attributes
L1 Link The following is supported:
2. Devices
3. L1 topology including wireless and Ethernet links

IP / MPLS Networking (for CTR 8740 and CTR 8540)

L3VPN The following is supported:
1. L3VPN RT (route target import / export) topology and attributes
VPLS The following is supported:
1. VPLS PW topology and attributes
VPWS The following is supported:
1. VPWS PW topology and attributes
T-LDP session The following is supported:
1. T-LDP session topology and attributes

Device Types and Software Versions

The following table indicates the device types and associated embedded software versions
supported by ProVision Plus.
For indirectly managed devices, refer to section ProVision Software Versions below for the
supported ProVision version(s).

Device Type EM Fault & EM Integration EM CE Fault & FAS

Perf. for ProVision Provisioning Perf.
WTM 4100, R2.4 – R2.11 - R2.7 – R2.11 R2.4 – R2.11 R2.9 – R2.11

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WTM4200 R2.4 – R2.11 - R2.7 – R2.11 R2.4 – R2.11 R2.9 – R2.11

WTM 4500, R2.4 – R2.11 - R2.7 – R2.11 R2.4 – R2.11 R2.9 – R2.11
WTM 4500XT R2.8 – R2.11 - R2.8 – R2.11 R2.8 – R2.11 R2.9 – R2.11
WTM 4800, R2.7 – R2.11 - R2.7 – R2.11 R2.7 – R2.11 R2.9 – R2.11
4800 MB
WTM 4800 DC R2.8 – R2.11 - R2.8 – R2.11 R2.8 – R2.11 R2.9 – R2.11
CTR 8740 R3.0 – - R4.1.2 - -
CTR 8740 L1LA R3.0 – R4.1 - R3.0 R3.0 -
with WTM
ProVision EMS - Refer to - - -
CTR 8540 - Refer to the - - -
release notes
CTR 8540 L1LA - Refer to the - - -
with WTM ProVision
radios software
release notes
Eclipse - Refer to the - - 5.4.57 – 8.13
release notes
All other - Refer to the - - -
supported ProVision
device types software
release notes

NOTE: All supported PV+ features are only compatible with the latest release of WTM 4000
software specified above, due to the phased rollout of WTM 4000 capabilities and
changes made to the WTM 4000 management interface over each release.

Device Types Supported by FAS and HAS Modules

The following table indicates the device radio path configurations supported by the FAS product
module. The number of L1 Links and FAS Link License count associated with each radio link
configuration is also indicated.
The HAS column indicates the subset of configurations supported by the HAS product module.
Support for the full set is planned for future releases.

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Device Radio L1 Link FAS Link HAS support Notes

configuration count License count
Eclipse 1+0 1 1 Yes
Eclipse N+0 L1LA N N Yes
Eclipse Hot-Standby 1 1 Yes
Eclipse FD 1 1 Yes
Eclipse SD 1 1 Yes
Eclipse N+N L1LA N N Yes i.e. N x (1+1)
CTR 8540 1+0 1 1 Yes
CTR 8540 N+0 L1LA N N Yes
CTR 8540 Hot-Standby 1 1 Yes
CTR 8540 FD 1 1 Yes
CTR 8540 SD 1 1 Yes Including 1+0
CTR 8540 N+N L1LA N N Yes i.e. N x (1+1)
WTM 4000 1+0 1 1 Yes
WTM 4000 2+0 1 2 Yes XPIC, SD, XPIC SD, DC
WTM 4000 3+0 1 3 Yes
WTM 4000 2x(1+0) 2 2 Yes DC
WTM 4000 2x(2+0) 2 4 Yes XPIC, XPIC SD, MIMO
WTM 4000 4x(2+0) 4 8 Yes XPIC SD

NOTE: Eclipse Dual Protection (i.e. “SD over Hot-Standby” and “SD over FD” with 4 RAC ports)
is not supported by FAS or HAS.
NOTE: WTM 4800 Multi Band is not supported by FAS or HAS.

ProVision Software Versions

Connections are only accepted from compatible versions of the ProVision EMS “ProVision Plus”
Northbound Interface (NBI). The table below indicates the supported ProVision versions for each
release of ProVision Plus.

PV+ release Supported PV Notes

2.1.1 7.5.0
2.2.0 to 2.2.2 7.6.1 to 7.7.1
2.3.0, 2.3.1 7.7.2 and later
2.4.0, 2.4.1 7.7.2 and later
2.5.0 to 2.5.3 7.7.2 to 7.9.1
2.6.0 7.9.2 and later
2.6.1, 2.6.2 See notes Without FAS module: PV 7.9.2 and later
With FAS module: PV 7.10.1 or later
2.7.1 to 2.10.0 7.11.1 and later
2.10.1 7.12.3-10 and later Required for CTR 8540 MPLS mgmt support
2.11.0 7.13.0-138 and later Required for HAS support
2.12.0, 2.13.0 7.13.1-11 and later Required for HAS support

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NOTE: When attempting to connect an incompatible version of ProVision, the ProVision Plus
user is presented with a system error message and the connection is rejected.

System Scalability for Devices

The following table indicates the maximum numbers of devices supported by device type. This is
dependent on the product modules being used to manage a specific device type.

Device EM F&P EM Integration EM Provisioning Notes

Type Module for ProVision
WTM 4000 3,000 - 3,000
CTR 8740 3,000 - 3,000
CTR 8540 - 3,000 -
Eclipse - 3,000 -
All other - 3,000 -

Device FAS HAS CE F&P IP / MPLS F&P Notes

Type Module and Provisioning
WTM 4000 1,000 1,000 2,000 -
CTR 8740 - - 2,000 300 Stacked HA nodes
CTR 8540 2,000 1,000 - 300
Eclipse 2,000 1,000 - -

NOTE: In PV+ 2.11.0 to 2.13.0 a maximum of 1,000 Site objects is supported on the topology
map. Support for larger numbers is planned for future releases.
NOTE: Testing of PV+ supported IP / MPLS capabilities with larger numbers of devices is
planned for future releases.
NOTE: The maximum number of WTM 4000 and CTR 8740 devices is limited by high CPU
loading observed on Windows servers with lower spec processors. An efficiency
improvement is planned for a future release, enabling increase of the device count.
NOTE: The maximum numbers presented are not supported in combination. For example,
3,000 x WTM 4000 (through EM Fault & Performance) PLUS 3,000 x CTR 8540 (through
EM Integration for ProVision) is not supported.

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System Scalability for Services

The following table indicates the maximum numbers of service types supported. This is
dependent on the product modules being used to manage a specific device type.

Service Type EM F&P EM Integration EM Provisioning Notes

Module for ProVision
L1 Link 9,000 9,000 9,000
L2 Link 9,000 9,000 9,000

Service Type FAS HAS CE F&P IP / MPLS F&P Notes

Module and Provisioning
L1 interfaces 4,000 4,000 6,000 1,000
L2 interfaces - 4,000 6,000 1,500
PTP Link - - 3,000 -
SyncE Link - - 3,000 -
VLAN - - 10,000 - Each with 2 access ports
L3VPN - - - 15 Each 120 full mesh nodes
VPLS - - - 10 Each 30 full mesh nodes
VPWS - - - 50

NOTE: Larger L3VPN services are supported (up to 230 nodes in full mesh configuration),
however the underlying RT (route target import / export) topology is not supported. In
this situation the service is indicated as type “Oversized”.
NOTE: The numbers of L3VPN, VPLS and VPWS services are supported in combination.
NOTE: Testing of PV+ supported IP / MPLS capabilities with larger numbers of VPN services of
varying configurations is planned or future releases.

Number of Web Clients

A maximum of 25 web client consecutive sessions is supported for networks of up to 3,000


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This section provides details on the enhancements introduced since the previous GA release.
PV+ 2.13.0-190 (since 2.12.0-203):
Feature Ref Summary Details
Client UI MG-5719 Client UI: Component updates Client UI: Component updates including
MG-5718 1) Explainer (question mark in circle)
MG-5717 2) Spinner
MG-5709 3) Date picker
MG-5707 4) Avatar (2-char initials)
MG-5706 5) Toggle pill
MG-5705 6) Form components
7) Dropdown

Scheduled MG-5702 Scheduled Reporting: Add Scheduled Reporting: Add support for scheduling of
Reporting MG-5516 support for scheduling of reports including the following capabilities:
MG-5515 reports 1) Reporting Hub central view for reporting
MG-5514 2) Schedule Inventory, Configuration, Network
Health, FAS and HAS reports
3) Schedule a new report
4) Save to file and email actions
5) Delete / edit an existing scheduled report
6) Execute a scheduled report on-demand
7) View the report history and download a report file

Health Assurance MG-5701 Link Maintenance: Add support Link Maintenance: Add support for link maintenance
Link Maintenance MG-5666 for link maintenance including the following capabilities:
MG-5611 1) “Send to maintenance” and “Mark as resolved”
MG-5610 controls in link Health Trends and Smart panel.
MG-5609 2) Focus list for links in maintenance in network
MG-5608 Health Assurance view.
MG-5607 3) Geo map link mode overlay for links in
MG-5599 maintenance.
4) Indicate maintenance state in link smart panel.
5) Time in maintenance indicator.

Network Navigator MG-5648 Network Navigator: Provide Network Navigator: Provide the following capabilities:
MG-5513 ability to open sites and 1) Expanded site view indicating the nodes
MG-5512 navigate the network contained within the site and interconnecting links
MG-5482 between them.
MG-5481 2) Radio links to adjacent sites.
3) Ability to navigate to adjacent site, resulting in
current and new selected site expanded, together
with links to other adjacent sites.
4) Highlight interconnecting links and devices when
hover over a device

Health Assurance MG-5635 Topology Map link mode: Topology Map link mode: Report on link health issues
topology map link Report on link health issues occurring in last 24hrs
mode occurring in last 24hrs
Health Assurance MG-5635 Smart Panel performance Smart Panel performance widgets: Report on link
smart panel widgets: Report on link health health issues occurring in last 24hrs
widgets issues occurring in last 24hrs
Service alarms MG-5598 Service alarms: Add support for Service alarms: Add support for VLAN service alarms
VLAN service alarms
Smart panels: MG-5461 Smart panel: Add problem links Smart panel: Add problem links section to Link smart
Radio link section to the Link smart panel panel
Smart panels: MG-5460 Smart panel: Add active events Smart panel: Add active events section to smart panel
Device card to the Device smart panel
Smart panels: Site MG-5370 Smart panel: Add intra-site links Smart panel: Add intra-site links section to Site smart
section to the Site smart panel panel
CTR8740 Web UI MG-4349 CTR8740 Web UI launch: INC0011686 CS0058742
launch Provide ability to default to CTR8740 Web UI launch: Provide ability to default to
HTTP or HTTPS HTTP or HTTPS through the system configuration file.

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PV+ 2.12.0-203 (since 2.12.0-180):

Feature Ref Summary Details

PV+ 2.12.0-180 (since 2.11.0-445):

Feature Ref Summary Details
Topology Map MG-5585 Topology Map: PV+ GeoServer Topology Map: Change GeoServer map water color
map style change from light blue to light grey
Geo server MG-4511 Health Assurance: Add support Health Assurance: Add support for detection of the
for performance anomalies following radio link performance anomalies:
1) Availability
2) Extended Fade
3) Low Modulation
4) Modulation Availability
5) Dribbling Errors
6) Interference
7) XPIC Cancellation

Health Assurance: MG-5127 Health Assurance: Add support Health Assurance: Add support for detection of the
Perf. Anomalies MG-4999 for performance anomalies following radio link performance anomalies:
MG-4940 1) Availability
MG-4812 2) Extended Fade
MG-4811 3) Low Modulation
MG-4572 4) Modulation Availability
MG-4511 5) Dribbling Errors
6) Interference
7) XPIC Cancellation

Health Trends MG-5562 Health Assurance: Add new Add new radio link Health Trends feature with the
MG-5511 radio link Health Trends feature following timeline graphs for a selected radio link:
MG-5450 1) Availability
MG-5449 2) Utilization
3) Congestion
4) Perf. Anomalies

Network Health MG-5550 Network Health Assurance: Add Network Health Assurance: Add new Health Assurance
Assurance MG-5534 new Health Assurance feature feature providing focus lists and network summary for:
MG-5531 1) Availability
MG-5474 2) Utilization
MG-5395 3) Congestion
4) Perf. Anomalies

Topology Map MG-5533 Topology Map: Exclude Topology Map: Exclude Ethernet links from the
Ethernet links topology map
Licensing MG-5532 Licensing: Provide HAS product Licensing: Provide HAS product module link count
module link count licensing licensing
Topology Map MG-5526 Topology Map: Provide Health Topology Map: Provide the following Health Assurance
MG-5525 Assurance overlays for radio overlays for radio links on the topology map:
MG-5506 links 1) Availability
MG-5355 2) Utilization
MG-5354 3) Congestion
MG-5353 4) Perf. Anomalies

Geo coordinates MG-5522 Geo coordinates import: Extend Geo coordinates import:
import MG-5417 capability 1) Use Site ID as the site identifier, instead of the
Site name.
2) Provide ability to create new sites under physical
root by including entries without Site ID. This can
be done with or without coordinates.

Smart panels: MG-5499 Smart panels: Health Smart panels: Provide Health Assurance
Radio link MG-5458 Assurance enhancements to enhancements to Link Summary and Link Details
MG-5457 radio link smart panels smart panels:

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MG-5454 1) Consistently provide Availability, Utilization,

MG-5453 Congestion, Perf. Anomalies smart panel widgets
MG-5452 on Link panels, including filtered panels accessed
MG-5451 from topology map link in Health Assurance map
MG-5448 mode
MG-5444 2) More button to access radio link Health Trends
MG-5443 from Link Details panel

Health Assurance MG-5490 Health Assurance Health Assurance Configuration: Provide threshold
Configuration MG-5405 Configuration: Add support for configuration support for the performance anomalies:
performance anomalies 1) Availability
threshold configuration 2) Extended Fade
3) Low Modulation
4) Modulation Availability
5) Dribbling Errors
6) Interference
7) XPIC Cancellation

Eclipse L1LA MG-5281 Eclipse: Provide Eclipse L1LA Eclipse: Provide Eclipse L1LA support via PV EMS
support via PV EMS This including modelling L1LA link, associated member
radio interfaces, and interface admin and oper status.
Eclipse L1 service MG-5480 Eclipse L1 link service alarm Eclipse L1 link: Add support for Eclipse L1 service
alarm alarm
Eclipse L1LA MG-5477 Eclipse L1LA: Add support for Eclipse L1LA: Add support for Eclipse L1LA stacked
performance data stacked DAC GE3 performance DAC GE3 performance data collection

PV+ 2.11.0-445 (since 2.10.1-290):

Feature Ref Summary Details
Availability, MG-5305 Availability, Utilization, Availability, Utilization, Congestion: Provide collection
Utilization, MG-5259 Congestion: Provide collection and presentation capabilities as follows:
Congestion MG-5042 and widgets 1) Support for Eclipse, CTR 8540/83xx, WTM4K
MG-4992 2) Availability in Ethernet Network Health
3) Utilization and Congestion in RF Network Health
4) Availability, Utilization, and Congestion widgets on
topology map smart side panels
5) Default thresholds for widgets

Topology Map MG-5280 Topology Map: Provide Topology Map: Provide geographical network topology
MG-5271 geographical network topology map
MG-5270 map This replaces the logical topology map and provides
MG-5228 the following capabilities:
MG-5122 1) Geographical map based on GeoServer
MG-5082 2) Map zoom and pan controls
MG-5053 3) Site and Link display modes
MG-5041 4) Site mode clusters sites with zoom control
MG-5017 5) Link mode presents all sites irrespective of zoom
MG-5011 6) Explorer Tree overlay
MG-5010 7) Smart side panel overlays
MG-5009 8) Tooltips for map objects and links
MG-4996 9) Site deployment and manual positioning
MG-4893 10) Lat / Long indication when position site
MG-4986 11) Locate object on map

Topology Map MG-5264 Topology Map: Provide smart Topology Map: Provide site, device, and link side
Smart Side Panels MG-5239 side panels panels including navigation between panels.
MG-5222 This includes the following capabilities:
MG-5183 Site Detail:
MG-5181 1) Health summary of devices on the site
MG-5162 2) List of devices
MG-5136 3) Highest active alarm severity indicators

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MG-4866 Device Detail:
MG-4865 4) Health summary of selected device
5) Highest active alarm severity indicator
6) Mgmt IP address and state

Link Summary:
7) Health of summary link between sites
8) List of links summarised
9) Highest active alarm severity indicators
10) Terminating interfaces of each link

Link Detail:
11) Health summary of selected link
12) Availability, utilization, congestion indicators
13) RF link performance graphs

Topology Map MG-5218 Topology Map: Provide site Topology Map: Provide ability to import / export site
Coordinates coordinates import / export geographical coordinates from file
Explorer Tree MG-5139 Explorer Tree: Provide new tree Explorer Tree: Provide new tree component
MG-5229 component This includes the following capabilities:
MG-5209 1) Region / Site / Device container hierarchy
MG-5208 2) Filtering of the tree on text search
MG-5081 3) Object menu access
4) Locate objects on topology map
5) Position sites without coordinates
6) Indicate non-conforming container hierarchy

ProVision network MG-5207 ProVision network mediation: ProVision network mediation: Container and device
mediation Container and device import import behavior change
behavior change The following behavior is provided on import from
ProVision EMS “PV+ NBI”:
1) Imported containers and hierarchy can
subsequently only be changed by PV+ user
2) Imported devices can subsequently only be
changed through PV EMS
3) Rack converted to Site on import
4) User-defined site converted to Site on import
5) Non-compliant container hierarchy indicator

Baseline / Live MG-5083 Replace Live + Baseline mode Replace the combined Live + Baseline mode with Live
mode MG-4939 with Live mode mode

Services Table MG-5070 Services Table: Provide service Services Table: Provide an indicator identifying
provisioning indicator pending un-provisioned changes
Licensing MG-5043 Licensing: Provide support for Licensing: Provide support for HAS product technology
HAS product technology license license
This license provides access to the Availability,
Utilization, and Congestion HAS link performance
widgets. If license is not available, the widgets are

Topology Map MG-4965 Topology Map: Provide PV+ Topology Map: Provide PV+ GeoServer installer app
GeoServer installer app PV+ GeoServer can be installed on the same or a
different machine (or VM) to the PV+ server.

PV+ 2.10.1-290 (since 2.10.0-352):

Feature Ref Summary Details
Service Topology MG-4844 Service topology: Indicate Indicate device type for each device node in the
device type service topology map
Licensing MG-4770 Licensing: Provide support for Provide support for CTR 8540 MPLS product
CTR 8540 MPLS product technology license
technology license
VPN Service MG-4757 L3VPN: When provisioning When provisioning changes to a L3VPN service, don’t
Provisioning changes to an existing L3VPN normalise the VRF RD on each node to the common
service, don’t normalise RD on value modelled in PV+, unless the RD value is

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each node to a common setting, Note: We plan to provide the ability to provision
unless the RD value is changed different RD values for each node/VRF in a L3VPN
service in a future release.

WTM4K software MG-4745 Add support for WTM4K R2.11 Add support for WTM4K R2.11 software
CTR 8740 MG-4744 Add support for CTR 8740 Add support for CTR 8740 R4.1.2 software
software R4.1.2 software
VPN Service MG-4740 L3VPN: Provide ability to Provide ability to provision static routes for L3VPN
Provisioning MG-4739 provision static routes for attachment circuits
MG-4425 L3VPN attachment circuits

VPN Service MG-4738 L3VPN: Provide ability to Provide ability to provision service MTU and Max
Provisioning MG-4619 provision service MTU and Max Ethernet Frame size for a L3VPN service
Ethernet Frame size
CTR 8740 QoS MG-4657 CTR 8740 QoS: Provide QoS Provide QoS discovery and provisioning support for
support for R3.0 software CTR 8740 R3.0 software.
With R3.0 software this is limited to supporting VLAN
PCP and DSCP decode.

CTR 8740 MPLS MG-4656 CTR 8740 MPLS: Provide Provide MPLS support for CTR 8740 R3.0 software.
MG-4489 MPLS support for R3.0 software This includes the following capabilities:
MG-4487 1. Discovery of L3VPNs and supporting RT topology
2. Discovery of L2VPNs and supporting PW topology
3. Discovery of T-LDP sessions
4. Provisioning of L3VPNs and supporting RT topology
5. Provisioning of L2VPNs and supporting PW topology
6. Provisioning of T-LDP sessions
7. Service alarms
8. LSP ping and trace route diagnostics
Note: VRF diagnostics are not supported by CTR 8740
R3.0 software through the netconf mgmt interface.

VPN Service MG-4635 L3VPN service provisioning: Add support for special characters in L3VPN service
Provisioning Add support for special name during service provisioning
characters in L3VPN service
CTR 8540 MPLS MG-4439 CTR 8540 MPLS: Provide Provide MPLS support for CTR 8540 software via the
MG-4437 MPLS support for CTR 8540 PV EMS PV+ NBI. This includes the following
MG-4436 capabilities:
MG-4376 1. CTR 8540 R3.12 and later software
MG-4342 2. Discovery of L3VPNs and supporting RT topology
MG-4317 3. Discovery of L2VPNs and supporting PW topology
MG-4316 4. L2VPN port and sub-interface attachment circuits
MG-4315 5. VPWS TDM (SAToP) attachment circuits
MG-4314 6. Discovery of T-LDP sessions
7. Service alarms
8. LSP ping and trace route diagnostics
9. VRF ping and trace route diagnostics
Note: The above is supported for both LDP and RSVP-
TE based MPLS networks.
Note: Provisioning of MPLS services is not supported
for CTR 8540 due to limitations in the 8540 SNMP-
based mgmt interface.

VPN service MG-4341 CTR 8540 and 8740 VPN Provide support for VPN service discovery across both
interop service interop CTR 8740 and CTR 8540 routers
Database log files MG-3943 Database log files: Provide for Database log files: Provide for rotation and purging of
purging rotation and purging of log files log files

PV+ 2.10.0-352 (since 2.9.0-539):

Feature Ref Summary Details
CTR 8740 - Add support for CTR 8740 Add support for CTR 8740 R4.1.2 software
software R4.1.2 software

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VPN Provisioning MG-4618 L2VPN Provisioning: Provide Provide ability to provision L2VPN services for CTR
MG-4280 ability to create, update and 8740. This includes the following capabilities:
MG-4240 delete L2VPN services 1) VPWS point-to-point service
MG-4239 2) VPLS full-mesh topology service
MG-4225 3) Supporting layer PWs and T-LDP sessions
MG-4181 4) Attachment circuits
MG-4180 5) Service MTU
MG-4179 6) Create, update, delete service in baseline model
MG-4178 7) Provision service configuration to network devices
using the task manager
8) Capability available through UI and NBI

VPN Service MG-4476 L3VPN Service Provisioning: VPN Service Provisioning: Provide the ability
Provisioning Provide the ability deprovision deprovision (delete) a L3VPN service from the network
(delete) a L3VPN service devices
VPN Service MG-4430 L2VPN Service Provisioning: VPN Service Provisioning: Provide the ability
Provisioning Provide the ability deprovision deprovision (delete) a L2VPN service from the network
(delete) a L2VPN service devices
EM Provisioning MG-4409 EM Provisioning: Provide QoS Provide QoS provisioning for CTR 8740. This includes
MG-4357 provisioning for CTR 8740 the following capabilities:
MG-4291 1) Add, edit, or remove a QoS policy to device
MG-4251 interfaces (or sub-interfaces) in the baseline model
MG-4250 2) Provision the changes to the network device using
MG-4249 the task manager

Performance data MG-4319 Daily performance data Daily performance data collection: Enhance discovery
collection collection: Enhance discovery mechanism where queue becomes full
mechanism where queue
becomes full

Audit logging MG-4282 Audit logging: Create entries for Audit logging: Create entries for provisioning
provisioning operations operations

Licensing MG-4270 Licensing: Add support for CTR Licensing: Add support for CTR IP/MPLS Provisioning
IP/MPLS Provisioning product product module license for CTR 8740
module license for CTR 8740
VPN Provisioning MG-4267 L3VPN Provisioning: Provide Provide ability to create, update and delete L3VPN
MG-4190 ability to create, update and services for CTR 8740.
MG-4189 delete L3VPN services This includes the following capabilities:
MG-4188 1) Full-mesh and Hub & spoke topology
2) Supporting layer RD, RT VPNv4 routing
3) Attachment circuits
4) PE-CE connected routes
5) Create, update, delete service in baseline model
6) Provision service configuration to network devices
using the task manager
7) Capability available through UI and NBI

VPN Service MG-4032 VPN Service Detail: Add VPN Service Detail: Add attachment circuits admin and
Detail attachment circuits admin and oper status
oper status
Topology MG-3999 Topology: Provide ability to Topology: Provide ability to delete multiple selected
delete multiple selected device device or site objects
or site objects
CTR 8740 alarms MG-3909 CTR 8740: Add support for SD CTR 8740: Add support for SD card alarm
card alarm
QoS Policy MG-3832 QoS Policy Management: Provide ability to create, edit and delete the following
Management MG-3831 Provide ability to create and types of QoS policies in the baseline model.
MG-3830 manage network QoS policies 1) Decode DSCP
2) Decode PCP
3) Classification DSCP

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4) Classification PCP
5) Single Rate Policing
6) Policing and Classification DSCP
7) Policing and Classification PCP

Licensing MG-3680 Licensing: Add count of PV Licensing: Add count of PV mediated devices to
management mediated devices to licensing licensing page
EM Provisioning MG-3668 EM Provisioning: Provide user EM Provisioning: Provide user interface for EM
MG-3553 interface for EM provisioning of provisioning of CTR 8740. This includes the following
MG-3552 CTR 8740 capabilities:
MG-3551 1) Interface table listing device interfaces
MG-3485 2) Select an interface for editing
MG-3484 3) Add / edit LAG interface
MG-3479 4) Add / edit VLAN sub-interface
MG-3437 5) Port Auto-negotiation and Duplex settings
MG-3436 6) Support for CTR 8740 HA
MG-3094 7) Provision the interface changes to the network
device using the task manager

PV+ 2.9.0-539 (since 2.8.2-103):

Feature Ref Summary Details
Services Data MG-4235 Services Data Panel: Only Services Data Panel: Only present Admin Enabled
Panel present Admin Enabled interfaces on the Device tab
interfaces on the Device tab
Interfaces Detail MG-4230 Interfaces Detail: Add Duplex Interfaces Detail: Add Duplex State information to
State information device Interfaces Detail view
Migration MG-4168 Migration: Add support for 2.7.1 Migration: Add support for 2.7.1 to 2.9.0 upgrade
to 2.9.0 upgrade migration migration
VPN Service MG-4131 VPN Service Topology Detail: VPN Service Topology Detail: Provide new L3VPN
Topology Detail Provide new L3VPN service service topology detail view.
topology detail view This provides visibility of the supporting RT Link (route
target import / export) topology configuration.

Migration MG-4110 Migration: Add support for 2.8.1 Migration: Add support for 2.8.1 (and 2.8.2) to 2.9.0
(and 2.8.2) to 2.9.0 upgrade upgrade migration
Service Topology MG-3994 Service Topology: Provide Service Topology: Provide ability to multi-select and
ability to multi-select and drag drag nodes
Event Browser MG-3989 Event Browser: Enhance Event Browser: Enhance "Close" action on an event by
"Close" action on an event adding note “Closed by user”
Service Alarms MG-3960 Service Alarms: Add T-LDP, Service Alarms: Add T-LDP, L2VPN and L3VPN
MG-3959 L2VPN and L3VPN service service alarms
MG-3958 alarms
VPN Service MG-3945 Service Topology: Render sets Service Topology: Render sets of L3VPN VRF RT links
Topology of L3VPN VRF RT links as a as a single link
single link
VPN Service MG-3944 Service Topology: Render sets Service Topology: Render sets of L2VPN PW links as
Topology of L2VPN PW links as a single a single link
VLAN Service MG-3931 Service Topology: Render sets Service Topology: Render sets of VLAN links as a
Topology of VLAN links as a single link single link
VPN Service MG-3930 Service Topology: Remove link Service Topology: Remove link bundling support
Topology bundling support
VPN Service MG-3929 Service Topology: Draw bi- Service Topology: Draw bi-directional links a single
Topology directional links a single link link, to simplify
Devices Tree, MG-3888 Devices Tree and Services Devices Tree and Services Tree: Always open to the
Services Tree Tree: Always open to the first first level

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Services Topology MG-3885 Services Topology: Clear focus Services Topology: Clear focus when click on the map
when click on the map background
Services Topology MG-3880 Service Topology: Disable layer Service Topology: Disable layer selector when viewing
selector when viewing VPN L3VPN or VPLS service topology
service topology
L3VPN service MG-3867 L3VPN: Add support for L3VPN: Add support for “oversize” L3VPN services.
“oversize” L3VPN Where the topology of a L3VPN contains a larger
number of RT links (route target import / export) links
than can be support in the database, indicate the
topology as “Oversize” and do not present the RT Link
topology in the service topology and service topology
detail view.
Menus MG-3861 Menus: Add support for multi- Menus: Add support for multi-level right-click menus
level right-click menus
VPN service MG-3851 VPN service: Provide L3VPN VPN service: Provide L3VPN service discovery
discovery MG-3619 service discovery for CTR 8740 capability for CTR 8740. This includes the following:
MG-3561 1) CTR 8740 R4.1.1 SW
MG-3440 2) List services in Services Tree
MG-3439 3) List services in Services table.
MG-3438 4) Display topology of a selected service.
MG-3432 5) Derive L3VPN topology type from RT topology.
MG-3430 6) Detect service configuration changes.
7) Handle device deletion.
8) Model each service.
9) Discover each service from the device models
discovered from the devices.
10) Provide discovery via the NBI.

L2VPN service MG-3845 L2VPN service: Provide support L2VPN service: Provide support for deleting L2VPN
for deleting L2VPN service from service from baseline
Merge MG-3790 Merge: Include PV+ 2.8.2 Merge: Include PV+ 2.8.2 changes in 2.9.0
changes in 2.9.0
Licensing MG-3789 Licensing: Add support for CTR Licensing: Add support for CTR 8740 MPLS service
8740 MPLS service discovery discovery fault & performance license.
fault & performance license
Interfaces Detail MG-3763 Interfaces Detail: Provide new Interfaces Detail: Provide new device interfaces detail
MG-3762 device interfaces detail view view with the following content.
MG-3761 1) Left pane presenting a table view of the device
MG-3760 interfaces, including type, description, and admin /
MG-3759 oper status.
MG-3758 2) Right pane presenting the configuration and status
MG-3757 of a selected interface through a set of tabs, with
MG-3756 each tab covering basic, LAG, L1LA, QoS, and
Services configuration.

QoS Policies MG-4067 QoS Policies: Provide new view QoS Policies: Provide new view presenting QoS
MG-3838 presenting QoS Policies applied Policies (classification and metering) applied to an
MG-3730 to an MPLS VPN service MPLS VPN service.
Interfaces Detail MG-3728 Interfaces Details: Provide the Interfaces Details: Provide the interface QoS
MG-3727 interface QoS configuration configuration
Device MG-3718 Device config discovery: Initiate Device Configuration Discovery: Initiate discovery on
configuration MG-3393 discovery on detection of device detection of device configuration change notification.
discovery configuration change This is supported for CTR 8740. WTM4K doesn’t yet
notification provide this support.
Device event MG-3716 Device event collection: Initiate Device event collection: Initiate event collection on
collection MG-4166 event collection on detection of detection of device event change notification
MG-3393 device event change notification This is supported for CTR 8740.
WTM4K doesn’t yet provide this support.

MPLS diagnostics MG-3704 L3VPN VRF Ping: Provide L3VPN VRF Ping: Provide diagnostic for CTR 8740
MG-3703 diagnostic for CTR 8740 with R4.1.1 SW.
MG-3699 This includes the ability to execute and access results
through the UI or NBI.

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MPLS diagnostics MG-3704 L3VPN VRF Trace Route: L3VPN VRF Trace Route: Provide diagnostic for CTR
MG-4229 Provide diagnostic for CTR 8740 with R4.1.1 SW.
MG-3702 8740 This includes the ability to execute and access results
MG-3699 through the UI or NBI.

MPLS diagnostics MG-3704 LSP Trace Route: Provide LSP Trace Route: Provide diagnostic for CTR 8740
MG-3701 diagnostic for CTR 8740 with R4.1.1 SW.
MG-3699 This includes the ability to execute and access results
through the UI or NBI.
MPLS diagnostics MG-3704 LSP Ping: Provide diagnostic LSP Ping: Provide diagnostic for CTR 8740 with R4.1.1
MG-3700 for CTR 8740 SW.
MG-3699 This includes the ability to execute and access results
through the UI or NBI.
VPN service MG-3687 VPN service: Provide L2VPN VPN service: Provide VPLS and VPWS service
discovery MG-3686 service discovery for CTR 8740 discovery capability for CTR 8740. This includes the
MG-3685 following:
MG-3593 6) CTR 8740 R4.1.1 SW
MG-3591 7) List services in Services Tree.
MG-3539 8) List services in Services table.
MG-3538 9) Display topology of a selected service.
MG-3537 10) Derive topology type.
MG-3463 11) Detect service configuration changes.
MG-3459 12) Handle device deletion.
13) Model each service.
14) Discover each service from the device models
discovered from the devices.
15) Identify the supporting L-LDP sessions.
16) Provide discovery via the NBI.

FAS Fitness Test MG-3644 FAS Fitness Test: Raise an FAS Fitness Test: Raise an event where a PCR fitness
event where a PCR fitness test test fails
Device Details MG-3634 Device Details: Add L2 MTU Device Details: Add L2 MTU (Ethernet max frame size)
(Ethernet max frame size) to device details view
T-LDP session MG-3594 T-LDP: Provide T-LDP session T-LDP: Provide T-LDP (Targeted LDP) session
discovery MG-3512 discovery for CTR 8740 discovery. This includes the following:
MG-3467 1) CTR 8740 R4.1.1 SW
MG-3466 2) List sessions in Services Tree
MG-3425 3) List sessions in Services table.
MG-3424 4) Display topology of a selected link.
5) Detect session configuration changes.
6) Handle device deletion.
7) Model each session.
8) Discover each session from the device models
discovered from the devices.
9) Identify dependent L2VPN services.
10) Provide discovery via the NBI.

CTR 8740 EM MG-3533 CTR 8740: Prevent provisioning CTR 8740: Prevent provisioning of L1LA to R4.x
provisioning of L1LA to R4.x software software, as not supported by the device.
CTR 8740 EM MG-3489 CTR 8740: Provide support for CTR 8740: Provide support for EM provisioning of
provisioning provisioning of physical port physical port auto-negotiation and duplex settings
auto-negotiation and duplex
CTR 8740 EM MG-3487 CTR 8740: Provide support for CTR 8740: Provide support for provisioning of LAG on
provisioning provisioning of LAG on HA HA interfaces
CTR 8740 EM MG-3487 CTR 8740: Provide support for CTR 8740: Provide support for HA configuration with
provisioning HA configurations R4.1.1 SW.
T-LDP session MG-3468 T-LDP session: Provide T-LDP session: Provide selective copy to baseline, and
selective copy to baseline delete from baseline

Service Detail MG-3465 Service Detail: Provide T-LDP Service Detail: Provide T-LDP session detail view
session detail view for CTR
L2VPN service MG-3462 L2VPN service: Provide L2VPN service: Provide selective copy to baseline
selective copy to baseline

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VPN Service MG-3784 Service Detail: Provide L2VPN Service Detail: Provide VPLS and VPWS service detail
Detail MG-3460 service detail view for CTR views
VPN Service MG-3444 Service Detail: Provide L3VPN Service Detail: Provide L3VPN service detail view
Detail service detail view for CTR
L3VPN service MG-3441 L3VPN service: Provide L3VPN service: Provide selective copy to baseline
selective copy to baseline
Interface Detail MG-3431 Interface Detail: Include Interface Detail: Add VRF name and Forwarding Mode
additional parameters for CTR for CTR 8740
EM provisioning MG-3422 EM provisioning: Provide ability EM provisioning: Provide ability to provision VLAN
to provision VLAN subinterfaces subinterfaces for CTR 8740. This includes ability to
for CTR 8740 create on a LAG interface.
VPN discovery MG-3405 VPN discovery: Provide ability VPN discovery: Provide ability to discover sub-
to discover sub-interface interface Attachment Circuits to L3VPN and L2VPN
Attachment Circuits to L3VPN services
and L2VPN services
Report Generation MG-3289 Report Generation: Customised Report Generation: Customised Email Attachment File
Email Attachment File Name Name. Allow the email task to accept a custom file
name for an attachment.

PV+ 2.8.3-150 (since 2.8.2-103):

Feature Ref Summary Details
FAS algorithm MG-4548 FAS: L4 algorithm false positive FAS: L4 algorithm false positive reduction
reduction Only report L4 when the measured RSL is above
the baseline RSL.

CTR 8740 web craft MG-4483 CTR 8740 web craft tool launch: INC0011686 CS0058742
tool launch Ability to select HTTP or HTTPS CTR 8740 web craft tool launch: Provide ability to
select HTTP or HTTPS through the system
configuration file.
WTM4K VLAN MG-4483 WTM4K VLAN discovery: INC0011686 CS0058742
discovery Provide ability to increase WTM4K VLAN discovery: Provide ability to increase
timeout period timeout period through the system configuration file.
This is necessary as WTM4K is slow to respond to
requests where large numbers of VLANs have been
configured on the device.

FAS algorithm MG-4223 FAS algorithm: Add L4 Add L4 Unconfirmed interference time to the
Unconfirmed time to the system system-configuration file. Set the default to 10secs.
configuration file
FAS algorithm MG-4383 FAS algorithm: Create episodes Create episodes for multipath interference. Include
MG-4382 for multipath interference the data in the FAS Dashboard and FAS Reports

FAS fitness test MG-4354 FAS fitness test: Run fitness Run fitness test on enabled carriers only. Do not
test on enabled carriers only run test on disabled carriers.
FAS Dataset MG-4339 FAS Dataset Download: FAS Dataset Download: Increase default time
Download Increase default time period period from 1 day to 1 week. This encourages
from 1 day to 1 week users to select a longer period which will be less
prone to capturing a reference dataset that’s
impacted by a fading condition.

FAS algorithm MG-4306 FAS algorithm: Separate Separate processing for protected link A and B
MG-4274 processing for protected link A sides. This includes separate reference and
MG-4272 and B sides thresholds for fitness testing, algorithm processing,
MG-4271 and manual settings.

FAS thresholds MG-4255 FAS thresholds: Provide for bulk Provide for bulk import of absolute thresholds.
import of absolute thresholds

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FAS Dashboard MG-4224 FAS Dashboard: Filter out By default exclude episodes containing Unconfirmed
Unconfirmed interference by interference from the FAS Dashboard. Provide the
default user with the ability to optional enable / disable
these episodes.

FAS data migration MG-4222 FAS data migration: Migrate On first time startup, migrate LINK thresholds for
LINK thresholds to RAC Eclipse and CTR 8540 to RAC thresholds.
thresholds For non-protected link copy the LINK thresholds to
the RAC cards and then delete the thresholds from
the LINK.
For protected link delete the thresholds from the
LINK and do not copy to the RACs; requiring the
user to re-run dataset collection.

FAS algorithm MG-4221 FAS algorithm: Do not report Do not report external interference during periods
external interference during where multipath interference detected
periods where multipath
interference detected
FAS algorithm MG-4220 FAS algorithm: Increase fade Increase RSL hysteresis period from 3secs either
hysteresis period side of a detected fade to 30secs. Additionally,
allow parameter to be configurable in system
configuration file, and where omitted, default to

FAS PCR file MG-4219 FAS PCR file: Adopt human Adopt human readable file naming format when
readable file naming format opening in PCR Viewer or exporting file.
<Object Name> <Interface> <Human Readable
Date> <Highest level>
e.g. myctr_LINK4-2_20211031T2212_L1.pcr

FAS test function MG-4173 FAS test function Provide test function that processes a PCR file and
outputs the concatenated second arrays to a text

FAS freq bands MG-4149 FAS freq bands: Add support for Add support for 10, 28 and 38GHz link licenses.
new bands
FAS Link Analyser MG-4080 FAS Link Analyser: Present link Present link protection type in the Link Analyser
protection type
FAS data migration MG-4042 FAS data migration: Set episode Set episode close time for old episodes
close time for old episodes
FAS episode MG-3946 FAS episode: Add new Change Add new Change time to FAS episodes to provide
time to FAS episodes for more accurate reporting.
FAS reporting MG-3898 FAS reporting: Limit reporting to FAS reporting: Limit reporting to 20,000 Episodes.
20,000 Episodes Request the user to reduce the report range when
exceeding tis number.

FAS algorithm MG-3884 FAS algorithm: Avoid false FAS algorithm: Avoid false positive detection for
positive detection for protected protected links.
links Monitored Hot Standby: Interference must be
present at the same time in both receivers before
reporting interference.
Space Diversity: Interference must only be present
in one receiver at any time before reporting

FAS manual PCR MG-3797 FAS manual PCR download FAS manual PCR download improvement
download improvement Improve the robustness when initiate manual
download of large numbers (>500) of PCR files

FAS Dashboard MG-3735 FAS Dashboard: Change Live Change Live selector behaviour to update straight
selector behaviour away, instead of wating until next poll
FAS suppression MG-3721 FAS suppression selection FAS suppression selection: When a user sets an
interface to Suppress, set all Active and Open
episodes to auto-closed and create a note recording
the selected action.

Installer app MG-3480 Installer app: Digital signing Installer app: Digitally sign PV+ installer application
with SHA-256 hash

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Procedure: Migrating historical FAS data from 2.7.1 (or earlier) to 2.8.1 (or later):
In 2.8.1 (or later) FAS data is stored in a new interference episodes format. This new data format is used to populate the
new FAS dashboard and other FAS views. The episodeGenerator.bat script tool is available to migrate historical FAS
data (retained in the database) to the new format.
The tool stops the Provision Plus service, creates the new episodes data, and then restarts Provision Plus.
Steps to run the tool :
1. Install new release of PV+ (e.g. PROVISION-PLUS-SETUP-2.8.1-b198-prod.exe build).
2. After installation and Provision Plus is running, the “episodeGenerator.bat” can be found in the
‘c:\data\backup’ folder.
3. Right click on “episodeGenerator.bat” file and select “Run as administrator”.
4. On completion, login to PV+ and verify the data is presented in the FAS Dashboard.

PV+ 2.8.2-103 (since 2.8.1-198):

Feature Ref Summary Details
FAS MG-3821 FAS: Disable FAS product FAS: Disable FAS product module in PV+ 2.8.2
module release
SNMP Event NBI MG-3804 Add SNMP Event NBI product Add SNMP Event NBI product module.
MG-3524 module This includes support for the following;
MG-3523 1) Trap forwarding based event/alarm NBI
MG-3522 2) User initiated event/alarm resync request
MG-3521 3) Trap initiated event/alarm resync request
MG-3520 4) Support for multiple trap destinations
5) Licensed product module

Historic data MG-3801 Event purge: Increase Event purge: Increase maximum time setting to 90
purging maximum time setting to 90 days
NBI MG-3788 NBI: Add support for physical NBI: Add support for physical path (containment
path (containment hierarchy) of hierarchy) of devices to the NBI
devices to the NBI
User access MG-3528 User accounts: Add the ability User accounts: Add the ability to search for users
to search for users
Client MG-3473 Client: On login, automatically Client: On login, automatically navigate to last screen
navigate to last screen accessed during previous login
accessed during previous login
HA Monitor MG-3347 HA Monitor installer: Provide HA Monitor installer: Provide ability for user to change
installer ability for user to change the HA the HA ports configuration during install
ports configuration during install
Baseline MG-3265 Add inventory / ietf-hardware to Add inventory / ietf-hardware to the baseline, providing
the baseline the ability to detect when device hardware is changed
Tree search MG-2821 Tree search: Change search to Tree search: Improve the usability and consistency
filter behaviour with table searches by adopting filter behaviour
PV+ License MG-2493 PV+ License Management INC0011166 CS0042143:
Management improvements Provide the following PV+ License Management
1) Ability to view permanent license details including
when an evaluation license has been applied.
2) Present a license violation message with a link to
the associated section of the online help, as a
summary message banner.
User access MG-2487 User accounts: Provide ability to INC0011162 CS0042542:
disable display of Permanently User accounts: Provide ability to disable display of
Deleted users Permanently Deleted users
Network Health MG-2231 Network Health reports Network Health reports improvements
report improvements 1) Include device Type information
2) Provide ability to sort on device Type column

PV+ 2.8.1-198 (since 2.8.1-191):

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Copyright © 2022, Aviat Networks, all rights reserved.

Feature Ref Summary Details

FAS reports MG-3725 Scheduled FAS report ability to Provide scheduled FAS report ability to automatically
automatically save to the file save to the file system.
FAS data MG-3679 FAS data migration script Create a migration script that analyzes FAS
migration performance data generated by 2.7.1 or earlier and
creates Interference Episodes in 2.8.1 and later.
Refer to the instruction below.

Procedure: Migrating historical FAS data from 2.7.1 (or earlier) to 2.8.1 (or later):
In 2.8.1, FAS data is stored in a new interference episodes format. This new data format is used to populate the new
FAS dashboard and other FAS views. The episodeGenerator.bat script tool is available to migrate historical FAS data
(retained in the database) to the new format.
The tool stops the Provision Plus service, creates the new episodes data, and then restarts Provision Plus.
Steps to run the tool :
5. Install new release of PV+ (e.g. PROVISION-PLUS-SETUP-2.8.1-b198-prod.exe build).
6. After installation and Provision Plus is running, the “episodeGenerator.bat” can be found in the
‘c:\data\backup’ folder.
7. Right click on “episodeGenerator.bat” file and select “Run as administrator”.
8. On completion, login to PV+ and verify the data is presented in the FAS Dashboard.

PV+ 2.8.1-191 (since 2.8.0-192):

Feature Ref Summary Details
FAS Dashboard MG-3672 FAS Dashboard: Interface FAS Dashboard: Interface reports: Add Max Level and
reports: Add Max Level and Episode count columns
Episode count columns
FAS Dashboard MG-3658 FAS Dashboard: Interface table: FAS Dashboard: Interface table: Add episode count
MG-3657 Add episode count column column

FAS Dashboard MG-3651 FAS Dashboard: Episodes FAS Dashboard: Episodes: Change colours of
summary: Change colours of episodes states
episodes states
FAS Dashboard MG-3650 FAS Dashboard: Simplify FAS Dashboard: Simplify Interface dashboard to
Interface summary to present present interface counts at each interference level
interface counts at each
interference level
FAS data mgmt MG-3612 FAS data mgmt: Purge FAS data mgmt: Purge episodes when a container is
episodes when a container is deleted
FAS Link Analyzer MG-3604 FAS Link Analyzer: Provide FAS Link Analyzer: Provide access from device right-
access from device right-click click menu
FAS Dashboard MG-3602 FAS Dashboard: Provide filter FAS Dashboard: Provide filter ability from device tree
MG-3601 ability from device tree right- right-click menu
MG-3505 click menu

FAS data mgmt MG-3589 FAS data mgmt: Purge FAS data mgmt: Purge episodes when a device or
MG-3406 episodes when a device or interface is deleted
interface is deleted
Device Tree MG-3547 Device Tree: Sort into Device Tree: Sort into alphabetical order
alphabetical order
FAS Link Analyzer MG-3511 FAS Link Analyzer: Add support FAS Link Analyzer: Add support for switching to the
for switching to the remote end remote end device
FAS Dashboard MG-3506 FAS Dashboard: Episodes: Add FAS Dashboard: Episodes: Add PCR file download
PCR file download selection to selection to interference episodes table
interference episodes table

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Network FAS MG-3501 Network FAS Interface Network FAS Interface configuration: Minor
Interface configuration: Minor improvements
configuration improvements
FAS Episode MG-3585 FAS: Add new Episode FAS: Add new Episode Analyzer feature
Analyzer MG-3582 Analyzer feature

Client Charts MG-3495 Client charts: Migrate charts to Client charts: Migrate charts to new library
MG-3357 new library Resource Performance
MG-3356 Network Health

FAS Dashboard MG-3493 FAS Link Analyzer: Add Call FAS Link Analyzer: Add Call Sign (RF Link FCC ID)
MG-3385 Sign (RF Link FCC ID) and and make editable
make editable
FAS Dashboard MG-3474 FAS Dashboard: Interface: Add FAS Dashboard: Interface: Add Max Level column to
Max Level column to interference details table
interference details table
FAS Dashboard MG-3418 FAS Dashboard: Persist state FAS Dashboard: Persist state

FAS Link Analyzer MG-3398 FAS: Add new Link Analyzer FAS: Add new Link Analyzer feature
Topology Map MG-3395 Topology Map: Add zoom level Topology Map: Add zoom level lock
Network FAS MG-3397 Network FAS Interface Network FAS Interface Configuration: Provide report
Interface MG-3383 Configuration: Provide report generation in CSV, PDF or JSON file formats
Configuration generation
FAS Dashboard MG-3396 FAS Dashboard: Episodes FAS Dashboard: Episodes report generation
MG-3382 report generation This includes the following capabilities
MG-3290 1) Report generation (CSV, PDF or JSON)
MG-3259 2) Scheduled report generation with save to file and
MG-3257 email options

FAS Dashboard MG-3381 FAS Dashboard: Interfaces FAS Dashboard: Interfaces report generation
report generation This includes the following capabilities
1) Report generation (CSV, PDF or JSON)
2) Scheduled report generation with save to file and
email options

FAS freq bands MG-3363 FAS freq bands: Add support FAS freq bands: Add support for 5 GHz
for 5 GHz
FAS interference MG-3359 FAS interference episodes: FAS interference episodes: Capture for CTR8540 and
episodes Capture for CTR8540 and Eclipse protected configurations
Eclipse protected configurations
FAS interface MG-3354 FAS interface health: Provide FAS interface health: Provide option to filter dashboard
health option to filter dashboard to to exclude "known bad" interfaces
exclude "known bad" interfaces
FAS interface MG-3353 FAS interface health: Provide FAS interface health: Provide ability to mark / un-mark
health ability to mark / un-mark an an interface as known bad
interface as known bad
FAS events MG-3348 FAS events: Raise an event if FAS events: Raise an event if PCR download fails
PCR download fails
FAS 15-min MG-3323 FAS: Model 15-min episodes FAS: Model 15-min episodes performance data
episodes performance data
performance data

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Copyright © 2022, Aviat Networks, all rights reserved.

FAS Dashboard MG-3322 FAS Dashboard: Interface table FAS Dashboard: Interface table
MG-3196 Provide list of interfaces with episodes during the
MG-3108 selected analysis period

FAS WTM4K MG-3311 FAS WTM4K: Add FAS support FAS WTM4K: Add FAS support for WTM4K device
for WTM4K device configurations. This excludes multiband
configurations configurations.
FAS Dashboard MG-3300 FAS Dashboard: Add right-click FAS Dashboard: Add right-click menu access to core
menu access to core FAS FAS features
WTM4K MG-3291 WTM4K: Switch back to WTM4K: Switch back to ES/SES support for single
performance ES/SES support for single carrier WTM links
carrier WTM links
FAS Dashboard MG-3197 FAS Dashboard: Provide FAS Dashboard: Provide dashboard live update option
dashboard live update option where dashboard is periodically updated
FAS Dashboard MG-3106 FAS Dashboard: Add interface FAS Dashboard: Add interface summary with episodes
summary with episodes counts counts
1) Count of interfaces with episodes at start of period
2) Count of interfaces with episodes during period
3) Count of interfaces with episodes at end of period

FAS Dashboard MG-3047 FAS Dashboard: Episodes: Add FAS Dashboard: Episodes: Add episodes trend bar
episodes trend bar chart chart
Event Browser MG-2991 Remove 'VLAN link' layer from Remove 'VLAN link' layer from Event Browser UI filter
event filter selection selection

PV+ 2.8.0-192 (since 2.7.1-283):

Feature Ref Summary Details
Topology Map MG-3377 Topology map container icon Reduce container object (Region, Site) icon size on the
size topology map to support improved layout at scale
CTR 8740 MG-3282 Add support for new CTR Add support for new CTR 8740 R4.1 licensing YANG, also
Licensing MG-2307 8740 R4.1 licensing yang retaining support for the R3.0 yang model. This includes
aligning the following PV+ functions with the change to the
8740 YANG data model:
1) Device Configuration Detail network view
2) Device Detail view Licensing tab

Topology Map MG-3255 Add container (Region, Site) Add container (Region, Site) based filtering of the topology
based filtering of the topology map
CTR 8740 MG-3253 Add support for CTR 8740 Add support for CTR 8740 degraded-HA configuration with
degraded-HA MG-3171 degraded-HA configuration R4.1 software. This includes alignment of the following
MG-3168 with R4.1 software PV+ functionality:
MG-3167 1) Device deployment and discovery
MG-3166 2) Fault management
MG-3165 3) Performance management
MG-3164 4) Inventory
MG-3163 5) License management including license loading
MG-3162 6) Baseline / live including selective copy to baseline
MG-3161 7) Configuration backup and restore

Note, demo support of the following PV+ functionality is

also provided for CTR 8740 HA configuration with R4.1
1) Software loading

Installer MG-3097 Simplify upgrade installation Detect the existing PV+ install type (standard or HA) in the
process installer to simply the upgrading installation process
CTR 8740 MG-3263 Add support for CTR 8740 Add support for CTR 8740 R4.1 software, retaining
software MG-3073 R4.1 software backward compatibility with R3.0 software.
Topology Map MG-2749 Re-introduce shaded box Re-introduce grey shaded box around paired devices on
around paired devices on the the topology map. This was removed in PV+ 2.7.
topology map

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Copyright © 2022, Aviat Networks, all rights reserved.

FAS product - FAS product module is not The FAS product module is not supported in this PV+ 2.8.0
module supported in PV+ 2.8.0 LA release. New FAS features are under development
and planned for release in PV+ 2.8.1.

PV+ 2.7.1-283 (since 2.7.1-280):

Feature Ref Summary Details
NBI MG-3205 NBI: Add peer-MAC address Add peer MAC address to L2 topology yang.
MG-3204 to L2 topology Include the discovered peer MAC address (chassis or port)
MG-3203 for the remote end device in the L2 topology yang. This
MG-3278 provides the ability to discover via the NBI a L2 link
between Aviat and a third-party device.

After upgrading to PV+ 2.7.1 the script

clear_interfaces_model_change_cache.bat must be run
as an administrator on ProVision Plus server to force L1L2
analyzer to update peer MAC address information on next
discovery or ProVision mediation delta.

The script clear_interfaces_model_change_cache.bat is

located in C:\Program Files\ProVision
Plus\deployment\windows\scripts directory.

User Mgmt MG-3202 User Accounts export Provide the ability to export user accounts in CSV format.

Server MG-3180 NodeJS upgrade Upgrade NodeJS to version 8.17.0.

PV+ 2.7.1-280 (since 2.6.2-39):

Feature Ref Summary Details
System - 3K devices system scalability Increase system scalability to support the following:
scalability 3K devices EM
2K devices CE
9K L1 links
9K L2 links
9K PTP links
9K SyncE links

Network MG-2454 Network Topology Map Add new Network Topology Map feature.
topology Map This includes the following capabilities:
1. Graphically visualize the whole network including
Layer 1, Layer 2, PTP, and SyncE topology
2. Map pan and zoom
3. Zoom between region, site, device level topology
4. Overlay key attributes
5. Overlay FAS alarms
6. Export to PNG format file.

Services Data MG-2348 Services Data Panel Add new Services Table feature.
Panel MG-2347 This includes the following capabilities:
MG-2346 1. Tabular view of configuration and state information of
MG-2331 the devices and services presented in the Topology
Map graphical view.
2. Layers enabled through the Layers Selector are
presented as a separate tab in the Data Panel.
3. Export to CSV, JSON or PDF format file.

Services MG-2863 Services Topology Map Add new Services Topology Map feature.
Topology Map MG-2744 This includes the following capabilities:
MG-2648 1. Graphically visualize the topology of selected services,
MG-2647 including supporting and dependent networking layers.
2. Map pan and zoom
3. Overlay key attributes
4. Service link bundling / unbundling
5. Navigation up and down networking layers

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6. Export to PNG format file.

Email MG-2388 Email Notifications Add support for email notifications by providing a user
Notifications interface for Alarm Email Notification task trigger.
This includes the following capabilities:
1. Configuration of multiple notifications.
2. Notification based on event filter.
3. Multiple recipients per notification.
4. User configurable subject heading and message body.
5. Management through Task Trigger view.

Task Trigger MG-2389 Task Trigger Add support for Task Trigger framework.
MG-2239 This includes the following capabilities:
MG-2238 1. Allows the user to monitor and manage configured
MG-2237 email notifications (Alarm Email Notification triggers).
MG-2236 2. Access through PV+ NBI.

HA redundant MG-2845 HA warm-standby redundant Add support for High Availability (HA) warm-standby
server MG-2740 server redundant server.
MG-2709 This includes the following capabilities:
MG-2705 1. HA system comprising of PV+ active server, PV+
MG-2702 dormant server, and HA Monitor components
MG-2606 2. Geographic redundancy
3. Database and file synchronization
4. System failure notifications
5. Mediation support for PV EMS standalone and
redundant server configurations. This requires PV
7.11.1 or later.
6. Migration from non-HA (standalone PV+ server to HA
7. Upgrade the PV+ installer app to support PV+
standalone and HA server installation. Create a new
installer app for PV+ HA Monitor component.
8. New installer app
9. Feature licensing

FAS CTR 8540 MG-2511 FAS CTR 8540 support Add FAS support for CTR 8540 / 83xx device
MG-2510 configurations.
FAS Dataset MG-2828 FAS Dataset Download Add support for FAS Dataset Download feature.
Download MG-2770 feature This includes the following capabilities:
MG-2662 1. User initiated FAS dataset download from
MG-2599 devices/links in bulk
MG-2571 2. Automatically conduct fitness testing of downloaded
MG-2516 datasets
MG-2515 3. Option to automate setting as reference datasets
(assuming fitness testing passed)

FAS reference MG-2779 FAS reference dataset mgmt Add support for managing reference datasets.
dataset mgmt MG-2769 introduced This includes the following capabilities:
MG-2724 1. Automated setting of reference datasets through FAS
Dataset Download
2. Manual setting through Persisted Datasets

FAS MG-2513 FAS Dashboard export Add support for exporting FAS Dashboard content in the
Dashboard MG-2512 introduced following optional formats:
FAS thresholds MG-2771 FAS thresholds modes FAS thresholds modes introduced.
MG-2825 introduced 1. System relative (default)
MG-2661 2. Interface relative
MG-2660 3. Interface absolute
FAS multipath MG-2723 FAS multipath detection Allow for up to a 10 second delay between interference
detection improvement detection between A and B-side receivers.
FAS fading MG-2730 Dampen interference Dampen interference detection around fading conditions to
detection detection around fading avoid false reporting where there’s a lag between changes
conditions to SNR and RSL values.

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Copyright © 2022, Aviat Networks, all rights reserved.

PCR Download MG-2859 PCR Download Period Extend the user selectable range to minimum 1hr and
Period maximum 336hrs (14 days). This allows for download of
larger CTR 8540 PCR data files.

PV+ 2.6.2-39 (since 2.6.1-206):

Feature Ref Summary Details
FAS L4 MG-2520 Support Level 4 interference Enhance the FAS expert system algorithm to automatically
interference algorithm detect level 4 interference, and generate L4 interference
seconds and L4 interference alarms (severity warning).

FAS Freq MG-2514 Add support for new licensed Provide new technology licenses for the following new FAS
Bands licensing frequency bands frequency bands: 7/8, 11, 13, 15, 18 GHz

FAS L4 MG-2508 Add Level 4 Interference Provide support for the new L4 interference performance
interference performance and events to UI parameters and L4 interference alarms in the user
FAS L4 MG-2507 Set and edit Level 4 Provide a means of setting and editing the new L4 SNR
interference Interference SNR Threshold thresholds.
FAS Link MG-2491 Link License policing Add support for policing of FAS Link License count.
License Links are counted for licensing if there is a matching
policing technology license, the technology license is specific to the
frequency band, for example FAS 6 GHz Technology
If there is no matching technology license the link is not
counted, normal license enforcement prevents FAS
processing the associated radios of unlicensed bands.
Only count admin-up interfaces on admin-managed

PV+ 2.6.1-206 (since 2.6.1-202):

Feature Ref Summary Details
NBI MG-2502 Internal mount-point RPC for Provide RPC that fetches the device-mount model
fetching device-models instances for the network, to reduce processing overhead
and improve response latency.
Changes NBI socket timeout (previously using the express
default) to 3 mins.

PV+ 2.6.1-202 (since 2.6.1-196):

Feature Ref Summary Details

PV+ 2.6.1-196 (since 2.6.0-224):

Feature Ref Summary Details
Topology MG-2419 FAS alarm topology overlay FAS alarm topology overlay button added, filtering node
overlay and link alarms to FAS alarms only.
Performance MG-2416 Add G.826 prefix to statistics Add G.826 prefix to statistics to clarify UAS / AS
data behavior, i.e. as per standard they don’t reflect sub-
10sec outages.
Radio NHR MG-2413 Add FAS Type IS statistics to Radio Add FAS Type IS statistics to Radio Network Health
Network Health report report
FAS alarm MG-2410 Revert FAS Alarm indicator Revert FAS Alarm indicator
Resource MG-2409 Remove UAS and AS from resource Remove UAS and AS from resource performance
Performance performance overview chart overview chart where FAS licensed
Topology MG-2408 FAS alarm overlay in topology view FAS alarm topology overlay button added, filtering node
overlay and link alarms to FAS alarms only.

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FAS System MG-2398 Update default thresholds Update default thresholds

Configuration Thresholds: -35 dBm RSL and 34 dB SNR
PCR MG-2387 PCR download for eclipse older Support for PCR download for Eclipse older firmware
download firmware
PCR Viewer MG-2386 Enable Automatic view of single Enable Automatic view of single provided file
provided file
FAS alarm MG-2384 FAS Alarm indicator FAS Alarm indicator
FAS MG-2382 Propagate Min SNR and Propagate Min SNR and Unconfirmed IS from FAS
performance Unconfirmed IS interference to PV+ Performance bins
Performance MG-2381 Add FAS performance statistics to Add FAS performance statistics to daily bins
data daily bins
System MG-2372 Backup PCR files with the system Backup PCR files with the system backup
backup backup
FAS Interface MG-2368 FAS interface thresholds Interface RSL and SNR thresholds support
FAS MG-2367 Capture Interference Levels and Capture Interference Levels and Types in bins
performance Types in bins
FAS Interface MG-2365 Threshold Network View Threshold Network View
PCR MG-2364 PCR Manual Download PCR Manual Download
FAS licensing MG-2363 FAS Technology License FAS Technology License

FAS alarms MG-2361 Add FAS severity level alarms Add FAS severity level alarms

FAS Interface MG-2360 Suppress FAS on interface Suppress FAS on interface

PCR file MG-2359 PCR Block File Naming PCR Block File Naming

FAS multipath MG-2356 FAS SD Link Identification FAS SD Link Identification

FAS algorithm MG-2355 Default RSL and SNR values FAS Default RSL and SNR values FAS threshold
PV mediation MG-2354 Prevent FAS interface parameters Prevent FAS interface parameters from being cleared on
from being cleared on resync resync (and also on delta resync)
WTM 4000 MG-2353 WTM 4000 2.9.1 software Add support for WTM 4000 2.9.1 software.
FAS MG-2343 FAS Dashboard view FAS Dashboard view
Resource MG-2342 Add interference to Resource Add interference to Resource Performance
performance Performance
FAS multipath MG-2341 FAS Multipath algorithm Add FAS Multipath algorithm support

PCR data MG-2340 Export PCR Dataset Export PCR Dataset

PCR data MG-2339 Delete PCR Dataset Delete PCR Dataset

PCR Viewer MG-2338 Launch PCR viewer on dataset Launch PCR viewer on dataset

PCR file MG-2337 Merge PCR blocks into dataset Merge PCR blocks into dataset
PCR file MG-2335 Configure FAS download period Configure FAS download period

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PCR file MG-2334 FAS Periodic PCR File Download FAS Periodic PCR File Download
PCR Viewer MG-2333 FAS: PCR Dataset Viewer FAS: PCR Dataset Viewer

PV mediation MG-2329 Eclipse PCR Mediate with PV+ Eclipse PCR Mediate with PV+

FAS algorithm MG-2328 FAS Algorithm FAS Algorithm

PCR file MG-2327 PCR File to 15-min Block PCR File to 15-min Block
PCR file MG-2322 Persist 15-minute PCR file blocks Persist 15-minute PCR file blocks
PCR file MG-2321 Eclipse PCR File Download Eclipse PCR File Download

PV+ 2.6.0-224 (since 2.5.3-64):

Feature Ref Summary Details
Copy to MG-2304 Copy L1/L2 service model to Provide ability to copy L1/L2 service model information
Baseline MG-2303 baseline from Live (operational) to Baseline (running).
Delete from MG-2299 Delete services from baseline Provide ability to delete services from baseline.
Containers MG-2295 PV mediated containers Include PV mediated containers in Live and Baseline
WTM4K MG-2275 WTM4K R2.9 software Add support for WTM4K R2.9 software.
Copy to MG-2221 Copy device model to baseline Provide ability to copy device model information from
Baseline Live (operational) to Baseline (running).
Installer app MG-2212 Installer SSL certificate Provide the installer app user with the ability to override
the placeholder domain name and self-signed SSL
certificate for HTTPS.
Licensing MG-2195 CTR8740 CE license Add support for CTR 8740 CE license.

Performance MG-2187 CTR 8740 Ethernet QoS Provide Ethernet QoS performance collection from CTR
data performance data 8740 devices.
Performance MG-2186 CTR 8540/83xx Ethernet QoS Provide Ethernet QoS performance collection from CTR
data performance data 8540/83xx and Eclipse devices.
Performance MG-2185 WTM4K Ethernet QoS performance Provide Ethernet QoS performance Collection from
data data WTM4K devices.
NBI MG-2174 NBI documentation Remove reference to bandwidth dry-run from the NBI
documentation documentation (as limited to specific devices and a
specific customer network configuration).
PTP TC MG-2167 CTR 8740 PTP TC support Add PTP TC support for CTR 8740.

SyncE MG-2166 CTR 8740 syncE support Add SyncE support for CTR 8740.

User account MG-2118 User account password change Provide the ability for users to change their password
without email server without integration with an email server.
User account MG-2116 User account creation without email Provide the ability for an admin user to create user
server accounts without integration with an email server.
Performance MG-1936 Max utilization and Throughput [INC0010878 CS0026726]
data MG-2115 performance data Add Max Utilization (%) and Max Throughput (Mbps) to
the PV+ daily performance bins for radio Ethernet
interfaces. Derive from 15-min bins for that day.
Licensing MG-2114 NBI Lite license Add support for NBI Lite license.

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NBI MG-2113 NBI Lite Add support for NBI Lite.

Performance MG-2110 CTR 8540 and Eclipse radio ACM Provide ACM performance collection from CTR 8540
data performance data and Eclipse radio interfaces.
Performance MG-2109 WTM4K radio ACM performance Provide ACM performance Collection from WTM4K radio
data data interfaces.

PV+ 2.5.3-64 (since 2.5.2-458):

Feature Ref Summary Details
Database MG-2104 Database query efficiency Improve Mongo database queries to minimise CPU
usage through better index usage.
NBI MG-2095 High Frequency Monitoring re- Remove session limits to support monitoring of all
MG-2061 dimensioning devices in the network.

Service alarms MG-2082 LAG service alarm Propagate child L2 link alarms to parent LAG L2 link

WTM 4000 MG-2060 WTM 4500 XT support Add support for WTM 4500XT configuration.
This requires R2.8 or later WTM 4000 software.
WTM 4000 MG-2059 WTM 4800 DC support Add support for WTM 4800 DC configuration.
This requires R2.8 or later WTM 4000 software.
WTM 4000 MG-2058 WTM 4200 MIMO support Add support for WTM 4200 MIMO configuration.
MG-2054 This requires R2.8 or later WTM 4000 software.
NBI bandwidth MG-1977 Verify NBI bandwidth (Mbps) dry-run Verify NBI bandwidth (Mbps) dry-run test capability using
test test capability using L2 L2, including support over LAG and L1LA links.

PV+ 2.5.2-458 (since 2.5.1-67):

Feature Ref Summary Details
PV MG-2022 PV 7.9.2 compatibility PV+ 2.5.2 requires PV 7.9.2 or later.
EM MG-2009 Add support for unconfirmed commit Add support for unconfirmed commit.
Provisioning MG-1992 This is necessary when provisioning the far end of a
radio link as the device fails to response to the commit
Licensing MG-2000 EM Provisioning license Include EM Provisioning license in license agreement.

Topology MG-1978 Grey box around partner devices in Provide grey box around L1LA group devices in addition
topology map view to grey box around XPIC/SD group devices.
WTM 4000 MG-1974 WTM 4000 2.8 software Add support for WTM 4000 2.8 software.
Database MG-1967 Support database migration from Support database migration from 2.5.1 to 2.5.2.
migration 2.5.1 to 2.5.2
EM MG-1968 EM provisioning of radio link Provide support for EM provisioning of the following
Provisioning MG-1960 configurations radio link configurations:
MG-1944 WTM 4000
MG-1919 WTM 4000 SD
MG-1889 WTM 4000 XPIC
MG-1888 WTM 4000 L1LA
MG-1887 WTM 4000 LAG
MG-1878 WTM 4000 slave devices for CTR 8740 L1LA
MG-1874 WTM 4000 slave devices for CTR 8540 L1LA
MG-1872 CTR 8740
MG-1865 CTR 8740 L1LA
MG-1833 CTR 8740 LAG
Note: EM provisioning is not supported for CTR 8540.
The Web UI craft tool needs to be used.

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License MG-1937 Task manager license loading [INC0010877 CS0026908]

Loading improvement Where task manager is license loading multiple devices
and a device is loss of comms, skip that device and
complete loading the other devices.

Topology MG-1922 Enhanced L1 and L2 topology Introduce new L2 topology layer and provide support for
MG-1896 discovery of radio link configurations L1 and L2 topology discovery of the following radio link
MG-1895 configurations:
MG-1894 WTM 4000
MG-1893 WTM 4000 SD
MG-1892 WTM 4000 XPIC
MG-1342 WTM 4000 L1LA
WTM 4000 LAG
WTM 4000 slave devices for CTR 8740 L1LA
WTM 4000 slave devices for CTR 8540 L1LA
CTR 8740
CTR 8740 L1LA
CTR 8740 LAG

EM MG-1902 EM provisioning audit log entries EM Provisioning: Provide audit log entries for
Provisioning MG-1901 provisioning (including YANG patch) operations.
Topology MG-1899 ProVision discovery of CTR 8540 Topology: Enhance CTR 8540 link discovery via
MG-1885 Links ProVision.
Service MG-1898 Device alarm propagation to L2 Link Topology: Propagate device L2 port alarms to L2 Link
Alarms MG-1897 service service.
Database MG-1879 Create database backup from CLI Database mgmt: Provide ability to initiate database
mgmt backup from the CLI.
EM MG-1871 Integrate EM Provisioning into task Integrate EM Provisioning into task manager
Provisioning manager
EM MG-1856 EM Provisioning: YANG patch dry EM Provisioning: Provide ability to dry-run YANG patch
Provisioning run changes to device baseline configuration before
committing. This is available through GUI and NBI.

MPLS MG-1837 Remove MPLS mgmt functionality Remove MPLS mgmt functionality.
This will be re-introduced at a later date using the latest
RFC YANG data models.

EM MG-1836 EM Provisioning user interface EM Provisioning: Provide ability to provision through the
Provisioning MG-1835 user interface using the YANG patch mechanism.

Licensing MG-1826 EM Provisioning: License EM Provisioning: License enforcement on device type

enforcement on device type
Licensing MG-1813 EM Provisioning license EM Provisioning: Implement provisioning license

EM MG-1812 YANG Patch support EM Provisioning: Add support for YANG Patch including
Provisioning MG-1811 Create, Delete, Remove, Merge and Replace
MG-1743 operations.

WTM 4000 MG-1806 WTM 4000 R2.7 software Add support for R2.7 software
WTM 4800 MG-1806 WTM 4800 support Add support for WTM 4800 and 4800 MB configurations.
NBI MG-1804 High Frequency Monitoring NBI: Provide for High Frequency Monitoring of device
MG-1742 performance attributes via the NBI. This include
MG-1741 discovering the attributes available for monitoring and
MG-1740 establishing and managing the monitoring sessions.

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Event Filtering MG-1773 Persist filtered Event Browser Dock [INC0010769] [CS0017466]
settings Event Filtering: Persist Event Browser Dock settings
NBI MG-1744 Alarm model query by alarm ID NBI: Provide ability to query PV mediated alarms by
consistent alarm ID
NBI MG-1737 High Frequency Monitoring session Provide High Frequency Monitoring session mgmt
MG-1734 mgmt capabilities for Admin, Engineer and Operator roles.

Device MG-1647 Devices now deployed into baseline Device deployment: The following changes to device
deployment / running deployment have been made:
1) Deploy into baseline / running, instead of live /
2) When device set to Managed, automatically deploy
into live / operational once presence polling succeeds.

NETCONF MG-1645 Maintain NETCONF sessions with NETCONF session mgmt: Maintain session with each
session mgmt devices managed device, instead of dropping session on
transaction completion and initiating new session on
next transaction.

PV+ 2.5.1-115 (since 2.5.1-67):

Feature Ref Summary Details
NBI bandwidth MG-1829 Verify NBI bandwidth (Mbps) dry-run Verify bandwidth (Mbps) bandwidth dry-run testing via
test MG-1801 test capability the NBI. This supports transparent VLAN mode capacity
MG-1800 testing.
CTR 8740 MG-1838 Verify support for CTR 8740 R2.1 Preliminary support for CTR 8740 R2.1 software verified;
software MG-1840 software however, the following integration limitations exist:
1. Ethernet performance data collection not supported.
2. Loading CTR 8740 customer licenses not supported.

PV+ 2.5.1-67 (since 2.5.0-139):

Feature Ref Summary Details
License MG-1785 Add support for Device Licensing for Add support for all license types for WTM 4000 and CTR
Loading WTM 4000 and CTR 8740 8740
NBI topology MG-1715 Add support for TP Peer MAC Add the TP Peer MAC address property by augmenting
addresses avnm-physical-topology.

PV+ 2.5.0-139 (since 2.4.1-5):

Feature Ref Summary Details
NBI link MG-1691 Add new link properties Add the following additional link properties by
augmenting ietf-topology:
1) admin-state
2) oper-state
3) link-type
4) media-type
Database MG-1683 Add database version Add the PV+ version to the database to support
migration database migration.
CTR 8740 MG-1655 Add support for CTR 8740 Provide EM Fault & Performance support for CTR 8740.
MG-1616 This includes the following capabilities:
MG-1614 1) R2.0 software
MG-1513 2) Device deployment discovery
MG-1494 3) Ethernet link discovery including LAG and L1LA
MG-1474 4) Ethernet link discovery between 8740 and WTM 4000
MG-1466 5) Alarms / events collection
MG-1465 6) L1 link service alarms
MG-1487 7) Configuration & inventory discovery
MG-1485 8) Device licensing discovery
MG-1464 9) Configuration backup and restore
MG-1463 10) Software loading
11) Ethernet interface performance data collection
12) Sensors performance data collection

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13) Web based craft tool launch

14) SSH CLI interface launch
15) IPv4 device mgmt
Licensing MG-1644 Replace Node license with new Replace Node license with a new Device license, where
Device license the latter provides support for a license count for a
specific device type. Supported Device licensed are
identified in section Product Licensing.
NBI user MG-1638 Apply user access to NBI Provide the Admin user with the ability to enable/disable
access control NBI access to individual users through their user
NBI discovery MG-1637 Provide YANG Schema support As per RFC 8040, provide the ability for a RESTCNF
client to discover the logical locations of the supported
NBI YANG modules, and provide the ability to download
the supported YANG schemas.
Help MG-1566 Add context sensitive help Provide context sensitive help.
NBI MG-1519 Add Performance YANG Provide NBI access to interfaces and sensors
performance performance data through the Performance YANG
Events MG-1484 Provide device type mismatch event For directly managed devices, raise a device type
mismatch event when the PV+ deployed device type
mismatches the discovered device type.
Reconciliation MG-1229 Provide reconciliation report error Provide an error indicator in the UI, that prompts the
indicator user to open the Reconciliation Report dialog to identify
the problem(s).

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Product Licensing

Product Modules
ProVision Plus is licensed as a set of Product Modules, intended to be mixed and matched to the
specific requirements of a customer.
Please note that the usage of certain Product Module requires the licensing of one or more pre-
requisite Product Modules. In other words, to license the said Product Module the customer must
also license all pre-requisite Product Modules.

Product Prerequisite Requires Supported Description

Module Product Device Device Family
Modules License
EM Fault & None Yes WTM 4000 The base Product Module to provide
Performance CTR 8740 Element Management capabilities. The
core capabilities are inventory
management, discovery, fault, and
EM None No All The Product Module to enable integration
Integration with ProVision, to allow ProVision Plus to
for ProVision provide element management for devices
managed by a ProVision server.
EM EM Fault & Yes WTM 4000 The Product Module to provide Element
Provisioning Performance CTR 8740 Management device provisioning
capabilities. The core capabilities are pre-
provisioning of L1 network design and
online provisioning of device changes.
CE Fault & EM Fault & Yes WTM 4000 The base Product Module to provide
Performance Performance CTR 8740 Carrier Ethernet service management
capabilities. The core capabilities are
discovery, fault, performance, and
associated capabilities for VLAN, syncE
and PTP TC services.
NOTE: VLAN services for CTR8740 are not
yet supported. This is planned for a future
IP / MPLS EM Fault & Yes CTR 8740 The base Product Module to provide IP /
Fault & Performance CTR 8540 MPLS service management capabilities.
Performance OR The core capabilities are discovery, fault,
EM Integration for performance, and associated capabilities
ProVision for VPN services.
IP / MPLS IP / MPLS Fault & Yes CTR 8740 The Product Module to provide IP / MPLS
Provisioning Performance service provisioning capabilities. The core
AND capabilities are provisioning of L3VPN and
EM Provisioning L2VPN services, including provisioning of
QoS policies associated with the
attachment circuits.
NBI EM Fault & No All This Product Module provides RESTCONF
Performance north-bound interface (NBI) capability. The
set of YANG data models accessible
through the RESTCONF interface depends
on the other Product Modules licensed.
NBI Lite EM Fault & No All This Product Module provides a limited
Performance RESTCONF north-bound interface (NBI)
capability. In summary this includes alarms,
performance data, L1 topology, and
inventory data.
SNMP Event EM Fault & No All This Product Module provides an event /
NBI Performance alarm SNMP Trap forwarding based north-
OR bound interface (NBI) capability, for
EM Integration for integration with an event / alarm
ProVision northbound OSS.

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Copyright © 2022, Aviat Networks, all rights reserved.

Product Prerequisite Requires Supported Description

Module Product Device Device Family
Modules License
FAS Frequency Yes Eclipse This Product Module provides advanced
Assurance CTR 8540 RF interference detection and monitoring
Software WTM 4000 capabilities for RF Links.
Note: Eclipse and CTR8540 require PV
EMS for device mediation.
HAS Health Yes Eclipse This Product Module provides advanced
Assurance CTR 8540 health monitoring capabilities for RF Links.
Software WTM 4000 Note: Eclipse and CTR8540 require PV
EMS for device mediation.
High No No All This Product Module provides PV+ warm-
Availability standby redundant server capability.

Technology License and Device Licenses

To use a Product Module, the customer needs to purchase:

• Technology License for the said Product Module.
• An appropriate number of Device Licences of the appropriate Device Class for the said
Product Module, if the said Product Module requires Device License.

A Technology License for a Product Module entitles a customer to install the associated software
on a reasonable number of servers. The customer may choose to install the software on more
than one server in order to reduce the server load. Conceptually a Technology License is similar
to a server license but without the restriction of a single server.
For a Product Module that requires Device Licenses, for each device to be managed by the
Product Module, a Device License for the Device Class to which the said device belongs is
required. The Device Classes are defined in “Device Class”.

Please note that 100% coverage is required for Device Licenses. For example, for a given
Product Module if the network is calculated as requiring 20 WTM 4000 Device Licenses and 10
CTR 8740 Device Licenses according to “Rules regarding Device License”, then the customers
must have at least 20 WTM 4000 Device Licenses and 10 CTR 8740 Device Licenses for said
Product Module assigned to the ProVision Plus server managing the network.

Device Class
The following Device Classes are defined:

Device Class Type of devices in the Device Classes

WTM 4000 WTM 4100, 4200, 4200 MIMO,
4500, 4500T, 4500XT,
4800, 4800 MB, 4800 DC

CTR 8740 CTR 8740

CTR 8540 / 83xx CTR 8540 / 83xx

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Rules regarding Device License

This section defines the conditions when a Device requires a Device License. A Device is not
supported by ProVision Plus if it is not covered by one of the rules in this section.

EM Fault & Performance Module:

Device Condition Device License Notes

Class Required
WTM 4000 Directly managed by Yes For multi terminal configurations,
ProVision Plus, each terminal requires 1 Device
regardless of License.
whether also
managed by a
ProVision server
CTR 8740 Directly managed by Yes
ProVision Plus,
regardless of
whether also
managed by a
ProVision server

CE Fault & Performance Module:

Device Condition Device License Notes

Class Required
WTM 4000 Directly managed by Yes For multi terminal configurations,
ProVision Plus, each terminal requires 1 Device
regardless of License.
whether also
managed by a
ProVision server
CTR 8740 Directly managed by Yes
ProVision Plus

IP / MPLS Fault & Performance Module:

Device Condition Device License Notes

Class Required
CTR 8740 Directly managed by Yes
ProVision Plus
CTR 8540 Indirectly managed Yes
via ProVision EMS

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System Requirements
This section identifies the system requirements for installing and operating ProVision Plus,
including the following:
• Minimum hardware requirements
• Supported Operating Systems and versions
• Supported web browsers and versions
• Minimum monitor resolution for ProVision Plus clients

Hardware Requirements for Server

Standalone ProVision Plus Server

The following table presents the minimum hardware specification for the ProVision Plus server
application for both physical server and VM installation, for a given sized network of devices
managed using a specific Product Module. For clarity, the Notes column indicates the device
types supported by each Product Module.
When installed on the same physical server or VM as ProVision EMS, these hardware
requirements are additional to those of ProVision EMS.
Max Product Module Cores RAM Disk Example Notes
Devices (GB) (GB) processor
100 EM Fault & Perf 4 16 100 See note below on processor spec.
500 EM Fault & Perf 8 32 500 Xeon Silver 4210
1,000 EM Fault & Perf 8 32 500 Xeon Silver 4210
3,000 EM Fault & Perf 16 64 1,000 Xeon Gold 5218
100 EM Integration PV 4 16 100 See note below on processor spec.
500 EM Integration PV 8 32 500 Xeon Silver 4210
1,000 EM Integration PV 8 32 500 Xeon Silver 4210
3,000 EM Integration PV 16 64 1,000 Xeon Gold 5218
100 CE Fault & Perf 4 16 100 See note below on processor spec.
500 CE Fault & Perf 8 32 500 Xeon Silver 4210
1,000 CE Fault & Perf 8 32 500 Xeon Silver 4210
2,000 CE Fault & Perf 16 64 1,000 Xeon Gold 5218
300 MPLS Fault & Perf 8 32 500 Xeon Silver 4210

NOTE: PROCESSOR SPEC: Intel Xeon Silver 4110 processor (or equivalent) is the minimum
performance processor required for managing >100 WTM4000 or CTR8740 devices.
NOTE: When managing devices with multiple Product Module types, the minimum hardware
resources will exceed those of the individual Product Module types. For example, (1,000
x EM F&P) AND (1,000 x EM Integration PV) will require 16 cores and 64 GB RAM.

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High Availability (HA) Monitor Server

A ProVision Plus High Availability (HA) cluster comprises of a pair of redundant servers each
running an instance of ProVision Plus together with a third server running the High Availability
(HA) Monitor.
The following table indicates the minimum resources required to install and operate the HA
Monitor on a stand-alone Windows server, or on an existing Windows server together with an
instance of ProVision EMS or ProVision Plus server that is a member of a different ProVision
Plus High Availability cluster. The specification is the same for a physical server or VM.
HA Monitor install option Cores RAM Disk Notes
(GB) (GB)
Stand-alone server 2 8 50 Includes the resources for the
resources Windows OS
Existing server additional 1 4 20

NOTE: We recommend that the HA Monitor is installed on its own Windows server to provide the
easiest installation, minimize the impact of a service outage caused from a single host
failure and to ensure a more robust system operation.

Combined ProVision Plus and ProVision EMS Server with FAS Module
The following table presents the minimum hardware specification for the ProVision Plus server
with FAS licensing and ProVision EMS server applications operating on the same physical server
or VM.
Max Product Module Cores RAM Disk Example Notes
Devices (GB) (GB) processor
100 EM Fault & Perf 8 16 200 Xeon Silver 4210
500 EM Fault & Perf 8 32 500 Xeon Silver 4210
1,000 EM Fault & Perf 16 32 1,000 Xeon Gold 5218
3,000 EM Fault & Perf 20 64 1,500 Xeon Gold 6230
100 EM Integration PV 8 16 200 Xeon Silver 4210
500 EM Integration PV 8 32 500 Xeon Silver 4210
1,000 EM Integration PV 16 32 1,000 Xeon Gold 5218
3,000 EM Integration PV 20 64 1,500 Xeon Gold 6230
100 CE Fault & Perf 8 16 200 Xeon Silver 4210
500 CE Fault & Perf 8 32 500 Xeon Silver 4210
1,000 CE Fault & Perf 16 32 1,000 Xeon Gold 5218
2,000 CE Fault & Perf 20 64 1,500 Xeon Gold 6230
300 MPLS Fault & Perf 8 32 500 Xeon Silver 4210

NOTE: For networks up to 100 nodes, the minimum disk space has been increased from 100GB
to 200GB to support installation of PV+ GeoServer on the same machine as PV+ server.

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Hardware Requirements for Client

The following table presents the minimum hardware specification for ProVision Plus client
machines for a given sized network.

Max Cores RAM Disk (GB) Screen Notes

Devices (GB) Resolution
100 4 4/8 10 1920 x 1080 32 / 64-bit OS
1,000 4 8 10 1920 x 1080 64-bit OS
3,000 4 16 10 1920 x 1080 64-bit OS

Supported Operating Systems

The following table presents the supported Operating Systems for the ProVision Plus server.

Operating System Notes

Windows 2012R2 64-bit OS required
Windows 2016 64-bit OS required
Windows 2019 64-bit OS required
Windows 10 64-bit OS required

See the Installation and Administration Guide for further details on prerequisites.

Supported Web Browsers

The following web browsers are supported on laptop and desktop devices:
• Google Chrome version 80 or later
• Microsoft Edge Chromium version 80 or later

NOTE: Edge is no longer supported, as Edge Chromium provides significantly better

performance that’s essential to supporting large deployed networks.
NOTE: PV+ 2.10.1-295 or later release must be used with March or later releases of Google
Chrome (version 99 onwards) or MS Edge Chromium (version 100 onwards). This is
due to an incompatibility introduced in the browsers.

Other Prerequisites

Refer to the Installation and Administration Guide for additional details including other
prerequisites to installing and operating ProVision Plus.

31 August 2022 ProVision Plus 2.13.0-190 Customer Release Notes Page 63 of 72

Copyright © 2022, Aviat Networks, all rights reserved.

Known Issues
ProVision Plus
The following table lists known issues with ProVision Plus.
Feature Ref Summary Details
Discovery TBD Slow discovery of changes to WTM 4000 currently doesn’t provide a notification when
WTM 4000 device configuration there’s a change to the device configuration. CTR 8740
introduced this capability in R4.1.1.
This results in a significant delay in discovery until PV+
performs the next background configuration collection poll
(every 1 hour) from the network devices.
Workaround: Wait for the next PV+ poll, or manually initiate
configuration discovery from the PV+ user interface.
It’s proposed that future release of WTM software provide
this notification capability.
EM MG-4664 EM Provisioning of CTR 8740 is EM Provisioning of CTR 8740 sometimes fails when
provisioning failing on trying to change sub- attempting to change sub-interface forwarding mode from
interface forwarding mode data- data-link to network.
link to network
Workaround: Delete the sub-interface using PV+ interface
provisioning, then create again using the PV+ L3VPN
service provisioning wizard.
Licensing MG-5485 Licensing: When new license(s) Licensing: When new license(s) applied, the changes are not
applied, the user needs to logout applied to the GUI until the user logs out and logs in again.
and login again
Workaround: Logout and login again.
MPLS TBD LSP trace route: The “To” LSP trace route: The “To” drop down list is not populated
Diagnostics dropdown list is not populated when opening the dialog from the Explorer Tree device right-
when opening the dialog from click menu.
the Explorer Tree
Workaround: Open the dialog from the Services map device
right-click menu.

Supported Devices
The following table lists know issues with supported devices that impact system integration with
ProVision Plus.
Feature Ref Summary Details
WTM 4000 MG-1124 WTM 4000 L1LA capacity L1LA interface capacity (Mbps) value returned through
L1LA capacity (Mbps) value incorrect netconf is incorrect. This also prevents PV+ from correctly
and % calculating % utilization.
This is fixed in WTM 4000 R2.3.1 software.
WTM 4000 TBD WTM 4000 incompatible WTM 4000 configuration backup files from R2.4 and earlier
config backup config backup across versions software are incompatible with R2.5 and later software.
WTM 4000 WTM4K- WTM 4000 takes up to WTM 4000 takes up to 15mins to respond to VLAN request
VLAN 10700 15mins to respond to VLAN where >1K VIDs configured.
request where >1K VIDs
WTM 4000 WTM4K- WTM 4000 NETCONF WTM 4000 NETCONF confirmed-commit operations
11016 confirmed-commit operations broken in R2.10 and later software, breaking EM
broken provisioning from PV+.
A workaround has been implemented in PV+ 2.10.1 GA.
CTR8540/83xx TBD CTR8540/83xx performance INC0011885 CS0064269
performance data missing in R3.15.0
data software CTR8540/83xx TX Power and RSL performance data
missing in R3.15.0 software.
A workaround for this CTR issue is included in PV 7.13.0-
140 and later.

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Copyright © 2022, Aviat Networks, all rights reserved.

Resolved Field Issues

This section lists the resolved field issues and enhancement requests introduced since the
previous ProVision Plus release.
PV+ 2.13.0-190 GA:
Feature Ref Summary Details
Performance data MG-5633 Performance data: Packet loss INC0012022 CS0069419
ratio calculation error Performance data: Packet loss ratio calculation error
when zero throughput results in failed data collection
from the interface.

CTR8740 Web UI MG-4349 CTR8740 Web UI launch: INC0011686 CS0058742

launch Provide ability to default to CTR8740 Web UI launch: Provide ability to default to
HTTP or HTTPS HTTP or HTTPS through the system configuration file.

PV+ 2.12.0-203 LA:

Feature Ref Summary Details
FAS PCR MG-5742 FAS: PCR download issue FAS: PCR download issue with devices directly
download managed and mediated (via PV EMS).

PV+ 2.12.0-202:
Feature Ref Summary Details
Topology map MG-5644 Smart panel widgets not After deploying a site on the topology map, the smart
populated until site moved on panel widgets are not populated until the site is moved
topology map
Health Assurance MG-5637 Health Assurance available Health Assurance available when FAS licensed
licensing when FAS licensed
Device comms MG-5631 Device comms impacted by Netconf communications with directly managed
FAS licensing devices can fail when FAS is not licensed.
Health Assurance MG-5614 HAS: Unable to render Health HAS: Unable to render Health Assurance config
Config Assurance config settings via settings via iframe / Aviat NOC deployment
iframe / Aviat NOC deployment

PV+ 2.12.0-180:
Feature Ref Summary Details

PV+ 2.11.0-445:
Feature Ref Summary Details
Alarms MG-5065 Alarms: L1 Link alarm not INC0011880 CS0064461
cleared Alarms: L1 Link alarm not cleared

PV+ 2.10.1-295 GA:

Feature Ref Summary Details
Network MG-5311 Network Topology: Browser CS0066522 INC0011932
Topology incompatibility results in Network Topology: Browser incompatibility results in
unable to select devices and inability to select and position devices, and access right-
access right-click menu click menu.

31 August 2022 ProVision Plus 2.13.0-190 Customer Release Notes Page 66 of 72

Copyright © 2022, Aviat Networks, all rights reserved.

Issue introduced by the latest versions (March 2022) of

Google Chrome and MS Edge (Chromium), and has been
resolved through a change in PV+ 2.10.1-295.

PV+ 2.10.1-293:
Feature Ref Summary Details
Services table: MG-4995 Services table: SyncE Services table: SyncE parameter setting results in services
SyncE parameter setting table not rendering correctly.
SW loading MG-4985 SW loading: Ability to register SW loading: Ability to register new SW on the PV+ server,
new SW on the PV+ server (in readiness for SW loading the network) is not working in
2.10.1 build 290.

PV+ 2.10.0-352:
Feature Ref Summary Details
Performance MG-4319 Daily performance data INC0011498 CS0051967
data collection collection: Enhance discovery Daily performance data collection: Enhance discovery
mechanism where queue mechanism where queue becomes full.
becomes full

Device config MG-4276 Device config discovery: INC0011498 CS0051967

discovery Increase queue size and Device config discovery: Increase queue size and timeout
timeout to improve handling to improve handling where devices slow to respond to
where devices responses slow requests.

PV+ 2.9.0-539:
Feature Ref Summary Details
Events MG-4015 Events: “L2 link supporting INC0011498 CS0051967
layer admin disabled " doesn’t Events: “L2 link supporting layer admin disabled " doesn’t
clear when link changed to clear when link changed to another interface. Ability to
another interface manually delete provided.

Tree search MG-4014 Tree search, User account INC0011583 CS0055400

User accounts activation, and Craft tool Tree search: Improve usability.
Craft tool launch usability improvements User accounts: Allow one pending activation request per
Craft tool launch: Display popup alert where new tab is
blocked by the browser.

Events MG-3933 Events: Delete active events INC0011547 CS0054075

when PV network access is Events: When PV network access is deleted by the user,
deleted by the user automatically delete the associated active events, and
purge the event history.

PV+ 2.8.3-150 GA:

Feature Ref Summary Details
FAS data MG-4834 FAS data migration: Upgrade FAS data migration: Upgrade can result in FAS data
migration can result in FAS data migration issue, impacting ability to download PCR files
migration issue and directly managed devices netconf communication.
Issue introduced with FAS data migration improvement in
2.8.3. This issue is resolved in PV+ 2.8.3-150.

PV+ 2.8.3-148 GA:

Feature Ref Summary Details

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Copyright © 2022, Aviat Networks, all rights reserved.

Service event MG-4542 Service event: “L2 link INC0011498 CS0051967

supporting layer admin Service event: “L2 link supporting layer admin disabled”
disabled” not cleared event not cleared when the interface admin state changed
to Enabled.

Device config MG-4481 Device config discovery: INC0011498 CS0051967

discovery Increase queue size and Device config discovery: Increase queue size and timeout
timeout to improve handling to improve handling where devices slow to respond to
where devices responses slow requests
Daily MG-4480 Daily performance data INC0011498 CS0051967
performance collection improvement Improvement to daily performance data collection for
data collection directly managed devices, through queuing enhancement
and limiting number of concurrent sessions.

PV+ 2.8.2-103 GA:

Feature Ref Summary Details
Device MG-3796 Device configuration discovery INC0011498 CS0051967:
configuration problem Device configuration discovery failure prevents discovery
discovery for other devices in the queue.

User access MG-2464 User accounts: Do not allow INC0011162 CS0042542

more than one pending User accounts: Do not allow more than one pending
activation request for the same activation request for the same user / email address
user / email address
PV mediation MG-2401 PV mediation: Loss of radio PV mediation: Loss of radio links from PV+ where PV
links from PV+ where PV sometimes sends duplicated updates
sometimes sends duplicated

PV+ 2.8.1-191 GA:

Feature Ref Summary Details
FAS licensing MG-3647 FAS: License usage count FAS: License usage count sometimes undercounting
sometimes undercounting
Client MG-3617 Client: Client login and Client: Client login and browser refresh are slow where no
performance browser refresh are slow internet access available
where no internet access
WTM4K XPIC MG-3569 WTM4K: Problem with XPIC INC0011335 CS0047711
SD service SD service topology view WTM4K: Problem with XPIC SD service topology view
WTM4K config MG-3516 WTM4K: Config backup fails INC0011464, CS0050774
backup with R2.10 software WTM4K: Config backup fails with R2.10 software
System MG-3409 System scalability: System scalability: Performance improved for 2K CE
scalability Performance improved for 2K nodes with high number of service alarms
CE nodes with high number of
service alarms
FAS MG-3325 FAS: Steady interference FAS: Steady interference recognized as Burst interference
interference recognized as Burst
Client security MG-3211 Client: HTTP security headers Client: HTTP security headers strengthen
WTM4K SD MG-2380 WTM4K: Problem with SD link INC0011109 CS0040643
discovery discovery WTM4K: Problem with SD link discovery

PV+ 2.8.0-192 LA:

Feature Ref Summary Details

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Copyright © 2022, Aviat Networks, all rights reserved.

PV+ 2.7.1-283 (since 2.7.1-280):

Feature Ref Summary Details
Tree MG-3319 Orphan container issue on INC0011359 CS0048421
containment reparenting An orphan container (without a parent) can occur when
reparenting and subsequently deleting a container in PV.
This results in the client crashing. Example scenario:
1. Discover a container from PV EMS
2. Deploy a new container within the discovered container
3. Delete the discovered container

Upgrade MG-3314 Task manager issue on INC0011359 CS0048421

upgrade Following upgrade from PV+ 2.6 or earlier, the task
manager crashes on startup when encountering completed
legacy tasks (from 2.6 or earlier). This has been fixed by
deleting the legacy tasks from the database on startup.

PV+ 2.7.1:
Feature Ref Summary Details
FAS Interface MG-2858 FAS Interface Configuration [INC0011282 CS0046212]
Configuration presents unlicensed FAS Interface Configuration presents links with a
frequency band links frequency band that are not licensed for FAS
FAS multipath MG-2723 FAS multipath detection Allow for up to a 10 second delay between interference
detection improvement detection between A and B-side receivers.
FAS fading MG-2730 Dampen interference Dampen interference detection around fading conditions in
detection detection around fading order to avoid false reporting where there’s a lag between
conditions changes to SNR and RSL values.

PV+ 2.6.2-39:
Feature Ref Summary Details

PV+ 2.6.1-206:
Feature Ref Summary Details
NBI MG-2501 ietf-system models are not ietf-system models are not returned for Eclipse devices
returned for Eclipse devices

PV+ 2.6.1-202:
Feature Ref Summary Details
Database MG-2439 Database backup failure with Database backup with FAS when initiated from the UI can
backup FAS sometimes fail for larger network deployments.
Topology view MG-2435 Topology view unresponsive [INC0011109 CS0040643]
Client interface unresponsive when displaying topology
view with large network deployment.
Daily MG-2430 FAS daily performance data FAS daily performance data not captured in PV+ daily
performance not captured in PV+ daily performance bins.
data performance bins

PV+ 2.6.1-196:
Feature Ref Summary Details

31 August 2022 ProVision Plus 2.13.0-190 Customer Release Notes Page 69 of 72

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CTR 8740 MG-2378 Server crash on CTR 8740 [INC0011101 CS0040390]

QoS discovery PV+ Server crashes when unable to read CTR 8740 QoS

PV+ 2.6.0-224:
Feature Ref Summary Details
Netconf MG-2196 CTR 8740 and WTM4K [INC0011012 CS0036757]
session Netconf SSH sessions Problem preventing new Netconf SSH sessions being
problem created for CTR 8740 and WTM4K devices.
Performance MG-2193 WTM4K RF daily performance [INC0011006 CS0036754]
data data collection problem Daily RF Performance bin functionality is broken for
WTM4K. No problem with 15-min bin functionality.
Performance MG-2192 Ethernet performance data [INC0010999 CS0036410]
data collection fails for L1LA Ethernet performance data collection fails for CTR 8740
interface L1LA interface.

PV+ 2.5.3-73:
Feature Ref Summary Details
Performance MG-2200 CTR 8740 L1LA Ethernet [INC0010999 CS0036410]
data Performance data and WTM When L1LA is configured on CTR 8740 front ports no
4000 Daily RF Performance Ethernet Performance is shown for L1LA interface
data missing
Performance MG-2200 WTM 4000 Daily RF [INC0011006 CS0036754]
data Performance data missing No daily RF Performance data is shown for WTM 4000

PV+ 2.5.3-64:
Feature Ref Summary Details

PV+ 2.5.2-460:
Feature Ref Summary Details
Topology MG-2106 Interface discovery problem Interface discovery problem when loopback address
discovery when loopback address configured
Licensing MG-2088 L1/L2 topology discovery L1/L2 topology discovery requires CE feature license,
incorrectly requires CE feature instead of only requiring either EM Fault & Performance or
license ProVision EM Integration feature license.

PV+ 2.5.2-450:
Feature Ref Summary Details
License MG-1937 Task manager license loading [INC0010877 CS0026908]
Loading improvement Where task manager is license loading multiple devices and
a device is loss of comms, skip that device and complete
loading the other devices.

Performance MG-1866 Inconsistent timestamp for [INC0010692] [CS0014661]

data performance data bins The timestamp for performance bins (RF and Ethernet) on
PV+ is inconsistent with the timestamp presented in WTM
4000 and CTR 8740 craft tools and PV EMS. PV+ presents
the end time for the bin period (time the bin is generated)
and craft tools and PV EMS present the start time.
PV+ has been updated to align.

31 August 2022 ProVision Plus 2.13.0-190 Customer Release Notes Page 70 of 72

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Event MG-1773 Persist Event Browser Dock [INC0010769] [CS0017466]

Filtering settings Event Filtering: Persist Event Browser Dock settings
1. Configuration
2. MG-1595 WTM 4000 configuration [INC0010687] [CS0014660]
Backup backup failure alarm Configuration backup failure alarm for WTM 4000 raised and
never cleared again on successfully completing backup.

PV+ 2.5.1-67:
Feature Ref Summary Details
Baseline MG-1686 Live / Baseline differences [INC0010596] [CS0015218]
especially with L1LA links L1LA and XPIC causes a baseline live difference of partner
device states
3. License MG-1695 Unable to register WTM 4000 [INC0010760] [CS0016860]
Loading 4. license Unable to register and apply WTM 4000 licenses
Events MG-1765 Unable to filter events on [INC0010769] [ CS0017466]
device by operator state Unable to filter events on device by operator state

PV+ 2.5.0-139:
Feature Ref Summary Details
User access MG-1661 Admin user unable to unlock [INC0010739 CS0016348]
control user account Admin user unable to unlock user account after previously
Live / MG-1674 Live / Baseline differences not [INC0010696 CS0015218]
Baseline presented Live and Baseline difference indicated however no details
presented in the Details view.
Config MG-1699 Config backup failure event [INC0010759 CS0016811]
backup reported for unmanaged Config backup failure event reported for unmanaged devices
Task MG-1748 Task Manager shows Device [INC0010758] [CS0016792]
Manager object IDs instead of Device Task Manager screen shows the devices listed by their
names object IDs instead of Device names.

PV+ 2.4.0-345:
Feature Ref Summary Details
Device MG-1594 Device name length [INC0010688, CS0014935]
name Limited to 30 characters when renaming device, however
there’s no limit on naming device during deployment.
Remove limit on renaming.
Server MG-1593 Client interface slow to update [INC0010636, CS0013437]
performance High processor loading experienced on PV+ server when
running on older (10yrs) server hardware, resulting in slow
system performance.
Minimum processor spec added to section Hardware
Requirements for Server, and interim solution available
through reducing polling rates through server_configuration
file. Processing efficiency improvement planned for future
WTM 4000 MG-1385 SD performance data missing [INC0010576, CS0012188]
performance SD main and diversity performance data is not presented.
data Only the combined data is presented. This has been
resolved with an enhancement to the WTM software,
providing the ability to discover the SD configuration.
Network MG-1385 Network Topology paired [INC0010576, CS0012188]
Topology devices notation Topology: Provide label for XPIC and SD configuration with
the paired devices representation (grey box around devices).
Currently the label is used to represent L1LA only.

PV+ 2.3.1-11:
Feature Ref Summary Details
Config MG-1412 Radio config backup failure INC0010574
backup results in undefined device ID Platform event raised with undefined device ID when radio
config backup fails.

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Copyright © 2022, Aviat Networks, all rights reserved.

CTR 8540 MG-1427 Server crash on MPLS LSP CS0012318

MPLS discovery Server crash occurs when discovering CTR 8540 MPLS LSP
for which there is no source node.
Performance MG-1452 Performance data export to INC0010602, CS0012359
Data PDF issue Performance data export to PDF is missing pie chart and
contains undefined object name.
WTM 4000 MG-1400 WTM 4000 SD diversity radio INC0010555
netconf netconf connections WTM 4000 SD config diversity radio netconf connection is
connections exhausted not closed by PV+ following an unsuccessful performance
data collection from diversity radio. This occurs as the radio
indicates the interface is disabled. This eventually results in
the radio’s netconf connection pool being used up, and the
radio subsequently failing to respond.

PV+ 2.3.0-250:
Feature Ref Summary Details
WTM 4000 WTM4K-7420 NETCONF management The following limitations exist in the WTM 4000 software
L1LA WTM4K-7436 interface limitations associated NETCONF management interface:
with L1LA
1. L1LA radio interface capacity unavailable. PV+ is
therefore unable to derive Utilization % from Mbps
2. L1LA port membership information is unavailable.
This is fixed in WTM4K R2.4 software.

Reporting Issues to Aviat

If you find problems with these release notes, or if you discover a product defect, please contact
Aviat Networks’ Technical Help Desk. Refer to page 2 for Technical Help Desk contact details.

31 August 2022 ProVision Plus 2.13.0-190 Customer Release Notes Page 72 of 72

Copyright © 2022, Aviat Networks, all rights reserved.

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