КТП 8-сынып 2022-23

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8-сыныпқа арналған күнтізбелік-тақырыптық жоспар

Calendar Thematic Plan for the 8th grade

2022-2023 оқу жылы / academic year

№ № Ортақ Тақырып Мерзімі Оқу мақсаты Сағат Ескерту

тақырып саны
1 1 Module 1. Global issues use talk or writing as a means of reflecting on and exploring a range of 1
Our World perspectives on the world develop intercultural awareness through reading and discussion use familiar and some unfamiliar paper and digital reference resources to
2 2 The steppe: golden 1
treasure check meaning and extend understanding give an opinion at discourse level on a wide range of general and curricular
3 3 Infinitive topics 1 use speaking and listening skills to provide sensitive feedback to peers
4 4 Word formation write with moderate grammatical accuracy on a growing range of familiar 1
general and curricular topics evaluate and respond constructively to feedback from others
5 5 Natural disaster spell most high-frequency vocabulary accurately for a range of familiar 1
general and curricular topics use feedback to set personal learning objectives
6 6 Phrasal verbs (give) link comments with some flexibility to what others say at sentence and 1
discourse level in pair, group and whole class exchanges read a growing range of extended fiction and non-fiction texts on familiar
7 7 Applying to an and some unfamiliar general and curricular topics 1
environmental recognise typical features at word, sentence and text level of a growing range
organization of spoken genres use with some support style and register appropriate to a variety of written
8 8 Unique structures 1
genres on general and curricular topics with little or no support the main points in extended talk on a
9 9 Global citizenship wide range of general and curricular topics 1 understand specific information and detail in texts on a growing range of
familiar general and curricular topics, including some extended texts
10 10 Green issues. Living develop and sustain a consistent argument when speaking or writing 1
the dream? develop and sustain a consistent argument when speaking or writing
11 11 Unite revision. SAU respect differing points of view accurately for a range of familiar general and 1
1 curricular topics recognise typical features at word, sentence and text level of a growing range
of spoken genres
12 12 Module 2. Daily routines and Interact with peers to negotiate, agree and organise priorities and plans for 1
Daily life and free-time activities completing classroom tasks
Shopping Being sixteen with little or no support the main points in extended talk on a
13 13 1
wide range of general and curricular topics
14 14 Leisure activities use comparative degree adverb structures not as quickly as / far less 1
and chores quickly with regular and irregular adverbs; use an increased variety of pre-verbal,
post-verbal and end use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a
15 15 Grammar: Present growing range of general topics, and some curricular topics 1
Tenses link comments with some flexibility to what others say at sentence and
discourse level in pair, group and whole class exchanges
16 16 Present perfect use speaking and listening skills to solve problems creatively and 1
continuous cooperatively in groups
17 17 British Teen Scenes develop with support coherent arguments supported when necessary by 1
examples and reasons for a growing range of written genres in familiar general and
18 18 Phrasal verbs (look) curricular topics 1 use talk or writing as a means of reflecting on and exploring a range
of perspectives on the world
19 19 Buying Present For write with minimal support about real and imaginary past events, activities 1
a friend and experiences on a range of familiar general topics and some curricular topics
20 20 I love weekends understand specific information and detail in texts on a growing range of 1
familiar general and curricular topics, including some extended texts
21 21 Penny Wise develop intercultural awareness through reading and discussion 1 use feedback to set personal learning objectives respect differing points of view
22 22 Online shopping understand the detail of an argument on a range of familiar general and 1
curricular topics, including some extended texts recognise the attitude or opinion of the writer on a growing range of
unfamiliar general and curricular topics, including some extended text
23 23 Green issues. It’s punctuate written work at text level on a range of familiar general and 1
Alive! curricular topics with growing accuracy
24 24 Summative Plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with little support on a
Assessment for range of general and curricular topics
term 1 recount some extended stories and events on a growing range of general and
25 25 Revision lesson curricular topics 1 read a growing range of extended fiction and non-fiction texts on familiar
and some unfamiliar general and curricular topics
26 1 Module 3. Entertainment give an opinion at discourse level on a wide range of general and curricular 1
Entertainme topics
nt and the Steve’s travel blog use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a range
27 2 1
Media of general topics evaluate and respond constructively to feedback from others
28 3 Grammar: Past 1
Tenses use formal and informal registers in their talk on a growing range of general
and curricular topics
29 4 Word formation use if / unless/ if only in second conditional clauses and wish [that] clauses 1
[present reference]; use a growing variety of relative clauses including why clauses
on a range of familiar general and curricular topic respect differing points of view
30 5 TV programmes link comments with some flexibility to what others say at sentence and 1
discourse level in pair, group and whole class exchanges understand with little or no support the main points in extended talk on a
31 6 Expressing opinions
wide range of general and curricular topics 1 deduce meaning from context with little or no support in extended talk on a
growing range of general and curricular topics understand with little or no support the main points in extended talk on a
32 7 Festivals around the wide range of general and curricular topics 1
world link, independently, sentences into coherent paragraphs using a variety of
basic connectors on a range of familiar general topics and some curricular topics
33 8 Sound and hearing develop intercultural awareness through reading and discussion 1 understand the main points in texts on a growing range of unfamiliar general
and curricular topics, including some extended texts understand specific information and detail in texts on a growing range of
34 9 An email reviewing 1
a concert familiar general and curricular topics, including some extended texts use talk or writing as a means of reflecting on and exploring a range of
perspectives on the world deduce meaning from context in short texts and some extended texts on a
35 10 Green issues. Un- 1
Bear-Able Situation growing range of familiar general and curricular topics plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with little support on a
36 11 Unit revision. SAU growing range of general and curricular topics 1
3 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a range
of general topics, and some curricular topics spell most high-frequency vocabulary accurately for a growing range of
familiar general and curricular topics Understand with little or no support most specific information in extended
talk on a wide range of general and curricular topics
37 12 Module 4. Physical activities use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a range 1
Sport, health of general topics, and some curricular topics
and exercise understand with little or no support the main points in extended talk on a
38 13 Jane’s sports blog wide range of general and curricular topics 1 understand with little or no support most of the implied meaning in extended
talk on a range of general and curricular topics
39 14 Sport interact with peers to negotiate, agree and organise priorities and plans for 1
completing classroom tasks
40 15 Will /be going to, write with minimal support about real and imaginary past events, activities 1
Present continuous and experiences on a range of familiar general topics and some curricular topics use a growing variety of future forms including present continuous and
41 16 Conditionals present simple with future meaning on a range of familiar general and curricular 1
42 17 Teens and exercise link, independently, sentences into coherent paragraphs using a variety of 1
basic connectors on a range of familiar general topics and some curricular topics
43 18 Sporting legends recognise the opinion of the speaker(s) with little or no support in extended 1
talk on a wide range of general and curricular topics understand specific information and detail in texts on a growing range of
44 19 Muscles familiar general and curricular topics, including some extended texts 1 use present continuous forms for present and future meaning and past
continuous, including some passive forms, on a range of familiar general and
45 20 Is exercising in
curricular topics 1
groups the right
choice? recognise the attitude or opinion of the writer on a growing range of
unfamiliar general and curricular topics, including some extended texts
46 21 Green issues. Follow understand with little or no support the main points in extended talk on a 1
the Footprint wide range of general and curricular topics use speaking and listening skills to solve problems creatively and
47 22 Unit revision. SAU
cooperatively in groups 1
4 understand the detail of an argument on a range of familiar general and
48 23 Summative curricular topics, including some extended texts 1
Assessment for write with moderate grammatical accuracy on a growing range of familiar
term 2 general and curricular topics
49 24 Revision lesson recognise typical features at word, sentence and text level in a range of 1
written genres
50 1 Module 5. Characters give an opinion at discourse level on a wide range of general and curricular 1
Reading for topics
Pleasure deduce meaning from context in short texts and some extended texts on a
51 2 Twenty leagues growing range of familiar general and curricular topics 1
under the sea recognise the attitude or opinion of the writer on a growing range of
unfamiliar general and curricular topics, including some extended texts understand with little or no support most specific information in extended
52 3 The Lost city talk on a wide range of general and curricular topics 1 use a growing variety of future forms including present continuous and
present simple with future meaning on a range of familiar general and curricular
53 4 To the sea 1 recount some extended stories and events on a range of general and
curricular topics understand specific information and detail in texts on a growing range of
54 5 Phrasal verbs: go familiar general and curricular topics, including some extended texts 1 develop intercultural awareness through reading and discussion read a growing range of extended fiction and non-fiction texts on familiar
55 6 Kyz-zhibek and some unfamiliar general and curricular topics 1 use a growing variety of conjunctions including since, as to explain
56 7 The Mausoleum of reasons and the structures so ... that, such a ... that in giving explanations 1
Aisha Bibi link independently, sentences into coherent paragraphs using a variety of
basic connectors on a range of familiar general topics and some curricular topics
57 8 Module 6. Green issues. Where develop and sustain a consistent argument when speaking or writing 1
The Natural did you get there? use an increased variety of determiners including all, half, both [of] in pre-
World determiner function on a range of familiar general and curricular topics respect differing points of view
58 9 Flowers 1 use speaking and listening skills to solve problems creatively and
cooperatively in groups
59 10 The red panda use formal and informal registers in their talk on a growing range of general 1
and curricular topics
60 11 Endangered animals write with moderate grammatical accuracy on a growing range of familiar 1
general and curricular topics interact with peers to negotiate, agree and organise priorities and plans for
61 12 The passive
completing classroom tasks 1 use talk or writing as a means of reflecting on and exploring a range of
62 13 Places of natural perspectives on the world 1
beauty understand with little or no support the main points in extended talk on a
wide range of general and curricular topics punctuate written work at text level on a range of familiar general and
63 14 Nature reserves curricular topics with growing accuracy 1
around the world begin to recognise typical features at word, sentence and text level of a
growing range of spoken genres
64 15 Tree parts and use a variety of simple perfect forms to express recent, indefinite and 1
functions unfinished past on a range of familiar general and curricular topics understand specific information and detail in texts on a growing range of
familiar general and curricular topics, including some extended texts
65 16 A carpet of colour develop and sustain a consistent argument when speaking or writing 1 understand extended narratives on a wide range of general and curricular
66 17 Green issues. Doing 1
Nothing to Help the use with minimal support appropriate layout at text level for a range of
Earth written genres on familiar general and curricular topics use speaking and listening skills to provide sensitive feedback to peers spell most high-frequency vocabulary accurately for a range of familiar
67 18 Unit revision. SAU general and curricular topics 1
6 recognise typical features at word, sentence and text level in a range of
written genres
68 19 Module 7. Sign relating to Recognise typical features at word, sentence and text level of a growing 1
Travel and travel range of spoken genres
Transport Give an opinion at discourse level on a wide range of general and curricular
69 20 Become an urban 1
explorer understand specific information and detail in texts on a growing range of
familiar general and curricular topics, including some extended texts
70 21 Modals link, independently, sentences into coherent paragraphs using a variety of 1
basic connectors on a range of familiar general topics and some curricular topics use speaking and listening skills to provide sensitive feedback to peers
71 22 Island Destinations use questions which include a variety of different tense and modal forms on 1
with a difference
a range of familiar general and curricular topics
72 23 Going through spell most high-frequency vocabulary accurately for a range of familiar 1
passport control general and curricular topics interact with peers to negotiate, agree and organise priorities and plans for
completing classroom tasks
73 24 Airport terminals 1
around the world understand the main points in texts on a growing range of unfamiliar general
and curricular topics, including some extended texts use familiar and some unfamiliar paper and digital reference resources to
74 25 Illegal souvenirs check meaning and extend understanding 1 punctuate written work at text level on a range of familiar general and
curricular topics with growing accuracy
75 26 An email about a deduce meaning from context in short texts and some extended texts on a 1
growing range of familiar general and curricular topics use appropriately a variety of active and passive simple present and past
76 27 Green issues. Food forms and past perfect simple forms in narrative and reported speech on a range of 1
for thought familiar general and curricular topics write with moderate grammatical accuracy on a growing range of familiar
general and curricular topics
77 28 Unit revision. SAU talk or writing as a means of reflecting on and exploring a range of 1
perspectives on the world prepositions before nouns and adjectives; use prepositions as, like to
78 29 Summative indicate manner; use dependent prepositions following adjectives on a range of 1
Assessment for familiar general and curricular
term 3 plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with little support on a
79 30 Revision lesson growing range of general and curricular topics 1 respect differing points of view
80 1 Module 8. Foods and Drinks use speaking and listening skills to provide sensitive feedback to peers; 1
Food and respect differing points of view;
Drink use imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and feelings;
81 2 Festive Food understand with little or no support most of the detail of an argument in 1
extended talk on a wide range of general and curricular topics; recognize the opinion of the speaker(s) with little or no support in extended
82 3 Countable/ talk on a wide range of general and curricular topics; 1
uncountable and deduce meaning from context with little or no support in extended talk on a
quantifiers growing range of general and curricular topics ask more complex questions to get information about a growing range of
83 4 Several, plenty general topics and some curricular topics; 1
of,amount/number respond with some flexibility at both sentence and discourse level to
unexpected comments on a range of general and curricular topics; recount some extended stories and events on a range of general and
84 5 Food for thought 1
curricular topics understand the detail of an argument on a range of familiar general and
85 6 Prepositions curricular topics, including some extended texts; 1 deduce meaning from context in short texts and some extended texts on a
growing range of familiar general and curricular topics;
86 7 Ordering breakfast recognise the attitude or opinion of the writer on a growing range of 1
unfamiliar general and curricular topics, including some extended texts; plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with little support on a
87 8 The best way to start 1
the day growing range of general and curricular topics; write with moderate grammatical accuracy on a growing range of familiar
88 9 Food labelling general and curricular topics; 1 use with some support style and register appropriate to a variety of written
genres on general and curricular topics
89 10 An email describing use a growing variety of quantifiers for countable and uncountable nouns 1
how to make your
favourite food
including several, plenty, a large/small number/amount on a range of familiar
general and curricular topics;
90 11 Language review use an increased variety of determiners including all, half, both [of] in pre- 1
determiner function on a range of familiar general and curricular topics;
91 12 Green issues. Learn use present continuous forms for present and future meaning and past 1
and green! continuous, including some passive forms, on a range of familiar general and
curricular topics;
92 13 Unit revision. SAU use a growing variety of modal forms for different functions: obligation, 1
necessity, possibility, permission, requests, suggestions, prohibition on a range of
familiar general and curricular topics;
93 14 Module 9. Work and jobs respect differing points of view; 1
The world of use imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and feelings;
94 15 work Strange jobs use talk or writing as a means of reflecting on and exploring a range of 1
Unusual looks
perspectives on the world
95 16 Jobs understand with little or no support most specific information in extended 1
talk on a wide range of general and curricular topics; recognize typical features at word, sentence and text level of a growing
96 17 Reported speech range of spoken genres; 1
97 18 Reporting verbs understand extended narratives on a wide range of general and curricular 1
98 19 Phrasal verbs (take) give an opinion at discourse level on a wide range of general and curricular 1
99 20 Dream jobs 1 interact with peers to negotiate, agree and organise priorities and plans for
completing classroom tasks;
100 21 A job interview recount some extended stories and events on a range of general and 1
curricular topics
101 22 Off work! Public understand specific information and detail in texts on a growing range of 1
Holidays familiar general and curricular topics, including some extended texts; recognise the attitude or opinion of the writer on a growing range of
102 23 A Christmas Carol unfamiliar general and curricular topics, including some extended texts; 1 recognise inconsistencies in argument in short texts on a limited range of
103 24 A letter of general and curricular subjects 1
application write with minimal support about real and imaginary past events, activities
and experiences on a range of familiar general topics and some curricular topics;
104 25 Green issues. write with moderate grammatical accuracy on a growing range of familiar 1
Celebrities go green! general and curricular topics use a growing variety of future forms including present continuous and
105 26 Language review
present simple with future meaning on a range of familiar general and curricular 1
106 27 Unit revision. SAU use present continuous forms for present and future meaning and past 1
9 continuous, including some passive forms, on a range of familiar general and
curricular topics;
107 28 Summative use a growing variety of modal forms for different functions: obligation, 1
Assessment for necessity, possibility, permission, requests, suggestions, prohibition on a range of
term 4 familiar general and curricular topics; use if / unless/ if only in second conditional clauses and wish [that] clauses
108 29 Unit revision 1
[present reference], use a growing variety of relative clauses including why clauses
on a range of familiar general and curricular topics
№ № Мерзімі Сабақтың тақырыбы Үй жұмысы
1 1 Global issues New words
2 2 The steppe: golden treasure Exercise 3, page 4 W
3 3 Infinitive Exercise 6, page 5 W
4 4 Word formation Exercise 2, page 6 W
5 5 Natural disaster Exercise 8, page 7 W
6 6 Phrasal verbs (give) Exercise 5, page 9 W
7 7 Applying to an environmental organization Exercise 2, page 10 W
8 8 Unique structures Exercise 3, page 10 W
9 9 Global citizenship Exercise 1, page 11 W
10 10 Green issues. Living the dream? Exercise 3, page 111
11 11 Unite revision. SAU 1 Exercise 5, page 111
12 12 Daily routines and free-time activities Exercise 1, page 17
13 13 Being sixteen Exercise 3, page 12 W
14 14 Leisure activities and chores Exercise 6, page 13 W
15 15 Grammar: Present Tenses Exercise 4, page 14 W
16 16 Present perfect continuous Exercise 6, page 15 W
17 17 British Teen Scenes Exercise 1, page 16 W
18 18 Phrasal verbs (look) Exercise 4, page 17 W
19 19 Buying Present For a friend Exercise 4, page 18 W
20 20 I love weekends Exercise 3, page 18 W
21 21 Penny Wise Exercise 5, page 19 W
22 22 Online shopping Exercise 3,4, page 112
23 23 Green issues. It’s Alive! Exercise 6, page 112
24 24 Summative Assessment for term 1 Exercise 3, page 20 W
25 25 Revision lesson Exercise 3, page 22 W
26 1 Entertainment Exercise 9, page 23 W
27 2 Steve’s travel blog Repeat new words
28 3 Grammar: Past Tenses
29 4 Word formation Exercise 3,4 , page 24,25 W
30 5 TV programmes Exercise 3, page 26 W
31 6 Expressing opinions Exercise 1, page 26 W
32 7 Festivals around the world Exercise 2, page 26 W
33 8 Sound and hearing Exercise 3, page 27 W
34 9 An email reviewing a concert Exercise 2, page 113 W
35 10 Green issues. Un-Bear-Able Situation Exercise 5, page 113 W
36 11 Unit revision. SAU 3 New words
37 12 Physical activities Exercise 3, page 29 W
38 13 Jane’s sports blog Exercise 8, page 43
39 14 Sport Exercise 4, page 30 W
40 15 Will /be going to, Present continuous Exercise 6, page 31 W
41 16 Conditionals Exercise 3,4, page 33 W
42 17 Teens and exercise Exercise 4, page 34 W
43 18 Sporting legends Exercise 2, page 34 W
44 19 Muscles Exercise 3, page 34 W
45 20 Is exercising in groups the right choice? Exercise 1, page 32 W
46 21 Green issues. Follow the Footprint Exercise 3, page 114 W
47 22 Unit revision. SAU 4 Exercise 5, page 114 W
48 23 Summative Assessment for term 2
49 24 Revision lesson New words
50 1 Characters Exercise 3, page 36 W
51 2 Twenty leagues under the sea Exercise 7, page 55
52 3 The Lost city Exercise 4, page 37 W
53 4 To the sea Exercise 4, page 38 W
54 5 Phrasal verbs: go Exercise 4,5, page 39 W
55 6 Kyz-zhibek Exercise 1, page 115
56 7 The Mausoleum of Aisha Bibi Exercise 4, page 115
57 8 Green issues. Where did you get there? New words
58 9 Flowers Exercise 4, page 41 W
59 10 The red panda Exercise 2, page 42 W
60 11 Endangered animals Exercise 5, page 43 W
61 12 The passive Exercise 3, page 45 W
62 13 Places of natural beauty Exercise 5, page 46 W
63 14 Nature reserves around the world Exercise 4, page 46 W
64 15 Tree parts and functions Exercise 3, page 47 W
65 16 A carpet of colour Exercise 2, page 116
66 17 Green issues. Doing Nothing to Help the Exercise 5, page 116
67 18 Unit revision. SAU 6 New words
68 19 Sign relating to travel Exercise 7, page 77
69 20 Become an urban explorer Exercise 7, page 49 W
70 21 Modals Exercise 8, page 51 W
71 22 Island Destinations with a difference Exercise 2,3, page 53 W
72 23 Going through passport control Exercise 4, page 54 W
73 24 Airport terminals around the world Exercise 3, page 54 W
74 25 Illegal souvenirs Exercise 2, page 54 W
75 26 An email about a trip Exercise 3, page 55 W
76 27 Green issues. Food for thought Exercise 2, page 117
77 28 Unit revision. SAU 7
78 29 Summative Assessment for term 3
79 30 Revision lesson
80 1 Foods and Drinks Exercise 6, page 117
81 2 Festive Food calendar 77-55 repeat
82 3 Countable/uncountable and quantifiers Exercise 6, page 57 W
83 4 Several, plenty of,amount/number Exercise 4, page 90
84 5 Food for thought Exercise 5, page 59 W
85 6 Prepositions Exercise 4, page 61 W
86 7 Ordering breakfast Exercise 4, page 62 W
87 8 The best way to start the day Exercise 1, page 62 W
88 9 Food labelling Exercise 2, page 62 W
89 10 An email describing how to make your Exercise 2, page 63 W
favourite food
90 11 Language review Exercise 1, page 118
91 12 Green issues. Learn and green! Exercise 5, page 118
92 13 Unit revision. SAU 8
93 14 Work and jobs
94 15 Strange jobs Unusual looks
95 16 Jobs
96 17 Reported speech
97 18 Reporting verbs Exercise 2, page 64 W
98 19 Phrasal verbs (take) Exercise 5, page 65 W
99 20 Dream jobs Exercise 2, page 66 W
100 21 A job interview Exercise 6, page 67 W
101 22 Off work! Public Holidays Exercise 3, page 69 W
102 23 A Christmas Carol Exercise 1, page 68 W
103 24 A letter of application Exercise 1, page 70 W
104 25 Green issues. Celebrities go green! Exercise 3, page 70 W
105 26 Language review Exercise 1, page 71 W
106 27 Unit revision. SAU 9 Exercise 2, page 119
107 28 Summative Assessment for term 4 Exercise 5, page119
108 29 Unit revision

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