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10-сыныпқа арналған күнтізбелік-тақырыптық жоспар

Calendar Thematic Plan for the 10th grade

2022-2023 оқу жылы / academic year

№ № Ортақ Тақырыбы Мерзімі Оқу мақсаты Сағат Ескерту

тақырып саны
1 1 Unit 1. Survival 10.1.6 - organise and present information clearly to others; 1
Legend or 10.6.16 - use a wide variety of conjunctions on a wide range of familiar general and
Truth curricular topics
2 2 The wildest dream 10.2.2 - understand specific information in unsupported extended talk on a wide 1
range of general and curricular topics, including talk on a limited range of
unfamiliar topics;
3 3 Extreme weather 10.3.4 - evaluate and comment on the views of others in a growing variety of talk 1
contexts on a growing range of general and curricular topics;
10.4.1 - understand main points in extended texts on a wide range of unfamiliar
4 4 Verbs general and curricular topics; 1
10.1.2 - use speaking and listening skills to provide sensitive feedback to peers;
10.1.8 - develop intercultural awareness through reading and discussion;
5 5 The black climber 10.6.2 - use a variety of quantifiers for countable and uncountable nouns and a 1
variety of noun phrases on a wide range of familiar general and curricular topics;
10.5.2 - use a growing range of vocabulary, which is appropriate to topic and genre,
6 6 Present perfect - and which is spelt accurately; 1
Present perfect 10.6.7 - use perfect continuous forms and a variety of simple perfect active and
continuous passive forms including time adverbials … so far, lately, all my life , on a wide
range of familiar general and curricular topics;
10.4.3 - skim a range of lengthy texts with speed to identify content meriting closer
7 7 Home is where the reading on a range of general and curricular topics; 1
yurt is … 10.6.11 - use a variety of reported statements and question forms on a wide range of
familiar general and curricular topics;
10.3.7 - use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a
8 8 Amazing rescue range of general and curricular topics; 1
10.4.7 - recognise patterns of development in lengthy texts [inter-paragraph level]
on a range of general and curricular topics;
9 9 The Sea-Wolf 10.4.8 - use a wide range of familiar and unfamiliar paper and digital reference 1
resources to check meaning and extend understanding
10.2.3 - understand the detail of an argument in unsupported extended talk on a
10 10 The soul of wide range of general and curricular topics, including talk on a limited range of 1
Kazakhstan unfamiliar topics;
10.1.10 - use talk or writing as a means of reflecting on and exploring a range of
11 11 Unit revision. 1
SAU №1 perspectives on the world;
10.5.4 - use style and register to achieve appropriate degree of formality in a
12 12 Unit 2 Controversial 10.5.7 - use independently appropriate layout at text level on a range of general 1
Controversial issues and curricular topics;
Issues 10.2.1 - understand the main points in unsupported extended talk on a wide range of
general and curricular topics, including talk on a limited range of unfamiliar topics;
13 13 Gateway to 10.1.4 - evaluate and respond constructively to feedback from others; 1
America 10.5.9 - punctuate written work at text level on a wide range of general and
curricular topics with a good degree of accuracy;
10.1.9 - use imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and feelings;
14 14 The Environment 10.3.5 - interact with peers to make hypotheses about a wide range of general and 1
curricular topics;
10.4.5 - deduce meaning from context in extended texts on a wide range of familiar
15 15 International general and curricular topics, and some unfamiliar topics 1
organization 10.4.9 - recognise inconsistencies in argument in extended texts on a wide range of
general and curricular topics;
10.6.3 - use a variety of compound adjectives, adjectives as participles, comparative
16 16 To immigrate or structures indicating degree, and intensifying adjectives on a wide range of familiar 1
not to immigrate? general and curricular topics;
10.2.2 - understand specific information in unsupported extended talk on a wide
17 17 Comparison of range of general and curricular topics, including talk on a limited range of 1
adjectives unfamiliar topics;
10.6.4 - use a wide variety of determiners and pre-determiner structures on a wide
18 18 Women in the range of familiar general and curricular topics; 1
Workplace 10.1.5 - use feedback to set personal learning objectives; 10.6.15 - use infinitive
forms after an increased number of verbs and adjectives use gerund forms after a
variety of verbs and prepositions use a variety of prepositional and phrasal verb on a
19 19 An opinion essay wide range of familiar general and curricular topics 1
10.2.6 - deduce meaning from context in unsupported extended talk on a wide range
of general and curricular topics, including talk on a limited range of unfamiliar
20 20 Expressing topics; 1
opinion 10.3.1 - use formal and informal language registers in talk on a wide range of
general and curricular topics;
10.3.7 - use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a
21 21 Preventingand range of general and curricular topics; 1
tackling bulling in 10.4.3 - skim a range of lengthy texts with speed to identify content meriting closer
school reading on a range of general and curricular topics;
10.4.7 - recognise patterns of development in lengthy texts [inter-paragraph level]
22 22 Saving the sea 1

23 23 Unit revision. 1
SAU №2
on a range of general and curricular topics;
24 24 Summative 10.5.8 - communicate and respond to news and feelings in correspondence through a 1
Assessment (term variety of functions on a range of general and curricular topics;
1) 10.6.17 - use if / if only in third conditional structures; use a variety of relative
clauses including with which [whole previous clause reference]on a wide range of
25 25 Revision lesson familiar general and curricular topics; 1
10.1.1 - use speaking and listening skills to solve problems creatively and
26 1 Unit 3 Virtual Predictions. A 10.6.7 - use perfect continuous forms and a variety of simple perfect active and 1
Reality total reality passive forms including time adverbials … so far, lately, all my life , on a wide
Experience range of familiar general and curricular topics;
10.4.6 - recognise the attitude or opinion of the writer in extended texts on a wide
27 2 Transport range of familiar general and curricular topics; 1
10.3.5 - interact with peers to make hypotheses about a wide range of general and
curricular topics;
28 3 Food / Drinks 10.1.5 - use feedback to set personal learning objectives; 1
10.3.7 - use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a
range of general and curricular topics;
29 4 Future tenses. 10.2.1 - understand the main points in unsupported extended talk on a wide range of 1
Countries of the general and curricular topics, including talk on a limited range of unfamiliar topics;
Future 10.1.4 - evaluate and respond constructively to feedback from others;
10.4.1 - understand main points in extended texts on a wide range of familiar and
30 5 Future some unfamiliar general and curricular topics 1
continuous / 10.1.1 - use speaking and listening skills to solve problems creatively and
Futureperfect cooperatively in groups
10.4.2 - understand specific information and detail in extended texts on a range of
familiar general and curricular topics, and some unfamiliar topics;
31 6 The Hobbit 10.5.4 - use style and register to achieve appropriate degree of formality in a 1
growing variety of written genres on a range of general and curricular topics;
10.6.1 - use a variety of abstract compound nouns and complex noun phrases on a
32 7 Idioms range of familiar general and curricular topics, and some unfamiliar general and 1
curricular topics;
10.1.10 - use talk or writing as a means of reflecting on and exploring a range of
33 8 A book review perspectives on the world; 1
34 9 The changing face 1
of transportation

35 10 Taking agriculture 10.2.8 - recognise inconsistencies in argument in extended talk on a range of 1

to new heights. general and curricular subjects;
10.3.3 - explain and justify own and others’ point of view on a wide range of
36 11 Unit revision. general and curricular topics; 1
SAU №3 10.4.3 - skim a range of lengthy texts with speed to identify content meriting closer
37 12 Unit 4. Out of Space. Houston, reading- deduce
10.4.5 on a range of general
meaning fromand curricular
context topics;texts on a wide range of familiar
in extended 1
this World we’ve had a general and curricular topics, and some unfamiliar topics
problem here 10.2.6 - deduce meaning from context in unsupported extended talk on a wide
range of general and curricular topics, including talk on a limited range of
38 13 Space Exploration unfamiliar topics; 1
10.3.2 - ask and respond to complex questions to get information about a wide
range of general and curricular topics;
39 14 Solar system 10.6.2 - use a variety of quantifiers for countable and uncountable nouns and a 1
variety of noun phrases on a wide range of familiar general and curricular topics;
10.4.2 - understand specific information and detail in extended texts on a range of
40 15 Grammar: familiar general and curricular topics, and some unfamiliar topics; 1
Reported 10.6.7 - use perfect continuous forms and a variety of simple perfect active and
statements passive forms including time adverbials … so far, lately, all my life , on a wide
range of familiar general and curricular topics;
41 16 Reported 10.6.8 - use a variety of future active and passive and future continuous forms on a 1
questions / wide range of familiar general and curricular topics;
commands 10.1.9 - use imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and feelings;
10.2.5 - recognise the attitude or opinion of the speaker(s) in unsupported extended
42 17 Aiming for the talk on a wide range of general and curricular topics, including talk on a limited 1
Stars range of unfamiliar topics;
10.2.7 - understand speaker viewpoints and extent of explicit agreement between
speakers on a range of general and curricular topics;
43 18 A film review 10.3.3 - explain and justify own and others’ point of view on a wide range of 1
general and curricular topics;
10.2.1 - understand the main points in unsupported extended talk on a wide range of
44 19 Prepositional general and curricular topics, including talk on a limited range of unfamiliar topics; 1
phrases 10.4.8 - use a wide range of familiar and unfamiliar paper and digital reference
resources to check meaning and extend understanding;
45 20 The Phases of the 1

46 21 My storm – 1
chasing adventure

10.1.10 - use talk or writing as a means of reflecting on and exploring a range of

47 22 Unit revision. 1
perspectives on the world;
SAU №4
10.5.1 - plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level independently on a range
of general and curricular topics;
48 23 Summative 1
10.1.7 - develop and sustain a consistent argument when speaking or writing;
Assessment for 10.5.2 - use a growing range of vocabulary, which is appropriate to topic and genre,
term 2 and which is spelt accurately;
49 24 Revision lesson 10.1.6 - organise and present information clearly to others; 1
50 1 Unit 5 Fears. 10.1.5 - use feedback to set personal learning objectives; 1
Stress and Arachnophobia 10.4.1 - understand main points in extended texts on a wide range of familiar and
Fear some unfamiliar general and curricular topics;
51 2 Fears and Phobias 10.1.10 - use talk or writing as a means of reflecting on and exploring a range of 1
perspectives on the world;
10.2.4 - understand implied meaning in unsupported extended talk on a wide range
52 3 Idioms/ of general and curricular topics, including talk on a limited range of unfamiliar 1
prepositions/word topics;
formation/phrasal 10.1.7 - develop and sustain a consistent argument when speaking or writing;
verb: KEEP 10.3.1 - use formal and informal language registers in talk on a wide range of
general and curricular topics;
53 4 Passive voice 10.3.3 - explain and justify own and others’ point of view on a wide range of 1
general and curricular topics;
10.4.2 - understand specific information and detail in extended texts on a range of
54 5 Reflexsive / familiar general and curricular topics, and some unfamiliar topics; 1
emphatic pronouns 10.5.2 - use a growing range of vocabulary, which is appropriate to topic and genre,
and which is spelt accurately;
10.3.5 - interact with peers to make hypotheses about a wide range of general and
55 6 Teens Problems curricular topics; 1
10.4.5 - deduce meaning from context in extended texts on a wide range of familiar
general and curricular topics, and some unfamiliar topics
56 7 An email of advice 10.1.4 - evaluate and respond constructively to feedback from others; 1
10.3.4 - evaluate and comment on the views of others in a growing variety of talk
57 8 Error correction 1

58 9 Dealing with 1

contexts on a growing range of general and curricular topics;

59 10 Cage diving with 10.5.1 - plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level independently on a range 1
sharks of general and curricular topics;
10.2.5 - recognise the attitude or opinion of the speaker(s) in unsupported extended
talk on a wide range of general and curricular topics, including talk on a limited
60 11 Unit revision. range of unfamiliar topics; 1
SAU №4 10.5.3 - write with grammatical accuracy on a range of familiar general and
61 12 Unit 6 The Art. curricular topic; talk and modify language through paraphrase and correction in
10.3.6 - navigate 1
Imagination talk on a range of familiar general and curricular topics;
and Creativity 10.4.2 - understand specific information and detail in extended texts on a range of
62 13 Hand –imal Art familiar general and curricular topics, and some unfamiliar topics; 1
10.2.3 - understand the detail of an argument in unsupported extended talk on a
wide range of general and curricular topics, including talk on a limited range of
63 14 Art and Grafts unfamiliar topics; 1
10.5.2 - use a growing range of vocabulary, which is appropriate to topic and genre,
and which is spelt accurately;
64 15 Professions related 10.1.1 - use speaking and listening skills to solve problems creatively and 1
to the arts cooperatively in groups
10.6.1 - use a variety of abstract compound nouns and complex noun phrases on a
65 16 Zenith range of familiar general and curricular topics, and some unfamiliar general and 1
curricular topics;
10.3.4 - evaluate and comment on the views of others in a growing variety of talk
66 17 Determiners contexts on a growing range of general and curricular topics; 1
10.4.5 - deduce meaning from context in extended texts on a wide range of familiar
general and curricular topics, and some unfamiliar topics;
67 18 Multiple 10.1.2 - ask and respond to complex questions to get information about a wide 1
Intelligences range of general and curricular topics;
Theory 10.4.4 - read a wide range of extended fiction and non-fiction texts on familiar and
nfamiliar general and curricular topics;
10.2.8 - recognise inconsistencies in argument in extended talk on a range of general
68 19 Multiple and curricular subjects; 1

69 20 Inspiring a Nation 1

70 21 Art and Design. 1

10.4.8 - use a wide range of familiar and unfamiliar paper and digital reference
resources to check meaning and extend understanding;
71 22 Marks on stage 10.2.7 - understand speaker viewpoints and extent of explicit agreement between 1
speakers on a range of general and curricular topics;
10.5.1 - plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level independently on a range
72 23 Unit revision. of general and curricular topics; 1
SAU 6 10.1.8 - develop intercultural awareness through reading and discussion;
10.6.5 - use a wide variety of question types on a wide range of familiar general and
73 24 Unit 7 Types of fiction 10.1.2 - use speaking and listening skills to provide sensitive feedback to peers; 1
Reading for books 10.4.4 - read a wide range of extended fiction and non-fiction texts on familiar and
Pleasure unfamiliar general and curricular topics;
74 25 Robinson Crusoe. 10.4.9 - recognise inconsistencies in argument in extended texts on a wide range of 1
general and curricular topics;
75 26 Robinson Crusoe 10.5.2 - use a growing range of vocabulary, which is appropriate to topic and genre, 1
and which is spelt accurately;
76 27 Title analysis/ 10.1.3 - respect differing points of view; 1
Character analysis 10.3.4 - evaluate and comment on the views of others in a growing variety of talk
contexts on a growing range of general and curricular topics;
77 28 Elements in fiction 10.6.5 - use a wide variety of question types on a wide range of familiar general and 1
curricular topics;
78 29 Summative 10.1.5 - use feedback to set personal learning objectives; 1
Assessment for 10.2.2 - understand specific information in unsupported extended talk on a wide
term 3 range of general and curricular topics, including talk on a limited range of
79 30 Revision lesson unfamiliar topics; 1
80 1 Unit 8 People around the 10.2.8 - recognise inconsistencies in argument in extended talk on a range of general 1
Different world and curricular subjects;
Ways of 10.3.3 - explain and justify own and others’ point of view on a wide range of
81 2 Living The Hodza the last general and curricular topics; 1
of the first 10.3.6 - navigate talk and modify language through paraphrase and correction in
talk on a range of familiar general and curricular topics;
82 3 Stages of life 1

83 4 Characters 1

84 5 Word formation 1

85 6 Living the dream 1

86 7 Grammar: 1

87 8 Less is More 1

10.4.1 - understand main points in extended texts on a wide range of familiar and
88 9 Living off the grid some unfamiliar general and curricular topics; 1
10.2.5 - recognise the attitude or opinion of the speaker(s) in unsupported extended
talk on a wide range of general and curricular topics, including talk on a limited
89 10 Expressing range of unfamiliar topics; 1
opinion 10.4.5 - deduce meaning from context in extended texts on a wide range of familiar
general and curricular topics, and some unfamiliar topics
90 11 Globalization 10.1.9 - use imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and feelings; 1
10.2.4 - understand implied meaning in unsupported extended talk on a wide range
of general and curricular topics, including talk on a limited range of unfamiliar
91 12 The Kazakhs. A topics; 1
rich history of 10.3.4 - evaluate and comment on the views of others in a growing variety of talk
culture contexts on a growing range of general and curricular topics;
92 13 Unit revision. 10.4.6 - recognise the attitude or opinion of the writer in extended texts on a wide 1
SAU 8 range of familiar general and curricular topics;
10.2.7 - understand speaker viewpoints and extent of explicit agreement between
93 14 Unit 9 Places 10.1.3 - respect differing points of view; 1
Independent 10.4.3 - skim a range of lengthy texts with speed to identify content meriting closer
94 15 Project Simply reading on a range of general and curricular topics 1
Unforgettable 10.2.4 - understand implied meaning in unsupported extended talk on a wide range
95 16 Holiday activities of general and curricular topics, including talk on a limited range of unfamiliar 1
96 17 City life / country 10.4.7 - recognise patterns of development in lengthy texts [inter-paragraph level] 1
97 18 Use of English. 1
98 19 Grammar: Clauses 1
of purpose
99 20 Grammar: Clauses 1
of result
100 21 Into the Future. 1

101 22 Subject / object 1

102 23 Living in the 1
103 24 Topic and on a range of general and curricular topics; 1
supporting 10.1.3 - respect differing points of view;
sentences 10.5.5 - develop with support coherent arguments supported when necessary by
104 25 Dartmoor. A examples and reasons for a wide range of written genres in familiar general and 1
Granite Landscape curricular topics;
105 26 Let’s celebrate 10.2.3 - understand the detail of an argument in unsupported extended talk on a 1
wide range of general and curricular topics, including talk on a limited range of
106 27 Unit revision. unfamiliar topics; 1
SAU 9 10.3.5 - interact with peers to make hypotheses about a wide range of general and
curricular topics;
107 28 Summative 1
10.3.7 - use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a
Assessment for
range of general and curricular topics;
term 4 10.4.4 - read a wide range of extended fiction and non-fiction texts on familiar and
108 29 Revision lesson unfamiliar general and curricular topics; 1

№ № Сабақтың тақырыбы
1 1 Survival
2 2 The wildest dream
3 3 Extreme weather
4 4 Verbs
5 5 The black climber
6 6 Present perfect - Present perfect continuous
7 7 Home is where the yurt is …
8 8 Amazing rescue Phrasal verbs
9 9 The Sea-Wolf
10 10 The soul of Kazakhstan
11 11 Unit revision. SAU №1
12 12 Controversial issues
13 13 Gateway to America
14 14 The Environment
15 15 International organization
16 16 To immigrate or not to immigrate? Gateway to America
17 17 Comparison of adjectives.
18 18 Women in the Workplace
19 19 An opinion essay
20 20 Expressing opinion Infinitive /-ing forms.
21 21 Preventingand tackling bulling in school Conditionals
22 22 Saving the sea turtles
23 23 Unit revision. SAU №2
24 24 Summative Assessment (term 1)
25 25 Revision lesson
26 1 Predictions. A total reality Experience
27 2 Transport
28 3 Food / Drinks
29 4 Future tenses. Countries of the Future
30 5 Future continuous / Futureperfect
31 6 The Hobbit
32 7 Idioms
33 8 A book review
34 9 The changing face of transportation
35 10 Taking agriculture to new heights.
36 11 Unit revision. SAU №3
37 12 Space. Houston, we’ve had a problem here
38 13 Space Exploration
39 14 Solar system
40 15 Grammar: Reported statements
41 16 Reported questions / commands
42 17 Aiming for the Stars.
43 18 A film review Aiming for the stars
44 19 Prepositional phrases
45 20 The Phases of the Moon
46 21 My storm – chasing adventure.
47 22 Unit revision. SAU №4
48 23 Summative Assessment for term 2
49 24 Revision lesson
50 1 Fears. Arachnophobia
51 2 Fears and Phobias
52 3 Idioms/ prepositions/word formation/phrasal verb: KEEP
53 4 Passive voice
54 5 Reflexsive / emphatic pronouns
55 6 Teens Problems
56 7 An email of advice
57 8 Error correction
58 9 Dealing with Anxiety
59 10 Cage diving with sharks
60 11 Unit revision. SAU №4
61 12 The Art.
62 13 Hand –imal Art
63 14 Art and Grafts Use of English.
64 15 Professions related to the arts
65 16 Zenith
66 17 Determiners
67 18 Multiple Intelligences Theory
68 19 Multiple Intelligences Theory Inspiring a Nation
69 20 Inspiring a Nation
70 21 Art and Design. Sculpture
71 22 Marks on stage
72 23 Unit revision. SAU 5
73 24 Types of fiction books
74 25 Robinson Crusoe.
75 26 Robinson Crusoe
76 27 Title analysis/ Character analysis
77 28 Elements in fiction
78 29 Summative Assessment for term 3
79 30 Revision lesson
80 1 People around the world.
81 2 The Hodza the last of the first
82 3 Stages of life
83 4 Characters
84 5 Word formation
85 6 Living the dream
86 7 Grammar: Determines
87 8 Less is More
88 9 Living off the grid
89 10 Expressing opinion
90 11 Globalization
91 12 The Kazakhs. A rich history of culture
92 13 Unit revision. SAU 8
93 14 Places.
94 15 Simply Unforgettable
95 16 Holiday activities
96 17 City life / country life /
97 18 Use of English. Clauses.
98 19 Grammar: Clauses of purpose
99 20 Grammar: Clauses of result
100 21 Into the Future.
101 22 Subject / object questions
102 23 Living in the countryside.
103 24 Topic and supporting sentences
104 25 Dartmoor. A Granite Landscape
105 26 Let’s celebrate
106 27 Unit revision. SAU 9
107 28 Summative Assessment for term 4
108 29 Revision lesson

02.09.2020 Survival Ex 2, p 9
04.09.2020 The wildest dream Ex 4, p 11
07.09.2020 Extreme weather Ex 5, p 12
09.09.2020 Verbs Ex 6, p 9 W
11.09.2020 The black climber Ex 5, p 10 W
14.09.2020 Present perfect - Present perfect Ex 2, p 11 W
16.09.2020 Home is where the yurt is Ex 8, p 13
18.09.2020 Phrasal verbs Ex 3, p 15
21.09.2020 Amazing rescue Ex 4, p 16
23.09.2020 Conjuction Ex 3, p 19
25.09.2020 The Sea-Wolf Revision
28.09.2020 The soul of Kazakhstan Ex 4, p 21
30.09.2020 Unit revision Ex 5, p 23
02.10.2020 Controversial issues Ex 4, p 24
05.10.2020 Gateway to America Ex 5, p 13 W
07.10.2020 Gateway to America Ex 5, p 13
09.10.2020 The Environment Ex 8, p 13 W
12.10.2020 International organization Ex 2, p 14 W
14.10.2020 Infinitive /-ing forms. SAU №1 Ex 7, p 15 W
16.10.2020 Comparison of adjectives. Ex 2, p 16 W
19.10.2020 Conditionals Ex 7, p 27
21.10.2020 Women in the Workplace Ex 5, p 17 W
23.10.2020 An opinion essay New words
26.10.2020 Expressing opinion Ex 2, p 29
28.10.2020 PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Ex 3, p 18 W
30.10.2020 Saving the sea turtles Ex 4, p9 W
02.11.2020 Summative Assessment for term 1 Repeat module 2
04.11.2020 Revision lesson
16.11.2020 Predictions. A total reality Experience New words
18.11.2020 Transport Ex 1, p 31
20.11.2020 Food / Drinks Ex 5, p 32
23.11.2020 Future tenses. Countries of the Future Ex 1, p 33
25.11.2020 The Hobbit Ex 2, p 20 W
27.11.2020 Idioms / Passive voice Ex 5, p 21 W
30.11.2020 A book review Ex 4,5 p 35
02.12.2020 The changing face of transportation Ex 2, p 22 W
04.12.2020 Taking agriculture to new heights. Ex 10, p 37
SAU №3
07.12.2020 Space. Houston, we’ve had a problem New words
09.12.2020 Space Exploration Ex 5, p 47
11.12.2020 Solar system Ex 3, p 29
14.12.2020 Grammar: Reported statements Ex 4, p 48
18.12.2020 Aiming for the Stars. Aiming for the Ex 10, p 49
21.12.2020 A film review Ex 4 (c), p 31
23.12.2020 The Phases of the Moon Ex 9, p 51
25.12.2020 My storm – chasing adventure. SAU Ex 2, p 52
28.12.2020 Summative Assessment for term 2 Revision
30.12.2020 Revision lesson
11.01.2021 Fears. Arachnophobia Ex 6, p 59
13.01.2021 Fears and Phobias Ex 5, p 37 W
15.01.2021 Grammar: prepositions/word Ex 9, p 37 W
formation/phrasal verb: KEEP
18.01.2021 Use of English: Passive voice Ex 3, p 38 W
20.01.2021 Reflexsive / emphatic pronouns Ex 10, p 39 W
22.01.2021 Teens Problems Ex 5, p 63
25.01.2021 An email of advice Ex 1, p 40 W
27.01.2021 Error correction Ex 3, p 41 W
29.01.2021 Dealing with Anxiety Ex 7, p 65
01.02.2021 Cage diving with sharks Ex 4, p 67
03.02.2021 Unit revision. SAU 5 Ex 1, p 42 W
05.02.2021 The Art. Hand –imal Art Ex 2, p 43 W
08.02.2021 Art and Grafts Ex 6, p 69
10.02.2021 Professions related to the arts Ex 4, p 44 W
12.02.2021 Use of English. Zenith Ex 3, p 71
15.02.2021 Determiners Ex 2, p 72
17.02.2021 Multiple Intelligences Theory Ex 4, p 73
19.02.2021 Multiple Intelligences Theory Ex 3, p 74
22.02.2021 Inspiring a Nation Ex 6, p 77
24.02.2021 Inspiring a Nation Ex 2, p 47 W
26.02.2021 Art and Design. Sculpture Ex 2, p 48 W
01.03.2021 Marks on stage Ex 5, p 83
03.03.2021 Unit revision. SAU 6 Ex 3, p 49 W
05.03.2021 Types of fiction books Ex 2, p 84
10.03.2021 Robinson Crusoe. Robinson Crusoe Ex 1,2,3 p 50 W
12.03.2021 Title analysis/ Character analysis Ex 2, p 52 W
15.03.2021 Elements in fiction Ex 3, p 52 W
17.03.2021 Summative Assessment for term 3 Ex 9, p 89
19.03.2021 Revision lesson Ex 1,2 p 54 W
01.04.2021 People around the world.
02.04.2021 The Hodza the last of the first Ex 2, p 97
05.04.2021 Stages of life Ex 3, p 56 W
07.04.2021 Families Ex 3, p 58 W
09.04.2021 Living the dream Ex 3, p 58 W
12.04.2021 Grammar: Determines Ex 8, p 61 W
14.04.2021 Less is More Ex 4, p 102 аяқтау
16.04.2021 Lving off the grid Ex 4, p 63 W
19.04.2021 Globalization Ex 2, p 105
21.04.2021 The Kazakhs. A rich history of culture Ex 3, p 106
23.04.2021 Unit revision. SAU 8 Ex 4, p 107
26.04.2021 Places. Simply Unforgettable Ex 4, p 64 W
28.04.2021 Holiday activities Ex 3, p 108
30.04.2021 City life / country life Ex 1,2 p 109
05.05.2021 Use of English. Clauses. Grammar: Ex 5, p 111
Clauses of purpose/result
12.05.2021 Into the Future. Subject / object Ex 6, p 69 W
14.05.2021 Living in the countryside. Dartmoor. A Ex 9, p 113
Granite Landscape
17.05.2021 Let’s celebrate Ex 2, p 70 W
19.05.2021 Unit revision. SAU 9 Ex 2, p 73 W
21.05.2021 Summative Assessment for term 4 Ex 3, p 120
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