My Aspirations To Become A Psychologist

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My Aspirations To Become A Psychologist

Have you ever lived in a home where your depression is “all in your head?” Ever felt ostracized
because your anxiety attacks were perceived as a drama queen? Your physical health mattered
more than your mental health, because in your family, mental health does not exist? I want to
break the barriers between my Pakistani culture and mental balance, I aspire to become a
psychologist and your university seems like the perfect fit to make that wish a reality for me.

I have always been fascinated with the emotional aspect of humans. The part of us that makes
us angry, sad or happy, the part of us that we use actively during our everyday life. It is this part
that fascinates me because there have been cases where emotions are not in someone’s
Rolodex. There is only a small fragment of the vast information media can show us but dwelling
into the subject that discusses this topic can broaden my knowledge about this. Psychology
allows me to study the different sides of humans, because it is not afraid to bring the

challenging subjects to the surface. Perseverance is a trait that is highly sought-out in courses
as complicating as psychology, as it demands attention and time to comprehend the information

given to you. If I had to choose one quality that I own, my first pick would be my tenacity. No

matter how complex the task is, no matter how many tears I shed, I will never stop once I am

given a task or a job to complete. Knowing what I am about to venture into, there will not be an
incident where I give up on learning.

My perseverance will help me understand psychology and make this course easier for me. One

of my many attributes asides from my tenacity, is my eagerness and curiosity. There is an


abundance of subjects that interest me, both within and outside of the psychology spectrum,
horror being one of them. Anything that instils an emotional response in me is something I find

to be compelling, it is the only way I can confirm I am human. My eagerness comes from my
perfectionism and me attempting to make my end result presentable. Although I often tend to
overanalyse small matters, and blow things out of proportion, I try to keep my head cool and
rationalize the situation.

As someone who is a huge admirer of the manga author Ito Junji, who’s primarily known as the
Stephen King of Japan, I noticed what differentiated him from other manga authors. It was his
use of body horror and distorting his characters faces into indescribable nightmares that
captivated me. I later realized how his works had a psychological effect on me, how he made
me realize that fear is an emotion and not a reaction. With this realization came the interest to
explore the different aspects of humans and why we act the way we do. As I slowly learnt
throughout the years the different branches within the subject and how psychology helps us
understand each other better, I had come to the conclusion that this was something I would do

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for a living.

Aside from studying, I enjoy dancing and writing. I have danced for five years, and it is a hobby I
thoroughly enjoy doing. The genre of dancing I do is hip-hop and am practicing waacking, which
is a sub-category in hip-hop. Dancing also helps train my cognitive memory and is a fun way of
exercising. When it comes to writing, I prefer fictional writing as it helps train my imagination and
does not limit my creativity. My stories vary from romance to thriller, I enjoy experimenting with
different concepts and ideas. When it comes to my writing style, it is quite descriptive, and I
always attempt to describe the events as precise as possible. However, I still think my writing is
not perfect and find it difficult to write without urging to perfect those flaws.

Keeping these things in mind, I hope you think of me as an interesting girl and are willing to give
me a chance to study at your university. Seeing how my interest in psychology is great, and my
will to learn it is even greater. There is no other university I think could be a better fit, and I look
forward being a student at your campus.
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