06 - Chapter 2

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Aims and Objectives


1. Study of Manna concept with the Rujakar variety in which, Gulpha Manna is
2. Study of Gulpha sandhi from the Ayurvedic as well as Modem aspects on a
comparative basis.
3. Review of the basket ball game with associated common injuries and preventive
measures as per Modem aspect.
4. Study of the contents of Masha taila and its preparation.
5. Evaluation of the role of Marma chikitsa for prevention of Gulpha Manna injuries
alongwith Snehana and Swedana.

2.2 Lacunae
In the Basket ball game, Ankle joint injury is common. Injured ankle is more
painful which is an obstacle for the sportsmen. According to Modem aspect, preventive
measures for Ankle joint injuries is Anklets, Crepe bandage. As per Ayurvedic treatment
regimen Snehana and Swedana is the preventive measure.
This regimen has shown positive results in this pilot study. Nobody (or rare) in
the field of Ayurveda has studied this subject of Sports medicine from this view.
Hence, it is my aim to study this subject still extensively for the further research.

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