Movers Listening Tapescript - YM103

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Cambridge Young Learners English Tests

Movers Listening Version YM103 Tapescript

Actors Required

1 man and 1 woman (US)

1 man and 1 woman (UK)
1 extra woman (UK) for rubrics
1 boy and 1 girl (UK)
1 boy and 1 girl (US)

This is the second of a series of three tests for children aged between 7 and 12. The children will be
studying English as a foreign language in countries around the world.

The delivery should be slow and clear, but without sounding unnatural or forced. The clarity of the
rubric is particularly important. Meaning should be reinforced wherever possible with appropriate
intonation. The general feeling should be that this test is fun!

[ ] = Instructions for actors/actresses/technicians


Date Recorded: 21/12/2016 Place Recorded: DSound

Names of actors Parts

Rubric Helena Breck Rubric
(UK F) Jane Whittenshaw Part 1.3, 4.5
(UK M) Paul Panting Part 4.3, 5
(UK Fch) Sapphire Wheeler Part 4.1, 4.3, 5
(UK Mch) Tomi Edwards Part 1, 3, 4.1, 4.5
(US F) Laurel Lefkow Part 4 eg, 4.2
(US M) Eric Meyers Part 2, 4.4
(US Fch) Isabella Mattera Part 2, 4.4
(US Mch) Antonio Mattera Part 4eg, 4.2

Movers Tapescript

R Hello. This is the Cambridge English Movers Listening Test.


Part One.

Listen and look.

There is one example.

PAUSE 00’03”

Mch Grandma, these children all go to my school.

F Is your best friend Charlie there?

Mch Yes. Look there he is… the boy with blond hair.

F It’s very curly!

Mch Yes. That’s right.

PAUSE 00’03”

R Can you see the line? This is an example.

Now you listen and draw lines.

PAUSE 00’03”


R One

Mch Can you see the girl in the red sweater?

F Yes. What’s her name?

Mch Her name’s Daisy. She’s on her roller skates.

F Oh yes. She’s very good!

Mch Yes, she is. She practises every day and she’s never afraid of falling.

PAUSE 00’05”

R Two

F Who’s the girl who's kicking the ball?

Mch That’s my best friend’s sister.

F What’s her name?

Mch It’s Julia.

F I like her green scarf!

PAUSE 00’05”

R Three

Mch My friend Vicky's here too.

F Oh? Where is she?

Mch She’s by the bus stop.

F I think she wants to go to the swimming pool… look she’s got a towel.

Mch Oh yes… I think you’re right Grandma. She goes every day.

PAUSE 00’05”

R Four

F That child’s happy.

Mch Which one?

F The boy in front of the library.

Mch Oh that’s Jim. Look… he’s got lots of books because he loves reading.

F Is he a clever boy?

Mch Yes. He’s the cleverest boy in my school.

PAUSE 00’05”

R Five

Mch And that boy’s Paul.

F Does he like skateboarding?

Mch No, why?

F Well he’s wearing a helmet.

Mch No, he’s wearing that because he wants to go for a ride on his bike.

F Oh yes. I see it now.

PAUSE 00’05”

R Now listen to Part One again.

PAUSE 00’03”


R That is the end of Part One.

PAUSE 00’05”

R Part Two.

Listen and look.

There is one example.

PAUSE 00’03”

M Lily, what would you like for your birthday present?

Fch My friend has a really good book about animals. I’d like that book too, please.

M It’s about animals? OK. Well, we can buy that today.

Fch Cool!

PAUSE 00’03”

R Can you see the answer?

Now you listen and write.

PAUSE 00’03”


R One

M What’s the name of your friend’s book?

Fch It's called ‘Jungle Story’.

M ‘Jungle Story’?

Fch That’s right. There are lots of picture of snakes and parrots in it.

PAUSE 00’08”

R Two

M OK. Where can we buy this book?

Fch I think my friend got hers in Book Basement… the shop near my school.

M We can go there this afternoon.

Fch Wait… sorry Dad. That’s wrong. She got it from Book World.

M Book World. Right. Well, that’s near your school too.

PAUSE 00’08”

R Three

Fch When can I have my birthday party?

M On Sunday and then all your friends can come.

Fch But my best friend, Daisy, can’t come then. Can we have it on Saturday?

M Yes, Saturday’s fine too.

Fch Fantastic!

PAUSE 00’08”

R Four

Fch Dad, I’d like to invite my teacher to my party. Her name’s Miss Fence.

M Miss Fence? F-E-N-C-E? That’s a funny name!

Fch Yes, that’s right. I love her name and she’s very nice.

M OK, you can invite her too.

PAUSE 00’08”

R Five

Fch Can I have a birthday cake please, Dad?

M Well, you have to talk to Mom about that. She can make one for you.

Fch Cool! I want to have a lemon cake. Lemon cake’s my favourite.

M I think Mom can make one like that. She’s good at making cakes.

Fch I know. They’re the best!

PAUSE 00’08”

R Now listen to Part Two again.

PAUSE 00’03”


R That is the end of Part Two.

PAUSE 00’05”

R Part Three.

Listen and look.

There is one example.

PAUSE 00’03”

R Aunt Jane is showing Fred some photos on her laptop. Where did she take each photo?

F Would you like to look at some of my photos, Fred?

Mch Oh, yes, please, Aunt Jane. I love your pictures!

F This one of a kite’s my favourite.

Mch Where did you take that?

F It was when I was at the beach one day. I was there with your mum.

Mch It’s beautiful.

PAUSE 00’03”

R Can you see the letter C?

Now you listen and write a letter in each box.

PAUSE 00’03”


Mch I love this picture of penguins!

F Me too.

Mch Did you take it at the zoo that we went to last year? I don’t remember seeing them there then.

F Well, I took it there but not on that day.

PAUSE 00’03”

F Do you like this one?

Mch Yes, those flowers are very beautiful. Did you take the picture in your garden?

F No. That’s very small and I only have vegetables there. I took it in the garden of a big hotel.

Mch It looks very nice.

F Yes. I had lunch there with a friend and then we sat outside and had a cup of tea.

Mch Great.

PAUSE 00’03”

F This is a nice one, I think.

Mch Yes, it is. I love those baby rabbits!

F Yes, they’re my friend’s daughter’s pets.

Mch Can we go and see them?

F Yes, we can. They live on a farm – that’s where I took this picture.

PAUSE 00’03”

Mch This is a good one of a train.

F Yes, I took that when I was on holiday.

Mch When you went to the mountains?

F Actually it was when I went on a walking holiday in the forest. I had a great week there.

PAUSE 00’03”

F I took this one yesterday when I went to the museum in town. What do you think of it?

Mch I really like it. Is it a very old guitar?

F Not very. But a very famous singer played it.

Mch You take great pictures, Aunt Jane.

F Thanks, Fred.

PAUSE 00’03”

R Now listen to Part Three again.

PAUSE 00’03”


R That is the end of Part Three.

PAUSE 00’05”

R Part Four

Listen and look.

There is one example.

PAUSE 00’03”

R Where was Lucy today?

PAUSE 00’03”

F Was Lucy at school today?

Mch No, she wasn’t Mom.

F Oh? Why?

Mch Her grandma is sick. She went to the hospital to see her.

F Oh dear. Shall we get something for her at the supermarket?

Mch That’s a good idea!

PAUSE 00’03”

R Can you see the tick?

Now you listen and tick the box.

PAUSE 00’03”


R One. What work does Kim’s dad do?

PAUSE 00’03”

Mch What does your dad do, Kim? Is he a farmer, like your grandpa?

Fch No, he isn’t. He works in town. He’s a dentist.

Mch My dad works in town, too.

Fch Yes, I know. He’s a cook.

Mch That’s right!

PAUSE 00’03”

R Two. What is John drawing?

PAUSE 00’03”

F What are you drawing, John?

Mch It’s for homework for Miss Brown. She asked us to draw a moon.

F So why aren’t you drawing one then?

Mch I wanted to draw some stars first.

F OK. The picture you did of those clouds last week was very good.

Mch Thanks!

PAUSE 00’03”

R Three. What is the matter with Anna?

PAUSE 00’03”

M What’s the matter, Anna? Is your stomach hurting again?

Fch No, Dad.

M Have you got a headache then?

Fch No, my shoulder hurts. I fell down in the playground this morning.

M Oh dear!

PAUSE 00’03”

R Four. Where is Mum now?

PAUSE 00’03”

Fch Mom called me from the market, Dad.

M Did she? Well, I think she’s at the shopping centre now.

Fch No, not now Dad. She’s at the movies with her friend.

M Oh yes. She told me about the film that they wanted to see today.

PAUSE 00’03”

R Five. What does Ben want to eat?

PAUSE 00’03”

F Are you hungry Ben?

Mch No, Mum. Can I just have some soup please?

F How about having a cheese sandwich with that?

Mch I don’t want one, thanks. But can I have some salad, too?

F Yes, you can.

PAUSE 00’03”

R Now listen to Part Four again.

PAUSE 00’03”


R That is the end of Part Four.

PAUSE 00’05”

R Part Five.

Listen and look at the picture.

There is one example.

PAUSE 00’03”

M Here’s a picture of a kitchen, Mary. Would you like to colour it?

Fch Oh yes please. I think that boy's making pancakes with his mum.

M That’s right. Can you see the plant… the one in the window? Colour it green, please.

Fch OK. I’m colouring it now.

M That’s very good!

PAUSE 00’03”

R Can you see the green plant? This is an example.

Now you listen and colour and write.

PAUSE 00’03”


R One

Fch Can I colour the blanket on the armchair please?

M Alright. Which colour?

Fch I’d like to colour that pink.

M That’s nice

Fch Thanks!

PAUSE 00’15”

R Two

M I want you to colour a bottle now.

Fch Which one? Do you mean the one on the table?

M No… not that one. The one that the mum's holding.

Fch Can I make it yellow?

M Yes, that’s fine.

PAUSE 00’15”

R Three

M Would you like to colour that kitten in the poster on the wall?

Fch Oh yes! I’d like to do that.

M Look, it’s asleep.

Fch Oh yes, can I do it orange?

M Yes, you can.

Fch Great! I’m colouring it now.

PAUSE 00’15”

R Four

Fch Can I colour a cup now, please?

M Good idea. You choose the colour.

Fch Let’s make it purple… that’s my favourite colour.

M Can you colour the bigger one?

Fch Yes, I can do that.

PAUSE 00’15”

R Five

Fch I love doing this.

M Great. I want you to write something now.

Fch Cool! Shall I write something on the box under the table?

M No. Please write ‘eggs’ on the bowl between the cups.

Fch OK. I'm writing ‘eggs’ there now.

M Well done!

PAUSE 00’15”

R Now listen to Part Five again.

PAUSE 00’03”


R That is the end of the Movers Listening Test.



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