Creative Story Bible 2

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October 5, 2021

Creative Story

The story I am writing is based on the story of The Mustard Seed which is found in Mark

4:30-34. The moral for my story is that if we just put our faith on God we will feel His presence

in our lives or if we just trusted ourselves one bit we could achieve whatever we put our mind to.

A Sparkle of Faith

There was once a little girl, living in a small town, who dreamed of princess and castles.

She was very beautiful with light brown eyes, long black hair, and the most beautiful smile. She

lived with few things like her favorite doll, which was an old rag doll, her 10-year-old dog and

her mom. She always believed that big things were possible. One day helping her mom, a

young 30-year-old woman, with long dark brown hair and a woman of faith who works as a

gardener and has raised the little girl by herself, on the garden she found a tiny seed, smaller than

the normal ones, so small that after seeing its peculiar form she decided she would take care of it

herself. She planted it in the most beautiful pot she could find, gave it water, and placed it in the

sun. She was sure this seed would grow into a beautiful plant filled with delicious fruit, yet no

one believed. All her classmates looked at her like she was insane and childish for believing in

such foolishness. She felt the judgement of those around her starting to upset her, yet she didn’t

stop believing. Yet a few weeks after planting the seed, there was still no progress, the tiny,

peculiar seed looked just the same. The little girl was devastated and felt like everything

everyone else said was true. That night, her mom came to her and told her she couldn’t lose

hope; that while sometimes she might feel like nothing is happening, such feelings are part of the

life process. If we believe. just a bit, beautiful thing would happen. The next day, soon after the

little girl wakes up, she goes to see her tiny, peculiar seed, yet it was no longer a small seed. The
October 5, 2021

tiny seed had turned into the most beautiful tree, home to the most delicious fruit and beautiful

colors. The little girl was mesmerized by the beauty of the tree and the taste of the fruit, it was

greater and better than ever imagined. She was stunned by the fact that if we just believe a bit

and don’t let other comments get to us, big things can happen. The day we have faith even, if

that faith is as small as a mustard seed, we’ll be able to feel God’s presence in our life.

The moral of my story can be seen in the end when the girl doesn’t lose faith and is able

to see the beauty that comes after staying strong, committed to your beliefs; and it reflects the

moral of the story of The Mustard Seed because in this story Jesus is telling us that if we just had

faith as small as a mustard seed, that seed will grow into a beautiful tree. Moreover, in this story

we see a little girl, encouraged by her mother, still has faith even when things were though,

which caused the tree to grow and give fruit, allowing the girl to see what faith in perseverance

can do.

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